Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 28, 1896, p. 7

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\t .1- > -,V^ II'." Y ', * JfiJd. .il^cMi;^ r*r^fc;fcv JPJHLJrifCsJfei IN JUST 95 SECONDS Did Fitz3lmfnona Knock Out Potor Mahor HE IS NOW THE WORLD'S CH- MPIOH Th <'oiit* Wnx tki tint I'uriii 'f 4klift of MIm Van-mix 1 pi< r lluU>, VVHIi YVlilrh lie 1 lui.r.'il Mutl lli,n- Xtnu SJ< k'tTort Uiuh> (o Kti>| (hn A II air. r,.inj,'try Te v , Voh, 31. It took Hob l-'lta- ^111111)011' Jtl'.t Ho IH C- '"i'l i thin in" lernnon to th'fuil 1VK r Miln r a ii i| h o < ii in i> i Ii o In av.\ u t ij-hl I'hain- plon i>r tin1 u(>rl<! The tli*ht loci!, plnce III I 111' liutlnin <>i' tint Kin (lininlc Kimt, on liu> .M< \li mi .iilr, ii mile mid n luilf fiotn lliv IjUIij-UJ ii' pnl I.von hi his friend^ It was evident Hint tlit* Irltdi lad *a mi mil In If from tlin Htiirl. Ho lme the round had phiKicssrd I HI hernials Muher nttompted a loul iiml \\un warn- < d bj tli** reiVn'i1. Y1I1C WINMlMt inr i (i. lTitKHlminnnii' roup wti't in the lorm of olio l bin futnoiiH n|*|n*r* mkH, with which ho knoukoel f j nt I Fall inn I broke* the nose of Jiirk Slt'IziMU'r, hi*' t minor. Mailer Hindu m. KHnt effort to j*i'i w,..... 111. f-'ft when tlmu \uih enlleil, liul aftci net Mm; luilf way to a lonunbeiii pudtioii In fell l>.udc and HtU) had his In ad on the Moor w hen tlmo wiik culled mid the- deelslnn win imlod tn tin* Oornbdi mmi. hen tht1 train of M'oiJs arrived hero rom Wl Vtihtt nt 1!'Mi o'elook tills nftor- noon there wan no (vlelene-e Hint iinvthlni* minimal wiih about l> take pltme. Purlieu of cxcundonlstH from KiKle l'.isi mid oilier polntH hail boen hel.iH'd, and only Home W) rtWddentu of the cnnniYy ultout bnnj-try hud rnthored nt tin depot. One company <>f tttes UV*im I In liters fiiiivided tho depot,uhllo tho reiimlmler went down to the bottom on tho TcMih h cle, lint not tho idUhtest effort wan much' to lnb riere with the sports In may of their mo\ en ents. ------Wliejmio word to mow tmd boen t'lven Iho vlHltorn iipeodlly found that, nltlimn-h thoy hail hcen on tho runil for ovor 10 'houru and Jourmned 40O mllofl, the inrdeHt purt of the trip wnu yet to come. Follow ing fjuldoti In ii HlrsiK- Hnjj proceKslon, thi'y went nero^H the pi'.il- tla for n dlstn in e of BOO ynnlB. and tln-n comnu'ii'-ed a preelpl- toiiH ile-u'ont of a wl- dom-iiFicil v>m:un roid that ruim In n elrtMil- tmiH wny down tho nio Grnfidc 'Hit roclcK iiml houhb-i*^ now Bllpplnj; on th -lr baeltH, now olutehliiK ' t n bramble, to wive tbomuelvcH from n full nml n Irndteii an- klf, und now Btnb- blnc their t o a a ~TiiiTnKt- hiiK** -*olldc tones or In cavltlea of ror-ks, tin* sport** tolled In ilmililc and Hlnjjle Hip until t]|(. hanU of ih t i\- r WS8 rottclied. Then there was a limp a1* BOO ynnlH more through ' and and in.- 1 Jail nolle deep, to the point whci. i T"> oot pontoon bridge lmd 1" cu Ltii-i' V d acroitti the river, which, vnlui liy im n ruliiM, lmd been cljaVn'ed innii a sin-jtoi fitrenni to n roaring torrmt. i>nc, mi tho spurts were on the Imt'oiin nt lie rfqrilcau Hide, nnd tho cnmis i*ueliii:i "out tlie ring wan to he m'eu In ihi d's 'aucp. Five mlmiteH moje hroiiuhi Hi norctplrlnf* and sore-fooled pi de- u laiw in tho ontrnnce BtlleH. whcro lhit Ma teisu-i nittl Joe VendljJ examined the th! i-, an I panned the holders within. Time wiih called nt l.-.ri, nnd tin- smi-ii torjl prt'hsed to tho rem s. FUaalmmoiiH led with his lett Mai ei bnclccd townrdn hbi oonu r Klt/^lnuit' n i landed "with bin rlBht, and n ellmli fol lowed. Mnhor fltrucU Flt/.slmmons wltl* Ilia rlglit hitml, while they were Hlnched. and Hefere( Slier warned him llmt It' lu> did' ho nijidn he would ul\o (ho ti^iit tn ITltzsImmonH. After a hn-nk awiiy, i'i t> r laMded lilH left on pltzslminons' in el; OIoho InflKhtlnK followed, and Miher hiic ceedwl In landliiK Ills left on FU^sPomons' upper lip, drawing blood. Fltz Inudid his lert on Malier, and followed It with a lU'iii A clinch followed, .Mahor feinted and Fl./ hwl with hlH rlitht, but fell nhort. A mix up followed, In which Mahor landed both rlffht nnd left on the Hide of Fltz's In ad. Malier led with his left, and anotliei nlm li followed. VWa Heeini'd a IJt hotliorul and broKo sroundw on Muhcr h leads. Malier followed him up nod led wiih bis left, wbon Fltz nlde-fltepped. nnd, swlu^hiK hlK rltflit, landed full on the left point, of Manor's chin. Aluher measured bin length on the floor, htn head HtrlhliiR the canwus with ^reat force. He \alnly attempted to rlie, but could not do more than raise his hi nil IHh necond called on him to pot up, but bo failed to renpond, and hank back to the cuiivnu. This fatal lentli Heeoad wan count- od, Malier wan declared out, and Fll/s m- tnoiiH announced the \letor. after one mln- uto iitid 3t> Hel'ondH' rather lively ilght- lui*. Fitz' admirers cbecn d hlui to the echo, find Malier'n Heiomls (an led tho de feated IrlHhniiui to hivjcotner. It wan m v- oral minutes before In1* icall/ed uhnt bid llJippoiitld to hhii. Then I-'lt/ walked o\or to hbi corner nnd shook him by the h iml intxf.lnin.oiis nKo shook hamh with (Julnn and the hocynds In I'i tor's corner IIiirilnK' the mludit bleed I ok nt the tins IrllH occai-loiied by the b-ft-hnnd Jub of Malier, the CornlHh man should no marks of Injury und appeared its f r> hIi as in tue open nj; pf hostilities Mnher tdioued no Hj^ns of punlslnnent ovcejit a HlL'ht break In the skin In t above the point of the chin, whin* ril/.shiMiioiis' .oiaHter-Ktroko had lend d L \Vheii_tlie ebecilne; or iho peojiie nround Mho ropoH and the waving of huulkcrchhf- *o)T thu^i* upon the iiioiifiialn Hinnudt lmd in a nH'iiHure mibsidid. nnd Fit/-* nmioi s hid tired of bowing his npproel it I m, [ul'-in took the centre of the ring and made Hip following tint mil m eiuent. wllh the iti b nl nffect : "(lentlen en. Mr Fit/ lnnumis hni worked hluiHclf up from the bottom of the ladder, nad by the decision or llie rcfeie- lit now the champion of the woild lie Is ready to defend the title against all ' mn is at any thai* or place. No uisu |s inrrcd, and all-comern will receive reeo^nlllim." 'riien onino hhoats or iv araliu' tb it Hie pontoon bridge ^\ as In ilamrer of bdn ; watihcd nwiiv by the Htrong eiineni 'I'll light er and assist mils hastilv j, it he d their traps together ntul the irniul rush* d for the TcxilH Hide All got over wifely Peter Mahor iml bis fidlower-a neie n dlHfippolntrd looking lot of lndlihhriln -\i they tpimped tin ir wny lno-U nmi-. Hi" roelEH nnd fund tn tltn tr-ttiit d'ett r v is uniiannlly (omniunb a live "Well, It was a etianee blow Hut <11 t the work," h" '-aid "r did Hie lust 1 eon'd under the olrouin^tniioi s M\ oiuMH-ii waH not of the host, but as n f u-iln i ims' poaomiMit was nol to be eon-ldoied 1 \ the FltzHlmmoiiH crowd. I wits oldUed to u- > Into tho ring. Mv i',i en weie In n nrsc con dition than I hellcvi d them to he." Wixo meieii>u:ie[:e pi;tt:n, ituv.tN? A rrobulilliey TlinC JhcIik..... YlallltiLr nnd Xlooiln ^Vcmi*i tic 4'onvleletl, Olnclnantl, Ohio, 1'Vb. 21 -The ci\hc UKiiliiHl Jnolthon, AValUng and Woods, t io HllcKOd manhrerrt of I'carl ltijitn. Iri prao, tlcally nt a Htandstlll. t uiav lie mid th it the dcteclhes hnvefa led to fasten the gl<# t of tlie ulil'H mui'ler iijioii the in 1 i oiieva In n wny taht will win rant u b'^il con'let Ion. nlrhougb there I* pnlmhly not a mail hero who lndlcven them Innoi-eiil <f tho ehnrge. The hearing of tho prlKonern haw been not for Fob, 27. A i'ltlllHgWOOll l*Ulor ]|Hl(N, ColHnjEWoort, Fob. ill. Tho Uov. T. Luolc- onK.iHaptlHt mtnlHtor here, linn rnlgued bin fcpmttniite,, He hna been hero for tho lstut flVL' yearn, and during that time tho church hjt t'oon gieutly utrengtbaiied by lilu Btrong pcfdoniillty. II<t will del lover hla your child You note thc(liflbn?nccin children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with t.ho best of cai-e. Othorw far more exposed pass Lhrough nnliarmod. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. Thoy are with out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion ot" cod-liver oil, with hypo- phosphites, is cod-liycr oil partly digested andadapted to the weaker digestions of children. Slot r & liuwst , UUh-Vilic, Out. 50c. am] $1.00 ONTARIO'S BUDGET. Th Provincial Troasuror's Annual Statomunt. GOVERNMENT HAS A NICE SURPLUS U*. Miircourt i'.vi.Uiiun tUo li\\truilliurn of l(a.K&*,00ft Uoib iJr. Uurdy I'rnpoucH U MhU a ilk-^ui Itcvolutlcni Ui MuuUlyifcl Covtriiiaeui)) lu thU Vroviiiic. Toronto, Feb. ^0. Tlio I*efflBiatur*j tot down to Iiili-U VKTk yojaua-day uXltrnooiu Tliu sUiiij- ins cy>mTniLtLH.'0 or the House witl* otruok, and Mr. liarcouii deUvtiuu hu lludiyot Speech. SuvltiU ijueHtloiu und notices of mo tion, InduiUiii; Mi. ei,L\Muidb L-nquuw with refuxnoo Lu Ln AtpuduLL Lmn- pany, wore, lor uiio icu,on or anol.n-i, laid over. iVJ^.M.n-iur jiiuvi,1 lor an oidci ul the Jdous't: lor a lutuin hlioulriK Die luunes 01 all j)-j.jnb, iiriuu, or curii- punlcb Indehttd iu tin.- ihuviirs- sliiuu tlie datu of th,- I.isl il-lUI'h nuulu m tliib iioiiM.', .111 ac-ouunL 01 Liinbur Uuu.s, grcund ji-nt or boiiuhca lor timber Umlt.s; tlie amount ul lndobtL-ducss iu oiicli cbL, tlie bal.uicu, If any, duu- by eucrh poi-f-oiiH, hinu, or oonu>aniun at the date of kst iviurn, ami tlie total amount oi ^ux-h nui<,bu diiuna on the liibt day of January, l&iitj. Mr. Marter .sa.U that in lhil.l a return had been biou^lu ilowu oil a .similar motion. JJut, tlioiiiih he had Lriutl at- tlie I'i op 1 place to obtain It, iiu* had ho far Tailed, and was, thuieiuru*, 110L piepaiYd to o into tlie matter ab Lully aa ho would otherwise liavo done. That return did bhu-w, however, that thuro were aLuounty whleh lmd fctuud for a number of yours without any chungx- lie didn't know what might be the .stale o-C al'laira blnee. but lu thought It way in the lnteresta of the ptc/plo that icpurU) hliould be btoujrht down from Ume to- tinit* tor examination. Mr, Hardy aa.ld that h j knew of no reason wliy the letuina should not be bicught dow n at a.s -n-ly a date as poyfclble. He liad not bt en awau-, un til he had lu-ard it fiom .Mr. Alarter, that the pre\ lous report wua not avail able. He admitted that th'* previous reporth showed s-ome bad aueounta. old accouiity, and dibptiti d aceuuntH, and It waa Jiot to be woiiili-m! ,it that In a commercial tran.--aellun involv ing ti Otn IS to -0 nilllliiiih ul' dollai.s, antl covering- a period at .itj yeain, aeeounis of such a nature blnnil I be tound Tiir. Marter ieph. d that he 1 . ei re 1 f-pi rlally to m-i Li In ac ount.s, wlilc h had remained utic'haiiKcd lor aevt ml years. A in on k the notice-1! of motion are a bill by Mr. lleatty (bei-ctb) to amend the Manhood Huttiagv Act, also a bill to amend the Ontano Khettnn.s Act of li'JJ, a bill by Mi. Stratton n hp ctlm; cities* and towns and a couple u bills by Hop. O. \V. iu.s.4 with n-tti- rice to educational matte 1 a One of Mr. Uoss* t/jllfa 1h to enable luistir.s 01 Kcparttte echoola to Issii'e dobotiUin. . - lor ^0 >ears, ii.Mead of for ^u yeai.i, an at pit.sent, thu.s pla-eing; them on the aanie baslu with rc-bpect to ,scvmilieu lhat IJubIic have occupied lor some yearn. Anotiior of hlH bills provides fur the ef-tabliflhrnent of an educational coun cil for conducting departmental ex aminations, heretofore conducted by the Educational Department. The ci uncd Is to be composed of 12 per- k us, loan1 of whom are to be appolnt- el by tho Educational* Depirtment, four by the Seriate of Toronto Uni versity and four by the Education ii Ccnventlon of the 1'rovlnce. Mr. Willoug-hby will on Thursday next ask for an ojder sliowing; the tiain^ of all applk.ints for 'the posi tion of Ketfisliar in the County 01 irant, and also the eoiinty ui V/cnl- \ 01 th, the dates ol all applications, and the names and dates ui" the ap- polntme-nts. in answer to a o,u .stlon by Mr. Mntheson, Mr. Haienui t replied that the Government had not >*-t cniis-ldoi- eel tile- Question of umi-ndlng the Suc cession Duties,' Act Mr. HarcotiTt, in rlsLne; to deliver Ills Budg/et Speeoh, said that be did not c xjiect to be able to present anything new or unusual, but he hoped to be able to satisfy the House and tin* country that the financial condition of the province wu-s now, as In years paused, eminently sound and satlsi'uc- tuiy. He would be able to show that i'o claims for new or luoreas-ed ex penditure had been made which the Mowing- needa of the province did not ih niand. After some further prelimin ary remarks, he proceeded to take up the figures, showing the receipts and e\ptiidttureH under the various heads, for the year 189G. The Covernment received for Crown lands in 18U5 the sum of $1)17,017. The e. unwUed receipts were $825,000. The Government, therefore, received $123,- (JUU more than It expected; and yet, h&t jear was the first year "In nine years when the recelptu wua Ish than a million. From 1S8.1 to 18S(i It wiia lcsa iluin a million, but for 1880 until last year It quite exceeded a million. Tho condition of tho lumber trade largely accounted for the fluctuation. The tic vernm'L-nt received by. wny of bonus in JiiDU $U8tf,0Q0, In 1S91 $(111,000, and Uat )<a SJG.OOO. The limber dues i*e-celved m 1852 amounted to $707,000, ln 180.1 S707.000, In 1894 $811,000, and in 189B y, 13,000. The receipts from ground lents wcfro more iiteady and showed an It.crease from year to yiar. In 1892 they were $50,001), !n 18!Kt $S,C0O, In 1894 JU7.000, In 181>G $01,000, Tho Interest re- w Ipt waa aomcAvhat leija than In or- tr.t r years. The interest from tho Dominion Government on account of capital Iveld t" ti-uot wtaa loss than the precedl* t yiur by nearly $-lH,O0O. ThU was i>artir lueouuti-d for by the fact that no*no of Did liit< red had been wlihln-hl, lantlhuf 11(' oiitwme of an arbitration row ln proj'resM. Tin n, too, the late ot InLun Ml ln^t year w.ut iiomowhat less ii'.iti tlu- jirc-cedlnij yMi: ~ Pioin iiueci'idod dnth-u llie Covern- i,a lit l-i'i-elved $.1118.825. The irn IptW Ii em thin fiouri'e so far were an fol lows: 1MU! %n% J89.1 $15,000, JKltl $150,- iw) 1H05 $298,000. The esllmato for last ,.ni wiy only $175,000. Altofv'he, tlie > l verument lecelver to tho close of " 95 from mirecK'don duties $5d:i,000. ' hln r-relpt had been directed to the 1 I'llntuniilK-e of the hospitals nnd n-iy- h m^ Ni-Kt to tlie Orown lands, the on u-.ulon tluthM in; t yenr cnnti Ibut- ,,1 the moNt lmi>orinnt source of iv- v i.ue. [ a*tt year there were MM eutatcM ,1 lludli-U<'d upon, and or thbi niini- i,. i- only *7 wi-ie dutiable under the 1(,t in nil r nun Mi's Hoi a single cm- t,. Pinnc wlthh. the piovlrdniu of the .11 t Tin* rountlo "f (' tletim, Oxlmd ,uhI York I'urnlniii d IM pi 1 cent, of the toi il siicci udon duth s. Tin* reci h'tt, iiu lli'i-nscfi hud year ainountcd to ^7J,S1D.12. This was a corihldei ablu liillhwr oil' from the pn- oillnj; yeais; but there was a rnrn- spi.ndiiiK fallhiK "C r municipal re- uipts. This \wii due to a (allliiK oil' of the number of licenses |v md The tnimhei of lh eiuu-s Issiyd Inst year wiih U72 lc-sn than live y.-ar-j nj-n, n dc- LH.iHo of 10 jier cent. In 190 ot the 810 municipalities no liquor Ucom,eq wiui I uecl la it yc ar, In other word'i. In niii-Lourth cj| the piovlnce theie wa'i not a single license Mined. The speaker I'drterl nut that tin '!"< Hon of brew- . 1 s* laeliM-.s wot .still b luu tin oouit.-t, Tim iceelpts finm tin sale of annul- tit la...l year amount' d t - * $171,520. Tho In t 'ab', in llM, '.; s ulecb d on a lads ul 1 1-2 pei cut., and the sales oi each siic-eec dltif- year on a more i,\oiald' bosi' I ,a t yeai the b.isls v. a. less than .( J-2 pur cent. The act not lnti ndfd to authorize tin; ri .iting of any new lialdtlt1', ancl dni- 1 r; the 12 >imi, of its op'ration no mv liabllitv had been cr< atid. The t meiely uutlioil/.ed the deferriiifj: of i'i" year's iaiU 1 v obligations, and that was the only pro\ Islun of which uu- iltfvernmonl had'availed itself. The lotal payment for aid to railwayt* in tho province amounted up to date to ;ii. 200,000. Tho recelpti frnrn law stamiis last year were $10,0000 Iohh thnn the pre vious year; for the Kdueatlnn Depart ment $1000 more Tho receipts from \ ubllc institutions 1 xeei c|< rl Iho estl- tn ites, owing" mainly to the j,'ood re- Milts attending last y< ;ir's' operation of the Central Prison. The estimate was $3,119,000; the icc-jpts $ J, iill.OOO. The ex pencil tin es for the year were *2,1U0 Kms than the amount authorized by the House, it was woise than Idle to compare the es*tl;r i tes or last year with tho'-e of live ".it:, ago and from the dlnVrenco to lnP-r extravagance. We mu'Jt educate mi youth, foster our agriculture, adnpobter Justice and take care of the afllicted. Tho over ex penditure under the head of legislation occurs In connection with stationery, printing and binding:. Part of the sta tionery accounts' for IVil weie carried over to 1895. The cost of'prlntlng and binding In 1KT) was $'!S 000, more than double what It was five years ago. Mr. flarcourt asked the printing committee to limit and choc!; this Item of expen diture. In 1S05 there were published 273,000 different reports, an Increase of ijfi.OOO In ten years. These reporta were all valuable, but it was worth consideration If smaller editions should not he Issued. The expenditure for administration jf Justice In lSi" war ahnonnallv large. It amounted to $11S,17*i, $;!5,(]00 more than in 1 SO I and $122,009 more than 10 yea: s ag-o. More was spent, too, on education ind agriculture than over before, ono- llftli of the total oidlnary expenditure lat year was applied to education. In the Department of Agriculture new branches of work weie continually be ing tnl'on up; In horticulture, dairy In*;, farmers' institutes and the like. In mining developments there was expended in 1891 and ISO". $9(113. The School of Mining at Kingston cost. Mmco its establishment in 189II, $22,- C00. The cost of public Institutions last year was nearly 5800,000, or ?21!>0 a day, m urly one-fourth of all the ordinary xpfiiditure; $12,000 in excess of the pievious year, and nearly $10,000 In ex cess of the estimates. The increased expenditure was to some extent diargeable to teh new Institution at lirockvllle. The expenditure on hos pitals and charities has been increas ing in ic-cent jears at the rate of $10,- u)0 u year. Last year the expenditure leached $190,000, the largest in the his tory of the province. Notwithstanding that the expenditures In administra tion of justice, education, agriculture and the care of the afflicted were larger than ever before, the total ex penditure for 1895 was less than for 1890 or any Intervening year. In 1891 the expenditure was $t,158.000; in 1892, $I,0G8,O0O; In 1893. $.1,907,000; In 1891, $11,- 842,000. and In 1895, J3.75O.000. "With reference to the abltratlon now pending- between the provinces and the Dominion, tlie speaker Mild It began In 1893, and had for its object the ad justment of accounts between Onta rio and the Dominion and Ontario and Quebec. He was glad to say that Baftlsfactory progress had been made, and that the beginning of the end had been reached, and that so far tho Province of Ontario had not suf fered. The speaker then proceeded to glye a summary of the results of the arbitration up to the present. The awards made up to the present have already been summarized in theao columns. Mr. Ilarcourt figures out a surplus of assets after deducting liabilities of $5,078,98^.70. At the end of tlie year there was a cash balanco of $137 508. The amount which the Government asked authority-to expend was $.1,183.- 000. Deducting the" $10,000 asked for statute consolidation, an expenditure required only once In ten year;*, the Hum asked for was very little in ex cess ot last year. Mr. Ilarcourt finished his speech at 5.15. At the request of Mr. Matheson, who complained that his eyesight was not the best, the debate was adjourn ed till 3 o'clock this afternoon. The following members will preside Tver the various committees during the session : Printing, Mr. Stratton"; Public Accounts, Mr. AloNlah; Standing Oiders, Mr. Mcl\uy; Piivilege.s and Meotlons, Mr. Ilarcourt; Municipal, Mr. iiaidy; Private Hills, Mr. Gibson (Hamilton); Hallways, Mr. Uronson : Uijul, Mr. Chappie. MlHm-H Ml - K M'AL HIM,. * "rliem* (a titM<runijt.a tii* CniMluct of <J.' Ajriilr* of Miles. Hon. A. 8. Hardy's bill respecting e-lly councils and other matteis pio- po.sts some important changes. It pio- lK.i.eb, In the first place, to extend the \KXXP 0\"lco &f aldeminn to two years. Half the aldermen aro to retire at the end of the flr--t yjir following- th" lirft annual election after the act comes Into force, and the-othu- halt '""o-H rettro tho foUowhu; yeai1, i.nd do -n. j-no quoHtion of rotlremeiit at tht/ 1 nd of tho find year U to be regulated us follows: Where nn evon number of aldermen hi elect! d for i-.uih wnnl, tliu lething Jueijibeni nliall be those re ceiving tho i.malle>r number of vote i. When three ahh-rrhen are ehwiled fwvr i-.ich \ui/rd, those noeiving tho small est number of voles simii ivlliv, and one nldenunn for the lewd, populous ward for whom tho smallest number of votfs wiM-u Jiollid, nhall also retire, and 10 on, the aldermen tor whom th next iinnllest vote was polled In the n/xt Kant populenin waid ictliini; un- I il hall the alde-i men, li i-s one, hs vc retired. Whe-n ,a\ equal number of voles has In en 11 reived, lie- i|iu stlon oi who ! hall iLtlre [ hull be decide rl by lot. The next part of Ihe bill eleals with 1 he constitution 01' Hi - llo.ird of ('on- t ol oi elt 1. h ,\ ,1 /, a j , tihi t iuji of ii 0 i)0 1 a nd mn 'I hi' b 'in! is to 1 mi- : 1 1 ol 1 In in 1 > 01 and 1 * abl -t .1 n, 11,' .1 ib 1 111 nil :n< lub' 1 . to hi 1 1 < 11 <| hj t ot- eoiilli H 'I It, lin .i' I , may b e 1 nipi-re-'lti il lO llie eXIelll of $lntio per e 11 li urn Tlie 1 li < le d llie 111 bi rs m iy it'- 1 movnl and otln ri iipjudnti el by n two-tliinls \ ot<- of the whole council The dutliM of the bo-ard .'ball be to Iiepate iitlmali-sr \\-hlrh sli.ib I'oi lot i'\'Ki (hi by t be coiim-ll, except uy au alhrmii 1 ivi \ ole ol t \v o-tbh-rpi oi t In- w hole e 011 in II; In e i M for t< n- e| 1 , ntul award contiarts, .mil to iiomliui-te tiie 1p ads of ch-pn rtment . . nd other p-Mimiiii nt olllef'>, to In.ipet r all wiiks. Th.- lounell in tv Impose- other (lull's, and lb" dceb hm ol the hnaul In all r.uc s * h ill b final. except wIkto over-ruled by a t%vo- tlilirls vote of the '.\ l.'de council. [Inch-r the In ad ui mi e t llani-ous provisions |m a ! u>n providing t hat t be ("oui't oi licvl' Ion ui one < 11 y li 1 \ - lie-; a pormlalion id !<' nh) or ove t li II consist of tln-f inembi-i s, on., to bu appointed by the coum II, one by the incentive ("omiidtl., of tie- IbiM.l of Tiade, and tlie third bj tin ai- bitrator, or, in the nbsence of such :in oillcl-il, by the sin .ill' The ^nlaiv \ 'n !) $ii0(i p. r aiiimiii, ,tt.d no n iininpii employe or nieinbet of the council l.t to be t lle-lble. The act also provide-] that In 'Ill's nnr| tovns, after the ole si of the polls and the counting of the ballots, tlie shall dellv r on the simc day the* Iwillot boxes to the clerk. Power 1.4 glwn to councils, upon the ce-tlllcate of the pollee com- missloners. to pay the costs and dam ages recovn red from member* of tho police foree for nctlons done by them in the discharge- of their duties. The, power of police Inspectors with re*gard to 1 < -le. using persons nrri'sted for drunk-nnc-si- Is extended to the- third offence. The bill will be read a second time on Tuesday.________________ o. j. MA<uM^v^.^v, iu:u>. Toronto** Well-Known inivlnn Hucpriimbi to CniiMiiikiptlon nl l>re*is. Toronto, Feb. 20. Itev. D. J. Macdonnell, pistor of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, King and S'Imcoe-streets, died at I'Yre-ua yesterday morning. Kor many montlm he had resided at the Fergus home of hUi father-in-law, Kev. Dr. Smelllo. The end wait not unexi>octed. On Sat urday Mir. Macdonnell had a severe attack of henrmorhago, from Uie~eJ*r^ haustlmsr effects of which ho neveic rallied. Mr. Macdonnell wis a most indefati gable worker, not only in Presbyterian orheres, but in all charltithle. ectuca- tlcnal and philanthropic circles. Ha V.HH a forceful ispoakor and peraua^ ftive preacher. The chief features of hl sermons were argument and logic, for ho ab-horred oonatlonaJlsm. At ona REV. D. J. MACDONNELL. time the cry of heresy "-v.u-s raised against him, ano-n't the eternity of punishment, but out of the ordeal ho came with the Scotch verdlot, "Not pro von." Still Mr. Macdonnell was too largv-h-eartcd and liberal-minded to be kept in his expositions within tho narrow confines of sectarianism. On the news of Mr. Moed on null's de mise becoming known expressions of rtt-ret were general. No one waa more lcspected and beloved In ohurch cir cles than the popular pastor of St, Andrew's. The remains will be brought to To- icnto for interment. Th. Idea!, Undid \VI . Men admire In their lives the virtue of sympathy, which means a heart that Is readily touclud with a tale of Joy or sorrow. They like intelligence, but If they can only have one or tho other of the two qualities ln their helpmates, then they would generally prefer tho heart to be stronger than the brain. Thoy, above all, like women who seem always to possess a continual source 3f sunshjne in themselves, and whoso fi>ce are un Index to the contented mind, whleh is said to bo a continual feast. They like a woman to dres2 well, but that is not necessarily either expensively or conspicuously. They want In women companions who know enough of the world and its ways and of what is going on there to be able to talk Intelligently with them of nil tn- whlch they themselves are interested, and of their hopes and fears for the future, so that they mny be ready with cheering words of sympathy and encouragement when they aro needed. lYiuulmx In llin Tnrl'ry- The imitation wild turkey Is one of the winter specialties of the poultry trade. A number of consumers insist that no tame" turkey equals in llavov the wild one. Now, wild turkeys arc* not absolutely rare, but thei ara not plentiful enough to fill a large demand. The trade, however, must be accom modated; ao during the season a good many l(trn;e tame bran?.? turkeys aro shipped to market full plumed, with the assuring indorsement of a bullot- hole In thorn! An exroiL can detect a wild turkey by name pe uVar forma tion of bin and feet and feme other dl- tlnfrulHhlni* marks, put fortunately Tor thiH branch of the traJ all bu\era not *p)rts. Detroit I-Vfw Prona, FOR 1896 TRY IT. THE ** , mgfHffJK Free Jr J?GSS From now until 1897 for only $1.00, to new subscribers, SUBSCRIBE NOW. If Vou wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send iiryour dollar to the Eree Press, which gives all the local news, and news foreign* The';Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex. As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once. Address all orders to H. J. ^OT^AOB, EDITOR AND PRUPRIETOK. Ebqox, Ond. - IK 5jM J UHI" < MIH'lll"' 'I." 1IIBH.HIiWiii * a- iidMk/>l i k? LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN jf o u.iKiiahLo and foil- m outli, ovoroxr.rtion of mind and Iwdy lndt*o-|| ed bt liiitp'.dexpo ui'jaro conMimtly wrnokin-c tlin IIvoh and futorrff b-*i ii.nimieisor.iic.ujNind i f pioml.aiig vemniritmn. Homo fado and wither at an piirly oo^ "' loobloibori er.imnhooel. whileoibetfi an) forced to draw out a wonry, rmlthiHa nni l.tiHEfiEliLT , i-** n.iipiju* is t'j ,!if,n:^ind I seiiinc'lio1 |r u no -1 1 'V'iill I.IUIL lion, \oioii itiiii'ir' ih'j ' > *. e,-Mt/-,ec-. (Hneisrciicli miilnmonybnt nndnoMtdncoo ^'.irifort tlioro, H10I o;(. .'l'lini ilf-tiilioi.r-oi'hfe Tliofnrm, tho oUiul, tho *-n.r.f hop, tho pulpit,| j.: d ti.e inofoss-Eoiie. ,__,_ RESTORED i. A. W'v^KHU. Wv. A TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K, g WAI iKICIl. Si HS. OH A3. FEUUY, CHAB. FEttBTT. Avvat TKKAT.MENt Divorcod but united nrraln -K0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT VHlTfEN CONSENTV-atl " v^x.v^aiKN'r V 1 SYPHIUS EMISSIONS STRICTURE '< " _ CURED__________ ir*?Tn i ^ioJ.odTnwitinoiit chrmi main a. X .Ue.lrl- Wm, A. WnlUorof tilth KtroPt nayei* "I liavo trafitopd untold ii-i"*)i'*H for my "uny llfo." 1 wiuiindieorootwhett, younir nnd iirnorunt. An "Ono of tlio lloyn1' I oontraohMl Bypbill and otbor I'rlvntodinoiumii. Ihodulcora in the mouth and throat, bono jpnlwi, linir looeo, pimples on fftco, iinuur nails etimo oft, omlniiiona( boonmo ttiln antl! diTftpondont Hovon doctors troutod mo with Morcury.H I-qtnuh, etc. Thoy liolped mo bat coitld not euro mall ElnaHvafrltuidindncdnintntry Dro.Ionni>dyfcKorKau.Uj 10 In n fow wonks. Tholr troiitmont in ^.>j Mcif Kahuna: ovory doy. I luivo novor hmu-d of thoir fnilinijf to oiiro in abintfl C3-CURES GUAnANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED V Ciipt. Chun. Curry niiyfi: "I owo my llfo to Dr, IC. & K. VfAtnlli-nrnciifiUuHiiiblt. Afc-Jl Hind all Iho n>mptpmo : l' titiiil'-nl Woat-noiw -md Bpurnuitordio?n, Lmiuaionfl JI/w re tiinln k und wenkoninw my vimhty 1 married at JiLl iiudi'i* ndvlco of liiy family doctor, bnt it wan n /iiHted oYiJon-ncc' Inoichtoin montliH wet woro divorced. I iifiwn fojiBiiltoil JVn. K. A; K., who mitoroilmo to mnnliooil litti-vtlicir tow Method Treatment. IfeltanowUfotliullthrouKh ---, . {TBttiV imrvut.. Wo wiironnUndnimin and aro happy. X'hlnwan --------_____-j^wii^^ Sfsix \ nun iiffo. Dra. JC, *t K. nro aoiontlfio opiicialists and I heartily rooommoad tbom.'* Yfl ------- j& ZgriV*' treat and curt Varicocele, JiMitsionr, Nervous Debility, tUminiu* \j$ll<<<ikMss> Gl ett Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural 3>hcka*xe$% SirtfAbiiseV Ktih'ay and BlaMe* Diseases. _______________ !J' 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 2QO.OOQ CURED, IMPOTENCY VAR8COGELE EIVIISSSONS CURED K I 6 NO RISK K "t'f^t^ mfCB* V Aro you n victim? liavo you loBt bono? Aroyoa oontomphifcW'mnr* Jr- .^JJiSn I ri-iHol* Iluuyournitindlwon dniumiodi' Ilavoyoa nay wakniii? Oui o.J., [imii'nt\dUouio\oii, Wind ir, binidono far'ntlirrn Yt'VnTdif^'for youK .Jon Pre**"*** (illustrutod), on tod yon i.writa form, hniuwtoplulon V Goldon Mou*tor" Ullutrutdl. 8 i'.V - -. * iiar-jef-Toiiftonablo. BOOKS FU*>- ""ao St* 8'7'NO NAMES, USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COMdGMT. PRH iV"'"ATI:. No mocHoline arjt CO. D- Nonames on boxus w enveU !: plii i?vovytMngaor-f!dontlal. Quoatlon list a/id ooet of Treat^C KENNEDY atERG^^o^R^KSI ftK3^^? ^^^g>S 'KC,K=Ert^ .^^g *!:&. " Jx** ^;^wk..*wJ<M;M^^

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