Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 20, 1896, p. 8

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( MMnMteAOtfttilEI&t^^ iJi/ IKi?^** 7 "'.'7'.-."" 1 WWim 9E1 KRRfe PKBi w*+ JAS. D. ANDERSON & Go,. UANKUKS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel.) EsaeX. ACINC BILL f onoy to loan on VaviLinra' No^>h: NoLeB bouifht OollooUd; Monoy to limn on MoHiitfoit H-t Mom W Uoll< _ owunt rates uiid bout lormw. Draltttliwuoapuynblii ut jiar n.t all iHuolpuI . poltJtn Tiro Insurance Agents* etc. JMOCJAI* PERSONAL Anir, Wan iu on friwuln in Itnv. Mr. Ayrn, of South WoooMch, v/iu in town on Monday. Ilumnoii Plutmnor, of AlcGrofcor, wuu in towu on TiiorffliiY- Wiolmi-d Kwlo, f town mi Monday. John Kontint,' oidlml town on Tuesday Itittt. Mr. and \Un. Wm. Ilu-toh returned on Mondity from a work's vinit, to thou' rum, Joliu, of Oniml ltn-iidH, Mioh. ' Lawyer K. A. Winmor wan in oauturn oitioft on bUHinosH thin wook. ' O.K. Fornyth vinitod tho Toronto and London mnrliutn lant wook. MrH, MoAfooia ablo to bo out R|*uin af- iot Hevoml wcko Horiouw illnon. Mr. and Ura, Win. Laiiifi worn vinitinor iriondH in Wflllnndport thin wook. Aim. AIox Imiiij, hail bean 4111 te ill for uomo dKjn.-buL in at prnMonfc improving. J. E. Monti of tho High School iitaff *pant Sunday with friondu in Detroit. Miya Nosbitt of Wulkorvillo apont Sun day with lior fliator, SltH. II. I*, Mitttia. Minn Nora Koating, of Woodnloo, apont ml fow days with friondti iu town hint wook. Dr. J. W. tinen ha boon oonllnod to tho houno a fow duyu tliia weulc with a *iovoro oold. - " J. D. Auderuon in oxpootod homo from Duluth this wuok, Mra. Audarfion'hun boon qaitt) HI at London. MiuHOU Hattio Tudrow and Mablo Huff- tau.ii, of Loai*iiuj.;ton, woro ^Hoata of Mrs. Mark DoGow a fow daytf laab woek. Men. Lindaay roturucd homo lat wook h.!tur npuudinca little over ft, wook with her nomb and daughtorH iu M orthvillo, Mich. [,-----------:- Oftrdfl fcro ^fttifc announoinu tho raarriu^t of MiHi) Emma .). Jaokcou, of Gonflold Norfch,dauKhtorof Andrew Jackaou, to Mr. Snider. T. H. DpOhw loft on Friday night for bia timber location iu Oro^on. Ho wttu fcQOompaniod by Uufjli MoGrcnry of Oottnra. J. A. and Mr, Francia are roeuiving tho OrtDtfrattulationB of thoir many friondn, Hinco tho arrival of a littlo hou tho othor. day. Tho condition of Mro. Geo. Barth, who bau boon ill for Borao naonthn, in ntill crit ical und BmalT'tiopOH are eutortainod for bor rooovory. Duluth Daily Nown-Tribuno, "J. D. Audomou, a hauker of ICuwuz, Can., in vioiting tiio brothor-in-law, A, D. David- wm." Mr. and uiro. N. Pbillipn, of Battle Crook, Mioh., roturnod thia wook aftor fipoudJHe! a fow dayu with Mro. Phillip'n aunt, Mr. Gbag. Iiobortn. Roaraor Wilo ,of Blipd Rivor, Al;oma, has boon in Kiu^avillo for tho ptHt two wooka, attending hie father, Soleraoa Wigle, who ban boon uoriouuly ill. Hio many Kaaox eoauty friendn will bo plottaed to loarn that A. J. Groou, (jraiu aud produco merchant, in not ill with typhoid fovor, aa iutimatod in somo' laab woolc'n paporn. Wm. Church oxpeotn to jjo Co Toronto to-day ait dele^atoH to the Grand Couuoll of Gboteu Friondu'tu be lield tboro next Weok. He will alao vinlt friend a north of Toronto. Mayor Maaon of Windsor baa tontorud bis roninnatiou uo nooninon of tho Gao- ttduin TudGpondenco party for North Eunui, for tho Cumntionn It itioaid ho will run kei an ludopondent candidate. Mina Minoio Bruoo roturnod to Kshox, Oil Tumid ay and la now in cbur^o of tlio - millinery rJopartraent at Foriiytho, Audor- tion'(& C'o.'h titore. MiHH Bruuu attondod tho millinory opiiiiia^H at Toronto, L11:- (Jon and UntroiL. .J. II. tiud ."\lrt5. Witile wiii't' in Leaminj.;- ton yof-.turduy uttomliu^ Lbo, funeral of Mra. Wii^lo'it falhor, tho lato Goo. nu-*y(-I'. Tho iJeiMUHOd WIlhlJIKiOf tll IllOHl. OHtt-i-'lrU d ' and widnly mtii of Honth Khhu.x. lie wad lii'Bt ix".'V,' uni) tiriiL niityof of L^.-itri- , . iii^l.011. Aleria.a. 7d. J. mid Ml^^n P. Wij/I-! with ': iidi d thr funeral fjf Lli. ir mint, i\.i) IkLo IMru. Hurt, 111 Ku);'vi|i<', uniiilun iiiimu n tie -.- ."il-h.'.I lii-l.v v.ils \V:'.'I\ idie o e 11 iti a iH.-,trr fiJT Will. 'Hi 1 Sol. ' '1^1 o ^if Kin^sville, ma' Gim, M., ol"Huibvu.i. PaBBos Uh Third Roaclln^ In tho Commons. WHY BELAUD ACTS te Owiny: to Garmany's Hostile ___.......fntfrlgues. ALLCLl)BS-Miiy-BE-RPRESENTED 4k the <Jinu*ili4ii .V(H-l;g<) <U\ili 4 (iiiiiiiUtuf ( :,ailuji LaiLu t> Hie <M(>v<'i'iiiiirill A rut I luaiiiHt inn .Urmji-r ^ir Jtlcoinii t-t.' :.(,[.., '.-. Ottawn., .Maicll i::. iSwli.iIj Tin: (J4Liuid:nn Ji<-1*1 ^'i! thu (Jo-miiioiK-i i.n-111,-, In.. i\ m. n ch.-.iit.' pro viding lor tin. t;.jii.-.l!.LiUlu.. in ;t <uub COIlinaUi-i; \\ iL.-i pi . ;.n I.L..-d li> lul, '1 lil- diLlo, which hi: .siint Had Lkmmi ii;;i'*M;d ujkjii by all ]jiii-|.iu:i inu rv:H--d, by pi'o- JiUHL'd jiu;itrjiui,, by M Cii.Hl'J, .St IL- j;rn.m und 1 rine.ju, rtjM'i.:ii.iiLiniv wr- tain <>)).]*. f-iur-i, by lih.- Uiu'm* Jiruudtirn' AHNUcliUlOM nilit:rs; 'J'li<- Jluw' olUU.'lr j'i.ivihlm thai an.> duo uan ail 1 lint" by KlVilli; iioMCi- m wrllillK. W'ailf tlu: urij.inaJ eliili w,i| |j;,v<! u im-inbery On tin.' club L'oihhi.tlt: L-vtry club that upjdlfti Ir utiillu.imii t an htivu a ivi>re- nciitji-ilvt: on unci 1 oiniiilUi-c, to bo uIi-cLimI Iu sucli manner a^ the club M-iulliii; IU 111 !jec(s lit. 'I'lic laiiL Wed nesday In ,\;iiy \n 1(.\ed UH Lhu'illltc of tin- annua] ineellim uf the club. A club once esipeljrci can only be relniitatod by 11 tbree-l'oLirtlih vuLi* of tlu* com- mitti'e. Tin- Minister ol' du.stice sub mitted a (bins,- in [he of iliu UutJirio .Government, providing that any provincial constable or peace ofll- i:i'r rimy enter upon the jvrounds or bliildlntfH of any club cnnlruUcd by the Jockey Club. rjol. Tihdale mild lie wan Klad to Inoorjioi-ato tin* in the bill. Tho bill was then reported. Th western Immigration deputation had an Interview wiLli Sir Mackenzie Howell, Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Daly this juomlnK. They pruferred their ivc|iie.--i tor the adoptlo-n of an ImmlKnulun board ajul Hie ii.nno.lnt- ment of an iininlKriLtluii commlHslon. The Premier Informed them that It- was not likely the Coyernmoiit would abdicate Us functions to an Irrefpons- ible body, but the reo.ue.4t of the de putation wuukf-ho carefully cnnsldei- The report of A. W. Wright, the commissioner appointed to invoHtbratu this allcKed ' provalencu ot the .sweating .sysiem in Llio different emeu ol Canada iva:; jn-eHonted to Pur- -lianient-thirr-aftenioou. The Commis sioner,- whllu not dlRf'nvj-rlns the actual prevalence of sweating, still represents that there are abii.t-it-s ex luting In .some cities. Jle stroiiKly favors the adop tion of a system of JlceiisinK all shops and places in which Koods are manu factured for sale. The o-bjeots he hopes to tru-in by this are better sani tary conditions, more elllcb-rit inspec tion and protection ai;aIiiHt the spread- Ins of Infectious dlHeaae. IU: also fa vors the adoption of a .system of label- liner or tfiKfrlnf; all Koods that may be made Iu tenement houses. A writ was Issued In the High Court hire to-day claiming from fl. U. Mac- doindl, M.I1, for AlKonia, the sum or $:t;{,-lOO. 'Phi. plaintlir, Teivnc* McCuire, claims the penalties under the revised statutes of IX.Sfi for that the defendant,' being a person disqualified to sit nr vote In the House of Commons of Can ada, did nevertheless on various davM during: 18% and lXi(j Hit or vote In the and did thereby become li able to forfeit and pay to the plaintiff the fsum of J2()f) for eardi and every day on which defendant so sat or vot ed. The following are thi' particular:*: 181)5 Penalty from 18th- April to duly 2L' Inclusive, DG days at J200 per day, Jlil.^OO. ISIKi Penaltv from Jan. 2 to March lit Inclusive. $^(J0 per day, $M,2(iO; total s:ci.ioo. O. S. Clcwlo is R-axetted preventive officer nt Toronto and Rufus Stevenson Collector of Customs at Peterbnro. .Toe Haycock, the Patron leader, n.p piled to the Debates f'ommitt'-e for a dally copy of Hansard, but, the com mit tee had to refuse the 1 einn st, the edition helnp limited. A Cohourj? delegation .saw Mr. Oul- met to-day und received ^ratlf-ylns a:;- su ranees respect! ne; harbor tm p rove- men ts. MOXKY IX OIJ* f tXMtlAS SpAMVs. A llainlllon llan rn> si;t'.'d : flu-Ill i 0 Kosdin. Post on, Mureli III. Two lltth paper, whb-ii. or Two **' pieces (if issueil by valued 11! lust uiejit wltt'ii rirliduiilly the Canaillan Cuvenirm-nt, were I'M I'lieh. were snbl by unction In tlds city for Si:i'_:a. The price was tlie birirrst tfiven for any single lot of stiunns Iu \\u>. three duyu* Hale widen closeu to- niirlil. All Cnnudiun stumps of 1 In* Issue .tf lHfil lire rare, but these two \'-\ iiliuups are bellev(-d to ho the only nnnsr-il fines at lite 1;linl prbileil on h tit nips were purchased el' Ilandlton, Out., who stumps lo tbi' eoinpan.v holding Hie unction and Kot ?l"i(H) for tlient. Mr Nei'dlnun also boiiKht a uuinbiT of other Cuuadian Hlitinp at prices rtiiirfhi^ frrnn Sin to ?lri. A tlve-eeut St. lionlH. IKI.VW, whleb Is it po.4lmaster's provlncbd Ihsiic. Siihl fi>r S^r)l, wlillo 11 10 emit spuci- num, the Kiiine dut", brmiKlit ?10,". laid tiapi-r by Mr. Ni sold these The - h!11:1 til same 3.0.1;. xvnticMi: nitiso honaic. I/; li'i' -. ; tO r f-li ve \v $ Vv. /'lntl'ch tt H inn wi*-h to ruinouie tiioT'libhe. idmr a /diitiim /!' tiicirord ,' buHijb-'i tnivt* uvri'.uil, a ,d il^o r.')w on lit, til'1 o of Mr. (Jhnn'.h.Ouii'jtdi Id rk. ( rin -:,fnr , ihe" lis" id thohii .iviio purub'i'.rKi wh::-!-, . i"'v,)s umI ! the Hi'etil "feed in live fr'tiri tho {.*n;:n id ' be j ,'pub1"!. Tl'.> ritdc will bo open to ib'i1 j ).ni ,'nid. uvenin^ j {vVfl-'ft fiiniday.) irumlvf. nuxt wtoV, j luiporlniit .IniciHiiiM'iiIn Hnvc lice 11 Kluilv In ftie * I'Ti-tliulliiv- -'- - Pelerlmni'.Mt'ireh V.\.~ iSpC'ehll.) --The Sons df I'hi^liilid ( .I'll ml l.mU;e ile;ill villi !lu> proposal iinieiulniei'is. to the i.'onst it iu iei tu-'inv, ami .s-v.ti'iI inipori.ini elum^.-.i wei-e*iii!'jp;i tl. li v.-1 ni decided to form dls- l riet en 11.1.-lis. ill ler .1 le::^,n ." dlM-ii-.deii. >i:r^er hr.UI Ol'J' ee hi a HI b. i.'t*"'ill'U 'od^e wld e ueci.pv- j.i," |li*- p.:.,1! i-.ui 1..I' ;H 1"I '. d"l"i. V ; ,.', i'I-jii ii[..dl:b :i:i'ns of ;id\ anlit^e h> liniillierh vn-ce Liiam; ill the i-i-kuIj. I ii.:. i ^uV'-rit'ii;: i'1 e.-;. A nbdii : ;::-.b>ii Is behi;; n "'Id :o Willi tin- tpl> vli'iii .-11 'In- .'^l.ih'1-: ini"'ll id' Ml mVieini -1.' 'ii 1. .-lid I ili' 'il'-lll'i Leili-'e '- i.l liUt-.y re. . . -!i iii- ..ioi-i;il -ii":!!),; bile 1 1 1.1.' -...ji'.iio^ sin: nru:,.:i>- 1. ... nt hi:Aiu 'liie LrluiHI'al lj:t.if- in' ->iih-i:!i* .^dupJed ti. :in in . -. . I'lail'.lniri.', X..I.. .Mitieli II!.- Mrn. ,In;-'[i!i Ii'i.ji litei r. a inbidi' n-.-'d .vo.-iuu li\!ii- In IU)')......-I'!, 0 -"l' le-i'e. ci.ll.lilii led iullfiile I,,.,i,,y ' ! y hil; n!:-:; 1 e; !> :iib. SI.-' ^:it lli;;ileil b.T e...l :. V. i i ii _ kei-.i: i-il'.' iilid [lies ^'1 ln-i:. il '1:1 d i" . lLd'-u--* ie-lji , a ,i 111,, v, I'liniil \. :i dli'd Hie 11 ;.' tifi; i', a; -. I ?--i-:i.!y I.* -su|.- |lijseil hi MUV Ii. Ml |li ' e.ill e. ;w"r.if ;; '~ r in/ lK-li-'.'h. -M.-uvb bi.-'I'lie !.- - C'; by Ins-t sil^lii'.- fire bi 1 lie- V\'iy!li! I'oinpiey :-'ivli'^M ;-:"ii: bu biii.", ' Wl'i p:o/:ddy e\ c.'d :':i;:i.'cnii, '.I'liit.'li :-' pni;.'-" e i.vered by .Ji'-;ii-- ,,,.,-. Uelinil l :i[:i '1\ ilL,":U'. li'.'ii in-; llpied I il ' t >i)> Il t..|'. i: ] .'h. her, lest Jos: is. Th i u.l iil.- 'Ili^H Wel'e Viltneu1 :l ! :: 'i a.-,. fl ,,i;,! lur's. '!'!< in 1 ln> ,1 !;ei'.i i.l'e a *. n ni-i'iv of .Irs - i;: mi....., a ni| [:u. ;,,.; d.uii- ... : v.'Jjs an mm i'.L.M,! 'ni. liT'.vii' . 10" ' 'i .'it. IV.l'b:, Mareli 1,'i. - The. trial Im'i.mii. Ill |hht i\: ,- l-.t-il.iy o:' " Teni " O'li'-ieii, a:i . /. r. u-:pi- elll'l b.i'.i.' O-: : t \l'iijil_ei-, rn'r il;e n\m-.ter nl " ],id " nblell, nn- Ml ..< :- I r:'lH'-; cbk-eidi V-'d: ^T'e'in-ln _ Nice, .Mai'ili niiN Joseph tn-diiy visited '(^lieen Vleli'il'bi Mini < U1I1I , ' 1 private convernnlliin with her. Will. BE EFFECTUALLY SfOPPfcD i;y Ihli HrKUli AdVUUco uli >iillloU-MoW Hie T\v ttrual lurllr*. tiillod <i> tl-o liLiiatiiuu \u\ul llu.liifi ' '0 H'cirlllilf mili.u'li:; AKUluut 111 it New York, March lii. Mr. Iialliird .-lllllll, In bis caide le[.L"r In '1 he vi urlu, dlsciiiiii-s sevi'i'.U rnmoi'ed re.L- ; "ins lur t.llir adSMliia- .01 bonnul:.. lie '.notes an eiilni.-ly new view a .-iMircc, w'liicli, 111! says, nh.niid at least i..- well irU'oriiK'd. i'ui:i is, ilmt iler- i.iuii iiuiii-iius uj-jahisi uc'iu ibi'.'nm In the Sottdiiii hiUe bee.ri bruuKtu to Knu\vb'dj;,;.of t lie MinUiiy, : ji.I mat 11 lias determined to iiwiutfuraU an in stant an elfecLual e.HLOppcl- on tho k nlKer's ItoHlil"' platiH. Everywhere IL be-m the .'.ubji ci of Kcnerul co i..iii*iii thai Si;' V. illhun Jiarcourt, the Llieji.ul PmUci* nv thv i.Vunmons, ha-s tciven, contrary lu the .ciientl Liberal po'iuy, his support to the new and ixreat naval twhcnp- or Llie OpposlUon. A jd^Mre or Lli: l'l 0- powid new fleet, jiiibllHht'd In one oC the illurtni.ttHl i.v.n-iK.Is to-day, the reader. It neems really that of a Ki'i-at luition's entire navy, and- ip^i merely that of an addition to a pre sent equipment.. Tho' atory, im It r:tx;a -s me. is that Sir William .vas n-ady ;o oppose llw i-normuus oxpsnalturo n<>oeKJ:iry fer all this, and hiul announced bis intention to bis followers, when xepresclitatlotu! were made to him by MinhUorii ot'imctr peril ta the Umpire from Germany, that he unexpectedly and altogether withdrew his opomltlon. lie has since, If my Information la. correct, ipiardea- ly communlcatwl hbi laformatlon to some or bin collenKuoa.' IIIh rr-portikl cnunsol Is that "to elTectually obHtruct the new naval scheme mltfht brlnfc the country within risk of a Krcat catastrophe," and he has clearly Indi cated that the Kai.'jer's comprehensive plans In Africa form a mitlioleiit-biiifUj for Ministerial measnrc:i against them. Of court-e,' recent reportH from Her- li:i <d" the Kiilstfi-'s 'hnpo to build a ;;rea.t navy In spite of the opposition of the Uolchanith, his known colonial iispIratloiiH, and his overt hatred and Jealousy of lOn^ln-ncl, lend further cre dence to the above report, it \* rvcti more certain that If the danger I have outlined is made olllcially known to the British people, the of I'eellnj; for wax with (lermany will he far more Intense than thu.t after Wil liam's tolc-ffram to Oom Paul. One must, mix with mercantile and Industrial clownes to fully appreciato tlio R-lmotit universal hatred of Ger many amoriR them- IUi' commercial competition almost everyw'here, overt In KnRland'a own colonies, htm been of the utmost-lnjui-y to KtiBlIsh manu factures. Cheap German clerks, often remarkable Hng-uLvts, are .crowding out younu; Englishmen even In London and Liverpool, Gla^grow and ShefTleltl houses. The favor always shown by the Queen.jus well as by her predeces sors, to thoir CJormo-n relations In thft British army and navy, ban around a decided prejudice, which, perhapn, partly explains tho opposition led by The Times to the proposed vote of a pension to tho Duke of Cambridge-. - Tf my explanation of Sir William Harrnurt's action Is correct, he has elth r not cornmunlca.tiHl It to the- Trl: . members of t'nrllament or to Lnl.'Hiehere, or else they disregard ft. Irish leaders are arraTiffins ror a re solute resistance to the pajipsntre of the naval scheme through the Commons. I may add, howovsr, that It Is not. at nil unlikely. If their obstructive tactics he persisted In, tnat the Knslish and Scotch Liberals will be found support- Incr the Governmcn't on the navv plans, and that an alliance between the Irish and the Liberals may be ruptured, perhaps, for yearn to come. JjATKfcjT FROM O I'TAWA. rrt'iiilfr Rowrll Until ui With luinloico- lr. Jlm-tlii in lt>(lre Ironi Tollllra liritrrnl CnpltHl N'ttfu Ottawa, March IS, Otta wa papern ore kicking against Dm Cabot Historical Exhibition iieiiiK heiu in Toronto next year. The Free l-res^i claims that tho capital is the only place where a celebration could pro perly-be held, H says the Toronto ex- lilbltlon will be a prepv>t>Urdus mixture or county fair, piHzc chromo, i'icl- lec ture, bun feud, free ticket and brass band kind of affair, ff such a scheme- was brought to a head It would pro bably prove a tlzzle, similar to the ivreait summer carnival held In the Queen City of-Jobbery long ago. Over DO collections of nrlneral speci mens have bi_*en ;:ent out by the Geo logical Survey to the various educa tional Institutions throughout Canada. It Is the intention of the survey to Hiipplement the collectlon onw be lonfflntr to the prhiclpal universities. In the collections already sent there are over 11,000 -specimens, weighing' altogether over two and a half tuna. The Government has ordered a com plete report of the debate on the Ke rned la] Bill, to be made up In book form from Hansard, in order that, tlie literature of tills question may be pre sented In compact form. Hlr Mackenzie UowUI Is eonHm-d to his house by an acute attack of lum- bnifo. 1 le spent yesterday afternoon at Government Hoiit-e, wliere lie en- |.;aeed with zest in tedinj^annliift: and curlliu1:, but in the evening" was seized v. ill) a painful .attack, which lias liinde hin 1 since a prisoner to ills ro.nn, i .'r. linger:', his inedic;i,i attends.iit. thinlis the ITeniier will be at bis olikv ii :r.i in In the cuiirsu of two or Lhi'uc davi;. l.'i.-;b}Iiices v.'ei'i.- opened In Ontarro on .Miircli.l a.-' follows: 1 JooUivllIe, South (I: i y : Li l'n Iv'-'-: Comers. South (nii:;- rio; I'.ipe-'avenue. I;';tst '.Peroutti (I'"eb. :. Joe Mnrtin. M. 1'. for Mr!nnlpi'f;, au- rlif.r of tin;' >.fnniluba School' Acts, of '.',.'[(. .'lias . In!""nn.-d friends ii'i'e t ha I i*n: inlt-nds i'i-I lrin;;-. fi'im active polities ::t db-roinl ion, " S!;: i.ix- !neli "in'ek tiring ;;uns .'ire now fii roiite I'riMii I.'J.'iMi'jix [,i \'icto ri;1, 1o bi' mniinled in one of th forts ;it l-.'MiuiinaH, which" Is nearly co:u- i;l"U,.l. . t r*i..i..-j...- ; \'e-,' Y.iil;, M' i". h |."i. -'I'lic/e W;is (a'a'il i'.' I"- !;-'v.'e 111..--1.1 : lieu . jiii'ln' a I'liin- \e. I. -e!d '!'eiie"'e b:ity, ilr.ssed in L;:ir- 'i en,.: ill in;- :\ lb I le iii'Iuei'--:; wltlrii It ul *'i'!l l' msi! ib'.^'i'M-'l In llie liii'i"lli" ii n." .;i "!),' 1S IH'V T '..-<i -:i'-m ;i i.'lyib'Idy iIi'C>'ii:i| yoiui1:'. ler ns j i ";. *i'l'e '-lli!<! li.ul (ill il ei'etllN-eu.'o'vd '..'i ]*. Ii!n.!"ei! y.[\\h i-'i'"'n<]i prilni b-i-*, .1 .-I'l' e'o:'; lltc'ly embr bit red, ami 1 *i !.lrt : :-d ll 11 .l'c!u| hint,' Wrl\- 1,1" Hie iln-. , .v.; :>i;d Hi I le. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. A N AUKI) TUOUOWHlHltHI) l-OTiANn CJhliia Uonr ulioitu, Apply to M. HAHU1',TT, (Inato, TENDERS WA NTED. QKAL1'U> 1'KNDKUH itrtdruiiKod to tlin undor- O ulifnod, tor tin* work of oluunhii' out tlu* townllnii dltuh, ntmi* Nivylntr'ii mill, will liu rn- ntilvod tip lit It! n'ulnnlc, noon, of Mntnlrtv. Murnh M). WM), Plttnii ruul (ipfKuncfttloiiH limy bn houii at tint allien of the iindm iU|bi<>n, in tlin Town of Kfav 'I'fiuUivi to.litulu prie.e fur (niinplntiou (if tho woi"li; lowmjt, or any fninlor nob iHHiur.iiiLi'iiy iif*- ooiitnil. ' JOHN MchOUOAbb. Cliiunnuu lin.irilfif Workn. TENDERS WANTED. CKA.r.rci> TKNDl'lHK, AI>Mtllf|'-U-;i), TO THK O imdornli(inid will bit rumilvud until H u'cluok \y. m , on I-'riility Maroh 'J7, 1MJK, for 1.1 ni mipiily of AOooriiu of (jofid union body wofnl, to bu oitlior hard or ho ft uni'ile, nr bnunli.. Tondnni to itt)ib> ipumtit,y of enoli und |in*H pot* cord. Wood to bn dollvunnl at Mia indmnl Krotindu on or bnforo July int. xnfM. For furbhrir jiiirttaulani liddnuni or initpiirn of W O. WVMAN, Hourulury I'jHIjox. Publie Hiiliuol Ibnirn. MORTGAGE SALE 1TTHK AHICUDKKM HOTEL. 13HSKX, ON 1\ ilitonday, at 1 p. ni- timid will bo nnld : Flrut. Tlio MyloH Purm, lioinij tho north h il! f of lat ho art In tbo lira CouoiHHion H \t, 11. iu thfi Towniihip of Iloohontor; uud Oounty at Kiihox, iioutiLiuini: KK) aoron morn or lonu, Hdcoinl. Tho (Jipli'ory farm bid 11K tlm w<int half Of lot No. 13, Pi tlin "Lb Uoneiiifidnn r.f Mm Tcwniildii of Colohoiitor Nort-i, in tint County of IOiiiaix, und auiitalulta: "%\ norcn nioro or luini. For furthnr pnrticnlara 1100 poiitom or apply to DANIKLHINOrAnt, OKONVN Ss HRTT8, Auationoor, VotidorH" Holloitnrn, J'iiuiux, Out. Loudon, Out IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. I>UHHUANTTO AN OltDEIl OFTHIB COURT miulnin tlin catum of HnpHood Vi, Mrmht, tlio crialltorn of .lorajdi Itnbinuou lato of tlio Townohip of Mfddiit(.<no lit tho ('misty of Etiuex, farnutr, liouuiutcHl, who died in or about, Mm month of Novoinbor. lWi2, uro on or buforu tlin 2'Hh day of Maroh. A.TJ..WJG, to nond bv pout prepaid to Mr. J F. Hiiro, of W|nd"or, Ontario, tbo nolloitorof tho plaintiff, thoir ohriitliiin and nurnumoii, acldriMiiion anil <lovurlptloiiB, tlio full particulimi of their olaimo. a Ktiitoinont of thoir tiocounbi und tlio natnro of thoir nnourity (if any) bold by thorn; or In default tliornof Muiywiilhn poromptoiflly oxuludud from thu bom. lie of tbo iiuiil onlrr. Kvory aroilitor holdhm any socarltv in to produce tbo iianio bnforo mo at my chuuibeni ut tin* Motlbury Block, at Windnor, ou Prtdav tlio ^7Lb day of Murub, lbOO, at 10 o'clock in thu fortuioon, boiiif; tlm timo appointed for iiiljiull- Cfittou upon thu fllabmi Dated ya Foby,. 18W1. [Hlpnod) A. H. CLAIIKK. 3d Local Mint tor at Whirl 110*. NOTICE T0_CREDIT0RS. In tho Surrogate rfOaurt of tlja Oounty of Eesex. IN THE KRTA f'K OF BAMUEL M BEItBON, Doconnod. Notice in horfaby (jivon. pur nuant to U. H. 0.18H7, cap. 110, that all crodltorn or othor p or ft on n lmvlnR auv claim b urrainnt tho ntitato of Humuol Af. Bcriion, lato of tho Town of Ebbox, In thin County of Enaox, doooanod, who tito<t on or about tho twonty-ftmrtli day of February, A. D. to Bond lr pout, pre paid, or deliver to J. t*. Poturi, of tho Town of Knnox, Solicitor for J am on Hor-ion, tho ii.lniin. iotrator of tho otitato of tho Kald deoeioiod on or beforo tbo Uth day of April, A. D IB'jiS, a ntato- mont In writ! 11 n, properly vorlflod, of thoir imtnoit and addrotinen, and tho full particular)) of their claimii, or domandH, and of tlio nuauriti' a (tf any) 1il<UI by tlnnii; and furthor noiico 1h horoby fdvon that nfter tbo nuid dato tho nuld ndinlniiiirator will procood to dlntrlbuto tlio afiiotfi of tbo nuid ti ntato amouc tho purl its ontitlod thereto, bavlnR regard only to .(inch clnimu of which notioo ban boon (jiyon an abovo reqatrod, and tho iiald adinlrjlutrator will not bo liable for tlin said imuotii or any part thofoof, to any person or perrionn of whoiju claim or cluiuni iiotlcuDhull not bavo boon rooived by him ut tho aforonald dato Uatod at tlio Town of-Kauox, March llth, WM. J. L 1-I3TKUH, 'M Solicitor for tbo adminintrator, .IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTIliE, HOPGOOD vp, MOItniB. OURSUAKT TO A JUDGMKNT MADE IN L thin caiino nnd datod tho I7tli day of Feb ruary. lHHtJ, thorn will bo fiolrt with tho appro bation of A. II. Clarlio, Local Manto at Hanu- wich and Windsor, by Mr. J<aniel Hinoiidr, Auctioneer, at tlio Abordcon Houiio. in tbaTown ofKoHOi, on Wednesday, the first day of April, 1896. At tho hour of 1 o'clrjclc In tho aftomoon, tho followinj' lando : Tbo iiouth-wput part of lat No. 27, In tho (1th oon. of tho Towunhlpof Mfddutnuo, iu tho County of Eiibox, containinfi fi2 aoroii, nioro orloim, tho property formerly owned by tlm lato Joacph Hobfnnon, deooanod. Tho fiahl farm in iiourly all under cultivation and had an npplo orchard of about *Jfl trooit, and U nltuftto about li uiiloB from tho Town of Ennox upoa rqdiJ roaun, oonvonloiit to aohooln and ohnrohflB. Tormn of nalo, ton por oont of tho purohuBo money roaBt bo paid to tho plaintiff'n nolfcitor on the day of tho Hnlo aud thu balaucu must bo paid into Court within HOdaya thoronftor with outintoroat after which tlmo tho piuchaeor will bo (intitled to poimeunion. AH tlin otlior conditlocn of tlm unlo aro tbo iitandlnij oonditionn of tho HiRh (lourt. Tbo Eroporty will bo ciTorod nubjoot to a roiiorvod id. For fnrthor imrtioulam apply" to J. F, IIaro, M. IC. Cowan, Mount. Klliu ifc Kllifl. riarrlntorii, Witidrjor, and E A. .Wiamur, Ihirristm*. Kssax. Uatuilfitb lurch, 1-D0- A. H.CLATIKE, Local Maatur tit WlndHor. -* i-!i l !i-n, I,ii'1iIh;:, Miinrll I,".-Mk Mils K;Wt)"tl. 'A^nini-rd n! i'l i : iy, m 'i'niiiM'I'i:.-" -.'.ills in 11 = -1- S i'i*:1 yciir. Sin- \v:i'i He mi- Ill'"!' of Sir H:iln A;duuiMd Jt-ii t '.-t I, M 'P., I'i).i::i'|-!.V 11 civil I.!>: i': v. who In JSNl milrrlcd ltiirnncvK Ihu'ilidl-Cinn *!, KboMi* iinnic In1 iiMumicd'. Tlm liooiii-r \oti Ih:miu to llj-ht, thti lire, tin- ni^ro fimily it. may b:i ortiii-iUhhtd. Tlm \o-.i bi'^in iiddi!(4. Aj>-i'^ Kur- hupiirilla 1'or llood-diHCHse, the* otadcr wi:l ho the (.inc. In both t'UhL'S, ik'lay ]B dan- <:*'iou>-, 11 not fatal. Bu hiii'-j >op Kot (Wff'H and no o!liL-r. C'nit*' 11 an '.nm\' Itobd't* Hiinnipi-rilla Ims achieved r.unhlccdui in warding oft" eicltnrhh which, if i.Jlnw.d to pnii'rrs", would bavo under mined tl.u \iludi-f y>-.ti tn-i.nd uiv. n Oif-iuuu- a Htrou^ foothold b< cmif-i1: inuclt AtillWin^ and run thruuur H'onV fc~i"- hiipuri!lft \uu- done ul) 1 lit*-, and tv<-r mon*. It. hut-, Imntidun in thiMiiiuidn * ( ciu-os wiib li 'worc'tbcui-iit to iliciiriddi-. it no nfti-i 11 f:tir ttndhoti ttteetul wiv :dt rfnl . nnreii, biin..Mi'"! Innltb, f-UcM'dli itii'l- jr>y In tho 1 llbi'teii. AiK.ther impmlnn' point about Mi'.iid'h HciKi;nrilln jh thuV iih curon nm ienr.-tni-rt liecnup" "'.> H!irt frnin tlm nlhl Cf.iindatbin to rnrfy. linilr/nd "vd cnvifthftd lilmid.' Hut iL in i.ot wlnit wi'i-nv, bn-wlmi' ilond'n .Kiir-opiiiilhi .ooih thai K.Un tin; fitory. DIEBEL& BRICKER Our Annual ale of - . ... .-. ?. % . ii '.,) New. . Spring- Goods. COMMENCES SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. FDR 30 DAYS. Black Dress Goods. We show all the latest creations in Black Lustres, Sicilians, Brochea and Black Orepons. Best $1.26 black Orepon for $1.05 per yard 1.00 black Henrietta 85 1.15 black Lustre 90 75 black Lustre 60 65 new broche Lustres 50 40. " '35 Our fltock of colored Dress Goods is complete and well worthy inspection. Bustle L-iininga in Blaok and Colors. Are yon thinking about new Lace Ourtains? Tho values we are offering are exceptionally good; 100 pr Lace Ourtains at 25c pair, at 40c, 50c, 75c, $1; we offer great values at $1.50, $2, $2,50; the patterns are new and unique. Curtain Poles complete with fixtures for 25c each, 1 VVa t-oll the celobrnted D. nnd A. porlcot iitting Corset at 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 pair. 50 pairs Coraots to clear at 25c a pair. 2,400 yards of 5c Grey Cotton for 8c yard; 1 bale of rogular flo Grey Cotton for 5c yard. Horo iaa great snap 2 bales of -lO-inch heavy Groy Cotton, regular price 10c yard, for 7c yard; 3(Mnoh bloachod Cotton for He yard; UG-inch Lonsdale finish Cotton for 10c yard. Table Linens are a strong lino with us. 50-in Table Linon,- Bold cvorywfioro at 2flo yard, our price '^0c yard; half bloachod table Linens, worth 35e y^rd, for 25e; our regular OOo table Linon for flOc yard, Napkins and Doylieu to match. New Duck Suitings. 32-inch extra heavy Duck Suitings, regular price 50c yard, for 12^o yard. Beautiful range of Verlaino Suitings at 12jo per yard. Now Printo at 5i:r (Jc, 8c, 10c por yard. Kid Gloves. Black and Colors afc-fioc, 75c, $1, $1.25 pr, all great value. Carpets In BruRBold, Tapestry, Ingrain, Union und Homp. Yar.l wido Un ion Carpot for 25c yard; yard wide Union-Carpet for 3H<'- yard; yard wido'Luno Union Carpets for ftlii.-; yard wido jinre VVool Cajpots for 75e yard; yard wide oxtra Lupo wool Carpota (J0c yard. .'.* axi S .wo have gone th-ou^h our stock and placed several small linos on sab* at about half prion. Liilmei?y depart Is now open and is this season n^ttin under tbo inan- ngoment of Miss A. Str.ichaii. Our Optming Days will bo announced biter. t' % Men's Cl'otliipg to niqusurc a Kpceialty." . IK mUT SOLDIER STI5K, iebel m- sn< . i.-i-viia I'^j, i. au^>MM.^^ iiiiiiiii^iSi^ 04

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