V'TE " pf^w/fw ". ' ^HE EaSSrtR-X FFEE IR1SS. "*llfr ft. THE PAINTING ON TUB WAU- 'J'/lQlttf .(. J"/*tiff, CURED BY TAKING parilla "T wai r.tllMml for olfilit yoni't with Salt Khmiin. Dnilm; th.il llino, 1 nlr.l.i me .1 in.uiy tin Hit liifi which w..... h!j;iiU ut- nniiiu-iwfiMl, but nnno k.ivu mo n'lh f I , wiiiat U4i mlvNoii to hy Ajci'i H irsn- nui'li. ami hi'fVuo ] h nl ilnliliiMl Mm loiitUi . tilt, nn hands uucu'i Free irteA Eruptions ii'j i v( i tin y \m " . My luisuH'S'i, u lilcli l ill if ni .i (,il.-ililu'i\ n'i|iilu 'i me to l (mil in ciIfI mid wet weath'T, often w v/it limit i;lou'H, hut, the trouble liiu . nt'vr nMuiiiecl." 'JHOMAii A. Joiimi, j{i Kd.nfm 1, ont. VSSjyiKaisaparilia Afl iiM- i at tho WorU'n Fair. JLycv'H tfutu ti.'wwao th" Jlowels* ESSEX J as. Douglas, '-'NltfH ot tlie C^oldeu Hoot, Whitney Block - Essey to Loan On good prodnotivo Form Proporty at SJ.cJ: G por cant. Btraiqht. No Valuation Fees. tSfConvoya-nomg Done up iu Noat Style Fire and Life nsurance. 4. E.LOVELACE, ESSJCX, 0X7 A 4y% ra'rt- ! , Curw S/CW HEADACHE nnd Noura',-.. J In 30 MIHUTEQ, ai o C"te<] Touput, Ui/-1 I Bi-su, Hilton .ulI', Kiln in tho Side, Coii-itipanou Torpid Liver, Bail Breath to at ly cuid a\ o 1 'euulato the bowuls. very Nice ro yaku. PpftlOtX 2C OCNYB AT DRUQ STOWSC* NURSERYMAN, Ruthven, Essex County. Pouoh, Pour,' Plum, Applo and Quinoo Troon, Ronoii, EvorRroonn, Barry BiihIiub, ftaupborry, BlaoLoorry and Currant Ban boa. All Grab-claa fjoodn. Savu uuontH* Big Profits ! (Hid wriitt for prioun. Wo will ohoor- fully nnnw*r you by rot urn mail. SplGndid Apple Trees Al in ovory tenpoofc, $12 PER 100 - $12 / BY MUM, U, L. IMYKB. In Floronco, ho long ago that oenfcnr- Infl hitrViMi, a woman wuh performing keroVonbUlo duties in a liumulo, un- uw A4lJ pwUndfog Uouho on tho Via San Gullo, J ^i^fllUV^hTcrSfly'ao" whoro later a fntnoufl and nxquigite Kmtitua0. palace mimd it noblo proportion*. She j nofc ] Woro ih(mo R0O4 L.lr of tho littlo doad hoy was re pro*. 4ucod.lil hie picture. "Y" "',' Tho uuxt day all Florence hoird' the miraclo of tho picture. Although thoy domandod no fun to showthoir troaHuro to tho public, Giovanni and hiu wlfo LaoU e^ow rich by tho money tfivon was a woman oE tho pooplo, and uh Hho worked ulio Hang it Vonutbin lullaby, that Hounded uh sad and awoot no tho .o poopio, ana a mio )o loani0(1 tho truUl rcHp0Ctin(v thv worked h)io nan* i^Vonfltlatt lullaby, jminfciuK on fcll0 wnli_fchat it waM (bo AYER'S Hair VIGOR -L^-nt*--------/~Y-r~ at-------i t work of tv youth of Urbino como io i tinkling of a luto. Sho was alone, n,nd Fior()nco t0 HtU(iy, ono Itiipliiiol SmiLi, when a uuddon knock camo to hor door w),0B0 K<miu Wtt undoubtedly u ftift gho started and coitHod aing.nK, no from hoavon, and who, oven then, wa knowing that sho had told hor story of ttBqittto(njy patrician Plorontincs, iuid . *^T ^.Ijwtondtir ballad, un(lor Ul0 pivtronaKo of Taddoo TudtV'i, But with tho oonftdonco o! good f|ijmyHftWhim ,lffIlin whon ho nunc ' oltlzoiwlilp who opened tho door, and wUh ^ jiumiiifcy of goniuH to aslc tbrii saw by tho flwiiiRinc lamp a rod hfflit pormMon to ^produco tho pioturo foi a youth with a romarkublo counton- ^ j?lorolliino connoiHSCur who bad been I auco, soswoot and aincorn m ta ox- icin(| t0 him, and that picturo, tho Mi-! prosaion, and of a alight, gracolul fi^uro, clad in a R-oman tunic, opon at his white throat, around which tend rils of lonp? wavy hair clunp; with pic- turowjuo offoct, A cap of gray volvot covoved his hoad. Tho woman noticod that hia bands wm*o wlnto, the flnp;Qi-B wupplo, alHO that ho wao a littlo Rhabby, and oriffinaUonuVy/by tho aria of r had not the patrician air which diM- HIU100> And tho naino of tho artn donna del Oavdollino, was Rivon to Loroji'/o Nasi, tho patron who lui^l boon kind to him, and who valued it tho more that it had first been imod in a hifjh and holy miHHion of compasnion. It wan almost destioyod by the p-ent oarthquako, but aftorwaid way res* nod from obfjcurlty, and roHtorod t-o ito on ail- tiHt who fcinpruisliod ovou tho poor noblcy of pajntp(i ifc -lfi Wntton aa Master in Florentine birth. NovortholoHS, thorn ju^t0lH 0f litjhfc, wafl that in his spooch and manner '_______,________. which indicated a lPHorvo of power not i BtorloHof Kimono kihi, common to ono who belonged to tho A story that Iuih been written about pooplo. Field oonceniB the tiick he playod on "Can! sleep undor thin roof to-niKhtV* two car loads of TCaiiHus City mor- ho inquired in tho musical Tuscan chantq, who wont away ono time on an flyllahloH of hia native tongue. "Nay, sii, we keep not an inn for travelers and strangers," tho woman b Has Just Received The Finest and Best Assortment of Boots and Shoes; ^ In Essex, Great Value iii Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land. Call and Eq&tnlrta and boCon- ~--------vl"rrcs*>d-for yoursolvoy. , naid, "I havo ducats to pay for my lodg ing, but T have lost my way, imd am excursion. Kach car was to go by ft different route, and tho care aepuratod at an early hour in tho morning when everybody was asleep except 'Gono Field, who was along to wiito up tho trip. Just before the ours parted com- weary besides all tho inns aro full for pany be carried all tho shoes from ono the carnivnl." The woman hesitated a moment be- i fore answering, .then she said "For the sake of my littlo "Raphael, who is hut now an angol in heaven, you may sleep in our spare chamber. My hus- i band will be homo when tho music ' ccasos in the streets. You aro hungry, and mutit eat, but T will tako no pay, ' nothing but your good word." J "My name is Raphael, too, and I -fthftnk M"~s?rrd~iho youth, and he | entered theliousp where tho walls wore I bare, save for a cruyifix, and where a child's cradle with angels carved in rude sn-olls upon it was tho most luxurious pieco of fnrnitue, A supper of figs and brown bread with red wino wan Set before the Bti nngrr guest, and the woman watch ed him oat with ovor that were red with weeping, as she waited on him, foi -die kopt laying to herself: "Such a vouth would my Raphael have been if the angels had not needed him more than T." and then sho foil to crying as if her heart would break. "Is it to Clod you givo with tears?" asked the youth. ""Whore is your por trait of the, little one?" "I havo none, my good sir. Ho had oyes liVo mine, and a chin; like his father's. ITis hair was honey-yellow, and as fine as silk. And his hmile oh, sir, it was liko an angel's ; and, though it he wicked, I do say he looked like the picture of the Holy Obosr." "When Oiovanni returned to his homo, his wife Lucia explained to him the presence of the btrangor, and told him how hhe had refused money for a t>up* por and a night's lodging. "You did well, mia," he said, "for that the saints may comfoit our littlo Raphael, who must miss us sorely. What sayest? The same name? Who knows that he was not sent by tho Blessed Vngin for this veiy purpose? I will take a look at him and hoar what Iir has to sav." The youth had that insignia of bear ing which his host recognized n* knowl edge, but in what line be could not tell even when ho had asked tho question, "What dost thou to earn tbybiead?" "I am an artizan," the youth replied, and there the question rested. He was not noble they were, both these plain people, familiar with the air of nobility if their guest would not talk of him self, their hospitality forbado them the discomtosy of compelling him ; and lie waa interested in their littlo angel, hi- namesake a passport to theii regard. lie told them that he would bo up and away in tho morning befoic it was light, and he took the bo\ that ho car ried with him to his room t hathomight not disturb them on going, but be did not seek rest on the rough but clean pallet provided for him. All night they heard him moving a little, and a curious noise attended his movements bo that a great fear op^essod them lobt ho might burn down their dwelling, or do some damage of a strange, mysteri ous nature. And before morning they had mado up their ignorant minds that this youth with tho sweet face was none other than tho evil ono in disguise. They prayed loudly to the Virgin for aid, and, when it grew lig#t, and thoy heaid the street dooi close, they waited until certain that he had gone, then stole hand in hand to his room. And then they saw what seemed to them a part of that heaven whero their affec tions wore. Thoro wuh a groat picture op the wall that had been bleak and bare when last thoy saw it/Tho Viigin was depicted there in all her serene majesty of motherhood, with herinfant son leaning against her knees. There, too, was the little comrade of .Jesu-, tho infant St. John, bringing hi-* lov ing gift of a bird. But the littlo St. John had the exact expression, the oyes and smile of their dear boy Raphael, Tho hus-baud and wife diopped on their knees and thanked their gracious lady for this signal instance of her favor, for now thoy never for a moment doubt ed that ihoy had ontorUuned an ang'd unawares. And the ypleudor of the paints, yet undried, on tho wall, the colors that were blended with such ex quisite harmony that they ioM>mbi d fabrics of' silk or velvet, filled tl.em with ecstatic admiration of this divine work of art. Uvea the hui.6>-yellow sleeper into tho other and caiefully ex changed them. Then ho took tho almes fiom the sleeper that had a doublo supply and earned thorn into tho sleeper where nobody had any bhoes, Tho nc^t morning there was a blwo sticak two wajs across Kansas. Every man in both sleepers was miles away from his own shoes. WhiloOlaia Louisa Kellogg was in the zenith of her fame Eugeno Field accomplished a feat which was attain ed by no othei Rt, Louis reporter, in that ho gained at once her friendship and an intoiview. Miss Keilogfj's mother accompanied hor on hor toure, and religiously warded off newspaper men. Ono day Field eallod at tho Lin- doll Hotel and sent up his card. Misjt Kellogg's mother entered the parlor and informed the nonchalant young; man that her daughter could not hn .scon. Field lepln d that ho had not called as a newspaper man but as an amateur actor boating himself at tho piano, he sang ono or two ballads, and so charmed the old lady that sho sum moned her daughter, and tho two fipont the afternoon together in music, Ever after that Miss Kellogg never viHited St. Louis without receiving a call from Eugene Field. Tho Daughter. The superior wisdom of tho FemhiiiHS mind is shown in the fact that tho mother never rebels against tho daughter's guidance. She is tho firflt to discovei the young woman's wisdom and sho enjoys the security and sonso of rest which comes fiom feoling that bho has some one to depend upon, some ono to think and plan for hor. Sho regards it as providential that as the husband of her youth grows carelosa, ashis judgment becomes untrustworthy as to details, as he grows inclined to shirk the littlo questions which arise ia tho conduct of tho household, tho daughter quite naturally takoy up tho management of tho affairs. Of course it is often difficult for the mother to livo up to the course tho daughter marks out. Sho sometimes finds herself de ficient in tho strength or wisdom tho i daughter oxpects from her. But this ' is not real trouble, for under it all is ' tho comforting sense of being guided by a strong will,the sense of heingfrcefioin | responsibility for tho social and do mestic welfare of tho family is filling tho young woman's soul with satiafac- I tion, flattering her with tlw conscious ness of her great usefulness, making [ her realizo hoi irnpoi tancc in tho world. Kansas City Star. Hointat tlioBnlt. It certainly was an unfair advantago to tako of a man ; but business is busi ness, He was expecting a dun, and ho instiueted hisofiico boy to say, in cubo anybody tailed, that Mr. Filgarhc was out to lunch. Picsently there was a caller. Ho was stopped in tho outsido room by tho youthful Cerborus, who deliveied himnelf of tho formula accord ing to instructions. "Oh, he's gone out for lunch, eh?H said the visitor; "I'm sorrv for that. I wanted him to tako dinner with me." Filgarlic came out of an inner 100m with Italic piccipitancy, and with a face glowing with anticipated pleasuie. But the visitor caused the blood to io- eede and to makoPilgailic try to follow its example : for the visitor was a dim and knew Iub business. "If you can make it convenient," he said, "to pay that little bill." Hut why dwell upon tho agonies ot the situation? Boston Transcript, Ho Wanted tho Witt oh. A young ICnghsh hatrister in Africa was once retained to defend a Ztilu charged with stealing a gold watch. The evidonoo was entirely circum stantial, and tho lawyer mado such a good defense that hia client was dis charged. T]io same evening he was Hitting with the magistrate on tho porch of tho hotel w.han the ^ulucamo up anil said in Kngltah : "Master, can I wear tho watch now?" pulling out the htolcn article at the saine time. Tho magistrate roared with laughter, u'ud the young advocate was somewhat confuted. Now York Mail and J*)** uress. ono hottlo Beatoree natural oolor to the hai*. and also prventa It laUlnir out, ttura. H. W. Fenwlck, oi Dljrby* N. S., asiya: "A littlo morti than two years aj^o my hair began [w,-to turn * r> 5 X and fall out. A f- ter the uso of of! Ayor'a Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and muted falling out. An occasional application has since kept tho hair in good eonrlition." Mnc II. P. Fknwicjc, IMghy, N. H. "I have lined Ayer's Hair Vigor for three years, and it 1ms restored hair, which was fust becoming gray, hack to its natural color." 1 W. IIahkluovf, Pateraon, N.,). Ayer's Hair Vigor Httci'AHicD ny DR. J. G. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .$. 1 Avcr'u JP'UIh cum Hick JI cud unite* CHURCH DIRECTORY it tf" UsTlioutBT. Burvio* ivory SuixUy uC 11 n. in. mitl 7 t>. )a< B(t>tiuLl HeitooJ ut UU>0|>, m. <). to. N&yl'>r, Buyerlutm '* anfeof heiuiol. Kfciwiiitlj I^urii>i nray rntt^ttii CiltiBili<) f 'onltiu iif h o'oI'kiU, (hint',*.! t* nyni QiiuitOM ov Kwor.iNu IUv. A.Ij Ilavorly, In oninbout, Ht. I'ntllii, Khhux, IMvmeHorvlot) very Handay at V n'oluuk, p m Humiity Hchool at 30 a, n. iVInifcv Ohui-oh, North lt\aa* -ulvliut BHt-vIotkH <ivcii-y Hutuluy ut U \k id.; Huh Jay Holiool at l.lOtt, tti. Tho publla aro uor- Ually InvtUd. I'HKHUVTMUUN.-W.M.It'iomlMtf, Pimtor" Har_ vlcuMon Halibutli ilL 11 it, m. iunl 7-If) p. in Salt mtli Hohool tttU:!U)p. m. I'myor ui(ntlti({ ami "aiit^ir'ii l>lliln olhittt on 'I'utiny at7.3U p m. Hoolal Union on Wwiliumdavufc U.ltip. lUrri'tT t;nuuoir. Jtuv.M. P. tiauiubaU, Vu,u* toy. ^"- vluitri iianh Hulibatli at 11 u. in. hiuI " 1> ... rrayorm^ainiion Wtiiliw)H(lity evontiitt ntBo'olouU HmiUfrou. All aro oorulully woi oorjiud. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARC4C3T CjAUE IN CANADA. Holier Mills* rAMi3S NAVI.0II <nlcofi thin onportuuitj ol tf armmuicin u tna pooplu cf tho Town ami County of KiLiiox, that ho nun ronodolDd thoKa- hux XloUur MHlii aocordiii[( to pluiin projiniroilby It. N. "*rico, Rt Thomau, and htm a I no uoourod tlia noi*vlcon of Hoiikht Stujiciian, nn oxiiorl nutiod mid thoroiiijlily compotout nitUor. Thaiildiir; tho pooplo of tho town and oounty for tlio jiutroniipo bootowod upon him in tlio liaflt, will [fuariintoo fiatiufnctlon In tlio ftituiro Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THK BEST GltADER Or I-T.OUIt, PHED AND COItNHKAL KEPT IN HTOCK AND BOLD at man? fkioub. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essox, - Ontario. '"PHIS larno nnd conimoilinuii Tlotno han 1 boon thoroughly painted and rfplcniflhed wlthuuw furniture by prcnont proprlotrouii. IiAUOTS HAHN JN (ONNl-CUON. I'MrHt-CliiKB Aocomndfitioi) Guarantood. MHS. O WILKIMKON,FroprlotroB0. W jf^Xli 3-Xj\J Hiiloiunon to handle on '.In j "anadiuu Grown Kurnory fltoclc. Wo u-ufi'ii'itffl Ratisfuotton to ropronnntativoa and runt-morR, Cur munorieii aro tho lart'ont in tho Dominion, ovor 700 ncroii, No iiubfitltu'Ion In ordont Kxuluulvo tonitory and Hboral tormn to wliolo or part timo acontii. Writ*) un. 8TONK A' WELLINGTON, (Hoad oflloo)Toronto,Ont, (Tho only numory in Canada haviofi tontinu oicharun.) U-lim Mouiituin Climbing Has a \tondorfol fanoination for rauny men. Vnd tho bijihor tho mouutiun and tho greater Hpico of dangor about it. tho more iLuxiouH ift the ordinary mun, with any mountain olimbing mittinotM wbatovor, to izut, to tho ton of tlntt mountain. Thoro io an intoxication, a tlory nnthufiiaum about it that punhou ono on nnd on, and rontn tir dd mntolofl and mnpiros tU^yinRcouratJo to uvetlaatiuidy keop at it. uuul tho top ih roaobod uud tho ooahng zephyrn that fan Lho brow of tho mountain oool "yoar own throbbing tcmplea. Americana huvo thon^ht that it wuh uooeBuary to go to Europe, to tho Alps, to Ond any full (jrown inonntniuR to naalo. It'll all moonhhino. Iwi'fc 14,000 foot high enough, with ulumerti, those ruokod.cracU- ud oroatureo of iaa and onow, and oratora and liiiHnroH and pruoipiono to olimb over aud round, tho dtimo un in tho Alpn? Yon, thoy aro all rit;lit, hore cloiio at hand, and ifyounro nitorootod to It now whoro and bow and when, jant Bond your addrong, aud hix cents in htampi to Ciuh. B. Fkii of tho Northern Pacific Railroad, St; Paul, Minn., and ho will Rend you a boolc that rooouutn a olimb up quo of tho granietit reakd of oartu, written by tho gentleman whor*ado tho uncont. The ahaptor on thin mountain iu pro- fuflolv llluatratod m half tone otobingu taken) by it photographer wlio acoompnmod tho J arly for that purpoao. If yon aro m> toroatod enough in your own country to doairo to know about itu woudorful ucunio foaturoa, you want thlo boolc. UoktAt. (Utiioohi. i-'r. G. 13. MoGan l'ator, Hor/lui ovry otlior Hunday utH.HO p, ra. Huuduy >iohool utl) p. n. MiinnroNW ~ilij[h miLtmaiid Htirmon at 10.110 a. m,,oiit<johl<tin at J ii, m , hawttiou utu , m., VfiHpBrutiud Dunodlotioii at 7 n. m. 0. K. Mo Gun, P. P.___________________|________________ Halvaiion Akuv. T. H. MoLnod, Captain Halvatiou rnootlnuu on Wttduouilay, ThurHday and Hunday ovniili]j|; J-'roo and 10any, Haturday uvuiilnKaiiiinpni Huuduy, llalln(m inoatluifu for clirhitlunH frldiiy ovnnini(aiid II a. m. Hun day, Know Drill7 a.m. ovory Hunday. All aro woloomo. A. WIHMKH, IlarrlKtnr, Holioitor, Notui iJi I'ubllo Sea. Monoy to loan, utau Block, un-fitnlrH, Lmiitx. OliicdH, Dm 4-1 y \ L PKTKItB nanlntor, Bollcitor, Notai 'I Public Monoy to Loau. Onloo ovi ^truthoni' Hank. Kmiox Contro, CILAUIClii, 11AUTLKX' &. IUKTLLT, Bnrrii J torH, uto. Otlltiou, M<sdbury HlocU, Wiiuhic Privato fimdii to loan. A. ILCr.AaKi'., L. L IJ. N. A. IUbtlki A. K. IUiu/.kt, JL A. HUNUY C. WALTLItH, L.L.U , Attorney an.l Couunulo/ ut law, Solicitor in Chancorv, Pro.:tor iu Admiralty, Putont Holicitor, with AtkiuHOU it: ilaluli6b Coiinroiiii lit !woi<t, IJotrult, Mloli (Caimdluii claimn ti^iUnut pontonn iu thn Uuitod UtiLtoii colli*, tod.) Koforonotm Imiinrlal Hank, ICimox, Out, J L. Putori), btifj, Jiiirrlntor, uto., Ktinux.Ont E.A, Wlttmor, Liki,, Uairiiitor, etc., Kenox, Out D MEDICAL. KS. BUIXIN A JJItlEN. Jan Drian. Xf X), L. It , C, P. H., Rmduato of Quoun'u Unlvitndty, Klnfliitou, momlmr of Col. Ioru ol Phyidciann and Hurf-oonii,Ontario Grad- nntoof Now York. Pout Graduate Modioal Col- luge. J. W. Brion, M P., C M.t V. T. M. C. Honor Rraduato of I'rlnity M<adioal Collofjo, Honor fpradtittto of Trinity UniV(n"altyj_M.mhnr.of tho CoUofjoof Frjinioianri and Hiirj'nona, Ont GraiP" nato of f ow York. Pout Gradunto Motllcal CoIIoro Ofllooovor Tjfinox Modlca! Hall druc fitoro. Oonimltatlnn roornn, both on ground floo^ and flrBtllat ahovo, Tolophonu in both ollloo and rofiidiinou. All cnllti attondod to from otllcc, duij; utoro, or mmdunco. Honidonoo, Talbot dtroot, (rout ot fair uroundo, D BB. D15WAH & MoKENZni. V A DnwAii, M.D C M ,F.T M B. Honor Gradu- iito Trinity Univoinity. Mombor ('ollofjo Pliyi alann and Huruuonu, Ont. ItoBidonoe, Tulbo fr-ERBt. G. MoKismzii:. M. D. C. M., Coroner, Now York rout Graduato, Follow Trinity Modical CoUobo. Graduate Trinity Unlvoralty Itoiiidunco: Talbot tJtroot, wont of M. O. It, Olllco houra 8 to U a. m,, 1 to 3 aud 0 to (t n. ui Miloo In Imporinl Punk blcck r.rouud lloor noxt to Tboruo'Bdrui: titoro. Toloiihonoin oonuootlou with oCQoo and loiii donoo. Ordera loft ut Thnrno u druK otoro will U> promj'tly attondod to. DENTAL. P. MARTIN, D.D.B., L. V. B. Giaduato ___ in Dontiiitry, It oval ColloRd of Doutal Buifteoun, Ontario, aud Uuivontlty of Torouto Charnoii.niodorato. Ofllco, ovor Brlon & Coi -itva Btoro. lti-lv H VETERUJARY^ Wn ItlCMAItDHON. VKVKRINAUY SUK , GEON Honorary nraduato of Ontario "Votorinary Colleuo, Toronto; mombor of On tano Votorinary Modical Society; DiplomiHt in Doutiiary, troatii all dlnctuioB ol domontlcatad animala; onlilo dohornod by tho latent luiprovsd Loavitt olipuor Calln by tolcrihono or tulo- (iraiih promjitly uttendod to. ItoulJonco, four duorii nouth of Rriiit lulll, offico In r>ont officn bulldinu; inflrnmry. directly oppoidto. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIRD, Provincial Land Burvoyoi and ('ounty Knifinoor, Ehuox Contro, Out Ofllco, Dunotan Illook, upBtairn. AUCTIONEERS. HENKY JILDHICK, Auotlonoor. Bnlot promptly attondod to AudroBfl South Woodnloo, Ont, Pomonri donfrinc to necuro m may loavo word at tho FitKR Piikiih ofllco. tf H. HEDIIICR DBINCLAIIi, LICENSED AUCTIONEEll for tho County of Ennox. Ilailiffof IHlfthtb DivlHlon Court. All ItlndH of Farm and other Haloii conduotoa promptly. Katon roa^onablo and furnialiud on auplicatfon. Kunuironi may npply at W D.Boainan'iioilloo, or at tho ofllco of Dlvlnion Conrb CKrlt.Mr. John Milno JOHN OORMLEY, LICENBKD AUCTIONEER for tho County of Ehbox. Allkindn of farm ntock bdIoa, nto , oonduotod promptly and on abort notlco, Raton roucoi'ablo Pornnna dcairablo to nrvanito (talon may do no by oallingat tho FaiEis Puicnn ohloo or by applying to /* J.GORMLEY, P. O. Box 165 Lfinox, Ont. 10>o o( ttto TI>K. Do not be Induced to buy any other if you buy a mado up your ruind to tnlio Hood'o Burftupanli'i, Uimomber U at nood'oSurnapELrilli cures wbou all othurs fail. Do not givo up iu dasrau: bao*uBo othuv modioincH havo failod to help vn. Tuko Ilood'w UarHaparilla Uith/ully and yod may reasonable ox pent to bo cured. llood'H i'idfl aro purely vigjitbl*, care fully prepare! from thn bunt ii^iedieatw, -.50 FRANK MoCLOBKEY, Maldatouo, thirty- Bovon year rt' oxporlouco na nu nuotlonoorin tbo Oountv rtf Eflfiox. Balos oonduotod promptly, and on roaoonablo torrnu. Partlon doairln: to fix tho dato for a nolo oiui oavo tbomBijlvof a drive by oalllni* at tho Fjush Phmbb ofheo Wo havo arrancod with Mr, MaOlonUny and will flx tho datoii for iialou by tolaaraph, ontiroly Jroo of all eaavco to thoporfion holding tho sale. Ad- droaB Frank MoOioBkov, Maidstono CroaH, Ont, lofi BAKER.____ THE oldont buoinoBB in town. Entubliatid 1B70. Flyflt-olaHH broad and aakoB of tl ttinclfl. Woild'nRoakoiianpoolallty. Groaonoa nrovbdonfl, Usui, food, salt acd pork. Comoo fcionory.oroflkery.ulaBBwaio. Cannedtrultaand voBta^blonof all Ulndn. floods JPWimijtly <lo Uvorad to all partu of tho fown. J. M. HIOKh. JOl-tl UND AND LOAN ACENTS C1- KORGE J. THOMAS, Oonvoyancor, Com- y miBflioor,in Hlb Court of Juflt(e:doa)oi m Itoal Enttto and MorttfiitfoH, Mouoy Ui loat at tn lowest rata of Intdreflt. FarmH hoUEht tndBold. luBtirauoo taken in tho moat rellabl* oomrntnlew. DrftWlnK of deads, inorlafiB and leaeeatt BpoolaHy. Olmrfioi uaodorato and all buslnOBB promptly attoadod to. Call at the Central Tol6hoe odoe, EBuesGontrrt. fill-lT <<fi 3=3 Plnoaln the world for youutf men mid women to eoouro a HUHinoaa Ii!duoatlnn(Uhorthand,oto l[i the Dotroit RuBlnosi Univornltv. De troit, Mlah IllqBtratodoetalOffu* Frfo, RefereuopR: All Detroit, V. JKWELL. i*""' p R- BPKNOK1*, Beo. Best MARRIAGE LICENSES. > L. P^RK, IBBORR OV MAIlrJIAG ------nr**" M L, VJiRK, IBSOER OF MAUBI XL*, nonaeg, ItlobardMbBllK., Buex MllAUHKTT. laucr of Mriig Llosme * ConiiiilBiop*r In O.J-.eto, Gsttj, Oa . ,/ 4 tr D. RMAMAN, Innnorof Mnrria^o IjlconfloK, Ynturauoe ent. Nightofiloflut DwolHup. ~r- -\ . TALIIOT STRHrBT, KBBEX, UNDERTAKING. '-r- n~r*UMMK .U, Ondorlakor aiid Famiitu Poalnr. flolllim, homo and faotory mril from %\\ to *:t<). MoGrocor.Op*' ARCHITECTS. YOHN A. MAYOOOK, AIIOHITEO'I*, Ao.. It no ui 10 and 11, Fleming Rulldla^, Wladuor, Out IMiouo 211) SOCIETIES I O. O. F.-KNTEIU'RIBE Lodfio No 9t& moottiovory Thumday, ovoniuK at 7,S01a Oddfollown Half, lu third utoroy ButmtaD Bla Vlultln^mombovH uf othor lodiroHwlll reooiv ft-atornul wohiomo, V/. OHATTERTON, N. UKNTRAL KNCAMl^fENT.No.ett, moeUl OddfollowH" Xlall.Dutmtan'H Rlook, on tho fl mil third TuoHday In oaoh mouth, Vlnitorga dially rooeivod. Moioburiiof Biibordlnatolodi In tli*. jurlfi<I lotion, luvltod to join, HANNAN, O. l' G. V, HILL, Uoo, E BHEX FIRB imiGADK, MEH3T8 MVK1 .J 1'rlday eveiiinif in tho Flremon'ii room I tho Btono hulldlni;. Jan. MoMurray, Chlei, Kobt. Purltor, Captain. A, Hurnham, Lleuton- nnt; P. Diluo, Hoorotary, Frod >Uyatt,TroaHurer. COURT ROYAL, SO "19, I. O. V. Mootii HOGond and tnui-th Tuottday's in Bat^ month In i. O, O 1' Hull at H o'olook p. m Vlfiitiiif! bruthorn will bo iflvon a frut*rualu< como. s: MuCaunland. C. It., W. C. Hhaw, He< t M J. Wlfilo, C.H.ll O it. ^&>f' Michigan Gmzm " Tho Nuwarct halls Rout*/' ooino isinr TaUliiff offoct May Hlth.lBOfl. Hxp. a m. 0 20 0.60 Dotroit,. Wiuddor .... Polton . Maidntonoo Kniifti:. Woodnloo... It-uacomb Cora hor KidRotown.. Itoduny.. Bt. Thoro a London.. ^t. Thomim. Kodnoy . Kidaotown..... Com bur Iluiicotnb . WoodHleo... Kiikox ,, MiiiJiitono Cr Polton , Wintliior liotrolt. . .. Mall a.m. -n 7.10 fl0.1 H.U 8.21 B.liH h:i7 io,ir II H0 EXP. a. m. 0-iO 10,10 7.20 10.B3 8.47 11 50 10.00 I.OB OOINO WKHT. p.m. Li-10 2 40 3 .'it) 4Cj7 BUO B60 6.0:1 0 11 o ir> 7.10 a in. 10 94 11. Hi liUO 12.45 Aocom p.m. 4 40 B.Ofi B.10 B.M SK0 COO C.04 7 30 7.IJA 8iO u.ta. fi.lB (JJJfi 7.H8 8W 030 O.QS n.-tfi 0.M 10 M M).W 1C.30 10.W Atuhf mthur^; Local Triilnu, wkht KArrr p m, 11.10 6 2fi 028 0J10 0/>0 a ru. a,m 11.80 B.lfi 13 03 iaio 13 tfO 12 N) oaa 8 80 8O.-1 Ennox Ednnrn .7.00 L E A 1) RJXInn (I fiO McGvfidor H.4H AmherfitburK n J10 a.m. am. 7.1 fi D.BO 0.40 0.85 0110 0.10 p m fi.IM KdO 4.60 4. DO All tralim aro run on central utandard tlkne, which in nixty minnton alowor than Ksfle^ tlma. For Information and raton to oolon- iittn moving wont apply to John G. La von, Pas- flonaor Acout, Bt. Tboniaa. O. W. Riifltdoa, G*u- orul riiniKJiiRor una Ticket ARont, Chioafio, JT1 or A, O Btimorn. Acont. Ebbox. L. E. & D. R. Fty, TIMK TAI1LE NO. 20, taalrp offoct Mouday, Dec 29,1805 Trainn run by Eantorn Stand ard Timo. Daily oxcopt Bnnday Cl3 a M 3 i M BTATIONfl, H ~4 i w r * 6 'A o a, o d1 A M A M V M K M A U P V. Offl 1200 n.'io Pop Walkcrv'lo Ar 0 30 rt,f>0 4 40 o.yy 12 :jo 0.i7 Walliorvillo .Tunc. 1) CI tUH 450 0 HO 13 40 fi :tti . ... Polton........ H 67 5,1.7 3.00 04^'124S 0.40 .. . + Oldaintlo H f:t 5.17 )r,m 0 m 12 fi3 G 17 B47 5.(8 15.1U 1157 1.10 0 M N43 5.DU 15,111 10.01! 1.10 0GH ...\ Now Canaan... H UU 4.40 BUG 10 01) 1.30 7-10 ... 1 Mnmhllvld ... H 20 4.83 &as in.it, 1 CO 7.17 H 1W 4 25 0.41 10 27 2.03 7.C7 nil 400 0.51 10.U7 2 35 7.U7 ,.. KinpBVillo..... 8 Cl H.45 56o 10.1ft i?W) 7.44 7 01 11.15 0.05 10 6ti 11.15 7M .. L tarn Inn ton ... .....Whentlcy..... , . + Ronwiok .. . 7 40 2,40 e.21 11.11 4 10 8 tli 7 24 1.54 6&2 112C 4.80 fl.17 7 15 1,38 6 43 1 l.W 4 45 Him ,.. Coatnworth ... 7 10 1,15 6 53 nas 5.13 a: ia ..,. \ Glonwooil..., 7 00 1'Jltii 7.03 ii.in 0.31 (M0 tt eu 12.21 7 10 11 CI! B45 ft 47 0 45 12 V. 7.17 ii cr. MSfl una (1 40 12 00 7.22 13.04 fl.OB 000 .. tCodarSpriPBfl." 0 1)1 11.28 7-S7 13 11 fi.lft 0 07 Blunbeim Juuot'ii 0 24 11.8ft 7,S3 13 1(] 0,35 0.11 .....Blonho'm .... (1 20 ll.Jffl 7.37 IV.',34 0 45 0 20 .......IWHLio..... 10 30.1 M 7 40 13 115 7.00 0 31 ArRidRotownDop 0 00 10,(tn 7".M r ir, r. m. r m A.M. XMl.'V.V. \ Floe Stations Traiun atop only when tbere aro paBHcncorn nt or for thcBo Btntlonw, Misd train(j aro at al times tubjeot to bo ounccUed W WOOLLATtf. Gonoral Hupttrlntflhdntf Furniture Warerooms, DW IS YOUR CHANCE If you want good furniture for littlo ivotioy. An iiDUieiiBe utock of Furuituro to choono. ' from. Evorythint! from a kitchen ohair to the flneBt quartor out oult,at prices lowet tliau any whoro in this county. Kindly ivo aa a call. All (/ocxIh Jolivorod freo of charge, 100 CORDS OF WOOD WANTED in exohaugo for furniture. UNDERTAKING A SPECIAL! Fine Huh of ondortukiiiuHupplieB 4wayi \l hand. V/ill farmob al) carriages (pbedi <. 1 PrioeB right close. J. a. HICKS & Co.. ,XJV .i.-n MMM^^>UL \*'J>:3Pipdrz*J& , \- '*& X ,1/tW^4 55