Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 2

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i\'r' * " liu I' V THE BSSEJ< FREE PRgSS ^i.xi- Wvl5T 7,Ti;f ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Every Friday Morning From thu cllioo oti Talbot Htteet, m>xt J-hmutun Block. Spooiul attention in (Hid to thu nublioa* tiou of liiiiUnr of local unpen timoo, ileum*, ate uud rAhublo i'(i|ini'i of Town, ueiuliboi- intf Towuttup uud County Council pro-ure'd inns, local Mtul eounty murket report.*, eta, tho ourofu. and judicial])) infuni|;c meiit of Tuie Kitrw JJm in, with i< u\ vl to tlu*no and othor uurrent nmttom of local importance, huu i;ivotiila wnliMpivnd pristine in the oontru of Knbi'\ eouniy.whu h in recognizor! au una of tho hint uljih ultiiiul dintrioU in Ontiuij, Tin. Km r i'lirmi ih tliu only medium enciiluun^ then,uglily in thm . oeiilml portion of the County, utul im eon- Bequontly.witlimitiloiibt,. homily thomuuh udveitnmig mi chum fur liimmoittt people wiHliillfJ to reach that oIiimi of eii'ttomurn. CUlltU ill UNlJl.M 1 . Our oolumnii mo alwayu upon for tho I mioeublo ilh-tiUHHiou of nuittt'iH peituinin- *)tlio public wo] fine. Able corroHpondnitn in all the HUrrannd- 'u Z Iw'htiuu funuuh volmblo loportu ul Olitii of into tut, ocoin uri[i in thoir uovorul boron; anil tho publuihcr iu at all timui* ouuod to retei\u lntei-entin^ itomu of jwh f rem any diHprjijt'i] to forward contri All oom mu mentions of a private und ooiiflduntial nut me, hIiouUI ho uo inurkod ya ttio aliunde ut tlio onvtlopc, MLMlfiLllll'lION I'llICi:. 11,00 pot annum, ntnctly in udviiuco, Jl.oJpor annum if not ho paid; ana all at roar" chained at that rate. AM'I linill MI-NTH. Tranmont legal and municipal adver- tinomenU, nutici'U, etc., charged ot tho rate of ten centH pet line, for Unit iunortion, and live eentu pitr lino for oaeh iiubHtquunt innortion. All aucli udviirtiHunumtH aie measuted by 'l scale of twolvo hnoH to thu inch. Local rondipj; mid other notieen pub liHliod innoiif^ local uowh matter churned at tho ruto of tuucuitu per running hue for eaoh inuurtion. All noticOH of church or uocioty enter- fcitinmcntn of any denonption, at which an admmmon feo w charged, an* regarded an advurtiiiomontH, and full advortiniu^ rates charged m all uucli cuhou. NoticeiPof^'utlr Btiu^ii or mut'tin^tt not_for pecuniary bono fit or aid, will Tiu iiheurruTly publmhod free of charge. Spool ul contract niton mudo for dinplay ot Htanding udvth. All lefjal orprofcHoiop- al oirdn under ouo inch, $5 per annum. jon on cosimi;jiuai, iMiivnsa, Tho l^nKts Piu'hh Job Printing Do- partraont in under tho ouporvhnou of thoroughly competent mochamch, and apooial attention in paid to thm JmiUlch ot tlio trttdo. Our facilition for tho execution of all kiudn of Hook and Fiuo Job Printing are unexcelled. Stoam powor proBneo. A call Hohcited. BOhlNKHQ lirOULATIONH. All Job Printiug and Tranniont Advortimnti accounts, atnotly caah. AdvortiainK acconutH with regular patrauft ava hottlod rjuattorly. Sub- eri^tiono duo in udvauce. No Hiibucnptioii to tho Fhi:b, or advortmement published m if 3 columnH will bo diKContiuued until all urroura arc paid in full. Chan^efl for adyertiHementH, to fipcuio inaortion in thu curiunt lBHUe, niUHt bo handed m not later than noon of the Tuch- day proccdiufi, and notice of nuoh mtond- ttd obangi) lb rcquned on the Monday pro- coding. Notico of discontinuance of advoitihe- KQentH muat bo given at leuBt one week in advance of tho ihsuo in which they uro doBircd to labt appear. AUVintTlHIUlH, BubBfiriborfl and patrons ^uorally oro roqucnted to read tln< abovo regulationn narofully, in order that confusion may be iivtji tud. ua lIil-v will in all cuhch be odbeied to. Addroup all conimumeaiionp to IS, J. liOVKLACIi. PubliBhor tho 1Cuhhx:'Pui'i: Pnnfia, ^iinox. Out T Purified Blood Saved nn operallon Ii tho following cuuo. Hood's rinrmipiirllla cm oh whuu all oiliorH fail. It, iiiakcn ]>uro blood. "A year nr?o my father, William Thomp- Bon, wan tuken Hudnonly I'll with inflam mation of tho bladder. ITomifferod a (jroal deal and wan very low for uomo thno. At hint tho doctor flald ho would not got woll unloHM an oporatlon was porformod. At thin tlmo wo read about ITood'H Hnraiipa- rllltt and derided to try It, Boforo ho miod half a bottle lilu appetlto hud como buck to lilm, whiircnii bororo ho could out but llttlo. Wht-n ho had talctm thruo bottlei OT th medlcfno lio wn'i m woll im over." JJ'nANOia J. Tuomphon, Ponlnmila I-alce, Ontario, Homombor Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Promlnoutly in tho public eya today, ouro all liver llti, bll uujj.huadiiohu. SCc# Hood's Pills 0Ur0Il,niverUI,,ljlll0,:u'* Out pllt Of WlHM'ls Advance htatihticn, ciii 1 ullj bum d ( n the chtimatCH of n-co^ni/.t'd uuihuMtion, 'drnw that in lH'JfJ lln-n- vi'ill ho inanufuc- turcil m America not hm tlvm 1,2.")<)(]00 b'CNclcn, of which ne'irly one lialf vmH bo wonlen'tf. The isotimatf-d vilac of tho outimt will ho about $00,000,000, showing mi average decline m pi ice, aud lud i-ating ttluo a goneral improvurnont, cm- lly in tho cheaper whoebi. That in i tlio b 100 wheel lumaipH nciiur Hh iuriniT 1 standard than tho 900 or $75 wheel. The mauufacturi'ro will uvuia^i in thoit output an equal number of nvn'H and woiin h'h bicycleH, ajthough in iln Wt-st' ern h:utcH for tho first time in the hintory [ of bicycling one manufacturer will dovoto ' hiniHolf excluhively to wheels for womon only, and etpnctq lo turn out 10,000 bi- I ovules. Some of tlio greater bicyclon Arnm j in thu Tr-dud Stud * will mannfuoturo 'U1 hit'll uh 10,000 niiichinPH, wlnlu in Canada ' the tivuiage of the larger manufaoturorfi! will piububly ho j 000 tu 0,000 wlietln. 1 I: may bo junt n-i woll 'o atute hero that i Lhpre m ahuolutely no truth m tho .date- i mout [loriodicully -i t iilloat that imno par- ' ticular him ih to miinufucturu a nnllinn i eyolpH ut ft2.1 apioco. Thin ih a miHohiov. j uouh and mi'duadmg Htatomt ut, calculator! ! to cauhc tho well informed to ^nevo. A Hood Licyclo for ordmurj UhO can I o bought thmyear for from ?l0 to ft7o, hut tlio highont grade wheehi will not be .sold for 1l*bh than 8106. An idea of the anormouH fjiowtn of tho enormous growth of cycling mty be ohtaintd by compiling tho American nut. put of 1805 ot 000,000, of which nua fifth woro foi women, with the million and a quarter for 18'JO, of which one half are for | women I AFRICAN MISSIONARIES. Uonry IM. Htutiloy l'i*yit n '1'rlltuto Ut th Ut tint V or It Tln-y lluvo l><kno. t was tho only whllo man durlnic 1HV0 In Equatorial Africa, but In lb77, whim only ushorb dhihuica from tho AUaiitio, tho ilrnt, mlyyiomu'lnu luiidml~ou t lie eant. i uiiv. In rn<4|w>!ifn* to an anpoal that 1 luid written In 1H7K from llgiinda During tin* yeaiq from Itifl) t o 1KMI mi'iHlorninen followuil louily my IruckH up thu Congo, and im a hundred lulliimico'j wore In t ho < mn ,u of a few yeani onlntcd In the eme.e of A ft lea, Nyu't'ia f^i nd n nd the en item and sou thorn purl of IVtilnil \ frlea liej; in to hcMl lidded with (jhi'Ktlan iniMtious, and iuh>iuii.irii >i biivn i mil inued to oiiLm Alnri "Ver huh , until imw ilmr* mii'it.lioalmiit IKKiof them, and t ho iiiimbur i't ntlll increiiiini;. Thoy are not all loputed to bo Mrm-d eci men, hut it hiuondeilul what, oai neslni"i'i and perii'Veniiu t* will do Wti h.uo only in think of Uganda, with in. -uo i-hun-hci and t .it buliul and lis .10,1 JdO niUivoOhrii tiatii; lend Lho late'it nlllcial rtqiorl ii from Njiit.4 liiiitd, iiiul gliuue at. tlio latest IBap of A 11 ie i, lo ho t'un vineed of 1 ho zeal, ie\ ut ion and industry of the mi. ujuaries. Mi aim housu. do not grow ot tbem- hulves Cio.ju l'i arc uul t ran (.luted inlo Alt'ii'an lougiuii, nor iuc couveits qum- taiieotiH piodnctH of huuiati uatiiio ) ;im i.O!ii<'Wliul tnmiliar with Afilcau Uu fn, und tn mo thehU tilings lepieseiil iihiiil.ii i*j labor, patii uco and Milt-s.u'rilke , hub ot hi is i xpi ct A fricami to fall in love v\ ith thu mihsiomwy'ii oyeii It K ti ue, though ni>tai0* that for thu first .ik } em -, or no vei y Klttf vi uble< Oecb Is produced by missionary te.icluug and InlluiMice Tho mind ul a p.iLiuu de (end- ant ol innumerable tenuities of pigaim uppi'uri t(j Im tor sonu i mm impeut 11 ahlu to t lie Christian doituue, and no maltor how /.ealously a mi -aounry m ty strive with him, lie (outinuns to pii'sent a woud- eu dulucsM, until h> and by them is a gleam of interest ; he catches I he idea, au it vvro ; and thotntotest bet nines infect l- ouy and uploads from fjuinl) lolumily, and converts mulrlpl} rapidly. "Ca-.r Lliy broad upon tlio watoiK tor thou ahalt find It aftur many daj s " 1 liave in my mind, aa I write, the ex- umj)leu> fin ii i'-Ik d by t lie* Waganda, assa and JJaltongo At tho town of lj.m/.a Matitelca, for intranet', (>ne day fttlf) natlvu'i aimu* to .Mr. Hichanis, tho missionary, aud requested to be baptized by hiui. He had lnlxjied among them many ycats, hub hitherto convi rts had been few. Tlio nns- akmary imposed conditions mi them, lfo nan! that they must lii^l ns^emblo their fetishes. Idols and stores of gin, and de stroy all in the market place And thoy went torthwlth aud did n 'The filory of the Devt-lopmrnt ol Afut-a," ljy Henry M Stnnluy, in tip! Fabruary Cuiitury. DISHONEST MEN. TI<iy Ortrii Itveoiiiiii^iul Worth- Ichh (ioo<lH to Ituyern. 'There or many dhdifmont mon in hiiHtnoaH. 'i'heir Hrtitaud liint thoufjhtii hI'h in thu dlroetiou of hig prolitH. T hfno dnhoiKHt (hmlorn, rogaidltinn of the intoretitu of their ouytomorH,__aei/n nvery op| ortumty to uuliutllulo poor (jondii w)i(H nlatidard and vvidl known braudiniiM a-^lit d for. To n cry large e\tint, Uiimh) diidioneut dt f.lei>] tti to toiMt luliilteiated aud woi fh- li hi My t n on the public when tho culuhi at ed 0 in mono I )\ 11, arc aidftd for. Watch nurh tl ( n]i i h c!o' r ly , at d \v hen you flit covet any attf nipt to doeeiv, l^y HcoinnHuidnig poor, mutation dyeM havo bin Hfie, and I'o to fiomti other. The .Diamond Dyeaaru retailed at the h nine > u i itn tlio worthh km dyon- ten cmtu per pnekiige. Tim Uiamonrt will (jive > "ii complete Hiitiaf ictiun, hut thu va ( rlhb'Ht', elu up dyen will nun your woik atirl tipeil temper, Tf your dtalor dm u in> lie* p tin* Dianitind J)yea, need your ordm to iih, und wo will mail the dyea to you Welhi A Jtiohnidnon to, Montreal. ^ Nluocy Frfci't Of nil tho people ncod to take a oourao of iXood'a Hanoipnrillu at this BCHBon to pre vent that rundown and flnhilttated aou- iliimu whhli inviti'H riiitn.uo. rJ'ho money il.vnuturl in half a do/on bottloH of Ilood'n y iii-HttptirilJu will cfiiim baoli witli \n,Y^o r- tin UK in the health and ywosot body and ntrei ^,th ef itervea, Hood'n PilU ate eaay to buy, sriHy to tiiko, eawy tnopi into. Curo all hvor illii. ac, ________. A MnKAzlne'g Influence. The onornioud oiroulation of Hiiohamiffa- /.it\o u.h The LndioH' Homo Journal can. in a uoiiHo, bo undorHtood when it in Bald that flnrmgtho ItiHt six months of 1895 there worn prliiie]) oId and ehoulaUai over fourw million coplbh (i fact fi^urcH 4,0*H,801).' Fi^tireH nuuh ax theiin five otiu nome idea of tho iuiluonco wliioh iiiny bo t)Jter^d by even u. Hin^lu one of tlm modern magHZinon. TREASUBEH'S ALE OF LANDS TOR TAXES sprlnii 'I'titin In win n neat ly evoiyono li idn iln ih - d of nomo blood puiiuor, ntreiigth mvigoratitij; i.nd heiilili prnflueiug nu>(hc)no. Tho rind meiit of Hood'n Surftaparilla im tho loanon f ita wideapioatl populanty. Itnuneipiul- led Htieci Nit lb itH bent rocornmondatKii Tho wiiolo ayiitem in tujioeptiblo to the meiit good from a medicine like Hood's HarHnpiiiiUfi taken at thm thno, and we would lay iipcual htrtiinupon thetimo and renn dy, for l.ndory ban it iccor.Ied that dalay n are dantioromi. The remai kaltlo imcceas achieved by Hood'n SurHupanlla iind tlio many wordu of pramo it haw ro- ctived, miiko it woithy of your Goulidoncn \\ o at-k }ou to give thin mtdicine a trial. 'J OWN OJ KhSJ^X, \ Wlimiw ly virtuetd a wuinniL uaaied by tlin Mayor of the To Wit . j Town of Ki'iax, in tin County of 1'lnnox and authenticated "by tin eoreori'te i ( al f f tht laid Town I eating duto tl'i fourth day of Kebiuary, IHOft, and tt) mo (lint,t<rl coinmiiTiding rne !olovy upon tae following lotn or piucelh of landH in ai rt am for Uixt t< clue t her*on with eotitn. Ihout-ygivi n'otico Hint unluhn tin t'aifltnxn and eontn are nooncr piiid I iihall, on V/idhthdiiy, tin* Villi day of ,lun< , is'jii, at tin houi of tin o'clock in the 'nrouooiri, at l'i i It' I hi II it thr T< wn of IIhm x, pn t f f d r o 11 II by ] uhlio auction the a aid landH of ' o loucli tie riot a i> be t-iittieii nt to [hv in li ariearH of taiteii and nil lawful contH naanu d : rirui. ' Lotu. Thxoii. CotttH. Total. 307............................fiH..............frlflH........ *].0fi........80.0B :)7...........................Il'.l.............. I OH..........105........ (1.03 1>00.............................H...............10 Mi..........2-17........1U3 207...........................7 anilM............57 O.'J..........a 31........69,87 221.......................... t and .Ti.......... 25.H7...........3fi........28.22 17'l..................rt partM Gi und *i7 \i " . .............X\ und IM) 170.......................... p'art 10'if " ' 2b7.........................'21 and 2H| ::i..........................'j;i and aij..... Illockllt 17'H.........2 15 20.00" bo 'ji;"3........4.70 :ur.o..........I ii'A 37.93 7.U Block 10....'...".................................10 0'J ..1.0,1........ fl.00 ..'2.72........48.71 VI I). BKAMAN, Tioaimror. 'IT nit en Vu Time Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills A Colon lul lauiy'H Wardrobo* Miatiess Janu, widow of Cuthbert Fon wlelc, of Fenuiok Manot, legislator, coun cilor, cominisiionor, died in 1000, leaving a will through which wo catt h glimpses of tho wmdrobc and toilette of a colon nil lady of the period. Toher stepdaughter Teresa fche leaves tho 11 ttta bed, tho mohair rug, und tho yellow curtain-., besides her tiifs fetn suit and her wore;*) coat, all her Una linrm, lier hoods and scurfi, "except tho great one," aud lier Lhreo petticoats tho tuftod fhdlandorio, the now scree and tho upangled ono. To bar own three boys tdio gives rbat "groat ycaif" and all her jew (Is, plate and rings, except her wuddlnjr ring, whicli goes to Terea; ami to each a bed and a pair of cotton sheets. To her step-. hods Cutbhurt und Ignatius an ell of taf feta, to hnr negro maid Dorothy, her red cotton coat; and to Kstber, tho new maid, all tlic linen of the coarser sort To Thomas, i lit* Indian, t v* o pans of -hoes and a muti h-tuat, aud toThomuh' mo'In r, thieo ; aids of i olton To tin Kt'\ Ki men FH/.herbcit, a bog-.lie.ul of tobacco an nually furflvo joarajind to bei slav Wil liam, hla freedom, pro\ ided he pay ho-j;-,- hoiid every year to the ehiin h ; rind to t he ohnrcli, the same William, "to be i d;ivo foiovei, if h Hlmll ever Iunve her i o:n- muuioo" , for had not her loved hiot her \\ illiam KItonhoad, and many of her dotwosr, fricudu, "died by tUa W#dy fanpfs ofPiuitan wolvrs'" "CertaJt* "WorLiiies und Dame-, ol Old Maryland," by John Williamson Palmor, In 0i Ifobruary Outui V. Ilooa'ti Bnruapuiilhi hat* uchiovod great htecebti in wiirtliug c(ttiekneun winch, if idlowtd to' pr< grt-hH, wtmld have under mined tl-o whole byMim und t-ivcn diHcune a utrong foothold to cautie much uuffnnng und oven thrcatf-u death. Ilood'u Sai Haparilla Inns Cone idl ihih and even more. It hi.ii been titlu n in tln.utuindn of carton which wero thought to ihctirable, ana after n fuir trnd hau eitccted wo.ideilul cuieu, bringing health, strength and joy to tho i.flhctcd. Another imn.oi_tantipvomt_about TIcod SurBaparilla in that itn cureu uro I ermanent because they nturt from tho f-ohd foundation to nur:fy, vitalised uud enriched blood. But it hi not what; wo mlv hut what Ilotd'a BarHiiparilla doea that tellu tho Qtory. Home Nook or n Kxeuriuloiiii. In order to givo everyone an oppurtunity to fioe thr Wohteiy Country undeniable the heme heckeiH to Huure a homo in time to oommeuco work for the Heiihon of lH'JO, Liu- Chicago, Milwaukee A St.Paul li'y ban arranged to run a liotiea of four homo aeek- orti' exourmouu to variotiH points in thu Wcut North-Weht and Houtli-Weiit on tho followingj-bitoa: March 10, April 7 ard 21, 'ind May fl, ut the low rate of two flol- h.rt* more than 0410 faro for the round trip. TiekutH will he good for return ou and Tucnduy ov Friday within twonty-ouo dnytt from date o! halo. For jatau, time of tiaiii: and ftuther dotailn apnly to itny oo ui on t lekot agent in lho EaHt or South, or udflroHH A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pus- Bonge r Agent, 2 King Bticet Eaat, Torouto, Out. The Variable Spring Weather a Harvest Time for the Grim Paine s Celer ____ It Gives Clear, Fresh Blood, New StreitjijnJ Vitality and an Increase in Flesh and Muscle, Doctors Prescribe It Bwyj^^I118'1 Bffo"'S Al'6 0 "'A m& SW(XSS ' See that Your Deater &ives ^^^S7^SSS_DO "* ^ ^ ^ ^ lr Tho uoaHon of dangorH and puida ih now with uh. Aro wo fntly"T>ropared for it ? ' ItiHuat oar wmh to pogo an alurmiwtb tooroato feter aud tromblini; m tho raukB t>t tho timid and fearful. At thin notinon houGBt, Htrou*! and roanonablo Btatomoufl aro imperative, no that the thor.aandti of halfdnd peoplo iu our mulHtmny bo made torahlizo that thoy are utundmg on OUD ground, and tha^ tho Iron ha'id of tlio grim reaper may hood ona tneir oxiHtoiioo on onrth. Tin* early oprmg days With rapid oh an go i ftom warmth to front, from ula&r, dry weather to oliilly nuiin and pioroiug dampueH, ih tho time when tho wouk, the uh altered und brkou down, tho BititplGbfl, tho norvouu, tho rheumatio, the neuraljio ttutfor mont tho timo hou nil bUd dlseawod are rampaut, and moat of foetnaay do their dendly work, Thank Hoaveu for the provloion mado to fltay the cruel himd of dineano 1 Puiuo'H Celoiy Compound, ditcovored by oarth'h ablest pbyuician, Prof. Edward E. Pholpn, M, L)., LL. D., in tho protector and hfe- givf.r for all who onffr at thiu entioul time. TIuh marvelloufl modiemo when ujol at thm trtaoherouo neauon nialteo the wouk i-troun, yi/uii energy and nptrit to tho doupondent aud mororto, lopaira overy tlo partmont of tho norvouu nyBtem, givon blood a frot-h and puro an an iufnnt'u, am) cloara aud purititju tho auiu now ho uxdlow and dark. In tho pant Paiuo'l Culory Com. pound htm proved ablpaitiiig to tho woHi-iod uud oUeploni buHinnuw man. It invigor- atuu hia wholoHVutom aud rial ma hid din- quieted norvoH. Youoy wromon ami gi^'a in mc iron, aui thoue artomlinu ichool who have been made p'llo and ImtloiiH, and who fool tiRc'hup. ure soon mndo bright, inippy* vivaoiouu and jjood loking after umng a bottl > or two of uatnre'n life rotiower. The worried und ovotworito I wifo and mother, burdened with thu iifvor-nuilitifj ouroH of homo life, cu ho liinilo -trout', huiUlty and joyoufi by the une ftf puinon' Celery Com pound. T>dli\yfi uro often fatal. If you would de- nvn the ndvantn(e4 guaranteed through the vi rt neii of fume'* Celery Compturi.d, uno it now whiUi (hiugprFi throutcn your hfo and hcuUh, It m an infallible cure ono that Iiiib bletthod humanity abovo a-d othor agonoieB. Tho boot phymoianA of "tho htndHpetik of Puitiu'u Calory Cumpouiifl ovury duv, nnd uevor houitttto to recommend it ua tho btjat of all mpring mdiome, Junt a oloHing word to iv. ry readt r v b dotermiwen to iibo Puine'a C. k rv Cor pound. They aro many doaleru and merchnntH who, /or tho Bukj of gain and extra prom, will offer jou, or recommend yon to dike, what tbey loriii 'homHtlnui* jiihc uHgodn.1 Their in JKCt n mouoy-piotit puro uuu tt.mplu, Tlu-y caro not for \onr giti tin\uey ntiont p<ur couditiou nt hoidth ; i' uiattuiA llttlo to than whut henoujuf. e. you after thoy have taken your money. Thoir motives aro pmely ta-lfbh j rt-jeot thoni nlwu^ u. In.Mi.1 upon being utipplled with Piimw'ttColory Compound, tho medi- uiuu tlmt hau in ado ho many uondolfnl euro-, in Caundii, aud which lho uowi*- paperu have ri*ported do fully. Are acknowledged LEADEES eitl er aa Power or Pumping Windmills, For prices ai:d terms, address T. Jtx xxXjFOJEuIJ Essex, - Ontnrio. Agent for Espex County^ STILL LEADING the trade in oil Uinda oE Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS ^\ o ii i e Solo Agouti* in the County for Of Chicago, wbiob took ELiglieot Awards at the "VVorld'it Fair, Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. , A written guaranteo with every Outfit.) J. GOURLA1T <te SONS. ESSEX, ONT ^T ^2i ffllUi. - "f.7 see T0K TBIOMPH COHN SHELLEn BESORIPTIOKT- This Machine consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, wiUi .wrought irou burs, with Bteol tooth boltod to the oyli jder so as to bo rovoreiblo wbon the tooth hoconio worn on tho front Ride, running in a porfonilod concave iron -holl, which tho Bhollod corn pauses through into a Bhcot iron onso, *with a au or cloiinor attached bolow, which takes all tho dusfci'iotn tho gmiii. The dienpofit beef, mrst simplo and dura bio Power Corn holler in uhg; shells u>t'i\ perfectly cloan in any coi-diticn nholling and dealing from ono to two liouband buohols of oara per day, according to power. Djukmsiomb. Length, i> ft, 8 in.j Pulley, Hi iu. diacn- Ater, ft in. face; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions por minuto: Weivltf, 5^0 lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED., J, GOURLAV SOH. l?u \ ' i t ' Vtttvlll &Av-\ii^dL 'y f'v r' h'\\riCly/ZK \>, vm 'L& t ^ M^l^lMl^

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