Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, p. 7

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j?:ssi^>t^^i^: M'JS?T )b f^"'^Tr^'^ JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go,. HANKKUH. Next to Abordoon Hotol EbsqX. .. Monoy to loan cm Varnmm' NoUtHjNnhw bouijbt ' Monoy to loan on MoHKiq'm at ErafLii Unuotl payuliju at nar at all pilnolpal polnta Fire Insurance Agents, etc- r f.. TA LK .JDCtfiOl OF THE TOWN VpJi? Friday. Ai'iur, a, tson 7P"-' I 1 Yiw, March 1>hii\ed voiy much lilui u la nil j at tho Jhiitih Next Sunday in Knitter. Tim uraviiif* ih for b*jw bounutH and fimdi etfyw. On TiHKlny Apnl 71b., Pmbol&Biibkoi Will eoiwniincn to puroliniui i^rmn, I l'ublio and lnjjb itohonlu will clono on i Thunday of tbiu wci U for tho KuMor boh dayi) Wednesday wuw nil foolit' day, but the average 15hihx man wun too full f bum iiohh to indulge in April joki a, Sprmtf ban evidently conio to utay. Al though ubilly windo imiy vimt tin dominion ally tba neiiuon ih (sioUy well ou. Tlio l-'ui-u Puutta m mmUul loma bourn Y*W earlier thm week, in ouior to allo.w tin* titaff to propel ly ob1 oi\o Good 1' rulay A mention lin nmiitd Uochi ih iu town in tbu micHutti of tin oidu of Wnoilmni <jf tboWoild. 1I in ondtuvorinn to ortfan izo a camp licio. Blurt wiuHtM and wiapperu, huiidunniu tbm^H at amu/iu^ly low priixn at Mn, May h. T. Pamluy, lot 18, con. 1, Siiiidatone towmdnp, on Monday will aid] a nu rubor ut cows and nulyon by public auction Frank McCloidtoy, nuotioneor. Ibe ' Ciinadinn Band' ih reported to havo pluyt'd ith tirnt HtdwtioiiHon Saturday evotnn^ liir*t. TbiH in nocoidiu^ to ropoi t from Biinituiy inspector Gormloy. New linen of wall papiu for 18% at Wnv'4 BiiLjur. Priceo away down, Mra. Fefcur MoPbarhn, lat 10, N M. K , tovnitiLip of Maidstone, will well by pubhaaurjinji u lot of farm ntcck, on Tues day, April V, IBM. P. McClokktj.iuict. Joh. Tolten, nortii went quurtor lot 201. worth Talbot road, Sandwich South, will fioll by public auction n iot of farm stool*. o n Friday, April 10th, ]8!(G. P McCloskcy, fttJOt. Beautiful dinner eettu and varinun lun li of dialled at ama/iiitfly JowprictHat Alay'n Bazar. Sunday hint wau "ono of thu fhiLSt", and wau enjoyed by hundred*) of people who havo hardly daiod \uiture out uf ihnr homed during the previous four ivciku of March wouthu. Tho ltulitfa of Lnwc.\ wcio out in full force at tho millinery opening at tho - titoren of Akatira. Dirbol & Bucket and Foray the, Andcihon A Co , on Tuesday hint. The Jjmcx milbuoih uio ,i!v,-!i\n found fully abreuHt of fhc timeu. Regular 32^ elm tiu^d for 10a fib bunths Pant cnlnred ^iii);hauia and punts -"it. jd at Smith'o. An EaHtT ontertiiiutPfint *vill be fivi*ii m tbu Town Hull, Cottuui, on 'Ilniiiuiij. oveniiiK, April 0, lH'Jb, uinkr tlio aiiMpicoi. of Trinity olnlrcli buildup school itnd tin choir, aiiBiHltd by lalont from Knue-i A good programme of di iJo^uch, ruadinnfl, olnb-uwingiLg, \oeal and luhtiuinuiual oinHiOr-will bo icndurod. HiobaidHon has junt ilut]\i I a b^uipli ladieii* bioj ele which he i an ne|l bir f 7tM) J call and sen it. IjIldlLH, (^D to I\l .1. Wi^lt iV. Co foi v.hilt wear. Sinfjlo hurnorfft, S10 U0, wariantud umilu by band, at P. S. Adarnn' shop Tho fiyndicato of ^ontlomu who ruoanl- ly purolmoud tho fiuo tliorougbbrod horiic. Sir hiurtin, huvo plaood thf aniinal in tho hands of 1* UilkniHon, Kuii;sville, who will handlo him for the hquiom. Tho uvndiLiiiu huvo oltetcd Dr. King, pruttidunt, .1, A lioaot troaauior, and .1 L PtterB, Haciutary Thin b.srnu m aaid to no tho beat bred auimul oval brau^ht to linaox county. Bay a whtml, buy a (4'icd whacl, buy a good whsel from a good maker, buy a wheel fioiu J Ik bardHon Good woik lnne f(^r hhIo oluaj, to lio Boon at Wulu-i rfumen, Onttam U Ji h iV Go. Tho bazar ^iven by the Metliodiat Ladieu'Wid at Mi. and Mm. McKwauS "Broomhe ITou--. ", n>, Tuiy(]uy and Wod noada\ evt nintr-i, whh, us n utl, a.n nii- qualiflod huccobh Ne-urh .")00 admihfliouH Wert paid ill nt tlio doui on tho two even lugtt. An unumially lftrj;o cnllcLhun nf ii'ieful and prctt} articloa were dmponed of in the booth, which Wba proarlod over by a half do//n or more of tho ludy mombern liefioahnii utii of tho uou&l dainty order woro Hcried in tlio dininfj room on both ovaninuu, and vnu hoartily anjoyed Good tutihio wiih furnndiod by local muaioiauH during the nvoningii. ApprontlcoH Wanted, To loam rirenB- malung. Apply to tho Mihhoo Greonway, J, W, Gibnon ban tho boat noleotod lino of hioyolon in tho County of Plotiex. Boo hia advt. in another column. KiohardBon lms two i^ood neoond hand biayoltiii for nalo at a bargain. Hunter fm ninhii)gfl for rnmi hat, [oapii, ('nllnrn, nitffH, hIiii Ls, handkoiohi*jfH, cloven, Ntiuponilfiru, nil now. Uo to Whitimy'it. piuio alwayK r!t!ht. Tho ludieu of Hi PhuI'h ohuroh tho other day prumuitod thovehtry with aontn- inuniou Hijrviuo. Tbu haudiiomu nctt wuh puiobuHodof Mr. l'arlc, jowulr, of thin town. *~~ ' "*~ Unn, Kdward Blako, n6w mmb(kr for tint Bnliith rioutiu of Genimonn fair South L in foid, hi hind, it* ritthii miiomdy ill. I hi una ii /id Willi a Unlnit ul lui It id ooughing in tho Hocho on fun day, aiul fill tn the floor Uiu friondnaiu ver\ i.u. monk foi hia Louditien. Wo are uhuad in t.hotm m quality and prieo; neo thain,- Smith tfc Co. One thud off lad ion and ^entn' flin idnKK Itutton, hide or cuumioii A nnup it bmith'H. TboH. Paj;*, noutli wont quarter lot Kt, con. 7, Handwich Houth, nuar Poltrm Mtu fion, will k 11 l(y public am lion a quantify of houimbobf fimiiluro and no mo Jarmmo; mipl tmonti*, r n Thmnduy. April !)th, 1H[U], TIkth will alno bf ( If* rid u hoi no and cow P. Mcdloiikt v, auot M. II Hall has in his poimtu'iion anmall piece of gi Niiiiie bog peat, from one of ihou'fiimouft IulI producing boun of old IroliuiL '1 be at ticlo, in appeannuo, him voiy little rombuntiblo material, but the fuel domed from pmt furnmheH waimth to mill ion h of lnbubitiintii of tho old countnoH, I'.veiythlng at iiiucuil pnooH thin mouth, Come in ami itco uh. G. .h. Smith A (Jo, Itcn 1 Smith's advt for e,ood tbingn, l)o jon like to m,i mom v ,J U ad Snntll'ii ad v L Jlrti liiith fkattio, luhct of tlio Into TIhh B( attic, dif d at tho leindeijco of tiei noil in law H< eye Laird, ou Tucuduy rnnrn mg, "\liireli '21, at the advanced ago of 70 jeain. Thf d(ceait(d hidy waa tlio mother of a 1mgo family, hor Hon, Win, Bouttiu, and two daughters, I\frn. Laird and Mrn J. II Alliii, being reiiidenta of Lanoi.. Tho funeral will tak place to day, Bervico bo irig hbi m ht V uil'ii churcli, and inter- mout at Cottutn eomotrj , Our motto: Honent gooda at lowoat Jiving priceh, i\L if. Wiglo A Co. M. J. Wlylo A Co. do thu hhoo tradi light. P. B. Adamn, tho haruchH dealer, ban a lino iitoek, and ho will not bo undurriold by any man. See botoro you buy, A Gi i \f B\ifr\n '28 uci<H of choico land HituaLcd nortii of GoHfiebl avenue and touthof thu Kontor Parm oil" half ih in (en liuld . nd tho oth< r m tho Town ut IjHhi \. and only asHtHHod an farm property, It is most dcnnibl\ hituuluj aud_will v< i idioitly be worth duublo what it can now li" bought foi. Call at once if you want a biir^am. GIIAS. WIIXJ'L, manager In- pi rial Jtunk, XOatirx. ii M J \V iglo iV Go have juut locoivod a, liw e enriRigniiK nt ut new clothing for men "t d boyH See the new tin ugh in fai c\ < n < \i v\ auil toilet waio at 1'aik'n the .Uwvt-lur 1'ho unnnul concert of tho choir of Si Paul h church lull bo liold m Pocks Hull m rt Wednuhduy evening, Apul 8th ml an niiuuall} bnght urr-t> of tuhuit in no oiitcd AIihii Maje MpLCan u-h, kiurvn nH no ' Ti \an LiK", and a grndnatf ( t thu biht IJoHton he hooln of Orutoi^', togtthci w^li IIjiu^ a ISltindoliii Oicbiitia, of D< tmit till ht tin li'iuUi^ atiiactioiiH ?/lrs. I >i g\s nil u lio has ' haij; e of t In ebon , and tin r IochI r.uis'Litns will in"i4t Thm COlH . 1 t pi OrillSi ! tO bo 'Oil!) of till) in ht ' '1 bo hf*h annual iiKeting ol tlu Domin ion r'attlH Jin cdeis' Auhociatnwi will ho In Id in Shafti bmv Hall, Toionto, on I^n. iiny, \pnl 17 Hon Thou Rulhuityiui, of Sti atfr i d, Prf Mifl nt of th* AhHucmtiOL. v ill dt liver un additha at the opening and tlio dihLUHuKiii of live and luLeit ting topic!) hj piomiuuiit hvo 'took l>rttders will form the pio, ruuino Hon John Drydon t nd pading iiicnil)erH <j[ tbc piiliaiuonts ^ ill iilho bo prenoiit The pomono choson to apeak on the qupstioim impoitant to thin indiiHtry aio tho mobt oiporiencod aud fiuccG3fi(ul on tho ccjiitmont Par morn uro uigontly iffquuutod to attond thiti mooting. Kcducul railway latesaro given. ARE YOU GOING TO Ride the SiJeni Sieod? I oim g\vo~ you your rlioioo oi" wlioelH nt PRfOKB Llt aro RfOJJT. ^ \v, / 1) tho following populur The Oomoi, Clovoliuid, Gtitidfon, r'lipiLal, Ahiil No. II, Mm voy, I{( lidiicpj Alort No. i}5. A good Whfipi pillio Itulics'oi fully guarantood lor ono yoir, rtNits' V/.yjjy All purchasorH taup;Iil 1o rido by an experienced rider, Vee or<dmr^e. A noli, pbir.* to fall on guaranteed Got prices and terms from * >* We make a Rpecijilty of Black and Navy Dress Good^ Pliiin and Figured LusfrcM, Sicili;niH, Oropons, Henriettas^ SPECIAL CUTS, Oaslwnercs. M .25 plain and fancy bUdc* (d()c 7o " ,-.4t Si 1.00 phi in n nd fancy hlaokfi 814- b0 ' 47 . ~. k XJ.JMHHVJ OF COURSE YOU WILL RIDE KaiBa Best "Wheel IF SO, IT WILL BE THE---- ^*881^ Hyslop ! JOB LINE DRESS GOODS. &1.0O pl.un and fancy for fiflu 0(1 '10 Hi i JO 7HJ plain and fancy for 75<1 Tins litid g"iii'-C hit, ^ioatP4t diivo of tho fcouson. Choioo hnoofplani and funny jJncltH fiom 10c to J.">c, worth fcwico th^ jiriuLi. Chiarantfid fast colon. fJiiighanii, Ihluiiics, i'lainu hdh ,, sjiiituit^s, Towchnrjq, pfo., He vard* I'Atia hiii,' I jiu < Lou n Holler Jlliiu-s \\ uh Anfomatic lirako and nthov iniprovfriiPiits, not on any other wheel. Wc h'i\u a lino ol l(j viiiotiei of wliocK' nd prices ranging IVom $17..")') to hlOO and can yivo you iroin S^K) tu .^1.1 in tlio piico of a wlicol. Cnmpnie onr line with thoso of any other doalor. Call in and niHpoct our Hlock or Houd ior catalogue. Aa wc control Mr. Sifl'-on's mil*, our patrons hinc froo Distinction and praclicu thounn. All wlieels sold by ua arc filtud with tlio ctdi'bratad Moi^'an it~\Vvi0'hf (piukrcpur tno^. 'ait.inn jfx* ji tir (hul mi lJidfs and fi\turo-i fJ5o* iOf (Mich. Art MuslniH, Curtain Matt and (Jiotons, extn fine pattern-, and valiu \. Ib'gular standard HhaLiu^-j 1 i[o yaul tor lllc, Cobtonadoa, OonlmmH and Ticking of o\tra vilIuc. To bo in stylo have your otdor with us for spring suitn OlothoH oloBQ mavgina in this line. I* nil nm^e r.-arly-niado mi its. job lot l)oyK' hiutfl, T line for $11.50, ijb lim- lor ^1; SI line tor sj.10; ^H lino for $l.o(). Full ranfjo apini^ IFati and Caps, lino ihoes and Hlippcra; wo arc nevGtf undersold in the above lino; if quidity countn \va aro ahead. Klogant Kudor.i Hats ioj men OHe, Ladies' fine liTTI button Boots ftl a pair. Ladies' iino kid slippara 700^ (icntd1 fine laced oi Congress qhons ^I.S.i pair. i Ladies' fancy shouldet Capes H.'^uup. Ecmcmber tho elegant iuinituro wo p*i\e away free-. Bring along youi* cuflh, Everything la booming and vou may be too late. m W TiJ) U Whitney Block, Essex. 1IAVK MTItUCK OIL. Tho Pol* o Bhland i*riiHp(-cii w Grouuy I'.ncou ru^td. It wah rumorud Itiit .vec-k that tlmconi- uuny who Imvo b tn dnllinp; on Pebio LI in d. ha\L Htruck aiuhoil Vain. 1^ now tut mi out that their wAl is fjoad toi ubon* tbhty barrolii a dity. It tu reported of a bt titi ^rado tlum other CiLiiaihitn criidu". OrdeiH luiVH bticn nivon for tho drilling of scvir_d nioro wull. L. J. Smith, of Letroit, whh in town Huh \\(tlt. Lie jmicliaficil thu Kobiu'jon firm on \V i dues lay, pay in; thucfoi SI ,1 7 > in npot ciifili. ELL Abbi Sob* hniti The ljjvte Solomon S. Wltflo, Solomon S Wil;1 of Albcrtvillo, Houth GoHtlold, died ut bin repidonoo ou Wodnea* day, iVIuroh 2Gtb, laut at tlio advanood il^o of 7C yearn. IIu wilh tho non of Joneph Wi^Ift, a Cosfuld piouoei, and wan born on tbu lake front iiouila of lim lato icHidcucci, an i linn liM'd on thu iiiimo farm ull Inu bto with tb*3 cxotiption u a fow yourn Hponb at Ootbain, whuro ho oirrled on a naw mill, i ift iif| and nhingl t mill. Aftor hit mill _>vuh hmnod ho i<ttntnud to tlie farai iu ur thuro. lio wua married when uliotit [\vunt y one yliarw of ngo to Alum Eh/a Thornton, daughtor of tho lulif Richard Thornton of Nortii Ridtfo, who difld orno thirtoon ycam nmco In iq lH4ion A[r. Winiti wuo a MothodiHt, having mtlcntiUud iiiuidolf with that body many Vfi'tri iiu. Ho lofcvon fivo som and two (Uii'litom to inoura hw doparturu,1 Thuy are au Folio y->: Ilicbird 'J?., of Uaiditone; Roumor, of Blind River; Lomaol, Moth odiHt rainmUr of Kiggavillo, Mtoh., Wm. R.,at the liomunteud; Oliver J., Boy no City, Mich.; EHthor, wifo of Tho*. BiUb, Muidatono, nud Mary J wife of .T. It, Oliver Woo'lfltouk. Tho fnneral wan at- tondsd by largo nninborn who wiohod to pay the lo-nt tirlbut* of reopcot to a Joed oitiy.oti aud au old )ioutiv. triuik'n PowuIlih, luiJi packugo of whioh coiilainti two prcpjratiouH, oi r in a lound woodi iuI.ox, tin cow i ol which form1) a nicamiiu for uiiu dotio, un imniLdiate io hot for CoutiventHH, Sink lUadaoho ami Stomal It, ulho Nciiial^ia and all landn of ncivuiia pauiH, and another in ciipunloH, (from \ to J of mm ih an ordinaly done) which iictH on tho HowaIh, Tjivci- and btomaob, forming a nevor failing peiftct tiiutiueiit foi all HducI and Stomach com- phiuitti. 'I hov do not, an mo it pillH and ho in my other mt-dn inoa do b-Hu thoir i ift-ct oi proJuco after conatipation they aro ineo to tako. *25o it, box at all raodi- noi nudolorti. Public* Hchool Report. Mc. Mttunin'i4 room, 4th ohiHfi: M Mill ir 78, G Jamoa 71,, B Elliuon Gb\ L Roig hi, J Dowar IU, N Cotton 58, A Gourlay 5J, E Naylor 53, total l(H. For hiot woolt tho following (ihfluld havo boon reported : A. Latiifi G5, ,T Dowar 59 , Mho, the rtuvon for uiikin parenta for ootc H in to uate takind tho tauokot'H tuna from the fjoliool work, not from their own work, Mibh Shaw'H room, Jr. part nooond oIiipb, 'toiirkB posmblo fiO; obtained by biblical/ tou: G PorHytho fiO, L Sto o 00, M Alnmo CO, li GardnOr 50, A Gronn 18, A RhyndruHH 15, J MiDoiujall 4"i, G Jjun 10, A Loo 40, F Brown .18. Misa LIull'ii roo-u, ntarku [nniiblo fiO' obtamoil by hip;li*it hik M Hall 50, M Dolmorfl 10, N Witfhtman 10, W War tiny 80, Graao Wila 30. Mihh Wniiaraa' room, marlcn possiblo 50. G Gotmoll 48, E Smith -10 A Robin- aou 13, L TUorno i% H Allaii-11, B Coll 41, G KobiiiHon 40, I Davit) 3[), A i'lndor 80, CFnllor 39, G WhttoS'J. Mr. Uanmim'N room, nnnior 3rd: Frank . Gourlay 70, ^1>* Trowiu 51, Ethel Baufthman 51, Total 100. Minn WUIihim'h room, Jr. IU, Markfl poaaiblo 7G. J Doraan 05, G Lynch CO, A Roblnsau 58, G Footham Gfi, E Johnuou fifi, 0 Sloano 55, A Wjuoan R4, B Wilnoa 48, B Aloxundoi: 4(S, J EfiokH 4G, Brantford Red Bird, Perfect, Garden City, Dominion. They are first class Wheels and we guar< *j iintee every one ye sell. rdware, Essex Ih what you can rely on uottitig when you boy from uh. Our wa^on yoott to all ptirtn of tho town. Buns, Gakes and Pastries, You cant find incoi, frenhor, or owoet- nr in tho aountvy. AH kindb of Fanoy Cai.oB and Jolly Kolla. Fresh Taffy and Candies tivory day. Wo null notliiun ntaloot dry. Leave Your Order and you oau raly on prompt) dp. hvery. FRANK FOSS. Oppoalto Buok A LVauoIa, Bjiiok, GALL roll KISi kINDB OV Window Blinds away down Ohinaware, Brio-a-Brao, Fancy Goods, Novoltiee, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Woola and Fingering Yarnn, New Stock of late Wall Paper, OUR SPRING STOCKS Id now com plot o and no bottor appoint moot in tho aouuty. Scotch Tweed Suits, Ganatliar. Tweed Suits, Fancy and Black -Worsted Suits,' 4lftd to order at > V, (i 1. J South Woosl6, i'V.I^ a. j .1 $ S

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