Plfjpjfp^ *j &&&&XL rTOlKls; JPi<Jb;^ {.' SOCIAL LIFE IN JAPAN. **Th, for a European, lau attrwttY. .-flIdaK of Japan one llfA tho 'Intolerably ,. draughty hotimm, three of the walls of ^Vw,Which am movable, while tho fourth, If It *r~"ltnll exists, Ik conspicuous by IU tran- ,V pni-onco, tho whole Ht.ruuture ttppeiLrlUfc* to """"bo lu constant motion ; thu ontlro and no chairs, no tuhlcH, no bod, no stove *,lm impossibility ; of standing upright; without, uLrlklnif tin* huud against the culling, o- lylntf at full ------lonathVwitliout. eomlng lu contact, with ' onu or other of thu movable wMltf a rtoky experiment tho pwrpstmd twist, iitfatUHt : which tho palate rnboln, of tfrean ton, and nails, with raw Huh and rtcn nn tho only conned thntm and all other drawback* wo gladly skip ovur to look into tho bom plot* and watch th younu Hhtntu priostfHSGH performing the boly danees. Arch llttl* prloHtoHKon thoy ueom to ho in tholr r- aplonitoub robes, and pretty enough lu tholr Vellnod coquetry to convert any man into aduvoted Shiufu. "Thoy aro as lov- aXUa and.chsrmlng," aayii Aula Id Naimm, "as tho geishas or profotednnal dancing girls of Nippon, and M-arrely loss nnap proaehablo. lint religion and pleasure at oho commingled in Japan that onerous direct from worship hi the temple to oim or other of the countless theaters and dunce houses that lit: in tin: limmidlale vicinity. According I" ihipniiesn idoas re ligion and pleasure aro kin, and every where among temples, gods and .saints'is worshipped also t.lio gnddt.\ss of happiness. Thin 1h a significant feature of ih ehnr- aotor.of the people, Tho .laps aro frivol- oua, supertleial, butterfly nature* that hardly ovur taku llfo au uruud Horloux. "Ono of tho prettiest spectacles in .lapan Is tin* Odori, or cherry blossom, dance, which ht only to bo seen In springtime at Kyoto. Tho dimcti conunancw with a pro cession of young tflrls, who hovor to and fro, up and down, In slowtsmpo, swinging t^Vrcnths of "flowers around, while their swaying snake-like motion shows up the resplendent ooloru and curious mate-rial of thoir Tobos, which aro boidruwn with ttwuiy-hund fantastical flowors. Gradual ly moro and mor geishas danco in, the last repronentinu: flowers uud buda in tho < mout bizarre combinationa. These flintf u cloud of petals over tlio upoctators, whiU with graceful motion thoy swing around to tho mournful sounding music. Too trailing, dreamy danco and tho t;racfiU movements of tho fnnsoxort an irresistible, fascination. Tht smallest dunonra iiv children oC from four to nix yours, callud muKumH. Tlieao aro drowed to ropro.sonfc oft-torn'petal;* of tho nwoetftjit and inout dolicato liufiH. Somo of these quaint littlo .elvoa hand rouud tea to tlio spoctatoj-H. It 1m in myHtlcal old Kyoto that the linnet cberry danco \h to ho noon, and crowds flock thither from distant pluc^ to tuk part in the. beautiful festival. .Many of the gelfdiaH are lovely refined, odd-Iook- ititC bluahlna little beauties in lonjj;, ar- teuque kimouoa." Review of Kovlawn. The Cook** MiutuUt*. ___ X Prairie avuuaa capitalist who KnU*d tho laro;or part of his wealth in tho Haw- trtlll and lumberlnp; indimtry in Northern " "WiHcoufiin Is noted for tho viilanco-with_ which lio watches tha small details of;hU Dig bunineiiH. An an example of thi clmr- acterUtlcu atory ia told of n tour of ih- .peotiou made by Uim tobiuloffclnp; campa tu the pino woodu. Ou tbitttrlp tho Chicago lumberman wan grieved to noticn that noma of hiu tanm- Btors UHsd too many oats in feedino; their jrhovuQH, and wu.u shocked by a few other ' avldenoas of petty extravagance, but what puined him most was tho amount of provl- bIouk oonuumed at tho camp. He boliovod that this waa duo to tho wastefuluej* of tho cooki though shell waste jwdifticulb to detect But tho Chicago man soon hit up on an ingenious detoctivo .scheme by which lie wnu able to tell whether or not the cookK were, economical In the uho of nup- plUs. At nil the campn a pig woh kept and fed an tho scraps from the ivooilsmnn'i* tablon. After a visit to tlio pip; pen hi; approached the cook with a frio.idly smile "and ro- markad : "Ah Antoine, that's a fine, fat pig you bavo there. Couldn't you Just ua well feed another?" Ah Antoino was wine lie replied : "No; we can't keep more than one, We haven't enough scraps," At tho next camp tho same question wiih asked tho unsuspecting Peter, and he promptly replied : "Why, yea I Wo could feed another pip jut as well as not. Head us one." Then the lumberman found the camp foreman and said: "O'Brien, you will bavo to disehurKe thai, cook of yours. H can feed too many pig*. Chicago Chron icle. .. 'j.' No Clianee to llnijf In Hv#n. Mr. Moody lias a po|iular and very tell- lng way of "biuing" lIhj errors wliicli aro ho rife in the theological thiukingol many ' Speaking of salvation by grace ho'has wald : "It. is well that a man can't Bavo himself; for if a man could only work his own way into hoaven, you never Would hear the last of it. Why, down hora in tills world, if a man happens to pit a little ahead of his fellows, and scrapes a few thousand dollars together, you'll hear bina bragging about his being a self-made .man and tolling how ho bogan au a poor boy and worked his way up in tho world. I've heard so much of ibis sort ofthinj that I'm sick and tired of the whole huxl- . iiess; and I'm glad we sha'n't have'men bragging through all eternity how they worked their way into heaven." Napolfioii'H Arlvlco Cbiieernlnjf II-wtontM. IjOUIh, who was governing Holland with reference to, its own best, interests, and ordering the affairs of hU own family rigidly but admirably, received a nevei-e ' and passionate reprimand from the Em peror for his economy. What was wanted was pay for tho troops, plenty of con- scripts, encouragement for the Dutch Catholics, and a ghld^ court where men would forget more Mirions things, and where Cjueen llurtcnsis could make a dis play. "Let your wile danco as much as it is ])niper for her ago, 1 havo a wife forty years old, and from thtt ilold of battle I recommend her to go to ballH ; while you want one of twentymo Hvo in a cloister, or, like a wot nurno, al- 'wnya bathing her child," "Life of Na poleon," by Prof. Sloano, in February Century. r-- K^'i Parlor MalfU, Noat maidservants, instead of men, are uoy soon in many of tho host housou. They requiro less wages and cosMesa to keep, and do considerably more. So alto* getber, midd BorvautJt aro becoming more and more popular. The Uvory, ho to speak,'of a parlor nmd of tho period in a plain, well-made black alpaca gown, with tight-flttiuu; sleeves, gathered slightly only at the top ; no apron, a waall whit* square for a cop, with ablaok bow; Urg* wblU linen collars like a boy's Ktoac*l- Urt, a^l 4 v white linh ouffs. Has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask your Doctor.) Tins is because it is always palatable always nut- form always contains the purest Nonvegian Cod-Liver Oil and Hypopbospbites. Insist on 5cott*s Emulsion \vi UviTaTkPrrb^ and fish. Put" up in 50 cent and $1.00 sizes. "Che small size may bo enough to cute your cough or help your baby. jfjxrwoxn is t.\ hiiit:iu:sT. Me Will Sol I.IU'l.\ --ay Aiiollier Word *H- trliHliiKtim.' Bfllmvclf Gravenhurst, Mnicb l.'l.--(Bpeclal) Thf; dcHpntrh I'roiu Toronto that Ilam- iriond will Ureirlt down and give away the whole story If* not credited here. He is n.t ni nil H!;-ly to yy another word liHTiinlnatlng hlnuelf. IIis bearing In one 01' indin L-iviitv or ljravado, and at timi's he cxhihii^ a Jocularity which 111 hcoom*-s the idaco ho is in. Hammond npom the ovttiilng of Tues day at bis pim-nt.-*' Imhihc, in the cus- tcdy of t\inHinb'.i- Win. Sloan. On Btnrllng for tin? train ho Jokingly re marked to hh; custodian: "How aro you on a foot riU'-'.'" To the Jailer at Hracehrlilice he. .remarked: "Don't call rno'too early t'ov l.nakl'ast, as t havo boon knnokfd urnuud a lot to-day." ITALY ASI> AHYXS1N1A. The Miuinlluii 'tt h,m Kttremely Ki-rlenii No rriirrrilint:1* Ajzulnwt f'vUpl. New York, March 11. A npeclal to The nerahl from Itome s:iys : Thn Muripda 1)1 Itiidhd lias prnndtiiid ihe Kbn; not to tlca any iiroctM'dii.Bi-.' ii^dnst Signer Grlspl. The px-l'i'i'inl'-r li'i- iiil'urnied his frlendii tlmt Ills Mnji'siv will IjisIsl irjioa nn encr- ctle prosi-etitiou of the campaign until lench'l; 1111 -^ hei'ii crnsliiil. There \h gond reason, huutvi'i-. fur supposing tills to he> In.-urri't't CJi'iicnd Huniilerl will arrive at Naples on March -. d will eome t* ltome hninedliitely. It Ih now Improbable,, that ho will be tried by court, maribil. The Hltuiition lu AliyKfjlnbi:. In sii:i ox~ iremelv Hcrloiei. KverytblriK :b>pi':nls on the results of Cciieral Hablb-sera's efforts. C-rlHid will malie strenuous rfforls 10 everllit'ow 1>1 Huillnl as soon au I'urllament meeU. S rovso NKn'jr.tx's Avrvvh nxAxn. Fell IcaliiRta YTimilnr ftnw unit Illi Ilody Wnn Alninuf St.vT'il. Carp. March fi. Last nlBht a dread ful fatal accident occurred at Wood- lawn, iri mllofi from hore, by which James Npwham, aged is, lost hlH life. Ho waa working In Vance's sawmill and hi Home way came In contact with tlio elreiiln'r saw. which struck bis foot, then fell ago111st tho saw, which again, struck his !;ip, hutthiK nearly half way throuKh his liody. I )r. Oroves. Carp, was MiiiKsinnoii, but the young man wiis dead beforu he arrived. He waa a member of the I.O.F at Woodkuvn. A liyr-FJ*rllMi i\t I'olIIi"ovnoil. Colllngwood. M:i:'-h 0. byo-clec- titin for the v ran; on t;ic 1 l-omoll took jilaei; In tb.e i-'Irst \V;-j- 1 to-d;iy. T'hre.- f-aiidiU:! ti'S--MesH!'K. den, Muhirr- lv. wlin^e re;;J^nritbin eaus-'d tin- vac ancy ; Mr J>n.n Wilson and Mr, R. 1^. SniUh In the field. Mr. Wilson way cb'i'h-d with a pluralltv after a hard light. TTe will take the yt-n\ ?,imi. day evening at tho rog^ular meeting of the Council. DimlYeo Iv;i Syrneuse, March of thin city Just ."' Tommy KeJly, th before tho Central aij;ht. Kelly rush KpurrUig cautiously m was stopped by Byracunenii tlnMi c; rltlc hack blow u put the " Oyelniu: BulIhTin wuh the 1 <;.ei| Mclly Out. ]'i. \t took Joo Dunfee iii socoiitln to knock nut " llobokoa Cyclone," Oily Athletic Club to- . ii 1 he tlgii-UnKi Dunfee Onii of Kelly'g plung- luutfee'a left, and the iifiht Kelly with a ter- l.i ;'U/,slmniona. which to aleep. "Yank " I'irfelVO. KcypHun in ..jH 1 p the Nile. London, Mnreli l:: - The Times will to morrow publish a d> sp.iteh from Cairo nay- liitf tlmt there is to believe that l'luyptlnn troops wi.l iii>ve ImnietUately up the Nile and oe-eu:'.'. li.mnoln, lL lius been lllli^ Hint, In View felt In Calm mi ll r the 1'i'Sl le.-,m s: den'ruble thai a d la'iule aiTo:-s the I k-'pri^'oii ;t 1 Inns '" l! :n,e o, (In.:, !i Ii. ::\ ;.t Ail -w a li *.in> 1 tervlshes. It b ' r.iifoii In force hi- :v: al Winl.v Hall':i - :,UbJfe| h;lVC ll'M':; '1 In- I l:ii an ii,- . . ,. For Fine ' Y "1 Job Printing' You cannot do better than call at the...... Free Press Printing Office. We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Oards, Or anything in the line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of..... Fmo Commercial Minting. Bill-Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, urn jus Mr o ujiricits o i> 11 a l ton Mlaet Mr. John Wnldlfi m ih Liberal HtniitlnHl llriirei' Milton, March 14. Tho Halloa ' Uo- form AHBOclatton met In convention here to-dy in largei nUmhern for the pur- pone'of nondnatlng a caiulldato for the IIoujiu of Comnionn. Mr. John Waldle Wan the choice of Lhu convontlon, and received the uminlirujiui nomination. Mr. Waldlo accepted tho nomination. laLter a public tnami meeting wa* Held, when the town hall wa tilled, many being unable to find Houttf. On thu platform a fair aprlnltllnj; of ladlett Were ticatod. Hi, IvlcCrlmmon, prel- dent of the naxiajmUon, w;ui chalnuau. Among those on tin; platform were Mr, John Waldlo, the candidate; Thomu 1'kLin, M.C., William Patonton. M.P.. Dr. UohertHon, tix-M.UA., William Mc- tjcod, John Warren, ex-warden of the county ; Johimon Harrinon, Uohert t'at- ton, M.Tj.A. fur Centro Slmcoe. and Uev. Itolplt Dtiii' 4 \ Georgetown. Dr. Ttobert^iiii moved a reaolutlon that the meeting endorse the candida tures of Mr. Waldi". Mr. McLoud no- eondod the reMnlutlnn, which was pa:^!- pfl with f^reat entbiifdn.Mrn. Mr. Wnbbe r- ; !! d, touching on the fnjlill'" t|iic,l'.t iu:i:; -: the day, non- cluden by itMkini.- liis friends to light n ralr, hard hatu-. and to do nothing that would dlHhor.'T hhn. He mold Af ford to be beateij, but not dishonored. Mr. T'ateraon nnd Mr. Haln then a<T- tlniH[ind tho meetlnrr, which broke' up with edieers for Mr. LnurhT, Mr. Wal dlo and the Quo-mi. TUK MIOll-Il Alt it A UK! rOltCKfi Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, Lien Notes, Bank' Cheques, Or bank aiid office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of Will Vmbnlily Tulie 11 M(H>Hl~f no, C.rfUt KtrKaln Hill j;i,vf VturUfoilo. New York, Mump. IT). The World'a London npoidal says : The Issue of tlio campaign against the UervlahcH Is by no means no certain aa waa that of tho recent bloodbvs Asbante.e expedition. J^Miurb need AUdean autnuritles unite In smying tha.t. the -Miyaslnlan vkitory will luelto jj inM;arlurlc forces evoi'y- v. .lei'e. l-*i'i'h:i|f. vin lu India It will bo vantly exaKk'ciated, an Intelligence of It Is dhiHorninaterl among tie tn ; and It was certainly complete enough as It stands. Kbalii'ji. hiinsolf lu descrlbca by'Slatln Pasha and. the. late Major WlnE^iti? as a man point of vlg-" or, will, courage and power of Inspir ing the desert peoples with fanaticism, la a worthy Hiicoe^iior to the late Mali- dl, who died In Juno, 18SG. Throughout the campaign, which ended In tho Call of Khartoum. Alduttlah was his chief ll^ut.pnant. Thnur.h servdne; MadTlT. ho luxd a. lofccn eye for the main chance. Ho did not believe In the Immortality of the Son of tie- l'rophet, whoever , *lro did no, and he took care tn hove a ! proclamation lssu d by tho M;ibdl. which practically assured miCOeHsion to himself. Tli ere art: 1500 Tlritlsh troopa in Kgypt, and Sir Horatio Herbert ICIchener, ncldar of the "Bi^-ptlan army, will presumably be in general command. lie wan Governor-Clonoral of tho Red Sea lltm-vtl In ]88fJ-lR88. and Adjutant-General to the Kgyptlott army from 18SK to 1SJ>2, when ho W oclvcd hlH prcHtnt command. MOVH1C MU1J II K.\S JMKPUANTd. We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are -orepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicited* Mail orders receive prompt attention- ^^fl?.*f *-.-." j?v,wjKw:tj*<-i GTARTLINQ FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. Z&fOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! debilitated; t!ro<l mornlnKii nonm- fatignod: oxcltuhlo nnd irrltablo; ADC Villi 0 Norvoan nnddoapondont; wonkor doblllt A FIC I UII' < bltion , ^ oyon Hoiiloai, red imil hlnrrod; pimi>loii on faco; dream* and night Iohth; rcHtlenrt; tinrrgard looklim; woak back; honti pallia; hnir looo; ulcnro; Boro throat; vnricut-nle; deposit in nrhio iinil dridmi at (.tool; din) rilst.ftd; wnntof conhllunco; luok Oi onoi-Kj uiidtarwiKlh WB OAN OURB YOU I RBQTO&ED TOWtANHOOO BY DR&. K, A K. JOHN A. MANL1N. JOHN A. MANUN. Cni.9. POWRRB. OHAB. POWEU9. tfrj, Now Rynttm of Su txt viding TllUe. A modlllftd uontLisinial Hyatom of aub dividing timo anil angular moasuroH la advocated hy M. \\. de Sarrauton in th "Iiuvuo Solentlflquo." Ho proposeH to retain tho hour an a fundamental unit ol timo, on account of \ta unlversnl tfocupt- unci), its convonlonco and tho hopoloRH' noun of the tank of altering it. But tin hour Khnuld bo divided into 100 ininutei and' ouch minute into 100 Baoonda, Thus each now mlnuto would bo threa< thirds of an old mlnuto, or. thlrty-als necondfi( while the now wucoud would ha a Uttlo ovor a third of tlio prosent Rooond. Two of tho now (.eeondH would covr tho timo of a brisk Ktop. llko tho uecolornted pace unod in the French army. Tha now. unwind lfl tho timo taken hy ono Kami* vlla-atlou of a pimplo pendulum 19.9 oin. long. Timo could then bo coiudfitontly oijiroHHod in bourn and decimals. Thm 8.1WJ8 liilghc bo read olght hours thirty- throo (now) mlnutua forty-olght (now) Booondu, and oaluulatlono Involving tlmi would bo ihuoh simplliled. Clock and watoh dlala would b (lubdivldatl Into hours as.ununl, hut tho mnallor division! for tho mlnuto and Rooond hands would ha hundrodthH of tho olrolo lnntead of olx- tlothn, and every tenth dWIttlou would have to be alightly nuirkod. l^or angului moftRaroinontfi, II. do Sarrantoh proposoi 210 dOBtooH, Bubtlividod into 100 mlnutoi of 100 HooandH each, no that thoy could hi oonvortod Into liour by Mhifclnflt the duo- IwbI point ono plnoo to tho loft BUPOIlETUtiATUBNT. Al'"TKU laHATUJENT. llKt'Oia: TU1CATAIUNT. Ai'ii..t 'tUlUXUitHT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AMb I.ViPOTENCY CURED. Bpoolnllotii to all my aflliotod followmon, CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. John A. Munltn utiya: I wan ono of tlio conntlofw vle- tlmit of early iirnoranco comuinnced at Ifc yoarti of aga, I tried tuvon modical ilrinn and np6nt $000 without avail. 1 nave np,in deniinir. Tlio ilmbm on my nynti'm worn wwikuninK my intellect na woll ad my aoxnal and phyMcnl life. My hrotlior mlvitjod mo n a lant rwiort to conwnlt Pro. Kennedy &Ki.'rjmn. IcommoncodthelrNow Mothod Troatmnnt and in a row woolen wan a new man, with now llfo and mnhition. Tliifl wan four yoara njto, and now 1 am married and happy, 1 recommend thoao rollnblo CONF1DENTAL, "Tho vloflfl of onrly boyhood laid tho foundation <if my rnln. I^ator on a "(jay Hf" and oxpoHiiro to blood ill- norui'oA comnlot-od tho wreck. I had all tlio iiymptoma of Noirvoun Mobility ounkonoyen.omlnHlona, drain in wrlno, iiorvonnntyii, woak back, otc. Byplulin canned my hnir to Tall out, bono palnn, nlown in month and on tmijrun, bio to hat on body, otc. I Uittnk God 1 tried Dri. Knnnndy A; KfirftOM. Tlioy roatorwl mo to hoalth, viirnr and liiippinotifl. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHA8. POWEIIG. i tS?T We trtat and cure Varicocele* Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleti, Stricture, Sy/tkilis% Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidnsy and Bladder Diseases. ______________ . 17 YEARS UN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. QCAntTtZf Ar* jown victim? JTnvo yon loot hop*!1 Are you ennt^mirinttng;mar- riCHL/1-.ri I rifi? Hanyonr Blood b on dblended? Thivn you nny wenldicpfii1 Onr Now Mtithod Trwitnumt will euro you. U'hat It ha riono for othorii it will do for von, CONSULTATION FREE. Ko MRttnr who linn treated yon, wrrto for an honour opinion Froo of Clmys*. (UiavuAa rwurtwhlo, BOOKS FflEE "tho Galdon Monitor" (llhrntrahwl), on DImulau of M*n Inoloha tKwtauo, 'I cintitn, FAidoa, t-lMp NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No modlaUie a nt C. O. L) No namo on box'o or bhvoI- opoe. Evi*ythlniP oonfldentjal. Question list and cost of Troat" mttnt, FREfc.. . . ;. KENNEDY & KERGAN,NDE'fnos,HTEKg.r- Kvery Varhydfrm -< m Blis * ',l Turn- d Tail mid ii.*.:iMtd lu 'l^errpjr. _ Mew York, Maiuh 15. Aa la usual before breakluu up tho winter cpjartera of liarnum is'a Greatest Show on Karth, outside' of Bridgeport, Ccnn., Mr. bulky yesterday had soma hundred or inon: sciontlllc men and newypapcT reproaentatlveu aB hla p/ueata. They were, invited to s:e the ahow'a new novelties and inspect things generally. "Tydo" Hamilton, as usual, acted fU pilot. One of the utranKu thine* they saw was a Wholo herd ot' elephants l'ri^lit- ened almost, out of their wits by a single little mouse. The BelfintMc men In tlm party, amontt* whom were Prof. O. C Marsh of the Peabody Museuin of Yale, Pruf. IT. P. Ob borne of Columbia Cidle^e, Dr. Wortman of the New York Muse um of Natural iliatory, :id ll- ll- Burns of tlvu* Central Park X.oo. were oHpc-elalty Interested In this exhibition. A mouse, with a string auaeh. d 10 i*s log, was pl'aeed in -I'runL of the ei- pbant Mud Ilattle. The hly b' sln.nic with frltrlut, trumpeted wildly and tried tJ break her chains. Thejn-rd took up her cry and pandemonium relutiu. A mouse was put In. front of each ele phant in turn, and they all showed tho greatest terror. Generally realizing tho hopek-saness of try Urn to getaway th.-y would turn tall to the mouse and beat tlelr heads ftg-alnst the wall to which they were chained. " Thrty would be Just as much afraid of any small animal w-fivcplnft tliinfj," said Dr. Wortman. " Their fear Is that the mouse will run up Inside their trunks. That Is why they turn tall and throw their trunks up In the air. | II nurd on Arr<- <l ' I'atl*. ' Montreal, March 15. Mr. Rosario Bourdon, treasurer of- tho Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., was arrested yesterday in Paris, whith er he had gone after being roU.a^ed from custody In this city. Bourdon hud been accused of embezzling ?.M00 from the R. and O. Company, and, hav ing been out on ball, lie left the coun try and went to Kumpe, It appears that tho authorities learned of Bour don's whereabouts through an indis creet friend in this city, who received a letter from tho absent cashier, and tjavo away his address. JOUOXTO JIAltliETS. Flour Tho ninrliet is dull nnd prlcon no minal at $:i.5i> to $:i.*tu for straight rollers. ltriin Curo of bran oiVor west at $10.7R, Rial HhortH at $11! to SJji.fiO. Wliout The ninrko.t In aulot. White ho hi tuitaldc at 70c and No, X Is 85e bid spot To ronto. Five thonaiind lr.ishelfi of No. I hard offeretl fit 75c N.It., N*o. 1 Northern offered nt 75e N.K., and No. 1 fronted nt 70c Kar- ula crlndlnfc In transit w lliout hlda. A laiuplo lot offered at 0U*t, with 00e bid. Hurley Tlio market In dull and price*! steady. No. 2 offurcd outside at HSc, with out buln. Oatn Trnilo quiet nnd prices nro ntendy, Salon of-whUo outside nt '2,'l^v. and 2li:5ia ivi-st, nnd of mixed nt 422c. Ppiih Tlio tnnrltet ly ntendy with nah'9 oiitHhle nt BQe. nuiikwhoitt Thu market In dull nnd prleea nombinl nt :tlc to ;iue Oatmeal UuHliK-iai quiet, with prlcen easy at ipy.iiO on triielt, Corn-t-Tho mitrliet la qnlet and prleea uiK'hiiii^nd at :t'2e to ItS'^t* oalshle. Hye The niarltct la dull, with eara qnot* ed at -lae onttildo. . ItlUTlsn MAitKETS. laverpnol, March 11. Wheat. Kprlnff. ^3 iH to rfn (Id: rod winter, oh Ud to Bh 7d; No. 1 Cub, Gh Ud to Bh 7(1; corn, now, '2n lU/id ; pi'"", -la 8d ; pork, lion Od ; lu.*d, "Tn Od : tallow, 20a (Id ; bacon, hoavy, lUs Gil eheene, 12^ Od. Tavornool fu- tnrca ntoady at Bm o'/id for Mnveh. April May. .Time and July. Mnlsto nteady at da tav April, Ha OVjrt for May, Hit O'Jid for Jmio uud !Ih Hid for July. Flour lSn. Lotulon-CloHO-Wheat off eon.ut rathir eitaor, on pUHHiiRO nominally unehanjjed, Maiae on pawn^a dull. ArKOnthiP wheat HlifpmuntH IKl.OtK) %\vu. to U.K. and 12,oO nra to Goutliiont. ' , Ihirlft-Wlmut lsf flOo for April; Hour -lit for April. in Thf <twltnn l*itHtnitoiirr>tllilp. . OHhawa, March 11. Tho rumor running hero that Wlll'am Smith, M.P.. will become poatmastor of thU town at the clofle of* Parliament, HE HAD $15,003 IN HIS CLOTHEl' Tk ClTr CApturn or' lfw Trb Ci Wbll nnriiliiu ihe (*tor at . UnUinX Ihi Kuropn. Halifax, Na, March 14. Charfce*, Htcrn, a fugitive fro'm JiiKtlco, waa cap tured hero thhi lUtoruoon JuHt after he had boarded a tttcanior to tako paaHac* for Jf-dverimol. Couy:aHxl In hla clothing waii found nearly * 111,000 In cash, drufU and boiuiu, and In a valine he carried about $2000 worth of Jewela The polic* of Now York havo boon looking ff>r Htorn for about a week, .tnd the arrem* wan made on a charge of ^nuvl .lar- otny. '" Uotootlvo J'o\v<'r, win ma.Ie tho ar- reiU, pridtmded to W ::. ^iup employe^ and w.hun the sir-i .i,,v : c.i.-iio abon,r* . and proiJiiced a tlci.d iniJIu out in th name of O. Idebrr, iNiwr alinont m.idt up liiii.mind that tho piumuuiu." wm not the one he sought. The piUstenKer told a steward who was shov/ln/ Writ to his room thai he van a medl.Ml stu- d'-nt fi-f>m ^i'i -.'.' Ycrk *ui lil.-i wny to kombui lo'coinpleti.; .'us ;.tu I'^.'i. When tub; had been told to the flfi citive !i* M'l/.ed the mans vul'-.e, and waUl that h- had better '--,o with him" to polk: lendiiiiai'tei'H. .-Mi'ir marie no oiijoo- tion. An hour a norwards the steamer left the wharf without Lb her on board. Al tin- rial ion Chief O'KulIlvau f|U0- lioii'-d tin- jiri:--iini-'*, who admitted that. lie was C'Mmrles l>loni of New York, lie was search d, and from all partrt of bi:. ' bithln;, wen. .taken a remarko.bU eolleetion kA' eurn'-ncy of HO or nior* na t Umnlli Ich. nnd rd' Innumerable dc- li'.'n..') mi inin. ! ., i ills I-i: ie d by Iku.U. in many i'ui <:l{.'.n eouiiti'ii !-., lii-'r-* were si'veial United Htatert, Kn|.;llsh ami ilUHHia,n nallomtl bonds, and thort wan also a draft Issued by the Hank ol! M'Mitral on Its London olllce for 943 anrl n few .-diillh.,-:';. Tli.'l'i: Weir n"te.-i .M.llii' AUlHrO-Huil- f,"iTlnn Bank, uf ilo- Canton Mauk (Swiss), of th.> Xurhdi Canton Battle Russian rouble notes, Gorman treusury notes and Italian lln> nofs. There wor bills bearing tin- names of the Gulden NYiliwIunds llan!:. tl'.e P:1 ilk of ? nva, th.. Itank id' I- in!., nd, . ih- !'i ::k oi' .i:l;iln', th..- !:etil-. id' iltiyti, ti.e Nation- ;il Hank of Mab', lb- Hani; r.i 'i'n ,-:land ;.ml banking iiisUuiiloii.-i in 1 ...-ii-.lum, Ihilgarln, Newfoundland and France, tJnlt'-d Hlatf's banks wore woll repre- ntjited, and al:;o nue or two of Canada. As tin* paper currency I'linic forth from all corners of the prisoner'!: ciuth- lng.In wads, lied with strings anil bound with rubber bands,' the polio* oniocrs' eyes opened wider and wider, and as the* sum rolled Into thousand* they began to think the prisoner wart very much wanted In New York. Having completed the search of tho prisoner's clothing, ,the hnff In Stern's possession was cxrimliit'd. In tlilsi tho officers feund little bags of gold and fillver, diamonds, mid other jewelry of a value between $2000 and $:iOI)0. Eng lish soverelgna and American $f> g*>bl_ pb cos were numerous. The total'v"aIuT of the currency, drafts and Jcwcln la place.l between 111,000 and $15,000.' It was gathered In a big bag and locked -up in the chief's ofllce, while Stern, who had by this time decided It waa best not to talk any more, was looked up C. It. Richardson & Co. itont a tele gram reqiHMding that the officers tako of all money found on thfe I rlHoner, nnd Chief O'Brien of New York asked that the prisoner be held fur extradition pap rfl. Bate to-night f:t.:rn-r.etainod Mr. C. Hudspn Smltlvaa c'bunselT It is understood tha.t ho will strenuously oppose every step tak- r a by the' prosecution to talce. him "New York, March 14. Charles rttora was a broker in this city, and Is want ed here for having swindled a numbor r,lT hanking houses nut of large sumo 5^ money. run ynir x. jt. r.tnvoJihAW, ** l.unil tiovpfiiiumt >** 4'onti-ol Hie U- iu ii-i,H~rtli'liiiu"l ^"'ay Ui'nIiUIi>ii. b'rederieton, N.B., March 15. Thre hi'l-.ortuut bills were introduced In th* L. glsiatuw ou Saturday, one providing lur a loan ot four .hundred thousand ih.liars for public improvements, an- oih-.r pruviding for a grant of $7500 a year for seven years towards the ca- lablishmenL of cold storage at St. John ;tnd uthe-r i.ointH. -The third relates Lj the ihpuor business, the Uoveriimunt in take ehurge of the traftlc. Thd re tail Ilct-iises now are $1^0 ; Urn new bill incruuses tluejn to JiiOO. Wholeaalo4 now ?iiuu, will be -JaOO, and hotel 11- ecisus of which there are to be six* -lu(j each. Tlie licenses are 'to he Issued by a Commissioner" appointed by tli Cuvernmeut, ami there are to bo In- -i.cLurs for each place to eiUoree tho 1-l\v The revenue Is to be put-Into a -.-I eral fund, and after all expenses are paid, the surplus to be divided equally between the city or municipal itv and the Government. In ease th* lk-enSL-e is found guilty Of GClHriGf 0 Sunday, his license shall he forfeited^' In addition to a line of $100. The httj ii altogether, very severe on illegal liquor selling. Jdotels are allowed. t% serve buiialide guests on SundayfJ. I a in:i:i' si:\ .JYJOit'H iwjcil. cnntHlii rtiuHir* iiinllliiH! Kvimrlen** ! \>|tuv |hul:r HHy I'rot ol Wttlei'.- ' Bridgeport, Conn.. March 14. Ca^>t, ChaiU- Sm.Lh. the well-known GUbrna- rlne diver, had a thrilling experience to-day wlhlle itt work In hljj Olvuvfif Hult oi the sunken hull of the Clam S wreckeil oil" the 13ridire.port l.igh'tbouHe in more than 50 feet <xt water. The diver was* caught and p-ln>* loned by cross rimb<-rs thait ho had tn cut away. He gave -the signal on tho mo im% to rise, but tire w.eekage closed thrlvU or amuiKbhlm. burs-Ling the ailr p4pQ4 and shutting off the supply of ahvTho. captain continuously tried the signals, but there was no response from oibove. He found ho was getting confused and exhausted from the' grou-t air pressure in his helni-Gt and was about to glvu up, when the wreckage lurohodj and he found he could"Uflo hla arms, He then graspod h-is ax amd out away for dear life. The tide helped him. ; and suddenly 'the whole mass oir wreckage broke away. In clearing himself ho waa ha4 , downward moro thati half tlio thrift, He finally rose to the surface' oxxt wao soon talc em care of. .' SiMi NT. VA t /. JPAXLVilto. ' 'M 'n(rl(K IV, Ku'lly >*in hunt. AKNlaA WlMl ri;rni*t*4 Afoiuid On ft flllllluU...... St. Paul. Minn., March IB. It wei "learned thia evening tha tho -laetAiga^ ment of Patrick H. IColIy, one of Umc fonemOHi men of the at'ato, was filed. '. "' '% yesterday. For a quarter of a contury. .'< Mr. Kelly hixa been a leading whole-it \fy sale merchant of SH- Paul. It lfleWitoa. -4 thait the liabilities aro oonaldonLbly \ :.& leim than a mllllan dollars, and Vha.\ \;K\m the assets will b"e oomewhero In th* neighborhood of a million and; a qua* tor dollars. > '>>'$ lim&MMlM ,.....I,,,!iiijiijj^y^ MANIA KM* Xlt.f, JCAVM OT1IBIL (|, ., ?(, X HHMtilttu Mttnnl Vnrne* flavor hi <1h':':'| OuIihm 4'ampalRn4 ', '!'.';- nnvann, March Ifi. Owlnir to a mlHtnk^,1^ Hl-jmal one column, of Spanish troops afc.'li'.sfl tucked another column In tin entrench* ,'4e ment' It lu reported that the Iosh ,o'w tmtli strtes In, killed nnd \vouiided;hefo^V-v'*(i tho mistake woa dlHcovorcd wns .ovor Pfy;f-Mre hnt there lu a Htrong suspicion thnt It' Wtt#S mnoh larsor, . 5'"' ..' CM ' . '.^rgj ' ' ; 'M - ' ^^ /"JwiK^1;