Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 27, 1896, p. 1

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,., . . ., MONEY TO liliiNl) $"' On morr^QgoH at 5 por oent. Fire aud Info In* Burunofe at lowoHt jr^ ratoH. M. W. GIBSON. Ajjent wapwii^if^ The Essex Free press MONET TOIiBHD On mortgages at 5 pen unbt. Fire and Lifo In- HllfUllOO Ut loWOlt rattiH, O | J. W. GIBSON, VOL XII. No 13 ESSEX, ONT. FRIDAY, MARCELS?. .1896. WnOLE No. 686 i3 FOR ONLY Wo cordially invito every - Jady of Essex and vicinity to attend the annual ft. Qf_our. SHOW ROOMS lo be held on Tuesday March 31 and following dayp. Miss Minn/ie Bruce is in charge of ijpe Department, and with a good staff of as sistants is prepared to supply all requirements in this line. We intend that our display of this season shall aurpaaa all previous displays, and have procured an extra choice as- eortmen t ot Pari s Pattern Hats and Bonnets Our stock of shapes and trimming re- quisits is large and varied Ladies, remember the dates, Tuesday, March 31, and fol lowing days. New Spring Goods In nil departments. Our own importations, direct from makers, at very closest prices. &Go. Leading Store of Bpsex, hftDoup MMDHT0NI3. A. hh/s.iinl wti nclc no on Tbujuduy. Mm. Doi'li^nn wuti vimtmc in town. lid Guliil Iiilh birod with Mr Collins. .7, Lynoli wiih in town on Tuouday night. Tln>r<i wtio tt number of buoti thm weak mi iiHiinl. Mimi O'Connor wiui in Maidatono ou Saturday, MifiH McCutin wtui tbo ^ueHt of Mrti. J, Kfuiiy rneontly. Tciidtini for tbo now hall aro boiuj* ro- n ived thin woolt. Thu 0. M. XI. A. will i>ivo 82K towardii tin* now building. Do noli frot dour, for if id ih nowa vou nro after you will cut it on Fruliiy'fl ro^;- nliir. Wonder why Pat ih up tlio widdlu road. Can it bu that carput rajjii aru no uttriiotivn or ik that not oxuotly why ? MWmiTOHIt I OWN COUNCIL Thompuoji'ti Hull, Muidiitono, Mar. 21. Onuncil mot an par adjournment, all mombcni pri'Htjnt, Muyor Mackdonell in tbo chair. Minuteit of proyioun mooting ltmd and a loptod. A potition with -10 hit>norH wuh brought in by C Stowo praying for uu oxtonmon of tho Ht, Jiawrunco Avo. Howor au fur us Wamcott Avn. Totton and McCloHkoi, that tbo petition ha laia ovor. Car. By-law Nn, 272 prohibiting oattlo from runuiHK at lur^c wiipi read foi tho third tiino and punned. Colliun and Keeffi?, that Edward Cahil, ar., bo appointed milk-mapootor at a mil ary of ft.1)!) a yoar . Car. C 'J' McCIonktiy and McCloakey, that all milk doulorn pay h. lioanno foo of 5 a year and all liuukhtora l foo of #10 u your. Cur. Totton ind KooifiT, that tbo olork notify Edward WoIeiIi, keeper of tho Talbot Stroot toll nto, to iiiHtruct tho ownoro of hu road to movo Haid toll eato ou'iaido tho corporation othorwmo thm counuil will tuko logul action against thena. Car. C T MoClonkov and Kuno, that tbo clerli bo paid 815 for extra work on by-law No. 272. Can led. McClonkey and Totton, that Mayor j Mackdonoll and Hoove Kaoo moot Roovo Colu and E J O'Noil of Sundwioh South together with Ed ward Wamcott of Col chowtur North to arbitrate on tho Went Townliuo Drum diuputo in Attorney Stowb'rt ofl'ua, on Maroh 2Kb,tit 10 o'olooh. Carried. ColUmi and Koof/o, that Richard Kavan nauj>h bo puid 810 for sliovolling ejuow off mdo-wulku and tbo eumo bo ohargod up to tho lota at fault. Car. IJ T McCIoakoy and Kano, that thin council do frant tho iiura of 910.60 to tbo homo for friondloaa roportorp. Car. Application wao mado by_ Miohuol Barry for a rofuud of $3 doy tax, bio dc liavmu been poiHonod. Ou motion of MoHirs. Collinnauci Kuetfo, thanamo was [jruntod. MuClobkoy and McCloshey, that tbitf council do adjourn until tbe 11th day of April. Curriod. J. J3. FuEiun, Town Olork. LEAMINGTON. U. Dorbyohiro apont Sunday in town Mr. Bnnton loft for Toronto to-"day Juo Dick viHitod friocdn in town ou Sat* ardav. Miua Faunio Nanh i yiflitiDfi in town this weok. Dr. Eodo, of Detroit, upont Sunday hero with Jiii unolo. Kov. Jon. (iaJloway pleached in Am- borstbur^ Sunday. W. J. Fullor, Blonhoim, upout Sunday bora with bio parontfi Mjt0 Llanna Fullor apont a low clayn laat week w'kb frietsda lu Dotrmt. Nwton RuanoJl of tho Dotroit Bufiiuons Univorwity, Hpont Bnnday|at hiu boMQ no re. Tho know storm of last Thuruday blooked tbo raormnfj train on ibo L. E. A: D. R. R. Mias Mary Sherwood boa returned after a two woaltB' vioit with b*r aiotor, Mru. Howie, of Detroit. Mra. Lowis Uvtmi loft thin moriiinj.' for Bright, wharo Hh ^ HI npoud a fuw weeks with hoi pirantg. Mtua Laura Watnon Iuh returned, after a few weeka Hpent vimtnip friondii in Itooi n^y anil Whoatloy. MiHH N. GaHoway and Mian C. Wickwiro l^ft tbiti morninfl to attond the Epwor'.h Loa^uo convention in St. Thomast Uov. Mr. Allin of Amberatbur^proaobad oduoational 8"rmon* in the Methodist oburob y outer day. The coiigrottation mot in tho bohooI room %a tbe auditorium ih boiDg freaooed. Wo rturet t report tbo death of Mru. John (Jonovcr, whioh took plaoo on Fridsy OTonniK. She leavea a husband and a little boy about four yearn old to mourn their great loan. ' The funeral took pluca Sunday from the family reaidf noe to L dto Vitiw cemetery. BHOOKEIl. A vnry plounuut ovoning wan BtKtUt at Mr, DrinK*" lUHt' Wodiuiaday, tho oooaHion bhinij Mimtnr Win. Driu'u !41hI birklulay. Woodhucii huvo laiitod un \*i\C that til] tho trvtiH on tho north nido of tli tontb huvo boon out away bo that a potiiau may iioo tlio biiililiiic on tho Hidu mad. Mrn. William MiIIon'm Hmtor in (,'ottiiii: bettor rjuito rapidly. Mru. Si opium Millau bau roturncd from hor vmit to Bt. Thomim, I* in mora do you want unonoy at &\ por joat.? If ho writo A. G. Baker Learning- ton, Ont. Ternia o( (taymanli of puueipil to imit borrovrcra. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. KCNI',X 'I'OWN. ' Emkx, Muint 17, IHOil.- mot in ti?,\\\ilY hoi-nioii; tbo tho chair. All tlio mom bom provmuit riKotinii SOUTH WOODSLEE. W. S Cummifoul wan in Windsor on tho '.Jbit on huuinouii Mr, and Mru. II. C. Roon apont tbo Slut in Botroit. Mra. Morrion roturncd from St. Mary'a Uonp.tal on tho 20th slightly improvod. Support your Kmiox county harnouq maknrH and nny of Wright G. Smith, South Woodolco. Tho ohcipoat hand mado harneifH in tbo county. Tho tomporunco drama whioh wan pru- nonted by homo talent on 20th way in evory iGnpoct a HUUCOHB. Tho dialogue wan woll up and tlio part of Joo Morgan by J,, A Smith, aluo Simon Blado by Gordon AlliHon wiih far from boin^ amateur. 1'ho Taylor orcboutra nmritrori riovoral appro- nnato piocfiH. Every harnubu HUarautood and repaired froo of oharfje 'oi ono your. Rornombor hand mado ainulo liarnoim, 810.00. W. G. Smith, South Woudnleo. Jacob Mitolioll thu hustling agont for Noxon BrnH, farnouit maahnio company of Gait, givoH Iuh llrat annual impleiriBnt dolivery on Tuonday, March 3l8t O.G ox- pootu to dflivor ordora that huvo been takon diinutf tho winter and nprm^, and in addition to that oaoh purabaMor in on. titled to tho accommodation o( the botola both for thomnt)lvon and thoir hornoH, freo of oharqo. Ono of the Arm and novorl of tho Idadtn^ Haloumcn will bo horo on that day Jaku alno claimn to bavo mado tho lar^ast Hinglo bilIo of maohinery in the eouuty tbiH onanon. IIui*h Halfltaad and John Hofian at- tandod tuo ball in Lsurnmcton on Tuoaday iiicht 21th. All hnrnoHB mado in my own ahop. No truHh or oi*-y taotory atuff. It will pay yon to buy of the maltor, W. G, Bmitli, Sonlb Woochdeu. Tho Gontlomun'g Aid hivo not dooided on tlio exact dato ot thoir Hnppor. But it will bo ho mo tirao in tho neir future, w vi>% a delightful time in oxnuoto 1. RonaoirjDjr ladioH you tir "Lot m it." Tho L O. L. oyHtor guppur Riven on tbe evening of the 23rd wna fuirly woll patron ized. Cuitnoi Mayor in jireiiant. Tim mmnten oi tbn wero roiul and tubipti'd. Apphoatlona for collecting waWir rulnu mid don taxim worn rtiooivod from Mr. MoEwan.Mr Oormloy and Mi Chutuborn. A potition wan road from Mr 1) .1 Wlutnoy and Mr A II Wi^Io afilting for tho huihluiji of a imlowalk on tbo oiuir" mclo of Laird avo. to Ahuo iitrcot. A ballot wan takon on tb) appbuationn for water raten and dof" tax collector ro- Biiltmg in tho wiUiotion of Mr. Gormloy for that ponihcn. Moved by Mr Laird, tiecondod by Mr MuDou^all, that tho building (>f a indo- walk on tlio tiaiit Hide of Luird ayo. from Talbot utrit to Abco stroot bo roforiod to tbo comaiiHOionnr of ward No. '2, te look tbo matter up and if bo in H&tmhud that iho council ban tbo powor to build uaid Milmvalk tn jm )er*-ii at onco. ( arrie*t. Moved by Mr Laird, iiucondod by IVIr Thomau, that tbo Cbiot of Polion bo diroot od to lock up all tranipn who aro found about tlio HtruotH bito in tho uvoninu and if tbo weather ih cold to niuKo up a firo in ibo lookup raid tint tho- council pay '2fi contit oxtra Tor all nqch work done after 9 o'clock p. m Carried. Mr T Irwin applied for a- robatoof taxcH undur drainage by-taw No 133 which b& inff referred to the financo committee reoommoiidcd a robate of #2 00 on acoonjit o' ovoroliai i;o undor Kind by-law which rocommandation wau adopted by the oounoil Poroy Tcotor la spondiug a week homo in Leamington. at hin Mr. and Mra Simon Ho^an arc staying at North Woodoloo. Jacob Mitaholl lua purchaHod tho bouao lately occupied by Wra. Kanady from J ao. Roe. . ----- . - GREENFIELD. Wo are glod to learn that tlioro are proo- peots of the attondanta at S 8, No. o having wat^r from the rook. With la ut Thursday'*) onow.full, which furmuhod mi plenty of material, wo would bavo bad Rood oloi(hinc if it had fallon properly distributed. Despite tho warring elomontH of Tburu- day luut Mru, Smitb'a sowing bee was fair ly wull ut ton dud. Thanks to friend Sandy and other gontlomen. Yea, "our oido up firnt" at oar friend Huch'Q barn raiaiu^ on Saturday last. Mr. Oulcoy in utill drilling rook. I rather think uotghbor Do^h 10 fiomc to pettlo down in our midst after all. With bouao and baru noon compluto we hepo to aeo it r^ab/>ud. Wra. Bulmer, of Windwor, returned homo after returning J, W.lnon*a volnolo. Tbo WiUon ladicabuve doiorted uu for a time. We look for their return with the thultobm. T. II. DtCow ia fciikiun tho timber off the "flitiron" lot. MiflD Dawwou ih apouding a two nitohu' vi^it witli hi r unolo. Robi-rfc Dawiiou of Napoltn, Ohio. Richard Wie;k\ on Moudny, callod pn bin fatbtr tjolmon Wi^lo of Kincrmtlo who buu bu(*u ill for nomo tim.*t ai.d in ro* p iriod no boitir. What, with now houuea, barim and other fmprovumeutH wo oughi to huvo our mam road otntiflhtoood, giviuc that uiaorable comortho ^ It could be done with a littlo pueh, oontinmna tho WiIrou road to tbn Small'ii road and putting gravel thereon df which there would bo lesu re quired. Bosldee, there would bo (or Bale a corner lot ewitable for & "Smithy," we would like to aee It accomplished before Bummarwhotj our town friends take their vanini/ drive around tbe block. Mr Krioghoff aadreaiied the council ubIc- in^ that tho choir of tbo Presbyterian church be allowed tbo uao of tlio To'ivn Hall for* thoir entertainment. Moved by Mr Thoman, aecondod by Mr Boott, that tbo Proiibytorian choir bo allowed tho una of tbo Hall fr<'0 tor their oonoeit. Carried. Moved by Mr McDougal], cecondod by Mr J A LTicka, that tbo application ef John Gormloy be accepted as dofj tax and water rato collector at the salary ao fixed by tho council. Carried. Moved by Mr Laird. Hoconded by Mr Thomas, that tbe chairman of tbo board of worka advortitio in tho Eamsx I'hwk PiiEaa for tondera to clean out the to wa ll no dram noar Mr Naylor'e Mill. Plana and flpooillcationa can bo ^oon with tho ohairman of tbe Board of Works. Carneu. Mr Whitney reported verbally ro the building of sidewalks from the property of D Sinclair to tbo waterworks, that he hud h*'on tho paitien interoated and that ho believed tho mrlewnlk would bo built aoon. Moved b> Mr. MoDougal), oecondod by Dr. Pottn, thut tbo olaim of Mr MoEwan for paymout of land taken for roadway bo laid ovor for future oonaidoration. Car. Moved by Mr Laird, uoeondod by Dr PottH, that tbo ooUoctar'a tim beoxtonoled to next regular mootrini;. Carried, Connoil thon adjournod to April 7tb. John WAi/n:iia, Clorlt. COLCHISSTim NORTH. Gkbto Man. 1*1th, 1896. Council mot aa per adjournment. Prou- ent, Ueevo Barrett and councillors, Caya, Konuedy, Bodd and Thoman. Minutoa of provionu meeting read and on motion adopted. Hoove reported that bo had nettled with T. H. DoCow balance on gravelling on 8th con road in lieu of atatuto labor 1278.00, Clork itmbructed to writo solicitor to no tify the corporation of JSwuox Tewn that tboy are to takq, oaro of all tbo dead horaoa on lot 284 S. T. IX., at ouoo, or tho muni cipality of Colohootor North will take aetion agawut thorn, as they have com* from their town. Mr. Rodd w&4 appointod to have ob- etrnations removed out of drain on South Hear Road from Carapbell'o siJo ro*d to Brush aide rouJ. \. l nionon Mr. Rodd wim appointed to have tbo l'lth con.dram at railroad orona fug atteudod to at ouoo ao the water will find an outlot. Mr. Thomas to prooeod with oloanng Qib oon. road ai once and make what arrangements be ioan with Canada Compauy. By-laws No. 018 and 310 were read lh naooiiHiiry number of time*, pisatd and ^doptod. Air. Thomas fave noftiee cf by-law a** next, nutting for tbo rofiHing of road diviaioun and nppointJny ot roud overseer** oto. On motion chooks were granted : D. II. Davis to pay U. C, H. Co., for culvert aorous their truck at MoOrajjor 31.">; C E Ncal, for prnvmionH for Wm White,chanty 82 01; Jos Gerard, fur work done Thomp son sideroud 22 00; T Ouya, for Mr. Lafrarnboia, charity, 86.00; Wm QiiCQn, wood for ball, 51.00; 6 wo ot man Bros., for plank !er bridges, 97.1)1; S J >Ve]aou, poit- ago to dato, 9G.64. On motion Aba BhepUy'a taxuu were remitted on account of Are. Ou motion oolleotorV tiule was eiUnded to April lltb. On motion oouuail adjourned. J. A. Codltvb, Clerk. Closing-out Sale OF Dry Goods At BARRETT & Gil's, tS *. Having decided io go entirely out of Dry Goods, inordci Lo go more extensively into Clothing, Boots nnd SIioch and Furnishings, and boing desirous of closing out every yard ot Dry Goods in our establishment, iimounling to over $7,000,00, Before June 1, WE W ILL START A SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 28, Oi' ovoiything in Dipsh Goodft. Trimming, Silkn, .Satins, Limngrf, Glovea, IIoMory, CoraotH, Lace Curtaing, Chonollo Ctirttunn, C'urtmn Poles, Table Linone, TowohngH, C'ottonn, Punts, in tact everything in tbo Dry Goodtt dopartmont mu&t bo cleared *ut, and tm tlio bulk oi onr atomic ih all now and bought for this BprinVB trado, this is an opportunity Mioly offerccl to the buying public to purchase sonBonablu goods tbo iir.-5t oi' the Bcaaon at the unptGtiDdqnted Haonficea we .no making on everything in our Dry Goods departments No such romarkablo clianco** for bai^mna have ovor been offered to tlio peoplo of l^aaox ant] surrounding counti y Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hate* and Caps and Furnishings, vVill bo a loading feature in our business in futuro, and we yuavanteo you a saving of from |5 TO 25 PER CENT* n everything yon buy in those de partments, It you do not come to this sale you aro simply throwing a"way monoy. Hero ia a chance such as you havo never 'seen oqualkd. n tL miss it, but bring your Egirs and Cash to Don't Barrett & Co., The Ono Price mid strictly Cash Store. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS 1 OR IflnXiBSw TOWN OF KSRlilK, |_ WboroaB by virtueof a warrant iBHUod by tbo Mayor or tb To Wit: j Town of Ehbgx, ia tbo County of Euhox and uutbontic&tod by tho cofpomto (toal of tbo mud Town bearing dato tbe fourth day of February, 181)6, nnd to o dirooted oouimundiDg mo to lovy upon t'uo following late or parcoln of landw iu arrears for taxoit due thorcon with coatn. I hereby givo notioo thut unlo&n tho uaid tuxou and cootn nro ooouor paid I shall, on Woduoiiduy, tbo 2-ltb day of Juno, 1890, at the hour of ten o'oloolc in tbo foroiioon, at t'ook'H Hall, in tho Town of Emiox, prooood to noil by publio uuotion tho uaid l&tidfl or no much thoreof as may ba nulbuicnt to pay such arrears of taxon and nil lawful oonfcn incurrod : Plan. . Lota, Tuxob. Ooattt. Total. 307............................&8.............H38........ $1.95........SB Oil 307............................aO.............. 108..........lflfl........ fl03 200..............................8.............. UOtiC..........247........A3 13 1207............................7 and 8............57 OJ..........2 31........69 87 223.......................... D and 32.......... 25 87..........2 35........2822 179........................upartR 20 aud 27......17.91..........2.16........20,06 176..........................part 109 \ ........80*26 ........ r>S........479 267..........................27 aud 28[ gt. 60 .- 308..........................23 and 21 j........ J,,,CU..........A JB........d7'8J Blookfil........................................ 7.11 ..........1,95........ 906 ..........................10.99..........2.72........41171 W.D.BEAMAK. TienBuror. Block 10.......... ELFOKD. Goo. Muatprd has Rouo to Michigan io get his penoiott. Henifv TburHton ia about to creot a new oauU barn. A Hooiftl iu uid of II u tho I Sunday echocl was bold at tho reaidonce of Win. Elford last Tiiotulay oyoniue. Ovov ten dollarn was realized, .iumoB Myiiou has pnrohuuod twouty- five aorea of land ou thoaix'h Qonoe^alon *f Qobflcld North irouo Mr. Smith of Eaiax. lie baa tb colored gentleman bufly uudtr-bruoblua it. Farmers do you want money at 5& par cent? If b* write K. G. Baker JJeawina trn, Out. Tertna of payment of ptinotpftl to auit borrowera. Mayor K a rear, ' Mr. Geo. II. Btirn&r, Pooltiinater and Mayor of "Wollapd, Ont., huj'b: "Prom ox pommco in ruy own familv I cannot npoak .loo highly of Stturk'B X'owdeys a a ploaaant, immediate and ponmmpiit euro for Head- acbe, Nfuralgtt, Etlibuaiien und IjIvpi iroablce. lam also awar of several Boycrt 04U6B in our owu town and neighborhood whioh have beau cured bv them afUr tbe paiienta had Buffered for yourn, had tried all Lludu of ro medio a and had been treated by doctors. Gko. II. Bimtun. Two preparatloiia la eoolx boit; nloe to take. Bold by all medioine dealer* a-fc 25a a box, 5 bnxou $1. Maroh 20. ICINGSVILIiE. Mii Alma Her in on tbe aiolc list. Bin. Thomau IJuggan ia ill with a alffibt attack of apoplexy. Liuooln Black of VYinduor spent thu Uabbath with pursuta here. Ghauooy Bounott and bride spent the Sabbath horo with parentn. Wilf. Doug^un, of Winduor, made a flyiutf visit to town Sunday. Pnthmux Fox baa started au opposition dray botwtou the own aud depot. Mra. Ella Kloncy will pi end the wctk with bor aiator, ,.rn. F. Ubll, ur Harrow. Arcbituot Tbomaa Jeuiaer him araftej plaus fa; tho uowly contemplated Baptist ehureh. Mica Dolly Foster and H. V^ Clemeiit left for St. Thomaa to-day to attend the Epwortb Ijeafiue convention. Roy.Lemuel Wiule, of Kfggeville, Mich., oaoupied tbo pulpit m tbe Methodlnt oburub buro ou Sabbath morning. ' Janiea Fit/.patrick died Sunday after- 11oou from the dread disease, consumption 'Ibo futierul look plflo* on Ttteadny, 24 Kvunpoliat lMii'lpot of London baa beel enKa^ed to bold a ftsriua of revival meat iufis iu ooaooofiion with the Baptist cha/cl outbid plao*. Meetinea will ebmmeno . about the 1st of April. ^ # Frank Bell of Harrow baa rented hk r*aidanoe bare to Mr. Hendeaskot with Koo proapeote of eaakiaft a aale to tha above named fientlomaa at an early aaU. lit Ate /., r?M> ikdS- j^3^^j^aW^JIS^J "^ k&.*4to ^*m ^SL 034

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