Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 20, 1896, p. 2

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THE ESSE^ PRE R; T^Sfci^B** &', auti- ESSEX FREE PRESS BOSBX, OIT-X1. Published Every Friday Mornlhg From tho cfiloo on Talbot Struet, uoxt DmiMtim Block. Special attention in paid to tho publica tion Qf nmttor of local imporfcunoo, uoonr- ate and r**hablo roportu ol Town, nelghbor- ing Town* hip and County Oounuil ptoouod- l&ftir, local anil county murkot ruportii, oto,, tho oarfa. and judioioiiH munii^omunt of Twi FnKM PiutHH, with runpoot to thetio and . other current multum of looitl importation, baa ^Woii it it widuRprond pronti^n in tho centre of Khx comity,which hi roon^uizod rej ono ol! the bout agricultural diiitnotu in Ontario. Tine Funis Piwhh iti thn only medium oiraulutinj; thoroughly in tint) central portion of tho County, and iti con- equoutly,without doubt.tboonly thorough advurbitmig medium for bnnmonn ponplo wiflhuif; to roaoh that oluiui of uuntomnru. aoniiKin'OM)iGNCK.| Our oolumuu are nlwuyii open for tho iBaooablo dii-ouimiou of mattom pertuinin- J }tho public welfare. A.blo corrui'pnndontu in all tho mmound- jj loonlitieii fnrniah roliublo roportu of ' ouIh oi intercut, occurring in their no vurul hofOH; luul tho rublinher hi at alUimei* loanod to rocoivo intorowtin^ it mini ot iw from any dinpnnud to forward contri bution!!. All ooinmnnicatioiiH of a privuto and Doiiudontial nature, tihould bo no marked 3d tlio oniuido of the onvelope. injuflcnii'TioH 1'iucii. fcl.OO per annum, Htriotly in advance, Jl.BJpor annum if not no paid; una all arroar" chared at that rato. AUVKUTIHEMKNTH. Trantuimt logal and munioipal advor- tiHeinonth, notioou, oto., ohargod at tlio rati) of ton oontn pur lino, fur lirnt inaortiou, and livo con to pur lino for ouch oabiicquout innertion. All uueh advottitiomonto are motiHurod by a iioalo of iwolvo luion to tho inuh. Local roadie[{ und other noticon |iub. libhod among local uowh matter charged at tho rato of ton contn pur running lino for .oh inoortion. All noticoB of churoh or Hocioty enter tainments of any description, at which au admifioion foo iti chared, aro regarded an advortiHomontH, nod fnll advortiaiDg ratoa charged in nil anch caiieo. Noticon of qath- erinfta or mooting!* not for poauniary hone st or aid, will bo cheerfully pubhuhod freo of obar^o. Special contraot ratoa made for diiiplay or utandrng advtH. All le^al orprofofiaion. al cardH undor ouq inch, 95 por annum. JOB. On CO MM 15 It CI AL rlMNTINa, Tho, JfcnsK . Piushh Job Printing De partment in under tho Duporvhuon of thoroughly competent moahiuiicH, and Bpooial attention ifl paid"~to thin branch of tho trade. Our faoilitiotv for tho exoontibn of all Jtinda of Booh and , Pino Job Printing aro unoxoollod. Stoaro power proHoea. A call nolioitod. DUHINICHH UKOULATIOMfl. All Job Printing and Tmntuont AdvurtiHing accouutB, Htriotly canb. Advortiaing accounta with rogular patrona ; aro Bottlod quarterly. Sub- oriptionQ duo m udvauoo. No unbocription to tho Frke I'ukhh, or advortifloment pubhuhod in it3 coIuitwb will ho diHcontiuuod until all nrroatst uro paid in lull. ObangeH for adyertiHotnontH, to uoouro inaortion in tho current iuHUo, munt ho handed in not later than noon of tho Tues day preceding, and notice of Huch intend- od oliaugo iu required on tho Monday pre ceding. Notiao of--rhficoutinuancG-of -advoi tio- montH muflt bo givon ut lauHt one week in advance of tho ififiuo in whiah they aro desired to laat appear. ADVUHTIHEUH, SubaoriborH and patrons generally aro roquostod to roud tho abovo ro^ulationn oarofully. in order thut confueion may be avoi.'n.'1. <m thuy will in all cahOH bo adhort-d lo. Addrofl all communicationa to] B. J, LOVICLACIS. Publiulmr tlio Kusiex If mm Pinsiin, Eaaot, Out -A* e v/-H Great and^> thoroughly re liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Bood 3, Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Jarsaparilla It has won Its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "Tho f boo of my little girl from tho time Hho wuH thrda month* old, broke out and WftH covorsd wlthucabs. We gave hortwo kottlw* of nood*!! BartmptrUU and H com* plotely cured her. We ara glitd to rccom- knend Hood'u 8rHpttrllla." Thou. M. OAttUNO, Clinton, Ontario, Be hum to Get HoocPs i_____ .------------------------------------------------------------. XX^rvAK* Dili** H6* harmoniously with HER.....LIFE"" INSURED. Was Monotary. Gain the Motive for Murclor ? THERE WAS A POLICY POR S3GU0 PALAOB STUAMDms. ^ LOW BATECi. CLEVELAND, PiTTSBURQ, BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST UVHnV MVllNtfiQ QQTWnCM DETROIT J Connectltur with earliest irulna at Cleveland for all point:! \' \st, South aud SoutUv/wt, Sunday YripsluHi^luIy.'rtuQuct cfi-.J'Scptonitjcr OnJv Paum tmma fan Wruu DarwctrN ^TOSKBV, THE '500," MARQUGTTn. AND UUl.UTH. K> new ntcel pasacaper i.Le-r.v.eri U.t.m \v.;t ihuilt for. our Ujmtr Lul^; ivwui, o^t.u-.f- loo each. Scad for iUuELr-icil pauipl*k-t! fciWJ, A. A. OCMANTX. a. r. a t. *, DDTP.OlVj f/.l'JH. EiHRfitr a mum wm mi ea Aud It >Vna Miule *uyall uu clt D^alli or Kmn .liiiiiea (ok* i'uuu;li) to WH- Umui Tliuiiiuit ilaiuf* <*ir Huiu- uiuud) IIi* IIiuUhiuI A tituri- Hna Unv^lftpuiKiit, Toronto, Mnroii 13. Tho devcloi>menm ut yuaturday In connection with the Hammond-Tough pchioiilng cascjrlvo a new und moifj "terrible aspect Ui the- tragedy that haa during the past few days so excited tho iiuiet town of Ura.venhurat, and which naj!--..iouttti(l uu Intereat haidiy less duep'..* Lhis. city. Froia facta which can..j tu jikuL yeaterUay, it luuKa aa it Uiere its in prospect nnother uonaatlon' al murder vui& of tlie auunp Of t'hoac In v.mcii the prif-:onera Were tlie Hyariiii bi'oLheiii, LUe ij.,ltUt;^lluLLa( the lllfaill- ou.i iiolinea, ana -viih. iiunley; triabs u. which ilit: luuuve arK-'d tor tile ci'jnii_- uiicH'.^i wab the tiL.-iire tu aeciire .Jif.uiunee luuJiuy U'llictl liad been pluc- tvl on Lite rtUp]jo.-,ed V'iCLHU.S. ii it w;ia iiuleeU froin tlie hand ui WiUiuni iiaimnuiid that hia unfortun ate your.';; wue l-eccived the Vial o; deadly poison whieh la biLicl to have Li_uii the of her dtralh, unci on Llihi point nu opinion can be expressed ui lu-etiont, then the develoi>inont-S oC > tfieriiay show a motive for the deed ut a vuiy btront; ajid tangible .'cluu1- jcter. The dccea.4ed had, hardly a month beture liL-r dealli, talitin out a policy lur y.^ouu in the Provincial Provident LujiLttuiion ol St. Thomas and made it paianlc'to her' hutb:md. There Is u.lso evidence in trie n'iil'H own haiuiwi Itinu linn wlulu m Lamala at the time of iiiLii' i:.;u't;ii;'--,'L[i iiihuraue,: policy had i.eeu phu-v^i o.i .Mrs. flii-iikulld'a life. . ..c Lijei-: j <>L the pres-. eUllon will i.-u.v l.'i: i;i.:t Mujiktitn.1 h;nl hei-n ('."- I.; ei';a<:!y [ihniii-iif, the murder ul' lii:1 ^ lit:. i;\ lii 11 urn I iu- unie of his Mr.: r- I'iiif.o. i;i order that he mi^hi -Sivinv l I.c 1..MU lUiet' IKiJlmy. Al UK- time Kai-: TuLi^'h made a;.pii- L'iiLlon lur tiie iiiHliranet Wi ;; lhi-'u: ;.i ih.; em ploy uf Air, T. l.i. I...... 4 C'J Uulhui>: t - a t r ee_t^_ _ It wu?; about" lii>- end of Ducejvilji;i I lia t l*Iate Tou;.-)! i-iiti-frd t ].. - cpi.jpnny arw| inqulreil of Mr. It ^.U'lllIlK rat (.'.4 Ol' IU -ll! .illl ':. tile liiiliie oi KfiLhet'llie eiliza- .-, explained that hf-C .\*!i;i,ei: iiej- to make eiiuuirk-a *.:'L ol'.tusuraiiei: in thin com- li'.ri :,] i\ Armliriist hud g-iven nil i'*'-d Information ahe atated li,* had not thi.' money then, but i-r l.H;' a:i;| wuh to get It, as he : some money, and when .' wuuhl C-dll in *atfaln. On ln>-L th.o HO-called Mrs, Janiea tlie olllee and told Mr. ihut Hho had concluded to lv ;?i iininoc. Sho wanted a V':m, iind desired It made li i- husband, Mr. William a-.u e.- 1.1 lh, ii:li|'t!.\t ':;,- ^;i\-i- tne-h*.; : l-i 'l" ! i -any. i'.'-r lh- .; .- ! !';it h '. ,'IS 1 - ii u.w y . , I. ::h!ii:M ' ',- 1 ' \' for .ih!.- i- .iti : i le \v vr.iy, in ilur* time taken out iir hmdnind. i'-. Y ., Mm en u. rnere ra >h- inii'i manlfeutod here 1--.: COPYRIGHTS. , '.N [ (HirAlN A HA'fKN'r ? Vat h ' und uu )ini,cv. opnm-n. wrltii to NN Jii <.:((.. wUobuvit Uml iH:ui*("il.'i.v v^nra' iricnctj in tho jiutwit bnalii-i*'?. ro'tjihuv.l^ii- uaiiuauy emiiidunUul. a JimuIIjo,. Jtor In. foramtio:) P(.ni'<>niUic Hnhoit^ nn-i tioirtn oh- taljl tlior" fic.v.i I'ltth. 41 no ii ffnJ:ilnii-i-;u(;;iU(;ami. col mid ii-i.i;ulllj kvnnliu toui 1 rot). Patwiu tni'.on Uiroiijrb. Mw.u ii f,<\, rocotv i vtocial uutlcfiln tli hiulowtUlt; Aiv4i.'i*irTUi. iuk1 bun urn broiiuht wltlrtly lw>ii>r<Hli Thin uplcmidld naj)r, die oojit to tba luvoiitor. ... ifukt.mih wn<l wtMkiklr, oiaitly inu4tnit<i. litu by/ar't hit kro4c lrculai)akt t>t n>iy uiunthlu work in tho BnllAlag Ij/IIUob. tnontHWv V-.Wit your. - Hlnuln ICTry nUtnbiir cxuttaliu bomi- iii. with plan*, ma HlhUfbUll'V* WhaVtbo j^m>i**s3S2afZ'm ACdrMrt " ttaejiuvAv ;. I.iviir i: l -11.".'.. i o eutll-.idi-l ;i ;;. the ' .\'eiiniii'st poisoning' caBO. '1 'U.'-ii nml Win, K. Hammond m: ii -t-il in i lutftilo on Nov. 1(J, : . .'d it wus leported that her hus- i.i.i tool; out a i-t-liuy on the life of hi'-, wile hi the Meiropolltiin Insurance 'I'liii'.'iiiy, Ham mo in 1 assumed tho nnnii; of vVilllani Thomas James. The u-ivii.i oi' the Bureau nl Vital Siiulntlcii j--i.o\v:i that Win. Thomaa .l.'inmji of '.'oionio, wnt., aged lili, a law Htudent by ui;eui>ai;on, whose father's name was lOplualin and whose mo ther's name was S;i:nh_MLoKtJ\vaa mar- riKd to tlutherlne K. T^ou^hoFTioTonto, Ont., ageil ','St, whus;e father's namo wa-a William and wnose mother's nama was Elizabeth MrNnhb. This mar riage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Georg-e Whitman, the pastor of the Cedar-street l<iptlst Church, Toronto, March li. When William Thomaa James Ham mond appears before folice Magistrate Honry Oastle and Mayor MtiNuiU Ui the. .Gnivcnhurfit Police Court ntxt W.edheaduy. to anower the charge of having murdered 'his Wile, Katherine lilisiuneth 'i'ounb. be will be ounfront- ed with a musy of circumstantial evi dence that has a utrong tendency u oonilrm the suopicion that the young woman canvo to her death .by pol.suii administered to her by her huftband, the motive being to pain the proceeds of several policies of in&uranee on her lire, the prlaoncr belhK the benellclary. It la now-beyond chubt that the de- ceaBetd carried a corn Idordble amount at InAuVAricc, fill of which wau takon In tho name of "JamcH," and In ease of death would rtevort to hor huabaad. ooi.kj^m-uj' iweclts ago,.,Uec^a^tf(i t^ out a poliqy Tor Jiiotio li) the Provincial Provident IiiMtltiitlon of St. Tlmmart. Hhu had * itlso rt-tiently tiiUen out it nollcy for $20U0 In the Motmiiolltnii of New Yoik. ChU'f of.l'olloe Arolibt Hl"au ca.uie to Toronto on Thursday and Jnnpector Btark detailed Detective Uuitowh to bi^lp him In the case. h'roni paporit found In Hammond.'n police: jilon at the time of hbi avreMt, the ileh'etlves rlglilly nunnhicMl that UK- dead girl wiih Intmvid, atnl after somr: dllllfuilty ihey onnllrmed this fact by JlliJlUllKJhe Intiiijjiru't: oirieon. Th detectlVVM then went to Ham mond's late bourdlru: house. :ir. Tiovor- ley-tareet, whore they hoped to find a trunk belonging to Hammond, hut wro disappointed to learn from Mrs. KATH TOrOU-IlAMMONI). Kplnahn Uiunmond, Bryan that Kplnahn iiammonu, fa ther of tho priKouer. had called on the previgus evening and laiien the trunlv away, saying It waa to be aent tu Gravunhurat. riloan and Burrows lln-n went to the (Jiuoa Station ami dis covered that the trunk had been held over till the rnoi nlng .train. A mes sage wiia sent to Gravenhurst to lmve It-impounded oa Un arrival, but the trunk never reached there. It appears that for some-reason -Mr. Hammond, ST., and a private detective who was working with him, had gone to the Union Station and stated to the au thorities there that the trunk" hmi been Kent' to (Iravenhurst by mistake, and aMthig that a wire be sent up tin- line to have It returned aa soon ar, possible to tin: city. Detective DurroW.s got on to this move, and learning that It had bet-n transferred" to a crossing train at Al- Jundate, watched for the Incoming train. When the.train arrived old Mr. Hammond had a private detective nam ed Ellsworth anxiously looked for the precious box. They bad secured it when Detective Burrows went up and took possession of It In the name of thn Crown. Tlie trunk was taken to detective headnunrtcrn, where it remained over night and was opened -yesterday morn ing". To the surprise of the detectives It turned out to be the trunk belong ing to deceased, as It contained a quantity of woman's clothing, but also a number of shirts and other things belongnlg evidently to Hammond. There were numerous trinkets, but the Important And consisted of tin* two Insurance policies in the Provident and Metropolitan, a number of letters nnd a marriage certificate. Among tlie letters were several from deceased to Hammond, one of which was dated Nov. -!>, I8!>ii, and would lead to the belief that policies had been taken out, or that applications had been imule by deceased for Insurant'.- in the KqultabJo and Xew York UiV companies. The letter was writien by deceased at Buffalo to the prison er, who was. then in New York. The wedding of Katie Tough to Wil liam Thomas James was shown by tlie marriage certificate to have bn>n sol emnized by tin; Rev. Kdward Whit man, a Baptist minister at Buffalo, on Nov. l!, lSl"ii One of the letters that wore found in the trunk was from Hammond to his wife, which would lead to the In ference that lie was hard up and ex pected to get money from his wife, Another letter waa written by Mrs. Hammond from Gravenhurst atter he-- return home, She asked for hor trunk. which was In tlie city, and said that her parents upbraided her for being so mi.eli away from home. Her parents argued from tlie fact that she had not her trunk that she had b< on out of em ployment and that her trunk had be-n iv lalned for her board. She said that she had told lies to conctmj the real slate of affairs from her people. She begged him to write to her as she had written four times and received no aii- twer. That h-lUr was dated Feb. 1M of this year. * It was on Jan. y that Mrs- James, an the was called, went to Mr. Armbrust of the Provincial Provident Institution and staled that she wanted a policy. foi JmUIW payable to her busbjnd, Win. Thomas James. She w;: s 'examined by Dr. It, D. Mol'faU, ail Parliament- street, and accepted as a good risk. Tin- result <>f the examination was sent to the head olliet* uf the company at St. Thomas along with the form In which the applicant for Insurance gives the names of two references and also of the family doctor, \iiie, uf the refer ence's given by the girl w;ta l!ie name of Mrs- J. T. B. Lee or -Ifi!) Bathnrst- street, Where Kate Tough was employ ed as a Ihe time. The .com pany sent on a list of 'itiost ions lo Mrs. Dee regarding the girl, and. the answers being satisfactory, .tlie poil.-y was made out payable to Win. Tlibs. Jumes, and mailcsl to the girl at . IM) Bathurst-slreet. Kate Touj:li In the meantime had paid 51H entrance fee and $0, the first ycar'a premium, to tho 'company. "1 remember the examination very well," said Dr. Moffatt. "She wan a perfectly healthy girl, and I consldm-ed her- an exceptionally good Insurance risk. I think she said that her husband waa a lawyer residing on BatlmrsL- street, and I thought nothing of her desiring to Insure her Ufa in his favor, as this 1h very frequently done." Mr, Armbrust wiw of the same opinion. Ho cald he did not see the rrmn Jamea at all during the proceedings. The girl transacted all the buaUvias herself. On Jan. 13 last a few days after she had boon in the Provincial Provident to apply for insurance, Kate Tough wrote to Mr.-Armbrust In relation to another policy taken out on her life. The letter stated that while on "the other aide" her huabaml had placed some Insurance on her life, but q\\q wanted her husband to have it can celled, as |t had boon obtained under false pretences. Her husband, oho aald in her letter, hod prnmltied to do this, but had been busy and had not had the time. What ahe wanted to know was did thia flrt pollpy make any difference with respect'- to tho policy she had applied to the. Provin cial-Provident'for 7 Mr. Armbrust re plied that liavlnj? another policy on her life made no difference. Tho girl did not state In tho letter the amount of the first policy, the company, tho name It hail been taken out in. or where it had been t*ton' out. tfho- Policy to which sUiv referred was tho Metropolitan 111 .Mine,, hint yeqrfvJtfiaji Tou^ll en tered the rvrvlae of Mr^MoKctlar, l>f Biitliinn-Mi:e,.t. giving Ir.r proper mime. .l'hr e, jih th^ie jvvmjiI moiilb.jt, lit 'I \ 1 eh lilted. 1 (in, mond ol! "n called on her tlu:re. Thn girl left mi Nov," la, prenninably But date Hbe went to Buffalo with Hammoml. About r. o'clock liuwt night Chief Hloan calleil at tho TVf.-otlVo D'rpitrt- Themr-for the trunk, (n-wbhih the evi dence wan found that nhown the mo tive for a crime, If tln-iv was a crime. Older mimui nlioublere<l the bo* nnd took it drnvmiLnlni, where he hoisted It on to the front of Pat HuBlvan'M hack. A World reporter accompanied the chief an the drive to the Union Htiitlon ti. entrh the r.,15 train for Omvcnhin-nt. At the station the hag- irntffman remarked. "Didn't 1 check this trunk yeaterday." "You did,*' replied (he chief, "but It will gu to \^y. deidlnntloti llihi time." The chief, slated In- believed Ham mond had no t-"ink. and JVB-etlvo Burrows, Is of tin; Mann* opinion. Thern- forf, no further s-areli will be mado In lhat connee:l!ou; "Ifow wiih Ihe [n-l'-nrit-r talcing !i!upn- nltlon wh"n yon lefi ClrayeiiluiiHt?" asked the n-|iui'! (-r. "Oh. he rels It IceenH'," replied Chief Bloan. "If 1m Is irullty. do yon think ho will fniifi'Hv when he seeii what evi dence yon nlnarly have against him V" I alm.i-t bellr-vi. li,. will," i-f-dled thn nhlef. wlin was exultant ov r tlie outcome of his few hours' work in tle> city. The Emmy ?m\ Disturber of Thousands, Young and old its Victims. Puine'B Oohiiy'Com pound lie- lonaoH all bVom its fton- peptio/ nn^ lit him lor thft propr ptrfor|i- of alt%f li'fe'B dutiflB. Mr. JoMph Qmk, ot Oftrrtton, Ont., writes that; "I wan laid up for monthfl, and oonld not wrk, oat, or uleep. T>e.y alter day I waa goUhifi wnaker, whin a friend advlaad mu to take Faine'ii Colory Gomponnd. I did n(yo thb niedoliae atrial, aud b ef or a the llrut bottU wan tiiiiahud, 1 eXpeirionood a ^roat ehaiiffe.* I 01m now oat,. ul*op and work aa well uu any ordinary xnau, and I uata truly a> that Paino'i CeUrv Com pound inn. wonderful rodlclne,und"'wortby al all tho pralfte that ptiople can give it, I adviue nil io Uks it for dyapepHin.; au % puriher of the blood, it unroly uureu.'" .:('( Mr. (iilitoU ih Made a New Maw, Tlve fitoinn' will be broii' ami exnininei lynt. . a;- e r h Of the (1. pf lit In the city at bv On. T'rrivlne.lnl clrl once Ana- A well Id,own \vi iLi r d; cl.-n e pi'jiimi ii a "in itn- frirnd." ll'>'l'. (1 . 'I id truly 11 ni'il,!!,! ltd hreiilllinjr U'Afi a A\f>rnicu $xoaa. nt Api>Ur[illon Wm !>, *,- m iw H'mi lliilib Ht"f1*i)*lt It lit ><rltn."l, Burfalo, N.Y.,Feb. Bt. Mm. James call, d nt my oilier ami ap plied for J.MilJit insurance- payable to her huaband who :die stated wan a law ntudent that .she had recently mar ried, that they expected to tfo on to New York in the cutir;;,: of two weokH where- he wunld eumph-ti. Iim .studieij and ornei und tuiie^ oiont.ter, :i-hl *luveil miHtiniblo upt-citnenii of buinnniiv. - Tbiit (Miotuy el tbouriaiidn ia 1 iTectnully (nnujucied by tlie mighty pownr mid ;;Hiitlo y iilutai '. f P-ii ' . C't'ii-ry l omp(i'i"d, und tho vicLiiiiH uro i'u|lmh()d forevor irom the uwful tormr-ntor. Tbui in, yerliiip-*. the wornt 'Hinwon of tlui year for Uu: victiiuu ot dyiiprp.un, lruiit'oH- tion, and Htoiuach trouhlen Tho ,;rent ncrvu hytitom, r< ipiirm H,-,rt:a^tb'inim.< ; O10 blood, now oh tu uml with lm\ nritior, u\iy Tuluii In Time h'o Into IjllHilii'.vs. Tin; I'ullowillK , , 1 11 1 1.1 day sho panned it tnuil mi'dlcal exam- ! " m!U' P"ro. no ihm it will ouurim hniLltii- iiiatlunJ_.iahl the Hint quarterly pre mium in advance. Soon after tho re ceipt ol- the papent at. tin; h-mm ullh-o (NeW VorlO the llli/dleill deii.'u'LllleJl t wrote slatm;; they e..uld not nnd ^,u<jh partieji at the mad.-net; Ji'lven m the application In Toronto, At'my request ALra. Jitiiie:i called a l the otllce and In formed me tliat her uiaidfii mime w;m Kate Toui;h and that. Oley had been under tin; ;.; rauued name 01 Hammond at their boarding I cummunl- cated tie..* iijioi illation oblained to our medical deji.ii u..eiit idaLliiL,' that there wan beyond (pie.stion a mystery .about the ease 1 could 1101 solv,.- and no doubt tome tiling wroiiK ^oinewhr-re, although Alra. JanieH appt-are-d l.L<lylike and all right. She left, her address and went on to New York. When her case wa.i declined I wrote her to that effect and returned her the money she had paid. '(Signed) A. V. Aird, manager, ICqult- u h)a T .ll'.i Akkh nini'f. Sueli-.t.v iIy and iiviibiinduiicte, the atomaah, wnnlc and nnreliabW. mu-t be toned up. I'tiiun'o, (Jtlc.ry Co'ni pound v/ill iux>m- phsb.all tbtr.e gr-md objecth lor thn tlyn- Hcod'u Burmipurilla hint aubieved i;ratv iiieeumi in warding off HiukuuHH which, it dlowiid to progrutiH, would bavo undor- iniuod the v/hol(j(iyHtom und (;ivmi dlBeaae 11 iitrou^ foothold to ca\inc much buluring und oven threaten deatli, Hood's Sar- luipunlla hni< dona ull tbiu and ovon more. ' It. hint been taken iu thouuandti of oaed which woro thought to ihonrablo, and aftor 11 fair tuul hau oMoatecl wonderful euros, brin,;iun bou.lth, and joy to the nl'llictod. Anothor importnub point about riood'ti SurfjuiniLrilla in that itti euros are permanont booautte thoy 11 tart from the -olid foundation to purify, vitalized mad uuriched blood. But it iu not what wo nay bub what Hood'fi Samparilla- doo that UjIIb tho Htory. Tho Hosnor youbefiin to fi^ht tho flra, thn more eiuiily it may bo (<icitintiinhad. Tho Hoonor you bofjin taking Ayor'n Hat- Napurilla for blood-diaaKo, tho oinner will bo the euro. In both oaBon, delay iavdau> iiurouH, if not fatal. Bo imre you (i*k Ayor'naijd no othor. O. Wi 'V !'! J'b'i' IMOS'CIO J or evcry- it .safe the I'u- dellnite t'anatllau .>ilsi.nm;ii> i.;n nvrfi Jciu lliv fti'liii'H lil; tu tin- hCMin of < hiuoi' t'ci'vi'rulHoi KlngHton, March 1^. WritinK to The Winn', Itev. O. K. ihtrtwdl ^ives an uei.'i.uint of hh-i return to Oh. l!hl- neSe city from wiiic.u he \v,ia driven bust .May.- BL .says: "What a triuiuI'ii to lais.^ uu the yreiLt east street. In ln-.-ad oa ylmht lu the 1:0 in pa ay ol uiiaaa..-, u<.t .-..- pri soners, UM Kl:VlJH ll lull 1 (I- : '.'J ii'uoriu-; welcomed buck : A ^ooii cum- jjuUJid h:us Pee 11 iuivjIcI a djoiiu ny our property, wlieif w,- c.ui cany on our \v<uu of rt-eon.sLrueLiou mo^.i. e.on- venlenfly. 'i'he aetin.4 niaKlsi.rate even wants u;i tu liure-hn-si; tliLs hl-w place -to enlarge ohr oorders. S-u kind, au conalduiate, j--<i t;.\.ilbi;l-a.iit wa.s he, Ukll We drana freely of the patented aoot-hln;; syrup, and now think that he means well, that they all mean Well; thai the piv:-:. nl rial)' of oBu-b.::: are pro-lorel^m v.-, aiyl tha t thine; is Peine, Ouiu.- to mukc and pleasant for foreigners in ture. "It Ih too early to ;,'ive a Statement. 111 s.uue iMiLev-^ l ii- '. a littlu lilit; whippod cms wiiu woiil.i Hive tu t-'baii and li.Le. it'.:; dar,.- i^pL, BasKiiiH alon;;' Lhc road ur i lir-.u;;li tin.- -streets, evei ,\ thin^ is --i 'itet. Tio.- pv.-u- ple evld-.-iitly uiide* si,. O'l *nat t In* for- i*ie;iier:i are lie re by u:i:.--i-it. That there Klanild be a . irmiK umter- current, at this Juncture i7* only-what mi^hl be e:<p.-ciid. Itfcwlll take a llt.tlij time to dii-n.bu: <. id" c those who th.m^lit us ;-.',iilty. But the tlarkest clouds have often a silver Bn- Ine;. Neh'ldjore, friends, teachers, street oliieials, inerehanls.uiirt.^ei-vedly came to our dwell in;;' a*-' so m n.y, It Will- kmnvu we bud arrived. The ;;ue.-i room was a seem- of jubili.-- for tw or three days. Walking alotiK tlm Ktroots, wln-re we were he.-u known. the pi-ople liocke'd out to welcome us. Whatever feeling there ha>: been afirainst foreigners], it iti certain llmi It wan fanind outside Of their respee- tlve in i;;hborhno Is. The rea.l caitKC ol' the riots Is .'-till shrouded in mystery. Tho natives declare tlie rim;Ieaaerr are unknown and no onu has been [iiin- isbed apart from the ollii'lals. "All the riots alonrr the Yan^-ls' Valley, in which four lives wore losi. had tlu-lr orkvln In Uunan. Now the man most active In the CMien-tu riois has been proven tr> he a llunanesc. Am lon& aa Hunan rema-tns. cloyed, he will continue to he the i'oimtaia of evil and hatred against forelK'iiers. No pre ater roHult w uld crown the Inves tigation of the merlcan commUsloa than tho openlnp: nf Uunan for trade and tho freedom to propaj-ate' tin- 'Chrlatlnn rollrrhui.' " Gem an d Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS cit) er as Power or Pumping Windmilla, F-oty prices tu:d terms, address HALFORD Essex, ^ Ontario. Agent for Essex County- LEADING tlio trade, in ull kindn of Building .Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Burn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS Wo nre Solo A^outH in tho County for Of Chicago, whioh toolt IliRheHt-AwardB-at------------- the World'n Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A. written guarantee with avery Outflt.| J. GOtTRIiAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT- Vltlt'ATKKitiXr: Oi-i' or JtATK, \t In Ni IJKi'ly 1'lint ' (:! 11 WmiJil ^tlPlilitl lo rrry n Aiiierlcnii <,nitii<*ri'-. London. March 12.^-In the Hoiiao of Commons to-day, Thomaa Glbaon IJowles, Tory member fur Lyn KoylH, asked \t the Covernnicnt'H attention had iiewh called to titatemenU lu the Spanish prenu that In the event of wur With tho United Wtaten Spain'would lit .out nrlvnteerB to prey on American commerce; uho.not belnu- a party to the declaration ot Paris of 18fiii. A. J, lsulfour, Firnt Lord of the Tron ic ui-y and (jJovornincnt leador In the Iloysp; imid that, in view oC the fact that thevo had been no jtrivatcerH fitted out In any war Bines IRftfi, oven by tho powei-B that had not acceded to the do- claratlon of Purlu ; In'view also of tho fact that the principle.of a neutral ring received (reneral acccjttanco, he doubt ed that Spain or any other country would ndont tho menniirea BUffKOHtod, Mr. Balfour held that there wan a gen eral acceptance of the Paris declaration by ull tho powern, though it was not embodied hi a treaty. . i'W THE TBIOMPH C0BN SHELIiEa a^Essjo3FLi;s>T3:o3srw Thi-* Maohino oonaista of a horisoubal oast oylbdor, wttli wrought iron 1 :i bins, witl Pico] tooth boltod to tho oylhdcr bo as to bo rovemblo when the ^' tooth become worn on tho front oido, *uiauirig inu-- pjui^raiod -concave iron ; ftj *holl, wliicli tlio Hliollod coro puBsos tlirough into a shoot iron: ouro, with * [vl .an ot ol'piinoi- iittuohed bolow, whioh taltee all tho dutit from tho grniri. Thi '4-i >hoapoBt bohl, fac-bt b\vq]*\g and durable Power Corn hollor in use; ahelMVffl lorn porfect'y okan in nny coi'diticp^ Hholling and cleaning from one to two'41 hbueaud btiahola of cara per day, according to power, i*f DiuicMBioMtf. -Pulley. 10 in. diam-1^| *teivA<ni. face; Molion, 500 to 800 revolutions por minute; Weight, 6601W-|| tiEVERY 8NELLCR9IWARRANTED. M '1-,' ,14 b, m ^Mm^Mi>^^^fii^'k j. qourlay a aoiia. -'4^|

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