Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, p. 4

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:e ESSEJ< FREE JJSSa . Scarf! Co. GrooQrioSp ' "HlZ_____ lOraoerxQ- LrmjBl. valucK in town and nil new ^ixkIh. ocfcory, Glassware* stock in town and at prices that will iiHtoniph yoii, B examine Block and be convinced. No trouble to bods. HighoHt price paid lor produce. A, H. SOARFF <fc Co. Isser Free Press, JAY, MAIICH 37, lW)b)/.// L BILL DEB A TJS. ItinuouM dobuto, luHtinj-l for a diiya. op ilio motion to ^ivo II Itemtulial Bill itn ueenjjd on tho Liborul leudor'n fjivo it the nix month a' honit, lohod hint Saturday morning. 'ihioiib tbo Covcrnmont wan IhoLau.'iar nmondmoiit way majority of *2i, whilo tho tcon.1 roiiUiui*' wan uarriou ty a majority of IB voton. diich ended utthntaknu! of uiyn, oomineuood ut throo lodnenduy, 18th niHt., and btisly until Friday morning, took, being the longont hob- h proHonfc Parliament, [hud puHtiod itu uocond road- id journcd for a taw houro' [ng at tliroo o'olook of tho Tho Government pro- It uppoiut a delegation to lo hold a conforouco with ky, with a view to" Tunic- Jiifluir, and iu thollouso tho In hom^ pudhed forward on Jir Chan. Tuppor, but ia op- amondmont by Dalton Mc- tfor tho Remedial Bill to tho irt of Canudu, to toHt itu vul- irthcr Htopst uro taken, lat when thm amendment iu iWallaeu Ituu another ready, loot ib for another oxtonded 'Govorumont have announced Sn of omiiplotinf* tho bill ut lUHKiuti, if they havo to work fay to got it through, lowoll, in roply to a qunotion /a n a tor Boulton in tho Sonata r, replied that it w&h tho iuten- Governmtii.t to ditmolvo tho [liamout on the 2-Hh day of Thin dficiincn Ioavon tho ^.rathr short, and a comudur- for of private billa will "Come up [ttntimc, Finraent diflHolveH oh Arril 21, tho will probably follow within a few 'dy spring will likely bo tho onu juftt liotiiiifc up- ALCER SENTENCED. Conviotod of tho Graveyard Insurance Fraud. Ti.: JUDGE SHOWED HIM NO MERCY fcUEIQlt NliOOTINO. ,dior Jrtun Puts u Iliillot Into Hvn-ubir xvliile Atiioop, io ButtP, o young marnod man, [at No. 10 Howard uve., Windnor, ployed at Vollanh' mill, nhot hmi- SB3aymoruin^ at -1 o'clock, Tho lutored hiH ohoat and tflancint' on it (WQO lodged in tho flush three [cow wboro it entered. Apparently |ill not nuffor ahy fmriouH cohhu- ft'flw'hijury i littlo nioro than a "Uoab wound. ------------ __, .ttifouwhiuceR of tin (mooting aro lif ButtH olaimiiiR that ho wiih aideop [h* julled"*116 trigger and that tho wokebhn *n bed. * ',l &aid that ho |raJiau,bulieb and iu uddioted to doinji Ujlo^in hia Hloop Thoothor ui^lit l^jaji blaxo in hU bed room and oa0flflaafiro. Hi own' theory in |!io gotupftUd procured hia revolver, jgjtoptin a trunk, and took it to oed lliiiD.','-'. \* jrJo^theBhot Wm. Homo, a friend .flaftttho houao, ran into Butt'n l ffl'. wtl'i;iu hin buwildertnorit and f ^,flipjorptl man clmruod hio- friond r. jjootiflg- The whole situation, K WwsOon cloaod up, and Buttfi ih0doofbmud bud thu njibbilo ex- Itfcaicc ll< Hiul VFoeii IraltlrlntC on Ilia utn*'H lAUi-Ur. I'rimrfi'u Hiory Huh < ri'illlnl l>.v Hie AxivV Mm: run rciiuiiy ur hf.vcit Venrt, Whitby,. (Spr.'f!nl.>tn Au- [ju^t Th' World !irnt announced to LljtJ inihlk- Ilk- existence of vast In surance I'nunl.s In the County of On- lario, which hn\ been brought t" ll^lil by Ui'e di.-ath of Mva. Mary Kllen Alj/er at Whltevale, OnLT~Trru~VVnrld- 'then rullcd upon the CiovurnnienL to take up the'euKe; and as a rvtuilt oC thin movement toward the abolition , of graveyard intiurance.Georye AUrer wtui Lhla evening i'ouiKl guilty of cons-'plr- ucy to defraud the JC(|ultal)lu Inaur- ance Hoclety, The verdict, although warranted by the evidei..'c, was uomc- wliat of a HurprlMe to tie Crown au thorities, who hud counted on a dlHa- L'l'eement. Tho Jud^c'a titrong charge URainm the prisoner completely turned the scale of events and the Jury reach ed Its conclusion alter a deliberation of one hour- ad a half. When the jury announced Its ver dict i.t Clio, Mr. Chile asked for mercy i\r iiit- prlwnner. but Ili.s huj-iJ.-mip .JlH.';;i: Kalcoabriii^.; C(mld hot agTeo wiiji that view and .' ntenced him to the lonj,rost possible term for the of- feiKv, seven, ycrii'H. Ills reiuark.s In lIoIhk1 ho were as fnllnwrf: ,"(.;, i,r-,. KibihiL AIkci*. after a, lair, in which 1 must say you have luwl a niusi brilliant defence, a jury of yfiur uvvn cuuutrymen li:tve fmind you irulhy ,,f tlie charge laid against you. i cannot quarrel with Hie vwrdict, and 1 can banlly see how they could have come to any o-tlvar eonelu.-ioii. As 1 have pointed out,the iorm of conspiracy of which you have b.on found tfullty, is far In lis effects, i cannot loao Night of the J act that doing a. you did you wore tramickiue; on the life of your wlfe.and 1 j-'ec* no ivason why the maximum son- lencu .should not be passed upon you. 1 senteue(- you to .s^Vea yuars In the J roviHL-lai J'enlLeiitlary at Kingston." i be prknner had previously declined to yay anything and look his sentem'.e In a ratlier nonchalant manner. He haa been out on ball for f-ome time, but previous to the passing of the I'entcnee was taken into the prisoner's b"X by ujgh Conatable William Cal- verley, and he stood up with folded arni.s av.-aitinK- his l'ute. ll\a 17-year-old fUuiglitiM-. who had sat at his side all day witii tears In her eyes, took the blow very grievousJy. Just previous to being taken into the prisoner^ box, Alger told her that If she intended to make a scene she should leave the court, as it would only unnerve him He was tbeu led away by Constable Calyerley to the jail after a sad fare well to bis loved ones in court. OOTTAM. Mr. Jno. Biirdick, cf Khhgx, i viMuint.' her many friendH here. Mrrt. G..Clifford from i'utliven bun been amonu uh viaiting tbo Hick and well. Al- wayii gltid to hoo our old friouda. Mr. Millard Warrior hau started to cut the hickory into cutter and handle* ntuff. In my last iteiwo I intended to say that Jan. Fleming, of Alberta, expected to hint, fall thronh 1,500 or '2.000 buMielti, but did uofc thruBh ono bunhol,but it appeared iu tlie paper that ho did not tlireoh oue thounand huBhols for JBfRb S.cliool Notes. LHowlfl^ arc tho namou of thotio- lined;pvor C0% in rtcont t'Xumina- '-"' ' J lit, AJ^e^ra :^ JaeliBon 94, L 7B ^H-v-RUBBol. 75,. B. Hop^ood 73, H^imfi'd 3 Wiclitmau (17, W (S J5 BOVio 05, M Maxwell ttfi, F *2idei|fi(>. F Arnold fi5;- J^;jS}rai I: B MoQuoon 72, ISSlSffutt M- G Irwin 0(l- 'r Fit0 MqWbS?- C KuiBtot 01, Q Bony, i$$fj JUennotfc 54, 3 Deluioro NORTH RIDGE, Tho roadn are in a bad condition travelling on at preuout. . Mrn. Richard Mulcuoter, of Gump Pul- mur.irt hero waiting on horVnothor, Mrn, B, Sargent, who in badly iiflliuted with th worat of alt dinuaHtfl, la grippe-. Irtauo Thornton boon binding ~ntonou for Home timo, itud tbo pooplo aro wonder- iiifj what ui tho world Iiiaao purponcndoin[ with thcHo rookfi. Flo hiniHelf oayo thoy uro to put under bin barn, but they aro juat about far enough from the burn to put a roniiU-noo on. Then uflum, Iimao in a buoholor, and all tho readerp of tho Pninc PuKfcG wonder what Ikuro wantw with it new rftiudnuco. Will riomobody ploaao on- lifihton uq. Geo. M..Thornton in netting ^ignaturen to a petition, praying to bo cdian^ed from qqUobI section No. H, GonfloM North tb^tho Townof Eioox. If ho oucooodH Inn obihh run will baye only three- rjnurtarn of a milo to no io pohool, whurcau now they bavo abouti two miles. William Alfred Montgomery had Dome of hid bovlnoH dohonied Uut TumIuV. AuonyniouH V*sttt>r. J'iblTOH yjlliK J.')U'.IH. Knt J ritceivd thrnuuh th' poutolllee the olliur iluy, a porit rd with a llolltiniiH h h'.iitture, on which wum pmiticd, in a miat fmnniliio baud, tho following i ' KHHixTMXnTltirittim. . "M*, GouubKY, "Sin It wait a mrpriuo to many nf the JjOwiiDpeoydo that tbn onimoll uooepted yowr tenrlcr over and iibavo that of Mr, (IhunibiMM, for llw |io^itif>n of 1 a;i collector. "IWr. (Jlitimhcrtt in f/ut nf iMtiplov nieut, a nd ( mi only \u>rk nl micb work nn tlmi, lie htt lived iu thin town and paid taxes for yearn, ho uh il friend to you an well a* in the int( rntH of (bit Lravellme |mbhc, I fuel nulled on to hh1( you to rttuijm, in Mr. Gl*i urn Lorn' tnyvv before Rnturduy noon, or 1 will lay information before J, B. Mor- [ord Kuluvday cvorun^, M. A. A.'- I do not Uhiially ennnidr iiueh incmni^eii at) worthy of uiiich attiiution, but if the iiuthor will malte known Iiik, or hcr.identi. ty, I will bu plca-ed to int down, and i;ii- dtaivor to "iiryue the point". I have lived iu li'uMuii for M yearn, hnyo brnuijlit about fiaOO a year to our town'n nihtitntionii, und in every ciipucity ompIoycJ have alway RUdfiUvorod to do my duty to tho tawn and to tlm M. O.K. Co, Ihitvn beeu appointed by the town council to collect water rutnu und dojj tuxes and ain preceedini; U> |ier- formo thtnn dutioiwith all duo ruapect to "M. A. A.," I am. Youru for Bhhox. John GohmiiUy. ViirtX or ThunlcH. To tho Oflieein and nuanbern of Huprrmio Court, und Cjourl Hoyul No 2]'i, judr- pendout Order of l^orentcrH. Gi:n'tu**man. L'ormil uh to acknowledge our gratitude for tho kind earn duriiif.' the nuddon HicknesH and death of Miclmel Bhrurnm. our duar hiihband and father. Wo will hold in grateful lenniiibrunce and cutoeiu thu memburt) of Court Hoyul, for the brotherly care and attuutiou paid to him and to us, unit to thy Huprume Court, in tho promptnef-H in .vhieh the ilrafU of f'J.OOO m payment of the Kudow- meat Certificate wuo received. Wo earn- ostly pray that God will contimio to blcaH and proupor your nooioty in itu e;ood worlui wo with you pronponty, and a^aiu we thank you. Bincuroly yom-H, SufUN E- RlIUlIMM AND GlIIUUlRN. North RidRo, March 20th, IBiJu. l-Mibho School Uoport. " Minn ShftW'n room, Sr. part hocond china, marks poBniblo 50; obtained by bi^hent Urn : J BiHHon 50, H Cottoll 45, S May -in. L RhyudrcHR -10, G Barltor -10, G Allen 10. VV Bateu 35. M Wyman HO," G Laird 30. G GoHnnll ;10. MisH null's room, marltH poHsible 'J5, uh. tamed by higlieHt ten; V Munroo il^, B Brown 22. W Wilson 20, J Wortloy 20, G Witflo 18, N Wiphtman 18, J Wolfo 17, K Wothorly 10, M Campbell Hi, W Barth 1*. Miuh "Willitim'fi room. Jr. Ill oIuhh, tnarlu pomiiblo CO: M Thuruton -18, J UickH -18, J Domun 4H, J McClintic 48, G Greon 42, A Wyman 40, E WiIroii -10, C Bloano 30, E Johnson Hfi, M Fite 27. MiyH GruuHwoller'u room: fliinior part II; marks pouoiblo d0;'obtained by highest ten in clttHB; A Edgar GO, O Campbell -10, L Locke 48. L Wortloy 17, L Hormou 15, C Hull 42, GDibbloy42, II Gardner 11, II Coll '10, M lliddickao. Senior dfipnrtmenl: fourth cIohh; ttital iiiim ber df marks 105 -. Gainib Jauien fjl, Minnie Millar 85, BortEllinoa 83, Edith May]or 09, Linoh 03, Arthur Gourluy (11. B euior 3rd; total number of murku 00, Eliza Trowin 00, Arthur Brnner 58, E WiRle 5fi, E McCaffory 54, Frank Gourlay 51, Godwin Wiglo 54, Faunio Browu 53, Richard Dilso 52, Ernio RobinHou 52, Annio Laing 48, F ytuooy 48. To tho parontH and guardiaim of tho pupils of Ebvox publio school: Dear Frionda, I have thin week begun rcyuliu* wookly examinationu iu tho nenior divjaions, but had nob dono no before, nu a new teaclicr'o methaihi ef toachinc and forms of questioning, would bavo placod tbo pupila at too "r-ueh ol a dmadvanta^e in puhliobinf; tho roaulta. I would ro- Bpactfully call your attention to thane w cokly rt-portn of tho differont claeseu, uh thoao pupilu who do not obtain half of tho mark a Riyon, aro nnt doin^ the work of their olaHHea. Would tliono whoso children aro required to loriyo nohool, or aro lato, or abuout, kindly hend a note to tho teaoher, aud uavo much of tbo tonoher'o time taken from thoir own work in making enqnirien, oto. Voura ronpootfully, W.'R. Manning, CjtOOIJ NEW GOODS! Uli buyc'i' Imp ri1unie<l (Vobi tho ciiBl-crB iriiirkfif,. lutvin^ mnde cxtonflivo: pvises including; 11k; liewi-Hi* tliim^w in ih\o, \hv^ Coodp, Prim In, DucIcb, Giri^]in'rnH)!in- .(idioH' Vvbitc UnderwourlBo, boiiH, Veil tMllll<i>: iit'lcidcH, Lncoh, JMjibroiddiioH Ji\hGIovop, OoinetH, Lnce CuntninH, JloUor Blindfl, Gnrjudn, Table and Towel Linena, Htajiry Ooodn nnd finall wnion, MouV Shirtn, TioB, CoIIuih, CuITb, PantingH, otc.^ ! At^Prices that Cannot begBeatenl rJ be fiVrd ('tufii^riiii'iil in now to- bnnd nnd wo oxUnd a cordial invitation to 1 are hiU-ic&lcd in nitencw g(jc,dh nt lowest Iniug prioes to call and see what we arc Hundreds of New Hats ho tig- Are already to hand, including tbo \ery latcft bliapet- in black, brown and Cuba, nl|nd FedoraH; and fully 26 percent, below city piicen. Otlior linoa will be following- in ck succession. Our Slaughter of Winter G-oods| Btill oontinneH. Now in your chance to buy Ovcrcoatfi, Underwear, Fwb, Mantlo (is, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Departments are all right. Yours for Bargains, DtnsrsTAiiT Pressing Time with us. Soon time will be Pressing You For u new HP RING HUX'i'. Why not . order 'no^v. The Hprin^ ntc;ck in m, K(:W York fiihhioim too, und you will Cut Lottur work now bufore tlio iuhIi ih on for Bpriny. J3E VV A.K, THE TAILOR, rniNSTAN unooK, ESSI5X. GALL Special Sab Goods! We are TDotmd to clear the balanc winter goods at cost for next 30 dayi I-'01E Abb KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Noveltiea, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin WooIb and Fingering Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. New spring Jjoo'is arriving daily. Blaclt and -wlrito prints froi 12.^0. Wo have all styles in jirints from -lo. up. Duck in all col(Jt yoar price 18c, wo soil thorn at lii-Jc. j Fancy ZophyrB 25 diflerent stylos in dross Ginghams at 251, Flannelettes in all styles at 5c. Fancy blouso juittoins at 30c, ) "~T)roaH Goods All now designs at 1^-kc worth 25c. Tweed Patterns A-ll Wool Sei-yes and Henriettas at 28c wow, Cottonado, Shirtings and Cotton cheaper thnn tlio cheapest. Twee- uino Halifax at 2/>c yard. The newest styles in Huts nnd Gaps, Call and aeo before pui elsewhere. Clothing The balance of our Overcoats we sell at cost, to male for our spring goods. Wo liaudio nothing but the best makes. Groceries Sweet Homo Soap 0 li sJfiu. Soda Biscuits froh, H Ib box 22c. Try our coffee. Wo ham beat brand, "Snow Drift." We havo tho best y5c tea in tho marka/ it and it not suited, money rofunded. We aro agont for Salada Tea. AHCIJ Vance's Old Stand, EASTER HOLIDAYS. li Michigan Central Ry. Go. Will Fell Kxourmon TioltotH ab SINGLE FAKE Tor tbo round trip, botwoou ull Ht&Mown in Onu'ida and to Dotroit; to poinfH nn T. H. & I). Ky,. yood Raiujr April 9, H 4, & nnd G, rnturnini: on or before April 7. . For teaobern nnd ritudcntn abovo rtitea aro cood ffuiuu March 10 to April 4, roturu until April 13, 181M. For furthor partioubirn apply to, A. O. BT1MERS, Axfout ut KaaeX Ik free from tlie Injurious coloring:, Tho ttioro you use of it the bettei you like it. Vila CCO. E. TOCKETT A SOM CO., Lm> ' HAMIt-TON, ONT, ESSEX Houdquiirtnra for Sohuol BooUh, School Suppliua, Noto l-,apfjr,Envolop.H, lukv, Writing Ttiblofci und olUou Stationery. JDISPENfilNa AND FAMILY DROGOIBT. B. WIGKL; The Cash Grocer, Gontectioner and Baker. BE people of tho Town of Eaaox nud ourroundlnfi oountry havo long folt t ot a pliico ivhora thoy could yo aud puraliuoo what thoy roquiro on a ah buftiH, without bcinu compelled to pay higher priced to muko up for th mado in tbo crodit ayotom Cull and hqa our goodo, wbioh aro always of quality, and cot our prioen, whioli aro tbo lowoht. Don't niino tryiug our Tt coma it pound. Gulden and Field Seeds divecfc from the largest gr and dealers in America, lit lowest prices. CASH PAID FOR OTHEB PKOUUCE. VTUST-CLASS BUTTEB GOODS DEL.IVMED PROMrTLiT. AND FRESH EGG: M..E. WI J. H. WIGL.E, Mi Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Ebbox* :^*^ '4l

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