w THA IfcfiMBlfefiJL K'RI&Hf ^TKM* s'1-. u1 -----B SrV- JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. HANKMKH, Next to Aberdeen Hotel' C*oK* Moimiv to lrtn.ii oh VariiiMi' Nloh, Noton houijh J orCollootod; Monov to lonn on Morlio-ftw at owtiHt ratiiu and bunt (mum DiafUIuiwodpuyiiblo Klpa-i at all iirlimlpiLl pointh Tiro Insurance Agents, otc. .). A. Franuu n in Londnr thin week tin bumnouw. MiHrt l'Mith Vuul if vimunu frmndH m Loami union. Mi*. .In i Wnoiit, of IVlioiL iipint 11 fi u davit in thin town. .1. II Niuliolnoii, of Dorroit MVdioai GoHo^o, tipoiit Sunday with friendtt in town Mihu II BU-wiirt, <>r Amlipihtbur(i, hjiciiL Tow dayn hint wuolc with Mr. and Mi i. C E. Nriylor, town. Miiia McFarluno. who ban bom t mplnyr d with Barrett & Co., foe miruu moutlm, h * VtUrno(] to hnr home in TilhOiibuiu. MihuV H Smith and .1. K Tryon r f Detroit, H|iint Kunduy with Mm, J. A. Kone. Mwh Smith htui jUHt returned liom JRormuda JIiu* B Ilowcu, who ban boon vinitut^ hr tiititor. Mm. A. 0, Rtnr.om hoio, for uoriie wooliu, ruturuud to hor tiL,mo in St ThomuHoti Monday. Mrn. 0. K. Naylor left on Tucday fur Hamilton, Mich , wboro iibo will piiy % viHit to Mr. find Mrn Jim L. Naylor, wlio hav boon living there for totno time. Thou, IIicItR, formerly frocor boro, but "who hnn-bot'ti Hjfiondmtf tho winter wiili Monde in North Graver and in tho eunt Qtn conntien. ih hi town thin wcult, Mr Hinkn will enpaye in tho nahi of a patent medicine, II C. Scott, of niKhfiito, wlio in Koueral ii^ent for thu bmyolo firm of 11^ ulap, Hm ,t Volhirnuy, Toronto, wan in town ou Friday lna\ Tho local tiRoncy for thowc v-beolH wiiH placed with Mr. Church, real flutato agent, Miv.ii fcHrachau, who premded over thu toullinnry department of Diobol St Bricker'11 atoro for aoveral juiiro, id iu town thih Wook renewing acquaintance*. She will ftttum tilio charuo of tho Grcut Corner Htoro Millenary roomn. Hlgli School Notes. Tho (ollowinu uro the namoH of thono who obtained /i0% or over in the recent ox- amiuutfono: UiHtory, Form IV, W vv Cunningham 5.'i, H Barrett 00, Latin, Form III : B Turvillo 73, H Horko 6IJ, D Pootur 63, J lieoman 5 4, VV Kniator C2. Euclid, Form III; J Bautnuu olt W WiKbiman 57, .T Lonfiborry 55, M Bird 53, Litoraturo, Form II: H Jnckiion 87. L RobboI 71, H Coll 73. J Tull\ 70, J Batten VBVMWlgutman G3, 12 Irwin 03, 6 Oun- uiugbom G, J Crozior GO, B tilutor 58, M Cooks 58, S Wortley 5fi, M Honor 57, F ArDol-3 57, A Pottar 55, M Curamfford 54, N Delong 54, S HuohoI 13, P Jarmin fiJ, M Tbiboaudoau 52, M BorkoSU, L Griffith 50 History, Form I: J Dolmoro G'J, M JamuH 07, R Bonuott G3, W Jumen Ii3. Owing to tbo largo attendance uud the varied character of tbo work thm term, it ,bna boen found noocQuary to ongugo n fourth toachor, and tbo appointment hah boon divan to Mr .7, E. Moran, of Croftou. llr. Moran had a very Bucoeooful courao at tho auhool of Pedagogy, and romou vory hijtliiy rcooramendod Ho will takeobar^o ol iho Scionco, Mr. Hamilton having ohargnof tno Com-ooroial, work. For the profiont Humo claaaen will bo taiiftbt in tbo tfymnaamm, but tho contruot ban been let for fiirnuihiug the front room an"d two halN in tho second Htory. Tlio work will be tlone ufl far 'a poomblo id tho Enater hob dayn. Public School Uoport. Minn William's room, ]r. 3rd ohion; Marks poamblo 55. A Kobinaoj 51, J Hiokn 52, EJohnvou 51, O Lynch -U), ,1 Domun '1'J. A Wyman '17, M Ttiornfqn 47> B Alexander 47, G Young 10, M Fito 48 Miao Bhaw*a room, Br. part 2nd chihn, murks poHtdblo 50; Obtained : E FJay 59, U Wyman GO, J Siaaon 50, W Cotlol 50 \V OatOH 53, G Laird 15, L KbyndrflU-. 1A. G Allot) 80, l* Hiclia .10, G. Parker 2*. Mihb IraHHwellor'a room, Sr. part II; in^rkh iioHHiblo CO, obtained by bitih.Ht leu 111 t^luwi: N Gr.'cn 51, U Llanniiii Hi, K Buaman il. A Edr 0, L Locljo 117, W Ud\i:tU, HlrwmHS M Hiddiok :J0, L Heniioii 27, Ij Wortlty 27. Fr.b. 2B dr. U; murku poamblu 00, ob* tinned by liiuhOHt ton in cIkhh: C Pbillipa f>'l, \ Wolff 11, M KobiiiHon aO. i: Keown Ull K L *-ib U3, W KliuRbile 5J, Wolfe 83, 11 UiiMUiill Jli, H Yuiwk 29, II Davin 28, Feb. 2H. ,8r. II; Marka po^uible -15, ob- luined uv blfshoit hix in olant-: L Al'en 80, A Buok:W. O Win'oS3 W Najlor 88, D FaiiUH Mftobiuaon 81. M bh Uull'u room, mitrltH poMutl le 25; ob. taiued by liijilun WUHs Wiluou 28, I'W'l liiini an 28, Viuoent Mun- hvUI. Nellie (*'pi"lU 21, Sum Green 21, Matt) Wijf it 1 ntil7. rr^HbytonuH Olmrrb iJoiWOrft. Oini of thu hit'tfimt iiudlHiuimt tltitt lnve ocimpiod Pei-li'ii Hull r*i many Varti, Krootnd iliv tituiuuuuiunt til LUo Preabyier". laiwdiuroh choir imiiMi-t ivn laat. Fridft.y ove-iiiiK. and tho Fur.i: PitKriH ban yet. to bnar a voioo diinmntin^ fiom the ^enurul Verdiel that It wnn on of tho bout ntitoi** tanntioiit ovoi'Rivun in town. Tim titur '*f tho ovMUitiK wiu Mr. Alburl II \'t 11 v, iiii|Hiiiiri)iutor in d eh ituoU'i ih*- huuit'ii, mid lio won Mm uppinval of hui ainhoiu'i! with thu linit number, and n<dil it until tlm liutt IIui ronihtion of humor- oun and pathi'tio dialect eltctuhiiH can bald, ly bo imrp.'wuod 'J h< |'tiM"ii.Niu)M "piMiod with a ohoriiH, "Hoinj nf the KkatUH, ' fnini thu choir, ThN wii't lullowiil It; Mr. P-ny'ii linit mtl iji Unri.bdinu ltil y'n CJt riiian diitlcut nki tcb, ' Dot. Lni'dltipoy of Minn," whiuh wau on cored and vi upnndcd tn. Mr. W. J. Dnwar tlitm ^itvu a uoriiLt nolo, "Tbo t^wiim Bov," win h wiih highly applaiitb d. Muhui* 1 K- C.h't'ii, A Wallace, W. Laui^ and W A. Gardner naii^ "Thti Old Fulkn at IItmu," and wi'in fnfori'd. Amonit Mi. Porry'ti Hibctiouii woio, "The O.d Alan and dim," "A (Muiiitniiut Carol." and a nltoteb, "J)in- loniu >'f tlu tliav- 1>UI^<-t i," from Ham lot, "Molly Matiee," "Wink ( the .IuliP Plaute," and "Uow ItalnoHd (buno Homu,1 all oi wlnoh dulinhtLd hm audinnuo, and dru^vfoit-h livtdy gucoi-mh. Otlu-r namberu woic a "Soldioru' Chor ut..' Ijv Mi hiiih. Gnu 11, Walhmo, Kne^hoff, Shaw, WiMini, (iitdnti, W. Lauifi, ,T Liunn, and il ipi"iti tti1, "Votjal'ii Walt/," by MesHrn. Grneu, Knci^huff, Luinu and Gardner. Mrn. Lainj* acted an accompan iat Tho concert. Ucmid w th tho National Anthem, TUIi3 KrNU**VUjl..K LALtV, nuitti- Joui>ii Ci-i'iivtllt*, thu Wondi*l Mun, IM(ii4l iJinlty rtii'ireof. Km^avillu, March 7. Groat excitement provailod thm morning wbon it b/joamc known thai ,Ionnph Gronvillo bad boon caught by our oflicorit at bin fathcr'ft homo. It iippoarH ihticafter GrouvilbVH OHoajno ho wont dirootly to Detroit and bua boon hab bhriK all over tbo city calling on iiovurrl friuudu frymji to got lakon in and cared for, but thoy had all been warned by de- tootivo Uampqau who wiih hot on hm trail. Ah u laat roaort he hired a man 111 WindHor to drive him homo lant uigbt. Throuub neglect hia wound oausod from tlio done of uhot ho got, watt netting worao aud,thinking ho would die, in doaparatiou ho camo home. It uootuH Htran^o bow tbo Detroit olhuurH who all had been notified to koop an eyo oat for him ahoufd fail to ovou aeo him. Upon amval beta Gronvillo wan ao bad ho had to be lifted out of tho buuKV- Tbo mau who brought him dowu reported tbo facln to Memim. Ciwau & Quick and our olUoura arreatcd him, when bo who carried to tho Paobonua liouuo and a (juard placod ovor him. At four o'clock to-day tho pnnonnr wan brought ou a ntretcher before J uatioea Gold en, Scratch and Smar' for a prelimiuury axaioination. He pleaded not guilty, but attor Dr. White'u tOBtimouy, thu pjinaner recounidered aud ohanged bift plea to uudty. Ho wiih ill once romaudod to Sandwich to appear for trial. Tho prinouer appoarod tnoro dead than alive. To a friend he eaid ho wont tbo nig'bt of hiB oHcapo to Amhorutbur^, next day wont to Wiudaor, aaw Detootivo Campeau at the wharf but tnuiiagod to elude him uud oroaaud over. Uo wout to hia uuclo, Edward Grenville'a bat found that thu Detroit pohoo bad boon there looking for him. He next hobbled to tho homo of Ed. Ulah, telling Ed. ho had ol into a bad Rorapo and aw king him to come down to KidrhviIIo and Rot Uiu olothoH. Mr. Ulch did bo but when ho arrived horo and found tbn truth of the auuo, ho wont back and lirod him. Gren- villo thou ^ot doHperato. He Hind uo mat whore ho went ho found DuteutiveCanapau wau hot on hia trail and ho awore aaolumn oath that heforo ho would Jot Campau gel him be would oomo down to Kinynvillo and (iivo himuelf up. Ho ulaima that ho croaatd tbo rivor iu Droad daylight to Windsor whore, aftor dark, hebirtd a man to drive him bore, But wound went undronaod aud uc(;leoted till now, and he ia in a terrible condition with Rtrou^ ptoflpeots of blood poiaouiu^ QOttiug in. drj&^x~^ BIRTHS O'U0N'vrr,T,~In Sandwich South, on Tuep- dtiy, Fob 25th, to Mr. aud Mr. Pdtir (^'Council, a won. CAunuiUKiia At Gump Palmer, nn Pels 2d li to I\fr, and Mrs. CarruthtTH, a son, In\\iN--Ar Esnix, on March 7th, to Mr. and Mm, Tho*'. Irwin, a mm. Taw,oK On Thumday, Feb. 27 h, to Mr. a m| Mrnt i/ohn Taylor,Cimi*ron U01 d Go4h!d, a non. Buin On Mouday, March 2nd, to Mr, inni Mrs, Ch in. Uonno.Go^flold North, a non. Gaui'iuisr Ou Mondnv. Mirob 2 "I, lo Mr. and Mm. -Too. Oamhior, Muidalono Tp,, aaon. BuiH On Woluettlav, Mai oh 4th, to Mr. anl Mrs. Thou. Hush, ISsi^k, nont STIili LOCAL HOUSE. iVl/. Stratton'b Dill Way ri*.;itl a Soconti Tlrrte, WILL PKUttCT PROPtKTY OWNERS MuitV Now lilU* Were Iutro4ua ( of1 Cuvt't-nkimitl llouifl -A l4'i>uiutfou vt ihiLtArutvK lUu iurlciil(url ColltUi) L kllll to lUt^iululi) UuUv hboii*. roiuuto. Aiaiuli 7. kuui- 111I1111 at thu J-.ocitl LiL]fllatuu thu* u dh 'J lu I'ubln Aocuunt 1 CuniiiuL- ^ n.th (jut Uo-rtii tu tiolld uuik, and all l.Miii.uluii Iii tin lluuto la Ki-plilly ad- vaiKiii^. A Jul ot Inipoilaiu buslno!*t \,u.\ ili..Iii d Lluuii|;h yuiLurday. The lunhu AccmuitH Commitil*u liavii 01- uiLii .vii. H. K Siiilth, Hdlt-ulle, u (,aiiii liiiijn'i tui, to np]>Mr IjlIuh th* m lu.sihx; m xt, ah>u Lliu piyduttion of Ll.t tllUilllI)', ( \l*( UHUll .LeuuiiiUu of Hi Nn\ii|i Ci Mtl 111 I'lliiOll, <Uld lu ll. < lui- Chi ii.til uud Oli.nuhi'il.Llii. \n Sli.illuli, win u the 1 ioil v mtt, .nuwd the htujiul nadinj. i>l hbi hill L- nun nil th. Munkipal Acl. J U- .aid uh tend) 111 y ol nuiniUi>ulltb\M ol lute ji.in hnl been In ilui.i'M t \.Ulun uhkh had the ill.et ol <I1p1u1.1t.nj tli. value 01 inuiiLity I'mli 1 lln ul'i law munIclpalUie i \\t n iml allow 1 'i tu ta\ at a Ki'i'atei 1 at- than two < eiiii jpon tin dutlai. In m.my iiiiiiik tpull- ,,.h. .1 niui h j;n Lter rale I ban 11'1 n.ih ut |iics( nt 111 r 1 cut I i 1 qu iti .1 Croni 'i Judi'inont ot" Mr. .Iirtiu- IK nl- s.im, hhuwlnj., th.it thW wiim il.im,'ions to tin InleU'st ot propcity nv. 11. r* He Wished hi tile passim* ol tills hill tn (on ] < I nuinieip ilith-s \\ Kliln,,' to ki a\ 1 1 two cent s to 1 rmii lo tin* k' ^lul in , (ot th 11 p.uir 1 f tin 11 \ - 11 uo 111 el 11 ,u mum lot Mich a run 1 . Hi -.iu<4t niltfht nut be rrnnted Hon Mi. Hauly fa von d . lln wing ill. MMiiii'l jenl'm; He -.1 hi lie (llttl- 111 1 I -oi ' iluiihl as to tin power of i' l. tf Ll uitiv to p i*-s sue h a bill, hu Litis roiild b- thoroughly invctk ,10.1 li. 1 tin bill \m nt li. Ton the .t I- < ir mlltf o The bill was lead - 1 ivt I'm/" >fr ^'l "tnu movf>il the third re nl- itf o* 1 i h'll to nn*onl th. \sa'<-- to, 1 1 -\. t Ik sa il that In cilliL and ' (Mi1- ii 1 < f 1 t.i'n itei iod^ r*t 1 i nl M lands - ' te "old Tor t.ivoi In manv lustunrn he*. hni1i wor. naUl wltbnut the > > 11. -' UnftwlriK nnvthlni< of the tr in- '011 l'i roM hoMInf nmrlf i"*e'i ,i uieb Inii'is w ci p nl^o In manv imh l^noi.int of th- foot th it **tho m s hail not bron T'<t"1 'l'h< ^^ '.' ir'iinl that th> fount v Ti. inn r ' mbl liave tli p iW'ei to notlfv Ml' h m-pdx 1,\ 1 ,-ek tei ' '! IrttM- h.foir. th" h of the 1 amis Tlo (o-t would not \ (r t fl in 1 nv ( a--e 'W r. ut j Mr Math' so-i si'"1 h' tN>u 'hi that ,f MU' pinv' Ion-- of fi M1! 'uild 1" cirr'ed out th. lesnlt " rrnld be k" ' Mi HhkIv d\ lu' '1 th it Ih MM -1 finl'1 en nn t ' Iho f'nnim'tt >e for full d'sou sio*i TI pji-jsed the poonfl 1 I m' 111.* \]i- >T (ho ! ni oil fm itini-'u o** tbn TTnu-n f'M a ft'irn n'^oppsof nil .rr, op , |i)(. ( ntf 1 i"1 In'u It \\< (' n I he fiovi-iiinii nt and it l'/ck'-rn'l K- Whi- n and the Hrnornmfnt ami O P. ^leaner. Tamos W'liah'n and otheis respeotln;; the cotton and pulp wood, or nthei timber In the tei 1 Km v noUh of k'llu Supirloi toi^i thoi with eopl- s nf 11 cnn .'spimd not' 1" f nTieet!on tli the s arno, llr salil he li.id been infrnnod th it the prisons referred tn h >d a monopnU tinder Ui cnntiat t wllh the flnvr 1 r ment lie had been informed tb*-v lvd the sole 1 lirt to rut puh> flniW nn s^oeno arr*>q Hon Mr TT.ndv -ald thPT vim rm ihlentlon to bi|"--M" doi" > f e P*inn ftked for s uoe Ihi'V" would pi o'1 tli it someone h.i'l 1 - *i InM'Osln^ upon Mr Mathii-mi and tb it he had iilln\<il .1 ohlld s strrv. H, unlit r.) A-a matinr of fart, othni.s lnd the sa" e 1 ! ht ns tho^e [ ei son1 rtfi'nod tn ' l 1 bid the s itu j'j-fht to rut upnn w nil nnlv Mr Tinvrnrk nm\ ed f"- " oirh-r nf the Home fm > return >-hnin the cost of Hit n.ifhlocv tin vi)^' of ri - pahlnj-T and nnnt.ilnnt; the 'au l'i nrd'r. and the cost of ia'" i" >tn--'-il used In loih ect on with lb' manuf c- tui of hlndei twine In .U.i' ( < ntr il Piiaon, udv.ntf th* aKKr i^i.' an ouius foi caeli yen liom Liie hi tflnnlntf t>r nald Indiihtiy, to date, the .inmuiu.s annually I ..1 I as uuniuiu slons Itu the a le of ilu pioduct, thu loM of pack- a^t-S tie-KlU bJl il O-. of .\t..i OllHMlls and all oihei 1 xpLiidltui. s lucunotlln corinrctlon wlt.i "i oot'.rh iii'il by the sa\d uiaimf.icuiM'. The annual n celpts fiom sales 0i b ndt r t.\ liu durn/ s Id pci lot], and the istln.atod value of tho machlni ry, plant matt rial ,111 1 stock on hand when tlu said indiustiy wus tinraterrul to Us pre-t nt man gers. Mr McLean moved tile s-oc >nd u*<id- tntf of hi b 11 to amend the Election Act It piovldts that peis-on*- vim move within Rlx months before an pUm- tlon Hball he rmt th d tn vote when their nanus n; puir nri the votem llHt. Hon Mr O lison asked that the hill should stand It \v. h an Important matter anud .should bo well conMdfred bv the rnotrberM Mr Clrland thought It would be bet ter to pormlt the returning nOieer lf,-ue a ro'tlfieate and piant to the votei to cum hte vote Uvoh at te t'mc of the election. The bill wan allowed to stand. The fodowhiK bills wore into the House ytatorday : An Act to amend the IleBMry Act, Mr O'Keife, piovldea that where the olll'ce of a refflHtiur lo situate in any city liavme; a population of 30,0u0 or over, the olllce hours on Satuiday hhall be fiom 10 in the founoon till 1 o'cloeic in tho afternoon. Instead of from 10 to i, aa on other dayH. An Act to amend the Municipal Act, Mr. Garrow; to enable municipalities by by-law to provide moans for aa- curtainlne and Ut-termlnlng what leal property fionta or abutu upon or w.- teiids to w-thln six feet of the utieet upon Which local lmpiovements are umntrueted, and proviaon that the luuaty judiru on appoals to him shall not ho extend this by-law. An Act respecting the naBcamont of 1 he real prop rty of Incorporated com panion, Mi Oairow; provides that com panies may furnish the clerk with a hi,t of shareholders Hhowlniv the nameH and shares held by each and request \fm aii&s&or to .pla.ee-. the names of shareholders on the oasebsment roll as Joint o.wnera-o tho company. An Act to further amend the Act re- upectinpr sheriffs. Mr. BiKirar; provider that flherlffs' olYlceo 8 tuutu in cities Khali clone at 1 o'eloelt In the after noon during the months of July and AiiKust, Instead of -t o'clocfc. Ai Aot to amend the Election Act, Mr. Gamey; provides that no sheriff, county ciown attorney, cleik of the peace, registrar of deeds, cloiic of tlio Put rotate Court, clftlc of the Division fourt, bailiff of the Division Court, llcomio inspector, re gistrar, clerk, or other officer attach- ed to tho Superior Couit, no permanent official cmployoa In any ot *ho dopnrN mentn of tho Government of Ontario, or any prison, hospital, asylum or in stitution of the Government of Ontario friinll actively engage in any oontestod nlecthn to the I-.offltflatlve ASBemblyfc f aw_ai m1 d-/ 11 n't 1 w' iffe**^" u. 1 at ouch ..II ----^-j by nunvuKttlm;, bpviiU'^lj In^M, "i aotlni? '" ' ' on in half of m.y ( 1111 eleotlnn, or by (olhetluj, ItitwlM fm the eoiuliiot of mieh eh t on m inmiyollur ,/ omnner, Any pel .ion UmIhUhk the pin- ,v vlMlons of this Act shall he liable to u pennlty not eiuiocdlniv $1100 for ^aeh offenoe, such penalty to be rw.over- nbh< In any court or competent Juris diction l>y any pel Mm who may into mnrrfor, and ilhttll, 111 ltddlllon, at the dHorellon of the JinHcu pioslduitf at tin) oi I of HtK'h_lU't j""i he liable to for- ti _ relttne of bis olllce. An Act as to eulnln piootedlncn uiiil'i- 1 be Act leMpeU.riic iiMMlKiinientii nod piet'eri'lin , 'v lii'olveut pi 1 uon 1, tlu Attornty-Hi-rn 1 al, nukes provision fm tllhu? iiHMlKiinieiit 1 In tli. dl'Hiietii or Alcoira, Munbohii. Italny IlKei, Thuntli r Hay, .Miiiutniilln and Nlpis- 'ilniv. 'I1 ho linj'^t dlviihnd ji(HMil>le in to be naid b\ tlu 11, h nee within 1^ numtli'i aft' 1 th. .1" Ijjruiioiit and cu ly ; fir uioutliM then aft* 1. An art to 1 mil tho payment of w'.ii t m foi liiboi put ni mi U In ihe cou nt 1 in thm nf puhllf woik 1, t lie At toriH'V- 1 (.. u.-rnl; eiiahh s tin Crown to pay tint , oi" uiiy mono depo 11, 01 infinity kIv- in for tho du 1 innu.ince ol' nubile niitiaits for publir \(iiKm, claims (Hod vlthln two month' after they In * time hi , t'ni labor p if-iuind I bur on by toi 1 m n, \\ni km 1 11 or laboi ot n In (he 1 ni||oy of the euiitia* lor ((ir 01' nnv ub-( mill netoi. In t . s. of aid Kiantul oiil of the public moneyn to any iall- u iy or othu woilc, tin* Crown may re- 1 iin nultluuit ol Lh. Mini vutol In pay lIuIiioi tor labor puJountil livoiy i uiiipauy hei eal ter In* m loi ated is to h> Habit* for the piyintiit ol w .lri n by 1 unti <u toiH and Milwonti actois ll the 1 latin In ^tivi'd on l In- tumpaiiy within two months aftoj the dt bt is payable. An Aot to a.on ml tlio Asm sstnellt Act, Mr. Mutile, to rt-iiiovc doulitu an tu thu liability of piK.il.- lunatic asy- iuh, gold fin 1 institutions, t it , for \i t, .mtl tu m ik< t lit m L.lx ibh . An Act to ami nd lln* Munielp.il A", Mv, Mi at ham, piov bit 'i that v.lnn 'L ilu elalmer has h-en fihd by a p< 1 son flu led a mi mix r of the couih 11, th.ro sViall be a new 1 lection instead of the nt xl highest candidate taking the plnfo of the dlHclalmant. n . iu J h- i-V-ta to the riurht where he Introduced Uimie IIuiul tun Hn(l< r Sevoial bills k ti 11 inf.; to the City ut Hamilton wta 1m tm<* tin- l'ii\ ite Dills iJnmmltUe >. st. t<la> mnuiin ,' The LiL'Uitoiu ol Liu T II i1- U lb I- uay aylc thaL the liniiu \olid to th.it roud by Die t'ii> 01 II unlit >n b. paid Into Lho Il.uilc of llaiiiiltnn In tiust f'r ' hi in 'i he allinilliL nl LI 1. bonus v. o -'J ..uijrj '1 In cied toi is,, .lih ', foi a Hen on the nml .Mun- Tin l.i tt and Aid. I'nlquhoiin w.i-! .tniouK tb'"-t who aldii ed Lb.- t 1 n in 111 on 1 lit __L11,lLl_ '1 v Nu di f 1--|.oT~wTl> ,MTT\t.d"aL Ttie bill t li mln ^ tli mi" lot oomph-linn the Minitin^ \ ml , was pass, d I ll<>> U ri 'I I I \ pi 1 nn lllDM Mr II K Smith, gamo inspeclob, 1 loll 1 \ lh , li h b,ii hiitiiiiioiml i>< f"i e tlb Pi 1 bile A (_i ou nil (,'ommlttee on Tuesd y. The (uninultii alvo d elded to haw ih t ilb el sint< mouis pioduced nf thu folluvinp; aciounls Foi tiavtd- iiig e\'p< re i-., Mi, Nomuj, $J0(), Inspector On iste, ;ih.;j(), in'-iiuctor Chaiul.ei kiln, JIORO 1 < !<p** The following Is a nummary of the Hon Mi Hiiden'n hill with reference to bako sno] s : Al\ bale > popn t-hall ho cont-tructed, as to lif,ht.nt;, ina.lriK, \ mutilation unci diaimiK> . m such u ruannui ,ih not to hi. di li inn nial iu the health of any pi 1.son wni klritf Lt.ei tiin, and shall bo kept at all Lime, Hi el'an and ; an tury condition su i\b to slcui u the protec tion nud pr* solvation of all food pro ducts tin u of in a vhului-ome condi tion Washroom", closets and other convt n cnocM aie lo hi* [uovidid, en- tiiely m ] mate Imm an?, direct con nection with the --hops. Slot p ng pianos, entirtly hop.iate fi m the shop^, are also to he piovided; also proper lire f.ccapes No employer shall require or poimit any employe to wr-ik more than 60 liourr a wedt. except by the per mission of th" Inspo'tut All t s.'oc- tois appouitt (1 under the Ontai in T'\ic- toi ics Act an appoint! il inspectors under this Act Any employer who vio lates anv si otfnn of the Act or who r-ffus. s an inspector admittance 01 who ncffleets to comply with any icqiilre- ment! of the liM-etui, hhalf be liable tn the following penalties For the first otrenee. a fine of not lohs than 520 and not more than $b1; for the second of- renct, a fine of not kns than *50 and not more than $100. or, in default, Hi) days In Jail, foi th thhd 01 any aub- priuonr offt no. Impi iMinment for a period not excelling hIx months. ll'll'M'ili "* **ry ^| h'.^.' A Kingston deb {-at on yi t'terday ask ed the Mini-tor ot AKi'lcultuip to take 0V1 r the 1> Ury Hchooj in connection with the Kingston School of Agrlcul- tuie and Minn, and run it ns a Gov ernment Inst tutlon on the Uno.s upon which the Daily School at Strathroy is conducted. I itrrlfultdriil *l*llcje. \ii.teiiiay aftemoon Hon. Jf. M. Gib- ton biuur,ht down the report of the oiiLui.i) y'.j.iiculiii'-al Col'etie and lUx- pLi iiucnial l^arin The number of atudenla at tli1- col- k'Ke In 1SD3 wa 2ri0 130 In the p-eneiul courte Hid 100 In the dairy schojl. ur those In Hie general course, cxiutly be p 1 cent. u ere fiom the Province of Ontario. Six of the 100 dairy students were non-ies- idtnts four from Quebec and th * cart el n provinces, one. from the United S-ates and one from Waled Of thi* number. 43 weie iroe students. The total net eKpendlture on all th*- departments for 1805 was as 1'ollowb . U) Collepo and Government bu.ld- Ingfa, $31,23j.3!I. (2) Farm (ft) Farm pro per, J2U77.70 ; (b) experimental plots and fo dlnir, JB111.0G ; (c) dahy depiu l- ment experimental dairy, dairy bchool and traveling dairy, $9518.17 ; (d) poul try department wages, stock, etc., Jluni.34. (IJ) Horticultural department garden, FrreenhoiiFos, or* bards. lawn, inboietum, etc, $1600.37. (-1) Mechanical department construction of buildlnejb. repairs, etc., S1408.GB. Total, SBC.013.71i Unexpended balanced on the year's op- -cTaTTDTTir-ni all departments, $fl222.28 The amount paid by the colleen to stu dents for work In the outside depart ments ln*-18D3 wan $2:121 Sit. This \vaa done by crediting on board bills th" sums allowed to Btudonts -from week to wcMc by the foremen under whom they woiked. Reports are given on all the branches of the work. __________________ uow vitt:t<iums gjmr ///w ratvr. Hi* Wwn rttm1*! lu K-aUhii: Ttin'^r n,nil 11 turw t'rfr MtrutU IKhr. Klr.KBton,March 6.- Matthew Crelfih- ton, nwed aliout 18 years, was hioiiKhx to ibe city hist nlprht from Hnnerjit Station. He win ont'aKod In fellfmr timber in the woodB, arid a lai'Re tve- in t. llhii! lodged ftffMrirtt another ami shot backwards from the stump, tne sharp end striking Creichtcn's Utf Jht hove the mikle. nearly umputntlmr I*. nnd ypu^blnu lip bone in a horilb'e niitmifV. GaPKienft httvlm? set lu the limb wan amputated to-day. Summer Onrhtjck of now Spring and Siunmor G()'l-i iq now well I'orvv.ir'l fidhl will I) j pmpiubj in ;ill <l:a|.>Lrt- niontM at, (lm oarly rlnto Our atoolc of wsw blaok Dress Goods ooMipriRUH hmLro-i, .Sioilli.im, Sillolirui, Br>ohort, KolielH, Valour.-* uud IIonriiiLUs, all oi' whmh will be found very attraeLivo and woll worrii tlio atfc1 nlion of tho ladies. Also a mii^nilicynt assu*rment of Soofcch Zephyrs, Crinkles, Priius, ot'. SPECIAL SNAP: 12 pieces of the h'Mt all wool French re<_Mihtr prioo *>Sc y-it'd, i*(;diiced to 2ot: yard. Cnfilliefl New Tweed Suitings, Worsted Coatings and Trouserings. Gentloirjen, Ifyou are contemplating purchasing n new Ruit be aure nnrl vipit our store and see the im- menHo stock of new Scotch, Jfinglish and Canadian Tweeda. Wo aim to keep only the newest up to-dato goods, uand carefully avoid the poor trash/' You can depend on .seeing here the brightest, latest and moafc desirable goods, made and trimmed in the very best style, and our quotations for first-chm suifcg will in terest you. Boots and Shoes for everybody at astonishingly low prices. N.B Our new Furniture will be* to hand in a few days. THE GREAT CORN EH STORE, Diebel # Bricker. MW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. AN AGriD Chum Hoar choan, Apply to TiionounrnutKD POLVND 1. Apply to M BAHttKTT. Goato WANTED EAANRDN_Ei5 to oliou mo "Tho Sword of Islam or Suffering Armenia,*^<i thriliim. book Oraiihio neeuunt of tl o ICiiBfam Quoation. tho '1 in k, Ai ineijiau and MohiutiTno'JaniRm with Itu huniblo manBncruo, Numoroun utarUtnn illuu- t rut ion n tuluii- ou tlioHjiot 4]f|im({i!fl, only Si 00 HQDtlflOotn lor cuoviifiHiiiK J'ooil Aaont'j mabo $15 t0 to SBO.O" wnfUly nradloy-Gnrrotspn Co, Lfd.f yoronto. Out. TENDERS WANTED. SKALKD TKNPKUB, ADDIUSq-IED TO THE undorhlRuod will ho roaolvod until B o'cloolt p m .on K^iiJay Maruh 27, lfcUft, for tbo oupnly olM oordB of good rjoii body wood, to bo oithor burd or soft maple, or boocb. Tondara to stato (juiiuiity of oaoh ud prion por oord. Wood to b ilollvorcd nt tlio Bchool HroundB on ot bofoyo July Int. 180(1, For furthor puvtiaularu itddroiw ox (inquire of W G WYMAN, SooYotary Enoox Tublio Hobool Qoavu. ~T ESSEX Medical Hall t IH THE IIIBH CHT 01' JOSH PUURUANT TO AN ORDKH OPTHIB COURT roatto in tho cauRHof Uopsood vt, MovtJii, tbo creditors ot Jonoph Rob hi no n Into of tlio Townnl)ip of MatdnloMo iu tb County of Ennox, farmnr, dooottflod, who diod iu or abqut tlio month of Novomhoi* 1883, avo on or boforo tlui Qlthday of Maroli. A. D..1&00, to boik! by post Viropftld to Mr J F. Hiiyo. of Windsor putario, tbo Eollcitor of tho pluiutlff tUolro)irlnt)au and aurnumoB, addroHFoe and domrlptioni, ^bo full parilouhirH of 111 off clalmn, u Btatoi^ent of thoU uooouttiH and tlio naturu of thnlr poourlty (if aiiy) hold, by tbom; or In dafuult tlioroof tboywilbo pnroraptoril1/ oxoludod ft/oin th * tHinpflc of the Bald ordt-t*. Kvory orodltor holding any aoourttv In to ptoduoo tlio iiamn buforo mo at my ahnmborn at tbn Modbury Bloolt, at Wiminor, ow Friday tho 27th day of Mavob, 1800, at 10 o'olnijlc in tlio forenoon, bointf tho timo appointed for adjudi cation upon tho olairno. ' Dated S3 Toby.. 1800 (Blpnod) A. n CLAnKK, 3*1 Local Master at WindBoy. IN THE flIBH COURT OFJDSTIUE. HOVGOOD vs. MOItniB.] 13UKBUANT TO A JUDGMKNT MADE IN I. thin caui.0 and dutod thn 17th day of Pub- ruriry 1H0G, tboro w.ll bo Bold with ftho appio batlou of A 31 Cbirlfo, Looal Mnatq at Hail'*- wlob ami Wlnduor, by Mr. 1 anifcl Slnoinlr, Anotlonoor, at the Aberdoon Hoimo. lu tboTown ufKHBax.ou I Wednesday, the first day of April. 1896. At tbo hour of 1 o'clcclt in tbo uftpruoon, tbo following latulH i Tho Botitb-woutparbof lot No. 117, hi tho llthoou oltlioTownnhlpolMaidfltonit, tn tho County of Kancx. ooutuiuii K o3 norcu, U.oro or loan, tlio property formoUlV owned by tho Itttn Jotoph Hob Bnn. dooeaBydJ Tboniiid farm Ih uoarly all under oulttvattow nnd lino nn Bpido orohnrd of iibout 40 tyron. HmllvaHuuta iiboutlimiloa from tb*t Town of KBPftX upni toed roadB, ooiiveiiliU to HOboolB und ohtnrohoH. a ^ , ^ Tiinna of nule, t#n pof out of tlio purouaao mut.oy must b^piild lo O'O plniuti:fa (tolioitor i.ti ihf dy of tbo wdo and tlm balm oo mnati li* naiil into Courfc within H' days th rpaftor with nut innjroHt afier which tluio tho purohanur will bo eutitUd to pobbobhIoi*. AH tbo otbor oondliJoiiM of tbn *nl avo tbo htiinilinrt oniiiMtlcim of *h rlh Oourt. Tbo property wl 1 hu -fforod uukji'ot to a roBeryod Vo tuH or-partloularHarplV to J. V. Huire, M K. Uowui). MtiHurB. Kllitt * Hlllti, Bnrrietoira, Wiudidir, and V. A. WlfrBMr.lhwtrister, Khiox. DatedOtllMitich. flHU . , Ai H. CLARKE, I ooftl Uuter at Wlnduor. Hoaflquartoia for Sotiool DooltH, Holiool Suppht'n, Nute Pupor.Envelopna, Inks, Writing Tabb U and office Stationery^ DISPENSING AND FAMILY ________ DRUOQIBT._____________ SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot st. and Victoriaave* Tho latoHt improve 1 mtitihinory for Ironmc ColJarti nnd Cuffe, Will cot otook or broak t.ie wing. ( / Family work ohoup. and dohvorod. Parcelh culled for PloiiEie call tii|d try. If not Hatiafuotoiry no ohuriio will bo nnudo. If our work sulttt you, rocoramond ur to yur 'rlcndH, % ST RAY. r EPT MY PKplftSKS. y,OT G.1, 9. M. It., 1-/ Townnbipof Rololioiitov' North: a owo ftiiil blank lui.ib Infovnintion loud in |j to thuir ro- oovory will bo Buitkbly ruwardod. G-Ill II. BAKER, aofltoP.O. i , 'i > j'j> J i Will uot Ya ftiibhtdf ho imioh iii the1 house if you \\w tbo LI'iN'B FUEL SA.VBH AND UfiiT llADI^TOR. Sn^ep 40 per cent, of tuol. It i:u'eb^n tiiu boat tpatotbor- wie fjoen out ihmm tbrouuh ttU ohinpuey* \t'\h built on Kuientitlu prineipiow, aud only' J; naoda.toboHfMi lo Ik Utidi'intond and ftp-' ^')'/1 prt-oiaie^. Will nave its eosfj jn a' f<fW 'ty weeks. t t ' E. L. PARKER Agt^ KBBEX; - OXPA^O, " ' WrSU or oU at GourUy'B Fpqn^ry, 'fit^ 2 ' '."'? > hi hi .^<\/w^idvV