' 1 I fcir4itt ifitit B '< iillH *^ff^jpff!(ff^j!^^ M-nim J^Tjffynf^Wffyyfffi^ lltl^^watffy^iFivr^ir^^fi*I r,,t^nffj?w:ffl'*yy?iTy!Uf" rram^^^Gp^^iffJ f flrljfc. a^^^K x'ifcjfei.tv Jr'<x>C*=* JJT TJtIC TAiCAl, JtOUHK. A carff & Co. Qrooexies* The biggoBt valnoH in town and all new goortH. Oroofeeryv laea^wr f er Largest Block in town and nt priooB that will aHtoniph you. Call and examine fitook and bo convinced. No trouble to allow goork Jliglient price paid for produce. goods rtErjitTE^Er) phomptlYw A, H- SCARFF & Co. The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, MARCH* 90, tuOli. Remedial 1U1I Dobato. Up to tlio hour of Roin to prcw- lant night, " vol o hud 'V't butii Utkon nu Tifr. Lfturier'n I'mcmliiu-iit ^iviii^ tho J tain tidial Fiill j. hiMiHinUis lion/. The IIouho bad boon m conlmuomi hphjuou for Uli ho-irn, and woul'tnotriho until a vota wan roaobod. It wiih flxptiflted.howQVor, that tho Gov- armwent would bo unstained, but that tho BUI would not bo abandoned. Work For Ui<- IIcnHh Uonr<N. County Council. tt Tho oouuty conned mot m upecial ubb- 016U at Sandwich on Monday to finally paau tho by-law to raino 810,000 for tho to- pair of tbo gaol and courtholmo, alno to hour the report of the pcciai committco appointed to tummJor tho oiler of II. Walk. , eK it Sou*! Tor removal to WtiUcurvillo. rXho commit too reported that thoy bad fnllj invcBtigtitod thu proposition an woll rh \h& petition Hi^ucd by u mimbor of thu pooplo of tbo county m fa\or of uccuptintf tho offer, but connrJored it, mpoHbiblu to grunt tin* (M'fivor of thu petition or uaot-pt the offer of Menem. Walker fc Sons. Tho commiltco took exception to tho utatemont of tbo petitiou that the prownt by-law was being lunlit.d through in an un- Bi'tmly rud ur-buainewdiku wuy. Thu /aut wo.-, no qiu&iicn hud hem better thrifllied out m tho council. Tho of fern of Vvliter* villc .tud Windsor liuyo bton before tho council for Hevuiul Hciniouti, and n motion to repair tho Sandwich buildiuj*h lmu been earned h ovoial titneu by u lur^o majority. "Tho wholo (Michtion buying bi.cn liefoio tho pcoplo for l'J years, it <i< i*i not ui em i indi- inLJ too fant tu hnally adopt the on\v by law and tho only Hilution Unit cm: corn mand a clear major I'.y m tin- county council. Tho off iir ot Walkoi A Honn wiih four ficroH of land and ?5() 0011 by tho i*a> mt-nt of bonds of rlie county no t, 11* y full duo in 20 or ;i0 y <. rn with the j,uaranteo of thu town of \\\i!hui ville. Tho linn mit;hr, bo out of cxjb tui.co heforo the tirat bou l v. ,ia duo, aud tho town of Walkrrvillc could not lojjally guarantee ptt>mout. Tho only acooptablo ofler would lit* ciibIi. __ There can bono ad\anttiL.e in moving tho coiut liotiho and rogiotry ofi'ice to WalkoryiHo, leaving tho jail at Sandwich and tho legal nfliceit at Windflor, which ato ontabhtihod thcro by a Npociul act of tbo logitdature. Tho jail would nuod to bu jmprovod am w lv, <nd thu removal of tho couit hou-,tj ana i egihtrj uliico would neoeaHiluto a change of comity Heat and Hpeoml act to take tho rogulur voco of thu pooplo for that purpose. Tbo city of Windflor would havo to bo consulted, and it in & foregone conoluoion that Windsor would vofuoo to havo the buildiugH taken to WalkervlUo. Granting that the pooplo voted for Wnlkervillo, and Windnor wore willniL'.the govornmont would need to p ihh a oposnil act to muko Walkc-rvillo the county boat and thin would tako Hoverul yonrM if dona at all, aa tho majority of tbo conned, and probably ot tho peoploof the county, were of tho opinion that it is better to ropair tbo builfliiif'U at Sandwich and remain tboro, tho comtuittoo rocommoad that the very magnifioonfi offor of Wall'or it Sonn bo ugaiu declinod with chunkn, und that tb(i by law to go ou with tho repuirn at Bnndwioh be finally puatiod. Thm wim aignod by cbniiman N.A. Cento and Roevod Auld, S. Mather, ,). D. A. X>dsstol, M, Barrett and Egortcn Bcratob, Tho roport wiih adopted with only throe diBBonting votec, and tho by-law to raiHo $10,000 for ropairn to the buildn-gi wan panned, tho cleik being inetruuio'1 to ragiu- ter aud prorauluato thu by-law aiesrdmg to law. .^- mi Hi..... llara on the PrauclilMti A of. Windsor Rovicw. Goo. .7. Thorn*8, Beorota^y of tbo Conaervative AmoQUtlon of EiWOX Town, writing to Tho lleviow 1 nay*; "Wo fool tiopafiJ of doit g a art at deal hot tor than at tho lant election. win u A* wore hnndiouppfld by a diNboiiont und frauduloat vptern liat." Tl)< ]"m i IJru;nti it lnforumti ilnil tlici-M i i a / 'i i o of timlici cd laud a ijoining the c orp'iriition of J-Jub^-X that ih uhdiI as a norL ol itpuhitcry for the liodiun of all (quino>i rl at lio in or about thn town. Tuo locality n, uu itumc property belonging tothoCRta- o rcn en tutu adjniniug tho Anih^ritburg 1" ncl eft In* M C. 1\ and in in the to.vn- tdtip ' f nolchu^'tn* Morth. At on- Mine '.Un witit ir no leu*1 thun tin: cilm/h-,-h ot ded boiiu'ii woro ueittoi*Ld about in then-- w uotl'i, and .ire loft thoro, together witlt r tlier-ithat are being continually addud, to oudungf r tho hoaltli of thu pooplo of thai. lo_-al ry dwring tbo coming upring. Ah tlio Board of Hoaltli of tho town of Ehhux Iiuh no juriHdict.ion outtitdo itn own hot dorri, t'ne mat or nhotild be takun up bv the Board of Health of tho town- idup of ColchoHtor Worth. Tho Town of Kaiiex, howevor, in its own inlercnta, flhonld a^ainfc tho townohip in overy pomnblo way, to puiiiflh thoporaoiiH who aro guilty of perpetrating tbia outrage on tbo cowrauu- ity. "Tlio Kiui l'ar.na would ullages' that the town aud towuHhip health boards jointly appoint an offioor to loolc aftot tho matter aud bring tho offoudorn to a npoody puninh- mont. Whoro both corporations aro ho vitally mttroHtod, they should join hunda lu an ( .ilflavor to proveut rocurronoe of huch t< ubarouii proocadi gs: -*-^ It in lofjp than two ynara ago that the towntdnp r.f Oolohe^tor North wai oom pcllrd to ralte aetiurr to compel tho ownor ir n 11* <\ liorae, wit) li\eJ in 1'j-isi'k, t') bu y the 'jareas. Tho man hal drtg^ej tin a n u r al to the woudrf, in a war in oeasou ton, and bud left it th-ro to deoay. Tno oiTf :id' t was let go without a tinp, but it is linn that, a few i xaiuploa woro made. It is hoped the health hoardn intcroHturt will [nouHtd without delay, m tins matter Hn.m At Cottum, on Tluirnaaj, March VI, to M r. and Mr. Chan. Ililov, a <\ nj{hter. biiiiir.iiiiiiih At Maiiihtouo, on Mini bty, IiiuU'h 10 to Mr aud Mm. .Vtwild Mbbini^liaiiHt a u n MoMi.oMi.ifi At North Ridge, on Wud- neHchty, iMarob 18, to Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. \lcutgomery, a son. Paiii:nt At Maidstone, on Puonday, Mar. 17. to llr. aud Mrn. I3aul Parent, a daiiiihtt r Kh\mih At Knnu\. on Sunday, Marcli It, tn Mr and Mis <T. A. IVanom, a aon. Ilitrh School Notes. The following aro tho namca of tbone who cbtatued oO',1;, or oyor in I nut wewk'a exuminatiunu, Literature, Porm III and IV, G MuICou 7'.), K Riuhardfiou OH, A Bueimu (itJ, W KuiHier 0.3, M liird ca. F Liaka 02, H Arnold (i'J, S Meliiuqhlin 62. R II Barrott 01, B f'.umpbell 01, M Aliworth 01, fl Young VJ, II Rorko ,'jQ, N Clifton ."57, E tiaiilb ufj. 1'juolid. Form II, II .Taolwou 87, L Grifiith 79, E Ilopgood 7U, S RuhhoI 7(1, .1 Cri/,ior CO. L \Viglot)8,F Jarrniu GO, J .1 Tully 01, M Wightraan 01, W Puttor S7, P Aruold 51, h Ruauoll 53, E Irwin 52, B Honor 61, 1j Thiboatidoau j0. Antlimetie, l'orm 1, J Wyxtt 85. G Rone 81, W .TanioH 75, D 'ostigun 71, h Roauino (i), IC Millar 08, P Shondan 57, K iiainoK TjiJ, A tJaalur Tin. F .VlaoAfou 5.", F LiMtur 53. G-Irwm SO. J Smyth 50. I Iistory, Form I, J Del more 09, M .lumen fJ7, Ij Bennett 08, W Jiunm 0U. -----------------------------------------^u VIJB MKMBKU FOR ALGOMA. Mr. Geo.vo II McDonnell, M.P., for Al- gninn BuoonimendH Dr. Agnnw'o Oatarr- hal Powdoi It Rdievoti in 10 to 50 Miu- utos D'it no ono bo itnrprieod at tho high olianu'-lin* of tbo teiitimoniabi reooivod by thu piopriotitrn of Dr. Aun^w'n Gutarrhul Powder. Thin mudiuino moiitw tho bimt tltiuiio that call hnuni 1 of It. for bd the trouble cold in the h^al. oitamdi, hay fevur or oit.irrhal dtinfoeHs, relief in tio P"fdy and i ffcotivo that it ohariua all Thi * in the vie* ot tho popular moinunr of tlio Ilouuo of GomiiiituK foi ttie DiBiriot of Alg:<"'irifv, who lian uaod hi modioino, and do< a not haaitate to toll tho pooplo of G in- udii-nf hh groat worth. Sold by J, Thorao Dtippmilnu-t In (It* tl*litnrn it\i 4 4'.\l I 'J*or(HiU>,Mui ch JI 'l'b- n- n-iion al the Lol-ilI LlJ',1' I ttuie >i.,itiil.i\ \vu.. ih:- '.Dieil I'Utln-ly to routine lillMllie'Ul The iluhate upon Ml. Maiioi'ii .lUjuor 11- d'ti.'io anicndnie-nt will not he ri.mm- i-crunt.il Tin iH|ny n'xt. li hi iboue.ht tin,- (luvL-niiueiu will hive its ulil iii.t- jiuiiv upon Ihii fpii j.iiKii, -line many t'i Llle I'.LLl Oll.i h.LN i (lii.-uul tll'l Will not follow their hud. i, wiio huu lu- tlmuttil he will vol wLMi Hh Oppu'ii- t'on. Mr. Ilurty'n hill n-<;p< otliin the lto- lunn Catholic JOplnoopal CorpotatUni .. i i ul ,i* HiliiJ time, (i.i wan Air. /diildh'inii't 1 espeetliiiv St. Thoiriun' 1 it 1! It ('nun ti, IL.imlltoii Tin. I- bill.. vW't'e je.nl n second tlnn . Ki .^.|m i tin,; iui 11m ami in Jlit.uiu It i>ru~ vn'eji t'oi ,i tJ(|ii(tlou In vvKlIh ol damn un Lllc * ilfMl.Lheu J tl\ el -Mi. i o .itti' ml tin- Mti h< ' mil i . An -All. Jvbhl, To .i u.i ml t ho J v.i ! 1 i i iU.i-l tun \v .ui-r- U\ Ait -.>Tr. . .1 j. .r I t O u . > . >, Ill >. ml ih .a i o ,'dumrii ,i I A s .til HI oal Act .\\i t liii,, in As >tn HI ol It* .l1 . i ', t i v ui iiu'iu tjoi alt 1 i 'Jin, ' nlf . - . i . ' i 11 ovv. Al i ,> :i i Li iI'n i im i"l t in Act to I).' "l poi id- i1 ('Mtlbl oke ^<>1|1 liei II i l.i llu .1 i t ". M 1 I .III'. T , aim ml lb, Art to Incm pom u the mi.iml \ ill* j ilailway Co. -Afr. Jtob- i-i'ti OTi. 'I In bill I' ' i r t ing Lin* IbumllfJii tJ'i'f 1.'r;lit. ('. . was bei'ine L>- J'lhaie lilll'. CoiiimlLtn' Hy thl:. bill It \u nought tu 1'ej^ al 11 perpelliu | eh.u 1m f,i!LULid tin j.i (.(Jiiijij i.\ In I > > -\\ i S. II I Il.il.i , i j I ., ..i .A -n 'I u t i LI .in 1 .,t-v- i i a 1 ln< nibi I H Ot I In ll.uii lUni ( oliih II \uic in- si jit In ..iij | i, L ul 1.1, bill Ml". JaK.atil Miiiln, 'kf( aj-at tieil Jul" toe campa n>. 1l ua^, mat-mi d that the. jm i pi I u.il chat t>-i vv as ublaln- i il unaiiou n to Hi, thy. Air. Al.u tin plodlUetl iiuilie evidence to iilloW that lhe COUI1L-U h.L'l Ineii IloLUkd In tnc uhikU way. Air. Alartln alao pointed out that almv Alaic-li I.SU.i. in-aily i>u(J : h n i . had In en :,ibl on Lie inab t- 'Ui mini , Ui it lb. uiifttr was pci- pt tual. Mr 11. J!. <i lu, ^ i' app ni'- ei.1 Dti I i hall ol .son i o. tb ,,L'H J houl- i ll< a i Lju*iJ that it tlii eli 11 i< i \\ a.s i e| ii-n ] li th, lr ' toek. n hn h was ni>w jiiblhic, sic jjei c nt woul i ii'^. la uoitli .>U leiil, oji tlu ilollai Altei a fuiiil deal oi 'IN< I's-Muii ami iho oun- -iJli at Ion of st \ i-i.i I s ua^i .sta m -., Lhe < uiumittee adjoin md ti nu i-t .ii^uii mi Tuesday, not hivinfi di-ebb a on any (.muse lit aetJun. 1 lull, A. S. 11a i tly w.ls re-el t eteil inairmanor tin. Alum npa] t'ommitteo \ i - Lt uln.y oiui-nni;. '1 ui- lulluwini-, bills \w rti I't'portuJ. Ah. (Jli land, ext< mllne; to Low iui the pi i\ iknvh now e.njoyt;d by citlos of riftririii^ htnall aibltia- tloiiH to County Juilia Mr. ('biprjb-, lu punidc for the lol'ietiun ol Lax* a ami toHth In disputed line i< tuu caata. 'J'he tollowliifi nxtui'Ls were arranged for next wetdt; Thui.sday, Air II irdy'u libl rtsTpLcLluif Ctt> CouncdH, W-dn^.s- day, Alt t-hi'H. AlagAvood' > and Atea- i nam's hill:- aim mil UK liii Diliht' and \\ aim i nui .si m At L; ami Al' 11 .nl-'kut 'n nd~TTa> em It's bills j u Abr bets "ami Alalia L Ft-t-h. Tbui^day, bilks i< --jK*ot- hm- the Ahfli-hsmenl Act. Mr. llard> made tin- titatt im-ni In - lore the Gov eminent 1 lou.'-e ('onimit- P o }-tst'*rda> Unit the i-jm ol iin\citi- i -nt llouiie, txtlusive ol m',u!l'!, up nil the end t>f lb'iS. wa> J'oi .1 i.77 Sir \, llllam Jlovvlaud, i \-{a> uli iianL- (Jovernor, apjieared In f ui t the uiin- milt. >\ and was examnn d bv Sit fili- m r Alow at. In iin.AV'r to ipie Lion ., .- ir \\ illlam said that tin n ,u\ nt - Ui e o! th -(. r-.iou d be in a i 11 sit Ion to pi opt rly ml iv e ,\ut\ eu- P :taln people ol Iiiiihji tarn e v, h be c Ity. lit bail elltel lalie d sathir important ptojde In his 1 line, Including Loi rl la ti. I'rime of \\ ali'M and a 1>'<iUhi uf i h (V.ar of Hu'-hla He also .-abl that '1- a\ i-rauc eohL was ?ltjU.u0u mon tba u the (lovoriiuient allo\ am-e "VVa- lr v\->rth while f^olm; Lo tin i'\|n n t,' ask. il Sir<)ll\et, "w*;i.s tin- pulib ^o.,I enrnnmnsuiate with the oust * "I think," replied Sir William, "then v, is i ompeiiMLtinn to the ( ouutry fur it " lie ndife-d that there \vcy( ni.my net i- si ills when smaller prt inl^eb wo'ild not im*'I the lvrpili -im pts ot tin ( in'Un. Th, committee rnfeU nh t'n uii Friday. U'llii n leii'iiee in the lunbM- trade, Hie inii.t savi : "The inark*,i- h.ve hecniiii- [mi iiiimi>.1.\ overaiufkeil with lalei] r i all- of lumber iiml It N ihU ^ hh h 'i m I'i'ul ilif pus.tM nut t\ ui. dili ininlhitn M the I inle TIlV i 1 u uuisl.iiii es v.'lih ll u i \ e led to Hi 1-4 plellinni uf en,I r->e nnuh ni'iilii'i" nri> ' inli\ uiulei"-loinl, ami M.tn>' i f tl i m nut 11' noiMj lMi^t, lhe u tiii>\ a I <f lhe diiU on I'lii'ilnii liinihe ]m -at ' hio> lhe I h iinli'eil lie- I'n.irM' (' iiui'lm n luui- Imm' Pi Kel lulu thai ieiirl;i t, ami thus -ilm- ' 11 I'd enltllU' i I i - (lie cuiim (|iii-m e of u hh h w ,i 'i I \ hn'iiM'-i'il per- i Milage nj' (uu-,. In;- ,i-> I a la n out Si e ond y, iht |ir....., u h eh ha\e i-cfcnllv been piid fur limits h;i\e rendend It nei-es--iry, it a pielli was tu hi- (ih!abi-il. thai cm rv li ,' whltli eiaild be ^ui out with my e\- , ' i Mthm of a urmi slmiilil be i ul find fil ta in tin rail . Thlidlv. Uuiln< lhe t n ier ul* 1 Ml 'IK i- r ui' hu-di l i ( - nc- i ui 11 it In Alli hl^.in. M nie oi n mid W'lt- iiuibi. and eiiorniuiK < n in11(ins of pine I'mher wine -a) hulli m i.r. lied (hat In or- ili r lu teall/f untiling fnnn It tlie tlni'ier h. (I to be fill lis! Winter At i oi illu - v, ihe w<-aii[i iniukii, \ h'e i In uu iirdiii:iiy m Mr i<jM*aunii a v -\' li1' In re* nt i 'i- of the tilt of I lie "s<i, 'i\\i 11 "i Si tti . u as lluudeii \s\\h ton* i hiniij r of an Inferior qiuiltj, ltnpel.v In iMi.ti "f wh.ll It eoilld ii a- as Its nuiin.i] siiuplj Tlie cons ipienco w ii th it lull I'u-ii e lumbtM o\ ci (low nd in 1ar;,'e qiwuitllles Into the mark, ts of tlio I-' ist ci ii and \I (Idle Sl:i tei. o\ ( r doekhlff ,ii tl deinoinli/iii^ tin in, im'U eu'irse linnher w n s a dnu i \ er> u lan e nud pi In- brake. I'Mui lldy, hll' 'e qua ni It1*1-- ol' hmithiin pine ilie lab'iK eul i urh ><mii. nud It U Innliu,' il miikcl fintln-i .1 ml fuilliei* ii'irlh. iin'M now ll Is [ntuiill> eintpeiln^ ulih Ontario lu.iiM' linnher In the I ii 11 **il Kia'es as far j'orih an the soutli hlioie of Lake On tario." \ i ' Vill. OW 11 111. jit: is oA' jus ir'jo Canada, j-lr VliMiry stairnril Noriheole, 4'luirltv <'(UM niN>4|olirr lur Im^lanil. lu ,\e Vorli. New Yoik, March lit. BIr Ileury Mtaffortl Soi tlieot v, who Is charity euiiiniNshiner fo- JOn^hnid aud Willis, arrive I tu day on lhe (.lernilllile. He Is on loin, tn C.iauhi. He Is the heeoiul son of Stu'foi'd Ileniy, ihe illMt lOarl of Id(h'Hhle;h, ami a biutlier of the pres( nt IOarl. The lafer Is now ehuIi innu of the lloiiul ot 'u uiiiln^enieus ef Inland Id'VtMiue. Sir I le ny Is a nieiuhei uf I'ur'biiiH id fw I]\. lev, it ml Is now ."U yeins old. He wdM m ik*J i lull" of the LidUd Suiles bf'ovi he reiunis lionii'. AU1* JiJ.ocnjjj) i /' tula pyoir. Iur[iirM lire llnvhiK (-rent Hinrulty lu ttctltim t<* I.iiiidnn. Loiulon, (int., March lib -The country inailr. leadliie; Into thin i-Ity, cspci i.i!ithi^1 lunnln^ noi th nml Houth, an- ui ia> t linpa iaiine In innuy plaeea wltida n r.i 'I s of in in den fnnn thin eliy. The heavy winds in the early part ol the week Iinve- drlfti'd the rtiinw many feet libjli In nuiiii1 bjiotH. ('tuiipariitlM'ly III tlo i produce or \> nud lias enine Into the city ahice Tuesday, and In iieurly every cane the furtner lian had a diit'iciilt time In [jetting through. 11*> ln-t t Yitv Hie <UOiihl)t. New yrirlt, M.nrch H. Tho Bupromo Court luivhiK ib'o.ded that the ("Jnubhi aro not n slibatH ar thin eliy, ihe $10,000,000 turn bs- i unit levied un tlunn Iiiih boon tftlion from Hie la\ hooliH, Tliey have Informed tint lax etiinmlHhlouortt, howovar. tluit they aro wlllliiK to pay a tux on $2.WW.0OCi which uhey ulU'pfe through their hiwyorn lit Juut muf tliej will be tinted ucConUnirlj. Ne^W NEW GOODS ! 0 o oilm niid unnl] wjuch, ]\!ui'b Sliirtn, 'J'icB, Collar^ Cuifs, Pantinga, cic.^'j CTl^i^r'^M A till rices that Cannot beSBeaten.^ -j ll1 o iiiht (ninij-M un nt in i,(w lo liiO'd itiid mo txlt-iid a cordial invitation to all who inoj ir.U'Hi-U d in rncc ikv p< ( df- n( lo\\ct.t In inp: pricoR to call and see what we aro doing. ""~i&Hundreds of New Hats N^ Ace jilready io lnuid, inctitd hi^^t lw \ei,y laicft ^'ehupcb m black, blown and Cuba, at iff and Fedoras, and fully 25 per crnl. below rity prices. Other lines will be following in quick Hiiceeflyion. ^ Our^ Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continues. Now is your chance to buy Overcoats, Underwear, Uuih, Mantle Olotha, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Department are all right. Yours for Bargains, 41 '--ii^j Pressing Time with us. Soon time will be Pressing You For a new SPRING SUI'i. Whv not order bow. The apiiny Htnok ih m, Nlw York fav-hnji a too, und yon vwll t;et Imttcr work now boforo the riHli :^ nn for spring. DtlNHTAN ISLOOK, CALL AT KSSEX l-'OIt ALL KINDS Ol' Window BlindB away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, jNoveltiew, Ijooks and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys ot'allkind.Sj Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. You Chev/ is free from the Injurious coloring. Tito more you use of It tlie battel you like It. VHEGEO. HZ. TUCKETT & SOW CO., UTi^ HAMILTON. 01MT. Our Btouk of izotitu1 furnlhlnngH in liriotl- lny with nioo now kooJo, pxtrii viiIuor. MI J. WirIo & Co. Tho froc fliutnbiitiou of Doilu'r Kidnoy filla will t&ko plaoo ftt BliorriH'fl dnm htorc on Monday. Mroh 23rd. Wo oull the attention of all nuffcrora to thin ^ouoroun offer on tho purt of tho propriotora uf fchiu rom-irkablo remedy. Tho uunounuomout uppourB iu anothor column. Speci a Sale J&^lu&teBBTC*, OF Fall Goods ! We arp bound to clear the balance winter goods at cost for next 30 days. Now spring uoo-ifc arriving daily. Black und white prints from 8c to \l\c. Wu have nil htylca in prints i'loir* 1c, up. JJuck in all colors, last joar price iHc, wo soil tliom at, l'jjc. ^'aiicy >ji'pliyrs *J,"j difVoront styles in dress Ginyhams at 25o yard. Flannelottos iimLll styles at Tic. Fancy hlonso jiattoms at 3 0c, Dress Goods All now designs at \\c worth 2Co. Tweed Patterns All Wool Serges and Henriettas at 23c worth P5c, t'ottonado, Shii tings and Cotton choa])Or tlntn tho cheapGEfc. Tweeds, gen uine IJaliiiix at 25c yard. The newest styles in lints nnd Caps. Call and see before purchasing elsewhero. Clothing The balance of our Overcoats we sell atcost/to inalce room tor out spiing goods We handlo nothing but tho bo-^t makes. Groceries Sweet Home Soap 0 bars for 25u. Soda Biscuits fro-h, y lb box. 22c. Try our coft'eo.' Wo handlo tlio bost brand, "Snow ])iift." Wo have tho bost u5e toa in the market. Try it aud ii not suited, money refunded. We arc agent for Salatla Tea. 1. FllICI Vance's Old Stand, . E. WIGLE The Gash Grocer, Gontecfioner and Baker, i^JlTE poaple of tho Town of Eukgx and nurrouudinK country havo lonfj f"H tho want * I * of a place whoro thoy could no and purohuuo what tliuy roqulrn ou n oloso, oaeh X biiHiH, without bLinuoompnlled to pay higher prices to muko Up for tho loaaos raado iu the orodit uyatcm Gjill and hod our fjoods, wliioh aro alwayq of tho boat quality, and cot our prioen, which uro tho loivowt. Don*t tniiiM trying our Ton, at 32 ueniii a pound, Garden and Field Seeds direct from the largest growers and djealers in America, at lowest prices. OASn VMV FOR FIR8T.OL4S3 BUTTEft AND FREBU EGGS AKD OTHER PROOUCFi. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. M. ifi. WIGLB. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr. Scott Block, next Aberdeen.. JKssex, ^ fe^A^-i l ', A'*,< A,';-'>^/. ..*. v-iVT-'l-'ni^^V',; ,i AJ'^'ii,, ftt^un'/., -: V^it^i^U^ih^c^.i^^{ ^^'XOW'-n'iM r-*- | i "