Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 20, 1896, p. 5

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-;m ..h .'i"HBJ JSS&f&aC JfyFMSK E'Rlfc, _^ TALK 7r0F THE TOWN l-'KIDAY. MARCH 20, lBAv~ <_____....._________________________,___________) 4 Tt'w all ovot town mud, __Ijitrfiu-ijuaufcitiDUof hay and tfram have boen hero daring tfui putt week. Town Qftuiioi] unit mi Tuowlay uy<miu& Tho nitnu'.uu *rn orowdod nut until m>xt w<*ok. Johu^Gormloy wait appointor! oollrctor of wntur ruttm, by the eouncil on Tuowiuy tiVOUIIIg. M'liiy f out* (liLi/.'iii'i him in Mm hands of In grippe thu fiend thnL fuvoupH over thin uountry in March. WL. ratrick'w D:ty wan loyullv and' qniei. lv JuiUtvc(i in K'iLHix, A i) 11 mIjoi* nl Hrin'n nrma,Ioviuly ditinlayod the /jp.'ou budj;". A-dammrmkoii all hiw harnaui in bin. own tdiop. no fucLnry nmilo jjnodn puhuud olY uu tint (jouuino article. IHh gondii utand tho taut. Now hatH, correal Htylon, low priaun, junt rooMvod ut M. J. Wi/do it Co.'h. Kingnvillo Oddfollown have onUbhahfid a lodu'o of tho Dutif'hteru of llcbuoun. When will Knttirpriwi Lottae, of IOmi-'ii, u,o And do liJcowiuL-. t Tho JjcauiuiulonPofcfc lant week prwiont- I'* *^cd Qticii of tlu imbrteriborri with u half-touo portrait of itn editor, Itrnr. .lobiicou. Surulv tbin will indtico thom to pay up. Tho ltodnoy Moroury ban uhatiuod handa, tho late proprietor, J. C. Wbitnoy diop'OBJu^ "I tho plant and i;ood will to Menhru.fl. I'\ Jell uud U. A. Ui^ill, lawyera, af Kodney. A. 13. Lovelace bun Iioiiuoh Mid lotrt for mile in town. Prico and tormn to nuit purohanimi. COO ynrdH uow ourpcta ut M. J. Witflo & Co.'h. You Hhould nao tho rush at Stonu'u obow roomu for1 hiuj^Io harnohH. Tho Ridtfwtown Standard baa changed its polities. It now oupouuett tlia Liberal policy, iftor running on Conuorvativo liunu for aovoral yoarc, tlioro m jjreat danger to tbo proaw and typo, from chiH fmddon ohungo of front. A. 13- LovuIhou, I'jhjjux, thu pluco to yet money at loweut raluii, cm bout turnon and and company to iniit. MrB. W. fll. DotJcw eutertaiuud a lurjje number of young people at bor HpuemuK now homo luut Friday bvoumjj. Tha ayening wuh very pleaHantly bpont, with mtlHio, popular (jamco, etc., until u luto bour. The Boftttio-Wyatt caOH bavo boon ftiggiuu thoir woary length ulon before roToreo Barrett Utiriug tht; weok. Tho oano bo^an from piL'tiyiine contL-ntionw, and will probably not provo a pold uiiuu to tho winner in any event. Fancy Bazaaii TIio L:ulk*h' Aid of tin* MoiUodlHt oburob, >vill hold tlu*ir Annual Bazaar of fancy and imetnl articluw, ou Tuesday, tho 3lat March, and Wednesday thci firut dav of April, at tliu rcHiiluncu of Mra. J. 11, MoEwan. Open (>acli aftor- uoon from 5 till 10 p. m. A.dmii.rtinn with jNsfreb'hinonm lOotH. 2 i Mil-*. Mcl'-iwAN, titicy. Ij. A, Buy a Comot Bicycle and be happy, Boo J. W. Gibaon'H ad. in another column. . Another conm^nnunit of liatu in the now all a pen and popular eolorn at M. J. Wi^lu A,Co.'h. the M. C, H. to run an (jurly inurnin^ train frow AinhflrBtbur^ to Windiior, via Kasox. TblH would ncconimodalo all tho Htutioun eu tho A-mborHtbury line, aud tlioHu from Ehhox to Wind nor. At pn.nout wo cannot lottvo hero for Detroit until nearly olcvon b'oloek and aro then compelled to atay all day. ^, ',!( you want team linen or haum Htraps Beo Btono. '^ Tho ohoir of St. PuuTa church jmipoad fHvitiff an unterijainin'-iit on T iLindny April 7th. Purther aunouricDiin.-utH later, i^MrH. Wm. Hatoh, ori Tucdy moroing >f$hm weok, had tho inisfortuny to uhp, ^(ittiny away from tho danger of a pilo of wood falling: on bor, fracturing tho bono |jt'< iu'bor right arm and otliorwin bruiMin^ Ij-t.-heruelf. She ih doing ati wl-11 an au can r\'b* expfiOted and in under tho care of Dr. Kind Whitnoy'aad.^- J'or uollarM, ouffd, tio'n ntoM Wbltnoy'H ih tho pluoo. Knllor Hhndu-lflcmitH, at Bmitii'ii liVrink Kouh, lately in tho employ of J. TI. VVl^lu has bought ibo bakory bttfilnunu hlthnrtrt oonduuUd by -Wm. Hhoomiikor, ii in I will make bin aunnouconmntii tn Fiu:i: PitKim rundiii-H next wook. A pinn anuorttmiut of IhUIdh' whitoundor- worn- ut popular pricoH, M. J. Wiiild fe Uo. CiLpL und Mi'". Payton, lato of 4.niharuU biifd, aro now in oliar^o of tliu looal Bal- vatioii Army uoi'pa horn. Capt. Haley, forniorly in ohiiri'o, ban (Jinie to Jjcammj; tan. Siitulo liarnu..n, MH.Ol), warranted made hy band, at Jv. S. A damn' uhop. IM. J, Wi(.dt' iV (,!u. (d'i'nr np^eial V'ducu in ufirpntH. Alvin Orion,-atti'L-ti'jor for flu- towirdiip of GuHiif.dd North, liuu uomplcted ihi; an- ri'MiUinent for lh!Mi, and ban returnuil hiti roll. Mr. Ortou i>. ahed uf all the oLhtir uuntihHorH in tliu noi^hh*rin^ lowmdnp^. Bit jit' unit.1* chiihfj'i at half price, ut iSmitn'H. dniit. received ]uli lot ladii;^ and ^'rtiitu' tan iihoou, laorjii, huLtoiiod and uonnrouu, at \ nil lobular price, one week, at Huiith'u boo tluiu. Petor Jjan^liy will noli by publiu aiiocion on lot W>, dcL-.Vi.i'ii (ith and 7th con., town- filup of Maid.'ituil..', on h'riday Marjh 27, a Int. of v.iluanli i(triii. iitnck ami iinplc- nitMttii. tsulu cijiiitfioncisii at Id o'clock. Win. (Jhuroli nitundn piuibin^ the mi, I is ef bioyoloti thin HO'ihon.' JIc ban aovtiral on band aud ImHlutLHL'd Huhoii'b roller rink, whiuh he will nuo ior a riding uuhool. Thiu will prove a i^nufi uavantuj^u to liuvicbu. Call an I ,!< le .V Oo.'u. p1. B. AdaiiiH, tht harucHH dealer, hutj a line ntock, ami lie will not bo uudtrnnld by. ouy man. Boo buforo you buy. Yoanfi Jotioph (jronyillo, who ^ol a ohar^s of bint nhot in tho lo^u wiulo trying to bur^birizu Cuwuii J; QiuoU'h utoru at Kin^-willo, wan on Friday last aoutoiiocd lo two yoaru in prinsu by j ud^oHoruo, Tbo dohentmo ddbc of tho county of MiddloHox in $ 1(16,740. JEhhqx oouoty de- banturo debt in round iltjuroH in junt 8'JOO and tliero wan a good fat balance of ueveral tbouuaud dollars on band to utart IH'JtJ. J'iHJiwx County in all ritfhr. Special priuati iu cl othiu^, at rfniUli':i. Wlion you aro in need of a Still or l-'cd- ora Hat tjo to Whitney'a whuro you will got tho corritct idiatlo* and utylcu. for Iuuh inoimy than you will buy out of dutt. hatH uNowhoro. A Gukat Bakmain 2ti acri.u of ehoico laud uituatcd north of Contiuld uvouuu aral toutli of the f.'Vuur l"arm, one half ib ui Gofltiuld und Uio other iu tho Town of lijuiitji and only aiiuoiJd un larm prupurty. It in mobt desirably liituatud and will very Hhortly bu worth don bio what it 'can now uu bought for. Call hl once ii yuii a b:ir;;am. (JllAS. vVJili'i), uumfior Ija- penal Bank, K^dex. li 7 caun toamluou for -OU ccutb, at Sui'lth'u Ou oLturda,'. Don't iuiLi:i ii, but ^ot oub ot Hie bar- gaiiiii in dreHH^oodM, half price til rimiiba. 'J'Ijo nuKl hjniiifiti of tun diviitiuu ^jartn in tho County ol Khnox, will be held ttB tollowh : baudwicli, Wwmiuuuay, March 2.jtbj Utnurf, iUt,nUay, Mttioh iiOUi; Junguvillu, Tuoiiday, Alaroh ;ilbt; Lnni- ii^uju, Wo.meuday, April 1st; Cumber, lnuiQday, April Hud; Bollo Uivur, Mouday, April (Itu; jihdoxTowu, Tuunday, April 7tu, Ainnorfltonr^, Wednoftday, April 8 th. Cmnty Court bittin^o, without a jury, wul no hold on April 7th and County Court Sitting aud Suirni;ate torw from April titli to 11th. Bpeci id reduced pneen in ohoeb, clothing and liata, at wimit li'o lor a few Uayii. Stamped linens, utampbd rugs, and luta of new uoveltikiH e.tjiectod next weuk at May'o Ba^ar. Call aud iuupoct. = SPRING HATS.. Thoro ih RiitdRfnction in.laiowing tlnil' you aro correctly drcHHod. To be dvosried properly you miiflfc bo in (ylo; shyloB change ouch yenson. Gpodw 1o bo in style muttt bo now In making your purchaBCB of mo, you are certain of procuring new p;ood, connequenUy tho TYL IbJ Hence Hume. yon oxpeiienoo ^1'on.t uutiflfudiion. It'n exactly the There i Hatinfaction in knowing you are receiving the correct Hlinpes, The eonect elinpc in necesaurily new. When yon buy of mo you know that you uro gutting new ntock and the proper fltyicH. I have made great efforts to open tho spring trade with tho lurg^fitand best showing of exclumvc stylun ever exhibited in this town. L have bought from the beat marketH, iriHiiring tne the lowest possible eont. . Ihe Public Shares the Benefit. I am Selling r ^ ".-...i^^il^ai Best $3 Fedora in market to-day for $2.50 2.50 fct' 2.00 2.00 u_____________1.75 Be mire and inspect my stock before buying elsewhere. 13. J. ) HATTER AND -FURNISHER, BUY THE EASY- fe lt Jus. Brion. Tho Hvm of WalUor & Bonn, of Walker- vJllfl huujr_i(itltionfi circulated about this an 1 |i,; xjeighboriutf townn lusi weak, artkinor the ! County Council to acoopt their offer of a ?**froo aito and ^fiO,000, payable in twonty [^'"or thirty yuara with tho town of Walker '('.Vyillo a giiarantoo. It ih obated that a |i'few lilnnx oitizorn actually "nibbled tho book" by si'tinin^ Ibo potition. It did not iffflOli tho oounty nonnoil,. however. It is wonderful th har^umn you uan got *\i\ in ntnRlo harnoHH at Stone'H. , W, J. Wii'lo <t Co.'h utoro ih full of bright now f*oodn at oloao priooa for cahh or pro LV duo. ', O. H. Walfcoro Caon of town olork WaltorH) "piofmor roHldont of thin town, and who wan fit nt Hiiporintondftiit of waterworks ' * hero, hKfl rucently been appciinta 1 to a vory rdsponaiblu nonitipn iu tho Globo Manu- [V.'faofcufinc vVorlio, of NortUvillo, Mioh. Ho t'ls uow" forum an of tho churoh furnishing depart taunt of thetio work a and ban nolo Sv'ebftru * of fourteen .different Uiudfl of ma- sbloo.f for gottmti out nil varietur of ^namaiitnl work for pulpitu, pown andtbo leriorof ohuroh furi)inhin#<j tfQUQrally. A creut many people in town keep do/^B. They keep them because tboy love them. Thu reason why tboy love thom jh not easy to not). Tho do#( arti dirty, uoelefju, uyly, budly bred and a general nuiuanoo to uvory- ono. Thin love of poraona for objectionable doc lb ono ^ tliouo uayotorioti, iiko frcitiht ratoB and ouv peutal arran^umonta, winch aro no ooaiitruated an to bafilo tho kcoueHt intolleot, Thoro in uo harm in peoplu koopimr doijH, but tboy ought really bo keop them and not allow thom to loaf about tho utroetu, eiipeuially at night when the brnteH have a habit of HOttirag up ou thoir tails and barking at nothini;. Oho dog will commence thiw buimiomi until ho miluifl another ilog o:i the other aida of ti.u town umuvor him, or if he faiia iu that na will uLiawer tho uoho of hm bowl. Then they begin to argue and another our joinu in until tho whole phtoo in a pande monium Thirt is of ootirao a tnattorof in- differi'ucc* to a man who oleepo au it ho wao dead, but then theio aro a great many people who do not. Womou and hivalidn are not nlwayu blent with profound (dum ber and they have a rifcht to bo protected from tbo n uifl'tnao oaiiHed by .other peoplo'u ours.. A.tiyono imjuito juotifled (morally) in getting up and nbootmg tboso howling ouru. No, tho editoi* of thin papor dooa uot ke'op a dog just uow. Ho lovon, bio nuighborn.. Biuveh.l*lnp is the bigboet grndo and riehout flavored Chewing Tobacco made, Try it. IT IS a REASONABLE PRICE I am altio agent for Roveral other makoH und can offer you your choice of tho BEST SELECTED LINE Of Bicycles in the county of-EHBox, hoth in quality aud prioo. Heo thom bo- fore you purchase. Scott Block, Khhox. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. DKINfi KAKT HALF OF KOLJTII HALF OV \J lot No. .'J, Cmi.H.Tp of J\Iirnoa, coiituin- in^' -Ii) aeniH,, Tho property ifl all cleared and iinilr cnltlvutloi) (oxcopt anout U acren). It lmn orchard, lioiirto, granury, utable and out- Imildinun; uIhcil woll or good iiprlngwator. TiirniH to milt imrcliftBor. Kor furtliur particti- 1 ant apply to K. A. WlSMEIl, N,T. JONT1R, 11-tf. . Khiiox. Kihox. See tho now tlnuga iu fauoy crockery aud toilot ware at Park'o tho Jowolor. Stonu ban in ntock both hand made or factory harnouu, tho boot value in tbo county. Lovelace ih Holling 'more farms than any real oatato dealer in tho county of Khuqx. In faot baa noarly Hold out hio lar^e liwt o( farma for aalo. Como in. Par If tho Jeweler, haa rocoivod a ]a.rfo importatioua of tho uowent tbingH ih fine bedroom aud fancy orockory, toilot waron, oto. Thuflo Reodo are of tho vory boHt foreign maiiufucturo, and aro guaranteed lirHt-claofi in overy ronpeot. Call nnd uoe thom, priooH right. "Don't bo deceived.'*' CuBiatou gottin^ tho gontun.0 Tomci Smokiuir Mixture; 10 centu a packa^o. X>o not IIo TIiIn. Do nobbolnduaod to buy, any other if you hayo mnclo up your mind to tako Hood'u BarHaparilla. Hotuomber that Hood'flS&rH&panlla ourea when all others fail. Do not givo up i i doapair booaueo other modiolut'B failed to holp , yod. Take Hood'a BarHaparilla faithfully and you mayj-eaaonable expoob to bo. cured. Uoodinl"iilQlaro puroly vocotablo, care- fully precised from tbo best injjrcdioutB. 2Bo. . . FENDERS WANTED. '"pJ^.NDEIiS will bo rocoivod by tbo undor- X filRnnl up to 7 o'clock p.m., or tho 7tli duy of April, lHSio, for tho pnrpmio of drillinji a woll and gnanintinnng water from tho rock, fnr K. H. No. .1, MiikJHtnne;tiaf<t woll to'bo cfinest] with J-in. Ijulvaiil/ed iron ouBing; ubin a tlnit-olaiiu iron pump "Ltttlo Giant," drop brmjnnyliniiorH.aiul stoel nhoo on ond of caning. Bald woll to be capable or furmHlitag not loan than eiijht bbln. por hour, and whon cornplotu, iiubjoot to the approval of tichool bonrd. Tondorn to bo oponod at tho fioboolhouno on April 7. Tlio untlorHiunod do not bind thomuoWoR to oxcept tho lowest or any toudor. K. J. WI^HON, Boe. Kuhool Hoaid, 12-'Ji Ehuox. Publio School Kej>ort. MihH Williamo' room; r. yecond olaws; marlw ponyible 50: Ethol Smith .50, Aimer Pindor 50, Arabol Kobinnon 48, Charlio Jeffury 45, DaiHy McKwan 42, Vivia HioltH 42, Ilorbert Alien. -13, Lao Thorne 11, Rlyrtlo Thornton 41, Cecil Puller 40. Miss Hall's room: markd poasiblo 25; obtained by hlgheat ten: ilary Flail 23t Stanley Brown 2a, Nottie Wightmau 23, Vincent Munroo 23, Jilanoho Doroman 2a, Williu Wduou 20, Earl Uauuan 20, Janio Wolfe 17, Grnoio Wiglo 15, Myrtle Dolmoro 15. Miqb OraHiiwollor'H room;, jr. nooond; marks poasibk- 80; obtainod by highont ton in clanii: H Ruaaoll 50, A Wolfe 52, E. Lowia 52, W Klmgbilo 43, E Keowu 43, 11 Davis 41, \V Wolfn 40, H Young 39, E Phillips 38. M Hobinsqu 35. Mib Shaw's room; junior part oocond clmia; marks poaaiblo CO; obtainod by hiijh- eat ton: Boatrioe Elford 48, Gordon For- aythe 47, .Harry MoOliutia 45, Mary Munroo 45, Pearl Buaraan 42, Azile Green 41, Frankto Hart 40, Frankio Young 3B, i-ona Stone 37, Maggie Crow 80. Miett Aitohiaon'M room; marks poHoiblo GO; obtained by highont rou in oluaa. Tun- ior and intermediate uocond: V Lapoint, M Ituuh, M Dolmore, .1 Brown, L Trowin, AStacoy.uiid A Corey 50, 13 DoCew 48, G Lapoint 48, O Fullor.-iO. ' * Senior Hecond olaHU; marks poaaiblo 0; obtained by highoat 9 in olaoa: A Wight- mau48, W Burton 43, J Walkor 38, L Allen 85, h Dibbloy OS. R Hill flB, G Wiglo 30, E Buflh 30. ^ "We-desire to Please ! You will find tlmt. wc want to niooi. all your wiBhftfi.luilf way. Wo would rather Roll goods to oqo Hatified . cufltomor than ton times tho numher and h.tvo fiiiuso for complaint; Wo (lo.siro to ploane and wo generally Huoceed, and we wish. to continue to do bo. ' WlR-nyou vi: it this store foel at homo, and take due tiiiie to buy What you want, and aw you want it. Wo are here to givo you our time, tho benefit of our experience and satis* faction If you make, a mistake in ueloofcing we will l>e glad to help you rectify it. If you simply moan to For the time being, we will be ^lad to .show you everything- and explain, etc. Wo desire to please all our visitor* and customers at all tiinoH. That is what wo are here for- and wc hope to keep at it till we have made every customer &, friond for life. #e Whitney Block,.Essex. The time for this is almost here. While Have your carpets up have a Around at your walls, we have Kalaomine of U they need decorating Colors and a fine line of Mixed Paints, in colors. Call and all SEE ttS W Wheat rod por buohel.... 8 Wheat, white .... Corn Oatfj ..'.. Timothy Sood .... Clovor Sood .... Alolko MttKETJ 75 to 75" 75 SI 21 to 22 3 00 4 50 to 4 o0 4 40 4 to 475 75 5 00 to 550 300 Did you hoar of it? The big boom in ImrnoHQ at Adum'y: harnoaH utoro. The way bo in Rlan^hteriiiff his atook of now harness ih it HurprUe to the old timers.. Call aud eee him. . Hay por ton............ 0 00to 10 00 lioof per owt............ 4 SO to 3 00 Pork ......... Mutton ......... Hidoa ......... Ohiokonn per lb....... Buttor ....... Lard ....... Egfiivpftr doa....... Potatooa, per bnnhol . Onions. - ApplfH Turnif.a CarrotH Beetn Parunipa TuikeyH pav lb....... l)uckn Celery per*doit Cabba^* No. 1 lty, per boubol .... 80 1'OatH oleaHCd 23 1 Barloy , owfc P5 9 - owk .76. 1 Ooru owt 8'J Th* above prioei aro paid byk H, Walker out, Walktrvillo, Om i * i * ... * i V G 11 14 5 6 w* 25 to fifi TO to 75 1 00 to ] 00 SOfe* 00 40 50 30 eto 9 7 ] 00 25 OHlltill Tailoring y-. SOUTH WOODSLEE, Ordered Clothing away Down, To oloar out our utook ol! underwaro wo will noil at .re- -iuaod priooa. All wooTiiuitH roduood to cost. UNDERWEAR. Fibo Hootch lamb'H. wool. &1.25, 1*1,75 hdH. Firtiti store north ( Kaihvav. ** Harness. I can givo you a good sefcfc of Single Hamofla.warrantod iiand-maclo v ror'.$io^ F. S. TalbofcSt, :) ^^S^^^^M^Mi^ '^ ^"jJ^'Ifi^^^l-i i^iik^^^^md^!}^

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