jPY^-'-- M^ r'v':'"J'f!'i ..*.>< IV B '{ THE SQUARE-BUILT MAN. f/.*W OncMHloim on \Vhlh lln K.tld "\V 11. :*;;." <jniriil," (.> Wnl'I<Vy. ; "Wnr oorroHpontlontsl" oxnhdmod Lord ^^Rfolsploy. "Homo of ihom iiro dohipnmh*- brnvo, while others aro anything but nrooa. The majority. 1 think, do tholr ty well, oven whim lb loads tluun into tight plaooM. By thu way. talking of - tight pluses' and War aorrortpomhmtH, X ra- [t ttioinburau Incident that may inUr-ud lf"you. It Was nt (ho hnglhnlnu of thti .. Aihantoo campaign, jUHt aft or our hind- jj. lug; a Rqimrii-hiillt Httln man oumo up Co j mo and snld, s])<mUlhy! slowly, ami with f an unmtRtakublu Aimirluun miooiib: j *' 'Qutturtil, ullnw m to Introduce my- ' ' >elf; I am the norrtiHpondonii oil tho Now York Jllerutd. I ' "Too busy to uUoml to him, I out him ahorfc with ' What win I do for you hIiT . "Ho replied, Imiiortin-bahly, with thu Bno exasperating hIuwiiohh, "Wnll, (:Jnn- ornl, I' want to \m uh nonr you as I oun ^ U thorn Ih any llghflu' to ho noon.' J " 'dipt. Ho-aml Solia.4 ehnrgo of all tho arrangements coiummlng nnrreupmuhmts, I rejoined, nui'tly; 'you had better Htm him.' And with this I turned on my hool and wont, about my hii-annm-, "I Maw no morn of my om*reupnndonl; with tho aggravating ooulnenn and slow- Kofli of speech for many iv day. I did not even know whether, ho wnu accompanying tho column or not. ,." J.\>ronally Hpenlclng I wan only In danger oiioo during tho whole nxpmlltlou. It wuh shortly hufoi-o wu nutimul (Joomns- Io. I had pnindfioil forward with tho. ad- vanoH troopn, Imping to bronk tho hint ll*ort at roHlHtanuo ;ind havo done with tho atfatr, whim thu omimy, utUhdng tho hoavy covert, oumodown ami fairly ntir- imiittdud uh. For a fow minutes tho por tion WaH oritlenl, and ovary man had to light, for tho enemy's Urn was pmirnd in at oloso Ouartms. Thoy pressed iinoii uh from all H don, dodging, from tru to tree, ud continually ud'-dntr closer, hoping to ot hand to liand. In tho hottoflt of 1U my attontlon wan oaiiKliC by a man in olvil- ian'H olothoH, who wan Homo Hftaon or twonty yurdH In front of mo, and who "wan complotoly Hurroundod by thu mlvano- Intf HiiVftKQB. Hn m'oinod to pay no hood to tho danij-or, but kiioollni*'on ono knoo, took aim, and flrod aK'Un and aKiun, anil I mm mod to hoo thfit ovory tlmo ho iii'ud a Haok man foil. I wan fa.solnnt.od hy bin diiUftor and oooIuosh. Ah our main body camII up an.l tho savaKOH wnro dr.lvon brtok, I wont forward to. soo tliat no harm camii to my civilian frloud, who romi just uh I roaohod him. To my nHtontalnncnt It wan thu correspondent of tho Now York Herald, and ho hogan attain iu tho namo low, onlm way: , ** *Won, Ronorai . "Again I lnlorruptod him: 'You wore luokyto-oMoapo. Didn't you floo tliat yon woro Hurroundod?' " 'Well, Ronoral,' ho. bopun aal, 'I uonn I wiir too niiicl) ooouplod .by tho SilKKorH In front to pay muoh attontlon to tboHo bohlnd." , . "That wan ovldontly tho Hi'inplo truth. Whatovor mon may say In tho futuro about Henry M, Stunloy, no ono thnt him aeon him In dancov will dony that hiHoour- bko l of tho Urn!; quality. I took a Hklnji to him on tho npot, and wo hooaino f^rtuLt Irlomlij; nor Iuih anything ocourrod nlnco to altor my opinion of him." Loudon Saturday Rovlow. ' */ ____________________________________ QiKilico I^lmiiKit Ain^iuliuoiitn. During tho rocotit aoHHion of thoQuobPO LtiQjlHlnturo, whloh baa just olomnl, coma Important ohfinptL-H wnro inado in tho (nor of that provinco. ^Amonpf thorn aro tho following: Any' of tho municipal oomiolln, oxcopt thoHn of Montronl and Quohoo, must oortlfy a wll- UnauooR to tho tssno of liquor UoimHon, or thoy cannot bo iRHiiod at all, and tho no- olfllon of tho nounoil Uahnoluto In caao thoapplioant ban boon provlouflly oonvlot- od of violating tho licuhno -law his appli cation miiflt bo rofiiHuil. If tho majority of tho olootora in tho munloipalliy, or of a polling Hub-diviHion, havo flhxl tholr oppofdtlon to any Ucoiiro bolnf,' ^rnntod within that limit, nono oan bo ^rnntod. Spoolal Hcoiihoh can ho iB.-'itod for pionlofl, racott or lar^o BattinrlngH. In munloi- palitlae whoro local option by-lawn aru iu forco7 liconnofl aro Issuod for tho julo of ltquorri for modioliial purposiw, but no Hiioh licouHOB can ho IhhuoiI to publlo hoiifitiH. Tho rouson Ih obvlouH. A \n\r- ohaHor of liquor from an unlioouKitd porwon, or during pobi 1)1 tid bourn, Ih llalilo to a ponalty of from Sr( to i;*J5 for oaoh offonoo. Any llopuscd pcrHoti harboring a oonfitablo whllo on duty, or kIvIhr him liquor, or nttoinptlnpr to brlbo him, Is Httblo to a pmialty of $u. - Sno of <!i>lr In AniiiiiilH. ' It lfl noxt to impoHfiiblo to rIvo an in- Btanoo In whloh a dog idonUllo.s un objoot by its huo, and thoro Ih lltLlo ponltlvr: nvi- donco that tho largor quadrupi'dH' havo muoh Ron.^o of color. i)omofitlo cattlo aro Ho far affootod by vlolonc oontniHt of whlto and dark that tho pru.Hoooo of a blauk. whlto or very cloarly Hpottud anim al in tho bord fioinotlinofj n-.sultH In onlvofi botn'g thrown of tho kuuu- color or niark- IiiKB. iiut t-luiiitfh nid in naid to Irrliato a bull, and to nxr.ito liuntnra by aHsooiation of idoas, tho bitter titatomunt rnstH partly oii'SurmlKO. Tho writor has hoVjji a Hotter rofUHO to rotrlcvo a blank rabbit hi'uaiiHo It apparently thought its mastor Imd hIioL , a tflaok cat. Hut a housn-Hvintf uognhowu jio proforoioo for a rod carput cir ru^ over, a bluo or varloRatod one, and oxproH- B0B no HurprlKo or uitrlnslty wliotlior Ita mnstor wears a rod uniform or ublaokov- 611 In Ult. Nono of tho cfitK.whothoi' wild or tamo, show any partiality for brlsht linos; and among all tho RtratasromH unud for tlnia Immemorial by b'untors, tho uso of color an n luro for quadrupoda la no tably abnont, Popular Sclonco, I Fni'CIi-uiiln^ IflnttU J,>rcHh (icmrls. Kvory ono Iuih or wnntn a blaok t^own nowadayH, and hucIi goodH aH horgn, ohoviot, oaHhmoro, Honrlotta, oio., aro euftlly oloanod, l<MrHt roniovo tho froaso -^pjitu with naphtha and roiuumhor that thin Huhl Is .vory oxploHlvo wlinn isxpo^ud to olUiur liglit or fire. Make a lalber of Warm aoiipKmla, UKliiff a ffood, not Rtronp; soap and a toanpoonful of borax to ovory two quartH of wator. Into tlilB dip th Macula up and,down nnd wah hotwoon tho hands; thon wriup; Kontly and pat purtly dry; hang irt tho Khado and when noarly dry Iron on tho wrohpj hUIo with a modor- ntoly warm Iron.. Always onoo In lukO'Wavm wator, and iron until tho material Ih porfootly dry. Novor rub a fabric that la hnlng ronovntod on tho'. washboard) Qi* wrlnpr it tightly, and in Ufilnp; naphtha romombor that It roughonn tho ImndH, and that aftor ushiir It it Ih woll to ' put vasollno upon thuui and to Woar old Klovoa. Wash alpaca In tho fliirao manuor an oaahmoro, adding a llfctlo gum-arablo to tho rlnBlnp; wator. If tho blaok ftoodfluroof a ruRty color roatoro thorn hy Hpbnalna with ammonia and uloohol. Always uuo a, piouo of tho sumo material or ono uear to It to upon 1:0 with, Kebruary JLadlw' Homo Journal, Imulsin The cream of purest Norwegian "cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, adapted to the weakest digestion. Almost as palatable, as milk.. Two 5l-/(!~50 cents und $1.00 SCOTT & liOWNU, Belleville, Ont For Fine ngr IfiWiTfSf You cannot do better than call at the ....... BAD- LUCK OF ITALY It) Hof Abyssinian Cnrmpaltfn May Bi'Ii^k Changes SALVATION ARMY WAR RAGES- Ifttetltm* 14 Try to --TruimlV*. I*rti|trrty Cou(ml tor ilvcruitn. iittvn on lti llnuy (III". Now York, Mtirch H." Wo arc ruthor ploiiMnd that nt inm UiiMint,'ioi) liuuth bus revealed tilu lutcatloiis it> uiai'i 1111 liidc- lifiidfut movoinont,'* uiihl Ont.'NIoDl or thu Salvation Anhy yoHtonlny. * It. t-lcarn tho ainirj^phorff nnd In 11 ^p-nt K'dn t< the nrmy. It Jdiowu tho i:ompb*i('Mi'.'iS of his rtrpara tion from tho movi'ini-nt wlih-h cavt' him *iu:h prcjiti^o In hiltuoiu-c. Hi* bus uuuo Ho-' way of most i'i-ufik'oi\s- who havo lnolton ibolr pll(;o for pithoiiiiI .ponnldcra- llonu." Ui'liroHOutiitlvoo of both faf-tloim met yosi- ti'i'dtiy to nrranjjo for tilt- ronnal transfo* ni' UiL'. proju'i-Ly held by lialihouon booth to tlio n'ifuliir army. Tin; do'-dn, huwovori c'liuiot b{- recorded until a pcrmani'iit coin* inamliir Cor thin couutr.v Is appointed, AI- Mumnh Jtooth-TucUcr ami bin wlfi- bavo bcon nnttiod in cabU- orders, tho iifocsHiiry (.'oiuinlHNlonK cannot In- maib1 out nnd letfJil ' ipilronifiitH . roinpllcil wlili until Him ar rival or (Jen. William Itoo'h In London nxt HatiirtJay from JJniuini.v. irir amy appoint Koine ono e!no. A visit *>f (inn. "booth to Aim-rb-a lu not iniproluibli'. The How-fry corps, Imrn-d out of Coopor Ilohm hy allliik'loi\ Honth'H detitnnlua- llon to the ball for bis own forrt-H Kun- ihiy idirhf, will lml.i its un>i>tlnir In the- bar racks Jn*t across (In? .sin-ct. Preparations iiro belli.; jhado for a crand lour of tlio KiikHsIi ofibers a round . the country to bead nil" the noeesslons to Ital- II ok ton liootb'H now nioviiueal. Col. Nl- 'ol will iitti'iut 11 oonroreiico of Mississippi Volley iil' next week at 1'eoiia, III. Miss i<;va T.ootli .will be in KulViilo to-tnor- i"ow. ItrlKuiller Ive|)pol bus toli'jp-npliod tl)ftt Mie I'neitU: euiist army Is Nia ml hit,' firm, ItiillltiKtun itooth Is imnl al w^irlc plnn- uiiiK bin oi-Kiialzailon and will Ihshio, ah ai'nuitiiu'omfiit. In a few days. Half tho corns at Orange rosined yontonluy to join Mm. Cajit I'aity WalUluu of N'owark will_ j-cHi^n to-morrow. All hor own corpy \o.'I and nearly all corps No. ii have se- l-'Cllcll. %tiiuulHsloncr ('arlton nnd sovoral officer* I nun w Yurie mado a vain attempt laat nl^ht at a Hfcro-t moi'thiK In Nowiuii to KL*t tin* Holdlers buck In lino. Mr. Jind Mrs. Jtullln^ton Ilootb aildresnod an biiiuonso niullonco nt Cooper Uidon to- olK'lit. It. was one of the bii'KeHt Kuthor- biWH over ludil In tho building. A fow ij.IihHch after Hie ilooi.s were oponcd thoro was no! mi unoccupied seat In tho hull, and It Is ostlitmioil that five thoimiiutl peo ple were turned iiujiy. . At K o'clock Mr. and Mrs. booth appeared on the Miitfe, ami the crowd fairly wont wild with fnthust- a>in. Hats, handkerchiefs, ilajjs, cuncti ami bonnets woro waved, and tlio uutllenet; cheered and Hliouted Tor fully 15 inlunti'H without censliiK. Purine tlilil time Ml*. llooih .stood With boivod head, while Mrs. Iiooili kiudt In pntyor. 'riino "boors for ! ." The idieera Iter Inlerv il >f 10 vent In In entllU- wiiH K'lvon for Suiac ono shouted: our American c.>i.i!n;::i J. were kU'oo i'linl i'o" au'o nilnule.s the ci'oml ^ave .siasm. ('tieor after cheer Mi'. ' .1 M.v llftolh. M \ Hooili ihcn lnl In prayer, and nt Itfl eirl|,|i..-|,,n S|ol;e at some length. Hy erill- ("1 Ly wtyinj,': " We d't ihiI. lnioiid to enter lot" sniy haitle or Htrll'i; with the Sal v. . Hoi, .\ifoy \\'e want no 111,'ht," Mrs. iokc luM-lly. ;tn,| was cbeeri d i-ii 1 liu- iy. Mr. Iioiith sold la an Interview Dad I MI'i. !i ^ia*' l-:ill lhat i to- ii"t ] 't 11 ' ol n:i Oie hT t In: new tiiuvo ir.r cl u- ill. " ". M :i I'l-h ^. --' 'ouiiu -~< iictci i!ic^-i'il er.i v, I'tjcd JiU'lloiices in she r.vii Mil- tie)) pri . flu I'aili I'lillhr me ti. v. oi'il nit HiU |:i I 1 i.'ild I reall:!' vln'ii I !--. in-f 1 .1. m;*, i:<.:.ib will dav. n fit i-'i'iiiu ;i , ' n ' tele 'i.'i ly .ul' !'i-r bruiticr,' I in! I tin,'- :n " ' - ";V;;:. .uin-d idea fur - . uhlcli 1 hi* Suhalien Army il. " My ii.i>liloii as your leader." ' my 'J ij;;Ul"ti aii a si- -". - of ymir 1 i Yr. v.'iih 1 lie^ love of .1 * t'. 11 11!in 11nm lu U1 >' ' 111 *o 111, 1::ay refrain ft* ilu speid; ic_' one nt'iii sid'.l'-i'l. c.\.--"ii; t biisc i*i lie- breath ol prayer .vn ii! my Mn-.t. r's feel." he In 'lie ully over Mon- .'.' / ..'. . JJ ri rs it. "l lb 11 Ji Hi :'n.pi He ;;i 1 > <\rr it <.iivrrii 'iicn on in ID a 11 lulm. Wi-Kil- In Mi\*t : tlnn tlib' evening wltli one of ..*i supportrr.s in lhu l>e^;staiuro, l'r..-- .:< I1..1! not yui le 1 ii.viu-d by Lb,- Ottawa Govcrn- 1 .' ul l i e-mfei* witii tbetn, nnd Mkt. I. i:; 1 v:n ,.)!i tile weno'd ([Lte.stlon, mid <!i'l not expect t" l'eeclvu such an invi- i at.(in. Mr. (\i 0'.::i\vay further said he hop- 1 d fiii- no eood from such a confer- ota.'e, if It were held. Tho Manitoba t J. v 1 mi 1111 out ha-t already Intimated a v'll r-yncH ,sto redross any KrhiYunco9 \ lileh w ei'.. shown, afler enquiry Into ;.ll th.* f els, to exlHt. They would no no further. If the Wed oral Ciovorn- inont nnd M^r. Lunj-U'Vln would not accept this propoa tion, but coiiHlder L.i, lU'ir.odlal Hill a tfond tiling thon. 0 iiri^umeil, they would alorc;, tint hf d'dn't think they would ijoalt It on to Manitoba, D' -mid Dve Do!Ss! Tli 'Vditj' l(it* the Homo. We wilt uourl by ra-iil to any urt Irouu, a, tan', o! I . w/b mix extra clroanoH, 011 : 1 i : f. in c etis m ntamp. '("to illiiHrriiLe tho uvu and vuluo "' o finiool I)\en in polorin;.' anvthing foe,, cji- ,'.h- 1 loth to v. heavy coat in any ch'iclo or i-nli r., Tho DunionU D>ctt aro tie; on I , abenlui. ty funt tlyi.M in th-world and tin; cant-n'. m uuo. For: v-tuo Dyo I nt,mp'04 of nloth atid biokof diroiitiouB for homo (lyoinR uont fro. AdilMBH WhUh,* RoliimlBon Oo., 200 Mountain Ht Montreal. ' as" I: We have facilities not excelled by any printing office in Western Ontario for-the production of Pamphlets, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Sale Bills, Route Gards, Or anything in tha line of printed matter. We can print anything that anybody else can. We make a spec ialty of ..... Fine Commercial Pointing, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads,- Statements, Labels, Shipping Tags, Or any kind of office stationery, not forgetting Notes, Receipts, Due Bills, . . . Lien Notes, Bank Cheques, Or bank and office supplies in this line of any description. Then we have an especially fine line of - . We print and supply them in any quantity. Our prices cannot be beat en. We are continually adding the latest designs in type, borders, etc., to our already well-equipped office, and are prepared to do as handsome a job of printing as you can get in any city. A trial solicitecL_____ Mail orders r^ceitre prompt attention* L M LATER EXCESSES-.IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN s kftlio irudoii (*;id 1 by profession RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. A. WALKKH. Wir. A. WALKEH. MS. CIIAB. FEUHY, CHAB. FEHRY. ( ft Armn thkatmicht . .....,. DlvorcodbntDnltfidnnttin ~rm names on testimonials useo without v^itten consent.--m*. j Wm.A, Wnlkor of Mth Btront nnyo: "I linvo nnfforodj I wniiimlioorootwhonl 5'^......v- SYPHILIS EM58SIONS STRICTURE CURED Tit,". 1 u untold minnlc'i for my "fftiy bfo." I wniiini yonnir mid iRnornnt. An "Ono of tho Boyir 1 cohtrnotod ByplnllH nnd othor Prlvnto difuMmon. I hntlnlcora in tlic mouth nnd throat, bono paina, hair loono, plmpioii on) fiico, iini'or nails oiimooli, oiul(iiiionH,'bocu'mi th'in nndaMii. Hovon. dootorn trwitod mp.wlth Moroiiry,W (Jonjiondont. Potash, oto. Thoy hcjlnod mo but cnnltl not euro mo. __________,__________ FiimlivafrbiMlinduefjdnmtotry lirn.Konmwty&KorBon. ~r r-icUiodTroutmontaurod inn in ft fow woolen, 'rholr trontmonfc hi wondorful. -1 y(yj.cHo\i (juluinK ovory clny. I huvo novor hoard of tholr failing to euro in auinpflo-cj t5;"CU,RES GUAnANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDEp Hfo tn.Drn. IC. A K. li\inii(Uzp(irii nr.11 luoiKhtni.n montlifi wo worn divorcod. I E.Miii.t.M'fuijtiiUod Ih-H. K. <tK., who rewtored ino to miinhooil [ lfoltiihowlil'o thrill tliroiiKii tlInly in-rvur.. Wo wnro iinit'nd nuuin nnd iiro luiiw* Thiiuviui ---------------------------- E'-^'.i.'; yuiii 'i u.^o. flru. K. & K. nro nclontifio opcouUlstH and I lioartily rcoomraond thorn. IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS CURED~|j Jrti ^-riV,- treat andcur* Varicocele, Rniix&ionSjMcrvous Debility, Sewinatte i^)i-" r^/v/fi-.*., Olct, Stricture ..Syphilis, Unnatural X>ischargas> Self AbusW '* > Ktuiijy and lUiuUiet Diseases, '.l,\r * 1 V YEARS IN DETROIT. 200.000 CURHD, NO RISK ti ,'U: jc. ^.'icluua pontuyo, 2 cimta. c&umo. -h'rv NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COMSEWT- PRl- ' No tntidiclno uont C O. D Nonamofl on bo^nu or -anvel*- ' .t y-rytrilntf oonfldonUal, Quootlon I'Btao:! ooot 0f Trout- id ib & lNo. 148 SHELBY ST ft. i.DETROlT,-.MICK*| |g|^^!S-iKkfapR^ IN THE EUROPEAN SITUATION- <- V nidltr flKl tT~mni(~<i * rm n >i y-1 "uly" Hi Ni'Hl >r ||d ,,,] I'r.itu IrlriitI' I.V I'lioi-r't \1 II) C:iiulnii(l A-iki*| IJrr* ? TiOnihiii, March 17. U \n held In crrr- Mln (lliilninutln clmloii Unit Iialy'n dlM- :.:H.-r in AliytiHlnla will ri-Hton- tin- mi- 1 niij Ih.-uvcuii (Ircni. JJrltiiln nnd (Jt-r- r.inny. Til- j.iiirt tlurul. hi innh:nu nrnl i<i nxhit h(?i\vi:i:n 1'riim- .Mjn;:.i..-r ^ulli'- I iry and Prlmn Mlnint v (,'rl.spl r-K;ird- j -H-tuMi !n lh.:| "I'Mllti'i-iMni-nii, and 1 ho A im'h.-Ilii Uyj^j . i-i-.tni-.-iiiciii. rulallvu to Kii^suJa nnd ! i;'1, ;:".i!ln-i-ii Huudnii, Klvojt Kurclnnd j .|tnly Mi'nnjr, | ' '" '" ..... ".-> .'" <\i 1 j. lire ji.lly u ml Ik- 1 i.hh-fl. IJ.rr.-i-(.. S!-!|.:m- fh-liipi cuni:luili-l ' I."1 ru-MlKii, it ji|M,;ii-h Ii l.-i.'L-rjinh- : ' idi* shiih* I ii-nii of t-iii-c-iU'i! siijtiii.rfln Aliy.--inia. i it-In liii]i<i.HMlhhr tu h.-arn .whin -iiu;:; "'""'n Ol" .-U|)]H;IX WMH iLldti'-fl I'iil, hht ( Lhtr Kiir.-i*.*:n i)lfh.> Oi-riuinly n- ' ( iih-lu prior tn Crl^pi'n full l-n/v ih-H|i;iti:hi-M iroin hint. Kuinur h:i:, :t thnt In- -van fed to knmv wlif-thi-r I !Hi; f.iriilsli trni.-ps |n KKypt cuiild h.*- j iint 1.0 t.i-nipii..,cily nc..:upy Ku.s.salui u-jitch ii,,. Ui.-1-vih'h..M, whlh- tin* I ii.'illan j-aniHun at, that pliitro Juiii-d Hi.- i-.mIm i(ji-,.,: that ii; (i|.jnji'.rd Lu KIiih . Ii iiclck. Tin.- l-Yi.jicli iii'UT|ia]n-rji concur In tlio Lll i'limi that Cr, ai Hrhuin and 'J."< maiiy ,1,1-1. :tid Itah' In ;' , ,1 way. with vorv f \>- jitioiiK, Uu* J.niidoji m.-WMpn-p- ' fi ..lM.i:.*- .Htn.tiiK sympathy with It aly. The Mornlnjr I*unt. of nil thr- nnpw, su^U-'nts thai llnariclul asf--iMt:ui" houlil h<> -cxicsifh-d l.( Univ. 'I his In Juki ih.. a.sHl.staiic.J Ihut T.ord Si.llj-liiiry dm*.- iiul attuiipr ro udv. Mi? rnlMht a^rei; to the occupation of K.'^sala. by iJr!tlnh tronjiH. and kIvp .m:i ns-slslnncc to the Itallan.4, u;dn^ /alhi. a lirltiKh p**t on tin- coaKt or Sf irinlihind, a.; :\. route for a m-w at- lack mi til.- A liy.M.sinlan -mndnce or Shoa, but to d al with llu- rotten Ital ian llnancuH would bo fatal to tho Cab- Inot. Sijrnor CrlHpl'K last api(-nl to I-hiro- ptan-nnnnHai-hfUiH^H u'Au rutin.-, but ih** nt-^otltttimis 4-iuU-<l hi Hccn-t help belnR Kiven to Italy through a f; - mati oyndloato, which n-celvod j>*iar- antcoH from tho Imperial Government for the ropaymont of tho money ad- vanovd. The Htatlst anyw that |f Italy con- Un'f.'H that idio haa been beaten by the Aby.HKlnlanK and withdrawn her troopn i'run -AhysHlnla. her llnancuH, though they will 1>l- n-ors for tho mon-.y .spent, will not be In a hopoloss condition. It' fdie .leelded to i->st(>ro her prcsU^o- ,'it will involve th. expenditure of t'L' 000, anil tiH, nation will ultimately Hj'nlc b -nealh the overwhelminK hur- di-n. l.'uUI the Italian (Cabinet hall b,> reformed, dlrdornacy will be quies cent. Jff the. current opinion In the official circle;; here in rljfht, ^ord Sal isbury will advise Italy to accept the position and make peace with Kin*,* Ah uelelt. "New York,' March 7. A London spn- claj HiyH: Italy's defeat In the battle of Adua Ih roK-ard'od now thromvhoiit Kurope as an -vent of the iirst ina^ni- tude. It Ih belhived that lis uiieet upon the political situation of Kurope will be of far reaehiue- conseiiueni't-. Already the dissolution of the Triple Alliance is discussed l(1 the principal capitals an if an accomplished fact, Sortie j4-iy the old league of. the three emperors rh-rninny, Jtu.s.sia and Aus tria others lhal Italy.and fVimc- will beooiue* frlend.s aKai:t. Still others aitinn that if Kin;- land falls to ku to the assiytanc,. ol KiriK Humbert li this emergency. Hr!- tlsh Isolation soon will be-ronm nioiv uncomfortable than It ever has been. It Is persistently asserted in Uorlln, Vienna and Rome that G-ermany and Austria have jrivu'i Italy penunptory advice to abandon Abyssinia, and that Kinjr Ilunibei-L has repilud that he would abdicate his throne rather than comply. There is Rood authority for saylnur that Italy will, within a few days, test Great Britain's friendship by endeavoring to Iloat a lar^e loan with KiiKlish assistance. In fact In dications multiply hourly that the re- proupinc; of powers which has been foreshadowed for several months Is at length at hand. French sympathy with Italy in her frroat' misfortune in remarkable. It Ik accounted for par ti..lly hy the downfall of Crispi and by the fact that the Impression pre vails in Franco that Germany and Austria arc Inclined to throw over- hoard their unfortunate ally. Russia. In this, as in all other complications of the last few- months, is the onry power that reffnrfla" the situation with equanimity. It Is scarcely worth while to speculate in the dark what the re sult of the fjroat secret name will be, but all Kuropij Is a^ain setting on tenter hooks. The' domestic condition of Italy Is extremely scr-loua. but probably does not justify the fears expressed. In some quarters, that Klnpr Humberts-throne la in danp-er. Mrvh violence was re ported to-day In Rome, Milan and Pa- vla. but In each the crowds soon wqi-q under the control of the authori ties. T'here are many wild rumors afloat. Including one of CrtepPs assas sination, but, the situation is net. ypt desperate. Mll::.n, March 7.- The Woman's Mor al and Intellectual Society o;' tins c\\y has Issued a manil'M'.o calling on Ita lian mothers throughout ihe country to prevent their sons leaving for Abys sinia, Similar appeals have been la- Miod In Ravi an 1 Turin Paris, March 7. A larjre number of Italians are reported to have crossed the frontier from Italy Into France, with the object of escaping service. Bilbao, Spain, March 7. A manlfc-H- tntion of the popular'feeling occurred, at the Eden Theatre In this city to-' m^ht. Tiuriii.!;' he ].i ifqiniinco Ihe French nnd Spanish flaprs wore dis played, cai-slns: the wildest enthusi asm and vlvan, from a Franco-Span ish audience, were , repeats .lly Girl heartily given. Malaga, Spain, March 7. The Bailors of the French warship Drom'-o, at this port, paraded the streets to-day idng- ing the Ppanish national anthem and tho Marseillaise, and cheering for both France and.Spain, Aby'sBlnlann, An yet no Hat of tho killed, wounded and missing has been. lUielVed. CZvii'tc K"riiii liml (*, "il oi'h-i New York, March H. TI10 Ilerald'w special froni Home says : The situation Is goluj; from l>ad t.n sortie,. Hlgaor itinilnl a iiinjits tu form n cabinet hav fulled C'Jiuiij'jLt ly. The -Ivltu;, eneoui'-' aged hy tho amhassii-diiiHOf Germany, Auwrrlnrn'lMr iMihlund, wlll-pcrttlsL:: In- having tut; war carried an. The vhdt pahl yejiterday by l'hn|"'ntr Wdllaui to t'lr h'rank Laseelles, 1'hifrllHh Aud)iusna- dor to Ucnnuiiy, had reference to tho moral support to be accorded to Italy by the three cabinets. The re vol ul inn;, ry aid tut Ion directed ngnlnst the monai-hy Is Inci'-aslng. A sei'hiiis d :: jilaee ln- tweentb.', 'th. I', 11 of Na ples, The latter i;i by the' Queen. Tin- King has decided to curry out thu niiiidiizaihju of. ij.-fii :> th. w..olo Jtallan army, A cabinet under Slgnor Saracen, who him (Hied, the nflle.; of Alhiist.-r of I.'ub- llc W.irk.-i hi :-:p.,, ^ J" 1 * 1: j * I' i i Govern^ '"e^it. Im ;ir.;,in j,,,,,!^.,, ,,,' .,., j.rubahle. .signer Mr,.,.-!,. t_u,n;\i ui,. .v(..(tnr (,f tho [,.,t tho ' /ibdieat joii iii favnr <f the el Naplrn iri becurnlrig more nro- i'\"-vy day. 1 " lug' f'l'ine babh- ;;i). t-f 11. YHUOIIoM Half <r ;;, , ii in:-, and mi uf the au- ii.f-a. i.n-. ,i. \v. "i ! i'- ii 'i !'j Mniii'l a :il th.- i.t',.':'ti : pir.'.', ilK 1 -1'iy Ii'tu;;: ii ne.: >s.a*y ng a ay attempt Zens ence, have Irl'iu. fj... ;, i ,n/.y Aim lit Ih* M,i. -r'l.iiii'. UfiKhd.-.n. Ha.. Mm-', s A h-netle ' .ty and Hiix-aLi.-ii.-; to Uevi b|> sennits conse- d'leilCe.^. I, n. attracted ' | j].. ;ir_t. nt thoritl.-M and i.iiI.Jk: Guje Jia;i ]. !. 1 warning- throu-. to-(|;iy J li,, to Issue an edict ma aniuug the pupIis of tin* 1'ublic sehoola to pr;u:tic(: u sullic.eiit cause for ex- pU i.ijili. 'J'in- city au.lwir lb .. ar.- e.!:.::dei'inir It, ,.nd ..;i.v... .. uni.l- v :: incllin I to ism,, a piuela,,,.uioi. tuiii;iiig ii puu- i.-hable by a line or iJMi.risunmont to ejciieriiuent,. The craze Ih ma cunllried to the yniihf;,.,. [,P|K.. t(1. a|iy ,n, ;il,Si but som,.. ul. the m.^t pr., e.ii- iave bi-ci.iiiL. sunb-i.i^ ui. thu sci- and a ruiuarkably larjre number mastered U. A professor threo week;; atfu conclud ed a Uvu wet.-.,.-; enga guna.*nt in tho opera h..usi* heiv, giving |..cLures on liyi-niMinn. au,i ]uaet.,.-..! ihimtra tluliti with h.c.l subjects. c,ov;.a:d huiis a greeted hhn him n.ght ijurlng luK -Lay, and In. took .^Siju uwa.v In pruilLs. The ImpibsHhm v.'Iiic:i' h'e ei'-ated remained. -Men and buys through an. di eliy :iu- canu: stinieiiis ui bypii.t:^ni, and the feats th.:t some of tliein have ::!uce performed excel even the jjioiussur, vVmong tiie most prominent Is George Markle, formerly a hanker. lie was one of (he first to master the study, -lie ha.s e:-;<'i'('lsed the leaver in a, me dical, way only.houcvi r.a nd some as tonishing cures have been made by him. .One e.ise was that of Mrs. Jietnliart, mother-In-law 1, WHilinn norsluick,- a'n editor, who w.,.- taken home from.a l'hlhidi Iphla prnuounccd In cur; hi". She Wi..-,- frmo a!>- (l'-m.nal trouble, and. .la-lug .unable i;> 1 1. 1 ' ai-\'Lhiii;; ,-,. Mvvailuwed, wan slowly starving t'l death. Mr. Markle, ; fter plusjng her nude:* the hypnotic spell,adminis:ered nourishment to her, and under the tr.alment she has sine* been able to take food. A patient at the State Hospital, v.-hos.. leg resisted all efforts of thfr doctors to bend, was -moved without any apparent diniculty after gettinir the man under tin* Inlluenee. M:.ny -(iih-i* expcrhi ents of like character'havl; been mad.- hy him, but, unfortunatcy, all who lave studied it do nut conline their pO'.u-r.s to acts of beneficene,-. I n tin; parlors, store rooms, workshops, schools, mines and In the .streets men and boys find sub jects susceptible to the inlluenee. R is mn, an uncommon thing to sea a dozen young men and boys moving1 along the streets half diiiied, searching for an Imaginary article said to bo Pi ced by tii- peri*.inner. William Gor man a pupl! at tiie I'uhl'.e school, created the wildest, alarm hi the school room yesterday wihile performing with several pupils. One boy wns told that :i sn:'ke was in his shoe, nnd started through the room yelling at the top of his voice, creating a panic in tho building. . Prof. Rlerly and Superintendent Har ms 1 tn-day were obliged to Issue- tho did prohibiting such amusement. In several inst nce.s the subjects havo * offered seriously from the eft'ecta. Margaret Do Ian, a wailreas In a res taurant, was thrown into a stupor,ant3 when the operator attempted to arouse her he was unable to do so. The sev eral experts about the city were called In, but despite their efforts the. younpr woman could riot be revived, and she was left to sleep It off. The workshops have suffered to cnrudderahle extent, owing to tho em ploye*- practising o'i each oth---i\ Prof. I utton. In the bus'noFfl' College, In practising on two'pupils, was unable to revive them, and thoy remained In I hat state for houra The entire city has. prone daft, and leading citizens arc d'ecxiselng wr ns fo discourage .the practice but until ' drastic men sums are introduced, very little p-ood-will result, so strong lifts the craze become, . t- A FTICtt TirOTS f YDS UF YB.tlifi. Home, March 7. Great excitement was experienced to-day through -tho re ceipt or n- despatch from Con, Baldhi- eora, the newly appointed commander of the It; Han lorqes- In Abyssinia, In which ,ho idated that of the 18,000 men who were mleslhg after the battle fought at Adowa Sunday, 7000 havo returned, .and others are arriving daily. aMils relieves the anxiety felt tho famllloa of soldiers serving In irr. Unrlil'fi liitfioi'-Jniit Arrluvolnslrnl 1>I- rovefy uf Vl'nrnm-Tim Whine Acr. London, March 8. An Important archaeological discovery was made a> lew days ago at Worms by Dr. Koulii. It Is a burial ground of tho later stono age. About 70 graves have been ex amined, and thv numbe of vssela found, most of them tastefully orna mented, exceed one hundred, Not tho slightest trace of metal has been dis covered. Arm rings of blue and grey s-l.ite were found in Uhe graves of wo men. Three arm rings, made of slate, were removed from tho upper arm. o* -one skeleton, four from another, and tdx from the lower arm of a third. In a man's grave thero was on tho neok of the skeleton a small, eonlcally pol ished .ornament of syenite, not pei-fo- luted, but provided with a groovo for* a string. Other ornaments consist of po.irls and mussel tihella mado la tha form of trinkets, perCorn-ted boardo. tuflca, and small fossil muwaeis. Thosq ornaments were worn by men and wo- , men alike. Huddhy and oejiro fraff*- ments,. wihleh wore used in tatooln*., and coloring1 the skin, were also fre- yucnt. In hardly a singlo eaoo was mlssiive: from the women's gravos the primitive com mill, consisting of two stone; a , grinding stone, and u grain crushorv The men's graves,contain weapons and Implements, all. of stone, with whetV- ato-nc*) and hones, for sharpening pur-. ltoses. That there was no want of food- is shown by many voksc-Is, often six oar.".-.'^ eight grave, and the 'remains of ; '*"$ food, found near them, the latter being! /$ the' boriofl of various animals- Several/, >r photographs have been ' tok!n .of* ,t7,'|;>5 Skeletons as they llti in the gravea,; ",* ^ by .. . . ... Afirtea. who now build hopes on their | (heir appearance being perfect after: ^ relatives having escaped from the o vepose of thousands or years. .".y'1 ',SX $$ ii^iiiiiii^^ i^diiSfetMiS^^^ S&i&^^