Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, p. 8

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^^^^^^^^^ Vflft K4BOJKJK *-WURl& PWIM^ ..A___U, JftS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKMKS, Next to AbordoanHotolLEflwy^ orColIfiotad; Moimy to loan mi Mortnon ut went mtufl Mid bonb turinH. DruftB tuuotl ttuyublii at pair ut nil Ttointa re Insurance Agontsy etc- ONTARIO'S FARMERS. The Work of Our Agricultural Collo^o. IAL& PERSONAL \u Bt. rhomiLx *hw low ut Jt A. Bliibol wmi Week. Mm. Goo. Barth anntnuioH vory W romdonao huro. Mm. J. A.I'Vanoin, who Iihh boon noriouu- ly ill, i ruuovu'intf. Go. Gray, with tho firm of Barrott A Co.. Mpunt Sunday with Trioudu in Detroit. Mm. Cluudo Vanoo hnt* boon oonouuly ill with lu (*ripi*o for norau wockn, but in n-- oovoriun. Wm. OhuroU wan attuudiuff tho Gratia Council of CUoaou Frioudu in Toionto thin wouk. T. Dalgltiinh, of Gait, ban boon vnutiu,, hfu brothor Juu. Dalgloiuh with Gourhy & Botlft, J*!tltU3X. JJ. A. .Matwull.of AmhcrHtburi;, IHpou. lor of l'ublio Bohoolu, wau in trtwn Huh week. MoHdnmoii T. II. uud W. AI. DoCuw attended tho tjruuii opora, "EVtunt," ut Detroit laiit wcolt. Hay. N. .E, Suott (tuiptirduuuiiud) lma boau ctmlltiod to hm hotiutt horo, from an attack of la grippo, for tiumo wctkn, Minn K /oaland returned to hor homo in St. ThoniKH, uftur upvudim; tho wintur with hor found Minn Gibnou, horo. Mihbob A. Colomnu and B. Iliok-i at tonded the Kpworth LGajruo eouvuntiou hold in St. Thopma thin wuok. Mm. C. E. Nuyior ruturuod laat Friday nif>hb from a ton dnyo' visit with Mr. aud Mm. J. I*. Naytor, at Mamutuo, Mioh, Mm. F. Lloword, of Ohuboyauu, Mioh , ia aponUinu a fow dayii with hor daughter, Mi't. 0. Fhut; Sha will idiortly louvo for her homo in Cheboygan, Mioh. Mr. Thomo ia ablo to take bin pltico in bis drag otoro thin wook, after linying bosu oon&nud to tho houxa with la urippu for ooarly two wookii, J. R. Oliver wifo aud family, of Wood- utook, havo boon mopping at the homo of --TlfOH. llia, Maidatoaa, thin weok. Mntr OHvor'n fathor. Solowou Wiglo, Kiucaville, oootinuou aerioaaly ill. W. J. MoUtnor, Booretary of tie On tario Piovmoial (lonatabloa' uHHQciation.wan in town UhI weok in tho intercut of tho ConHtabloR' Bill,which will come up m tho LogiHlutiiro next wook. Tho Oouataldon' Tariff ban buou ohao^od, yo thut oon* Btablea will bo bettor paid in tho future*. Jamoo;, of ICmbdalo, diatnet of Parry Sound, waa visiting hia hod and other friondi in thin yiciuity. Hiu wifo haa beou h*ro for aomo timo, and they returned to their northern homo thin week. Mr. Craig wan caught in the big snow Htorm last wuok, and wan for about two dayn ou the railway between Onllia and Burrie, a diatanoo of a httlo moro than 20 milou. TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT. :iriiit'r*.' Houh ,>!' 1 lilu l*roVlu<- Slultlo U|> l-.^Ulv IVi- r'iH or Hit* HtudiuU' Hiio*'\ jiutl IViii-lhr Xcii't |"*>- mtlMT i-iHlh-n' K|t<N'lul rc- Gootlemen, Do yea want tho vory latent tbiDKd iD walkiDR Hticka ? I havo juat botieht a mco auaortnr.ont which I would like to abow you, E. L. Pauk, Jew- lor. FOR SALE. AN AGED *rnOIt0TJOHBKI5D POLVND Obina Boar obono. Apply to M. BARTtKTT, Qosto. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, -Cor. Talbot st.and Victoriaave. Tho latest iroprovod maohinory for Ironing Coll ant ond Gufto. Will uot araok or break t.ia winU. Family work cheap, and dohvorod. Paroela called for Pleaao call and try. If not oatiafaoiory mo charco will bo raado. If our work auita you. reooramond un to your friendo. "WANTED eaanrdne^S^e^ i.oolrnn'uto **ThO Sword of Isl&kti or gufforlng Armenia,'* & thriiuiiu book k'apbla accoant of t Kunteru Qnestion, thn Turv. ArmnIan and Mohauimodanlnm with Un horrible masaaorea, Kumoroun Btartllnc; Ulmi- tratlona taken on the upot 418 pneoi, ouly P1 ()(; Sena GOote. to*-oanvanaioR liood AgouU mabo IttJW to fcW.O1! woflkly Bradtey-Garretson Co, Ltd., Toronto, Out. '<z. IRTHS Bbxtoh.< At Old Cafltle, on Friday. Mtir. '20, to Mr, and Mm. Simon ftoxton, a dauuhtor. Awimhoh, Ai GiHto, on Saturday, Mar, 31,toMv. and Mm. A. C. Atkim-on, ' Ufl-chor, a daugbter. 86* tho now tbiu^H in fancy orockary aud toilet warfl at Parlt'a the Jawler, BprineihouuMloaning la at baud. You will find tho latat and bnt thii^a la wall pipor aud Decoratlouu at M*y'* Baur. lJHoi alray rl^bt, ToKiiilu, M.iriih 2.1.--'Pbo annual port ui' Hi, Ontario Am 1 cullunil Col- lij'.e ami i.jvja nun l-'arm lot Jy'.ili " " I" t b'fu 1 .*u (1 Li in luui'liiomolv lUu.itwUi'ti, .in I jJii-M'tit.i ,1 nuuibui at bin phntitKiiuiilUj of lh' iii-dlt'ijc billld- liiK' ami Kiuiimpi, annuir, thf rholcinL bi-iiii; <iii<> ijivhi:; ;m InLtMior view ot the ((jjiM'i\.iLuty, .mil nnotlitr i.IiowImk the Mini, ni.s pi.ii il.,im? h.vbildii5,LLlon tn tin lab.initory. Soma \\i.'ll iJvi.'tcht'tl fin;r.L\ Imj.;m of leading Uia.-s,.,, ,,( (Hiturlo an- also i:lvon. 'L'lu; th hi 01 iiu u'ir.iticin cuvLiL'd by thu 10- poi t Im \\ liiu. >V UNUiGW KDUCAinONAIj INSTI TUTION. In it'll, Ititun ' tlni, siitiiinarj' of tho yv h'^ pru^n'-M, Vvt :..dciii MUIh pro. L< t (K I > .t > . "'tin < olii 1; Is unique timontr the !n- TLltnilnii , w hiuh im i>vlM oilui'at Ion for tho people of thh; Province. It hi tho Jiil> 1 duc.iUoiial IniU.Lutlon In Ontario, exci pLiiij; coiniucrohLl tiehools and la- dli;;)' cub.iim*^ which haa to rely wholly upuii Us iiH'iil'i. SLudcnLii are lerjlalat- ftl Into our Hl<h .scliooln, unlvoi-nUlo'i, Lhcolo^hMl li 11**, law t-ehnol, mfdleul t-( Colk--u of Phar- tiia<>, an 1 Vct rlnary Collide. If inch ini women wiii- ullowtjil to teach, picach aittl pra( lIho law, modlcino,' lunti'-try, |liaimacy and tbu vc tcrinaxy Lrt wlthoui a pieiioribed cx- iniln.ition Un at tt lid.tiif'L' of atuuVnts it ili.h m-hodIs, inU^Tsltk a j6.wl rnoFit jt our tei'hn cal nchooi and collpjjci would bu only a Htnall fraction of what H lh .U the prihi'Ui time. Vary few sci k (lf;i< for Itii own nalco. "If we could Hocuiv the-enactntont of a law ulucli would compel people,* to !>ii:,H a pit ^m,bed literary and prufo:- -ionii , xai.tiiiatluii before enijaKlnj< in ^rouiiil aLriotiltuii'.Htock raianiK.d.ilry- hiK, market f^ardtninp or fruit grow ing. It would nquiie a ncore of a*rl- culmi ai e-dle^* a in tbla Province to irocomm* date the yuunjr men who would hccU Instruction in nirrlcilltu're ind the .sol iiu -a related then to. Hut, undi*r pnsciit c^ndltloim, pei-Honi cm eiif.'-a^e in agricultural puihuds without any kind of prt-paia-tlon; and agricul tural collides, not having b< bind then the jHitent lcvcrntr- of Idj-oU enar't- nii-nt9, have to di pend for the.i al- lendaiice Holely upon the ehar.ietc-1 or tin c dtifatlon which they kIv. and up on the deal re of younj* men line apd there to obtain knowledge for nn oun sake, and for the pu;,sLbl<> ad' untune which It may he to them in lh-.,- 1 f- forts to make a li\lnir. Under s-u m fircuniHtancoH, it Is not sin prSn: iltii the ntlondance of Htudenta at punny ifrrlcnltural collns's Is u u'i ly sumI t^ PlU01AItATOHY DKPAUTM1CNT. "Koi borne yeats we nfuhed admls- aion to all who weie unabb* to pasa oui matriculation cxamlnation.which is the tame ay that lixed by law tui entrance into the H^h hcjiooIb ui thu I iodine* , and, considering the number mid ehai- aoter of our Public nchooK, wv could bee no reason uliy uu t.Uo,.fd not do bo Tliia couisl- w.u, mu.i-1.. and in many respect^ ataaaetuiy , b.u It i - Bulled In the adtn.btilon of a laii;o pto- purtiun of city boyb and otoe*.. yii 1 readily patiht d the n examina tion, but did Utile 01 nothing theicii- Lei. ThiD Injmed, our n putatiun amun;; the larriieru and w 1th oini 1 pepe , \. 11 j weiu "being constantly Influeueed by u- ports and fatorle.4 about the .chaiacter and conduct of our uiudcnts. Ilcnco we made the terms of udmlsaion i,o!iii> what eaaier. We admitti-d a nuhiber uf farmer a* yons who, fiom oiu- cause or another, had giown up w.thnn Le- liiU' well gTOundt d In th e.e...eulai y branclica of an Engl bh Lducutiu . Some of thohe. were v<-vy csmie, but they knew the value of time th.-y worked hard, made rapid progiess, and did much towault, liu- tialie character of uiir colleyi liL'u, bo ihai, at the present time, we have n, ouiei- ly and well behaved a lot ot htudettU uh can be lound in any part ot the world. The cluing*- w;ih Very giatt.y- uig, but our troubles weie not at ai end, because we found great d illculty In teaching together students o, au^.i varied attainments unlvei biiy under graduates, Hecond-cluss teachers, tlutd- cloi>s teachers, some w ho had Jubt passed the Hgh school entrance ex amination, and olulls wiio had nm been at school for Ave oj six year*. This dlillculty continued fiom year to year, till in July last we dt ctd- d to lorm a prepaiai-n y department and [isle for an additi ami master to teach Uinghsh grammai, composition, at'itn- tnetlc, draw in(1 and one or two otav 1 branches. W.ih .an h a loit.o 1 h ti . we can make a mo.c satlslucicry class- lilcailon ol our siutlema, ai.o fai.all b able to teach all gtadeu to nmuli b'-^- ter advantage." SOMKTJUNG ABOUT TIIK t:i'U- DKNTW. In 1W> the students attending the college numbered '-m. Ui ihebe, x^y ul- Lended tho general course, 01 u n^.a UU w-^je trom Ontailo, while 1- cume trom ota- er provlnei-b of the Lominiuii, aiid l*ie rciiianider came trom omei cou.aries, as tuhows . beriiiuila s, England 1. l-lrunui, I, India 1, lieiand 1, b^ulujid Tb. ti'ectni dairy tourue had 100 stu dents aiunding, all but tux being fro.a OltlUl'IO. .'UIi.Olip, ml' Uillli bluU^Iua V, Lit: bis lauieL. 1'L.rty-ui.e uuu..i t-; and d str.ota weie repiebeitieu. Hi l, t u. . ral uj-iu, ajjd :;i In the biJL'vi . .j / coaitje. Kacl, Co-., u ... ... 1 i^.ii\C: .a allo<\\- tru Ui piClltl one >- -^- H . - ut LUiLlOll, and the nonui.-t.un is mud- by tno County Council, ui those on tin* rod for my5, *."> were so nominated, and iut a, consequence were exempted from tne payment of tuition tcefj. Ontario stu dents not nominated by County Coun- i'lln pay a tuition fee oL $^U a year, and non-residents (from other provinces, Great lirltain and elsewhere) pay a fee of $luu the Urat year, and $5(J the sec ond If a non-resident student hub had'a yeur'u experience in practi cal work on a farm hlo tuition tee for the llrst year Is $5u| RUlLaOING IMPROVEMENTS. The equipment of lh:- Institution has been improved dining the year by tho addition of three now buildlngH a li ige and oomtnodiouu experlmentuJ building, a Dpeclal plgfjcry for c.-xp*rl- n.cntnl foodiiiR. and a dwelling houre for the manager of tho poultry depart- 11 l nt. The exporlmcntul building in worthy of the province and of the Im portant linen o-f work lnvontlKatrtd. It ccnirtlnH sixteen wll arranged rootwi un oftloo, an aurrlcuHural mxjseum.three tinge work-room, a* tool room, a dark 100m for photography .and bI* or sevon ^ *t Hpnient rooiwsi, all tor th& uao of the . .-rlftietja) -deoarimcfnt : aio Ji erf- iK:y and an ajcrlcultusttl,likboatory tot tlu- Oeptirlmont of Agriculture ; an of- bc 1, a pi Ivaio laburalory, a woi ic room ami a ui udi-in.H1 litbotatctiy lot Uu I )e- jititmeiu ni ltiiei> t lology; aclimiooni i'ii piautuul lindructIon In live- iihh ., and a lectin c loom for Uu* use of tin- ayiluultuilMl, the buctcriologlHt and the prot'ei:or of vtteiluary sidunce. Seveni-1 alU'iittiuiirf lu tlm main ool- b'gi* bulklLiu; weio abto made In lHOti, v, ith a vle-w to se^uilnj; an additional cla-im room, ami pit>vliHng^u.acommuciu- tlon for (he Wu-perlnlendeiit of P'artM- il'H' luUlllUUil. Jty thejJc OhJUlgCH iiUlt- aldc quartern have Ikhmi secured for the important dcp,irtjin-nt of InatltnU i\ork, and a large, nicely furhudu-d da h iDii.ii ptoyidi d foi Ic eturc 't and jiiattlral wotk in ph\Mict and Inatrue- 'tlnn lu menh.uilr., hy^hoatatlci, elee- tt li .'ly, clc. l.Ml'ultTANT INVESTIGATIONS. I'^vpc rimc]ilL ol a ]niu-tlcal cluirnc- Itr have been conducted 111 vainuiM de- l-,u iiiu-ntit, but our tpice uclni'its of 1 ler> in e only to. two or Litre e. Prof. I'aiiLoii luin be**n givliiij Mpcc-lul atlen- ia>u ui vt^eUi-ble hLioli ,y uud plant I .'ilioloijy, and maUi s ^-UKgctlDii;. of a ulujjl viUu.ible n.Uute In Lconomle bot any. JitM iiproying enlendar is worth a good ikul Lo fruit gio^eis. In piut IV., J'toi. Shattlevvorth, the K'Jlege chemist i;l\ci In del.ill the n - .'Ultii ol 1111 1 laburah. t,ei loji of e\peil- II nits In the anilynbi ol milk, wliev 'l f In * n , carrKd <>n by the help of I air a MM ant olu mlnbi ihioughout IUq 1 aaon. Iiom \ju 11 to Ufi'Miilicr: (1) to dtteimlne tl.t ratio of ci'-eln to f;bt In l"<i, iiii'dmni aiul G(h milk tfiIn win tin r It vai li s im the rat vn- iles ui not, (*J> to d' Lei nulne whether lh. I at In milk Is th exact iiu-amirc of Its elu si-proline big pe>wiir, that l'i, whether the made from poor, medium or rich milk, l-s exactly In piopoition let the fat contained In the milk. iuth these lines of Investiga tion wlmc piirMir-d ui-tb great tre and accuraf y thrnughout U10 ohocw>-tnak- ing s(-ti'-oii, for the purpose of okMhL- '""f I'rot. Gcnn and tJuen- tifijioclateM with him In the Dairy Departmetu in Ihilr efforts to fln/1 a Ju.m and hatls- fa dory method of ]>a>lng jm- tions for the milk ' nupplled to che * iie faclorio*'. Gbe.^t were made fiom all kinds of milk and nicoidlng to the b ut methods known in tin* country, Uia mill?, whey and fhfce \\eir annlj/ad by the chemist and his Jusij-tants; th* cheese weie Judged from time to tlmcbv rLcn^nlzc^d ex-pert^; and the result1) obtaince) from the vear'y work unqiP^itlonahly ju.stl- fy the conciluslons annouiiced In 1S91, v|/, that ntiinb'i' representing the casein of mMk .should be added to the pciecntnfre of fat to got a strictly equitable basis of payment. Pi of. Shuttleworth has suggested an aehk-nd w bleb vanes sernowliat ac- cordlnK to tho rlrhnr-as, of tho milk ; but Prof. Dean favors the neflftlon of two pr-r cent, (a mtle less than tho average percentage of cai-eln In milk) to all p^rcerit'ijTes of fat This, he maintains, is simple, and gives results which are practically con net and fair to all pnrtloa. KIKGP KXPGIUMP.NTR. It is claimed LlULt Llic- Held experi ments of the college* ant Conducted upon a mort exLen.-avc scale Gian at any other im-tituilou in the wotld. in Jhii.i gttU.a exp-^un<t.ntu occupied .>l pli/ts; jxitaLoe.s JO 1, roots ;i7t). foddei ciopa ,_uUU, and -mlbcejlaneou's crops \12. with 70 additional Plots used for experiments ia connection with the KxptTimentul bnlon. made a Loial of liUUJ plots on the farm fur the^c bpecial punwse-s. Ulaborate scrleb of teste were mad* with all kinds of farm crops variety tcFUi, tests in the selection of seed, tests in the methods of preparing po tatoes for planting, etc.. also teats with various crops, by sowing at different dates, plantiiifr 11' dilfer- nt depths,cul- tlvi in diuereiit ways, and h.uveM- nii, at dlfieiuiu Mates of matuilty. JJlveWise a nuiubir of experiment to tc-bt special fertilisers. V1UC JOXPKItlMICNTAL UNION. The Ontario Agricultuial and l%xpei- iment-al Union 1ms been In uxistutee lor 10 years. The union lb computed of ex-btudents of the colli ge ami oth- ei's, scattered over almo.M- very county and district of the piovluce, uiul who experiment with the same kinds of -aredfl. fertilizers, etc. The giowth of work, both in connection with tile union and the college, may be aeon from the following sUiterneiit of three years out of the len : hxperlmeiiUrs. Col. Plots. 1S8G ........ 12 :>C> 1S01 ........ 203 . 1013 1805 ........ WD9 2005 A detailed account of the experimen tal work in iBarj of both the farm and the union Is given In the report. FttUIT EXPERIMENT STATIONS. The system of fruit eocperiment sta tions, conducted In affiliation with the college, has been extended during the year, and valuable work Is reported In tonnectlon therewith. The stations are located as follows : (1) Southwest station, In tho county of ICasex, to test varieties ot peaches and strawberries, especially poaches ; (U) Niagara station, near St. Cathar ines, for tender fruita ; (3) Wentworth station, at Winona, with grapes as a Kptclalty ; (1) Ilalton station, near OakvlUe, for small fruits ; (5) Huion station, at Walkerton, for apples and other fruit3 suitable to that locality ; (G) Georgian liay station, near Thorn- bury, with plums as a specialty ; (7) S.u.'coi' station, at Craighurst, for har dy apples ; (8) Eastern Central utatlon, Whitby, lor pears and apples ; 0> Prince Edward station, for applos ; (10) St. L*awrence station, near Maitland, Grenvllle County, for apples and other liuits suited to that locality. In ad dition tp these 10 stations, there are two sub-stations, one In South Simcoo for gooseberries, and another at Bur lington for strawberries. VISITORS TO THE FARM. The number of excursionists and oth- ern visiting the farm io very large, es pecially In the growing seaoon. It la estimated that during the month of June last about 10,000 p-twohs Inspect ed the institution. Thin affordo a fair measure - ' '*w popularity. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. IMPROVED FARM FDR SALE. BKINOMAHT UKXiV or MOUTH MAIjV ov lot No. II, OtJii.B, Tp of Marion, oOH,Uhi- ikijj 411 aarori, Tho )>roporty U nil olourntl utnl under uiiltlviitlon (oxoupt uhetut li nortiu). It htiM orohnvd, hoiiHo, urutiuyy, utttbht iind out- hulhliiiliH; 111 no ik well of i^tod Hprhiifwabtf. 'X'uniiu to null mirohiLHer. Vox [urthuv tun-tlmi- birHnpttly to M. A. WINMHU, 11-t*. Kuta)X N, T. JONKH, .... Vttiwx, TENDERS WANTED. Ul'lATjllD TKNPllHHarl(h-0HH(l to Uin iinilnr- n iih:tnii, fco' din woiIl of (doaniuif out tint townlhie ditesli, mnir NiLjlnr'n mill, will lie m- coivt'd up to I'.) o'oloolt, ncKin, of Mondny, Maoih iULIhlll, IMiluii and MpoiMloiLtiomi tmi.\- be ikmiii nt tlio eilJle-e of lint iiiKtitrnlniiiK], in tluiTowti of Kiiikix, ToiiUa-ii to utiito \)Ylim lor onjnplntlou nf lltei work, lowuitt or iliiv ttiiidor not mwiofaiiLvlly 110- co)ipd. .milH MnDOUflAbb. Chut t inn u Ho'nd cif Wcalcn MORTGAGE SALE. DIEBEL& BRICKER r A TTIIK AHKIIUKKN' IlOTJilj. KSHK\, ON Monday, MARCH n<>, 181H*. at 1 p in tlioiowlll be 110M : Firtit Thu Myliiii J'nrni, hoinjf tho uo'tli hill/ of lot 1" o '-!H in thu lird Ooneoiimon H M. It. In tini 'lowimhlp of ItaoltDiitor; iind Comity of Kiiiicu, contain hiu 100 uormt nioio ot- h-un, He uoiiel. 'Iho Oiplmry fitrni holnit tltei weutt llltlf Of lOl Na. Pi In tilt) 'Itli <JO|ii<i)flilkilt if tho rewniihip of (!ol< Ituiitor Not t'i. In the County of llnnex, uiul crmtiuniiie TiJ uoit.ii inoi'o or hum For fiirthur iiaitiuidani nco po'ituis or apply to DANlEbHINObAIIt, OIUJNYN A. HIVrTH, Anotionnor, Yondorn' Holfoltorn, J'jHKox, Out London, Out TENDERS WANTED. ' pKNDKKH will bn njctlved by tho nitdor 1 fell-re d up to 7 n'douk p.m , of tlio 7th dity of April, iH'M'i, for tho pnrpoiiit of drtlhni; a well ami uitnP uiteoliij; wator from tlio rorlt. for S H. N'i> r>, MiUdiitoiU';md(l well to ho cikkmL with '4 In. (j'dvunirnd iron cuninc; itlno a tlrnt-cbift'i iron puriJil ' Llltlo Ohiiit," ciron brum) cylinders!,unci ttoM hVioo on 1'inl of eii'iitii; ^fiid wall to ho capulilu of furiunlitni; not luni tluoi hlihn por hour, and when cornnlutu, iilibjoot to tlio apjitovil! of mdtool honril, Tfr,iler(i lo bo 0|)nliud nt the ichoolhou'in on April 7. Thu und<'nii|jiienl do not bind tltoniMd. im to nxcfpL tho lowneit or any tondor. K. .T.WILHON, fi- c, hchool linaid, Li'Jl KiHIox. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbo Surrogate Court oi the County of Ebbgx, TM'HKhHTA K 01' BAMUF.L M fcKUBON, 1.' Decoudod. NoiT-n-nj Itoriiby ^ivon, pur mmnt to It. H o. 1H--7, cup. no, that nil croditorti or othoi'portionH hivtm; any eluiinu iLjjainiit. tlio * litittii of Hunnutl M Scriion. Into of tho Town of Efenox, in thin Conntv of nnneix, dociniemd, who iiiud on or about tho twtmty-fnurth dav of l-obiuriry.A D. lh%, am to iiniiil by iiorit, pro- paid, or dohven- to . I. Ij, Potrre, of tlio Town of Kiifiox, Hollcltoi foi JiLriiOit Sur-ioii, elm aJmni- bitrator of tho nittati- of tint nub! doonaiiiid on or Uofont tho Utb day of April. A. I IH'IIS, a utiitii- mont in wrltinj., proporh voriliod, of thmr munuii uud uddroiiiion, unci ihofull piirtlculurii of their elaimn, or domaiulu, und of tho noauritlin li( any) hold by tbcmi; unci fnrlbur nodco in hortiby (,'ivon Hint after tlio nnkl dntu iho mdd nduiitilH.rutor will procotil to dlutribute tho iifiiotfj of tho mild uiitnto anionn tho piirlfcii untitled thoruto, Ituviuj; roard only to buoJi cluimii ot which notion hniihiion (ji\on an above rcijulrfiil, und tho nald iidinlnititrator vdl not bo liubb* foriho nald anuotii or nny part thoroof, to unypursoii or TJorHona of Whoso claim ot cluimn notlcoiihall not havo boon rccoivod by hitn ut tho aforoHfild Unto, Ijatod at tlio Town of Kuaox, March 1UU, IhOtl. J. L IMuTEltH, 'l-l Solicitor for tbo adimnintrutor. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING. Tuesday, March 31, and the following Days. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Essex town and county to call aad see tlie charming novelties. Miss Htrachan is again in charge of the depart- ment aud is ho well known to labios that further com ment is unnecessary. Also a beautiful assortment of Ladies' Capes and Mantles at popular prices. Sviitrnee of Two Yi'urw rnu*)*-)! Thtrn lloum A-flUr Hll IU<|.IIM!4 WtlVlHT. JcfCoreonvllle, Ind., March 22. Joseph Davis stole a bottle of wine thin mo-rnlnjr from the Kretl Wunder- llch Co. of Now Albany. Ten mlnutCH later he waa arrested and' pleaded tjuilty before MafirTntratc HlchnrdH. In- rormatlon wan then tiled In tho Floyd Circuit Court. Davis wfui arraigned 'attain, pleaded KUilty and was non- tencod by Judtre Henter to two ycaro In tho Bouthern prison. By noon he was wearing rtrlpea. The entire trans* action, from the time of the theft to the conviction and sentence, took loss than three hours. He Is an ex-con- vlct, Hw Hi tlu> I',*. Oiiuuit MHra " Washinprton, March 22. At 2 o'clock this morning lire was discovered burn- liiK fxirlounly in a building nn K-Htreet near Ninth, occupied by the Census Oltlco. Tim iniflclc of the building was badly dumaKcsl, Involving a Ions of about $110,000, fully innurfd. Probably the most serious loss will be to tho records of the Census Office c nitaluoJ In thi' bulldtjnif, ome if wlilch w*v.* destroyfd uiwl all more or le*s Injured by twnoktt und water. * IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTINE. HOPGOOD vn. MOItltlfl. pUBBUANTTO A JUDOMKNT MAPI2 IN 1, thin ciLiiiio nud dutod tho 17th dav of Fob* runry. imis, thoio will bo noM with tbo appro bation of A H Chirlto, Local Maato nt hann- wich and Wlndoor, l>y Mr J utiiol Bhicliiir, Anctioncor, uttbo Aborelom Homiu, in tbo Town of Kttoox, on Wednesday, the first day of April. 1896. At tho hour of 1 o'clcclc in tho nftomoon, tho following hLtidu ; Tho nouth-wont part o* lot No. ii7,tn tho fith eon. of tbo Townnhipof Miiidutono, in tbo County of Kubcx, containinf; na acrou, moro or loon, tho proporty fornoorly ownod by tho Into JoHfiph Ilobtneon, docoiniod. Tho Hold farm in mtnrly all undur cultivation und had an uppht orchard of about 40 trend, mid b idtuato ubout 1\ mllon from tbo Town of Krbox upon cood roaun, convoniont to nohooln and churohoH. Tormn of nalo. ton por oout of tho purohaKO monoy mniit bo paid to tho plaintlfr'ii nolioltur on the day of tbo nolo and tho balance) muot bo paid into Conrt wltbin yodayM thcroaftor with outiuteruHt after which timo tbo purchaHor will bo ontltlod to ponfionolon. All tbo othor coiidiliono of tlio nalo aro tho iitaudins conditionn of tho IbRb Court. Tlio Eroporty will bo *:u*orod nubjoot to a ronorvod id. For further particulars apply to J. V. Ilavo. M. K. Cowan, Moatirii. Ellin & KUIh, Bandntoro, Windsor, and E A. Wlnrner, Biiryintor, Bbbox Datodflth March, 1^00- A.H.0LA11KE, Local MeiHtor at Wlnelnor. Will You Ride THIS SEASON ? Black DresB Goods. We show all the latest creations in Black Lustres, Sicilians, Broches and Black Orepona, Bost $1.25 black Orepon for $1.05 per yard 1.00 black Henrietta 85 1.15 black Lustre 90 75 black Lustre 60 65 new broohe Lustres 50 40 " 35 Our Btock of colored Dresa Goods is complete and well worthy inspection. Eustle minings in Black and Colors. Are yon thinking about new Lace Curtains ? The values we are offering are exceptionally good; 100 pr Lace Curtains at 25c pair, at 40c, 50c, 75c, Jjjl; we offer great values at $1.50, $2, $2,50; the patterns arc new and unique. Curtain Polos complete with fixtures for 25c each, Wa f-ell tho celobrntcd D. and A, por/oct fitting Corset at G0c, 7oc, $1, $1,26 pair, GO paira Coraots to clear at 25c a pair. 2,400 yards of 5e Groy Cotton for 3c yard; 1 bale of rogular flo Groy Cotton for 5c yard. Iloro ia a groat nnap 2 baloa of 40-inch heavy Groy Cotton, rogular price 10c yard, for 7c yard; 8-inoh bloachod Cotton for b'c yard; 30-inch Lonsdale finish Cotton for lOa yard. Tabic Linons aro a atrcng lino with ua. 50-in Tablo Linon, sold ovorywhoro at 25c yard, our prica 2i)a yard; half bloachod table Linens, worth 85c yard, for 25c; our rogular 00c tablo Linon for 50o yard, Napkina and Doylies to match. New Duck Suitings. 82-inch oxtra heavy Duck Suitings, regular price 50c yard* for 12^o yard. Boautiful range of Vcrlaino Suitings at 12jo por yard. Now Printa aj 5, Oo, 8o, 10c per yard. Kid Gloves. Black and Colon* at Hoc, 75c, $1, $1.25 pr, all groat valuor If You do, Hide tiio Best. Thrio Spfohil ni|li Gradoii. (Lad ion* ar.d Gcutu') Kf>Iith inak?. Hifjh Grade Ito ail titer. Bn^lixh ttrnke. OiCCLtX/XOiCCLw Hi(iU Orado lloacihtot. (Ladicn' und GentH*) Amfiiotiu noalto. I urn proud of thin lint. -Tho En ([Hah WlioolH are tbo boot iu-tho world. Auy bouoac man who known unvthm^ about wiiools will ttll \ou thaU THE Clt\WFOUT) io equal t* any whttol of any othor rrmnufaaluio offnttd for nulo anywhere. BBT MY PHICES BEFORE YOB BUY. Kvftty wb*ol fully KMratittO'l hy * th ranker, Xt. O. 4 (k't Prw Offlo*) ESSEX. Carpets In BrusBoK Tapoatry, Ingrain, Union and Homp. Yard wide Un ion Carpot for 25o yard; yard wide Union Carpot for ^8o yard; yard wido Lupo Union Carpeta for 50c; yard wido pure Wo A Oajpota for 76c yard; yard wido oxtra Lupo wool Carpets 00c yard. s Boots aud Shoes. wo have gono ih on h o-'.r stock and placed several small line.i % on sa^o at abDut hall price, ^ Our Milliner^ Department y w Ia now opon and is this season again imdor tho man agement of Mien A. Strnchan. Our Opening Days will bo announced Inter. Meii's Clothing to-moasure a specialty. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. H>1, >?ite&*m'* \i: .ie *irttrJc?X; <M$!* */** J" 4: *-' '.* ,*<>.$ idM^^m^^^^^^^msi^M^

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