Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, p. 9

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pM'y;^^r<f/;^'v' ^w$' ")?v 5v^jp5 . r r W ,J fn 7^: *'JWJt mmMmm !&3ftX. WASHINGTON AND MOTHKR, UIS ;3 ClmrKo*Tliat He Uu, Unflllnl Will b IKomtnd l>y <Mnrul Ureuiy It-. . General A,W.Groaly,in oonHhWitiLf "tho Personal Hidd of Washington" in April Xiadies' Hom Journal, will liriun Lo boar interest!tt(! light hpou l"1'1 llH n "" h**- baud, nuighbor, Uuhiuohh man, uliivnowiinr (a a Were mmrly nil Virginia hinri-nwnnni in his day), and ClirUttiun. With roiipmit to theohargoM that Washington wan neither a dutiful nor lovintf mom, Clonoral Oronly will hay: "Thorn somen, indeed, to have boon vliat may bo called at* hioempatibihty of of tempetumont, iiriHin^ possibly from their (iOBHtiHtmt|4 utrong avid similar ohtir. adorn. It nhould ho remembered that WuHhiHRton'H truming m tlu brnml rohnohi of politics and war throw him not only in oontuot with tho sturdy, rough humanity of tho frontier, hut tilno. with oultnrod rnnti of all profow/ioiHi, whilo his mottim'o hfo was priLotiually confined lo a mn^lo Vir ginia oounty. To hm mother, whose mutoritil conditiowi in middlohfo, if anything, nupunor to thoso of hor ember yoaru, it soomn no loan than propmr that tho Oolony of Virginia Hhould nettle a ponmon upon hot for her bou'u uorviocs, and it took Washington's direct inflii'inco to prevent a'aoh notion being talton by tho Virginia, IjO^iBluturo. Nearly every lottur of tho mother is a complaint of tho hard tiniOH ^ 'and tho difficulties under which who exists, tho inforonoo boiug doubtless convoyed that Washington was noyloooful to hor, Tho dotorimiiod old lady, then Home 80 yoaru of ago, persisted in maintaining uu establishment, and cobduoticg a planta tion of wbioh tihe wuh nolo mistrnflit, and oh who could not lior/Holf manage. At uamo timo hIio considered that hor Hon a banker, who could bo drawn on to jjood all doflciorjoioH rosulting from eh ovortioorn, bad management, and orablfl orop conditions. Those drafts itigton had mot uncomplainingly for and cvon thon sent hor tho In fit ho bad in hand. Advising liiu r to lease hor estate and livo with hor oluldron, ho offered her a homo unfc Voruon, but an an hauost man Hal sou ko stilted cloarly tho ntua- arid its altoruativoa, In-t-houao- con. utly fillod with distinguished vinitorn o must oithor dross daily for din nor, or me in hor ordinary oouturan (which it m oil uudorgtood wan not ouitod for com- any), to tho mortification of himself and wifo, or nhe munt livo in hor own rooraa, whioh would bo trying to hor. Ther wan ue rmj^oHtton that uho dhould not visit Inm. On tho oontrary, tho lottor urged that Hbo ehould livo with uomo of hor IT DIUN'Y Hit HIM7 Wiry tiin tii 'I'l'mlllcil 'iVimtp Vl^' Not* W|Hi|M-r <HI|i (i. "J m.iw an judtli lii your K' L,H' (' her day," i.niit thn tramp jih/> **v'!ft (d Llli- t ilHillML' I'l-' l -'.UIJLld ulii-ui f hi \ ct I time ti an'p I wiiiil-1->* "*" ldaiin-rlrni. How did thin li-ij look?" "U hiii m Hiic uipoi (< )' artli'li'." Uii> "w ell. dni{ vi'rhunc 11 n fi lnr'tl i..... ' n.n nl\ " me wrote Ithat he NIC I t , !i.- l.i ilt'lllii ?" ! n,i' i it hi i." . v<'i hn'ic Limn 1 bit t had lout ol I1M di>\\ Ii ill lie 1, "" | ( \'( I 1,'J'l im Vi * hi) W I'.- .1 f') 'i nii'.inui .mi! |i>.,K td lo u> in V I'l b i l .in\ thli n "I H i . il I '" S (I M '">* "|['| i|| I ijli) | 1 out ( "hi ' ' o| i bit " "I'tli 'i I in i' i' ' ii' || u .ih :-,iniM i " W ol ]v (,;,i n | Know i 'ntilijn'i \- l ' if Ihi i. "No " "I II' !i il \\ on'i f 'ii, no "' Ml rl 1, i-i " -t , V.i\ UiUi 1 t . I Ip! uu i v or i \ , \ ,'i* i Ii' h (iM\ \ ou. .xi i v 'ii h is f .m I, l| (M-. f ,,.'- AI. 1'ie.n. a , tif tli.. pur U')I|. ii" i- p h uurlil o|,,lI.. -i ' i (in i : o ii. nil I t;:i 1 V .UU' (I to tlic l'j\ m be noulil t b- v'f" i\ r im I ',' " i' ]< *' h i 11 n i b doil^fii ' ' ii \ 'MI Il !\.' to II' llcli bu mi* t li r oii','l l*fl J t Vl "I- !!< CHGSR A SA \\ ht-M. fin- ' W( ohildrou, and, if idio proforrod it, at Mount ^tj, Yernou." ^^ Tnu Ladiish' IIo\ik Jodiikal, Im Ihi'-,"" lil'IK I It J^ "'I l (U't\. Fii'c told uu ' ii V ' ! ii v to a t'h.i i 1(<li ii\'iIK- i Jin i u- . i pni tcr. Win n h. \\,in a!-i t|io " In i an ad- dl < ->s at til-- < 'ciili i ii' i' n u ion In,'- Countv ifi-y. --otii. mn1 cimi' in him and -isk'.Jlihu it h#* uoubl -|ir ik to an old t'ol-'I lo.t n v.'in wifdi- i fi to :,]>( ' o in i al ( on- - n.irn. aj.s Sain, . aiu'w'1" hid ioiKVht I In oitKlHHlt tin- W, fain nil it^civ- fd th-1 profler. il-inii. fitt'i. Iji-i- iu oih'l- lo i; 'im'.i ions to the old fullivu, who a>won d with wonder ful skill. Tin Oforal thi'ii .rk-d him While he h.Li| st)l till ki si lltnc dllf- \nix the war. "At Ohlekam.eT-V at unco n-plb d t|iL- darkoy, "ijigUHc 1 uin as soon kw tho flrlni? botrai "lint how dl'yon know In whioh way to nun |rfluoh a hot hn.t U*1 V" asked Gen. Tjc<?wlth a nil rrv twlnklo In IiIm eye. " "T WL-nt" to tin -iff-.t place, and the jt'oiild llnd," answered Ham, cotnhiK ' hi: ollinax. ------------ A^aln Ik- wi askfd h .v h.-> oonl'T toil -which phe was utif*1. "I knowed t was Hat' ." miiwi n -1 'am, "ojiuhol sklppi'd for il-j pkir-- \\ bar do G'lrlks was." Cliarlottos- ville Ohronlr. ............ j" t 000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. MtrOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ft Dr" Vnif O Ni voim ntid divipondnidt wimk or dahllllHtodi Hrod towtrnlnmi ljpnni- AtlL Illll oxollnblo and Irrlhibloi Nm vixiii ntid dofiimuikmtt wimk or dnblllhitdil; Urwl tmtrnlm vtmor; inudl/ fittluuml: oxuliitldu and .... ....... ovc-i itinikmi, riwl mid hlurrodt ]iltt)idini ou fncot dronin* nnd nlyK* liMiicii; loilh'Mi; IhikkhwI Iniikliiu; wiuik Imdk; lumn indm ; Imlr loono; ulrom; norn throut: viirii-ni'Diiij ilii|M>Kit in iii hut hud drill tut at tttonl; dlMnitttfuI; wunt of ooiifidoiicit; luokor onnii;> inn iilfi-iiwIh-LA/C OAN OLtRE YOU t RBSTOXED TO MANHOOD BY DR3< K* & K. .JOHN ^. MANMN. JOHN A. MANMN. CAH. POWMIIH. GHAH. I'OWRIW. IllfilfOllh illi; i'lMLNT. Al .1 I. i M ^JillCNT. HI 1 tilt I, 11(1 Vi.UK.NT. \1 I i U 'IKUi.TMVNT. NO NAMCS OH TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WlllTTtN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AHb I ^.POTENCY CURED. John A. Mimliu najn: "1 wmionn of tlio cormtlonn vlcj tluui (iT I'lltlj ii(ni>miici cm nnuitci (1 at l'ft jnirM of tigo. I tried unveil niidlnd (irnn, ami i'.iOU without avail. t mim up hi ddtipur. TliD iltninn ou my H^itt>-iu uurrt wc.iUi-iMtiK in\ mti 111 el an ^w'll ri't my fmxtnd nnd plijnlnil liTo Mj Ijiollicr udvi u'd me nn a iiuil rimort to conmilt Urn. Ki-nni'dj A Ki rjjrui lroiiinionfud tlinir Nnw Mntliovl Troiitmi'iit and in u row \vrnkn wiui il now man, with now lifo and tuubition. Hiiii uan four >eini n(;o, and now I am nmniid mid Imiipy. 1 n>c<>niiimu<l Uiimio roliuldo niiociiilititfi tti all my iifHicteri fidlowmrn.'^ 'CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Tho vlcwi of oiirly boyhood laid tlio foundation of niy ruin. IjitAr on u uny lir" anil oxpnmin* to blond di- imhimimi coiniilctdd thn ivrcck. I hud nil tho iijmptmim of NnrvoiiH Unbiltty nunlci'ti jf*, I'ttiiMitioitn, dnilii in urine, nnrvoiifuituw, woak bark, dti'. HjiJdlln cam oil my hnir to full out, bono pnirm, nlcnrn in mouth and on tonaiii'. .,_ btfilidioii on liody, utr. I thttnk <lod 1 triod l)i. Ki nm dy A l^urunn. Thoy roiitorctl nut lo health, vu;or and hiippiiir'iii.11 Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured; CHAH. POWKItg. rhjladolpliia. 9 V Tho April numbor of tho Delineator iu called tho Spring Number, and oontaino a Hploudid aHaorttnout of Htylea and fabricti that will bo faHhionablo during tho uoauon. In the literary departmont' a theme of partionlur intoruot to moat women in in. Htruotivoiy treated in Mtirgdrot Nurfio'a article on the Art of PrcHorvin^ Youth Tho second paper bv Mury Cadwaluder Jonofl{Mrs. Frouoriok Rhinelundor Jonoii) binintaiutt tho luloreat oroatod by her March contribution on tbo Evolution of Drunw. Mra. Thoodoro Gutro dinoUHHOH Jjawaa a profoimiou for hor nox ; J. Boll Landfoar deBorihoa a pretty Rainbow Drill for ohildron, and tho gonorwl iuturout in bioyohnu io shown in an account of tho Utast attiro thoroof. Tho third and lust of the Dental articles ih dovoted to urt. liioial tooth. Barn, Millar Kirby'ii admir- able Kiudorgarton Papor itro altiobrought to a conclusion in thin nunihor. Thero it a dolichtful nkotoh of Euatcr in a Southoru Town, and tiraolv dircctiona for tho malt infjof EtLHtor ofta, novation, kh woll an fcr tho delft orabioidorn, now ho populai. Thoro ih alao another of Mm ilnywood) paperB ou Gcolonianttcal embroidory h, C. Wood tollH about an original leap yoir party. In addition to the lugubu- urtioo ou soanoniiblo cookery, there id a partiCHhv paporon thochemiotry of foodn, by A. It. Xiougatraet. Hounohold sanitation iromti popular standpoint, Mm. WithernpoonH toa-tablo chit, a royiew of now bookn. und novel oontrihutiona in fancy work, knitting, lioo-raakiuc etc., arc amon^ other funturoj. Leave your mitmoription with tho loci! agonfc for tho Butteriok pattornB or addrosa Tho Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Ltc'., 33 Kiohraoud St. Wont, Toronto, Ontario. Ti* EASTER HOLIDAYS. 1896 Michigan Central Ry. Go. Will poll ExourHion TicltctB at fllNGLE FAUE for tho round trip, betwoon all Btatioun in Canada and to Detroit, to pointa on T. H. A tt. Ky., cood ftoinjr April 2, , 4, ft and I), returuin on or bofore April 7. , For toaobflra and Btudentw abovo rates aro good jtoititi Marob 10 to April 4, return ;UUtil April 13,1896. For farther partioalara, apply to,___ A. O. ST1MKR8, . Anebt at. Euax, \n /uliaii noil u \ uIIm'. Hlossom *"> Italian HlLLin;- bi'sido- n lartfn \aliSi-Al> trioii'l, tn.iL v.illbi' ii L.ikin^ ii]> m.'-ld^ nmm Will > nil kindly inuc U and allow mu to Ml do-wn V ltaU.iii 'Jo mova noth. IHo-^mjii' Hut 1 want to ait uwh. JLali.iu-Xo (mm. HU>siui-liiU i d-o. Will you take Lli.u \ ,l1>u oil' the beat ' liallai No t.ike noth. L tole yo* a l'( ru. Ido^-in < etiini,' w.ui.i m !._ (nihil) Jf \ . * dun L t.ik thi' <~t!ii*J olL' Lti' iAill. On you undcitiUiiiU uu1 ? fuil/n 1 iin t /a eat oft a. I I(Aom n brow in^; valine off the ^( i/ -Th- i, , now ' Il j on w.uiL joui ha f.i^t- >mi can go au<l yrt It. Jltllall 1 no heloiiLa. to una. i i!' .som Kh V ltjlI.Lii no btiluiifra to mra. Yo llli.1-. om (.lb he iTl'lu-'"- the valiM-)- A, h| 'l.dn'L you bay bu tuloie ?J don't mi!, 1 Mainline up; U'h ouI> a bhort il U mce a-ciohH. Italian (to bhiiM no hidnn'-ra to inea, eat no belnntfa to Lh' bi ^ai "II. I at hi I on f; a to ln\a hi tk Ms 111 IV clt. 1 tai..i Uiil to hor l. San l"i'an- fit-ioj Wave t$8* Wt treat and sure Varicocele Emissions, Nettiom Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Sttulitre, Syphilis, Umiatutal Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidmy and Bladder Diseases, ______________ 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. MO RISK. pt"/tr^pCM Am you n victim? Ilnvnjon lost hop*' Arn vrm rnntMiiphil inur mnr- O tLr\L/C.n 1 rIiL? IIiih jotir lllood In rh diuf'.iMi'it.-' Have jniimn wn/hin' \' Our Now Mfitliod Trcntimsnt will cum jou. Wlmt it Iiiih donn for ot Iiith it uili do Tor \o.i. CONSULTATION FREE. No mattor who hnn tn'ati'il ion. unto fur 'tit hruicut opinion Fnu ni(3inrr(o ClmritoH rwuywmblo. BOOKS FREE - "The tJoldou Monitor" iilliiiitrntod), on Diwifuw* of Won, JncloMt panlann, 2 conlti. hoidrd. prNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No modlclrna 8 nt C. O. L) No namoo on boxoo or nnvol- otoow. EvorythlriK oonfldontlnl. Question Mat and coat of Treat ment, FRKk. __.___________ DRS. KENNEDY & KRGAH,"^5S;!LMI5H*.r- For Fine Job Printing* All (>\ io-. T-/ '$M 1 ------------yt ... ^ Jl ^l First Italian Count She i-cjccted you '.' Si'i-on 1 Italian Count Yes. There in rut hli r now between me and the fruit buy huts ! It Wuh All Iticht, An old lawyer who occupies an olIUv on 'h i >\\ old ^tii-L't found a new Un- ai.t .i iu^,.uid.- him tho other day a .-Lian^i) \.)iu had coinu to Detroit as .in a,;ont. '1 he lawyer otHered, lntro- I'uiid 1.In jell', learned that the temwu h d Kased for a year, and thon sai'l . "\\\ shall nee ol ijaeh othor, la Injj to clown tofiretber, and 1 fhould like an undorHtandliifr In ad- v..i cc*. II' a bill collector comes up and ah t for you what nhall I Hay ?" .suiu' will come, aa I ahall pay ciu-h lui all r (jet." "flood ! That la alfrn my way. Will you want to borrow any money'?" "No, air." "Iso, l, oithor. Want any one to back u noLi; for you ?" "No. sir." "Splendid ! I/.ablo to attic me to cIbii o bond ?" "No, idr." "MitKiiillcenl ! One more quoHtlon : You don I want mo to answer your, tule- pliouo V" "No. n\r." "Sbako f We shall be the Vint of Mends. a-ntJ * hor>o y6ti will stay roi Uvo ytara I" M. Quad. ) Yon cannot do better than call at the...... Free Press Printing Office. We have facilities not excelled by Hany printing office in "Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Oards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... Pine Commercial Prin ing* Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited* Mail orders receive prompt attention. MILITARY COLLEGE. Gonoral Cisco Itfno and Firbt Vtblt. Ilt^ DESCRIBES A USELESS TEACUEH Ami >iiiyn Ih, ti'immmtliliiiil, n XriiiIm r ol tin* Iiu>>t'i* linuily, Ou:,lit to Or IliUiU'iil i II. ill ii J' /,.il uihI -iiiiw:j in Vn.til.d in ,lmi HllNlllllllOIl, Ottawa, Miiioh M. (HpccUl) -Mili tary Collie niattt'i.. :iil- Lie.utlii[j >>:,- .'.ukt.ibli' altt ntJon Huh.- tUiya. m, i h- ".'th Of \im IiiIji. ( 'J-( (J n.ial ij.t- <- 'i;no paid hij lubt vl.Mt of iua\n to the Allluaiy Cilh /ji at Ulu,- tull III,) li'lnjl t ti p< ui the Inniltutiuii " -1 pii ' nit d |.j " ii|, ncjjt, t.j-rkij. 'iln Iu.'.l ',u ; i i.dii v\ liu h Liu .M Jui- 1' M '-il " " 11. i Ui. not i .i.,,Ly i m liinUlnj; Lhc tt no ot tin- anpoinuin-iit uf the commandant ol the Coll,,,., ii thliiku that, atter a ciit.ilu hij. i ol time, "any man Iom s that '/a al, . tl- vity nnd intun ,'jt ulilcli It iui ho .umr Uitcli ihfeiitlul .should hi- kept .l| .'i the i ifco ol tho ollici-r In c-hUi 1.0111 inaiid nf a mllltaiy educational u:> llLduuOnt. Youiitf 1111 n," he addn, "ai I'tpecl.Uly nulck to rectiw Impulsion1!, and i-niTiry and .;if.i t jx rsonal siniu"- iiejJH of dios1, iu-i appi-.uanct- air in my oninlon osia-ntial to form a kooiI i f mm.uulnnt. ' 'In m> opinion, thk iinslllnn Pi oik that should b- Lh'-mvn open Lo .sonn- i-\CLptl(iii,ih; jin.ti 1, elielK'-tl" ollU t 1 il tho Uanndim nilktia, hut Lie 10 houhi hi a 'Kid hunt to i.ln* tf-rin ol nppnint- n.i'iit, li-nei'.ald'. pit haps, for a limit- tl t.vLi iifduii, at tne option of the (Jov- ei 1 mi ot." 'ih*- .Major-Cit'irt'-ial, attur a thoiouRh hinj-eetion, ropor'.i'd favoranly upon tho btafi of It.bLructorii, hlKhly com- meiidlnjf their . . al and cwnjy. 1'ln* cnly ( .-(- ptlon w :is tin Kreiudi InMtroc toi, of who-c waik the General icpoiti. ' I attended the uhu.s under Ini.tnn t mn In KiLnch, e\iiy ntemhei ol \\\i\ h had been over two years at the nolh ^'* and the Ignorance displayed was a.>- tuundliiK, cspt-clally In Canada, \\b< i*u Fiorioh Ih .so much wpoken." With the cad' " aptitude and ap pearance, Gen. (kiM'Ol^ue was emlin nt- iv Hatlhtled. "T.iki Hit m all arotnul," he write',, "they v.ere a body of youths of whom Canada maj l.e Justly pi mid.' Indi ed, the only I an it the ( could llnd with tln-m wan thai the> wore their hair too Iniift. The Major-uenerai Ulffeni entirely from Mr. Fleming an to curriculum. Tbo latter thlukti too much time Im wanted at the Uoyal Military Colleen In Imparting civil liuitructlon. fJen. GaHcolKiio thlnltN the pr. sent nyBtem of mixed civil and military Instruction, moiit-admU-able and highly essential. Ilia report further recommends n^ a hatd and fast rule that no eonimh^lon bo g"I\en to the permanent force iinh'M_ tho holder Is a graduate of th* 11'yal Military College. lie thinks It 1ft th-- very least return which can be made for the annual gltt of four commb ^lotis In the Imperial foices, a feature which he naturally nets much store by. For the rest, Major-Gen. Gasenipfne condemna the college hospital and rec ommends an extra week's hollrhiy to cadets at Christmas hi honor of tho first vkdt to the Institution He reo- ommeruls that as soon as practicable profenHOiiatr-fi ho (llled by ^radilat. sof the Royal Milltaiy College wdio ha\L- scrved a certain length of time In the Imperial service. Generally ihioitkh- out the report th^re Is a tone of sturdy Canadlanlsm which Is most irratifyine:. INNOChNf MMJ'S ESCAPF. ISIhu Mc<<rnt1i iu- Hit* btihiiI^imI mi re t>. tlcwolrr-.ilzsiiiimoiii of c-i 4 '1 t. <*r Wuw Hlie Mi led hi I'ttUon .* Philadelphia. March i!0. Anntlii*r fratun* of tho Lan^don and McOrntli c.t^c h made known to-day, whlcli nhnw-> Lhnt the youni? j;lrl, while practically li\hn-r upon Lho liuutity of T.aii^diii-. 1111 1 po-jln^ 11-, liN niece, was plnjln ' f.i-.t xuid luuu- \* lili an other. Of the hitter M > Sli UratTi wuh the promlued wile. ]l\v iiuna; is l'Ml/.- idmmonG, nnd ho lu a wealthy Jeweler In Went Cheater. Coroner Aahbridjje lids afternoon dealt lit length upon thN feuttirt* of the ..imi^.i tional ciutc. He fiald th.U the v.\ 11 li' -1 known Ijau^don for -ome time niul liut mimmer they went to At lain k <tu, w ner. they lived as nneJe and niece. \\ hi'e u this lilfice the K_rl lllrted with Fit/sau- moiifl, nnd llnally niaile Ills ictpi 1111 nine Within n week after she met tihn, I-'h/.- Hlmmona had! man I itfe, was ae- ceptod, nnd gave hi r un enynK meiiL r n^ Kor aoane reaaon there wnu an cstraline men t betwwJn the two. and tho cnpr.ifje- mont was broken off. Shortly after, lmw over, n rccontlliatlou oi-curred, uml the wedding day wan tlxed for June 211 uevt. Lnnjrdon nil this time tbounht tho K'rl tun- to 1dm, and no did PlUHlmmonH. hnngdnn, It In believed, Anally learned how thu lii was noting, nnd thlw ciniHed frequent qu ir- reln hot ween them, Tho diamond riim which ritKHimmoiiM itavo tho jrlrl wan found Iu Laiigdon's pocket when he was nnvMed. Tho coroner huld there wuh nothing what ever to Indicate that the irlrl died from heart dlHeuse. That or^au wn.s perfectly normal. lie could not say anything ns tn tho caiiBc of death until the nutopHy Ik flnlflhed, 1 nnd the dJffornnt i>ortloiiH of tho body Hubmltted to nn expert for elieml- en| nimbHln had been oxamlnod. Tlio le- port of the expert would not be made foi several dayH. TjHnu'don's hliHtorcd toiiKne nnd mouth, which Is holloved to be the io- suit of poisoning, were eubmltted for n further examination to-dny. Tho result of this was not made known. Artlun Mooie, liniiKdmi'H attorney, lins taken no steps toward securing hla client's releasi on ball. A (Ienpntcdi from West ClicHtor Hiiyft that k'lt'/Hlnunons hnn not soon the plrl for Hi'vernl monthti. and had not oven heard from her. 7XLK HATXOXAh LIJlEltALS. Hloiufi Kule Vqy Ireli.nil Im Willi Iu Uu I'orrtvont TIib l.rjitlrt-Hhlyi London, March 20. Tlio annual meet- Inc of the National Liberal Federation opened In tho Milton Church Assembly rooms at IluddersfleUl this rnornlnir, There was a large attendance of dele- rxatc-n and It was reported an attempt would be made to raise the question of leadership. Tho mcatlnir was called to order by Dr. Robert Sponce Watson, president of the National Liberal Fed eration. Upon the motion of tho chair man the annual report and statement of accounts were submitted and ren.M. The business of the sosHlon, which will Uuit two dayH, will embrace dlBcimnlon of a large number of alterations ot thu rules of the Federation, with u num ber of additional regulations. The president, at the opening at the oonforonco, declared that home rule for Ireland was still In tho forefront of the program of tbo Llbornl party The report and statement of accounts wory adopted* thinness The diseascH of thinness are scrofula in children, consumption in grown people, poverty of blood in either. They thrive on leanness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them. Everybody knows cod-liver oil makes the hnalfhiest fat. In Scott's Errmlsion of cod-liver oil the taste is hidden, the oil is digested* it is ready to make fat. When you imk for Scolt'n Htmiftdoh artd ymii drupel it lilvc-; >uti u iincku^o In b BiiliiUMi-ciiiorcir wruppiT with thu pict ure of tin> man and link on It -you cad trtiut that mini I ftO centtf unci $1.00 Srcrrr tt HoWwh, CheniUtfl, U^llaVllIc, OoL A CHICAGO ijMmK MYSTrRY. lHnu'11 Itnily round Wniiit" I iirtnliui-il - txniXf i:oii^Ii( at lui thin Ih Hi 1m .Ita- ntlier IHmIiih >. llurili-k* '.* Chicago, Mai oh J7. A body in a sslna bo\ l in lose 1 in .1 tiunk and a wooden, Jios, whlili hail h (j, lylu,; In ., jmblli) \Wll ( hfjll" e lui L i( ti nt Till 11 * 7 V.M'l biou-'ln iii ii -in to i!a,\ \vn. tin I- a i 1 a e 1 1 ol nm it. 1 n , on,- cm tell. 'I'm ii.rji-i u.r imii 1 i ojiiii/..!!!!.-, but It w.ih 1 hut ot ,l in- diuni id/.t d man, with. oli' *-lh 111 broAn li.Lii l-A'.'iy cue UmIn 1 11 t.iki n tn 1 uu tin 1 en ii-m in a sin.ill ,i.,|ikii ,ts pu f.ibh. till ii niy IxS- iiij< duinu I up mil tn ii ti-ntii with U sLlOIl,, lOjn 'I II" h'i\ \ ,)UI ll(i i.d l)> I'hlllp OiiM-. and t'lidib-s II.lms as uncMahnoU 1j.i;;k.iki- at un jiin Lion Hale The bo* na.i ojm-iii d tn-ilay. \^ In n th.- initei box, wbn ii w im ad-. cliisiiti toti. M. .\I(ii,,an, hit. .lull'-ni in- ciitii L, u is upeiu-d .l k' 1 en fanv.ts trunk was I.mild A quantity oL sawdust Kr fl li u .in |,[,, -in- At'L. 1 i*r Viral w i.ipi>ings ot nip loth had lus-n remov- nl lh- /due bo\ \i lj, illsc-oi. . red, 'Phi 1,' is uu .such uiiinb'T a 1 1(1(1 Jef- 1( rfein emirL. .Mis I"1!* di-j It k A. Atuel- ln K< cps a lod^nm liouse In it; JeiLer- -lOii-hi rent. She '-,.! Id to-n.^nt that two wt 1 ks 7igo an i-\pii"-.sinan said be had Im t n io Ji li< i.miii-.iv Hue and JVlfersin- inuit, but could in.1 nnd any tiace of Moigan. Ard*H. AIui'IP r hail never hcardl of Inm, nnd tin 1 M'lLbsnuui Jelt. ti* a box ot' Main- suit lor Arorgan. J Wallace VValu-n of the Arm ol Uaken it MuLiLiiKhlin, said to-night that the box bed Ikcii In their ware house j'oi fully a yen, and came front the JV!kliinaii Central Hailroad go, 11.1.S A ;oi:uxto.\'JAtf, llali.r I.iaIIk VIM" -iihldpd ui rntrntoa, \.J., St eH'Iinovrir^f^M'Snml* l"?1 itn It^w Pat.'rson, N.I., March li7. It has clfr- M'luped that tin* e.itu.i- ot ndunid Let(- lb-'- huhddi* yestri day w a-, despon- d. ncy, the result ol! reverses In th* eouriH, wdiete liu has beun In cons litigation with his brother, wl connected wKli him In tlie inn, ol the .snow plow invented^ ceasied. Leslie was Go Jl and loaves a widow and Cot lie tame Lu P.Uer.qori from Toronto uiniber ol years ago. He was former* 1" a majoi in tho^ii^nd HaLtalion of ("'an.icl an niilltUi /and retiied retain ing rank. * Major Leslie was a railway mall eleik 2d yeais ago, and lived In To- uinto. Upon ptifectlng his snow plow abniit 15 years ago ho removed to Pat- ,imjii N.J., whe'i he began tho manth. l'.u-tur. 01 tin plowH. The news of 111* ti .1' lo de it U ha< ri ealh'd hhn tu thft lvmeinbianee of many Torontonhina. L'.iir-c lihi-lit UlinlM- Irlul. Ik-rlln, March 27. Mr. E. F. D. John- run of Toronto wdll be the Crown Counsel In the trial of August Kuriich- Hi^-Ul next week, and Mr. H. B. OBlor, with Mr. J. Mov,at, will dofeud th# 'priM>ni-r. The Cro-wn has sub)>oenaed some 4 wltnesse:i, and the oha-iices are th* will a greater portion of Ui* weei'. Mis. ORburg of Fort Madison. Iowa, a must fmportan.t -witness for th* Crown, arrived yesterday. r\-Mirer Mriile He in Out VHtli ,1oc, I'riMoilii, March 27. l'reoldent Kruger hag Issued an oflhdal denial of the reports tlu** the relations hetween Mr. Cliumherlnlh, Hie t'-ritlsh Colonial 3oertury, and hiraaelr .iro btndncd . A 0,,-OSE bHAVE Peoplo really do not know how often th* angel of death hover3 0ver them. Mr. R.. P. Watkina, 173 Bay st., ia n barber by trade, and gavo our representative this short history of his eacitpo from tho dis-; Ofdor which was rapidly carrying him to | hla grave. Mr. Watkin3 ia a skillful and experienced man, and ia now enabled to | eiterclso his skill from morning till night, wbero before bo was unabio to regularly follow bis cboson calling. This is Mr. | Watkins' story aa related by himself. "For over three years I have been. troubled with what tbo doctors said waa" Brlght'o Disease, was getting rapidly worse, and could scarcely attend to my business. My ankles were swollen, tot <J$ pain and heat in my back were almqsj^ unbearable, the urine was of a dark "win* IH: color, and it used to dribble away continq* r; ally. I had to rise 9 or 10 times oacb night., to void tho urine, and consequently lost. nearly all my (deep. The scalding heat& nnd pain In passing the urine were pajnfk^ and distressing beyond my feeble powfl**, to describe* People wbo did not know, my trouble used to laugh at my fteauenl visits to the urinal. My hands ap^^Nf were always cold and clammy, and Iral-i fered severely from palpitation^ Bhortne| of breath, and was. in fact, almost a totajfc wreck,' I got a box of Doon'a Kidney FM(J from Messrs. E. Hooper & Co., and IWiJ proved at once. I have used two " and feel like a new man; can now . right along and at 12 p.m. feelllkeworkhj] right ahead. Had I not got those pill a j feel tliat' I would nqt have been wot*-*"1 to-day. My words only faintly , ^the dreadful condition'I was In; an wonderful ewe made by Do*n*i "" PUU." Bold by O. A. Sherrin, EtMX. ' ^ A TALK WITH THE MAN WHO BX-! PERIENCED IT. yv.::w-. u t }?" yi.C'-jlil. j/ ,1" '

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