Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, p. 6

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\ , r *^ -J^fttod^A LC QUEEN OF HOLLAND. *bblr Knyle* Her Ollrl |UVJa* Mfflr Unr*tr*lhod Yr<fok. it. Warren contributes a yery laud Interesting article (Uluu- fin "The LIUlo Queen of Holland," ry. Xiudlun' Homo Journal. Ho thlrt aim out, Idolized girl aover-, tells of-her s, herVtudlen, her diversions, her potn, and of her patriotlcally-re- jd love of hur aubjncU, Mr, War- sweetly pictured her In then* [Shu Ih a bright-faced, blond* lit. who pasHod hor fifteenth birth- .Uguat iilst, JBOfi. Klin i rather [id haw a slender, graceful, young have seen lief clfejiwd In the illume of Zealand, and Hue look- tile world like one of George i'u dear, delightful Dutch maid- jt that her cheeku wen noi he has a yory delicate, elear n; her hair ii pule- brown, and wavy ; hor eyes arts bide nud leliuloixv twinkle In tlnim which that the young girl hits a fair imor. Ilur ChrUtlun names*** [a Helena Paulina 'Marin- * * tat If Wlllinlmlmil were nuked much dumooratlo mnldun of whether In the dignities of Ithero in much satisfaction for a he would auawer 'No.' To be rould bo koiub aiuunement to | |f her position, but not ho much ; wort) tlm 'daughter of u rich | (hor, or of a farmer In that ] tountry whore tho peasants mo g jowelorn' tdiopu, and where. fa with cauiln and honey. Ifav Itho playmate^ of the klld very few, and, a there Is no icrs and "Inters lit the family, i hatt mo far been npetit uluont ng Demons much older tha* ** There 1m a, genuine affao- throughout the country, and lhoii, for aha la a veJy lovable lenttibRU of hqr'uuturuuhlnefj iior face. She lms the uibfct o that you could wbdi t ee, jm her position thoroughly, ia^-"tb6rouKhly *u a girl of appreciate fliich an exc*p- m hh queenhood, and oheIn rtloiilar 'about the dignities iiHn her. For all that Mho In moderate of othera. Her tltip hor, DutoU children! leVL'Vybody who comes Into ler Jipj^euily _hcorne* very A OOOD NAME. Slessed in Tens of Thou sands of Happy Homes. Paine'a Celery Compound a Blessing to Civilized Humanity. fc**WTT Dollars. Saves vioe, oyil whenever ~,ncmotlvt Whistle* Itta woro first built and their small loudu up and |y and rudely constructed inland, the public road* I greater part, cronftod at Inline driver hud no way iK of his approach except hum. But thin, a may wail far from being a uuffici- Oile day in the year 1833, h* of tljfe origin of th loconac-. Is a farmer of Thornton won railway track on ona of the In wltli a great load of tfUUP Just oh ho came out upon Irain approached. The engine (s tin horn luatlly, but the far- I hear It. Eighty doom of efttf* nds of butter were uwuuhed difitingulshable, unpleaaunt ngledWlth the kindling wood ,wiigon was reduced. The lybiul to pay the farmer Ja'fib 'poiinda of butter, hli i&rue and hi wagon. It wm la very Koriouu matter, and director of the compaay m Graage, where George rod, to uee If lie could not jinkthat would give a warn- [ttelytjtjtbe heard. Stephenuou jt,' and the next day hod a ,irhtof)| when attachocl to tbe atfff tho nteam turned on; nll^aiscordant 4(pund. The eU'tJigreatly delighted, order- jutriyances to be attached to ____uces, mid from that day to IthTTvoIca of the locomotive whistle naver Wu silent. Cnwiioi-'s Ma#*- A. good name untarttinliod by or crime in bieUHed and honored uoniionad. It is like the rofroHhlog Hhowc* that UiU to 3her the parched aud tliirnty :round. Tho great nue* ^ood uatuo oreuten cotter tid paror thouuhfci and aaplratiouv, aud tiudi to inuko maukiud batter. The uamo "Paina'u Calory Compound," ihoofd tbe oomforta the heart* of thoiiHaudu of ii*k and diBemed pepplo, who now uao >%* and from ltn ytrfcuea aro uudhi[j n uow Itfe. Tetm of thouHAnda of oured uoa and wotutiu honor ite fame, und bloia tho memory of itn diaooverer. It nhouU be homo in mind, fcniU tho titoat moJioiuo iu bin( imitated., Wortblena and daugeroUM propar&tionu bearing tbe narao 'oalory compound," uro necking for recognition and for your monoy. XhOHo who uro anxious about a perfect euro, ana future health and utrongth, cannot afferd to ex periment with untrntl and unknown mvdi otneu. Paine'g Celery Compound linn tlio luclonia- lun of tho bent phynioiatid and a lotion of wondorfal ouroto Uh arodit. Tho norvoun proHtratad, weak, dyxpptio, rhonmHtio aid neuralgia, And iu it now life, health aud utronath. When bufllnoBH men, farmora and kao ohanioe oomplain of hard time*, thu ' wo- naen of the country rualivw the faoc ax quickly as tho men. When timatf uro realty .hard, the women aru' tbv iirut io wtudy true ocoueiuj. Tiiiu Work b.^ina riflbt in the homo circle. XuuUad of buying a uow draue for her< elf and new clokbiag for the children, tho thrifty and caouomifciu^ women uulu^ the Diamond Dyutt to re-oolor old and fueled dveaseu aud nuite, whlah aro made to look aa flood ai new. The Diamond Dye* aro ttun aidti to economy; they are peoially preparud for home uc, and aro [{uaruutood tho Htron^uet and faetoHt of all known dywu. When a jarmout ie oolorod with the Dia mond Dyeu thu eolor in there to utay, aud will not Watih, x oar or fade out. Beo that your dealer uollu you the Dia- mend Dyci; rofuitc all imitations and aruda dyee, and no avoid having your materlalu aud HaruioriU ruined. VuUau l limn Hood'u Bariinparilla haa aahievod (<roat ulceus in warding off nioknciiH which, if allowed to pto^roHH, would havo undor- mined tbe wliolo nytem and ^iven diucauo a Htrontf footiiold to cautio Uiuoh Huffonn^ and oven threaten death, IlobdTd Bar. aparilla ban douo all tbtn aud uvou more, It hau been taken in thounnndn of ouncfl whioh woio thought to ibcurublo, and after a fair trial huu eiteoted wonderful curat, brindlrif> boalth, and joy to iho affllotod. Another important point about Hood'it finniapnrilla m (hat ltn cur mi are poruationt boouuso they mart from tho solid foundation to purify, vitalized aud enriched blood. But it iu tot what wo Hay but what Hot'd'H Sarfiaparilla doea that tolln tho atory. PlIUll .UTHORS. iPue-Ce. (TO UK (TJNTIHUED.) yi HiiW'lDj^ Ku*tw, Frenchman of.high hocIoI rank wi (slntf the groat desert of Sahara with a imoii Arali RUido. Kvory ulfflit tb,e [dokpeoled down upon the burning Jmifid prayed earnestly. Day after id; but tho guide, however weary Ighc maroh, never failed to offer tblgivlnff und praise to God. lUhCtonedoy tho Frenchman said te ipldo, "You are very faith fulirtmiik- (jolur dally' jirayera; but how do yb -nttt there is any God to whom to 'guide' hjoke^nt liitti In lutbnlab- [ vut in a niome.ijtrnhifwcted, "How ftnovr tht a:mka,anda,cainil,'hi(U cd be^" an(' " ported to a hiiinau Splntr6ntb1aha: :litEten"KOt.u liocott- id bointiug to whore tho Inst rays of ilBtUnfcV*UB streamed in purplq and iiWr^rtj weiitern Hky,'*'tnat footprint Tt3nMman.' -.' T are niitny so blind as to questioa Lt-* <?wl, in, tho vary face of EVfttiiiie oulfl that aoo in cVory onpeot j^fljant/MtatlonotHlB love awd ride-ne*. ' ' ilitru Diplomat. Si i i^tcoVeVfld Kin 6yGii< und a Kwoet liW^offini* T^'Tery^dreadfuI for ehurlto iu ^otl7fhlDk,:but, then, you dftii't know Wy \L...*mii nnmii/ml to two t/irl>i. O?tbe^of hi KirW. m he couldn't loll i which>/miide ito very, tuition for*1Charlie.! A \k lead tO' c6?nplicati(mH. !f. But a huppy thought 'and ho announced: "It's ^'sV'Stefit little i;lrl In all the y boyl" gurffled tjie aat- ^;iri'mf(vVWr;Jiandfi.. ' ; _ ia4-U*'tKlnlk..of ciippl!ir.-ior. VnlHtrr, faollni tliut hiu talent* ' wiinted in imy other than the bin he^d and looked at BjnelU with ihat were the eyes of her hunband. In hor sudden aftony of dread it BOemed io hor that uhe cried out the names of the i wo who wore miuuing. "Frink, whera ii Jacynth? Whore in [lontty? What have you done with mv boy ? Tell trto, for God'a flake?" And it seemed that hor huabttud heard, H' turned deipairing oyer on ht-r. VCt shnok hia head and pointed to the neit. .Shu cried out thou, and awoko an ihe firnt faint rays ot daylight pierced through ili blinds of her bedroom in tbo oottago at (iuernuoy. And tho woman w.h'o waitocl oh. Iim, rouHod by that piercing cry, came run- ning in. 'i*Ptti m HulphMr Jlwtliit. Jtho RoyaV Geotftupbical Upriition of the JiipiiuflHp. falter Woston meiinJiig ? indulm-ricci in' batbinu: peiuuintK. lUmai'U- Hprlngil 'exist ill ;th place,'with water ut uiuMwould remain iu [ly a inoiith ut a time, precaution to plaon h to keep from turuluV man of about. W, wb* |>b bonwt at tbU place, tbo bath the entire CHAPTER XX. BY H. W. LUCY. Timouoii vint 4^d wxtWL Six Jioura b^fqre the time Kenulla beheld v^ith fuvured fanoy the light cant by tlio burning ohip nvor tho iliimitable wutvrt,, he D.inic, with HtsAin abut down, wui {tlH'ly drifting outside Cork Hurbor. She v.vt win ting for the tender to come alon^> it du to tako off the m&ili and bear away lha piii^njvor* who, hiiViiig l^d, enough of the open hua, profurrod to lake tho short cut )>y train across Ireland and so home by I{olyhud. Thorn had not chauaed to he any ppociut -liutju for quitting'sniig'qunrtors on board i liti Httiamer. 'J'tie Dame had made a aplen* did voyage. Not. once had tho "fiddles" iipjumrfld on the di,ning-tuble .to tho accom,< niniinent of smnUtiug cr,ockoiy in the a toward"* pantry. '* Vayaft^riday the paa- Ht-ngara had been ablu to alt. out on their uhairH eirjoying the uiiahina, th- fresh limf'/.t anil the ttp\rktlngcoa, through which for hours together 'the--tireloos dolphins HWiim, emulous of the veiMcd'A yoyant speed]. Two" days out iliey kd'\ PM*" a.' *balei( who clieeriiy sp'outtd farewell u they j|tt'*nlod by. I Runny looked on with gravo eyes. He hud often heard of a whale, but never bi- foie seen one. | "Will Jonah ooihe out by' aod by?" he his oonstihf'VompaHion^ ^ho hld him staading on the rail. "No. I think'hot, Jacynth answered cruvely. "Joiiah; you reniohiber;'did iint I'm ut tlie qosrtere so comfortW that' lie wuu likely.ever to soak them againJ of his nwu free will, Besidouae in'a whaltt, hciwevoir temporary, fxperionct* ,thmt Qatitj0>s n oidinaryman for a lifetime. Tin-wbtile is only Bpouting, getting rid'of Hiiporfluous water taken in from the great depths'" "Wull," said Bonny, his quick wympathlfls mvcod in Another diroetlan, "he must get very tliiraiy if hu does that often. l^onny had thrivim wondrouely on the broad 'Atlantic, which had in no; bous proved> disappoiniment to him. He Was a prVirVei favontA with all on bourdt thu'iliit of the sailorn, more particuUrly with the iub'ii, whose whistle he was aotniiitimes privileged to sound Noxt to Jaoynth'be wuh1 fonder of the boi'n than anyone1 els*1, ' veil than his father, whune mood woa.leas ittuned io that of tho lightdiearted, healthy lad whom the utewaruu did/their endow with dyancpsla, by^urrftpti' lidualy feeding luui at unlawful houva with Vpeil frem the deaWrt, | lie would lit bv the hour on ' a i;oil of ropes, his big eyes fiiod intently 'ii the hrowu-viHged buu'u, wjic told h|m stirring Ules (probably not all true) of siafo'rln^ life. At firt he had full run of the ship, and availed hi in no If of tile privilege. "Father/' he said, running breathlessly up to Lord Francis one morning whto they wr* in mld-AtUatie, "what do yea ibmkt l'v seeB Mrs; ClutUrbuck," iho little fellow, who in ordinary cir- cutiintancea seemed to know fear, trembled in every limb, and -as far as w* poasihlo wiili mm aud wind tanned face was pitiful- Jypule. "Whoro?"asked Lord Francis with a ftlpn of qual porturh^t^ion. "Forrnrd," Maid Bonny, wha had not in vain sat with the bos'n, and never now spoke of going downstairs when he should eay going below. "I was standing by the rail at the eiio* of tbe hurrioauo deck look- ing at the paiiuongoru playing carda on the steerago dcok, when shn camo^along; She beckoned me to go down to her, but 1 turned and bolted.- "Wan ilpa by,herselft" "No, there were a lot of people around. She wasn't speaking to anyone nor any* onn io her." "Are you eure it was her!" "Quite; she smiled just as she did when she came dp.wn in the country to take me awuy to join mother. I liked her smile than, but I don't now." "Bonny.'f naif}.'bU father* taking hjn lattd and iending him aft, "I want you io pro- mine me something; will you?" ,"Y>s, fs,th(u*t" said the hoy promptly, looking straight at htm with eye* that never lied. "Then you must never leave this deck for the lower one, whether in the steerage or amidships.; It's qui tr big no ugh for a liltlo fellow like yoii You promise mo!" "Yes, father," said Bonny, and ho kopt his word to something m,ftr.o, than, the letter, limiting hiu excursion* forward to. tho c^p- Btan Home distance fr^ttn tho atsera^e nd. Pcrhups ho would not have fionoio far, but it was here his friend the bojiV, when his turn Cim#,' kept his " Watch, and sitting ; t^aie llQiiny was careful to turn, bix, back upon llie'bbw, so thiit, t>y,no otiatice .might he again ne'e that' evil faco with ' the,. umlle ^'hsV'tnougVaU unusiid to the world, recog nized as false. On this bright cvcphig off Qtt;fenstowu Rnnnt, was.Kn, opi)id(icipW' ofj ailosial glse, Jucynth had put iu the sweepstake* on the . day's t^un asoveiicign in the nam* of Bonny, | and Boriiijrl;bad;,won th'stak,^, , VOco'p: jfrmciqus!" cried Jauyntlf, holdjpg j'him at arm's length, "what,on ^nlrisa little mi^jj like you going to do with {^Y' i "I know," Raid Rouny, lilts' syea beaming with delight. "I remember when we were staying at Harrognta having a ride in a donkey chine..-'It wan; very nice, but mother told, me that* tbe donkeyV buru are nothing Irke^ w]ia1f" grow: in the otreeti of Cairo. When a he" was there she "had twp wbito donkeys an tall as a horse, with besu- til^_eays,aii, Ip.ugria* rny; arm, and/L great brown eysa that lofK at vpi)'.an.lf: thy won- dei<)d whuther you cnulu be so cruel as to want thein to trot through dusty streets on a hot day. Mother often said she would like to have a pair, of donkeys like she. had ; ni'Caiiro,' 'Pharaoh'^ and' 'Barneses" were, thBJr uamosj togetherwith a little carriage to bold'htir and lite. '"I'll buy hr the whole turMp'tt^With nVy'off, aWd w*U.go driving *bc>ut 'all' by oursetVes through J#rsey, CueVui.'y, Aideriivy and Bkrk." ,;^I, thaVe p:retty,selfis(i of Vou," said Jsoynth, who,keenly reaUr'ed tho.joys ol the.H"*t|on aii', Hi,bpy, osd*, he Would likii. to have r^arranged tho wev nstiy behind "Barneses and Vharuek." They were all and always tluhklngof a Wey man Waiting and watnhjiug iu Guernsey, J^r.^B'runoU, yjih wiatful <yfla;';tho'ugb^:el lovo, Jucynth with dumb, gnawing paluf Hanny with eager^ desire to e her amileff tear'her voice, and feel her arms iholter- in[f , h)m, Lerd CastleLon haviup sum* ilniibts as to whether she was worthy of ik all, and Mine, do Vigoy Well, VIHny di<l uot talk o( tbe direction her thoughts look. It was so nsar the dinner hoar thai It bail been decided to ^ppi^pone dinner, till t))4 utiills and passeng^iv bppnd f0r Queepstowti Imd left. Tht;,#ndsrtwaa ulose iHjilght; rolling and pitching ,in a,manner that seemed inscrntfvb)o to the throng loaning uvur the taffrail. %bte mBguificeoi Baniu inod immovable.aa.A atone pier on a rolling tide. The tender was speodilyfreighted with ini)Umor*ble haf{a uotit>iinlng tho inailu, sonio thirty pasvengors followod amid hearty Nrnwtdlu from newly-mtdo friends Uft hu- Idtid, und many nppniutmoiiU were register- nd to.inret again in I^tndou or Pnris, With tho lant group there, ottippud toward tho gangway a lull tiguro.u wnmnii elusoly veil- d, carrying a suiull bag in |mr Imml. JubL as h1)(iwhhstepping on thu gangway'tho tMi- dor guvo u luruh that dltiludgod th rolled plunk. Two pamtinneraalrrtdy on it nur- nowly nsanped th diiistnr. Tii'ey had ju^t. nniiiaijed to skip on to the puddlb-hnx <>i tlm tnudur, wluui, amid l"uri cries of "Stuud hack," addrnMS.-d to tlm jfroup pnmsiitg for wurd on to tho Ihmio, lialf a uoy.mi reiuly hands hauhid the gangway out of its mtlunt piisition, and tinulo tliingn smnoth again. Unco in uro the tnll vnllnd figuro prnNHed forwnrd, when nuu of Lin* Blocr&go paHKCn gura roughly gripped hor by the sliouldor and tluiiHt hor back. - "Not thin jnurney, nnidamo," ha kukI, ueiyjng hor wriiit with a grip,of irnii, "Your pammga is booktul all the way to Liverpool, and wo muy an well inn ko tlm innytof tlm jounmy." Tho woman turned on hor cuptor with the fury of a trapped liontifiH. For a moumnt it soemed its if niio would grapnlti with him, and since slid w&s nearly bis helglit it would have lioon h. di'Kpnrnto conflict, probably ending with a death crip under water. For a moment the idea flashed ovor the mind of Mmo. de Vigny. Hhe fait ler game was up ; wearied with tlm squalor of her tituiBoil condition, she did uot care how soon ahu handed in thu checks. But nho romomhonid alio had still one card to play, ovor which she had brooded iu the <Und, unhappy night us she lay wide awitko iu her narrow borth. "Perhaps you'd bettor havo lot mo go," nhfl said to tlm man, whotia plain clothes flisguiHed hin vocation of police Hurgeant. Thou who Rauntnrnd back, cotnicioiiti that anions tho crowd on ' tho liunicano deck ourioimly watcliinu .thin- opjmidi. wUn ilis m>n ahf really began to lovo with dciiporut* atlcutirjii now that, her cjliunna iw longer lured him, and lie wrh rostlosHly c'rmnting every mile that separated him from the w'litn-curtainod, roao-garlandud cottage in Guertiaey where bin wifeawaitad hie com- "Jacynth, I wish I was enrtain to live for ten years or even tor throe," said Lord Francis Oiulow, in the low, nerveleHU voice that had recently become huhitual to him. The two ftienda were walking up and down the deck nmoking their last cigarT Four bolls had snundud and tjioy had the di'ck pretty much to themselves,""save"(or tho ghoaily figures of tlie watch that moved with noiseless footstep* to and fro. When thuy uiiiiia on deck after dinner tho moon wan shining, and far away on the starboard bow limy could clearly discern tho const of ri(.lnttd, lying lilcu a dark shadow on the * moonlit water. Even as they walked and talked the Hcone changed. It had not. at any time of tho day botn perfectly calm, as the paiisrngont on tho tender found a thoy mutU their wuy into Queonptown Har bor. Now' it waa 'blowing ' protty fresh from tho southwest, bringing up angry- looking clouds that from time to time hid the moon, promising presently finally to obueuro its light. Tlicy warn drawing up in Carnuora point, and were noon in the raoe of tho channel. By this time they had found thuirsea legs^and though tin* wind playsd havoc with their cigarj, as they uaasd about, and tliev gave up tho attempt to keep puce in walking, they hold on, Jucynth's Hpirits rising with tbe ,bointorouii brouze. "Ton years, old man? Why, vou'ro only thirty at moat, turned middle miloBtonu good for another thirty at loaBt and why should you not aoo threescore years and ten !" "Became," said Lord Francis, I'm pretty well played out at thirty. I've warmed hot h hands at tho firo of life, and burnt thorn too. You remeUbor when wb woro in Pttrm last your, going to boo Kmile Angler, in the play 'Joan do fhoinoray ?' Often of late one scene cornea back to mo. Tho silent Qui Muluquuu which, en tho eve of the boioaguoring of Paris, the daylight oven lias, doHortod. . Upun it Jeau . enters, skuptio and liber tine, who jaoru at bis frieud, who has taken the trouble to get wounded in tho utrugalo with the Uermans dosing round tho capital. Suddenly a military bund approaches, playing a march Thomeray know when a child in far-off Brittany, ^Vt sight o( the Breton Mobiles marching along at quick atep tn meoL the one my of the country, Thomcruy's heart swellaand bursts the bonds in which bin scoffing nature had- permitted itself to be Ii a und. You remember, how he stops, for wnrd and claims a place in the Breton ranks, 'Qui'eteH voua !'they ask, looking distrustfully at his fine genthwun't.clothes, 'lam,' he said, *a mun who has lived ill and would die well.' That am I, Jucynth, but it would not bo moot that I should die just yet. I've been a fopl und worse. But ff I had only tbroo ycar^ two years,one year to pay some of my ,long debt to JJenolln, 1 wouldn't caio about what might follow. It's been all my fault-ftonxiirat to last. I want time to tfdl her that, and to make some slitfhtaiiionda." . ,. vNonoense, OuhIow. you. wr, hipped; per haps seasick. Sha)l wo turn in? "You.might, as we shall he in the Mer sey early in the morning and there's pack ing up to b* doner liut-I'll tnke another .turn. Oopd-night," '. , "WU, 1' ypU' end nio, to be^, ((qod- night. I darsay afiolhar ten miputos" in thi'fresh air "will take1 the hlusi' outof yon.'f. For another hour Lord Francis tramped up and downt UiiconHcioui( of the unlit cipar in his mouth, thinking of the tima when he first met Fenella, of tK* years of idyllic happiness, that followed their wed ding day, of RonnyY appoarsnbe on,the scone, of tho little rift in tho lute-. thatt un- watbhbd^ broadened slowly, and. modo all the music of their young lives mutt, Softly he sang to himself : . ' Firewtlb' (artWftU, A.ilvr flows betwesii.. "Going to he a nasty night/' said a tar. paulincd figure, looming out of the murk that enveloped the fore-part of< tho deck:, over which thVspruy drifted -as the. Danio plungedJier head .uto,tha angry sea, and Uffcipg it agai^; b. Jit it, as. a retriever daahea the wateir't>fl Ii. front. "So it"ieewiii;'baey* " said Lord' Frnnols. **Buti we're-uot tar-< I port now. Good- night,!' "Gpod-nightr my lord, Better not. loave things loose about In your stateroom to- ' night." ',. . * Jacynth tlcpt the sleep nf a man with a .qtiiei.oonsoielicoanil a good digestion, who had passed tho greater part of the deck of a ship over Which'awpt sttong t.Ir blown oercus tho brood. Atlaniic lie.,rarely dreiitnt, l(|tou tjhiM orilcn|r night, sonic twn hour*'after be'hai) bidden Lttra Francis good nii'hi.iitid nirnsd into the stateroom he liltd uii < ltimeif, ht hetfiin ihaalhg'sbtiut wttha \i<-u.i wiglir un hia mind. If h \>*>\ -* wn kt*A*4 pi Mi* mttr uf persuniil drvM it vm ceuurvd upon his stookiugt of morning the A first rich rsd wool and ribbed as Is the salt sea sand. He had. a shapely leg; mid misned no opportunity when out of town of displaying it with the. advantage'of knickorhockor dres>. He wa. droamint; now that, k pti?u.i oalamity had befallen his tronsurod Htor of utiiokinge. A park from thu funnel of the steamer, which, aa he went below, he had noon siruaming fire into the dark night, had in tho unaccountable way peuulinr to dreams, falleu upon hia bundle of Hlncltings H"ualy nnsuonced in his box in thu Mute riiom, apd thtty wera hopeloaFly nmohlhriti^; in vain ho.ttrugglod.io_riao,-<I -* jug of "iVittmT7'"arid souse litem. Koinet hin|3' hold hiin down by the cheat, and lie c;nidil not rimvH, Ifiw terror seomod to KWn com municated itnolf Lo the pasudncersiind crew, liurriud feet trampled on deuk (Jverhead. Vnit.-'H sounded in eager talk, aud the Imiu'u'u whJHtlo MJirilly rnua above the row of the waveu that thunderously hunt uft tho Hliattared port-li^ht. Pdnihly help would cemu in timn and some of tlio stockings would ho saved. A rattle at thr* door. Jucynth, ulmout awake nriod "Come in," an invitation quite suporfluous, for the door was burst open. "Look llive, sir!" shouted the bns'n, en> taring liurriodly. "Ship'a ufir, anil the bi'iiU aru being uot r<mdyl" "And UoniiylJ auid Jacynth, wide awake now the nightmare of the burning stock- ingN uplifted. "Tho young tm'a all right. I seed to him iirut, and Ilia father's got hiin in tow. Bottnr slew ou as many things * you cnn. It'll ho had in the boatM till . mo braaks." Jacynth was ndt long in droKsing, for- goiug in his husto the luxury of his worsted stockings, which bo had full tlmn to regret. When hu wont on deck a tttratigo sight mot his ey*. Tho passengers, fully two hun dred in number, were massed together aft of the bridge, niiwr. of the wumun baru- lieaded sud all showing signs of hasty dressing. From one of tho batches near the wheel a dense volume, of smoke poured forth, now and then with increasing frequency; lit up by tongue* of (lama oh either side of tho hatch, a Htio of blue juckota pliod hose and bucket in iueffoctual Htrui^lu with u growing furnace. A (lingular quietness prevailed. There was a murmur 'of con vermilion' among closely-pnoked crowd of paasougor* sharp word of Lomumnd from the oflicer in charge of the fire brigade rose from tiino to time abovo tlm howling wind aud the war of the turbulent waves thus dashed agaiusi. the bulwarks as if posscsitod with passionaio desire to get at the flames, KonnVi his fathor holding one hand and Lord Cautio ton the other, stood on the outerfringe of the crowd aft, ua near as he could got to tho fire, which ho wim evident ly enjoying aH tho best thing h had seen "'Slnc*rtho~WhatrdiHappHared. The captain and second oflicer stood on she bridge, and "through tho whcelhoim* window could be neon four grim facos of tlie blue-jucketed giants whoso curiosity cheery voices unsworod ' the captain's aignals with the cry "Starboard," "Steady it is, sir." Tlm captain, leaning over tho rail of tlie bridge and addresning tho crowd of trembling but quiet passen gers, said: "Friundn below there, I hope ymi'ro ali comfortably Wrapped up. This in h had job, but there's no danger. If it had come an hour later we uliould have made for Holyhead and iii\t in all right. But, with this wind and the sturt the fire has got I don't think wo could carry so far. Trie land is close by. If thor<- wcro day- Uijlit we could seo it. The ship is now making for tlio spit of land at tho back of Pwlhelly. There is a smooth mile of beach there, which, if I can mako it, will bring thu ship up comfortably, and you can Walk nuhoru in your slippers." Jacynth led a cheer for thu gallant cap- tain, which was taken up by the passes gura, and seomed io do thorn an immense amount of good. Aftor thin tho wonderful qiiiotiiasB once more foil ovur tho doomed ship that Bped on ward swiftly through the soa 'hat wss now us rouah as the bos'n's fnrecimt had picturod. On the crowded deck all was as orderly as if, according to tludr ilaily habit, thepaMongers had muster ed io take a look around before going down to dinner. Tho wind, now blowing what evon a uailor would havo admitted to be half a cale, whistled shrilly through the creaking spam. Of couruo taken by the ship brought it mora abaft, and sometimes a gust blow the smako from the burning hatch under and across the bridge, ohoking tho passengers and hiding the captain and second mate from view. But for the most part it blew clear away over the starboard side, leaving the vessel amidships and for ward clear enough, "Land ahead," sung out t1 lookoutman; the sing-song voice of tho man throwing tho lead showed how nearly they wero u.j pioaching tin? coast, the outline of which wan recognized iu tho deeper shadow on the horizon. "Half-speed," the captain signaled to the engine room. But the half-apead of an At lantic liner anon bridge* space, and nearer and nearer came the dark line of tho coast. Straining eyes looking - out from beneath tho bridge, could make out the outline of a mountain, at thu foot of * whioh-Ututled the smooth, beach .that, was to give tho til .safety, and r.ost. Nearer and.nearer it 'cm in a, and higher and higher roso hope. Nothing between it aud them but the soa, rough enough, but npthing-to the majastio liner, oven with its,hatches full of fire. The water uteadily shallowed, as the monoton ous cry of the leadsman marked minute by miuutft the-Uateaing fathoms. Suddenly, even,s the leadsman sang opt Itle a flojaare eTaetf* 'Established in tboHa aolumna, aig n at uro of many of the best knoi In the land, that aa a ^eueral ran throat, bronobial, and lung ail Piaemalt, easily, takes tbo first ph one donhitf-the value otpinoaa-a- lu snob ailments. Malt ia scaroel| prizod In tho samo ailmouts. Theei by other pulmonary agontn preooel most soientiua and eflloacioUH ramedl diHcvercd for tho ruliof und euro of hi iu'Uh, cou^h, bronohltiH, orotip, aitiumplont cousmnptiou, and alt othartl and cheat troubled, Piu^mtlfc uoutalnt uaUsoautn, In winter oow^b of tho it giyea prompt relief, Iu chronic unit your drugidsuVfpr Pitiernalt ami pophonphitce, instead of plain Pitiurn The newest, mout pulatublc and best. THELANDOF EVANfGELIl ONE OF THE M.OST ItOlVtyVl VUOSPOXH 1NCANADA* his last record, a ofwh resounded through' every fiber of tlie ship. Tho Diinic camo as auddenly to k halt a if she had run up against Penmaenmawr. The crowd amidr Jnns were, kuoeknit down pelbinell over each other, as if a giant hand had .swept aoroai ttiom at the lsvelof the chin. The captain, leaning against the mil of the bridge on tho atarbqard sido, was pitched headlong into the sea, . That proved the worat thing of all. Tbo . second o lb cur, left in command on the bridge at tlnu critical moment, signaled tn tho. engine room, "Go astern.full spend.* That auouiod an order natural eunugku though the veteran Captain Irving wouhl not hav* be*n led into so. fatal a. mistake. lite Datiic had run, on to a jagtred rook which rose like a npnur-heud out of thu seu, ami had literally embedded itself iu thv hull of the steamer. Hud the ship been kept head on, it might hav* liungsuBponded, thu jiggod rock nerving to stanch the wound it imd made^ at least long enough for the boat's to he launched and everyone rt* quit tue.ahip. ' ' j . The migtity aarew,.reveraiug it* ac^.t-n iu oliedjonca io the word of command, elowly but irresistibly drew the ship back* The tot rifled ,paHsenger. coitWl hear tlie iron plates ripped open, aud barelv was the.ves^ sol fieo from the rock than she began to go down by tho head. . There was a r*An for boats. They were roady und iu perfotit order. But with the sou. rushing in tuna through the great gup in the hiill, there was neither lime nor opportunity fur the marshaling of the now tonilied piieieitgar*. Itwas-uot- generally lutown that tho o-puiu had gone over, board, and the nlfieors, expecting him U is*u hist ructions, hesitated. Somehow boats filled, and four were safely launched. The two last had.noi far io fall from the Hut It Is No Jtlore Vtntt from the It 11.1 t \f Ilc11 rieusi 1m Iselr tliu fjo.aj fu/voreol Mjcu1UIw Au .tcraiiut af' a Mtrau Malady Cr.iu Wliloli a G**>reuux farmer HuuTered. From tbo Acadian, Wolfvillo, N. 8. Perbapfl thoro m no more beautiful or pioturanquo pot in Nova Scotia than the valley of Ganporoaux, m tlio "Litwd o! Evangoliiie." Winding ita wav through tbo aontreof tho valloy it a beautiful little river, while nontlod at tha foot of the mountains whioh riae on eithor aulo to the height of hundreds of feet, is tbe romantic looking little village of Gauporeuul. About two aud a half miles front the villaj^o re- iiidos Mr. Frad J. Fiolding, ono of tho most thrifty farmers in thtu aeotioa of the county. YouroorroHpouJont aalled apou him and found a very gonial, intelligent and Apparently a very healthy looking m&n. lu reply to ourqueutiou, Mr, Fiolding staid "You, X wan near to doath'u door at one timo, but thank God I ans a uow bean to* day. You sou, ho woufc on, that pump in tlio kltohon, boueatjiJfMt woll aboutJJOJne.t_ doop, which was tho oauso, I think of nay illncBH. I wunt down laat fall (1801) in It to eloau it out and was only a ahori time. at tho bottom, whon I took with a never* pain at tho baak of my head aud a burn ing sensation io my throat and lunge, suah as oauaed by tbo inhalation of brimstone* A sort of otuporalso was gradually oqmtng ovor tiio when by a huge eflort, I * accorded iu regaining tho kitchen onaa mora. A lighted lamp let down became oxtinguiab. od, thus uhowing that the Hooumulatton of gan had oauHcd tho trouble. The pain at the baok of ray lioad continued to trouble mo and one day while workiug in & baok field I uuddouly loat the uae of nay left oyo, right arm and left leg. At times I conloi uot upoak but towards ovemuf; I began slowly to grow hotter. Tbo next day at about tho aamo timo I was seized again in the sumo manner. 1 now oallea in our family physician who told me that a blood vuasol had burst ia tUA back of my head. He loft me medicine. The wain m the baak of toy head nover loft me and I continued to feel mlaerablo. About two monthn after this soaoud attack while ait- tint; in tho post office of the village I was suddenly seized again aud getting out my horuoti aud wagon started for home. I bad not gono far whoa the liuea droppod out- of ray right kaud and I again found - my- / aelf blind in my lotb ev and the right army aud loft leg paralyzed. Tho horaae noi carried me homo but pawacd tho hoMBa; iu] the direction of rho barn. My wifo think-] ing X had gone to the bar i paid no atten- tiou for perhaps 16 minutes, when she sent one of the children to aoo what was keep) ing mo. At this timo I waa unable to 8jb| and bad to be a ns is tod into tho house. Bt fore bed kimo X began to recover sonoi what and felt fairly wall the next morniai but waaagaiu tioi^ud during the day J the same, munuor and the report roaoh< she village that I was dood. Nalgbboi camo uoakingbut eupuoting that it true. As tbc.medioino I had.ttied aeomj to do mono good, I now thought, I; wop try pr.;WiiliiimV. X'iuk, Fille,: and by,' time I had used six boxes the pom left my heal aud X felt uu good., as> nt I uow ceased using them for about a. moi wbou I thought X felt a rourrenoe ot pain at the baok of my head, t-nntit at and got three more boxes aul used tb< It is now about fivo moutha.sluoe I u| the last pill, and I havo uever haa an rcuceof the attaok, bo side h I ;Bai myai new man. X um uow 30 years of age, have always worked on a farm and n| enjoyed work butter than last summer j autumn aud am positive that X>r, Willi] Fink Pills oured in*. X uow, always them in my bonne and when my. wii children have any sickness our re*( to this mediciue and always wltU the| bfit effect. Dr WiMiama' Pink Pille are effereu a oonfldebce that they are the only p| and unfailing blood builder and nen utnrur and wheu given u fair trial' d| and suffering tmiit van tab, Bold dealers or eut by mail, on receipt J cents a box or 82.BO for >ix boiee, dreaathg the pr. Will lame' Medioh B*-oo'kville Out., or Bchentatady,,, Beware of imtiailonn ami refuse Biibatliete* alleged tobo'"jtiHt bo ,S

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