Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 10, 1896, p. 1

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WB^^-^"'^'- ' ^SSSi^^ MONEY TO L&ND On.raoriKUfiGB at 5 for oent. Fire and Lifo In to^- smranoeat lowoat rates. J.W.GIBSON. ;.S Agent THE ' ' ' " >:v-:,: -:vV^v% ^m -.$ MONSJY TOliBMD-" !> On mortgages at' Jf ,';. oont. Fire and Jjife In- (^J " mirunce at lowest :'/ $ rates. ' v,'1,,,*: J. W. GIBSON, '.,>* m VOL XIL No 15 ESSEX,"ONT. Z FRIDAY. APRIL 10, 18Q6 WHOLE No. 58" Full Weight Pu; e Gtods, Close Prices. h- -t. These are Our mottoes in our Grocery Departmer Every pound we deal c it weighs sixteen ounces no less and no more. Our angars contain no sand and our cof fees no chicory. In price we are always as low as the loV- o,stj and have always some thing special upon which , we Have your money. Just open ed up 25 cases canned To matoes and Corn, fiirst class goods, price while they hiBt 4 cans for 26 cents. In our Clothing Department wo aro showing extra value in Men's Tweod^Suita al $5.00, Prico about on a par with corn at BOc a bushel. Out* -Boys EngliHh mado Buits frim $1.25 a. -*uit up, aro giving good satisfaction.'l just received this week a ahip- mont of Cotton Hose direct f-ora G-ormnny, Wo can givo you a nice Ladio'H Black Cotton Stockings at fie a pair. . Ladio'g Heavy Past Black Cotton Hoso at lflo a pair. Ghildrona and Miseoa Tan Hoso all sizes at 5c it pair. Now goods arriving daily, prices lawor tnan over before. All goodn marlcud in plain figures I One price for all ! Money rofundoa if any purchase proves unsatisfactoray. ORSYTHE, &CQ. SoUTG WOODBINE. M. IWrlmni wan in Detroit Mouday. Minn HalutciLd spout Sunday in Detroit, D. A. Yoiiu^ in moving into hia now homo this wuek, J no. Fitjvarald loaves tWiu week for Denver, Col, Mrs. K. Hoi,'an iu upending a woek m Chatham. Milfou fair, of Dotroit itpout Monday in thfl villa^o. Miaa Farmn, of Loamiufitou, iu in tho villugo. Mina Cottar and Jb Moro Hpoufc WUbday in Maidatonfl. Mum North irsporidlug it fow daya with bor mother. W. Itorku, of Dotroit Doutat koIiogI- Mpont XHtiutov at hm borne bov, Doll Evanit, of Detroit Dental Holiool HpoiitlSantor with friends bore. Tho Misses Uo^an eufcorUined a f*w of their friondn Monday uight. Mkih i^ort'iinoa iipout Eaator at liar homo in Thamonvillo. C. II. Lomr, of Hidgotown, spent a few Jaya horo thin wook. Mrs. Youn^ and Miaa Ay era opeut Wetf. uos.lay iu Ehhqx Town. ,Mr. Corbin in roliovintf D. A. Young: ^ the M. C. II. dopot horo. Tho calico ball jjivon at tha Cotter Uohso wan in oyory way a muooasm, Tho Tomporaaao Drama 0* gaya an au> tortuinnaontat Blytueswowd ou'tho 8fch, W G Smith ooraplaimi of his shop boirjjj brokou into and W> in oaub hoi lift otolon, Invitationn aro out for a ball and suppar at tho bnutliarn IloUiloutbo I-ith, Mrs Badoy rtitamod to Saciuaw on\Ved- uoaday iittov Hpondiua Home timo with her daufiiitor, Mm Dawson, - Fnrmorn do you wunt money at 6^ por coin? If uo writo'A. G. Baker Juonminn ton, Ont. TecinH of payment of principal to Buit borroworo. NORTH RIDGE. Billy Kui[jht iu m D otroifc. Jacob Bhrura.m and wife movod into a houHS owned by William A. Mont^ornsry hutt wook. MrH. Jeremy Johuuon (neo Doroaa BUliu{{) of Woodutook iB vitntin under tho parental roof. A. G. Bodoll and wifa opont Eaator Sunday in Detroit tho uootn of old timo acquaintuucei.. Mm. Potor Gilboo spent Kaator San- day with bar bod Androw, hid wifo and family, in Dotroit. John WiutorH bus built a new novon rail bltick anh fonco all aoroad tho front of hin farm on tho Hear Road South. Scott, younfioot Hon of Aloxandor Taylor, aged tbroo yearn, died luut Mouday, Apr 1 fi. Tho fnuoral waa ljold on Weduooday, 8th A)ono W. Britlgon and wifo, and Thomun S. Sloto and wife oalUct on Sam- awl Ash and wifo,.eighth con.,Eautor Sun- day, Bomo of our oitizona have oomojonood (jftrdoniugi but tbort ia vory little growth yut, an old wintor utill lingers in th lap of apring. Martha, Noluon, "Wellington and Myrtle, youuyoBt childrou of Richard MnlatiBtor, of Camp Palmer, called on rolativoa hero I a nt Mouduy. Fall wheat iu, ooncuderintf all tin nil u lookiuK woll, but jack front han got in hio doHtraotivo work in tho olovor flolda. Wo notice many iloldn whero all or uoarly all of tho olover rootn are lyiut; on top of tho land, hoivfld out, and of ooucno an dead as door naila, and not half an useful. I'arnaora do you winv money at 6} p*r :oat.? If so writo A. G. Bakor Loaming. ton, Out. Terms of payment of principal to auric borroworo. Leading Store of Essex. BHOOKEU. Mr. O, Hillior ban returned from Iub loua vifiit iu tho viamity of Oil Springs. Wo aro all clad to hoo that Mrs. Burtuh is able to bo out driving, but Hbo han to bo narriod to and from tho buRcy. Miaa Kdith Gammon ban returned from a lonjf visit. Miss Lottio Moo in Bponding tho wook in Houtli Woodslee. Wm. Bennett spont Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Stephen Millen fa n the sick list. Ou Friday. April 6th, Mr. and Mre. Wra. Buroh, of a sou. -41MICIMLC0UNCILS. 1CKXTUIVN . Euhk, Ai-uil 7-nr, IBftfl. ( ounoil met in ru^ulur ustision thaHesvo iu lliu olmir. Preaont: The rouvo, doputy.tovo and oounoillora G. E. Foruytb, J. A. Hoao, J. A, Uiakii, ti. B. Potts, A. llnluus, T. B. Aioott aud G. J. ThomuH. Th minutou of preyiouo muottn^ were raad aud ou motion adopted. A uumbcr of aoaountu wore pruaautod and on motion referred to -the Fhianoo oommitto*. A petition way prosunlud by Geo. M. Thornton imldoj; that hu be allowed to dataoh hia property from B B No 9 of Goa- fiold North and. hoooma a part ol USB No -1 of tho Town of Huiiox and Colon writer North. Moved by Mr. Soott, Hdooudud by J. A. Hioku, that J. It. MoKwan bo appoiutad arbitrator uii required by tho Htatutos iu tbo matter of Geo ' Thornton cowing into U S H No 4 of the Town of Esuox. Car The commitkee ou police and pouudH re ported us folio wu. To tha mayor~aud oounoil of the Towu of Etifiox ; GuntiiKUign, ?our oominitloe in aoaord anoo with kho roquoat of Mr. John IIo|i- good and othora would roaommend1 that Mr. TUiH.Irwm bo appointed pound kooper in addition to Uioho already appointed aa be hau ^oue to conuidurable expense to fit up a pound and the moro pound hoop or a th ro aro th ouuior it wilt be t* keep cattlo and horaeu off the ntreota. (Sip;nod) John McDouoali,, Chairman. On motion of Dr. Potts, uooondsd uy, Mr. Koag, thfl above report wan adopted. Tho Board of Works roportod rs. tbo loaning out of tha tow I) Into ditch tlut upou opeuint! tho tondora they found those of Geor^o Thotntou oCforinp; to do the work according to plain and upecifioationa at 40 oente por rod and racomraeud that ho be awarded tho contract accordingly. (Binned) John lloDovaxhh, Chairman, Moved by .Mr- MoDouyall, uoooudod by Mr. Foraytui, tltat the roport of tho Board of Works bo adopted. Carried. Movod by Mr. I^oraytbo, aocondod by Mr. Rom, that tho chairman of tho Firo, Water and' iJuht oomiuittoo be authprized to purohaHO any tooU which in his judgment are required for tho uoo of tho auporintend" nt of watorwrka nud that tho aaid tools shall be tho proporty of tho towu. Car. The Finance committoo 'rocommonded payment of tho following accouiita, v/liioh. on motion of Mr. Fornythe, uooondod by Mr. Ilaiuon, waa adopted, Wm. Dibbloy, Boraplnc ntroota, $3-75. J, WaltorH, iialary; btatiouory. pOHtufie, oto., ft2ft.78. Wra. Laing, electric lights for March, s;t:i,;u. A. W. Gardner, salary for March, 831. Wm. Wolfo, Bcroptu(4 ntrooto, SIC.75. J. A. Fraucia, pd waod for watorworkH, 2.20. J. n. Allien, coal for watorworka, $11-1.60. Laing Bros., matorial for boao tower. $30. G. J. Tboraao, rubato of taxon, 9G.28. Moved by Mr. Scott, naconded by Mr. Fornvtbo, that the collootor'a timo bo ex tended two wopka. Carried. Mr. J. A. Xlioka qavo notice that at the next rotiular nicotine of tho connail he will introdeoo a by-law to oonttrnot a four foot pine plunk uidew&lk on the oaot aide of Lairtl avenue from Talbot Htroot to , Alioo ntroet and ou the north oido of Aheo itroot from Laird avonuo to Iter avenue. Movod by Mr. HiokB, nooondod by Mr. Kainea, that McHBrn. Tliomae, Foray tho and Dr. Pottn ho a oommittoe to report on what changou it ia advinablo to make in the gonoral by lawn of tho town. Carried. Connail than adjourned to next regnlar meeting. ^, J. WuiTuns, Clark. Tin* following ordorw. ou tlio lrui>uror wer ptiUitad; Mrs May, atutioiiary, 35 nuiitu; I Jaukaoti, quarter's ualary and feoa ou MoMnbon and Fox drain, 110.52; J H Ijaird, aoittn of nwurd for Vox drain, 10,00; Jan Bennett, quiirter'H Hillary for care of hail, COO; Jiu Bain, inarLcr'u aahiry, trip to Handwioh, paying debanturei, draft for T S and T D fundu, ftS.7fi; W Wolfe, for holding Hontpor on W T Linu, 51.50; F Whitu, for euro of Campholl, 31.00; T Franor, for oaro of Campbell, SU.00; A Orton, part salary an oollootor, ftO.OO; A Oitou, part Hahiry iu usseuHor, ?I1.00; T Bsvis, charity for March, ftl.87; J Gump, bull, ohurity for April, 53.00; J Buck- bar rough and wifo, oharity for April,5 5.00; C Auiion, work on T D 80, &20.00. Council tlioii adjournal to Saturday Aitril afith, at 1 o'olook p. m. out Sale OF Dry Goods At BARRETT & Co.'s. Bankrupt Stock Stora School Iteikort, Report of H. B. No. 7, GoHilold North, for tha month of Muroh. Only tho namen of tho threo highest in each ehiaii in (41 von. Ur..'lth. H Moore, M Moore, M Cowsll. V VulaUo, V Howo, B Phillips. -11 McLwod, L Phillips, E -J McLeod, M MeLood, D Jr. 4th.- Sr, 8rd.- Cowan. Jr. Hrd.- COWILU. Br. '2nd. Btoelcwoll. Jr. 2u^3.- QHuon. Part 2nd, Ij Kowi, O Mooro, ATafigart. Avorage attendance for Mareli, 02. M. V. Fumikk. teacher. ~H Ha^inii, F Wilshor, -F Stookwoll, U BunHoy, M GUI3ENFIKLD. Riuhard Wi^lo and family attondod tho burial of hiu father bolomon Witflo of ICingfivillo on 37th ult. Edward Oakoy and Arthur Wilson are erecting, wire fonaca in front of thoir dwellings. A lady while travelling rooontly loBt a muff, tofjetiior-with a p urao which a couHcioiitiaua dotf found and deposited on Mao GohuoII'h dooratep. Whon examined tho contoiitH of tho pnrao revealed tbo owner'a ;*aino. Ilotice a upoody return. Miaa Cora Wiglb aud HorborL Robin sou attouded tho funeral of their uuelo, Mr. Wiglo, of KiuKKvillo an Friday, 27th ult; John Gosnall.Highgato iu upending aomo time with bin brother Mao. S. E. Oakey unfortunatoly lout hia drill with ono hundred feot of rods in a woll of Wui. Hylunde; but noourinn others with additional hollow rods for pumping he is hotter equipped for future work. J, Wyatt anU family have loft this noinhbarbood. Wo hopo the boyH will not forget their fncudo hero. A. Taylor hpjnt Fuutor with hia friend It. WiiiU. J, It. Oliver and wife have loft for howo after a fortniijht'B vioit with frionda hsro-- Albort Hyland iu ronovatintj hie reoi- donco proparatory, wo nudorHtand, to bringing home a bride. Anion Noble aud fumily iipunt FaBter with Mr. I.Coiito;-, Mrn. Noble'n fathor. MifiB Mattio Duwhon apont a fow days this wouk in Dotroit, Special lino .boys* suits and ho.ji at half prico, a job lot, onu. hoo Ibom at Smith's. Udlna tine won't lavt co.MrRvua) north. Town Hall Cottam, MAncii 28th, '00. Tho oounoil naet purmmnt to adjourn-, mont, aU tho mombors proaent. Tho minutou of tho last daemon of February 29th woro road and wore on motion adopt* ed aud oignnd, Qeo. M. Thornton proaentod a potition ni^ned by 20 ratopayom of tho township ual'.iim that his property bo trannferrod from S/,8. No. 8 to TJ S. S. No. 4 of tho Town of Ehhcx. Ah tho petition did uot comply with seotiou 87 of the School Act it wftH not adopted. Mr. Wiluon, agnt for the Weotouu Wheeled Sorapor Co., addrossad the oounoil in roferonoe to tbo purohaeo of a no rap or, Tho oounoil wore of opinion that it iw not adviunbln to pmohufco ho oxponiiivo a munhino aa loner aa the prosant statute labor ayetom la In. voniie. Alexander Taylor aud Anion Nobta re. osivi/d permiflsion to commute thoiratauto labor, Mr Barlow, commiHsmner, Thq Aseve watt ooramlBsioned. to aell tho Town- ship's portion of the MoMabon Draiu, Tho Clerk was inntruoted to notify parties owuint.' laud alone the north Uwn lino oaat of tho Ituaooin to out (hd timber tiud brush 25 fest bao'c Irom tho road. It was on motion doaldai to refund the sur- plua on T\ D. 1(1 to the ratepayers on said drain 4o apply on tp.xs for 1893. MAIDSTONE. Miau Bly in visiting at homo. J. B. Fuurth has reiuruod to resume hia school dutieH. Of eourna ho is timiling. H. Collins spout Sunday in Tecumseh. Nod Cahil hao started raiainji utoolt. ComraifiBionor of worltH Btowe, had St.. Lawrence Ave. ro-Horapod on Monday. Tho Dramatic Club roport a. deoroaao in momborabip. ReaaoH obviouu Leap year. Material for the hall iu boing drawn. Spring and bioyolos have returned. A ton foot polo would not havo touched oorao pooplo on Sunday. - Kwn tho hand- kerchief and mako -up a aonc about drivinp; in tho afternoon aud nurprise peoplo into a fiiiutina fit of joitlousy at others boinft bektur prophotn than they. Now tfuean, Having decided to go entirely out of Dry Goods, inordei, to go more extensively into Clothing, Boots and Shoes, .and Purniahings, and being; deairoiiB of closing out every yard oi Dry Goods in our establishment, amounting to over $7,000.00, Before June 1, WE W ILL START A MAMMOTH CLEARING SAE SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Of everything in Dross Goods, Trimming, SHUh, fciatina, Linmgd, GloveB,' HoHiory, Corsota, Laco CurtuiiiH, Cbonollo Curtains, Curtain Polos, Table LinenG, TowolingH, CottonB, Vrints, in lact everything in tho Dry Goode department must be cleared out, and as the bulk ol our stock is all now and bought for thia aprini.r'fl trade, this ia an opportunity rarely offered to tbfe buying public to purchase soaaonablo goods tho first of the season at tho unprecedented sacrifices wo aro mailing on everything in our Dry Goods department. No such remarkable chance-* for bargains havo over boon offered to tho pooplo of Esaox and surrounding country: ~ Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps and Furnishings, \Vill bo a leading featuro in our business in futuro, and wo guarantee you a saving of from |5 TO 25 PER GENT* on everything you buy in those de partments,. .H.yoj) do not como to this sale you aro simply throwing away monoy., Ucro ia a ohanco such as you havo never seen equalled. Don't miss it, but bring your Egirs and Cash to Barrett & Co., Tho One Price and strictly Cash Store CORNEHVltLE. Mm. 8. Goorioll, ani hod, D. B. loft last woffle for a viflit to (Wondn at choir former homo, Blenheim aui vioiuity. . Mayor niif^ar. Mr, Goo. H. Rut'yar, Poa^miifltot aud Mayor of Wwlland, Ont., Bayo : "From ox- Ipgrionco in my own family L ouuuot apeak ton highly 0! Bt^rk'u Powdore an a pleaaant, immediate nnd pcrmunont euro for Hoed* aoho, Nouralfiii, ItiliounnonH und Livor tronblcti, I am a]no awaro of oevoral Eioycro ouHoa in our own town and neighborhood whloh havo been onroJ hv them after tho pationU had minorad for your, hud tried all kindh of romodlm and hud been trouted by dftotor*. Gho. H. Bukoau. Two propuvatiotiB luoaoh box; t)lc6 to Uka. Bold by all meihaiuo dualtm nb 'J5o box. 5 boxed 91. Mnvoh 30. Gonilomtn, Do yon waut the very latent,fchiiiKB in WBlklt Htioka? .I.have jtint bought a uico uHuoctir.ont which I would like to nbow you, U, L. 3?aik, Jew eler. A 'Farmer's Friend' Doart. John Kaano, of Cobhostor North, ro- ceivod a telegraphic moHHaco on Monday, tutinu tho fatal illneaa o( hia brother, n. romilont of Hamilton. Mr. Koane at onco took train lor that city, and urrivod bofore his brother'fl doath. Tho decuaimil wuh mico a rogidout of Eijqox, whoro ho kept the "Temporauoo Houno" Mntil obout live yearw at;o, whon ho moved to Hamilton. Speaking of tho docoaHid, a Hamilton daily paper Bays : "No more will tho attendants of tho Central Market boo tho beamiug countou- auco or hoar tho amuoinu nayintfe of Mr. Mark Koauo, who for a lon^ timo hatt been ail advertiBinn aaluuman for l\Iurray'n shoo house, and many will regret tho faofc. Mr. Koano Uiod vory unexpectedly yoHtorday (Tuewday) afternoon, of inflamation of tho stomach at hin luto roflidonco, G3 Cath arine St. north. Eo wan '11 yearw of uro, and leaven a widow . and two youot! dauchtarti. DeooaHed unod to call himnolf th "far-~?erM' friond." Tho funoral took placo tbiu afternoon. --------------------a,..,...... .-. ..- X llappy ICvout. (From St. CaUiarlnofl Stnatlard.) A very protty woddin^ took placo at 12:30, noon, tho ronidonoo of Mr. JamoB Vino, Churoh streak, whon bin danuhtor, Miaa Maud, tho popular elocutionist and exponont of the Isobar- than oyytora of ponmr, was unitod In mnr- HftRe to Mr. D. R. Pootham, of Niagara FallH, N. Y. The briao was attondod by Miun Ella Braden and Miu Knttio Smith, both of Toronto, whilo tho croom waa aupported by Mow hiu. Konnoth Vine, brother of tbo bride, and Latnont R tun ton, both of thin oily. Mibh D&iBy Stanley was maid of honor, and Muntor BortU Stanley noted m pace. Tho ooremony wait per- formed by Kov. Ihs-ia Tovoll, of Hamilton, a former pafltorof tbo bride, anemtcd by Kov. UeuRra. Suldcr and Johnston. The darkened rooron with liRht^d lampn had a very pretty effect!. The bndo waa elaborately attired iu cream 8ilk with pearl triraminrf,woarins; & diamond ornament in her hair, aud pure white floworfl, eonalntiH^ of lily-of-tho- valley. Bho carried a lovely "ahower" bouqaet of ereatti roaew. MiHfl Bottle Braith were an Bmpiro cow 11 of Nile aroen mlk, with eorn laoo and t<rcen Bilk' trimudu#. She carried u bouquet-si! oream rootfl. Mihs Bradoo waa attired in a flown of croam crfport, with hllk or>pe trimmiriK{ the .waist w*a aUo of cream orepe. With trrean jet triMtbiUKi. Mihh Daley Stanley, the maid of honor, was beeomikicly dreeiied m or earn ohalh*, with ailk k>ucV collarette aud aiWer trim- tein^. Tho happy couple left t 8:62 p. m. ;on a trip to the eant. , Many friendi throughout tho oity and ditrIol will eitoud their oongratuUiioiiy to the yonn^ couple upon this ocomIoub and yet express their. rogret that Bt, Cktharines n loeine ouo of ita tlneat d^ughtera. The Broom in a ion of Mr. W. Feetbam. of Essex town. Harness. V I can give'you a good sett of Singlo Harneas,warranted hnnd-mado \1 For $10. F. S. Adams, Talbot St., Ebco SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot at.and VictoriaaVfe. Tho latent improved machinery for Ironing Collara uud Cuf?H. Will not crook or broak tae winti. Family work ohoap. and dohverod. Farcels called for Pleaeo call and try. If not Btttiufactory no^lihiirfio^will bo made. If our work suite you) recommond un te your friondg. nUKETJ 70 to 70 70 so 20 to ^ 21 a 00 4 60 to 4 50. 4 00 9 00 to 10 CO 4 60 to 5 00' 4, toaVtf'75. B OOto 5fi0 7 15 7 Wheat rod per bushel -.-& Wheat, white .... Corn .... OatH .... Timothy Seed .... Glover Seed .... Alaiko ...... Hay por ton............ Boof per cwt............ Pork............ . Mutton ............ Hides .........>. OhiokeuH per lb.......... Butter .......... Lard ' Ekc, pf doa.......... Potatooe, per busbol .... Onions ... Applet) .... Turnifft ..-, Carrots .... BoetB > Paranipd .... Turkoys per lb.......... Ducku ........... Celery petfdoa .......... Oabbajj0 HlratM WML:cr * *neMarMeil*epri ^ No. 1 Bye, per huahel .... . v" Mtyjf i, 1 Oata cleaned /,.'. 30%! ' 1 Barley , ewfc \Wi$ * --->im 1 Corn: ' .",^f Tb abave pneea are fiU Hy. H, Waakeffe,, ,. -^v\ ,^^^M V'VU 900 ,8 15 Qfifco 25 -M 70 to 75-m 1 00 U I 0 l'- a to v-. WANTED.-YOUNG OK MIDDLE AGEJ^j MEN of oharaoter Honor ad 6 foremOBt", In Canada, started with , us., About $1100^l woele to bcRlu with. THE BRADLE-y-GAB^,1; HETHOH.CO. Ltd..Torontq/'Ont. ;,;. ; '^M - ^m r"fOT ', Mj V{S^s

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