Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 3, 1896, p. 4

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A Co. / ~~~Ghroro~ar&es Tho biixiT^ht vjiIuom in town and all now goody., Dni _ ___ ___ OrookeKyv QrocXsoryv Largest stock in town and at prices thai will UHtonipIi you. Gall and examine stock and bo convinced. No trouble to ahow goody, iiigliont price puid ibr produce, goods iDStitVEKEiD rnoMrTLT- A, H- SCARFF <fc Co. ter The Essex Free Pross. PIUDAY, APRIL H, lHVIo. TUG iMAIMjK IjIGAF I1VKK! I'OK A Unit mi Km)!. k^)!niiMi'M miimt Ijt'tUT In a Z<><*t'i> x'.iixm' In ', letter to tin IJiMh.n llvMinif.; TiatJHcript, ViHiiounl Fuiiitli tio Promiac, member of the Oonmnl "f the United Empire* Loyalist \nsociation of CiiD.ida, oxpruHWiu lumHoit m thm patriotic ptyleti . "If Mill will peimit ,-f*ui phi} ' in your (iVm l"l,tiir of Jim IOhju-a' Mum Tin* Windiior Ibiviow, in uddition to ru V filing hiddon .inure U mid m>>tt(iricn, in connection witli county printing mattorn, in piibliiiliiun unort ukutchou of tho 1 iv -h of various roprcnontativo mon of Hnsex County. The. butt ujttuo cfintaiHH thu following: .1 \M\t* I). ANUliUSON. ,1 l IK H Du.l ll'l AlldLT tOll, till \\ 11 Una1.*. 11 Dttiikfrot Ijhsuv Town, wti'i burn in thj county itt (ihiiKjurrv, Sept. 10th, 1HVJ II in paiouU, Donald and Junot Andorium, aro nalivuH or. Pu-thijhiro, Scotland, und euuu' ti thin unmntry early in hPo, n.-itlin^ in Glon^ariy county, Twunty yoairt a(;o oolumuH, I would lilto to give contrary ovldoiico to your enrru-poudont m hm "Ho- i tllfiy .tvou to tho vicinity of Ihahwoll, in -wl]HlQd~-EnTopfc" lot tor of (Saturday, February Tith, in which among ra-my huh- calculation!! ho itmi'UncH that England will give "Canada in < xchau<jo for an al lanco with tho United ritiitcm." "In tho firm place, it m aumnHt tho polioy of Hntan to -jivo territory for a nioro alliance, Mo Bntiuh Urrtory liau eycr lioisn yicldi d without a tluht, an tho YanlfQCH Kuow fiom thuir I77IJ 8't exper ience, and it win only }milling then be- caUKti Franco, Spam and Holland, to^etlur. with tho Loa^uo or tho North joinod a- giuutit England, and Uuhmui ntured up tho mnurrcotion j)f lljdtr Ah in RntiMi India. Bi itain tin n ^a\ u up par. or hi r \ nna-itnii territory and tuninl on Ik r cntmii h, Sht utupped Franco, Kpuiu, and llolhuul of luont of thuii colonic*, ruined then navien, and looked ltutmia up in fru/.on ricufl, fiom llllH not J it L'^r LjU'd. TllO hlllllU will hcfull any power, nhould ,udi .11 'jFZ "5l'Oo uoui Guou^n to onor ijanaua in c**Vaanfi ^or an Aiuerican alliance Lanuda, thi itioht lo>al of tho lirilisli doinimoiiM, the Uoyiitono arch, aa it Iihh bcon calltid win ncitui any power, hiioui r" *Vt l^for to uibinotnhwr tlio lintiti: V /"^ ^^-^No ntatciimcn in England wil -*rt.V 41^0 bold ouou^h to otter Canada in ia L'tuabton county, wliorn tln-y anil runido. After rooenui^ ti iipn i fdu"Htion in tho pubho Bi'hot 1 at Cornwall, nm auli]ect ntort'rt tho i^enoral Hton of Hamuid ('lino, of that town, an elurit. Lafor hp ocoiiiiiod a Binular pomtion with the Into Dauu] McHacj, of Crloiicoo. Urn nn\t inovo who t aLCupt a pomtion uh travullin^> ageut U>v tluH. AtkuiHon it Co., of JiJiidon, wholo. ^alo notion do'ilmti. Aftor m vei n g hnl connoction with thU flrim ho wan onug d by JaiDGH McUreiidv & Co., tho woll-Unown boot and nhot) lmnufuoturoui ot Moutiual whoiu.lio roprt-uintud in wohIopm Ontario fui, In lbH5 ho founud a part- "i"-nip in ljtjndon with U. C Strath *rn, in tlh whol eaalo dry goods bumiic-iH tl o firm name being KtiiHhors, Andoraon &. Co. At thu und ot hi\ yonrn Mr. AndorHon rutned from th-'tii'in, and pufrlntaud tbo bulking hu u o of It. id A Hlliotiu biancx town Lu l'< bnmi , 1H91, m c .iap u y s.n-h G. o !_, I i r^j, the, of London, he pur- iliLHcd thu oXtoiiHiva ounoral htoro or 11} W Allan, M. I1., and Mtill rotanm bin con. between Kn^land and india. DohhIoh, l t:U) V^GH^ ' connidorablo weaUh. Canadianh have a ^ovtji nninnl and a policy of their own, v. Inch muat bo rtckot.- od with. If tho declaration of the Caimiiiun Parliament in le^aid to tho United Statiu mterforeneo ih not enough to opon the i-yui of tho Mtupul anno\atiori- iota in thiH couutiy. lot ilpj toll who tho Citnudi iim a1-!*, 'ihoj aro not thu riff raff oi iburope for tho i ilf raff ouuu to thu United Siaten. Thty uro tho deBci-ndantH cf tho French nobility, oititorh and yol horH aud honuBt piomuTH and tli^u families of tho 138.0QU United liapue LoyalmtH, and tho flower of tho American people ot tho opoch of 177(1 8.1, tho UhiluUhU of tho familtoii ot oltioi-iH and ^optima of tho Btitiwb army d diuudod om (Canadian nod, and tho tamilied of uiuidy Scotch, Iriith, JGn^liHh, and WoIhIi yeomanry all lull of tho tradUipim of ^luiy and mj-t)ty of tho Britiuh ompiro, of tho tla^ that Uuh breast eel tho battlo and tho bree/,o for a thoinmnd yoarH of Old World ideas aud houour and chivalry, Bir Oliver Mo^at hau a bill boforo tho lofjiulnture piovidin^ for Htilaru'H to ptthcu uaagibtrutoi in tawnn At ptuneut theno offlcoro do not rcooivo a salary, only feui. Sir Olivor'd bill ptoviduH that police muj! lhtraton in towuBBhall recoivc filOO a yur and an additional $100 for oyory thounand of population or fraction of a thomiand when tho fraction oxcoods five hundred. 'JChio ari'iLUfjamont *Qcxluulatod to aeuaro tho Horvicey of il bettor olauo of men for auflh au important oflioo. Tho bill ih likoly to bocomo law. rithi i nterpmen of Mr Andurnou liavo boi n I arlicularly iiuecoHsful and ho ih to di y Ho in a mombor of tho I. 0. 0. F , and hoo tutrvod two forms in tho Kisot council In politu-B ho ih a 0 Misurvative and i i a mtn- Ijo-* of tho Vi. ibyturi m olmruh. In 1H78 lie iimriiod Eb/.tibctli UoUae, of GU'Ncro. DIJATII ON TilK HAU,. <jioriri* IJnlo u NorTolU Oounty ilio Vicnin, TV an Liiht Monda> uif^ht nbput eight <> uloclc IS IT A COMPROMISE? KoporL. Prom WlnniptiK H.ivo a Hopcjful Look WHAT ARE THE PROPOSED PLANS 7 X Itoynri Hnyi lliui Id. \,,sn Hciitlu Sjarm ^111 1-iolmlJlv In* l<l..|Ut'il d> (1| i tiut't ci *. * ih. i.nin nun .it "<IM S'l . ... ., v- i ih on Uu> t-rtdh on, Otlnu.i Aln i oh ^'i -(hpi clal) lli*- '"" l i' n'ii \\ liuilpip, Lu ih* '. >\ iii- "' ^ all pwluL 1 ' u enmiuoniii l uii Hit* * ihoul i|ii i- ll\" ^ h it Hi,, imliin ui tin 'in,-,,! - 1,1 " " ibhn i All.ii l K iu 'I - 1 ' d 1' , .illliuliKli Hi i,. ni i il ,ni| i - 11 I'M Mill. , 111 1 ,|L . Ill ') .1 1,1 u m wih 1 , ,| til lip ill. 1 ' l I s. liil< tiit Nu\. i oi ot i l ) ih in '* ' ') JI 1 I'llJ l|l/( Si \i I I it It '-I hi nils, ' ' I lb. |iu, <' lliiulli ll.L\i' }*! H- I i( ' !!> I hi ii ow ti m huid -i, 1 hi ii uu u II "- hf i indy-i u.i- iii,\ lnf ui .nl to I Jn ii M'lu 'ds All t' 11 tinlli , Imw . \ i i, iimu ilmt lo tin* rulilp * b'M.l , In ill. U'litt, i ,,i i,i\ation 'I In i* liuiihl In* "" dull, u|t\ In i, u Inn , ,l . tU' in. jit M" 1 hr -., , .M [ ( Miiim t, llic *"> ' i i I.lI i li uiiplnn oL C.uli dh I I "d , ha irlin.n ,1 (ii u II \\nul 1 In I'l ibK to l In tun ijl il> In M in.- Inli.i It K stah d, 1io\mvm, no ln.u- i- i wh.LL und. i l.imliti , i , ii a< h- d In "> mi ) < M. tin Ut n.t dial I.Ml \ ill, if J'lsihli*. In d Into W\v with tho l>i<>\ i u w hit h u.i' i.l.iiiil to tho ' i In i il iy, -Mi I'nstl^.in, MmlMtii of M irinr- mid Kisht i ii s, has i at h- d a d> i hlon 11 - idiii)* th. (lum^is In U bin i illa tions lni tile I Ji 11 nit JUKI M * * I ill* I* \' i i. Illtln i to tin1 Anici 1* in tl Ik i- nii ii on tin so i lv i ih h i v not hivn. i < " II h I '1 Tin n' hi m b. n o" ( 1 im r i mi in l,|o niK (|i lib I nib ii lite, i li* i lie ii Inn i Ii. i ii 111 . \. d to u d, - IllhltW lllilliui! n! Il iii!) , lUfludll)^ 1 11 Iim !\ i > w i 11 i, ui- i i' I utnbi r <>| pound ml-. I tid* i tin --f* ( Mid it Ions tin j havt i 11 tlnh in* >n >p- u m d tin hun'.s .> h.Li i oi tin ll hinj-r In tb' ii'ii'iw \ .i<t.i" Til. Mlnbtrr ins t In f Im e, di i nh d to yt Mil ' \ IV pii\il'K' to <'.in.idUin in b iiuMitli t h ii \, -n jnyi d b\ 1' 1~> li Ii l i i n, limit d oi lv li\"celtil!i li sLiu Huns- villi u n- i lUit'ii*. ru- i.u ti j- \ di im hub tih is in ni In i*n rl i - <b - initation w hb h v as lu i. tin olh'-r dav n Ui 1 lor fr "sliln ' Imt the Mmiil. - * 111 not [niifi'il.' lb1*- holi]l.j* that 'h.- dip.Mlint it inn., uti.n "in' ' nix.) c\ i il,,. (i iir i b It .s In l* tliat Mr. f'n t'^'in s dcrNhm will h id tin An iiieuii .uitllfcil Itle.) to let* tl" n - C'-Mly of a^netn. nprni fa i V> v,u\ t- t i n in \\ iii n eotil 1 n > i . tij b >\ n rmiii ibs. othei \ i o it m1i\ on*- Hi a ' tb i h i i.*, In t sL. il\ eis| i )i ti ni and Kt i-'lali',- nu. t sooi, nm tn an t nd, and fjalce Ihle, for wliUlrtli -\ ai e tin .pawnniK i,rounds sufui, n cuiise-. 'iii i""' Mr fhimiui, Hupc i int' n' it "!' th \i th till . i"j'iuif li, *'! nil' 1 ' da- a- 11 uu 1 s nn( 1.1 lu 11; lu-d i\ 'I .-u.- rit iJonilni m Ohm h h. *- ih' i hmibl rot hi dltlb nit fni AiicflK.uis I onian Callndli , ^U IhodNts, I'n s- I . I. l i.u s, Il ipti ts aud .ill ' thei* ( hi ist Ian d( nominations to .itne ii'i ii sunn* lornf of rUlKif'h to tjf i.fht in tin *-(.]) olh ol r lu ul i ll mi oh mi ai,'i< i nifnt werr* ai il\ d .it tho 1 ubln auilioi ,tieb would nnl dai to i l mi' to iii pt it. His hoii i, on\ ' - lion \w- that th- voiy pi opU* ^ ho I . i e inabin^ the i-nati t in.ul about II ! in tlii- he Ikhils \\ i i e j i oplo \.iin v, j.. 1 i piiij., Llod and ii lUion out id the schnnl '. Mi i: ul , M V , \\ bo h.t'i si vi r il v *:- -< U ' ii ' t-,. d ru tin " ilm, uiihi ' i v, )i i-- i , up t" lus| \\ n\<\ >\ oi 'be i i ist rub li of the lb hMi C'dumbla 11 it. The ' J* oai niifl Jl.lttii I:-, the t-ip li ii *, With Jb> sbuiH, om nlMi K.U I s \ismIs, tin I^jlw n, bid in; Mcniid ^ 1th n Th s r"pjesMils six \\f'b ' w.-ik, lillt the Clltr Ills Dot Up to thi* aMlii-e, i \ n n 'o tie- v.'i 11 hi r, 1 \ j * ] uie nis ai. ii"w in T>"n- s 11 11 ibi i\ uniki tin dii < lion ot IMol Pimu, (^iiinnil ' loni'i ef IM h* ri s.with l \ ii w in ib li i mmint; th I** st im i hud i U iv iy ! i in tb n it itlve h.ib bit Tb I" h (11^ I > p I 1 till! 'It ,n lltlO -, Lu *- t l\<ii', ami bdisb i spawn to be pi u d in tin \\ ab i s j! tin l1 u bn ! \,i i iii . b - Snnll ii e tL mi ts mi th put (.lb. I'nlt. Cl M it ( jiiiiViil ui in i < -e inl li Cap id.i hin k i'ils It will bi a fi i .it r< ath"i in hi i cap. i'h< supiib im ntai y isiiinnlis lui* th-1 ODS! NEW GOODS! r VK li i U \)uycY Una Hitunied frcrn tho cantem rruirkotR, linvin^ made oxtennive purclmBen ihchidin^ tlioTK wcht thiiipM in fine Dross Gooda* PrintH, ])kB, Ginglinma, Flan- lU'h'Mcs, I ikts Ijiibroulfcru-H h'ibbouh. Vciliiinh, ] Mlion' Whito Undenvoar, Hose, GIovph, //ovH-tp, Lore CurtiiiiiH, liollcr ]Minds, CaipotH, Tublc mid Towel Lin^ia, utaple Dry (JoodM and Miuill \\ioh, Mon'H hliirtn, Tien, UoIIuvh, OuITh, PantiyigH, oic. ; ^ At Prices that Cannot be Beaten. rJ he fust td Hijn im nt is now lo lnnid and wo ( xtrwl n cordial invitation to all who aro lnteieMtd in nico new gocdh ntjIowrRt lirinp prices to call and see what we are doing. Hundreds of New Hats Are already to hniul, incliiclmp; tlie\er> lntcti bhapof- in hlack, hrown and Cubn, tiff and PodoniH, nnd fully 25 per cent, below eity prices. Other lines will be following in quick succession. Our Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continucH'. Now is your, chance to buy Overcoats,- Underwear, Furs, Mantle Olofchs, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments are all right. Yours for Bargains, DTT-WSTilKr HSLOCiK:. BSSB2SL Pressing Time with "as. Soon time will be Pressing You Ki.r n in u StMUNt; Mill. Wh> i ot ordor l o\v Tint Hpim^ hioak in \w N '. Yoili fii^hioiiii loo in d jou win ui't 1 utti r work now before thu nihb *h on foi uprin^. DUNHT\N IUjOCJK, US-iKX Know What You Chew %k A Vi pxprci) No 10 on the Miohiiuu (.Jfiitral,! CUM ! nl nhl"1* >l J1' uili '"' 1" l ('"llllU)' iiHi- it, no tioulJt-iiioiit tin n / Pot bout values in clothing, butu and oapaundall uuntu1 furti-rihiu^H try '\l. .). Wiglo A Co. Whnu you buy tho ftiuaoun BKAVl'lH Oliowinf* Tobacco, bo unto tho word Boavor in on uuoli plug. Did you hoar ot it? Tho bit; bocm in harncHB at Adnm'n harnosn utoit?. Tho wny life is BlaiiKHtennf* hi mock of new baruoflH ih a nurpriuo to thu old timoro. Cull aud sou him. Ptttk tho Juwt-lof, huii ruciuivLtl u lurfjo impotfcationn of tho ii^weut thiiiuii ni lino he&toom mid fancy arookory, toilot waron, etd. Ihoso Kooda aro ot the vury bent foroign manufaofcuro, and ara.KUftrauteod firet-olaBH in ovory roHpoot. Call and uco lem, pricoa ti^ht. JTor laoo ouKtaiiafl, window Hhadon, car. peha and ell houuo furniabin^a ro to M. ,T. Wigl* & Co- Konifi otiHt, dtruclc and killed a who wilh walking on tin* track about a nnlo wi-dt, (jf L'olton KtiLtion, Tho [body wilh pic lad up aud biou^ht to I!jjhu*-:, *'ind b ft m chur^o of tlio coionor, Dr, MoKuiwio who uiiinuotod this body and found bun to li (rooigi' IJ'ili, of Windliam (Jcurrn Ho wan about forty hvo yourn old. anil hud Ikun in bad circumtjLancuH for noraG tin-o, baVinLJ been unitblo to t-ot work. Some K ttoi'ri on Inn pumon disclauod tho fact that a woman with whom he hud recently been living was iu Detroit. A nt wHparer cbi- pini^ ulho itattd that bo und bio wife hud p.i^slntf, fis tin* money 1, n'ill\ noi <U 1 lm i\ji ndltin'o .ihcMdi or (Hilled Tin- in.tin and uppk niciu.iry (stiniato^ lm Hi m \| lisf al y i li , h j\\ i \ i {, in l not 11 tly to 1) i--^ v* " tm Just received, Another lavge assortment I*iom the Leaaing Manufacturers of JJcadymade Clothing. J^ complete assortment of the JSJfewoBt and latent designs CJoiuprising all that is roqnisito la the clothing trade for Spring and summer seasonal Each line of Jguits has a mark of Superior Workmanship and Style Earnestly soliciting your lamination of the name J. &, fftAHCIS, Essex. VI n f'OA/Jf C/7;s \4)l i,\ II.Tl'. sx < ftdt s, tliilll'.'nii int. 1 .itntili n l)iMi**.iiV( il t> tlii' Umiirt .it .bin *. Monti cnl. M m h 'M.~ (i-'pLC'lal) MtHhrs SdiiUKl fr. Dt'fih-s, John Mulli- ( fin and Fred T.iniPlin, who,with John Siunc, wlI'u cIuli tfi*d ultb c onsidi lm, to (hu-.nid the Ui.limI Trunk Uallway In tlu li c-iip.icltiua a4 conductin.s ox' tlu* I* free from tho Injurious color-In-:; TEic t*norc yoa use of it the bwl_. you like it. TH42 GEO. E TUCK7.TT 6 CON CO., LT^ HAMILTON. ONT. tuinpan*, bi-twun Munlii-U and T*'- bL'i'ti tiunipinn from |ki' to placo looking i (,llL". v-l'i" lnd hol fiulLy In thu for worlt fm HOintj tuno. tlndertultfi Iliclts, of ilnu town, mok ohiir^o of thu body una pruparud it for burial. Hih father unmu frim Windliam on ruoiiday, .uid romovod tho body to bin homo. Mi. Wm. Dale, a county cmnjti bl of Windham, ftith&r of the deuoiiHcil, who wan in towti on TiiLndiiy mud that Inu h, nunnl Timblyn win pbu-Od on, but wkh llysarHof tt. and bud . wife aid|LhL Ju,y U U d in nff" ' " ln '" ",l thruo children hvin-j at Wutorford. lua Com l ol (jiu-iii'H lU'iich hoc yc-Ui day aft^inoon. The caai*, whit h bt'i n on alncu Tuesday latii, eausi-d t-i at IntcjioHt ln thiM city and tin oiifih- out Ontario and Quebec, whoio the men wua well known. Concluctor Siono did not iaco Lin muMc, and get ting lid of hbs btdongln^.s in Montroal, \\ I'ut to Florida and invented in an oian^i' fvrovo. I-nnln'j; t'u M.mli tt-nu (.. IS')"., OonducLnis JJijiiIcs, ^lulU ,.ui ESSEX .ii ([iiiLttil and 1 for euiivh tiori. '1 he lol- lou Iiik jiuors wciv Hwoiu in tiuwlav mutbor died iibont thrco monthu aeo audi tu tiy llui caHl' "nl:(, in,in' A S. Brown, i , ,, . Timothy Muoncy, Unnonn IMclnnc^, lujcimo hnnu- Ho WIIB , St Thoina>i , t( , t'mnp.lh 11, John J>uiiy, John Ab- about a tiiouili a^o, mnco which tune ho^'-utby, l'.itiick Mf.wm n i, ,jani"n ban not been homo and bud notbocu 1 card fiorn. , On bin pt-rHon *oro 20 uuntu in cindi, aome let.tormLnd an JiT. C, R, bi^ago nlicolc for bin truuli whmh wuh at Mt. OIumrnH, Mioh The droQaiied hud bei u married thrao tamnn, wau ono of tbo only two ohildron in a well-to-do family, hntfor nnateady hablta aiiRlifc hiivu liad ii pood tfmo, Th unfor- iunato man win* a victim of the hrjuor habit, wlnohit m fearwd, from information jfrtOBivod, wan tho unuoo of biwdoiLth. Tho body wna fcaltiiu: homo by the father on TuoRday ovonuitf. it yom want to onjcy tho comforbt if homo buy a lOo. j)uahiif*o of gunmut TONKA 6moUia Mixturo. orinunan, Jniuos < I'lii It it Tromy rinit, AVnilun In ,ttty and Kngein Jlorn-an, tin list-nmncd belntf tho only Kiendi- ppcakliif!; Juror. Half woie 1 toman CtLl.nlc'h .nul hall' in ott-htant!-.. Ale-sis Don.ild M.icMustei, Q.C., and II. C. St. I'lino, QO, conducttd tlu dotcnci In a very abln manner, while .Mr. M. .T. 1*Qnlnn, Q.C., lookt'd aftu the Crown's oiwl falthlnlly and \v< 11. Jiulb'o Wnrtelo addio^Morl tho jury i little over an hour, and though Ilia Honor was uti Ictly imnartla), the charge wan against tho conduutoia In tho hoA At 3 o'clock the court wan adjourned until Ft ;;u, and the XZ m<-n went out tr<< deliberate. Wh'-n tin* prenhlent of the. tribunal again took bin neat and tho Jury had announced that they \voro leady for ti verdict, It wits an anxioun moment for the ae<m:*otl. Tho foreman havlniv heon aslctwl If tbo Jury had do- elded upon a vcrtllct, he ropUod, " Yea, we find thorn not guUty," and thoro wa an Immodlato outburnt of ap- PIiluh^ which "will* Quickly and uternly m^preflHed. r Hoadquarl'iHH for Sotiool BooIib, School Suppht'Ei, Noto I'upur.Enveloppii, Irilo- Writing Tahlutrf'ind nflicn Sltitioneij MI^PK\KINO \N0 TAAITLY nituaaisr. M. B. ^WIGLiB, It'-ufH 'I'lii-mi Ancbcw li'iilu'r, All. .ipti r ol Km OSiwlIi fol Rev Ancbcw FiiIut, "ti ^M ftpt-oted mirnHb-iwd1 thu Church land, now Ucotoi d St. Job . h Bt'oohvillu, OnC, bourn -"ctiinuny ilh Iowa: * In rv opinion Pinorrnlt. hontn tlu m nil Its promptnoHij in ullayiYiji ooiudi, nn^thi ic noro throat or horo bin *, and breaking U| a ookl, to ui hint been tnirpii^in^ iVTuin, yftmedioi* liuvo bocu iviod >n my Nmih but, Pinomalt e\onlla thorn ull. Thin vol untarv opinion \* |{ivon unti'-v a full kium of tho OaUtion Impound upon my pomt-ion iu taooiaiy " Piiomalt imho faHhionnblo romedy for all thront uipl ubo^t aihnont. It in hod ing;, Moothinu*, and pvonipt in aotlon, Ivi ohromci canu9, aiul eounumption, auk your diugtiibt -^or. rinomul and Uypophoaphitou, Innuiud of plain Ih no mult. Tbo now cut. moat palatiblo ahd beat. The Gash Grocer, Confectioner and Baker. 1113 peoplo of tho Town of Eaaox und fiurroundinw country bavo lonR felt tho waufc of a pliico whoro thoy could (jo and prirohauo what tboy rcqiiiro on a oloao, oaBh haaiH, without beinu compellod to pay higher pricca to tnuho up for tbo Iohsgb made in tho credit ayiitem Cull and hoo our tfoodo, which aro always of tho bout quality, and tiot our prieon, \,hiob aro tho lowout, Don'b mi no trying our To a at 22 oonin a pound. tf Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growers and dealers in America, at lowest pricca. oabii paid you OTHER PRODUCE. FIRST-CLASS BUTTEXt AND PBEBU EOGS AKt> GOODS DEWVLltED PROMI'TLY. M. E. WIGL2. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr. Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, v.

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