Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 28, 1896, p. 8

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'^PIPJPPWPH^l^ W ------------------ FJAS, D. ANDERSON & Co . 3UNKWUB, Next to Aberdeen Hotol Esse*. THB l*HSRflL ITOtE&BD f**R v. Monov toIoBirouTftTmom'NoUut; NolM boiiifht or Oolluuloik; Money to loan ou MotliLoti at wont rutou unit bisutturmn. Drafts liwund payable at par at ail prhwlpul plntn Fir6 Insurance Agents, etc- " ^ooaSpErsomal te J, A. Dmljol wun in Windsor on Tliurn- Any'. A. W. Snidur Hpanl Sunday in Wallcor- vin. J. U. Smart of Kin^tvillo wan in tuwn thiu wo ok. A. II. Smith took a buHiuoiw trip oant Ibis wgoIc. J. 0. Pock, of Winduor wan in town on Wodnoiidiiy. Roavo 11. WirIo, of KingnviUo, wua iu towu ou WodnoHilay. Detoctivu Onrapoiiu, of Windoor, wao m 'town ou Woduonday. Frod. Kintf, ol Km^nvjllo, upent ft fuw duyn in town hmt wouk. Mlahaal Herman, M. C. It. directive wan in town on Friday hint. Mm, D .J. Whitney vimtod xtfiondu in Detroit and Windsor thitt wook. Minn May Loatnr, of tlno town, Hpotit Sunday-with friudu in Wiuduor. Wm. VoMpor, of Detroit, in vinitiHM bin parsutn, Mr. and lira. <T. C. Vesper, in town. Rev. W. M.. Flomiuj* wuu in Chatham "'tiUa'weok attending a raoutinn of the Ghat- ham Pronbytory. Harry Wi#lo ban racoivod a position an aeoouutanb at W. U. Rioliardoon'R hard ware wfcoro, and will uottlo iu town. Mm, Wm, GoanbU roturnod on WaducH- day aftar vinitin hor niutor in La ford, Mioli., wbo ban boon durifjorouHly ill. Mr. Frod and Mian Nellie Wijjlo, of Leamimrton,' apont Sunday in towu, the guoHtn of thoir couHioiy, the Miapqu Roae. AlORHr, E. E. Torroy, nupt.of telegraphy, and J. J. Horn, HUpt. et tho lino ((apart ment for tho M. 0. R woro in towu thin week. , Prinoipal aud jMru. UruRHwnllor enter- taiuod a number of tho pupihi of tho Hit'.h Sahcol at thuir residence hint Thurnday oveuing. Mayor Johution, of Loaminfilon, uullad on bin numoroun Ehhux frionda ou Wednes day. Ho wan formerly editor of tho Erbox Liberal, .Jan. D. AudorHon loTt an Tuemluy for Uuluth, Mum., ou buuiueHii connected with a bank there in whioli ho in in terested. Mrs. II. \V. Allan accompanied by Mtunoa Boatrico Gibuou and E. Zealand returned on Thursday after a abort vuut witb frionda in Windaor. Mihq C,, who ban been quite ill for Homo wooku paHt.waii fueling macb bottor yesterday, bump able to go out of the house, nor many friendo will bo ploaaod to hoar of her recovery, Mru. JamoK Auiitin, Elmatoud, who ban lton ill foruomo weeknof inflammation if very nouoh bottor. Mru. Auutin who ih woll known in tbiu locality is a daughter of Connoillor Bodd, Gooto. Mry. Wra. Church loft on WodneHdav nitfht for Boston MiIIh, Ont., to attend the funoral of bor motlior, who diod uorae- wbat unexpectedly on that day. A notice of bor doath appearu in another coluina. MAIITI'II WAS ABSEKT Ho Did Not Quoation thoGoV- ornmont as Promised. IMPORTANT MUNICIPAL CHANGES far ACUlreaB and ProHoutiitlon. On Friday ovocinjj, 11th inst., ex-priu* oipa.1 and Rlra. Henderson woro surprised at having tboir bouici invaded aud taken pCHHQ8ni3U of by a party of youn^ folku, who proved to bo Mr. Hoiidornou's former pupils of the public school, Tho pbjoct of tboir visit wan to proueut thon* ex-toaoho* with oomo mark of their toipoot, and of thoir appreciation of hia effortb in their behalf, A Very pleasant ovonin^ was apent by tho young folks.who woro also accompanied by principul Munninj*. DurtnR tho oven- irjtf Mr. Hondorson was proeontoa with un addroHfl, nccorapanyint,* whioh wan a lartio and comfortable arm -chair. Following iu the ADDIIF.HM. Un. G, E. Hknjiuuqon, Dkaii Tkachkk, Oajtbia ovoor your d- paytura from amonR un, wo wiuh to take thw opppoitunitv of csprouidnK our grati tude for tho kindness that you haVu nliown usaudonr deop sorrow at af.yiiin Good By. - Wo roali/e that we ar>) loiiinf: a .faithful teaohor, and a kind friend; and hotj of Votl to accept as a slight token of Our eateom, this chair ; which wo hopo miiy rfuttuurd by M*-, Hlriitfoii'J Hill Wrdac- tUiii ol' tliii \itmbik- <tf Aliltrmou uml t oiim'Hloi'* Mioiih! U.ntilL OuniiMLtitru ho h iMlttk- Vrn- vliit'lul'i'iiwi' V Toronto, Vcb. 111!. Mr. Marter had Klvcii noLloo In the Luiiinliilurti thai ho would mu: Lion tin: llovui'iimrnit you- Lerday Willi rt-riM-cnce to tho nMnoval ol', JiLincij MuM.'ili: tii'tn ibt! piKiillon of Warden oi' tlu- Central J-'iisuii. It wuu undutsluuu" thai Lltt.: krml.jr of, tin: Ol>- I)0;;ltlon Intended to tuku lik: (lev- iM'nuicnt ti'-Vi'icly Lu tiudi. fur Ub action in thla regard. Mr. Marter evidently nindu up hUi ininU, however, at the lnut muniuiit, that it was bntler to letnleep- iiiii duj;a He and failed to put lu an appriii'uni'.e, ()n Thursday, whib; iluliveiiuK bhi tijieeeh ujion tho'1, Mr. Muthe- ;;oii ;Uated that the (lovernmenL were LakhiK a liirii.-r itereuiila.^u 1'i'uin huc- t":;idon dutli-s Lhaa did the lirltinh G>v- t:rinnt.-nt. Jle was taken U> task by the J-'iuvlrieial Trca:uirei*t who pointed t<> Hie English act to ppivo tin; Calulty of this iit'attMiient. Yesterday Mr. Matheson ald be bad IuoUlmJ, liito the matter and he. wasi 1'ree to conl^.'HH ho wan In the wronj? and lliat M r. 1 lar- eourt wan ri^ht. Mr. Orawfurd alced who were tho idiarebolderH In the Ueortflan Kay Ship IJuiKil, how much Htoek eaeh held, how much bud been paid uj> and who were tlie uilleers and direetorH. Sii- Oliver Mdwiu Hu.ld, in reply, that wlien the coiupatiy bad lieon Kranted a charter, the .stuckboldeiH, otlleei'H and (HrerHoiH weii; kimwri to the Govern ment and that IU per cent! of the .stuck had been paid Jatu a chartered bank as Heeurlty. He did not know whether Hie pre.sent .stockholder^ were the name a:* when the charter had been granted. Mr. Whitney moved fur a-return i;lv- ini; naineH of all ajplieauts for the pusition of Ketfistrar in the Cuunty of iiiant and tin- County of Weiitwnrth; the date.s of all applications; the i H ul'h uf appointees, and dates of their ap pointment. .Sir Oliver Mowat said all mich appll- Ci.ilony were conlideiitlal and he did nut, therefore, feci at libeny to de clare tho names, Mr. Mucultih moved fur a return showIriK (1) the number of coroners' inquests he-Id In the province during the years lhDK, IS'JI and 181*5; (li) trie length of tlmo cfjiiHimied at each tiueh inquest; ('S) the object for which the inquest wua held; (l) the cojjt of eacli buoIi Mr. Htratton Introduced a bill to-yt.- duie the number of aldermen ana councillors to one-third the present number in all cities and towns, and to abolish all ward divisions. The bill also provide:* that every municipal elector .shall be entitled to vote for nay number of candidates not ex- euiliiiK tlie number of ulderomn oi councillors to be elected In the city or town, but no elector shall be en titled to vote .more than once for any one candidate, and no person shall vote at more than one poll in;; place In the city or town for which the elec tion in held. in cases when vacancies occur, the cuuncil shall have power to appoint a qualified person for the remainder of the current year, Mr. McKay (Oxford) introduced a bill tu compel companies loaning money on real estate to obtain an annual license from the Treasurer of Ontario, to be granted and renewed annually upon tbe company showing that the u-turns and statement}* required by law have been duly made, and upon the payment of an annual fee of ?50. The Lleutenant-Oovernor In Council la empowered to appoint an inspector of building societies and loan compa nies, to be atacbed to the Treasury De partment, who is to visit the olTlces or every licensed corpora tlon annually and report thereon to the Government. The Treasurer may ulso direct a special examination into the affairs or the corporation, to be made by tn inspector, and may further direct a special audit to be made by an ac countant. When this audit is made at the request of creditors or share holders they must deposit JUOOO as ne- curity. and In the event of thoir charges proving unfounded, the costs are to-be paid out of the moneys bo deposited. Penalties are Imposed by the act for making fnlso statements wjtn i-f^ard to tho company's affairs or false en tries In the hnokH. Provision In also made for the In- Rpeetnr taking over the business of an insolvent cnnipiinv and winding" it Up. Mr. Stmt ton Introduced a bill to pro vide thnf iM-fnre Innd Is sold for taxon, notice shall bf. plvon by the Treasurer of the ffinnty, city or town, by regis tered let !nr to tho persons appearing from tl-c reodiilv of the registry om>e to be the owners or mortgagees. The Trensurer |^ fi repelvn ten cents for post;*ee for every parcel of land,and the Pwhurar Is to re-colw ton centB for evfij-v ef>i."eh made with respect to pa oh ninv'-i, npii ilioHP cohIb are to be paid In the f1'*^ Instnnop by the mun|cion"tv nn-i *n he added to tbe taxes to be rbfiTged on the lands. jtaly must .vrcvn nvr .vo/fii jVk.v, It Hcoiiik l l- \H ..!! Turh mill Ilrr In Altyhi'- Tlir-o ljtv*. Rnint*. Y\-h. 2\, The Minister of Wnr htiu recelvi-d I he report of Oenertil llnnUlcrl, cemnui ud Inn the 11 id la a forces in Abvn- slnls. In regard to the recent combntu be tween the Itillniis iiml the rebel lmtuln, nenr Adlgrat. Jn thoiio (Iglitw the Itiillinm bi*il 07 killed, and from 30 to -10 wounded, uud ihe enemy's losm-s wi-re- about eipinl to those of the Itnllims. The report wan hilcl br-fore the Cabinet, wh'eb to-dny nuthnrlzeil Sl^nor Orlnpl to send to Ah^Hlnln Inuuedliitely wlmtever reliifcrceitieals of trnupti may be iiccch- Bnry. Ten tliousnml men are already In reuilinesH to nnihtirt: for MtiHiutwnh to Join Gen. Hsnitlerl's forces lu the interior. un. h:;,iMA\ him, no ti:>j v:ahh. Iftv soruotunon brinu t^ your remombmnco the $;" girls aud hoyn of Es^ox school. W$". Wo winh you ovory mi3coa>* in vour ftiM bate lifo and pray ibut the Fathor of all !|9; may gndo and pronpor you and yoa'rn. m Swa g L -tho Wilo Signal ou b-duill'j BlIioI Buii'/hroaii of your iiu ho a' [Bohsiu Tliiuoitn EiKi.wigio ; iei, ITuby. lil.-lflHftY tor llic 1!iithnly ticatli of t'le Kuallalt Olrl Evilly MM nil. Detroit, Feb, 21. Dr. Denis J. Sea man, wdio wan found cuilty of having cuuHed the death of Emily Hall, an KngllHh girl, by committing an abor tion, was to-day tentenced to 10 years In State Prioon. ABlCfllNERAL Burial of Hart A. Massey oi Toronto. " TRIBUTES TO THE DECEASED. 1-lloauont. Pulpit Uttonirioun Gltlifioni. of All" Chiuuoii Uathor to Honor h Oruut liuidncjHM Man. Amid every manifcstatlori ot mourn ing and respectful nyinpathy tbe rc- nialn.s of Air. J [art A. Ma.ssey, bead of the ni-eat Massey-nurrhi (>., were on Saturday al'L'i noon hi Id tn.ivsl in the niiigulllcent family mausoleum In Mount i'leiWULut Cemetery. So many tliou- uaiulM of citl/ena deHirod an oppor-tuu- Ity ol! ol'ferlni; a Jlnal tribute of e.-"Leeiu that the proceedings were unusually hiiglhy aad im-prr-sHlvo, biiUlng from lb- pciviile Koi'vleo at tbe bouse a-t \."M o eloidc until the ilniil farewell ut Lie- cenie-lrry ufbT (j o'clock. The 1'iuceedinga we'll? participated In by every class id the community, old and young, rich and poor, men, women and children. The I'rlmc Allnl^n-r. lion. Sir .\taekeii7de iluwell, came up from tin: ulUlng.s of Parliament at .Ottawa ux- preh.sly U> attend, having been.on Very intimate termu tor a. loin; period of years with Mr. Alaasey. lie was ac- ei,nipa.nled by lion. Sir I'Van It Smith, anorher tried ji.nd trusted friend. Among tin: vent awa4Ubln-go were also a num ber of tbe children from the J"red Vic tor Mission, who came to bid farewdl In.on*! who In his life bad thought and cared for them. The service at the churen was of a choral nature, the de- ci af;ed having always bi-en p:u-:sloiia te- ly l'ond of numle and Mngdng. Tho anthem. ".Brother, Thou Art flone Before" (Gosh), -with solo by Mr. Krcd Warrington, wua most effectively rendered, Reading of Scripture follow ed, after which H-ev. James Allen, pas tor, delivered a powerful and Impres sive address In memorium, using us bis text the laat nine verses of tin- 1'iiii chapter of St. Paul's first eplsLh; to the Corinthians. Kef erring to Christian experiences, the past or naid that Mr. MusM-y knew the meaning of the word conversion. During the past few years he, the speaker, had had many interviews with .Mr. Massey, who always spoke of Ids conversion as having taken place when fifteen years of age, and, although his t'other often employed many men, and Hie boy wan thrown Into their com- punlonahip, yet 'be' never In bis life swore an oath or uttered a word that would intulii his mother blush. When fifteen years of age, :m the church wan some miles, away and ser vices only held once every two weeks, he conceived the Idea of holding ser vices in his father's bouse, and dur-r Ing" the progress of these meetings be whs the nreachcr'H active afi&ibtant_lie- had been a very active member of the Methodist Church for i>8 years, and one of his greatest treasures was a Bible which be often pointed to with com mendable pride as baving been pre sented to him on his retiring from the Superintendency of the Sinbbath School, which position ho had held for.nineteen yeara. The pastor also referred to a letter of gratitude and thanks sent to Mr, MaHsey by u feeble old man whom he had saved from a drunkard's grave. Mr. Massey worked to the last, and t'lie speaker compared him to Lord Xel- reii, who when asked to leave bhs whip replied, "Not while I live.'-' Mr. Mas- sey's business was conducted ;ih a. task given by God, and not until Monday last, when he felt bin .strength was tone, did he relinquish control. WHO WROTE THEM ? TORONTO MARKETS. t.TffClH or<;j|mntf> fin Dlnrftuc. Snn Antonio, Texas, Keb. 2b The Annu al convent luit of. the World's .Ciuigromt of Medleo-UlhnutoloKy mot hero yesterduyjilia ivill. reimibi In. nenuIon ture duys, I)i*. 'A. S. McICny of Ohlcngo presided. Tbe injrpuso of the eongreaa Is to study the ro tation of ellmtito to tho euro and preven tion of dlst'dseo, and, About SO pup era ou this suhjoct will lie reiul.t] A crrat innny physlchniH nre pnvsent, and nearly every titutv hi tho Union In reprcHOiited, 4m*1 HH*i .>iv b<h M<fry, 'i'n#4 Mr. Dlivb! atV0HH0Mf lirotlior ot'B. O, Btev^naou of thin eity, wuu one of Dr. Juunman'H party lu tho Trttua- viitil. 11^ le-ft U outran I thrcu yDiird uto. Ituttcr Tim "(Irtay-ln railroad tratllc, ow ing to the suuivriitiriUH, bus curtHlled re ceipts here and the'market 1m linn, but un- cluiiige'd In prices (Jood lintter is rather Henrce. Prices are Hteady. Wn quote :~- I'niry tuhs, lie to lf>e ; niedliun and low t'l'iide didry tubs. So to liin ; dairy pound prints, hie to' KJc ; large roll*, l.V to 14',-j'- ; ci-e-iinery tubs, 10u to 20c ; creamery rolls, "Oc to '2'2v. I-'ggs-The mnrltet Is llrm, an the storm has liHerferi'd with deliveries, ltecelpts of new hihl are not large, but Htillli'h-at fer the leijulreinentM. IMckli'd a it hlcaily. There is little or no movement in cold utored or lield fri'uh. We aviote ;^K-w laid, 17r. to I He ; Ihni'd, V.\\'/i to He for live ami ten cuae lotn and l*l<: for hIukIo cases ; cold btorcd uud held .frb,,13c to JCe. l'i it a toes This market In dull. There Is nothing doing beyond supplying the local demand. We quote : farmers' loads, lllu to liuc ; out of utore, liSc lo :ille. Puiiltry Tho market Is noinliinlly unehanir- ed. The njcel^iii are almost all, although the dciaaiul Is large. We ipioto : Turkeys, He to lie ; kccho, 7c to He ; chickens, 40c to (10c : ducks, 00c to IKJc Hided Slrnw 'i'liere In very little iIoIpk. <Jrs lots sdl at %H 25 to ?H 7r>. I (reused Hops The lower qnotatlona of yi'Hlerday ntlli prevail. The riiceiptH of car lots are fair ana Uuyurn are idlglitly moro active. Meleott'd weights soil nt $S to $5 60 and $-1 [>o In paid for mixed cars. FAUMUltS' MA11KKT. Tin- condition of the country roads has Improved, and deliveries of urahi on tho local street market wore much more Ul>- era! this morning. Wheat and oats con tinue to he llrm and Hi.urcr. Tlarlcy lo steady nnd tin*re Is a fair demtiml for peas. Wheal Finn, .200 bushels of all klndn selling at Hoc for white, 83c for red, nnd Ode to'(l7c for noose. riarley- Steady, 3,000 bnnludH Helling at 40o to i:tc. On Is Klrm, ROO bushelH tioilhiR at 28VjO to 'in'/j'*- 'IIiiv and Straw T>cllvisrlen of hay wore fnlr this morn Inn, but early In tlm day thtt hiiyhiK whs Blow; about a dozen loads offered'at $17 to $1H. A few loads of bund led straw were offered nt $11 to $13. Dressed Ho^s Tho onVrlnipi of farmers* loads were lame, but the dealers tiro pret ty well stocked, unil the demand lmu ninclc- ened off. Nice 1 lull I: welffbts went tit $R 10 to 5fi in, ami 3025 was paid for cbolco delected wUilffhts. Coarse Iiorh) brought from ?t SO to $5. Whent, .white..........$ 8S to 00 do red ............... fW to (U) do rooso............. o7 to (H) IN-iiH ..... ............ 57 to 00 Unci;wheat ........... Hit to ' 00 Hurley ................ -It) to W Outs.................. 2R</j to 20% Itve .................. 4!>Mi to 00 jjnv ................... 17 no to IH (10 Ktriiw, bundled .......11 00 to 13 00 lit looso ............. 10 00 to 11 IU) I-3bki new laid ........ 17 to 21 iMiiekcnH ............... 40 to no nutter, lb rolls......... 10 to ir do nibs, dairy........ 14 to l,"i IMiekK................. CO to no Turkeys ............... 0 to joy. Oeeao .................. n to (t% '0(l|nen............... 2fl tii 'to DresBPd hoga .......... 4 ttO to 5 1!.' Hcf, libidnun' *ors...... r. oo to y iw> do, fore ............. 2 50 to 4 00 V'riil ............ ,...:, ri mi tc) a riii Vmub.................. R B0 to 7 50 The annual mcettnir of the South Ox ford* lleform AHEoclatlon will beheld (lt Mount ISUrln on Thurnday ne::t. It 13 expected that Sir Klchard Cartwrlyht will be preHont. G. B, II. Morln.. who was Hcntoiiced to' ho hanprod m 1890-for the nniw.lci*.of u man named Hoy, and jiftcrwnrUM had liJH Rfintonco cdmrrfttited to imprison ment for* life In St. Vincent do Paul Ienltontiary,.haa beet* m)t tte>& by Lord AberdoetVji ordr v . 1. How n^uiiy **t Tli..rfo 0' Ou.i Y IMur:e Olfliiiiid '.' -Death loves a shining mark. KnowIedKo comes, but wisdom Un- .....(tern. -Vlatlory'H the food of foobi. -Men are hut ehildr*mof-a-laririir- jfrowth. Tbe end r.nnvmi till. -Chid temperH tho wind to tha nhorn hunb. , All mankind love o lover. --Three tvmcA'e;; are a;; bad an a lire. --Knp'-i tluuiiM hii;:i t be veteran on tl'ie stajre. lunlleil Hpaln'n chivalry iiwuy. I am a part of all that I have met. i nil a (loetlnj? ahow, --!! biilbb d iM-tfor than lie knew. -Whatever b worth dolm-r at all Is worth doiiiK well. Clod ni'ide t he country, and man made t he to .vn. M ill Ions for defence, but not on cent for tribute. -Pltfinle-; are pigmies .Htlll, though perebed on Alps. ~I>o Kood by stealth, and blush to find It fame, -The ;;<'!enee of In-fbty is the hinor- Illiee of to-llioi-j-oW. u, but for all time. Kiirtb with her thousand v'dcei) prniHes find. f-H worth by poverty do- pre. sed. When I am alone, then am I leasst alone. t of prnph^lM of tbe future N tho past. Heard melodies are Kwcet. but those unheard a~re awoeter, They never fail who die In a great cause. Youth Ih a blunder: manhood a struKKlo; old ujee a rej-rret. When r.he hud pass--d It t'cmiK il Uk the censing of oxdiMsite mimic. The glory that wuu Greece, And the grandeur that was Home, Th-u nayest an undisputed 'thine* in such a solemn way. Ho sweetly she bade mo adieu, . I thought that she badcnie.return. For though on pleasure she waa bent, fshu had a frugal mind. If eyes were made for seeing. Then beauty in ita own excua for being. -How fdeep tho,bravo who sink to rest, With all their country'* *vishca blest? -Much evil Is wrought by want of thought, As well as by want of heart. on companions gone "We doubly feel ourselves alone. Pull twenty tixnoH was Peter feared For once that Peter was respected. The mu.slc In my heart I bore JjinK after It.was heard no more. /Without tbe smile from partial beauty won, O, what were man?~a world with out a mm. To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to dl*. Heaven first taught letters for some- wretch's aid, Some banished lover, or some cap tive maid. , The beating of my own heart Waa all the sound I heard. How happy could I be with either, Were t'other clear charmer away. . Ho raised a mortal to tbe skies, She drew an angel down. . Didst ever say, "Lo, I forget?" Such thought wua to remember yet, , Her very frowns are fairer far Than unities of other maidens are, , All who happiness would win Must share It happiness was born a twin. . they rise and set; they have The worship of the woiTd, but no repoHc. 10. 11 12. 1:1. M. ir>. 111. 17. is. 10- 1:0. a. l!2. ?:b 2-1. 26. 27. 2* 2D. ' 20 31.- 32.- 34- 3a\- 3G, 37 89 40 41 42 43 44 45 10 47 43 WOMAN'S EXALTED MISSION. U.ttUir to Croato a flood Homo Thn to Kxcid lu Any Otlmr Kmlouvor. Certainly there la wisdom for two young people who have nwom to Iovq euch other, no matter whether thcro Is poverty or wealth, no matter whether the days are bripht or dark, to have a home of their own, writes Kuth Anhmore discussing "The Mia* tress of the Small Houoo," In Novem ber Ladies' Home Journal. Boarding- house life la bad for women, and I do not believe that any man has ever re- t'.lly enjoyed it. God created women to make homes to make homes for the men they love and for the children Whom God will send to thorn. And a heme must be utartcd at the beginning of this new life. Do not wait for a big house and many servants, but make happiness exist In a little houao with one maid oh a help. It can bo clone. I know It can. Do not Bhrug your shoulders, and say you do not like 'housework. Work Is only dlHUKrecablo when It la badly done, and from wnah- .lnfc, thoiuUver and Klnsn^to dusting tho bric-a-brno and beating up , a cake, everything may be daintily done If you go about It in the right way and with the right nplrlt. You will have to bo ctnalderato and you will have to be patient. -You will certainly make mis taken, but each mistake is one step to ward success. Burden yourself with patience, 'consideration and tenderness: >ou will need to make calls upon thorn often and often. Then you will gain so much. You will be the happy house wife, the lady of the house who haw tho right to dispense hospitality and gcod will; the mistress, not only of the house, but of live heart of your bus* band, because for him you have cre ated a home. And that lo a womanly work a bettor monument to you. my dear, than the patntlnfr of a wonderful picture, the Writing of a great hook, or the comnofllng of a line piece of music. From out a homo all vlrtuee and all ffrcat woHfH may corno. No man ever mndo a, homo. Ho does not know how. The woman's brain,, heart and hands ara riocwusary, nnVl a home Is such a beautiful thine:. It rmuuia rest, It means pence and It muans love. Make one for you** huuband and lei. Him find, theso'three great Joya la i a four w*l)k DIEBEL& BRICKER New Spring AND Summer Goods Our Htook of now Spring and Suiqmor Goods is now woll forward and will ha complete in all depart ments at an early dato. Our Htoek: of new black Dresa Goodn comprises Liufcroa, SioilliiuiM, SiLkolino, Broohes, Soliels, Veloura and Henriettas, all of whioh will be found very attractive and welt worth tho attention of the ladies. A.1ho a magnificent assortment of Sootoh. Zephyr.s, Orinldog, Prints, etc. SPECIAL SNAP: 12 piccoa of the best till wool Preach Cnalliee ,, regular price 38c yard, reduced to 25c yard. New Tweed Suitings, Worsted Coatings and Trouserings, Gentlemen, If you are contemplating purchasing a new unit be sure and visit our store and see the im mense stock of new Scotch, English and Ganadian Tweeds, We aim to keep only the newest up-to-date goods, "and carefully avoid the poor trash."- You can depend on seeing here the brigliteat, latest and moat desirable goods, made and trimmed in the very beat style, and our quotations for first-class suits will in terest you. Boots and Shoes for everybody at astonishingly low prices, ' N.B. Our new Furniture will be-to hand in a few days. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. M. E. WIGLE, The Gash Grocer, Gontectioner and Baker, f Inrc people of tho Town of Ehhgx aud surrounding country havo loug ffllt tho want nr of a phieo whoro thoy could o uud pinrolmoa what they require ou a oloao, oaah J, bafiifl, witbout boint,'compelled to pay higher pricoQ to malto up for tho losses made iu tbo credit flyutom. Cull and uoa our ^oods. whioh aro alwaya of tho'boat quality, and not our pricon, which aro tho lowout. Don't raiHH trying onr Toa at 22 cou;ii a pound. Just Arrived A Fine New assortment of FRESH and SALT FISH of all kinds. CASH PAID FOE FIRST-CLASS BUTTEH AND FRESII EGGB AND OTHER PRODUCE. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. M. E. WIGLE. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr, Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTRAY. LEFT* MY PKEMIBEB, LOT fill, 8.-M...B., Townublpof ColoboBtorNortb.a qwo aud bluolt laulJ. Inlormutlon loadlnc to thoir rb- covory will bo suitablyjrowanlod. 0-al H. BAKER, GobIoP.O. Boot and Shoe Repairing. A. E. Knight ban openod a Boot and Shoo Repairing Bhop at hiH Iioubo on Ir, win avo., 3 doori bolow S. A. Barrauk*. A on 11 uohoitod. A. E. KNIGHT. WANTED M^SiflkW. Granhio aooount of tbrt lEantorn Qnontion, tbo Turk, AvtnonlMV and Halmmmodaulsin with Its bonlble inaBBMroa, KmuorouH Htartllnit llluu- tvfttlono tukon on tlio (.pot UB naM, only i.00 Bund OOotd. tor cauvaoaiuu bood. Atfontu malio SIB.OU to S50,0<i wookly . Bradley-Carrotdon Co, Ltd.^ Toirortto, Out. WANTED. SEVERAL MEN Of kooiI clmmotor, who oau furniah liorw ami light *1. 7 to 8&0 a mouth, AppHeaiitB u. Tim Bteiniowv OiuuKTaoMflo., LM B**Word,nnt. ChloaUQ, 111. Vhe Proper V]im When the most benefit in to bo dotived from a good raodioiuo, in early itbc w This io ths flGUBQH whon tbo tired body, weakened oi'nr.i.a and norvouu flyutom youra for tho baildinc-up modloiuejiko Hood's SarHaparilla. Many wait foe -.the", open spring woathorand, ia faot; delay Ritlng attontion to thoir phyniaal condition bo lone that a ^H ooifffi'ol Bioltnestt ia iu- ovitablo. To aid tho flyutom ol the iua- pqribioa aoouraulated during tho wmter bquooii, to purify tho blood and toiuevorats tho wholo ayHtom, thoro m nokhi^ equal to Hood'a Sarsaparilla. Don't put it off, but talto Ilood'n SarHaparilla now. It will do you good. Road the testimonials publinhodinbohalfof HooJ'h Sarpapurilla, all from rnliablo, kf0-10'11! pooplo. They tell tho atory. Short Journeys on a boutr Road i Ih thoIcharaotoriHtio tltlo|of a profueely ilr.'/ ^ #1 luotruted book oontainiu^ ovor ono hundred ,;>;; pagew of qharmiURly written deBorlptiott.,;;.';(^; of Burarafir(roBortoiu the country north and ;'/^rH woat'of OhionRO. Tho Taadiiig.mytor/iff>.;.^i^l now, tho illuBtratiouB are uow, and the in- vi 1^1 formation tboroiu will be now to almost V,.ffl overyouo. - " ;. ^tyM Aoopyof "Short Oodmeyc on a Long </'rtffii Houd" *rillho sent free to anyone who will '-'f-^MM ouoIobo tencenta (to pay pontage) 'io'QBOm'll H. HitiyFOM), General Passenger Ageflt4'{jj| Uhioafto, Milwaukee * St. Paul KailW^V*'^^ SE3"S?iSfe31r..... $tiX&'*&j^f4r!&fy: ^4^MM^i^^^^^^^

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