Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, p. 8

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V." i^'W pppfsp^ N09E8 AND SMELLING. Sotno physiologists usaort that tha olfao- t#ry uorvftsare deatituto of the powor of s6nBation. othorwfcio than to detect odor*. Tim membrane* covering the tntnrlor of tho noHtriU uro of two kinds, 1 ho Hjhnuld- ' erlun, or lower, and tho olfactory, or up* por. ^________________ 'IMm movent on t.H of tho noftu~und the muKtilnH which chnd.ur around it, generally impure h dlHiigrooabh: oxprumdon to the fttCO. Tho oxtormil prominence of (dm noun in mail 1st duo to thu arrangement and form ation of tho eiirtlbigou attached 'to tlm to anal bo i ion. 'J'hu Homim noun wan no called from tlm fact that it flrnt ciuiin into prominonco a* aliHrHctur].4ti(! of the compiororH of tha World. Moat wild jinlmalH aro fond of perfume, Ltonu ii)Hl-ti;4|,i'H in captivity t.iknahpnelnl delight In (kIocm, imcli an thonc of roue* and violot.s, In many rjreuk'portHiit biiMt'i tlm none dencoid'i straight from tins forehead, with out any intermediate cavity or mark of 41vIh1ouj - v- Amnng tho Mon^ollaim,Indians and Nc- gracH, t.ho internal cavitiu:i of tlm nose are iiaorii largely developed tliun among the GaucuHlariH. The Semitic noun is not, iw generally auppoucd, jioculiar to Hnbrow.s, 'filename tyj>o of noHi) in poHiieMHod by Hovorul national of the Orient. Tho nostrils of all blrda aro locatod om tho back of tho bill, and in must birds ur* o protected by hairs or fouthor.'i an to no almont Invisible. Only tho three hifrhent clasucMof animaU bavo what may properly bo called a AU tlm rest have dimply a breathing and smelling apparatus. The lower part of tho noio does not'per ceive tho sensation of smell; the power of porcftivhuf odors rcaidoH In'the upper part of tho nasal cavity, Atilla, thu Hun, had a nosrrimicli largor than was common anions bin people. It Was, however, of the snub variety, tha nostrils opening directly forward. The molc'H ficmio of smell iw very koon. Ah ho has no eyos worth mentioning, ho must depend on his nose to inform him of tho whereabouts of Ids prey. It in a Hi titular fact that dog-i dislike most odova that aro disagreeable or offon- nivo tomiin. Tlio smell of ammonia, for oxnmplo will driVQ a don almost wild. "Nosology" is not, na fuimn"*ih'Ight nup- po.soi tho science of ikimoh. Tho term comes _fi:dm~two (ii'f:ok words and Hiynifles thy scientillu classification of diseases. The tapir'n snout is an extonslon of his nose, ThW si titular animal is regarded by some naturalists as tho Intermediate* class betwoon tho elephant and tlio pig. The ChlncHO nose is of u different typo from tlio Japanese. Tlio Japanese biy; tt(vo showed its superiority to the Chinese. mub durinpj the late war in Eastern Aula. Lexitndur tlio Great had a Htm'ght nose, rat ho r mora prominent than usual, jird the intter part of his short [o red from his dissipated habits. ducts lending from the cor- (0 to the nftsal cavities, by ^n arc carried away, People always blow their nonea, uif. Napoleon, when ho need6d Tnan for n sodden emorgency, generally chose UHoldler with a good Itoman nose. Ho was seldom deceived in his cholco of men. _____________________ IF YOU ARE- A lovor, don't bo too fond. A husband, don't be miserly, nor flirt with liberty. A wifo, don't bo extravagant, nor too exacting, nor unkindly censorious. A mother, don't ho too lenient, A father, don't bo too harsh. Anon or daughter, don't bo ashumed of your parentage. A pastor don't be too dignified, nor too coldly reserved, A church niembor, don't be hypercriti- ,cal of tho pulpit. ATn employer, don't ba afraid of ' ovor- payhiK. '.-'An employe, don't bo afraid of over working. ' A dressmaker, don't delay your work. lA'isustoiriei't don't delay your pay. , As a salesman, don't overrate ftoods.' As n purchusor, don't undorrato purchase. Ai a frlcud, don't bo captious'. As a foe, don't bo unmerciful. 1 An a lender, bo patient; if a borrower, be prompt. If you aro smart, don't bo vain ; if dull, don't talk Inwsfmntly. S -If \loor, don't bo envious or suspicious; if rich, don't be hcariloss. As a giver, don't parade; us a recipient, don't bo ungrateful. As a teacher, avoid indifference ; if a pupil, be obedient. If a critic, don't he unjust. If anything, don't bo hypocritical. your your vi m In l"' "' ' I!". - ' KrV- QUEER THINGS AND ODD HAPPEN INGS IN THE OLD WORLD. There in only one wooden church bulld- a chapel, guarded 'by a tower over two Hundred years old, in Groonsted Park., near'Ongar. Emperor William II. of Gormany has caught the bicycle fovor. But lib will not '^Vld'etlri public A pHviito't'*aek> Is bolua 'ViiiijUio'roiuly for hlH 9plu afcl>a>tMdam. ""' "iu\^tuBslaii>I*oland all triiiiiH^mnut utop . .^.iivery ntatlon until tho. pbllcu (or gen darmoriojcaptain of-the place-gives jier- niiHsion ttiv Its departure. ' " "'.itobViWte'ifbct HO cents tha^heeould eat ft "thousand flios lit one sitting. The flies .^arW^^tfh't andiput inn beer; glass, and 'tii^d^li'o-won. ' ;. . It is little known, even among the "' ^hmchinisirrthattho-Sntl-anarcbiam law pnssed.ln Franco in'1^(3 imposes capital punishment for the deposit with criminal lutonbbf explosive* Itwiny public or pri- ..' vato plucu, oven whou. no oxploalon re- ; A Stuttgart paper says that Bismarck -" - wetghV-hinisoif'every day,1 rmd has done so 'for many yearn. He is still a man of great weight, hut not ho heavy asho-was fifteen years ago. In 1B7G ho tinped tho scales at .243 pounds; now his weight is 202 pounds. .' * V'*l'h.HoiiHOOf Pu'ril^ment In London is .IpaVtl^tlphted'by 40,000*'electric Umps, '<rWiv5h immburls being"oon-itantly in- ' 'xreasud.'" Vift'y" ^xpu'rlenced oluctrlciaua are employed to keep the system In order, jiuy.ihmnj- Is still a gas bill of over $12,000 for the your. A ehlldVediicjttiou 1 uover complato ao loiitf ii lie feels that lie knows more than ;"ihlu pureift-H. Talk about popularity UipTwUieatIrl in tho world lau't in it witfc Uub muu who ., bu fivors to bwtow. THE7 WILL AMUSE THE CHILDREN. llandMonie OoUh With Olianare We hftVaaeourod a, mow and Very Uki tiff ovidty known as tha'*Dift,raond Uya Doll." I'lii-no dolls are o lot hod In bright aiul Imud- oms dronHotf and will prov* ai^reuit ait reg ion for tho littla ones, A Hub of six dolls with six xtr<i Jr<HoH 'ill bu mailed to a.ny uddrouu u reoaipt of aur oantH in Htampu. Tliownmrin aro go ill to b11 t1lil't of tho Uomlbiou, tlv"Fi miYoral untinfaokion to all who reooivo hem. Usev of Diimond Dyea will pIo&Ho lonr i mind that it will bo to thair t exainiuu *moh pnokayo of dya that thuy uy, mi wortblesM imitntions nrouov* bolwt! oid. Ho that thn name "Diamond ""iu n eaoh pnekaa. WoIIm & Hiuhardaon Oo., :00 Mountain Utroot, Montreal. Tulteu Km Tlmo TBBT OF PEUFKOT HJE3ALTH. Thuuuauda of I At ma Ebblptf Away Boo am a of Improper Heart Aotlon, Tho heart is the hab of the haul an ayn- torn. If it in Weak or doranRod phynio&t pains aud jnontal doafopitudo lu ony ahape or another muut follow, and thouUMida aro uuffermg various ills of-thn ileaU today bn- aaUie tho heart, is not dome ltu fn" duty. Whan ov*r tho houri flutterH or tiroa out uasily, aoboii or palpltrttuH, it is dm*mued, and tha wutnlnu whoulcl Wo heeded. The remedy, of all othnm, for heart dlHoatio, in Dr. Agnaw'H Oaro for the tlourb. To quote Aarou Nioholu, of Petorboro', whose wifo wa otirod of twoiity var(*' hoark din- uaflo y thiu hiedioiua. "The romody antn like taaido on a diMaaad heart." With heart dlsaaue ho plovalont iu Oanada a bottltt ouyht always to ho kept in tho honau. Bold by J. Thorno. A Mutfft'jslneN.Xatillieuoo. Tho oiionnouH ciroulation of suoha ib^ii- y.inu as Tho Ladinu' dome Journal can, in a itemio, ha undorntood wlion it is said that drmf4 tho IsHt tux monthi of 1905 tbore were printed, wold and ciroulatad over four million copioH (ik fant fi^urus 4,08,81)l). Fi^vtrou HUoh an thono give one no two idoa of the influenoo whioh may be oxertod by ovob a niugloonaof tho modern tna^azinoo . tood'u Satuaparilla has aobiovod jjreat ocGHu in watdiug off niokness which, if ilowod to proyrotis, would havo uudor- ninod tho whole-system and (riven Oiuoauo Dtronu foothold to oautfo much nuilermg nd ovfln threaten death. Hood'a Bar- iparilla^al^thifl and ovu more. It, ban boon taken in thousands of oauos vhieh wore thought to ihcurable, aud after fair trial has eltootcd wonderful ouroa, health, otroncth and .joy to the filiated. Another important point about lood's Saruaparilla in that Hn ouroo are ermanont becauso they start from tho olid foundation to purify, vitalized aud nriched blood. io not what wo nay iu*; what Hood's Saruaparilla dooB that .oils tho iitory, Mayor ItHrtsn*'. Mr. Goo. H. Burtjar, Ponfmantor and Mayor of Wollaud, Ont., uaya : "From ox- porionce in my own family I cannot hpontic too highly of Btark'u Powders aH a ploauant, immediato aud permanent enro for Hood- acbo, Ne>ural|*ia, Biliouuoan und Livor troubled, lam alno awaro of uovoral novuro casoH in onr own town and neighborhood whioh have been onrod bv thorn after tho pationtu had Raftered for yours, hud tried all kinds of remodios itnd had binon troatod by dnctorn, Oho. II. BunuAit. Two proparaiioiifl in each box; nioo to take. Hold by all modiaiuo dualor* at 2Gq a box. fi boxao SI. March 20. i.i inj **Then why not tolegraph.; to hex td o6m iioio ? Tin* great thing juat now with Lord ['ratici* ia to keep liin mind nay H her ttreaei|ue woul4^o'pthe Land calm him you iiud b-tLor lend fdr her at once, eiptolally as the hoy in unwell. If ho should be unduly t-xeitod or ngjiated, bowevor, I would not aitHWur for tlio ooiiBequeneeH." daovnth honitatrd, "I do not kuoW," he t.uid wlowly, "whether whit uould travel no far. Hlio huabuuii ill anil-------" "And, porhapu alio may not euro to come, tdi ?" uaid the Hhrewd old doetbn '*Yoil imuit Xonno mo it who in a triatid of yinirs, but th faut in, everything I have heard of Lady Francis OiihIdw lead* mu to oniiuludi) Unit uhe will iinL put herstdf llltlull out of her way^for hur ImHhunu's Make,1' "Yon do not know her." miid .lueyntb warmly ; then, controlling with mimo <lifli ciiky a ("oeliny of olVoiicw, lie added, "I |n>- lievn tbuL she U vtiry much attached to fjiird I'VaniMH, and would oorno at on on if iiIim t.hoii^liL thnt ho Wfiu ill." "Tliun telHgrupli," Hiiid the doctor. "Anything rather than lot him trav*d in hiH present stain of nerveHiuid hoitrt. It might lie the di^ath of him." And with a bnitique uood ho.took himself elf, leaving Jaoynth morn than over por'nleKed by the duty that devolved on him. What eould he Hay to I'onella that would neither frigliteu nor rniiid? If lie told her that Ronny was ill, nho would be frantic with alarm. If ho imid that Lord I'Yanciu nu(!(U-d her, oho ought shrink away with wounded pride, llu thought of the way in -which.she had spoken to him of hur hus band, and duoided that ho could not hope to eonjure by liin name. Au he had aid to the doctor, iiliu would come if he told her that Lord Francis wero ill : but if ho (Him- moned bur on tha*. account, howoxplnin her iippiMiranoo to Onnlow hiuiHelf ? Kvery way Hut'metl to bo iiurtouuded by diificuUieu, At taut, in deupunttlon, he wrote and diipatoji- ed the hillowinp; telegram : Iloimy kiiockiiil up by traveling , Lord FmneiH alio un".tdI; can you roam to uu in onhsr to iavo delay T <aa - to HORS. (to wb continued.) heigh' of the davita, tho biilwurWa beitiQ n.iu-almnat level with the witter. Juat an vhi'ir LecU touched the ***, the groat Kio'imer went down by the head, sucking i Jn-ni under. As hood an tho oollinion came, Jaoynth h -d darted forward to tho spot whore ha li:id ai-uii Ronny stHndirig, feiriug no ovil, l><\ U'm hand wan in his father's. When he ruin.' up to them, Lord Cautloton had dia*_ iMjpi-ured swept away, they ' *urjicd, tu ni'i ninii for the boalii. Jncyntff, an he rr-uio liin way aft, caught niaht of Mni*. do V i^uy and hor osoort cUmburing into one il i in! boata, '('oiiio along, Onalow; I carry Ronny," -./lid Jacynth. "\'f,n. but lot the women ro firat." "No we will; but not all tho men," anitl ;I eviith, griinly eying tho crowd fighting .' und the nearest boat. , "My lord and you, flir/'aaid the' boa'n, c'tining hy. "take my advice,' Don't, Ht in .< 1'iiiry about the boats. Sho'd nettling d'iwiu In five mlhutea there won't bo a i iilu'iuk above wator!ino,but thofiiiAaLi and <i'ii4 will bo aloft and dry till morning. '1'Yet.h young un*-along, and I'll give you a hai'd up tlio mainmast. Titers nothing: more ! can do below. Look alive, und hold on ".gut. You'll feel a bump in anotliar mo- ni-nf" With a final lurch forward the nltip went . own, and the waveti at.hut.had their will tn tho oetliingtnaii in the hatchway, I*"rom iccuro if not coinfortablo quurtota in- the :naiittopLord Francio, Jaoynth and RoMiy uaw'Uiy two. boatloudanwampe!d|: hoard thV teisv the his "noun along, OHyr.ow; i'iloakBy hohnv." itttethlngroarof- the wiiler--afrthey oloaed >vev tho burninc hatch, "mi listened with uliilltid hoartu to thi> ahriuLa of drowning men and women that filled the air. Itueomoda long night/ but It waa really .only thrrto: hours before, with .the morning Mght,' a toauiship bound :for; Liverpool, attor giving a fair start down channel to iui charge, caught sight of tho wreck and t-OMU ofi" what at firat doomed to bo tlio only rtUrvivorn. ' "And," uaid Jaoynth,-mi hn. ant in tho eaptaiii'a cabin, forgetful of lua ownatook- ingloKB utato, and chafed Lord ' Ontilow'a nunibod haudu and .foot, ' uif' ,wo had lieitn four utringleiis bLpriclaos punrla hang ing on tho yardarm, they couldn't havo heeu moro delighted to .have, plucked ua otr." CIIAPTBR XXI. BY -A. SEUGICANT. "AtJVlC 0"lt DHAI>." The Liverpool streets wora,, as umial, muddy, crowded, and malodoroiiRt but had they boon bowers of Haitian':blhiti thoy oduld not be travoraod hy men with gladder 'hoarte than those of Onnlow aud Jaoynth when they set foot on Kngliali aoll. Tho gUdnetm wan of a sober ejrt, and tinged, perhapa, by anxiety for the lutur* and lorrow tor the paat; bub there wae a ornnon, brought about by the peril they had esoap*d, and triumph in thought of Konny'a reatoration to mothor'n arma. They took a friondly loavo of the captain and oflicora of tho ship which had brought them to Liverpool, and then procooded to tho nearest hotol, where thoy intended to tay for a few Iiouih only, in order to roplonieh tlieir pockets und- wardrobe*. .." Shall wo telegraph to_jre_nel|a!"_Pranlt asked wiatfully, and Jacynth replied, in a briHkcr tone; ' Why, of eouMfl, or l\e will bo hoar in i? some garbled version of. the ahipwreck atory, and will imagine that nho has loab Ronny forever." "Don't put too much in tha telegram," an id Lord VraDciif, itill in mi uncertain voice, *' 'Ronny aafo and woll ; wo are bringing him back to you to-day.' And Jaoynth, old man, aign it with both our name*. She owes his aafoty to you rather than to me. -Sign it by your name alone if you like. I havo no -right (a little Utterly) to claim her gratitude." Jacynth stood silent tor a moment. On* slow-wan generous, bu; did ho not, after all, speak the truth 1 Surely he Jaoynth it wan all that would bo loft to him when tho hiiRbund And wifo wora reconciled. iHo felt Btife that that reconciliation would taka place, and no place would thon .bo left .for.him *avo that.of a.usoful friend. Yes, he. was tempted for a olaibi tho wholo of Fonolhi's gratitude.'for the. .Sntoty of her boy. But how could he let Frank Onnlow bo more-generous than Ijjuaeejf 1 aIJj> laughed slightly-<whJ0 that, littlepause wun'^?id,e'b ud shook hia.iiaad. "Ijuly KrancU^vill. >mwition mavpretty olono*iy, and will oon find out where credit ia duo,1* he'aald. "Thuro is tm^quta^ion us to which of !.us ban suffered niost in hor CMiH*and>Ilonny.'ii.)'l ^d ^iisignal the telegram witlrOmdow'a nattia alone. They had though of going Koyfjl.ithat ^evening, but .an ..miX4)ecl.fld ,dolay.4rpiic. Ronny developed symp.tomtj -of a(t,soyore ^old>-veEBiail(W..brnU^biliJ>i>ndtlliiildopior,- who was immediately summnnad, declared that it would be the height of folly to let him travel for a day or two; "It's nothing HoriouB, but yon cannot bo l.oo careful where children are concerned," he said,: ; VnnuVtho boy bun hud tt ohill, You, ,too c (glancing at Lord Francis) don't look quito flL Ur a lojig journey." "I am fit far anything ; all I want is, to bo with iny wifo again,". Ouslow (worred fovorishly, Tho deotor glnnoed at,bjm in a.dubious' way undshontlhi*,had. |Iokiiew anine- thingof the Onslow's hiutnry as who Hid not and did not understand the young man's anxiety to oeok out his presumably erring wife. "Even for yourself I should not recommend t|io journey until you havo had a r*Ht," ho said,"and uu your "little bny is so unwell, you cannot do bettor than -keep yourselves quint and warm, for a day or two, until be is recovered, . Ho apoke privately to Jaoynth. afterward. "Tho little.follow ia npt icrlously ill; you ueod wot, be , ttlarmod," ho said. "I am making a trifle womo of this auH-than I nead in order to detain Lord FraiiehTfor ti short time. I suppoae you ae for yourself how much be is hi need of rest and care. The fire muat havo given, him a novera. nervous shook." "He la not atronc, hut I hoped that he would bebotur if I could get him toGuern- ^nr- aml-leaveJtim.fti good hands,""' u " -'"Do you moan hut wifo's handsT" the doctor asked abruptly "I do. He will uovcr be happy till b kaa seen har." "Tlio .Mother's, hoart in her," said Jacynth liimimlf, " nil that is amhigu- niiH in thin meiiuage, and wo ali.ill have her with im to-morrow." lie iolt so much morn at eaue when the uitnauge was Hunt ofi', that hu turned into tin: uiiiokiug room to glance at tho papers and nmoltt! a cigar before going hack to Onalow. Konny wan under tho oaro of a mu so, and Onnlow waa probably routing ; In- had no special renponsibility witli respect to either of them at proiient, and ho wim glad to feel himself free. Tho pjiporQ already contained long ac count!! of the fire, of tho swamping of the boa ia, and of the rescue of the four sur vivors found clinging to the wreck. A list of tho drowned paHUongurti and crow was appended, and here Jacynth caught sight of the name of Mtno. do Vigny. "So she went haek to her old title, did sho?" he muted. "Well, one obstacle to .Feindla's happiness haii beun removed now that that wonuu.i in dead. Let uu hope that she is dead indcod. It would ho no kindnens to her or to othera to hope for hor Hatoty." Ilia eyo had fallen on a sliorit paragraph, which at first he hud overlooked. Here it was stated that throe or four of the crow hud managed, hy clinging to floating spars or other pieces of wrcckago, to come uafo to land, and that it was poesiblo that more lives liad boon preserved in ihifi way, than could at prtaont bo ascertained. There wan no mention, howovor, of any woman among the survivors i and, uncharitable as tho wiab might sound, it imiat bo copfe'saod that Jacynth heartily desired to bo sssurad that Lucille do Vigny would trouble no man's pooce again. Tho rest of the day dragged slowly by nIowly, becauao ho and Ouslow wore both fretting at tho delay caused by poor Ronny'a illness. They wpib longing to reach the sunny shores of Guernsey, to enter that rose.wreathed cottage, and to pour their stories into tho ears of tho woman dearer to them than any other in tho world. And Onslow was not upheld by tho hope that Jaoynth cherished namo- ly, that'ITonolla, forgetting hor puat in- jnrieu in tho lovo of her child, would fly at once to nurse him, and to claBp her nowly- rescued husband iu her arma. Painful .as this consummation might bo to Jacynth pornonally, he was unsolthih enough to ro> joico in tho prospect of Fonolla's future Itdppmeae, but Lord Francio, who did not know of tho lator telegram, .grew irri table in .bis stato of -suspense and anxiety, and would neither rest by day nor sloop by night, Jacynth had counted.couG^lpntlv on a re turn telegram from Fenolla as soon'as pos sible, and he wan annoyed and disappointed when another day dragged slowly hy with- mit any news of her. ;I)id she harbor 'so much rcacntmont against Lord Franois, that she would not even come to him when . their child was in danger? Juoynth's anger burnud a little at the thought. I hi. could not boliovo;tliat Ifenolla would ho thus iin- jnlaqablo, And ltonny.wiiB distinctly'woVhc, ho was tovorish, and wandered in his talk, calling out for "Mummy" aud imploring to bo takon away .from Mrij. Clutterbuck in a way that.-wag pitiful to hoar. Thro wore hiutB, too, of ,that darker timo when he had been left alone with men and women ol n coarser typo brutes in human guise, who starvod and beat hiin and swore at him because he would neither ho nor ntenl. This part .of Ijia atory hia frioiids had Btriycm to "make him forgot, but wlion liia brain was clouded by fovor, tho frightful images of those terrib\o.weeks in, a Npw York slum came back to him With redoubled force, and it somotimos seemed as though only the presence of the mother for whom ho cried bo constantly eould chuse them away. ;;And yoblf'euella,did,.UQt qon^o. /On. the, third day Juevnth'waxed despar- ate, f ri(I/rcuotyud to telegraph' ngliih. ' Ho had seen intheiiewspaporH soma accounts of a grtl uliiolihad bocu.raging intheOlfannel, ud it.occnr^d to .bjm, that .the fiijorniioy boats,,might perhupii jia-Vb ceaitod running, which would dt course give a rosson for F nella'ii silonoo, and yot it seemed to him inipeeaible that she slmul^.havohoard^ioth- jng y*t, or boon unable to send him any an swer."' Ho** would telegraph again, but he wiild go to Onslow first, ; it wai.possible juut possiblo -t|intabo.miglit have .written. , jo him.. , .' ' If rom the look of agitation on Frank's face, and the convulsive'tightness with whioh ho grasped a letter In hiohand, Jayynth fapcied at first that hit* conjecture had been correct, '.'What it it V'he said hurriedly. "Your wife is sho coming 1 Does she know, that you are eato!" "Heaven knownl Sho makoa no sign. No, tlio letter is not from her!" .. Hia face was so pale, his aspect .bo dis ordered, that Jaoynth could, only gaze at him in etrprise. And'wooing his oxjtreuninn, Frank'suddenly thrust the letter into bis hand. . "Soo there," he M.M. "Whatdoea it lp'oan? , Bo you think there ia'anything in ItT If it should bo true of Fenolla, my darling what havo we done?" And ho sank down Tn a chair ho hi do tho table, and ImritMl bin iaca in,ItU,bauds, .' Japyhth, , njeiuul tho letter,, which was written on coiuso hlilo paper, and inclosed hi a conunoii envelope. Ouisldo-lt looked like "a tradosiniin's eiroidur. Tlmrn was no stamp,,no' wiis'simnlv'snpci'- nurihod with OiimIo'w'm waiho, ami mldiewned, to the hotel T'Hi wrlilnir W'irt.-iividentlv. disgulsfid, hiaifv of (hs "iil' w.'frf pniitiid. oth"ra wrmeii tn a s.op u^ h iinb "1 will not tell you who I am," the Ut ter began, "or yon niay not beliava rni nwyarthetess, Iapak tho truth. I unt thu only person/ except Lady Onalow, who nan unraVel'tho myatury of Count do Mlirgnr'a thjath. From hnr lips you will never hear it; will you hear It from mioeT "9h Is inuoocnt of hlu death; I can uoli- viuos you of that, Shn is oroeulng an other. Do you not want to know his name? I waa iu thii corridor on tho night when the murdar took plaua; I iaw and hoard all that occurred, "If-yMi-wabilrto-oIoar-your-wifu'a name, ennui at four o'clock this aftoruooon to No. 10 Pearson's How, Morsyy stroet, thon 1 will tell you ull.M "One who kuowri tho truth. Thu punur dropped from Jaoybth'a haudu. "If Mmo. u Vigny worn living I uliould say that she wrote.this hitter," hn remarked. "Hut how,'1 he added rather to himsalf than to Frank, "how could she know?" Onnlow looked up. His face wan haggard, ami there wnu u wild light in hiw eye.i. "If who liven, he itaid brokenly, "she shall pay for all that she has dono-------" "Thoro in no likelihood that she 1ms ben aaved," Jaoynth broke in. "I don't think a single woman wnu rescued. No, Frank, this ih a plant; and of course you will take no notion of it." "N< notice of it ! Hub think that I would loavo a iitouo unturuod whore Fmi- olla'H honor ia in question!" "For Heaven's sake, don't go," cried Jacynth hotly. " There can bu no pes- uibln good in it. What can there bo for you to hoar, unhma you doubt your wife's story?" His brow buoame dark and mnnaeing as he Hpoko, but he was mora anxious than angry. lie ami Ft; n ell I u knew the truth, and ho won bound by her wishes to keep it secret from LordIrrancis; was it pos sible that anyone else should know? Sure- ly,ho uaid to hitn-i!nlf,no otlier soul on earth now living had an inkling of the truth. Hut at alt hazards he would try to prevent OiihIow from keeping so sunpicious and so unworthy a tryst. Frank Onnlow, however, had inado up his mind, and did not respond to auy of Jacynth's somewhat ineffective argument!!. And when tlio clock struck three, hu took up his hat and went out without Haying whither ho wan hound. Hut Jaoynth was only too certain that ho had gone to tho 'place mentioned in tho letter. While ho still stood hesitating whether to follow and foroo bin company on him whflther ho would orno, there wan a iimmd outside tho door which mud a him start the rustle ok a woman's dreso, tho woll- knnwn intonation of a woman's voico. "My Konny ; is ho horet And Frank Frank V --FtnolU had.arrived.^ Shecamo in, radiantTwith hope and joy, holding out hor hands to Jacynth, who came slowly forward and olnapecf them in bin own. ""My Ronny," shu repeated. "Ah, how happy you havo made mo. I shall havo both Ronny and Frank again. Take mo to thorn at once; I cannot boar another instant of delay." CHAPTER XXII. BY O. M. FKNN. "Mersey strool, sir? Oh; yea; first to tho right, second to :tho loft, and thon third to tho right," Frank Onslow, noddod bis thanks and hurried away, trying hard to retain the ue- qucueo of rights and lofts in his confusod brain ; while the policeman whom he had questioned stqod looking after him and hunting his gloves. "What does ho want down Morwy sliest? No accounting for those swolla." Onslow had not noticed tho man's man ner, but ho could not help hesitating for a moment as he reached the street named j and ho hesitated again as he paused at the open door of No. 11 open, as he thought, like a trap. Hut tho intense den ire to test the value of the promised information bote down everything else ; and, forgetting the aspect ot tho coarse-looking women and ruffianly men loafing about at public house doors and the corners of tha streets, he knocked nlmrply. "I will not go in," ho said to himself, "H.onny my lifo maybe of value to ttiem, if it is little to me.1' A hard facod, showily drossed woman of about forty camo to the door, looked him sharply up and down, and before he eould spbalc "Oh, you'rb the gent, are you !" "What do you moan! Yes, I am tho gentleman who was to coino here hy ap pointment." "Thou you're too late," said.tho woman sourly. "Hha'a" gono," ^'Sho gono?" faltered OnBlow. **T,ho appointmoiit was at four o'clock. It fia not ten minutes past." "I can't help that, She came back in a hurry m a cab, fetched her, bug and ahe's gono." . "But the is coming back ?" "Not likely. If you came you was to bo shown into tho room she took. Want to wuit?" **No," said Qnslow shortly, as a strati go suspicion, flashed through his brain, and he turned and hurried away. Hud Lucille been saved, and was thia soma fresh schomo on her part, aomo.frosh 'web spinning tocntanglo him and keep him and Fenelbi apart ! ' He' HhtveVed slightly as ho walked sharply away, fooling that ho must by an accidout have enenped from some now peril ; and as bu walked rapidly on through the crowded streets he saw nothing hiit 'the face of his fair young' wife1 gazing at him reproachfully, but with a yearning look of forgiveness in her eyes. ' ' Yes',' thoro'tnust he foVgivoneis now," ho muttered fwverlshly ; **I do not deHorv but for Romiy's sake. And alio is waiting for mo waiting till ,1 go to her and on my knees bog hor to coma, and'she will uomx, filr1 thViidke of tur darling boy." Ho was hurrying'oh with the busy ihh* of life eddying hy his side, hut his oyea bud i'lioo looru ansmnud their fixed, hypnotic look jib h giizud straight before him, seeing the chamber hi which his ahild Iny dying, iia it seemed, his little head. tos*in^ front -'do t<i side, v hi)o his uim.otouous,. ei-asii- .ntis ory for his mother. ' Ho had room but for one thought now, utid i hat wiii to fftuh Fonrdla to her bdy's butisidu ; and as thu mental vision . faded, and his countenance resumed Its wonted aspect, the. iiifhlouou remained. Ho hoflitsied for a fow mninonts, thinlt- iug that ho would first return to the hotel, but fueling that if tlio. boy were worse lid w..uld not havo the strength of mind to ,b'Vu "" nu 'forced' himnelf in tho othnr {liructiou and made straight for tho grout Ration. "lb was madneun to oxpoot hor to aotno here," Jw kept on muttering. "It was my duty to fetih hor to"our child." ' His actions were almost mechanical, hut iht'ougliout bo felt as if some, force other than his "wn .natural impulse was urging him on in all that followed, though there soinned nothing unusual In' the aspect of the baieworu (nan who .spoke to the in spector on the grout platform, learned that the next London express started in half an Lour, und then paced tlio flag* slowly till Iti* could take a ticket and sda place iua uiunei of <ne of the coupe*. . A TYPO'S RELEASE. FitOmt TIII5 AWFUL' BtTPFBR- 1NOS OP KUKU^l- ATISM. Thn i)ui ol MC. V. Itl*blna> of \TelIasKl lliM Oi&fett kcoMl*tod IM Troalraent af tUm llfiHt ll<l>ltul> uUdUo had He- HIa Vf'ond- nttal ainlnaM0. fi'oin tho Wnlhiud .Volograpln Tho wnrld to-day is both nommeroially and fioinutinaally inulinod towards ay stem, and newa likoovorything oltte in gathered HyHkomalioally. Kvry uowupapor baa its staff of roporUrs to obaorvo and Qolleot tho nown of it particular locality or dintriot. For Homu timo p>it a reporter ef tho Vffilland Toligritph has haao watching the dovolopmsnt of a treatment far a ssr-' ionii ctitio of rhoumatium on one of tho ens- ployeon of that inutltution. About otgh- ton yearn ugo, Mr. K V. Hob-bins, while at work in tho Telegraph printing ofuoc, wan Huddenly Heized with sharp putun all over t]t& hody, aucompanied by ojttrobae uwelliugii. (Io rouehod homo, but a short diatauco from tho office, with difficulty, and on tho doctor , being cahod he jiro. nouncoil it inflammatory rlioumatitim. For devon wobkN he laid in bod nnder tho cars of the bast puyuioiau, and at tho and of that time be was again able to reuumo hie duties. During the next fow years lit was MiUjuet to frequent nli^ht attacks, and finally thought a obantjfo of location might bobsastlaittl. With this idea Mr, KobbinH viuitod the difloront Arderioan cition, somotimos iu good health aud again unable to".gotjiut ofLbydjjintiljn...lBgtLJw._ finally acttlod in Now York. Hore, for aoeut two yearn, he followed lim oooupatioa with comparatively little Bioknoun, whan he unffered a severe attack whioh loft him, until a few months ago, a martyr to ritai kaleidoscopic disoano. Mr. ItobbiuH ro- oovered souaawhat after weoka of idleneoi and wont bank to tho types, but again and again h* waa laid up, working only about six dayH a mouth. Gradually lib grew^ womo, and almost dinaouraged hn ontart the Biuterii hospital. Aftor sputidinti mtl] waary montha within ita walla ho "waa discharged with tho awful verdict "iaeur* able." More from a sonso of duty than with hope be tried other hospitals in the oity but with tho Hamo nmult, and resigned to hiH fate he loft for his old homo, whore be arrived in February, IB03, a crippled rosomblanoeof hia former self, and was paHood unrecognizod by liis former friends. Here in the houno of hiu father, .lames W. Eobbtm'f bn wan bod-riddon until tho uummer, and thon duruig the warm1 dajs wan able to walk abeut with the aid of a spiked anno for u few minuten at a time. When tho cold weather ttpproiched, how ever, liw was again oouuned. te the houso, Vma Pills wore frequently rooowmoiided to Mr. Itobbinn, and in i)eoember last' bo started to tako tliem. Tho first bok waa unnoticcablo but the second produood a Hhght cbango for the better. 'More Were then takou and tho ienprovemant was daily hailed with joy. by hiu friouda. Tdie rheumalisra left glow but euro, and has not uinco returned, [n March last .Mr. RoW biun waa'ouoo more at work and has not lortt a day since; tho cano had long ainoo been discarded and "Ed'* la one of tho happiest, jolliout employee* in tho office. Mr. Kobbiim iu woll known in tho county aud indeed throughout the' whole district. and although, au he bays, ho has not gob got tho strength of Horoulea yob, I*ink Fills havo givou him, for a'trifliug cost the rslief lie upeiit hundru Is of dollars (n VatU trying to secure. Ho ooiiHidorH the'dia- oaao completely out of hie* nystom' and can eat and eloep well, two eeseotial points to good health. Mr. Kobbius litroufilv reoom- mondu thm wonderful medicine to other sufierorj. Dr. Williams'Pink PilU Btriko at the root of all tho amease, driving it from tho syutem and rostoriug the patient to beal'h aud otrengtb. In oaecu of paralyu^-, spinal troublou, locomotor ataxia, olafctcw, rhouuiatism, erysipolas, ucrofuloua troubh a etc., these aro superior to all other treat ment. They are also a opeolflo tor'tho troubled whioh make tho liven of ao many womon a burden, arid upoodily restore the rich glow of health to sallow oh*?oks. fclou brokou down by overwork, worry or excoHB, will find in Pink j^iUa a certain cure. kiohl by all dealero or Bene by mail, post paid, at 50 oonta a box, or six boxes for 2.C0, by addreawng the Drk WilHajna' Uedioiue Compauy, Brockyilfe, Out., or BebamoUdy, N. Y. Beware of imitations and HubstUutoa alleged to be "juil aft good.,,; " r ^'1 spring may be tha meant* of keeping yoO >J " *! :-^M .. "^ TV.'r^ A oonrse of Hood's Rarsapanlla i ol ' woll and hearty all aummer. {X:j:i -l,-^/1-^;.^r^yl;M& liii^M^

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