Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 20, 1896, p. 1

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HMJPPP '* , fir*.1:.' i #'"< MONEY TO LEND On mortpaftou at G (per , . oout. Firo und Eife In. auratioti nt lowtmt J. W. GIBSON, Agortt MONEY TO LEND -i On mortgage* at 5 Mr , ueuh. Tiro and Lifo Id- durance 11 lowuat raton. J. W GIBSON, f.i VOL JCIL No 155 ESSEX, ONT.T FRIDAY. MARCH 20. 189C. WHOLE No. 684 ( r. Looking Ib all right in its time and place, but wo are Looking Forward -to a brisk demand (or Spring Dross Goods, Sprinp Millinery, Spring Shoos, and wo aro now in a poaition to uit tho mo4 fa3tidiuiiB tastes in fchoao requirements. wo have just opened up a largo im portation of Now Drone MatorialH di- -roct per stearic ship Parisian, com prising tho latest novelties in Tweeds, Alpacas, Mohairs. Sicilians, Henri- Ofcttis, Brocades, Amazons, Serges Our Btodkof Linings, Canvases, Stiffening, Materials etc., is iiIbo eoxeptionally <ornplotp. Our New Millinery has arrived and will shortly bo ready for your inspec tion New Shoes, New Clothing, New '-J)ry Goods opening up dady. p-^i'-a. FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & GO'Y. JVcC- SOUTH WOODHLKH. Mm. It. Iln^un halt betm quite ill for thu paut week. I nao u itmilc on Ohvor'H faeo. I think it mimt bo il j'ii'l. Ijiirgo quiintitieu of prauuod hay are hv- nit; uhippud ftorn Item, F runic HoRan upont fit. Patrielt'fi Day in Windnor and Detroit. Kviiii^oiinl Taylor of K.iiijjHville, eon- dtiotod l)Oth tiorvioen her* on Bun day huit. W..H. Gummiford Lioonue Commifmion- i\v, wuh in Windsor on Saturday irtintifor- ring thoKoutlioru Hottl liaonmi. The Kov. Mr. Avon-, though not wull enough to occupy bin plaoo in the pulpit, wiih on b inula v lafit, wo aro pleaded to know, in atteudanco. Tha old rolmblo "Ton Ni^hta in il Bur Unotn" will ho juronontoil by local latent for tho nuoond tituo horn. It in hoped that tho attondauuu will bo hir^o. A. (*oad timo in expected. In the beginning of the winter tho Ladion' Aid j;avo novoral teua and enter tainment which wore Booially und finau- c!ia!Iy n miocobh. It wur dooidod, in order that the liuibundH of tho Ufiveral'memburn iniu'ht enjoy tho oncartalumoutii, that thoy would bd admitted an honorary ruomhern, and on tho Unit ocoauiun, quito n larijn number wore iuitiatod. Now owiiif, to como of tho lady raoroborti objecting tho gentlemen havo been ankod to retire, and tlio cennequonco in that there huii been a Gontlniuan'a Aid organizod, with an oyiitor titippor for an opener, at ojio or tho hotolu in tho ii'iar future Tho oimrch trial whioh oeonplod two dayH lant weok wan conduoted in tho , ohurch by ou*ht jrinifitora o! tho London Ooufereucc, when so mo forty wittiouuaa wore uxaaiinod, and thoir oyidoncr tulcou to bo reviewed by the mmo body at Ennox. on the IBth, but owing to tho doath of it Hitter of ono of tlio rovorond pnutlomttu tho completion baa boon iudoflnately pout* poricd. Tho defendant, Bey. J. B. Ilen- derHou, now of Oorabor, owio/4 to tho ill- noBO of hio wifo wau unable to attend per- Boually, but wan ably topreaonted by tho Hay. Mr. Goopor of Tilbury, It in hopeJ that tniti lony oxiBtinn wtrifo will now bo at an end. Furmeru do you want money at 6ij| per cent? If ho writo A. G, Baker Learning t'.n. Oat. Tormo of payment of priuoipul to h ait rrow-jra. OOTTAM. I\Trii. O. II. llilny nf a dan^litor on tho I3tli intit. ^U'h. Hoi. Nevillu ban bcun vory nick with intUiniuiitioh on tho lung1', Miim Mury GorUon in npmidiii# n fow dnyn with Iht nitrr, ^Uh. Goo. MoAtakon. Unhurt l'tirltcr lmii rented the WuKHtalf property and will niovo into tho houno whim John Aiintiu louvan. Wo learn that Me. Jolloy, toaohui* of tho Hollo Itiver Huhool, in tiolnt' to rout Mr. MuCrvery'fl linuno und livo amoiqi uh. Huf^h McCrcory hau utarted for Orufiou wluii; hu iij tcj In-) uiiiiiitfod in tWo milling buHiiiuHii with ilr. T. II. 13uCew, of Khuox. We learn tliut Robt. JonkiiiH iu working in tho lnmhor woodu at S 14.00 por monlli. Tho money that ha ouoo had in Euiiux would ho vory aoooptablo now w lmngiiio. Wo learn from l'onhold, Alhorta, that ttuieu aro vory dull owiug to early froBLH, Jam oh Ifleimn^ an Ktinex boy had a, prou- pect of l.nOOor 3,000 liunhoU in 18U5 hut did nob thrcuh ono thoiiHand buuholn. From Michigan. MAIDSTONE. Iloury ColliuH Hpent Tuoiday in Detroit. Petor Faroufih had a Hawing boo on TucMiduy. St. Patriok'n Day was oolobratod, raorn- ina &'>d niuht. Jao. Htiyon iii building it shod for tbo now hotel. Tom iUcCloitlcoy m ill with la- Rrippo. VVo wink him a apeody rooovory. Mr. Hinea will noon romovo to hit now farm in tho vioinitv-of-W&ikervillu*___:____ AttNEll. Sociulu aro becoming uo common that thoy ueom to bo louing their intermit, but tho moot entertaining ono of tho neaiiou wan bald at tho roHidonoo or Janon D. Miilott in our noi^hborhood on tho even ing sf Friday, 6th innt, unrlor tbo auhpicmt of Graoo Methodist ohuroli, the procoedo bL-ini.' appliod to Swndfty School fnnd.-i Tho refroHbmoutH woro of the nort at tho nvcra^o tna-moetiug, and tko amunomontu, "Faith, liopo, und Charity;" "Mr. and Mrn. 3eo. Wuohingtou;" "Quodtionu and iniHWorH" wero all iadulgod in and onjoyed by old im wull an young, beiniiintorBperood with unpropriato muaic, QuHQiionn that could not bo aatisfaetoily auHWorod woro pronounced conundrumi*, the loading* ono betutf, "Ih Arohio, tho promioont young aitizan who bought tho dandy home aud bum*y, married ?" God* nip bud it th.t ho was to have boon mar ried that day to a brucoh of tho looal P. O. GEBTO. W. Iloruo of Windiior wan in Goalo on Sunday. Juo Hurno of Kcoox, wih in Gouto on Monday, Alrti. Hamilton we arts pluunod to hay in i in provirit'. Mr, Gi*<ii^, lato at fjottani iw on a vidit to hor dtiu^litnr, Mrn. lioadUouHO. MrB. lill^llt ban (;ouu lo utioml Irjr moLht.T ar 11 i^li^uto, Mia. Hfoiio, who '..son tho nick lis.t. . TJio aiidiL'.itM, Mi-iHtirn. Uakor aud Davin have mttiaud at tlutir work of uuditiu^ tliu ucoouiitrt of Lilt; Lu'.VDKhlp. Inpocial rcivival worl: ovyry Sun.lav ovoning at UohIo Gttur(;ti,i)tiitct a :iun'ihrji* utekin^ nl tliL' pi'iilfJiiUi' I)l-ih;1i. Atr:i, ivuild im i,ti:l uMiMnliu;: hur '.l;t.:i^;!:Lri at ElriisiLt-a'd, i\l rs. A.u^Lia, who \wii huj pluaht'd to Sny huii !i(- i'ur improved, h- i<- Im abio to s-it up in t"'a, KLKOlM). Thoro waH Tomporanco Lacturo ut tho Mathodmt churuh on Monday night. Tlio MittHQB Huff woro tho guoytii of Mr. anu Mrfl. Churchill on Monday night und Tuoiiday. Tho re wan an ontortiunmeut tit tho WhitHon Hottlomout oburoh on Tuoiiday night. BKOOKEU SETTLEMENT Tho wifo of llonrf Myoro of a Hon, Fob. 7tb. - Tho wifp of Mr. Churlea- Ittloy, of a daughter, Feb. 113th. No Horvicoa in tho Methodint oluirch Sunday though a larg< orowd was in at- tondauoo. Mian K Ilawhnn, Esrox Town, in.viuitinj* at tho homo of hor father ou tho Graham mdo road. Mth. Btowurt Vaughn in iu a vory orit ioal condition at heir homo on tho Bllo Hiyer Itoad. MiftH Hauuah and Linzio Gammon paid their atHtor Mra. W. Brookur a flyinu viait tbo othor day tin thoy worn on tboir way homo from Dutroit to Bitimark. NORTH EIDGE. Tho toaohor Mrn. B, Baltzor, und Holnlwraof tho North Uidfjo oohool, will ilivo aa ontortainmenfc on tho ovoninj* of Thurnday, March'a0, at tho aehoolhouue, no painn aro hom^ uparod la mako tho oh- tertuiumoHt ploaoant and profitablo aud a iiood timo la expected. Tho public, are cordially invited. I'll'- I.a<li. ;-' Aid of rlie Mt'tliodi**. idnrndi hen; urn L'lviii;: u i.ncud at ^Vui. l-'dlocii'ii t cniili'-'nue in.-:; I. !i lil 'J'lii'V i:;vi"i evtM'vl) >-iy . i-.v.u l .i t,h'. QiK'im/if (li"i"U |-Jt'il:ii;i,- can rnult'i jr, oonvt-nU'iit, to b! pri.rtuut, Thtjy f:\jiccl t<j h'ivo a a -'.oo 1 Ur.ii-. I'unnerii ,:ti'yoij-^v)ini; itioniy .*a >')}-, per ;enl..? Il' u.i writi: A. (i.. BalaT 1 .^-'uminjj;. ton, Out. 'i'-rtji^ ofpttymom. (if^ mmoipal to Mill borrowt m,. Mayoi* Hmrfxar. Mr. Geo. ]EI, Buryar, Pos^maotor und Mayor of Welland, Ont., imyo: "From ox- porionoo ju my own family I oaimot upoak too highly of Stark'n PowdorH uh a ploaaant, immodiato and pormanont euro for Head- acho, Ncuralfiii, BiliouHuoHn and Liver troubles. lam aloo awaro of aovoral novoro canoH in our own town and neighborhood whioh have been ourotl hv thorn aftor tho pationta had nufforod for yourn, hud tried all lundu of romodion and had been troatod by dnctorn. Gi:o. II. BunuAii. Two prcparatioiifl in eaoh bos; nioo to tkltr?. Sold by all mtidicino doalerfl at 2So a box. 5 hnxeaSl.' Maroh ii!). Tli n Oou^liM'torN on u Ntilo Truck. Uiilwiiv huii an: proverbially ijuiok to detect fraud, ai.d no lut-a no to discover m^rit. HtfiiudtiU! the New Ltin^ Ko mi dy ('.undue-tor Thorn us Win mln1, nf Tetroh.'n, Ont., iv<d! Known to ih.- travidlmj: cmii- niunitj , k[hmlI;s -i.h toltown: *'^ly wife *,vmh a BiifleiV-r trom bronchuin for year^, all vr- mciliuH fiulit.i:. L'inijmali aud Uypnp- lin-pitiMi pruvfit l li'.1 'royt'l r.Miin<!y in licir oaHe.'.' ' " .' Coiidncior Siilrm V. Smith, CJ'T.'H., Ht. Thou.-: h. Out., i-' ;ibnMt: a-* v.-t-ll known iim j.Iiu Giand Trunk. 'I.1!:--*'.' arc hi- wordt-.; n. 11 iLluhji iny run Vuv coughs und oolds it i:i my. f'tvoi ito. It in t.o in my'o'.vu i.mnlv. Tint' oniidrt n like it, It i-i.le.-i m.'l'.n u cold with iiurprisinf* qiii'-Uin-HH/N Mi:-o talltiii'.'. .rinenifilt. tops l hem I'M." .Pin cm alt; \v.^ nnv; luKionm l;:.o furjlju ioniihU' I'.-iin.- I iy for ivldi, \-.prippt-,. nsilnij't, li'iir-ioiiOHft, ilmI all bron chial' ii'ud Inn;; ttilmont^. . Inutead of )'!ain PinomaH m-o Piu. m>i It m.d Ilwpnplion- phifen in ohroniu oattoo and in couhuinp/ion. Hold by all dnigtntn; .MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. UOOlllCM'l'kCIt <'OI)N<MITJ. IlUKCauih ritulioii; Mar, Mth, JH96, Comieil mot an ncr adjourniriciit, with all membertt preiu'iit. Miniitini rt-url and approved, after elnitifiinu tlm nunio of Ghria Uitnon to (Johrad Isiiumi, ar. patbimmtor, A letter wan read from Goidield North, iLiikiriK for mirplun (if any) on Oth con. drain. ' A letter waft read from 'Clarke. Bartlot A Kartlet ro Orlo Hill vh, Fonnor. Tho dinputo him Htnen hm<i\ Hottlnd hetwon partien. A letter wan read from Uanna it Cowan ro Knintor road. The clerk had written llanna ft Cowau, ittatinj; wiattor would bo laid beforo comieil. I)owhint and Jjidnuceur, that tho Iloev0 draw on the Treukiiror for 9150.(10 to pur- ohaiiounid road. Car. A letter wad road from Ralph Mather, ututini! that ho would not, owin^' to iak- newn, he ab!o to attend council meeting to arrnnyo tlm nt;ituto labor dinputo. Laid over. IL Hodrick applied for ditoh ou onnt Hide of road allowanofl betweon loin -I and 5, Midillo Road, a!o a dcud troo wanted removing,. Liidoucour and WilHiin, that Mr. Dow. hirnt look into Iltdriolc'n comphiinta, with power to act. Car. Mr. Shoehau wantu to commute km labor to conntruot a ditch on tho north Hide of tlio North Ituar Koad. Councillor LadoueourwaH appoiutod commiHuioner to ovorHct) the work, and report tho number of voara cbmuiutod. . 7 Paul-JaniHHO complained that bo hud performed hid utatute labor, hut tho path, mauler refiiNflH to { ivo liim receipt for^unm. Mr. Daman Bfellomnro anked tho council to commute hm ntatuto labor on Oth eon., aud that aoommmtnonor bo appointed to overact) the work, aud report the nnmbor of yearn oommuttd, Granted; tho work to ho performed on woht iddo undor Cora- rniflnionor Bylventro. John Knister wanta tho drain running through bin placo cleaned out or filled in. Tho Rao vo wan ono powered to investigate on motion of UowhiiHt und Wilaon. The TreaHurer handed in Iuh ropart, whioh hhowo roetiptH, 37157,;"(i; dinburuo- mootti, 85027,20; bahuiee en hand,. 81530.Hti. Duric(! tlio month tho Treaouror recoivod from D. Marentotto, collector, 37030.00; from ox-colleotor W. Byrno, 810. Thollcevo fiivfcB notioo that ho will, at tho next meotinR, introduuu, a bylaw to appoiut an inupector to look after Canada thin'.k>H and othor noxioui woedB. . Svlvestro and WHh?u, that 820 bo grant ed to St. Joacph'fi Convout, Loudon, for flervii*i*ti rendered to poor people and child ren from tliid townflbip. Cur. Wilrton nud Sylveutro, that Mr. Praba'H offer to puodmoo road ullowanooin front of his property, o pt h^ lot 12, M. It. B., at 830, bo accepted. Thn Uocvo'h by-law, No. 205, for appoint ing dmina^oiimpoQtoru, wau road the usual number of timeo and 'panned. Moatm. Chan. Smith und Benin Marentotto uro the mupootoru. The 5th con, road in tho dividing Hue between tho two diHtricth; Smith taking tho oabt oido aud Marontottu the weat aide. Ex-Oepnty-Reovo Wilcox reported that O. Simon had completed work on nix aon., aud bad allowed hiua four days' pay. Adam Fun nor wan allowed to commuto bin ntatuto labor, with Councillor Wilnou an oomroiRBionor. Jamea Hedrick unked the couucil to doopon Moiaon Creek drain. 0 rodn on oach wide of M. C. II. track. Doputy'Roovo Dow limit was appointed to invoutisato complaiut with power to not. Clork wau inotructed to notify W, R. Smith to ftuiith hi contract, opponito lot 27, oou 7. at once, or tho couucil will can oe] it. 13, Barrstte compWinod' that the Rivor Runcorn wtih irijunng bin land. MouHrn. Sylveotro und Dea-hirst wore appoiutod to look iuto Uarrotte'fl complaint. The Roevo wan authorized to interview council of Goulitdd re aurnliiH ou drat mi. Acccm paHHed. T Buohaiian, 70.80, re fund lllli can, drain; V JmiitiHO, f?!!, ntalute labor refund; EI B Kuiet^r, S.'l.oi, refund i'r-h c:,u, dram; S l>ueiianilj, ij'J.HO, poHt. ai;o and regiutration; C Clarke. &;J0, audittirn' rt*pnr*M, a'fHtnioi, fiLutnuumr, *ta- tionory. "eto.; 1) MarMiuetto, ^121, refund mtat hid laljitr rccidpln; hldis? it hillm, Slot), 're ICnihttM'; Joijcpli IlnnriU'V i-M.iU, rtt- fund li'li (mil. drate; Clu'irt r-iimoti, $\, wink uOll. Adj uincd lo meot April IS'.li, .at St. .lo'tcium. Stark'n PowdorH, oatdi packaiio of which coiitaiuii two pivpuraliuu'i, o::c in a. round woodier hox, rhe eovt'r of 'which forma a mouiiiire for "no dofto, an im mediate re lii;f f'ir CuitiventiH:-!, Kick Ikadimha and Stomach, ulno NtmralfmL and nil l-.indh o( nurvoue p;i,iiri, and anoilK:r m citpeutOH, (from-} tt> i of One in an 'oi'dinuiy' dntiid which acta on tlm Hnwrl^, ' I.iv. r mul StomiLch, forminu a never failing pirfict tri'iunumt Cor all lionet and Stomitoh com. plii.inty. They do not, us moat, pilhi and do muiiy otlmr uVudicinoit do, Ut-v their oh'ict or pro.luco aftor uomuip ition tluy aro niee to take. 9,"k! it box at all reedi eitio dealnrn. . r- AT BARRETT & Co.'s Bankrupt Stock Store, A phenorriinnl fale of manufaeturera1 atock'B in . all departmenth will begin Saturday, March 21. At prices about one-third lower than ever before offered/ Colloflal and unprecedented Hale of seasonable merchandise. Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Table Linens, Lace Curtains, Boots and Shoes and Clothing, That will eclipse anything of tho kind ever attempted in' Ehscx. By a combination of circumstances this spring sale will excel in interest anything we have ever had, It grows out of recent purchases of sacrificed manufacturers. We do. not want you to buy blindly, simply because we tell you of these extraordinary offerings, but use your knowledge; com pare with what is shown elsewhere and then decide. It is tho only way to convince yourself of the truth of the state ments. Make a list of your wants, note the prices you usu ally pay, then come to our atore and if we cannot save you from 10 to 30 per cent, on every article you buy we will hot ' ask you to buy a dollar's worth from us. BEING THE ONLY STORE IN ESSEX Doing a strictly cash business, places us in a position to under sell those who do a credit business. Bring your Eggs and cash to____ & CO The Bankrupt Stock Store. The Old Sliovy. X fatal flhooting accident, a a a rauul of oxtromo omfolaftanenfl ooourrod at Windsor on Thuraday evuoiug, Mar. 12. Eugouo PollutioT, n youne rami of 23 ysarn, called on a young ludy namod Trogand, atelier homo. Whilo tho'ro hor brother Kmegt, wao uhowmK 1'alletiora 32oalibre revolver, whioh wan Buppokud to he empty, aa the oytindor hud beon taken out and cart rid gen romovo J. When Folk-tiur returned it young Tro^and pulkd the trigcor, aud a romaiuing cartridge* wan exploded. Tho bullot entorod hin rij'ht ttido, panned through the lower part of of hin ri^ht lung aud through hin livt-r and lodged in thu abdominal euv.ity, J to diod in two hourn of internal homorrhu^o, Eoforo ho died ynune.' Palleticr fully ox- onorated Trogainl of any intent to do harm. Ueooauod waa a younu man of ex- oellont reputation- A coronor'B jury reached u vordict iu acoordanoG with thuH fficb. Unoloarod and improved ftirmu for Halo; Httial) cahh jjuyitient, haUnon on time to uit purchaoer at 54 per cent mteroHt. Enquiroof A. E. Lovoluoe, Emex. THIS GOLD WAVE ESSEX ' ' Hall! HeadqnartoiH for School Boohs, School SuppliOB, Note Papor.Envoloprin, Inka, Writing Tablotn and ufQoo Stationory. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DRUGGIST. SING LEE. ' CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot st.and Victoriaave* Tho latoHt .iraprovod1 muohinory . for Ironing CollarH and CuhV. Will not utack or bruak t.m win(j. Family work ohoap. Parcola ofilled for and delivered. Plen&o call and try.' If not satiufaorory no ehartjo will ho roado. If our work Htiitu you, rtcomtnond uh to your friendH, Will tsot hn Mt huh'mi .rnLKdi in tlm"lioii." if you hku tlm I.DM'S'VUEIj SAVER AND HEAT UAl>lATOn. Saved '-10 pi-r eotit, of find. If. i-iiUi'tuH ii>'* hnul tna,t other- wine |,'oeJ out iIoimm Hm ii' h -tlio ohiinucy, iH built on fiuiiiitihu pi'imiip'en, aud'.nub U'M' he K^'it 10'h> . ir>'l i-Hfuid and up pn.'eiaLL-d. . Will wivV its cost in a [U w weokH. , E.-L.-PARKER, Agt. , JflSSEX,- - ONTAiaO." Write or cull at Goiirliiv'H Foundry. WANTED ift^S^rl! tocfrctiinto MTho Sword of Islaryi or Suffering Armonla,^."-JnrillliiK bock Graphic account of tl o Kuntoru QuuBtiou, the Turk. Armerdnn and MobainmoiJiiij'nm witu (t8 horilblo mamiitorufi, Ntirnoroun uturtlliifi ilhiti- trutioivd tti Ice I. on tlio t;(">t 41H jni[;on, only <31.00. 'fiond (Jflcto. icr ciLiivtiti-iiiK hood. .AifoiitH mvuVa Sl5.C0toSC0.0, wonltly Bradloy-Carrotson Co, Ltd., Toronto, X>nt. II you imlfer from JCMnuy Bhuuiiie. Tj'auto HiKili, DfubftutJ, Itri;;hL'ti t.1 iit .tuio or (iny aihuout ' -V^l .cuuni'il |jy im"ro])Dr uutifn ot tliu kiilnuyd or : :'/jf .nvfnuvy ornaim. thin oil'or dboiild fitti-uct'you." .' /S Vidujj tiunvliiueil that no othor remedy for (cid- ' \>','M miy cuiniduiutiKiiiualnDnan'o Khln'oy Pllla. a evuliii)oc:il by undfihiblo tordlninny rooolvoti****' ovevy day in k'tioin from rail'for'oni -who have - ' oticaiKal from-thetortuioitof Xjiuud liimiv, Kid- :*V miy tvenblet aud nuvor twaiihir; uaitiH by moaua i':v' of tltuiii wonilut-ful nlllu, we du not ln'idtatrt to niuko tliln ."iVisr, lor whilo we len>- tl> box y?& Ijlyw you, wti make a irionrl that Unintii hi ' h '^i uulo of many hnx<n. '. 72 FUtt BOXES. Oi DaimV JCi.tni'v J'iliu wil! he f;iviin nu'/ty froi, Av.y |)uii.oii hiitTm1.*!;.. wirlt ltuliu\v ainmmtH ea (iut a box ut the juidiindjiued iniUvutjii,until tli ;; ..>.-a t.npi'Iy in Dxliiiur.tud. 3<h*nt cum*, lli-ot HOrvo* j mid only thhi oi'.u cbuiioii ott'ovod: lUur.umbu ,-',\)'(^ tb.niuuota Rumple box,; hut 'a. roffidar fuh,; ' ""&* ai:*,i:d hex of Doan'ii.Kh'luo/ PIll^. vliiuii >^l^ ut Hfty eentu. > , . , ':** ^THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO^ii/m .. TORONTO,. ";.;' \\; ', , ",--"'^ Ueiuombor, Trco Dlutribution Ono Day Pnly.;:|p, Atii,.\, Hhon'Iii'n nrnKbtoro on; . ;/^ !^ ; MOt*r*A\\ M.UiO'ii'iahl; .', '-,3 :' 'Vj-Mi'Vi-fy'Vi' ^M^t^^^a . (,-.t: .:&}, 81

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