Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 3

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TOS^nl^fiv^i w^fA J.* * .. A .* * #sr ggggar CTggg- refggag: 3 VIG6R IflfsW^O^EK^CF, fc. .1^*1. Roatorea natural color to tho haJbr, and also prevent* it iaUlntr out.1 Mt*_ H. W, ffenwiok, erf Diffby, N. S., sayar " "A Hltlo more > thiln twoiytwrH u$o my hair 'b e tf mi I/to into K r a y unci fall out. AC- toc tiifl UH Of ono bottle of Ayor'H Hair Vigor my hiilr wun restored to ltd original color and council fulling out, An ocdrmioiiul application lias fiinoo kept tho luilr in good condition.*' Mnt H. F. Fknwick, Diffby, N. S. M lmvo UHOtl Aypr's Ilair ViRor What t>*o Offer of tho Fedoral Govornment Was. for throo yonra, and it lias restored Imir, which wis fast hoennmip; amy, back to its natural color." jj. w. 1IA8KI.UOKK, Patoraon, N, .7. Ayer-s Hair Vigor x>iucrAitKi> uy . DR. J. Q. AVER ft CO, LOWELL, MASS., U.S.JL . I.-V1 j4i/c**'*i JPUta cure Aiefc llcactuchiu THIS GOLD WAVE Will not bo folt half ho tnuuh in tho houuo if you iino tho LION'S FUEL SAVJStt AND U15A.T RADIATOR. Savon-dOpor eont. of fijol. It catoboti tho heat, tnat othor- wiao Koea out doii(i through tho ohimnoy, id built on HQiuutiflo principiou, and '.only neoddjto bo noon to be iinduiutood and ap preciated. Will fiiivo ito cont in a fow Wooke. E. L. PARKER Agt. KSSEX, . ONTA1UO. Writo or call at Gourlny'M Foundry. On good productive Form Property at G&, & C por cent, utrumht. No Valuation Fees tSfCoavoyanoins Dono up iu Neat Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, / S'.SAX, ONI Cnrn SfCK" HEADACHE and Neuralcla J In so MiNurca, al.o edited limine, Uizn- j nen'i) ]hlU>u:>ni.s!.l P.dn in dm Sale, Constipation, Torpid Liver, 13 id breath, iu uwy cm<.d al<>o ;*PH/Otf S CCWTO AT DRUG STOttB&J* n *> WHY THE MAMTOBANS OBJECTED lhey tvXplnlu THnt (tin OitnWn l*ropoat Mvtilit *b Mtfttutat-y IUvInIoii of (1l fu|ll(i Mulu Hnpitritta Ikwuoiulaa- tlotml No Hcpariilr hfhooU uri >tlililr<l A Great 1,1 O1 to be very clearly defined. You mato* tutu that In tho worda of your memo randum, 'Tin- IComan Catholics* cer tainly have Inipoitnnt ittfal rlifhta In *( JhiHiotlon with Bopaiatu HohoolH, and tlml ynui' IduL of tin, obV'l of tho con- t ri-Mi'o In to i;lvo oriLot to Uiohu ilnhta In the moat uiiol.Jcotlonu.blo way through the action of tho LugUliUuro of tlio provlnct. Wt> hold, on the oon- H.iry, that tho oonntitutlon t: veil Ito- inun Cuthivlloa no h'jfiil rlirhtii l ^'t^- <-).eu to Hcparatt Hclinola cxcf'it tin* rhcht of appunl umloi which tho l'*ku oiul authority may or may not rcHloi' uny rlk'htu tpnnorly unjoyed under tht. piovlnulal loiflHlatlon. Your P'-OP""1- t!on ulma at W-j1 io(^i;)iltlon \y " Linhdatin-o of Manitoba of the <hlr Human Oiitholio pt-oplo to iicpiiratu tor Wf ' OF THE VERY BEST. Morn new nt>len, haudKoinoat bq- IcetioiiH and clioiceat novoltioa in jfpnV WomotiNt, MiRflOh* and Clul .rtu's Boots, Shoes and Slippers Wlion you mro onr carefully peloot- GdutoeMou mav know the pat rol a n( (tun oHtiibliohmont will j;et ilr^t-aiiLH** i*ooda. Wo aro ouroful ' to Kuv ih" bouf; pnoe marked on the noh of aiioh pair. Kcoiiomy, ooitifurt nud aHtialiiutmii goes with cv-rv pnii of tlino hltotMi, CuBtorn work it Miu'citltv. For tho boHt Bhuua ut fair pricoa, jjo^to Jas. Douglas, Nitrn **t tbe tioldeu Kloof, Whitney Glock - Esse* Wlniilpi'jr, Apiil a. Thc HUiaa-Htlona ror tin uuttu-jni'ut ol thu Manitoba iaIiouI dllilculty nuidi- by tho couimla- t.iunum of tho J'Y'UuuLi Uovoinnii'Ut, \".Iilc}i were lojcctod by tho Manitoba '.'ovcnmient, unci tho cuunti'i-ptopoftl- uonu imaio by thi- Manitoba MlnlaturM, which wore In turn dot linwl l>y the I idoial LOinml&Mionoiii.woro mado pul>- lic yuatt-rdiiy, im that tin* public wm iow Judgi*, ami foim IndL'Pondent opln- <jiiH au to wliicli aldt. hau boon tho mum oxuotlnir or unifn^oiiublo. VVhon ilio two propoaJtioim me thoiouithly It in!, it hi found that aftor all there - but a narrow j;ult botwoun tho Lwo waning luotlonn, which ooultl bu ca- . >' and muVly UrUluod woi\ tho people In a lcfii pu^nuoloua mood, and poll11-' c an.1 not ho anxioim to imilco capital out of tin* airiUiUnn Now that it Ih known what oaoh aldo u.m willing to do, and thorn beim; uuch 'hcht dlftiH'iuca of detail In tho two I'lopuqaN, the toinppi.utf people aroon- ura^id to hope that whem tho heat jl tlic com inn: Futiorul uloutlona coola 1' wn thr-ie will not be inurh dltllculty in uomintj to an amicatili* iiottiem- nt, if in the interval tin* breach iu not wid-1 - in t\ with inJiidloioiiH action. Thu propoHUlb wiide by the Federal -mmlhMloncr.'i wi i e that " t.Lj;iolatloii be p.ia.s d at the present Hesalon of the Manitoba JIji Klalatuie to provide that in towns and vlllaifoa where there are u-hldent 25 Horn.n Catholic children, iln Hoard of Truntocu ahall arran^o, tliiLt auoh clilhlien ahull huvo a aohool imiiH room for their own uao, whore iliuy may bo taught by Roman Gatho- lu teacilieni ; and Itonuin Catholic par- cnth or fyuardliins, 10 in number, may appeal to the Department of JCducatlon from any decision oi rv'ijleot of the board In ii^spiet tu its duties under tldb elauao.&Pd t\\<- board shall observe .ina carry out all declslonH and direc tions of the department on any audi appeal. " Schools wherein tho majority of child!en ale Catholic to be exempted fiom requirements of the iH-KUlatlona as to religious exerolsea ; " Ttxt-bookH In Catholic nchoola to be such as not to offend the religious views of tho minority, and from an educational standpoint aatisfactory to the Ad\ Isory Hoard ; " Catholics to have i epr Bentation on tho Advisory Hoard and representation on the lioard of Kxuminera appointed to examine teachers for certincatoi; : " CathollcH to have assistance In the maintonanco of a Normal aohool for education of their toachem ; " Tho cxlatlns system of pcrmltH to non-qualiiled teachers In Catholic achoola to bo continued for two years to enable them to qualify, and then to b- ontlroly discontinued." In all other reapeots the schools at which Catholics attend to bo Public Schools, and aubject to every provision of the Education Acts, for the time being, in foicc it) Manitoba. A written agreement havine bc-^n arrived at and the necessary loRlalation puh.Hed, the Itomtdlal Hill now before Parliament te to bu withdrawn, and any i ights and privilep>a which might be claimed by thu minority In view of thu duciaion of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council shall, during tho due obhervance of such agreement, re main in abeyance and be not further Insisted upon. The Manitoba Ministers could not accept the proposal in its entirety. The most objectionable featuiu wa* the request for the separation of the Roman Catholic children from the other scholars and providing then, with ltoman Catholic teachers. Such reparation, it Us claimed, would sen- oubly Interfere with the ellickncy of the schools A decided objection also was taken to tho establishment of a beparato Normal school for the train ing of Roman Catholic teacheiu. Un der the prespnt regulations all Beets have equal privileges. . The Manitoba Ministers summed uij the objections of the Federal propo- bula as fullowb: 1. The btatutory division of the pc opb into separate denominational cl abses 2. The necebfjary inferiority of Sepa- iate schools. 3. The Impairment of the efficiency of Public hchools through the division uf achool it.venues, jL The buidening of non-Catholic ratepayers by compelling them to maintain Separate bchools o The acLOidin^ of apeulal prlvllegea to one denomination which could not on principle be denied to othcia, but which in practice could not be granted to bucli oiliers without the cntlie de- Btiuctlonol the fachool system. It will ] I no, then-L'oie. be a mallei of surprise j tlcable to jou that we are unable to accede to the proposition niade.oi any pioppal- tion bused ui>on a similar principle. -The main points of Manitoba's olft-i aie to completely secularize the Pub lic school system, eliminating religious exerciser and teaching of every kind, during school hours. It distinctly blated that this proposition la made ah a eoiupiomisc oiler, and not as embodying the'policy which the Gov ernment and L.(.glfclatuie of the pro vince are themselves desirous of pur- bulng. It Is made In ordi-i to attain a settlement of the dispute. Ah an al ternative to this it is piopostd to re peal the provisions of the present law i elating to education, and substitute a provision for religious teaching by clergymen and others between .J,3u and 1 o'clock dally, if the trustees of any school district so authorize, any scholar being free to absent himself or herb elf. It is also proposed that where the achoolroom accommodation at the disposal of the truati ea permit*. In stead ot allotting different days of the week to dllfen ut denomination!!, the trustees to dhe.t that pupils shall be beparated and placed In different rooms for the purpose of religious ex- ercleoa, a*< may be convenient The Manitoba Ministers claim that theao changes in the piment law will effectually remove ovcry well-founded grievance of the CnthoPoa undr\the existing law. If the objection of the minority be that the bchools are Prt testant. as alleged In some of their petitions, then the objection can be fully and finally disposed of by com plete oecularixatlon. If the real objection be a desire to have, along with an efficient necular education, proper religious training, then the aceond plan proponed offers an effective method of attaining the object denired. The Fedoral commlSHionora replied to Mnnltoba'M counter proponala In a long memorandum maintaining soundneaa of the position token by themselves and affirming the right or Roman Catb- ollco to Separate Bchoola. Tho Manitoba Ministers then mndi* final Humming up of the cane na fo'.- Iowa : "The point of difficulty in ar riving nt a txifiht of nettlomont aeema school purpoaea. " Our proposition alma at romovlng ovt ry pr ayattm to aopujrato _, , ,_ _ \n actical objection to the P^He"t without giving the legal rights " We^umlcrstand that by order In :ounclI your authority Ih "n^'*",^ aking a H.-ttUment aatlnfac ory o J minority, and that as ^ a\\"rJSfrt the minority will accept nothing liort nr a statutory recognition of l U of iuparatlon. Wu regard ournelven (i pre eluded hy odr dLClaiatlon of policy, pi, ceding our last election,^Jrm - ... nting to such statutory > V ?Sl i ""t V\hllo Joining with you in thn ef * tlcuira to reach a settlement w' arc unable to suggest any way of r eon- tiling these two proposltloi are on every mattrjal matter without le gal separation If the minority inalats on legal Herniation there does not oeem t" be any possibility of icaching a li'isbi of comiMOUilse. " Wo cannot but oxpremi our regret and disappointment at the failure of out nigotlatlons. We assumed wlun a confiiionee was asked for by the Fed eral Government with full knowledge of the fact that we were clearly nto-p" pod by the terms of tin* order in Coun cil of Deo. 20, 1K95, from assenting to the re-establishment of Separate SrhoolH In any form, that It was with the object of securing substantial modifications which. Avhlle falling ahort of the pr'nclph of separation. Would it-move every alleged reason for the Roman Catholic opposition to the uue of Public Schools. "We thinlc that the proposition which uc have made would, If adopted, re move every auch reuuon, and it la, therefore.such a propoaltlon ixu wo be lieved you had come prepared to ac cept. Its non-acceptanee apparently,bs due to the determination of the min ority to insist upon tho most extreme and. In our opinion, unbound view of their legal rights, -wc entered upon the tick or seeking the settlement of the question at lyjm'ti ip- the face of grave anfl* obvluos' dWIlcultlca- In the' ilrst placcv^oo fa-r arJ the ro-cHtabllshment of ^e^itratiJiijiOliOola la toncerrted,' the qucatwm ho,for ycarg bien conaldered ultled bo tar- ari-tlie pioplo of this pro vince, ty1 \M^ora we arc* roaiwnbLUic, are concerned. "In UiC"ri^xtplace,wc have hitherto believed that he state-aided Separate school sayt^m, * and that only would b" accepted by the minority. This Vlow we have ropeatcdly stated and we hav*-not yet been nutliorlta- tively informed to the contrary.----------- "That our contention In this respect was. arid hi eorroct.'la shown by your proposition, which undoubtedly meanw a ayatenpof sclioola separating hy law Frotetotantfa from ltoman Catholics, and wholly dependent for support up on the municipal taxation and legisla tive grant It al&o appears that any f-ettlement between tbe Government of the Dominion and that of Manitoba tnuat by the very txrma of your In structions, be subject to tho sanction of a third party, and while all mru bers of both governments might ai>- piove of our propoaitLon.or any other i-ubmittQd, aa containing everything hat in reason and In equity ought to bo conceded, nevertheless that ap proval would be worthless without the sanction of representatives of the minority. In a word,wo are absolutely debarred from conceding the system of Roman Catholic and state aided Se parate schools, while the ropresLnta- tlveq of the minority, and as a conM- quenee the Federal Government, will accept nothing less. "In conclusion,we have, the honor to state that, notwithstanding the failure of the present negotiations, the Clo\- eminent of the province will always be prepared to receive and discuss any FUggebtlons which may be made with a view to removing anv Inequalities that may be ah own to exist in the pre sent law." to wii>i:n rur. stilln canal. Hnnmllmr Monr-y to IRunble Torpedo ' "^ llitnts d> ItPHrh tbn I,nkrn. Washington, April 3. Representa tive Mahnny of New York, who has Just Introduced a bill appropriating $2,000,000 to widen the locks In the lh ie Canal, so as to admit the passage or modern torpedo boats, In bpeaklnj, >t this proposed bill, says: "This scheme, in my opinion, furnishes the most piac ... _,.,,.-,, imt unrrircs,Lbd fOl til' means yet suggested foi protection of the lake ports In case oi war Those cities are without toiti tlcaUons, and the treaty l;-'1^".1*1^ Government and Wnglo-nd piohib.L^ vcbscls of cILhei nation fn" 9 ^ < T'(!\- 'Jtianuin i. 'f t> CURED BY lM.m AYEKS li "T u'li'i aiil'.clcd fnr eli'lil ^ oj i * ui li Silt IIIk iiiii Dunn/ ill M in. 1 u i'i < I ni.inj nicill'-iii' i v lilf I ' In, ll' im * (lunm il'l mI, Inir tinhi .i in tt i.' ' I (U 1 .-.I .i'l\ is -d i li 1 A jt i'i f' iL. n it [ ] i ml if f.n c I ll id (ill ' l 1 L..I- fumii Mi ic; h.'i ! \ 'M : * is Free Ir^.n r2vu^ w -jry-----------------TT-------- CHURCH DIRECTORY .kiiOWr.-lir I'arnfttt, l'ttnt^r Hftfviijf' aTRryt-unday ucli h. in una 7 . Ui/'Hiooati Hho6) m ti-BOp. in >1, U Naj h r-, HujmrfnteL.' tnrdf 'uhool, llpuci-ti (.naiiv pruv r in no tin TauHUuv vonlnu i t h o'i lock, uooi^id }>.nyi raoothiif on Ti4ioriiuuyvoino. Chuuok ov KNor.ANn Jiv. A.Ij.PverIy, in ouinbiint, KL. I'lailM, Kusuju- Divine Hervlcu very Hiinduy nt 7 o'ulook, i> in Huml&y HohoolatlOa. m. I'rhilty Uhuruli, North Itidu* Hun day Hflhool at 1.4Bp. in. Tho public uro cor- ^lulty iiiYH^d. I'UKHiiYii'uiAN, W. M.VIumhiM, I'mttor* tint vlatsion Habbuth at 11 u.. ni.and V.IIOp.ia Kith bittli Hflhool nt'Js'tOp. in. I'myox imothiu iiihi LViitor'n blblu oIuhh on TuoMffay rtt7.M p m. Hoolnl Union on Wixlmmdav at H.iri>. Uii'L'nr Oiiuuon Jtnv M. P. UnKiplxill, Van- tor civio6n uuoli Hahbtitli ui ll u. in, mid 7 p .i. Pruyoi meiiHiKjon Wodnonday uvmiinc ittSo'clnolt Diiatiifroti All are coriliidly wol aomod. Roman Catholic. I'V. C 15. Mofl***, PiiHtor. Hunloi ovuvy otlior Bunday ut s no ji m. Hnnday tjohoo] ut ;i p. in. MAimttoNK 11 f if 11 uniHH mill lujvinnn at 1(1 :t0 u. in,, ciitoohlnm at 'i p. m , IianUiini ut :i u. m., voHimi-H iiiul hmiydlotinu at 7 i>. in. C J-J. Mo- Got, r.r. _____ :l(f)E/S ai ev( i t'M \ \ ]> ".1ll III ll Ol ,L ( ,1. -<u b I'I , 1 l Mil l.i I >M ,. Ltl \. ' uillwillL \',\u\' ' 1 in I i hi iifiiim (.."- . r bvlil.UM'l, lint. lui*'It , V ll|i 'l i -i hit Id i i. . id il ui. ti n ir's^iv'^Miiiia Avcy'ti jt'Ui-u \s**uu m -Jittvcl** Halvation Aumv. T. II. McLflOd, Cnptniii. KiLlVution moutitofri on Wudiuiinlay, Tliiiruilay and Hunday u von inn", I1'run utid llaiiy, Haturduy ovonlitf'utid I) i) in Hiinduy, llulliibuii iiuiotlniiH for chfiiiLiiirifi i riday uvunintl and 11 u. in Hun tUy, Kuou Drill 7 u ,m, uvoiy Bundiiy. All am WUlDOIJlfJ. MARRIAGE LIOCNSE8. 1? Xj. TAliK, IHHUICR OP MAimiA(li\lW- -li/. cnnseB, JUohardiob Dlk., Bitox, 0|,T, \'f 1*^1111 KTT, iHBtior of MarrW* LloaBrt* V^ D. BKAMAK, iSfiilor of MarriaRO TAvuntied. IiiBuranoo n^int. Nlyht Ltfllce at Dwolliiii/. TAhBOT HTItBET, KgSBX, UNDERTAKING. nl'bUMMK <H, thidortnknr FuenUar Uniilttf. tOoUltiu, homo atul fnotary mrtj from % J t *!I0 MaClrnf, Oi'*- , , ARCHITECTS. roiIN^A. MAYCOCK, AliOrilTKOT, &o.. Itoom 10 mid U, Fleming Pudding, WlmlHor, Out I1 lu.itin ail). SOCIETIES F.-KNTKHVJUHK rjodgo No 918 _ _ lovory Thursday,<ivdiihig at 7.BM* Odilfoliowi Htdf.iuthirdHtoroyDuntoiiIllot LEGAL. J ? A. WlhMBK, UavriHtor, Bolioltor, Kotni 1J* Piddle &o. Monoy^to loan. Oiilcen.Pni ktuu Hlocli, uii-iitnlrii, KfifioK. 4-ly JL I>KTi:itH HuYrlHtor. Bolicitor, Nota] Public Moony to Loan. Ofllco ovt Btrnthnri)' Ihiult. Kimox Coiitru. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND Largest sa^k in Canada. CliAUKK. KAIITLKT A HAHTLKT, Itarrii trH, ota. Otllcea, M< dbury block, Wind no X'rlvato hiiiiln to loan. A. II. CLAIlttK, It. L. II. K. A. lUltTLKT A. It. IJAltlLKT. II A. ViulthJK momborit uf. other lodgunv/11) rooeivi' frHtomiU woloonm* W. CHATTriHTON, K.^ OKNritAL KNUAMPMKHT.No.HO, uieotll OdiUolloWH'llalblhiiiHtan'n Dloolt, mi tho a *nd third Tuesday hi oaob month. Vlaitot-fla dlally rocoivod. MomborMof nubordIuatolod| In thh jiiWttillatlon, invited to Join. IIAMMAN, O. V.. (i. V, HILL, Hi)0. T^SBlflX J-'IKK HHIOADK. MKBTfl MVK1 . J. J l'riday uvcnlnn In tho Kirmuun'H rooml. tho Htotio bulldhiC' Jan. McMurray, Olilei, Itobt I'urkor, CiL]itniii, a. Ilurnham, WouUn- niit, V UlUfl, hocrotavy, I'VhiI *Hyjitt/CrartHurwf. CUOItT llOYAL, N(J Ul'J, I, O. IAhwitu Hocond and fourth Tiindavytf in tncC month in i. O. O, V. Hall at U o'olook p. io, VUltim; brothurn vill bu clvim a frat*rriai wc;* eomo. K MoCiumlund. C. It, W. C. HhttW, tfecj i M J.Wialo, C.l). II. U. H. HKNKV C. WALTI311B.L.L.H, Attorney ami Uounnoloriftt law, Holicltor in Chancorv, I'roator in Adnihalty Tutoiit Hollcitor, with Atltliiiion At HaijjhBH Conuron nt.'woQt, Lutroit, Mich. (Canadiau claimn a(;ainHL iioruntm iu tho United RtatoaoolloLtod.) ItoforonooBi Imputlul ISfinlc, Kiihox, Out, J. Ii. Petom, Kiiq., bnrrliitdi-, otc, Khhox, Ont K.A, Wiamor, Lmi., ]iiLirInU\ otc , Kbox, Out Z~i - ESSEX Holler Mills* JAHKb NAYLOB *ako8 thie opportunity ol annoniioin,, -u tno people ct tho Town and County of Kunrix, tbathu ban ramodolod tho Kb- aoKltolIor AtlllR nocoi-dinH to plans moparedby B. N. ricB, fit. ThomitB. and iifcs nhio iiocurod tho aorviooii of Koukut Bi'^AOirAN, itn axpovi cnood and thoroughly coinpotdnt millor. Thankluc tho pooplo of thotown and county for tho patronaRo bentowoa upon him in the pant, will cuarantoo iiatlnfaotfon in tho future Gristing and Chopping a Soocialtv. THK BEST GKADEB OF FLOTJll, FKED AND COBNMEAL KEPT IN STOCK AND BOLD AT IUGIIT PKICES. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. MEDICAL. -pilia liltILN A BltlEN. Jnu Ilrion. M D , L K , C. P. fl , nr&duato of Quoun'u Unlvoriilty, KhiKHtou, iuoinbor of Col- Itifjo of Vhytiialanii and Hurcoooo,Ontario. Grad- uutA of Nuw York. Poit Graduate Modical Col- loco. J. W. Ihinn, M D., C M., F. T. M. C. Honor Kradnato of Trinity^ Modical CoUori. Honor Kirftdnato of Trinity univoraity. Mointor of tho Oollofjoof PnyBioianH and Buritoonii, Out Clrnd- uato of ^ow York Pont Gradiiato Modical Colloco. Olflooovor Entiox Modical Hall druft utoro. Coniinltation roouin. both on ijrotinit lloor and flrntflat abovo. Tolophono in both olllca and rerddonco. All calhi attondod to from olllco, ilruc Htorn, or rcmldonco. Itotiidnnou, Talbot btrbut, front of fair grouFidu. " the Mason toll* Route." aoiNa kibt Taking fffoct May 10th. 1S0B. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essox, - Ohtai*lo. THIS larno and commodious Home hau buon tboioufihly painted mod ropIninhod withouw fuinituro by prcnont propriatreis. TjAiiai! mim in coimncTioH. Flrnt-ClaHti Accomodation Gnnranteod. MItH. O. WILKINSON, Proprlotroen. XlTT A "Hit 'I^VTI Loom and Traveling W J9L-L\ XXjMJ Brtlonnien to handlo ourHnr-y Panadiiui Grown Nurnory fltocki Wo Cfuaiautuo natiflfaotton to ropronontativofl and cunt.morB, Cur numoricii aro tho lareont in tho Dominion, ovor 700 acron. No nubstitation in ordorfl. Excluuive territory and liboraHorms to whole or part time aftonto. Writ* ub. BTONE A WKLLTNGTON, (Hoad ollleti) Toronto, Ont, (The only nurnory in Canada navIoR toatinR oroharilo.) W3m "TVItS. DEWAH A McKflKZIE. r.A.DitWAntM.D.C.M.,F.T.M.B. Honor Gradu ate Trinity Dnlvoraity. Mombor Col logo Phyi ioluns and Burccouo, Ont. liunidoncc, Talbo Kt, Eant. G. MoKlcNZIK, M. D. 0. M Coronor, Now York rout Graduate, Fellow Trinltj Modicul Collogu. Graduate Trinity Univarsity ItPiildbJicu: Talbot Street, west or M. C, It. Ofllqe bourn 8 to 0 s,. m., 1 to I) and fl to H p. in Office In Imporlul Bank block, ground uoor next to Thornn'udrutf Rtoro. Tolophunoln connaotJon with oQlco and roni- donco, Ordcrii loft at Tliorno u rtru store will bt promptly attondod to. Detroit.. Windaor .... PoltOH .. . Maidutonoc Ehiiax ... Woodflloo. . Iluucoinb . . Cornbor lUdfiutown . Podnoy. fit. Thorn a London ... Pt. TliomaB. . Rodnoy...... P,ld(!<itn\vn. ConilHT Idincouib .. Woodsloe. Ebuox Ma id (i to no Cr Polton Windnor..... Detroit ..... Mail a m. T 15 7^0 fiW Mil 8.21 8i!H H3" V 16 J 0,17 11 <M Kip. a m. 0 20 Exn, a. m. 0.40 10 10 7 HO 10.3.1 8.47 10 00 OOIHO WKST. Ji ill. 12 10 a <o auo 4 07 ts:<o 5 41 5S0 6.oa fi.M 11 ^0 1.0B a id. DM 10 04 11.43 d.43 7.10 1S.10 12.4C Accoto pin. 4.40 ' bdti CIO c.:to GBO C04 710 7.110 H.40 n tu 3.15 (1 Sjf 7.1a .o B.00 9.38 t).4A *)0i 10.01 10.1U 1C!W 10.M DENTAL. HP, MARTIK.D.D.B., L. D. B. Griulnato In Dentlutry, Royal College of Dental Surgeonu, Ontario, and Uuivernlty of Toronto ObargoB.madoruto. OUico, over Br leu & Cot dma Btoro. 16-lv VJT^ttlJMARY. WIl. KICHARDaON, VEVEItlNARY 8UH GEON. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto; member of On tario Vetorinary Medical HOrioty; Diplomat in Dentlutry; treatn all cliaonHca or domeaticatod animalfl; catrlo dohornod bv thohLtowtimprovod Lenvitt clipper Cnllo by tulephone or tole- graph promptly attonded to, ltunldonco, four oor iiouth of griat mill, office in poit officrt building; inflruiBry. dirtictly ooponlto. P m. II. 10 0115 (12H flllfl (150 AkutaorMtbure Ibocal YrnlUH, WKHT , KABT a.m. a m. n.m. a.m. p.iii ll.fiO 8tl& Ennex 7.13 O.fiO 5,10 10 01 HA Edcare 7.00 0.40 B.10 12.10 0..12 LE /tcDKXiriff 0 50 f) UC 4.W 12110 0 83 McGregor *> ! fl fll) 4.GO US") AmhorEtbnrg d UO 9.10 4.S0 All trains aro run on central Btondard tiirJ( which in uixty mlnutoH olowor than Eua*t time For Information and raten to eo1on> into moving wont apply to John G. Lavon, Pfla- noni-of Agent, 8t. Tbomnii, O. W. Itugfflou, &oa~ era! Panbengor ana Tickflt Agont, Cblapgo, 111 orA.O Btimorfl. Aoont, EbboV. L. E, A D. R. Ry. TIME TABLE NO. 20, taking offoct Monday. D<jc Q0,imr>. TraiuB ma by Kantorn Stand ard Tlmo, Daily except Buuclay V 5 a possible - _ ol bObtilltiLa. and a Kroat doal tuoi .i ihiin uunboats could got into La Ontario, to move a swarm of tou>olf boats Into Lake Ontario via the Us ui't'o Canal, ond Into Lake Krle aiu tho upper lakes via Uuffalo. "It will bi1 possible to render tin cana]<i fully available Cor rapidly loii (.nitrating a torpedo Hoot at Lain Ontario or Lake Krlo aulllclcnt to pie vent HHtlHh Kunboaii, Horn troubling any of the* lake porta. "Ankle fiom itn stratofflc feature the scheme Ih of enormous value froir a commercial standpoint, benefiting thi entire northweHt, which finds In tin Uric Canal a waterway for the nhlp ping of Its products In their courte ti the aea. The bill has excited much enthunlilsm In the hUce cities, and 11 adopted, promlflOB to make New Yo^k';- Kr^at waterway a oplondld arm of wai and eommoice." ISA ilKALOVk ItAUE ' if* I'..lrn fill f\ ill- " Id' i-nl WI1mI LfiiaS U 11" "'*'! Aft III F|>a Hi hl Clinton, 111..' April 3, James Polen aiiellLd With his wife late this at icrnon on account of attentions v\\* had been receiving from another m;in. 11U wife's mother. Mra. McMlUen. de fended her daughter. Polcn became t-n raged, suUed a thotpun and killed both the women. He then attempted to commit suicldo by throwing hlmco r under the wheels of a pasulnp; tnihi. He received injuries which may prove fatal. Miird^fcl tiv <Htlnwu. A special from Nowata, I.T., sayn that it Ih reported i ilnro that Deputy United States Mar shal J. P. Llvly was murdered by out- Iiwh while attempting to arrest ho rue thieves in \\w hHN HO mllcti aoutliwest nf Nowata vot tordav. _ Mountain Cllmbinir Hun a wonderful funomation for many moo. And tho hifjhor tho raoimtuin und tho greatot spico of danger about it, tho raoro auxious in the ordinary man, with any mountain climbing instmotH whatever, to get to tho ton of that mouaUm. Thoro ifl au intoxication, a uory omhxiBiaom about it that puohoo ono on and on, and roatn tir od mirhcIoH and lnnpiroH fla^^iufjconrugo to ovorlautiuKly koop at it until the top is rououud unci tho ooahng zopbym that fan tho brow of tho mountain cool yonr own throbbing templou. Americans havo tuonght that it wau neceouary to eo to Europe, to tho Alpb, to find auy full grown raoqutains to scale, ft'uidl moonuhino. Inu't 11,000 foot high enough, with pj no lorn, Lhoao raakod, cracii- ed oroaturin o[ ioo and anow, and orators aud flmmroH and prooipioon to olimb ovor and louud, tho Hiimo an in tho Alps? Yon, thoy aro all riqht horo oIobo at hand, and if you are lutoronto:! to know whoro and how and wlion. jnntnond yonr addrowu, and nix couts in stamps to Ci(*ii. S. 1'r.v. of tho Northern Paoiflo Railroad, Bt, Paul, Minn., and ho will nend you a boulc that rooouutu a climb up otjo of thu JituudouL rwtkfl of oarLli, Written by tho Koutleraan whoirado tho nnoent. Tho ohaptor on this mountain in pro- fuooly lllnutratod in half tona otohimrs taken by u photoaraphor who accompanied tho party for that purpose. If you aro in- torosted enoimh in your own country to doeire to know about its wonderful Hcenio feafcuren, vou want this book. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIRD. Provincial Land Surveyoi aud County Euninuor, Essex Centro, Ont OUloo, Dunotan Block, njHitnirs. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY HEDlUeit, Auctlonoor finlon promptly attomled to. Audrboo Gouth Woodnlre, One. Poruouu declrinii to nocuro me may leavo word uttbo Frkk riu'mi olllco. tf H. HEDRICK DfilNCLAIlt, LICENSED AOCTIONEEK for tho County oIEnttox. Uaihff of Kifihth Divmion Court. All Idudu of Farm and other Halon conducted promptly Ilaton roa^onablo and furnlnhod on amplication. Enqiuroro may apply at W. D. Boaman'a oflioo, or at tho ofuco of Plviuion Court Clerk, Mr. John Milno 5 o i M w . u o s* *A u. 8TXTIO^0. u T 6 20 6 27 n b(S G.-I0 I U X M 0 25 12 00 0 :ii* 12 30 .i!9 12 40 UAH 12 0 m 12 5^ 0 47 II 67' 1.10 fiM nco 1.U0 7 10 1 50 r.I7 2,011 1.27 ii 35 7.!|7 2 50 7 44 3.45 7 Bl 4 10 Ht'J JOHN GORMLEY, LICI'-NSED AUCTIONEER for tbo County nt Tvhvx, All hindr of farm utook aaloB, otc, cuuilucted promptly and on abort notico. It a to u rounoi'able. Pernono desirable to prranno paIoh may 3o no by oalliun at tho Fnitu Piibbh oflloo or by applying to 4 J. GORMTvEY, 1\ O. Box JM Kgbox, Out. I^RAKK UoCLOBKRY, Maidntoae, thlrty- : oovonyoaru'iixporiwneuiut nuaiiotlonoerin the County *t Ekhox Halon couihu-ied promptly, and on roasouablo to mm. Panics doBiriu^ to fix the date for u nalo van sav tbumeolvoB iv dri^o by callinm at the Fawn Pnicau office. We huvo arranged with Mr. MoClonlmy and will fix thedatCB for ualnnby teloK-rapu, entirely free of all chargo lo tbe puvnon holdlua tho sale. Ad* dreao Frank McOlOBhoViMaldiitouoCroBfl, Ont. 105 10.02 10 0U 10.UI 10 27 10,37 10.45, 10 53 II.Ill II'20 11.25 11.35 11.43 U.B0 11 6S 12.04 mil 12.16 Vi.'M 12 .'!5 4.:'0 4 45 am 5 15 r>.co 0 05 C.15 0 35 0.15 7.00 r u 'r, m. B.17I.. aasj.. B..I2.. Pop Walkcrv'l" Ar,0 10 WalHorville June.|fl C3 Pelton.....;8 67 .....t Oldcaotlo.. .;8 W .... * Pnqtiotte.... \ 47 ,.. McGrocor .... .8 43 ,..\ Now Canaan...'fl 36" \ Unmhuolcl ...ib 0 . Harrow .... f* ... A Arnor ..... !B Kincavillo..... B Cl . Ruthvcn ......,7 51 I.pamincton ... 7 40 Whcfltlty.....'7 2( t Iienwick .. . 17 IS 22>4 11/) 4 00 8,46 Coatdwortli . _. _ t Gifcriwood..... B.40...... Merlin........ ft 171.. t Buxton.. .. BBS..... Sandlnon ...... 0 00t...tCcdar8prlrcfl... 0 07 0.12 0 20 o.:u r.M Blonhtdm Jnuct'n ......Ulenlio'xn..... .......tWtlhio..... ArRidRetownDep 7 10 7 00 0 52 (I id (J 40 0 m 0 24 fl 21) 0 10 0 (XJ X.ll- 3.1B V.40 l.M l.llfl l. 32 !W 12.21 12 V 12.00 ll.Sfl 11.201 ll.lfi 10,1 10.00] y.V.'^.M. t Fine Rtationn, TralDB Btop only when there are pa&fieunerB'at or for tlicno Btiitloim. Mixed truiiiD aro at nl timeo bubject to be oanoolled W1I WOOIXATT. Gouoral BupnHntehaeut <It may ^avo you timo aud monoy to be Informed that, whan you nctfl a blood- pnrlflor, Ay or'a Saraaparilla in the liiad mout in favor with tho mod ion 1 r rot elision. It ] tho Btandard und, as Buali, tho only blood-pn^ilha' admitted at tbe Ohtong> World's Fair. BAKER. THE oldont baBinesn in town. Ketabiiour IB7II. Flritt-olaBfi broad and oakca of al itlndn. ^Vedd'nu oalios n. npeolallty. Urooonos provlnlono, flour,fueu, aali aid poHt. Couioo- tlonery.crookory.fflttiiBWiiffe. ('omu-'iiruitflaml veKotablcn of all kbidu. Goodn prtraptly d Uvorod to all partn ol tbo town 101-tf M. HlCKh. AND AND LOAN ACNTS fttthelowcut rate of inter at. Farm* bouchi nndKoId. ItiBurauoo taVen in the moitrellauU oompAulev, Drawluu ol doedo, mortgegon and leauN a Bpeolalty. Oharset moderate and nil miilneBU jiromptly kttouded to. Call t tjhe Otmiral Tlnbouo oflloe. EnBexOntre. B0-1t riooc hi tho worldforyonaBoe find women to BBeure a BuBineav Kdnoatloo, Bhorthand .etc., 1b th Detroit ButdtioBB UnlverBltv, De troit, Mlob UluutratocloBtalopue Free. KrerenoM i Ah Detroit, V. JEWBLUPro*. P. St. BPKNCKK, Bbo. Best NOW IS YOUR If you want good Furniture for Jittlo money. An Iramenao otoclt of Furniture to oboose from. Evcr'ythinfj fw>m a kitchen chair to tbo fluefit quarter out oak,at pricen lower than auy where in this county. Kindly uivo un a call, All gooda delivered free of charge. 100 CORDS OF WOOD WANTED m eiabauKO for furniture. t , UNDERTIKINGASPECUL1 Fine line of utidertakinc Boppliep alvaya ..,v.:| hand. Will furniih all cama'fien |nddi'/{ Prioee right oloee. ' j ^ J. A. HICKS & Co., Essex, % ,\ 'i. >yjti-y\- 15 06

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