Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 4

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THE ESSfW FREE TP&t&&&______:_______ *'i-r STlTScarfl & Co. OreeeariLeefr.....-:::r:r '/The bigpetit values in town and all new tfoodn, Qroo&oryv Largest stock in town and at prices that will astonish you. Call and examine stock and l>o convinced. No troublo to ehow goodfl. Highest price paid for produce. GOODS r>E3LiIVE3r^E33D IPRO^F^r/T- i~ ./ A, H> SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 18DG. Their IJlcvtitor OiusihmI. Tho now tfrain plevator junt cornplnted by Meam*ft. Diukcl it Briclu-r wkii opimed on Tuofiflay morn iny hint, and huiiiiioah thoroin now in full awing. On Tnotuluy and WodncfldiiY about four thousand IjuhIi- 1h of [{rain, principally ooru, wun dulivuroii. Ii oamo from vnrioufi parts of tho county, aud tho elevator proHenttd a buity scouo, Tho new building, which preaantu a Bubntantiul uppoamnoEt, in coverod with firooroof uaotaVlio roofing and HidiufJ, aud ia throe Htotioa hi^h. It hus u utorin^ capacity on tlio oocond floor nlono, of 20,000 btiaholit. Bcuidoii Ihiu the firm havo tbo old two-Btory building, formerly ou tho Bito, wliiob thoy will uhb tor storing hay, potatoes, etc, Tbo oloyating powoi* in furnihhod by a, Springfield (Ohio) ga online, which i u. paould of nontnuiJH, oowipacfcLuHH and power Mr. Bnckor will pcraonaHy nupcrintoncl buitmatia at thu clovator. Air. Doclistader, Of Wollandport, hat- been outjatjod iuj buyer for tho firm. Worth Jjooltnij; Into. Tho Windsor Review Iihb been letting a flood of light into tho ao-called dark plaoen "of tho oounty council proceeding, and lattt weok puWiiahou tlie folbwiug: . "Iloro ih a sample of the way in which Chairman Form of tho printing committee guards thu interest of cho county. Aa wall an hoU[j chairman of tho printing commit- too ho in a. inemhor of tbo court limine oom- mitteo (placed thcro by ronolutiou of Mr. Auld). Tbo printing committor and tho Court houho committoa both mot at Band- wiah on tho iHth February. When thoir work was over thoy proceeded to draw thoir pny, 9l( for tbo day and mileage. Mr. Frri drew 85,fiO aa chairman of tho printing committee, and then drow. 85.W) an a roorabor of the court Iiouho commit} to v. ITfaiB may h all right from Mr. Forriu' otaudyjoiut, but it is neither houent or fair, "What do tho peoplu of the county tbiuk of it?" ----------------------- Queen's Uirthauy. Ao aunounoud m the Fuku I'lti-sin aomo wcoko ago, armngementH are in prognma Jcr u moriBtor Quuou'n Birthday Celubra- tion in Khmc'X, on Monday, May lii, A flood program ot races, utliletij LMitnon, HportB, oto., IfTb't'ing arranged, as woll as somo cthi-r apeciul uttrtictionn. It ia hopoil that evory buaineHu man m towu will loud bin aid to muko tho colobratiou both creditablu and financially Huooauafal. A mooting will bo hold tbiq ovoniug for tho perfecting of arrangoruemtu. Tlio New Make of liiacuiUi Ib domethmg well worth tattling and ouco you havo them on your table, you will bavo no other. Tho narao in Croino Sodao, thoy aro put in blue covorod tin boxoa aad for Bale at Diebol tfc Brickor, Enaex, Tho Cream Bcda Biticuitn are always freHh, ami tho boat bineuit in tho tuavlcqt, in bluo covered tin boxuM. Cmimi Bo das, made only by Toronto Biscuit & (youfootionory Company. Advicc:ifrom Cbicngo roRpecting O. M. Kema' wonderful mile rido on Monday niiy that tbo performance wuh dono ou uixth avonun, Douvor, .over a Htrainbt-awuy ' courno with a alight grade and tbo wind pt h ih back. 1.11 3 5, ao recorded by four byfour oompleto timoru, and tho ooureo wan Hurvcyed. Penin rodo an IB'jij Oreo- cent, weighing 2) poundB nd gear&d to 107 2-y inohefl. Evoryinpj about tbo por- formauoo v?aa open and abo.vo board and regular itvevory way. Tbo nenuiuo TouIcil o mo lung Mixture ia delightful, oocl nnd fro grout. Try.a ton cent package, Buy your bioyoloH from u dealer who knows what he ia Helling vou. J. W, Gb- hod baa wheoltt ot $75, equal to wo tit bity* oh a Bold at 9100. Tin; nifAh iw tx.osEo. XV li<>r<tl>y nr. I>oitr will On a no l htt 11 ItdMllll'Ilt of 1vm<ix. For Homn dayH u rumor lm been current to tbo effect that Dr. 1\ A. Duwar, Mayor of Kmicx, had rlinpoHid of bin extenttivy nifilieal practice and good-will to Br. .Ii'iuu-r, of Kingi.vill'1- A l-'ai'it Piikku rop- ri eutati ve waited on I)r.lJowar lust wunk, but at that timo luithing detinito mm known, and nothing oUod in tho way of th nepotiatioiin r.multing in a failure to clone a deal. Ocnuequeiitly tho FnKK Pkhhd did not feol warranted iu circulating tbo ro- port, Tho matter.hah been finally arranged, huwever, and Dr. Duwar baa bold his prao- Uco, together with bin hanilnoniu homo ' vVavovloy Place," to Dr. Jennor, au in- timutud. Dr. Dowar will remain iu Jshmox until tlie tnid'llo of June, nfter which ho intondii taking a potit^aduate eournout Nw York aud will aettle m.WindHpr about, tho finit of AuRUflt. Ho ha puruhaiied tliu haud- oomo Dr. Boper rufii:lo.uco, coninr of Oueh lotto nvo. and Wyandotte nt., iu that oily, aud will havo ono of ttio fmcHt doctotu' reai'lencQ in Wiudaor. Tho docto): exprchfioH much mgfot al leaving Khbox, whore ho hnH lived for tho pHHt eleven yoaru, but owing tn tho heavy phvhjcal Htrain, eonnequent on bin large country practice, which ho fcolw unable tn continue, he in ermpelled to tuko thin atop Only two yearH ago he wuh obliged, owing to failing health,, to ubandon bin practice for about tin on monthu during tho oarly fiUinmer. The Dr. haw been foroed to thin uoncluiiion after" much dehberatiun and a great rtluctunco to leave a plitoo, an ho ctx- p roahfch it, "i*o congenial to mo in ovory way,, and whoro I have found warmer friendu than 1 ovor expect to find again." Tho doetor'n decinion, howovor, will bo Aa much regretted by bin bout of IShhc.x friondHaH by hmifiGU*.___Diiring_iuH._&Luy hero bo ban won for himoclf a warm ad miration by all leading citizonnof tbo town. Thin iit bout utteutod by tlio fuot that hu has servttd iiovoral termn on tbo town ftounoil, both ah aouueillor and for the pout uud prounnt tormH as Rlnyor, being eloctod thio year by acclamation; ho bun dlui> liat on,the High fiohool Beard. The doctor baa always been a moHt public apirited and aooial citiron, roady to daoiftt, finiuoidlly or nthorwiite, any movoment calculated to bo of public benoflt; whilo as a member of tliu oflioial board of the Prea- Uyterlan church, und im PrtiHidoiit of the local Liberal aaaociation. ho will bo very much mifif-od. Tlio Fiikb J'aiiHH joiria bin many friendu, novartholoBH, iu wiHhing liimHfdf and Mm. Dowar tho bent of health and much prouperity in thoir now borne Wmdeor will gain in thorn model citJzenti. Dr. .lenner, hitf Huccefmor.comoa to Enhex with an eicellent rcpututiou, both aH a cit izen and an a medical practitioner. Ho ban lived for hovuiuI years in KmgHviUe, and is highly euteemod by thono who know him bent. He will arrivo in Eonox 'about the firBt of Juno. MINISTERS ARE BACK. Tho Vllnlstor of Jutillco Has No Doslro to Talk OF NEGOTIATIONS AT WINNIPEG Corn Planters for tHOG. The underHi^nod defiiroo to announce to the public that ho ban a number of ucw. corn plnnh-rH, lateHt modoln, for Hide on cany terms. AIho peraonn having old pleiit?r out of repair are roqueoted to brinp them in ati oarly au poaaiblo to avoid the UHiial aoafion'H rufh. F, ROBINSON, Opp. Dr, McKeu/.io'u, liiHHex. Gentlemen of r*fined taato chow, the famouo Beaver plufl; excluuively. Itofuuo cheap imitationn. - - ESSEX Hall! Lluudquurtovii for School Books, School Snpphuo. Note Papor.EnvolopflB, Inlui, Writing Tabjofca and oflloo Statibnory, mSPKWSING AND FAMILY,-r DRUGOIS'T. Until tbn Itdport ofibn toufrrtnc* U Uild lU'l'tiro iUi CoVt-b->iiii*-ii( Ui>w ili I'ri/pi^iUoui. ^ aiiu- ii J^' .Uiide k'uUIlt: Mlml " ijiht liltVt ill Ml.\ I*- Ottitwii, Alii-U r. The I^'.-d- L-i-iil i.'iiiniiii.^.Hloni'r.s Sir immild riuillb unci .Mi.Tihc:-. Lmrkcj and I <<j^.jui'l.i'.->, i'i-- luliiud I'ruin VVlnnlpcK till:; muniliu;* u|ii'at'i'iitiy hi ;;im."I lcallli .uid >'plrH.i, ...U:i l.l.'.-lr Lljp Lu Lllc " I'UVlm.pliU l-.lll- ,:'.., '1 hi',-, L'liniu li< i in I.- )y way ul' Si. ..mi, 'wn.-rt: liicy iip'-iu a Vfi'i' jd^a ii! i -liiy on l-'i iil.i;. . V^ui' i^in.: jjn;i- i.t:..t nail a I'l-it'iidiy halt hour's ciiaL \.,ith .Mr. f.Jlckey Uj-ni^'ht, hut like: lilii had lliLlu In a.iy l'.uY JHlltiiCatinJl. In Lllr I'lillI'Mi; Oi: CUllVul'- j'iUlun Air. IHelo-y hiiihI.; " I Jntf 1 JJUf.h Litnc as wc have. i'i'i'"i'Li:d lu th..- Gu,v- i-riimeut, It will not L; jioiitilble for uii to .say anything, and Lln-n I uxiwjct .vuii v, ill r;,:i alt lint lin'oruiaLlun jmu want In the trour-rit; el. Lhu pii)ci.-udln:;:J In tin- House ul' I'umuion:', ati 1 :ju|>- p'i.c Wi! :-.halI b.. a.skcd lui,- LL. .1 un- drl-;itnilil lil.lL tiilH-'L-. U i: let I W lllldpei,' ;lie wiltii-u coiiiniunicatlonfi which jjjiN^fd Ijetvveeii tlio uieinliei-:* ul* the -Mn iutohjL (.luwrnnirut and ours<;lve:i hiivi; liffii'K-i\Feii Lo the prt'H.s, althouLJk wlnaiiei" ii.ll ui" only a pur Li on ot the dm:ument.s have been . ho Ji'i v'en out, 1 havt; not yeL liad time to verify. I may say that betore We left Winnljieu It was aiTUiified with the -Manitoba (iov- L-i-nnieiit that the detailed memoranda would not be iuiblhiheu, until wo had reported Ui the Dominion Government. Ai'tir our deiHii'luri', .Mr. l-'wart, euun- :*. 1 tor the iu tinndty, made a ntate-' ini-nt i,, the pro.s.s on 1 i 1 .- own lv.spon- Mlulliy, wiiieli was ut sue'i a eharaeter ilia 1 A Llnrn. y (.Jeiieral Sil 1 dm t h. tin;lit in justice to his own Government, that he .should publish the .whole cori'.:s- Iiunih;iu,e iU once, and tcb j,1! aiHied nii; lo tliai etieoL. 1 .iinnn-diaudy replied Lo him that lie was quite rteht In tali- l:ff that, It lie thoujvht it ne- cessary In t}ie Interests ot his own Goveiiini.Mit, and thin, t iin.lcnHitinl has hi>en done. An 1 have re-marked, I am to-day noL In a position to iiialtu-uny public Htateinent n.-gardlne; the nego tiations until w'e have MiihmiUed our !'i-jort to the Governineiil. You may say, however, thaL \vu vv:Ui_rucirlyjHl by the memljiT.s ut the .Manitoba Gov ern meat, .ami Cameron, in the must friendly possible .splrlt.and that those- relatloriH iT.xi.sted to the Very close1 of the conference. . Kentlemen (Jb-cuNf'ctf with us the.merits of the (iiicstlon only, and we united in lily into evrry aspect of It, with a view of reaching; a .settle ment. The method ot the conf'ieuce was that the convensatioiuj were to be absolutely confidential, and that; any communications which were Intended for publication afterwards should be lint iiuwrlLlnp;. Thi^ W:l.s done, and these are thT- Ooeumeiit.s, I suppose, which have been' telegraphed from Winnipeg. It;Itj il matter ot gratifica tion^ I am sure, to all oC us that no unpleasantness oocuitccI, nor any diffi culties, except thos.- inherent In the nature of ihe ion." Uurlntf the day.many ot" ^fr.Dlckey'a colli.-ah'ties called ujuju him at his resi dence. , S\r IMaclienzte 1'owell replied to your r:orrr:-ijn Older. L's eno,uiVy Lo-nlKht that !_) al. s and Li ii i. 1 their p-pmu had l>eeri reeeivvd he ;:ould add Kttle, It any I bin;,-, to the in- [". Mruaiiuii already jm i h!i.->hed uikjii ttio = ulije<'L of the conference. Thu Premior did not, however, .sctivn to be quite eunsunfed 'with disappoint ment at tin; barren result of thir neKD- tialious. Ills guarded riipLles to hov- L-ral (luestions left It to be Inferred that lie had scarcely hoped for a set tlement at tin.' Pest. i-nur himself, Sir Mackenzie seems to inrlliu- to the'opln- [on that political considerations arc largely lvspoii^lbh; I or th- refusal of the iManl'tob'a (lovernment to accept tht! proposals of th'e Dominion deleca- tOB. Sir -Mackenzie, a;du-(*l tXw }ila opinion jf tlnr; confessions uut.Hmul U^ the M;iii- Itoba reply, huUI that Ujj ^iCJ not ooji- idi'lcr ihe-in-a.s i-v>'.i in u tJJu^it. decree Wfiiovin^ the dfc-abillties uC the minority UK ilvllnr-il by tile deeivb)j> of tlw .J 11- ilit-rial Committee of tho li-'fllvy OjuhcIi. An order-in-counfil Iw^f Ueen jiassed all owing a n-fund oS *luiiit# on cottun twine- enLering Into the tfiwwau fact lire of nsiiUig nets. -Mr. Ualy gi"yun ;*7>tHcw <&i 0- bill-, rea- ;'.i;etlng prants of land to members uf i lu: militia force-on- active .service hi ihe Northwest. Tile object Of the blll.iM lo provide ior an issue of scrip to cer tain men who aided ;ih .scouts during the rebellion'of 'So on proof being pro line* d that thoy a-re entitled to it mi ller the act of lSUU. ' J, S. lOwart, couiist'l for the Catholic minority, has arrived here. lie de l-lines lo discuss the school situation. Mr. McCarthy has a series of qucs- iIoiih on'the order paper relating to tho lltherles overseer for 3Jt. Arthur din- trict. He Implies that six licenses were paid for by a man named Nutlall and that only three licnses were roceivi.-d :>y him. Mr. McCarthy wants to know ,vhat became of the difference In tlio n mounts. Mr. Costiffnn has extended the tlmJ for lishing for bullheads,suckers, etc.,in I.alee Ontario until May 1. This con- jesslon id being granted owing to the ' of the season. Thu other day Mr. Glrounrd, a Con- icrvative memt>ert asked for Informa tion regarding the Port Francis locks, NVi'blug Hotel purchase and other r.e- nentoes of the Mackoir/ic regime. Dr. Landeikln now proiioses tu get even by asking a number of fiu'eries relating to the Curran bridge, Tay canal, etc. jiniTJsu j\ itu: soVJiAN. Hlnlnr of the t'^yptiuu .IntiyOiriUtri'il t>i l.lmlt UK Oi)i-ru(ioiiH. London, April -1. The Bun publishes a Paris despatch to a uuWrf~aut.iicy of this city stating that a despatch has been received there from Cairo any- ing that-lirlgadler-General Sir H. II. Kitchener, sirdar of the Ugyptliui army, hajj been ordered by the UngllHh Government to limit his operations in the Bou'dan to the'occupation of Aka- slieh. Tho despatch further atuteu that the. Italian troops for service In Hgypt are oxpoeUU to arrivo shortly, but that they will not go beyond Sualcim. The despatch adds that the purchase of triiii&purt animals hau been suddenly stopped. Chicago. April 5. Edward Fielding, brlgadler-gencral in . command , of the Northwest division,ot the. Salva tion Army, and with tho exception of ComrpiHHle-ner Booth-Tuck or the most prominent officer In the forcoH In Am erica, ban resigned hlBcommlHslon and will Join the forccu of Balllngton Booth's voluntoerH. . The majority ; at hlu HttLtt otllcfcrs will lo with hlnn GOODS I OUR buyer Ihir rclnvned fronj tlio onatevn ninrkcta, having mde oxtcriHive purchaBOS including tlio ucwoRt. thinpt* in fine Drot-fi Gnods, Printu, DucTch, GinghnmB, Flan- nelfttt(iH, Laccfi, F.jnbroidoricH LMbboiiH, VoilingH, T.bdicB' Wbito Underweiir, Hose, GloveH, -GorKetw, Lace CnrtainH, Ii oiler Blinds, CarpetH, Table and Towel Linona, ataple Dry Ooodn and small which, Mou'h Sbirtn, Ties, OollarH, Cuffw, PantingM, otc. At Prices that Cannot be Beaten. Ihe lirRt ccnHigi'Jiii nt ib now to lmnd nnd wo extend a cordial invitation to all who aro inlcicBtcd in nice new gocdB at lowest living prices to call and see what we are doing, Hnndreds^of New Hats Are already to hand, including the very latcf-1 shapes in black, brown and Cubn, utiff and FodoiitH, and fully 26 per cent., below city prices. Other lines will he following in quick Huecoasion. . . . Onr Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continues Now \h your chance to buy Overcoats, Underwear, fcFurs, Mantle Cloths, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments art all right. ^ Yours for Bargains, DtJITSTAN 3LOCK:, E3SSE2C: Pressing Time with us. Soon time will be Pressing You For n new SPRING KUIT. Why not ordor now. Tho nprin({ Htcjclt iw' in, Nf-'W York fusliionn too, nnd you will j,'i:t lictter work now huforo tho ruHh ih on tor tiprmg". THE TAILOR, DUNSTAN BLOCK, HS3EX. Know What You Clew .5$ Just received. A nother large assortment from tho Leading Mannfacturors of [Readymade Clothing. J^ complete assortment of the Jjfowest and latett designs Comprising all that is'.roqnisite Xn the clothing trade for gjpring and summer seasons. [ach line of gjuits has a mark of_____ Superior Workmanship and Stylo Earnestly soliciting your lamination of the same J. Ai Essex. la free from the Injurious coloring. Tho more you ii0 of It the hotter you like It. TILE CEO. E. TUCKETT &, SOW CO.. LTi> HAMILTON, ONT. E u urmture i ei oom Packed with Good Furniture of Every Description- A fine Parlor Suit, Oak framef Good Plusli, '$16.00. Wo novor w3i-) ho woll -pranurcd to Ho buBinont. Loin'of uoodn and priuoii nnht. It will pay you to yivu ijm u ftll tin/1 n-i> tit oJh uliU not priccu. Wo iii plumnitl iu qnoto priooM to uny who in.t-(] funiunr.. Wo huvo bin-n tloin^* a jnooil Ptcmly hn^i. nuhii now for uhonr. It) vouvh nhd wo wihIi t" tonrlor our rliai'ltH to tho ptih'ic (ion,,r'tMy tor tho very linm-nl putioiniL"* wo'lmvo ro ooivod ot thorn (iurin^ the loyour that we have boon in biiHiticHH in tho uow Town of Ebbox." UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY Fine lino of uudertnklnu (tnpj)liefl alwuytj hand. Will mrnmh all eurriugoH inoudud PricoH riql'i close. J. A. HICKS & Co.. Essex. M. B. WIGtLE, The Cash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. 4_jHB people of tho Town of Ehhox and nnrrouudinf* country havo long folt tbo want t I' of a pltico whoro thoy could to und purchiioo what thoy require ou a oloisei cash X ItafiiH, without bcmi! oompcllodto pay hiphor priooa to muko up for tho louses mudo in tho orttdit nyutom. Cull and boo our gaoda, which uro alwaya of tho best quality, and (iet our pviccH, which aro the'lowont. Don'ti raiaH trying our Tea at 22 oontB a pound. Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest prices, * CASH VXIV K)K FIR8T.CLA8S BUTTEXl AND FRESH EGGS AND OTHER PRODUCE. .S~- GOODS DELIVEKED PROMPTLY. M. E. WIGLE. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr, Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Esfsex, :'M ^v-.,;.i'"'* V-'-""'.- - ' . ^l^^^g^^

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