Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 5

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l\ynvWs*~ A ' JK'. '..ts 'FHB JKSSliSr jP'Rj&! PRE8t: r JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. ItANLCKUS, Next to Abordoon Hotel' Essox. & r Money to loan on Varnmm' NoUihjNoUh bmiflht r Oollootod; Money to lunii on Morttfiijfwl at nwost rutae mid bout tomm. Druftu indued imyublo tit i>ar at all prJnoltial points [^ Fire Insurance Agents* etc- i: _--------------:-------------------,----- w <Cf-v TALK ^OFTHE TOWN, fiupay. Armrj io, iaiw. Tliu aocond "ohhioii of tho tii^hth niuliu- moni of Ontario whb prorogued on Monday, Tlio fciroviiiaiiil niltleiiiHpector" him boon called to inupoct roportod otfuwi tf lumpy jaw in oiitllo Ht Eltmjtoud. Don't forgot "Martini Waiihinuioii" Tun at Mtn. jHii.Muy'ii Tnonday, April 11th, ui B a'olook. AdmihHion J.5 cento. A blazing chimney at tho houno oc cupied by a Ream* family nour tho brink- yard brought out tlm Urn brigade on tho mormnti of Good Vrlduy. M .T Wifjlo & Go &ro (jiving away bund- S' Homet portrait!), bandimmoly framed; 10. iomber tboy aro froo. LOST. Last oyoninc: of Ladion' AU baxui, hold ut Mru. McEwan'fl, u field cod brooch. Riwnrd if luturmd to owner, Mru. \V. D. Bnamiin. Itcv. W. W. Canon, D. D., a loading IVcHbvtonun diviwo, of Detroit, died of ty phoid fovcr ut hit! rcoidonco in that oity, ft an Tuonday. Tho rov. goutloinan wuu f well known in Wtutnra Ontario. A. H. Milbco, bettor known as liana, a ' sou of T. Milboe, of Barrio, formerly an t Euabx boot and h! oq ruorchiint, linn punned hiu final oxawination at Trinity Medical ,lOolIf!Oi d hiiw rcooivod tho rii*groo of M. 1), O. M. UaiiB io a nephaw of tho Garduor B~ofl.i horo. Now linen of wall paper for 18U6 at May's iBulzar, * Pricea away down. Shirt wuixtu and wiapporo, hunciHome ^tbipfiH at nmay.wu,\y low pricoa at Mru, (May's. f\ A boiler in tlio hoop mid hta\n fuutoiy of ,! jMayor Watnon, Itid{.n!oiui, txplodi-1 early /Jaafe Monday morning, killing tho on^mour ^J*.nd fireman, unit yuiously woundup hdv \ ieral otliorn. A third man died from the \ wjurioH recoived, on tho day aftor tlio ox- plobion. A dry boiler in tho uuppoHed iause. Tho building wan wrookod. Mpibllor blindii JO centtj, enrtamo 25 cuntH, out tain poleo 10 ccntu oath, oarpobd 10 cwutu por jratd,Lxtra(iood yuluoit ut BmitliH. Firnt olaHU tweesl huiIh inado to order, 538 at Swith'H. Beautiful dinner nettR and variouu kinjb of dishoa at umu/infily low pricoaafc May'B Bazar. \ The Eaiiox county Ahiociation of Patron, ,l of Industry have called it mooting of ^' PatronP and oihorH mteretiled m tho ] Patron movomont, to bo held in tlio Tern {tperanoe Hall in thia bowti on tintunlay, < Aprll IS' f^r tho nnrpoHe of connidorin^ tlio / adyinability of koL-piu(; their candidato in iho fidld and for Lliu duouiiuion of! other niattarn, pertaining to tlm coming cum paign. A GiirAT Baiioaih- 2ti aarcu of choice laud oituatcd nortb of Gofi'flold avouuu and Bouth of tlio Poifter Vttmua, one half in iu Goiifiold and tho other in tlio Town of Essex and only aHHcasc*d h farm property. Ifta woul do'nrabJy mtuated and will vory ahortly bo worth double what it can now be bought for. Call at once if you want a bargain, CIIAS. WHITE, mauafior Im porial Bank, Eanox. ii All kinds of yrooenoH at Bpooial prioon, at Smith'u. M J Wifilo & Co aro doing a rushing boainoBd in iiatnt of which thoy havn a arge ntook. PriutH, Flannoletta, ohirtingH, |ui(;haina taWL'llinu 5 conto por yard, grand value at Bmith'o. AdolphoBinnotte, whohaulived in buufh GouGold, i* tho uoiRhborhood of Elford fur aomo time was arroiitod in Windsor, on Saturday, oViargod with forging tho namo of Edwaid Swootmau, of Colohoator Morth, to a mor^gago on Bwootman'n land, for tho gamof&'MO- Binwotto aieo forged tlio namo 11 Mr. Orningor to a lettor of idantilloation rjd reoommondation. for tho rurpoHo of brqouring tba loan. When confronted iffitb tho fauts, Adolph owned up, urid iTbadtd inoioy. lie, got ouvun yearn at DgBton* It might hnvo boon a life sen nee. ^'Stark'u Powdorn, each paokago of wliicli Containn two preporatiouH, one in a round 'ooden box, tho cover of which for inn a 6flsuro for ono doiio, an immediato io ('fet for Coetivennnti, Biclc Hoadaoho and ' fcma('h, alHo Nouralgia and all kindu of fervoua paina, and anothor jn oupnuloH, from 3; * 4 ' ono 'H un or(i*nal*y dono) rhioh aofca on tho Bowels, Livor and Syma-oh, forming a novor falling perfect eat toon t for all Hoad and Stomauh com- fkints- Tboy do not, as most pi I In and many other modicmoii do, Ioho their [iot or ^ro'Juoo after oonstipatiou tlioy e nioo to Uko. 25a a box at all modi- Good work horse for sale, G. B. Smith A Ho. Hi tho new thingti in faiioy orookory aid toilet warn ut Ptuk'ii tlm ,Iow*ilnr. The town road Boraper Una boon ja- clioioualy uniployod on Talbot ut. thliiyoar, and tlm road \h in about ilh good ooudition kh it in poHniblo to makn it. Tho indn traoti, hrtWoTsrrwould bo mtmh implovod if givn a tdight uorupiuii'. Head Hmith'B ad for b*rgaiHH in~blnok" dredif goodx. Ilnvn you time I our new 26 oont fen, g*'t il luiiiiplo, (i I'l Km it li A' Co, Tho 1'ronhytonan church wun very biiiulHomoly docoratod for thn 3'Iatttr H nrvioen last. Buhday. Tho Eautor IiIiuh whiob had bon Hoenrud oitprouuly for tht? oooilhIou woro very boautlfiil, and upooially impieiiHivo mniiic wan prepared for (lie ovaniug Horvioo, which wan attended by a very largo congregation. Boya' imitri olothcn fiom 7f' oeutH up, bout iioloution in Khhox, uIko lino langn y ounti nmw'ii and nien"i nnitti at pricru that null, tlivo uh a look, O. K. Hmith d Co. A meeting of tho oxoontorH of tho county W.U.TU. wiih hold in Leamington, on Monday, April G, for tho purpono of mak ing plan for tin* county convention, winch will bo held in thiu town ubout the aecond wouk m Ki'^tciinbei next. A public meet inj; \\Q.a alno hold at throo o'cloak, at which quite a laigti nwmbor of ladipn mtoientod in tomporaneit work wore piouont. An ad- UroHU wun giVftii by tho proiudont, Mru. Maxwoll, urging tlio temperance worltoiu on to more activity. Quito a nurobor of uamon woro added to tlio roll. 11 J AVi^lo t Co have junt received two in oru large contiignmontn of tdioon, all tlm latent utyleti, N uw hhoi h, Imndredi] of paini to oIiooho irom; line goodu, coireet ntyJoa and ioweiH pricoti. M J Wiglu it Co. J. W. Gibaon ban a couplo of uuapu in oecond baud whcehi. Mr. Jno. Koauu, of Colchouter North, well known in JGuhox, wau driving homo f rem Walkoi villo quo night laht wook, and loHt ?2'2 in bank notnn from bia pookot. Tho Iodh wan not known 'intil ho roaohod home, and an Maidutono wan the only placo at which ho had ntopped to warm, ho drovo back, and aiouuod Harry North, 1 audlord at tho hotel thcro, and forrnorly of Jiioticx, and inado known bia Iohu. Harry Cbt a lantorn and roudored Mr, Koane all tlio UHHintanco poBiiiblo, and, after noarob- nijr inflido and otit, aucoooded in finding tho money juat outaido tho door of the -ho-t&lr-and m-tho roadway. Mr. Keano in vui'y [jratefHl to Uairy for the nnfUHUuco rendorod. Mow and boyn' ci uhJi hatu reguhu 30 cent line for it) cents, at ymith'H. 1 can each tomatoou, corn, boana and pumpkniH for 25 coutH. Tho repjnltttiona imjuoaed by tho- Domin ion Government on foreign whoolmm en- tciinij Cimada aio canning norno dni&atifl. faction. A new cuatoniH rulo ltquiros eveiy Anioncuu wheulinou to deposit b mini t TiuvaleiUi tu onu-third tlio valuo of hm wbeol. to be forfeited if liu doen not return. Canadian whcolmon tull uu that when bicyoliHtH from the Dominion go on tiipn into tho United Statou tboy aro nub jocted to no union haratsfliug regnlationa and -mpouitidnn uh aro imposed by the nf w Ottawa cuiitoma regulations on United Wtatca viHitory. And Canadian hotel man tell us that their bcot traiihient trade in ibo oummer comoo from United States bioyohnto toiinnjj through Canada. Tbo ruling should be reconbuiarud. PuLcy wubh Hilku for waiotH, at Bmith'a cheap. Wending BellH. A man ingc ceremony which baa boon on tho tapiH, fur hoiiiu tuno waaduly poifoimcd in London on Tucaday ovonmg lant, iu the prcHL-ncoof a largo number of the im mediato rulativoH of tho contracting partiou. Tho groom, Mr. Waltor C. Laing, iq one of tho moHt highly cHteetnod young men of KnHtsi, havniL' livod hero for Hoveral yeam pant, and tho brido, Mihh Flo Uutton, wliono homo wao in London, iu woll known and highly oncaemod bore, whoro alio ban hml charge of tho millinery rooma of MoHnro. Foraythe, Audorwon & Co., lor Hovoral yearn past. The following roport of the woddiug in taken from tho Loudon Fxqb JProua, of TVednuoday : 1' A very pretty homo wedding was uolorn mzod at tho rauidonco of tho brido'n mother, Mru. Harriot Uutton, 87 Ourt- wnght Htreet, luiit evening, at 8 o'clock, when bur daughter, Floronco M., was united in mainago Io Mr. Walter C, Laing, of E'ihox, Ont. Tlio brido waa charmingly arrayed in white nilk with pearl triinminga and earned whito rouen. Tho bndeo- maid.Miys M. Hutton, n'atoi of tho bride, who attired in orijuni with pink Irirammgu, and curried p!nk caruationu. Tho groom wan iLBHtHtud by his brother, Mr. A. T. Liuug, of Toronto, Tho. collection of weddinii giftofrom fnendu in thin city and ehowbore boapoko tho popularity of tho brido. After rho ceremony, which waa performed by Rev Dr.Dn.moln, tho iramodi- ato rolativoa of tho contracting partioa, to the number of thirty participated in tho wedding mippor, alter which Mr. and'Mm, Laing took their departuro for Chicago and other pointn, carrying with khem tho best wailioa of a hoot of friouda foi a Jong and happy raatvlocf life. Tboy will bo nt homo in Esuox after May Int." Tho Eaupx friends pronnnt woro Mr. aud Mru. W. H. Rialmrdnon, Mr. and Mru. Wm. Laing, Mr. Alox. Laing, Mitis M.J. Luuug, and Mra. Jno. Laiu^, ar. ARE YOU GOINa TO Rido the $itoni Steed ? \ cun .vo you your choice of tlio following popular wlincls nt PlUCJlfifi thnt aro 1UGHT, r The Comot, Clovolanrl, Gondron, Ciipitnl, Alrt No. 11,' Knvoy, KlooUvitif^, Roliitnce, Alert No 25. A good VVlicei.oithorliidioa'or gentH' i'ully guarnntuod for one yo ir, Only $60 All jinrchaHc-rH inuglit io rido by an experienced rider, free of charge. A xoll plucc* to fall on guaranteed Get prices and terma from jt w. Gtesott, G. E. SMITH & GO. pring Sale Now On. We make a Rpecinlty oi Black and Navy DroaH Good, Plain and Figured Luslren, Siciliann, Crcpons, Henricttaa, OaHhmeroH. -. SPECIAL OUTS.13 'S'1.26 plain untl fancy blacks UUa 7fl rthc 1.00 plain and fancy blackfi 88 HO " -t7 OF COURSE YOU WILL RIDE The Best Wheel IF SO, IT WILL BE THE----' r-nnlWMffVmgft. . . . Hyslop ! With Automatic Brulco and other improvements, not on any otlior whool. We Mmvp n linn of 10 variotirs of wheola at prices ranging from $-17.60 to 100 and run h<ivc jou from 1?10 to $15 in tho price of a wheel. Compavo our lino with Lhoae of any otlior dealer. Cull in and inopocfc our atoclc or bend" for catalogue. Ah wo control Air, RiflHon's rink, our patrons havo froo inatruction and practice therein. All wIiooIh sold by us aro fit tod with tlio eeh-bvated ]\Forgan & "Wright quisle repair tires. W. CHURCH & SONS, Essex. JOB LINE HRESS G-OODS.3 1.00 plain and fancy for fiOc 00 " 0 40 " l'O 7flc plain and f|inoy for 75oj Thin line going fast, greatest drive of the season. C'hoioo lino of plain and fancy Ducks from JOo to 2/3c, worth twioo tho price. Guaranteed fa-at colors. UiughaniH, DolamoH, Khuiiicdpitos. Hfiirtiugy, Towelingy, otc, 5c yard. Kxtra Jonir Lace vJnrtnins ^Hc pair. Curtain Poles and fixture-* 200, Linen liollei Jilinds lOc each. Art .Muslina, Curtain Nott and Crotoua, oxtra fino pattoniH and values. Kogular standard shirtings lrijc yard for 10c; Cottonados, Donlmmn and Ticking of extra valuo. To bo in stylo leave your order with us for spring suits Clothos close margiuH in this lino. Full rango ready-mudo nuits. job lot boys' suits, $7 lino for 3.50; $0 linn for $.3; $5 lino for Jg^.50; ?H lino for $1.50. Full rango spring Ifats and Caps, fine shoos and nlippers; wo aro novor undersold in tho abovo lino; if quality counts wo aro ahead. " Elegant Fedora Hats Jor mon 08c ~_ Ladies' fino kid hutton Boots ijil a pair. Ladies' fino kid .slippers 7Bo. Gents'fmo laced or Congrosh slioe^ l.it5 pair. Ladies' fancy shoulder Capos .'ii>l,25up. Romombor tho elegant furnituro wo givo away freo. Bring along youi? Diiflh. Everything ia booming and vou may ho too late. Whitney Block, Essex. ) / Gnu Ih Coming S. T. CopuH, policial aB(]Qniitondoiib oil tho Onturio Niittiritt Gnu Co., wun in towm* WednofldayJookuiEj o\tr tlui tuwn.pruparii- tory to commencing (upe laying. It in Hinted that pipuluyiiig will omittance at oiuif, tnid that Biitib'c, Atnliursthur^ aud Uarro w will ho piped Main uprinj*. It Jr ulbo ntatod that an office will bo opouod iu Eau^x thin montli. A North Essex Pioneer. (sJiis by ono tho pionoorti, who liavu con verted! tho Bfiwwi: foroHtn into blooming fieldd, aro pawaint; awny. Op Huturduy artprnoon laat there waH narnod to hia Eia>fl. at tha cuujotoiy nour tho Puce Pronbytonan chapel, by bia old HoitdthorH, DenuiH Itourlto, Au^uutuo Murtin, John Glicknor, William Wallace, Georno Putillo and XhoH, Crozior, who aotod un ^allbour- orn, uad au immoufa couconrao of friends, all that remainH of Dolway Purvm, who for forty yoain Iiuh boou aprominont li^uro in this part of tlio country. Coming from Oalway,Irclud,whuro ho wa born in 1H26 of Scotcb-IriHh purontaRO, tho ago of twrmiy-bhroo found lum in ISi'J working in tho coiiHlruotion of the old (h W. Itul way. For a timo he hvod in tlio village of Wiudfior, and lator at Groase I'oint, in Bliohifian; but forty yoaro or uoarly ho has livhd wboro ho diod, on lot throu, Lake Shoro of MailHtouo, whore ho eudurod nil tbo hurdHhips of uarly piouuur lifo, of whioh tho pronont (jonoration knowa but 'ittlo. lie wnn a obaraotor in hin way; ratner abrupt and uncouth, ho uaid vory plainly jnHt what ho thoutlht, and ueyor miiiood woirdB, hut under his rough ox- tori oi- boat ono of tho Uindout hourta that over hvod, and ho will bo Iour miflsotl by hio nhbnrn. In pohtioa, ho wan an un- yioldiny Ooimorvativo nn,d hia loyulty know no boondH. Ho oonnidotod the BntisU crown tho oxpouont of &11 that in boot in Iwmau pro^reau, and ho had no putionoo for thOHo who udvocato that any improvement iu poombla m any direction n wiih alao a madol farmor, kopt the boat utock, tixuollud in tho dairy, and many Windsor familioa did without butter until tboy got Piuvia'. Ho watt tho lifo and aoiil o Puoo PronbytoriuD oonni-o^ation, who will uiibo him an ono of thoir family. IIo loavoo thruo noun and two dunglitora by uilrot wifo, who wan a MidB Martin, and be wan, by industry and good manucomentj onablod to provide a t;oo;l ^tart for hiu said hour and and adopted Hon an well. Ho married a ttocond timo Widow Iirownloo, wbo Hnrvivo him. bATKit, Hia widow uurvivod him only a few dayn. Sho died of diabfttort, on Wd- lifidday raormnc, only ubou* uix duyriiiftbr the death of her husband. We Can't All the Best If yon buy a BRANTFORD or a PERFECT you will make no mistake. We also have cheaper wheels as god as some other makers' best, "*&**&>* Our Ladies' Wheel i excellent value* 3 boxen bant raatohet) for 25 , cents, oil Bmitb'H. W.H. Essex. Fresh Bread In what you can toly on gotting when yoil buy from un. Out waaon gotm to all parts of tho'towii. Buns, Cakes and Pastries, You cant And nloar, franher, or Bwoet- er in tho country. All kindu of Fanay Oaken nud Jolly Kollu. Fresh Taffy and Candies every day. We noil uothiu^ tUnlo or dry. Leave Your Order and you can rely on prompt de livery. FRANK FOSS. OppoiiteBaok & ITroiiolB, Ubmox. GALL AT May's Bazaar, FOU ALL KINDS OV Window Blinds away down Chinawarc, Brio-a-Brac, Pancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering YarnP, New Stock of late Wall Paper. fStiite. (Suits.' OUR SPRING STOCKS Io now aomnlote and no batter appoint* uoonc in tbo ftouuty. Scotch Tweed Suits, Canadian Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black Worsted Suits,-------- Made to order ai South Wooriee, 11 *n 11 -, /' fe^fc"""'.*'.<*< *?'*"-> y<!&wi<^r^hMk> uuuu8^^^H^^ ^^ i." 1797

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