Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 13, 1896, p. 5

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K" - . ' / I kri k Wdfcifcwr frRSJB F>RteJfc It V ^'OFTHE TOWN/ ----------^T5^ FRIDAY. MAltOII 1, IBOfl. Kl:': fe." Sltijghlng iw ruportod au atill drat-alumi in London aud uunUitn poiiitn. , A. B. Tjovulttow, J'jhhox, th" place to gat u)(iiiy ut lowuwt ratim, "ii bum tunmi and anil oompuuv to unit. Gr.ogwy Perry, lot 11, con la, Kandwinh Bouth, will fioll liiH farm ntodi and imph'. montn mi Monday, 1M.11.rcl1 Mi. .Mm. Slouno liuu moved her dronnmuluiig tkbhiJlinu'tit to now quartern in tin) Kcott Blcok, over Wij'lo'ti ui'ouory. Madunm Albani, tho groat dumdum prima Uoiuiil, in ut Uotroit thin week, m- Biu*d by 11 utroijj; concert, company. Ditbul A Jlricker'u w-w gram elevator in bring covered with u>hroof metallic Biiinillen, manufactured by ttu caatnrn Oi.- turio firm. A G1JIL WANTKD, Fnr f-onorul hnuno work, Good wukch to one not uliaid of work. I'or i<iLi ticularn apply at tlio I,,i:i:k l'ineuu ofiico. " J. 33. Stone Iiun buiH an oxtonnivo ad- dition to It in already larj;o ware-rooma, fcr the pnrpomi of utoriny bin farming rniplo- iiitntn und macbinury. Mr. BLotio in evi dently building up a largo tradu here. (100 yardii now curpetu at M..). Wiglo A Co.'h. Now hutH, correot utylcu, low prican, junl roooivod at M. J. Witflo A Co.'h. Tho furm dwollintf of Jam en Latimer, 10th con. of tho townuhip of MorHoa, wuh dentroyod by (ire Into Buturday ni^jiit, Tho iuiiiutoH of tho houau hail a uanow call (or tboir livou, oRoapingfrom tbo burning building in tlieir night attini. No con- toutn wero navod. - Quito uu oiithumautlo Oonnorvative rally wuh held in the purty'H rooms* o\or the utoro next to Koiio'h hvory, on Wodue-Hduy evening. Dr. Km^, tbo candidatH, aud H. Clay of Amhermbunj, woro prbaout. Tho looal aBHoomtiou io or^aoiziDK for tbo oora iUfi uontout, Por Hpring bata yo to D. ... Wbitiuiy'tt whoro you will cot tho correct Jitylim and fdiudou. John Soott, who Uvea nearDuCaw'B mill, took a oouplo of drachma of oarbolic aoid latit Saturday morning ui miHtalicn hoitlo ooutaioiuf; mtdicino having bt'on misplacud with that containing tho itcid. He outferod oonHidurablo pain bofore medioal mil wrh proourod. Although in a critical condition for a time, ho in at prewent likely to re cover, Tho regular train on tbo Li-amin^ton division failed to reach Combor hint Moii- 'day morning' Tho train loft Leamington on time but bad conu only a uliort tlmLiincu when hor boiler upruiiL; u luuk, tbo en^hibur mouutfod to drive hor back to Ltjamin^ton Wbcro tho day xvnu npont in making re pairs. Tho train mudu her roj/ralar trip on Monday ovcuiug, Did ycu bear of it? Tbo big boom in hurnedb ut Adum'o haniL-ua tutno. Tbo way ht> in Hluu^htcnut; bin titock of new haruoBa ib a hurpiino to tlio old tim<rn. ' Cull and aoo biai. Aha Bboploy, a north Colctieuter farmer, with bio family, bud a narrow e^uupu from beinjj burned to death on Tuuodav ni^bt. Tbo hoiiHo caught firu fruin tho utovo and tho iiro bud burned through tbo doorway of Mr. ShcpJoy'a bedroom bol'oru Jio wan awaro of it, Jluhautily bundiod bin wifo and ohild out of tho window and followed. Nothing at all" wan imvod. Jlov, W. II. Bbuw of CoLtura preached a mibHionary woruoon at tho Metbodint ohurcb hint Sunday niormrifj, and uIho oc cupied tho pulpit in tbo evening. Sub scription liato woro circulated and colluot- ione takou up on Sunday alouo reached a total of S153 for.tbo mitmiomiry fund, it ia expected tho contribution will reuob nearly $200 thin year. Dr. l-uecou filled Mr. Shuw'd appointmeutu in GoHficid. . Wm. Shooinaker tn now prepared to de liver freub brtud to any part oi tbo town, give him a call. AtlamH raakoo all bin harnuBH )u bis own shop, no factory mudo coodu pal mod off "^ "aB tbo conuiue arliolo, liis ^'ooda utaud tllO tflHl. Houry Myora, a resident of Colohoator '.North, wuh brought beforo Ma^ifitratoH Barrett and Itodd, at G.eato, on WeduoB- day, charod bv Daniel Hartley, with pointing a j>im at hiui. Hnrtloy ulaima that ho wan going by Myeni' hbuHo when . tho latter came out, atut pomtnd the ahot- Kun at bim, lienco tho complaint. Myom alainifi that Bartloy ii* on altogether too friendly tornis with bin wife and dau^httir, .henoo th& ohot^un epinodu. Lovoluoo in Helling more furnm than any , real oatato dealer m tho county of Unbox . In fact Jum nmirly sold out bio largo JiHt of faruiH for biiIo. Cnmo in. "Alex. Iming roturoed on TuoHday even ilig fiom a trip to Toronto and Loudon. Whilo in thono oitiert ho oxhibi'od hi lit- tlo ftHtronomioal i-jatrumom, "Tho Planot- ^tariurn," to thobout eduautionalautboritioH of Canada, and received aomo voryflattor- inji tuHtitnoniahi. li^ hiiuuLedod in pluoing onu in tho TJuivortiity, tbo highoat aeat of learning iu Ontario. Mr. Lfting'o inven tion in of a very high ordor, and uppoaru to , bo supplying a long-folt want. Hin muny frinpdo will bo pleiitiod to hear of bin great saooesa with it. Bbavku Plug :n the bighont grade and rioheat flavored Chewing Tobaooo tnado. :.Try It. A, E. Loyelaaa ban houiea and lota for Halo in town. 1'rioo and torirm to iilit pi'i-nbaiiui'M. ratrit-'k Danibur, of l\Iaiiltono lout a ilii" tliroH-your old colt, from boinj/ kinked l,v anntboi' bni'iin on Haturdiiy buifc. J m ,i. 11, Alliim wuh awarded tli eontrnofr "for Vnippiying coal in tho Wator Workw for thia year by th Kira and. _yVatr 0otn^ mittiifi of tbo town oounoll, and Goo, Thornton wan given tbo contract of ceiling tbo lionn building. Spucial imlu of T*dora Uatn Friday and Saturday, 81.2/i Uatn for '.lf> chijU, Whitney. Special iiitlo dreim goodu, half prioo at Smith'H. Uenc.1 Binith'n ad. A hrtiud and luitr.ur gonial wuh givn nl tbo muntui on Tu end ay night. They ntv giviii) mopthly by difhjr.eiit nu-mlinrH of the i'loidivlerinn eongrogati<jn. and urn t^rimtly iippreciated by all who attend ; :> tbav provfi to ho u Hoiirco of eiicoumgufiieut in Homabitity to tbo monibtmi. .]". S. Adnmi', ili' hiirjicwt iloalur, ban a fino utoek, and ho will not bo uudernold by uuy .man. See b-Jioro you buy. Speoml im ico in nhooa *lih1 nlothing itt Hmith'a. lfatu and cd-i'i- extra value, at Smith'H. Tim froii dinLiiInitloii of Doan'a Ividnoy Pi I hi will lake pluou at Shurrin'ti drug utoro on Monday, March 'J.'Inl. Wo call tho attention of nil MifTereni to thin gonoroiiH ot'l'or on Hi.) p.-.rt of tbo propriotoni of. tbiu remarkable n.-niiidy. Tho announcement appears in aootber column. M, J. Wig'e A' Co. offor npeoial vulnoa in carpets. (JulI an.) .-eo the new tioii at M. J. Wigh: A Uo.'o. A man named Hough, accompanied by Iiih two duiiglitom, gavo a tumporunob on- tortainim-nt at Peok'n Ilall on Wednesday aight. Tbo fafhor gavo a vry good tent- peranco talk of nearly an hour, while tbo daughter** Hang and roohod Hovural temper- anco uketche'i. They woro groetod by-a- oinall audience. I, T. Leak had a nawiug boo last Tuon- day aud Wednofiday foronoon, one and a half daja. Taylor Brothora, of North Ridgo, did tho work, and cut ninety cordii, montiy maplo, which,is all uplit and piled. Thia in ooufiidored good work for ono ami a half days. Tboy i.iho four teiimn aud have a. good nawinjj outfit. Qur ntooli of genth' lurninhinga in hrJntl nag with nice now goodo, extra values. M. J. Wigie A Co. A moo iiHaortment of laciion' white pnder- wear ut popularpricea. M. .1. Wiglo A (Jo. Single harnoaa, 910.00, warrauted made by hand, at F. S. Adaraa' shop. Uncleared and improvod farmu for Hale; Hinull oanh jiaymont, balance on timo to HUit purohiiHor at 5^ per onnt intoi'ent. J'jiiquire of A. \). Lovolacu, Ehfiox. Arthur, fourtnon year old hou of Amon Warner, now of KiugHviIle, hut formerly of Cottam, wuh neized with a p"ii) in tbo right log, juttt be.ovv iho leneo ] ut autumn. A Hhort timo after a mvelnng mad ; i'd up pearniK'n which later proved to b.i a Har- coiiiii, or lorin of bone cancer. Lunt TbnrMday, Dr. Jnunor, of Kinghville, uh- siHtoil by Dth, . White and Wigbj of tho eaino pluco, ana Dr. bewnr, of KiiHt.-x, amputated tho log ahovo tho kaoo. Tho m'inv fnendH of Mr. Warner will be pluiLfou to juarn that tho littlu fellow utood the operation well, and ia making a rapid recoyei y, llaruH, HUgar cured, 11^ ceutn per pound, on Saturday at Smith'h. Tomato oatnup lii cents por bottle on Saturday, at Brnith'H. Lapoint turned bimaolf A man named Iooho ou a principal atrcet in BrocliviUo lift Monday morning, armed with a double-barrelled breecli loading Hhotgun. Ho Hhot dyad an old rnim ' liutned l'otor iMooro, prohahly fatally wounded Chiof of Police Huho and Constable Tinnloy, and itu old Indian. Ho wtiu Jinully tibot and ovorpoweiid; nix other men wore Hhot, but not fatally. Tho man had hi poakotH full of loaded cartridges Lapoint, who. ia ab'jut 10 yearn of ago, hvoo about oight luileH from town. Hois an export allot, anfTTpoTIuTrrurjut of h'Q timo in huntiijg. Ho ban hIiowu HigtiH of ineunity and hue bami drinking oouaidorably of lato. Anotlior conaignmout of bate in tho now nhupoH and popular colorb at M. J, Wigle & Co.'h. M. J, Wiglo it Co.'h utoro m full of bright now goodii at cloao pricoa for caHh or pro. duce. Sayn tho Review: "The mayor or Wimi nor in a Mtmoti, hut not a Froomafloii, and purhupu never will bo, for which fact, how over, ho ih into wiho rpbponHiblo. Ho up* pjied for memboruhip- to Grout"Wiiatbru Lodge, A. I". & A. M., but wan blackballed, aud hix moethu muut alapno boforo ho may renew Inn application. Soma pooplo are unkind enough to whioper that tbo mayor wao auxiouii to become a member "for what thoro in in it," iu tlio way of onpport duriug bio campaign; and wao quietly turned down;" Mayor Macon, may bo able to HUoooBfally ooaduob a-.P. P. A. oura- paifin, may occupy Winduor'a oiyio chair ay long uh ho likou. may booomc mombcr for North Ehbox an tho Canadian Indc- pendonoo tiokot, but bin real value nay ba aBoartainnd when he ondeavorii to booomo a 1'Vocmaaoii. Froomaaoim only can an- tlorntand what tlio "turn-down" meanu. Buy a Comot Bicycle and bo happy, Soo J. W.GIbuon'a ad. in another oolurou, 7 oanu bcab tnmatoon for 50 ooots, at Smith's on Saturday. HATS Tliorc in fuitiBfnction in knowing tliai; yon are correctly droPflLul. To ho tlroBsod properly yon munt bo in Htyle; Htylou (.'liini^o eitcli HCiiHon. GoodJH 1o bo in Htyle rriu^t bo now In making your purohaik-H of mo, you are certain of procuring new good?-:, coiiHcquLMiUy tlio X X Li JOji bo Henoo yon experience groat Hntiaiucfcion. It'H exactly tho Hamo. Tli-ore ib BiitiHfac'.ion in knowing yon aro receiving the correct shnpeK. Tho correct slinpo is neccHHarily new. When yon buy of me you know that you are getting now stock and the proper styles. I have made groat elTortB to open the spring trade with tho largest and best showing ofexclumve styles ever exhibited in thia town. I have bought from the best markets, insuring me the lowest possible cost. The Public Shares the Benefit- I am Selling Best $3 Fedora in market to-day for $2.50 2.00 2.00 " 1.75 Be snre and inspect my stock before buying elsewhere, D J HATTER AND FURNISHER BUY THE EASY-RUNNING IT IS A BEAUTY AT A REASONABLE PRICE. I am also agent for nevoral other mukoH and can offer you your choice of tho BEST SELECTED LINE Of Bioyclea in tho county of Eboox, both in quality aud prico. Soo them bo foro you purchaoo. NOTICE, 'pi-IEANNUATjMKEO'iNOOFTHK W-EHTKKN I JJimi Kuojiorii ArtHoolntfon, will bo li-ld In tho town oNOhnox, ou Tuofidny. April 7, idlifi. AH inmnhoMjgiml tboso IntoroHtml In boo ivuopiiii; fiiu invltud to uttiojil, all |ioroim Join- inR aro 1'iiriiiiilicfl with viiluntilo prizcii. N. II. BMITII, l'rcoldont. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. BrciNG KAar jimjV ov fiouTii halk op lot No. II, <!nn. H, Tp ol jMornou, contain- in,! -lUacrtiH, Tliojtroporty io all clouriul uml undor cultivation (oxcopt about U uoroii). It hiiH oroliurd,>lioiiho, f;nuuiry, Htablo and out- buildiucii; iilfio a woll of cood iiprinfjwntor. Toritin to unit purcbaiior. I-'or rurtbor particu- lnruapjily to " '. wis: K. A ll-tl. SAIIillt, JOtlHOX. N,T, JONEB, Scott Block, Ehhox. llow a high school girl recontly paraod tbo Hontonoe "Hu hinacd mo!" "Ho," sho began, with a fond lingering over tho word that brought the ohmRon to hor ohookfl, ."in a pronoun, third paron, Hinfjtilar num ber, maHcnlino goudor, a gentleman pretty woll fixed, universally oonaidorod a good catuhl 'Kianod', in a vorb, trunoitivo, toe much bo, ropjular, every ^jvouing, indica tive mood, indioatinp nffootion, flritt and third poreona, plural number and tfovorned by oiroumntanoon. 'Mo' OhI woll ovry- body knowit nao." And alio sat down. Last week a man ahppod in upon ub and aaid ho would pay uq ovory bonfc ho owed un if ho livud until Saturday night. Wo prennnjo tho man died. Another Bald bo would pay a day or two an tmro an wo wero bom. Qnory : Did tho man lie or woro wo novo*' born ? Another1 man aaid ho would nettle an euro aa Hhootitig. Wo aro lod to tho conoluoisn that hhooting ih not vory'oortuin. Another hoped to go to old nick. Haven't noun him aiuoe; Huppouo ho lmfl gono, but trUnt ho iu iitill on oaetli. Quito a uumbor aaid tboy would boo uh to-morrow. . 3,'hoy havo b*en utridkoii blmd or oIno to-uiorrow has not ooroo. Ouo'aaid ho would pay ua aeon aa he cot bo'duo mDnby. Tho man did not lio, uoof oourao hohuunot had a oont flincn, Exoliango. "Don't bd dooeivod." tuaiat on getting tho genuine,Tomka ymoUimi Mixture; 10 oentp* paokago. If you tiuffor from KiJnoy Dinoano, Larao Back.DfabtituiJ, Krigbt'fJ Ulfioneo or any nilmont onunod liy improper action of tbo kidnoys or urinary ornanw. thin oflfor nbonld attract you. Buing convinced that no othor romody for ktd- noy ooinplaintmiqualHDoan'H Kiduoy Pillu, nti ovidimaod by untioniablo toHtimony rocoivod ovory day In It'ttorn from suifororn who havo onoapcid from tlio torturon of Lmao Baoit, Kid- lmy troublo^'and novor oonolnnpainn by moaua of .thoFiv wondorful pillfi, Wo do not bgnitat to makn thin ilor, for whilo wo loao tho box. wo Kiyo you, wo mako a friend that aeiiiuta in tbo rialo oi many Iiozoh. 72 FULL BOXES. Of Dorm'u Kiilnoy Pllla will bo clvou away froo. Any portion Miffm-lug with kidnoy ailmontn cau got a box at tbo undorif/nod aadrofiu, until tho supply In flxliauntod. Firat corao, Brut aorvod. and only tliki ono ohanoo otforod. aomouibur tble in not a mimplo box, but a roaular full ulv.tiil lox of Doiin'B Kiduoy Pllln, which' rotailo at fifty eoutn. THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO., TORONTO. komombor, FrooDiofcributioaOno Day Only. At Q. A. Bborrln'n pruflntoro ou MONDAY, HIAllCn ,S3rd. JNow JOreHnmalclnir Shop. Tho Mipaoa Grtionway, who aro known by moat -of tho people in thia vioinity. wbori tboy bava lived for yoaro, will opn a Drowmakinfl Room in tbo old Tompor- anco Hall Store, noxfc Adama' Harndsn ohop, on Wodnoifday next, March 18tb. Tboy will bo prepared to do flrut-oURfj work, and will ba ploaued to rocoivo oallu from their many friendn'ami ountoraera. , Stark's Powdora, oaoh paokago of wliioh coutainu two prepiiratioui, out' in a round woodou' box, tho cover of which forma a moanu re for ono do ho, an.immodiato re* lief for OoofcivonoHH, Biok Hoadaobo and Htoraaob, alno Houralgia and all Jundu of norVobs painn, and anothor in oupmilon, (from.} to i of ono iu tin ordinary i1oh) which aotH on tho Bow6>h{ Liver imd Stomaah, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Hbad abd Btotnaoh "com- plaintu. Tboy do not, uh moat pilla and ho many othnr nnadioinos do, loao their elftiat or proiuoo after constipation thy are nioo to take. H5u a. box at all' modi" cirio deilera. FEBRUARY 26 We open a fifteen days' sale of 53 piecoa of Drew Goods all of latest Htylnn, in Cashmeres, Henriettas, i Serges, Tweeds, Lustres, Cravanette, Tho regular prices are from 35c to $1.50. Wo oiYeir the'choice of any at exaetly Hj^lLF PRICE ! Just think of it, a chance not often got to buy n, nobby drOHfl for 17^c per yd, or 1M goods for 75o but it ifl a fact, you can do it with the "eawh during^ the next 15 daya at the--....... .-.._:_... ________ - Bargain Store, Whitney Block, Essex. s, 0 63* Spray Pumps, Hardware, Farm Implements, W. H, Essex. Tm Wheat rod por baahel....9 75 to 75 Wheat, white .... 7fi Corn ... SI Oats 81to 23 Timothy Soed . .... 3 00 Olovor Soiid .... 4 50to-l 66 Alaiko .... i 4G Hay por ton............ 9 00 to 10 ffG Beof per .owb..... Pork Mutton .....;.. Hidon UbiokouH per lb..... JOutter ..... Lard ...... Eaatf, prdoa ...... Potatoon, por bnabol Onions _ Apples Xurnir-b Our rot a BteU Punnips. Turkayu p^r lb...... DuhVu ____-. Oolrry por^doa Gbb*R i i 60 to R 00 1 to47 75 5 00 tft 560 8(W 8 11 8 .86 V u 7 . w . >* o mi til Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLEE, v Ordored Clothing away Down, To oloar out our btook of underwaro wo will noil at re- duQod pnaoei. All wool Huits roduaod to co9fc- UNTDEKWJaAB. Fine Scotch Umb'a wool, $1,25, 91,75 suit ft rat dtoro north jf rail way. 80 to VO io rt>0~lo~l to Ct) to 30 40 6$ *0 ' ej!D if 1 00 25 >* *' Hlrattt WHlker Jk Houh Murkti Uepir< No. 1 Hye, per btiubal .... 60 , 1 Oai die* Mod *#A 1 Barley owb *5 f5 In cowticquonoe of tlieir elovabors, etc. boiurt alrdadv full MeBara, Hiram Walker A BoDaiXtmitad, aro compelled, ta.-jUacpa:p tintt* buying coru until farther notice. Th*'aboTe priosa are pidd|by, U, WaJkisr Soha, WtJUrvilU, On*. Harness. I can givo you a good. jBeit of Single Harneqs.warrantod howd-mado i>-3 >b , F <* For $10. mi&^^^^ ' ,^,#:^^

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