"puer'- HRjc^^ifei memo auk sA&irL,ii; iiiai;iii aIU.w*. .1 . 11.1 .1-1.1 ll!-, ! M 1t, ! i I ~ 0 thf llUM , I Mi tt J X*>t Common fJoiiuti IVetvult llyu'luU* Hun AI'liI ami Itw kfMiiltw. A recent wviUT mi luulth, v.'lio . ji'iwh to he nojiifwliir jii'SHunittl-ii: in bin, ~ luwri, (|iinli>ij another writer us Haying : "Li'l, n w in ri-t.irt' i- a marly de^eri- t.'J mountain rrn.on, when* tin- air in 1 urn nnil dry, u'ii'1 tIhm-^t rt( !"<> nruiy n)lM\4 lu set a plow. \j I him be of r.n" physique, r,nd cunt, iIimu-- ^. nuin vjmh{ htui'iid \V * i-ii llledii'lil K 11 i . IjdL liim set n]) bin wnlcr feuul laboratory, huiim : bins a corps nf mt\ ;uik, i. n . ., body willi precise!'.' the i ; i;i'ii needs, and no other.-, and e\i much, lie ciiniml ti'ii\rl, fi>: microbe wail Li : \ linn l"l low. lie ('annul vi-dl In.- I:i I thoy may pni-.vii liim wiiu 'mu-.i and beer. !I Mv- I.'< ' - r years, sruivi ly in"., th. n ;',ai. ! - cause ho is dumdh ;ipp of .loath." On l lie above \w hay* Ui n ni::'..!: . l.M one man mi^lii do ihui and hv. I he ioi). and :i Iiii^o iiunile ; mi-rhi dn <d (li.it'jisc indui'i'd by he.i> ? en mi |,"lh d In think a linn-1 x< 111.-d\ t\ Imw i " I \v , Oil tilt; ot her hand. \\>- lie \ e kiinv, i. a inn u w ho viulaii d n.-a 11;.' t v i Called law uf health, inelu .m-., < i abstinence from ltiiths and v.:-!, .. , Who li\ ' d to It lleally IbiMViu.u. ', "What si.all !.- Miid, lIjcii V H..... i- tion make nu (iilTt'iuUvn ? Ii m;i_\ i . \ much. Murh diet mak" none-' ' jjurattvely litt lo if a man live . i;. .' o opon air, work^ hard, jjme^ tu b**d in:'. v and sleeps seven or eiy;bt Ihmi;-.; h,ii ,f his nilmr h;ihiK ni-*- nnhy^i. hi<\ it , inakf -a l* rt al ti--:i!. Sha !1 h i': mi; Jlotliiu^' hill ill^lllh-d U'lil.i jri , .. . t (t liin^ hut tli" oi i^ijia 1 cii-in -ins.' V. i] brlicvi! sindi a Irachirt'j; to In m i h>-< run mad. LfhchniN ilii-wann h ,u drink il with saf-M > . ,i n I tr. >nd -; ,, _- water in I In' v and .slii'i p :iii I \, npli* ^i-ai-na Mv ... hi'Si It h \ , will i In. Nu t ill-*- ca n lie l i n - ed'to ( liminat inj^ foi'd, and a w !l- unuri^hrd niiin i an n->i-t iiki-,i m > 3'i'hes il Ii , tl tvii li'iiu i day nf exci i-, \. , !i i,i i - in.; murh :,) iliinl; ((f ut the ?, iiu. tin. , innkrs all i he diilei i-nee, T['-.'ilthfnl Un ,itin:i, ran oft u h n't- tftilaai InOy.tnU fl*i>l;i I lie hlo-, lil.il.il- iniih, A few pn- mi ill ion - w'l! kr'ri niaj;ii-iii out <,)f ,d.iin-a aii\ i . i- . al'noM any sy^ti in. 'I'hi- "m . -t in-1} ' - TtHHinL.'iinM writer wimiM liinl in'h" iiml (or ii he did nof, : nme uf hi - f.uu ly WvUild itn unfavniahh' inl'.u n > u>>< n tli' ll'TV'lh :-y-iem. Tlr hi., ii v. In -1 j of the iv-jem nii.:in <uini' <hiv earrv llin. <. I wil h j.iieii umnia Willi , i Daily Toraentir, Thousands^_of___Victims. Paino'a Celery C ompoimd Nature's True Cure. r[. lie King of Dyspepsia Medi cine s. Tim ucknowk'df.ou' limn oi ilynpo|onia ktiodi- (sincii ! Thiu liinh fionitinn Ii an beam jjumod IiV Tairai'M (Jclorv (lompouatl tiftor yuurn n[ I'nuid Hucouiuii'ii in ovory provinco ot tho Dominion. Our ublcut Ic^iHlutoi'1!, our moid eminent jiuI(.;ch, tliu clergy, tnoiioul men, LuittneHu 111011, nml tliouiiniulFi m lniinbh-r cullin^n unito in proi'laimine; tin; tho Krantl ana curti'jj; virtueii of I'uiiio'ii Celery Compound. H ban cured tho wornt (iiiHoit of il\npi;pniu, hnli^*Mirion und ritonrifich troubled, ufterthe uBtahliuliod fonnulin oi th* medicn] fueultien failctl to do tho work. iMr. (letirjjc A. Willte, of Alhemi, Out., tinyii: *'I wmit to add my ti'iitiniony in favor of your valuable* le-me dy.Paiiiij'H(Jidory (Join pound, which T buve httin tukiii^ for over ii year for dyep' psiii and nuvero nitinH in tlm neck und hfick nf head. Your, medi- ciiio him producLil il couiploto euro m my cime, and I iiuvo iL-cominetirlefl it to nevoral frieiulH, who claim liny luivt lircu!, benefit. ALWAYS PLEASED No GrumblorB or Growlors When-Diamond -Dyen- Are Usod. Xhounandu of plmiuiiut,' lumpy and ^ratoful lottfirj uro on fylu from ludiuii who havu UnitnU tho papular Diamond IJyim that alwayn do tlieir work wall and wiitm- fitotorily. Mru. Thou. Ijtivin, Newark, Out,, nnyn *, "I flutl that Diumond ])yon are tho bent, as I alwayn i;ot uooii mul faitt colorn from thorn. I have utaul tho otlior dyoa, but thoy are all infurior". Mm. Win. Monro, Htrjonhur^, Out., uavti: "Wo Ilka Puunund Dynit bottor than ail othoru on tliu martiot; they ulwayM u,\\e npbmdid colorn," When ladifiu auk Tor Dinmond Dyen.tliey Nlioulci ulwavii in tififc upon nninifi tho naruo On tbd paoltii^o, ' iih Iheiu are no many worthier dynH Hold ny doalum. iiiti, I will pronmo to hrin,; ymi bautc your himbaiid." "llnii)/ mti bank my uhilil," xaid ubn, "Ki'iiallal yur luwbiinti! you will want to liuvo him buck I" "I Imvu tdld you I inn lirwl," waid uho ( " hImS ^alli)(iil. "Him-fi in Homothhi^ on your mind," iiaid lie.'. "Hiit IiiuuIh !" nhn n;iid. Sim Hejpmnd to i*lu ink viaibly. Sim Hluuht- rnd. "Tht! blii'nl ! ' 1 w.ui unC'tiucioan limn, 1 think ami ii in only ' now now lint bin IhlihIh ! und Inn fiien ! (Int.tt Hi-avciiN linW'ho lli'ld hill). [In clirikr il liml | f[ \\iin lift if lie wiiu ovi r ilmirt now," iiiuriiii/ ' >'> CT I! < \Ch. Ji. ft- w ; .i n :u i I it tii i.f i r\v, \\ ,\e ],.. nl i pi i A'iili i' efiT i, pi i'l >| h ,1'J, ' 111 i'il a I .IU' itn I'M' . Ill' J.|.; pi t^t .1 It'. We i i 111 1. i i' k i i in "' I . lllilll al 1 a i : ^^ lfrrit;iu.loii in I>:ikotit Ju oiiumuf; that much mali^ncrl uaction pf tho WoMtnru country to bloimom like Mm roue, fjuotiuti from a publmhed article on tho imbject, it in utatud that "Men who uro accutttojued to tannhig i" non.irrigated dmtrictH are idow to beliovo the reportri of oiiormouii yiuldiiof ull Itiiuia oE farm pro iliictw in thono neotioiiaof tho country wlmrn irnuation in pniet.ined." An lrrjeatcd 10 acre funn prodncoi ere itt r and liettor re- Hiiltii than a (ill) acre tann cultivated in t.ho ordnriry way. In a few weokn wo liopo to be nblu to pulilhih viirintiH ltcm-t from different, individualn ijiviti^ their por- nonal experience in irnt^-ilioij funning. In the meantime hend for a free copy reeuivt-'d ! an illuutruttid pamphlet im reforeneai , t .f ,i,. /rt ,. ' rrntiation in Dakota, imblii-hol by tli, I can tcHtify, tboreforc, in- ' ." -t., . 'c,\ ., , i,,/ ,. J lhtca(4o, milwauKeo A St. J'tiul it y Cr all hoiiOHty, that-jour Pauu'Q Celery Com-' i(|(|roflBi A. J, Taylor, Canadian Paw pound in a vurj valuable inotliciin;." I V^tmt, Toronto Oat. 'C n wine i i paid n la kl.t.W '.' { a nhy-Mfia 'i \i | -, 11 .i " .-iretht i i>\ hunie i n i1 i ii'Mi ;l; to nt h i *d ' nit s sjji-iii ji \\ h< ,h t mil 1 ' ilie 1 \ a.' . ; ,: , >" ,li lu do a1,', !i tl, di -tiv l uiio.'i ni y\ i 11. t hi > hni r;i, 1 On ih, IIu.U. lie] K-Vl \ i . Illie, >i liiin- AlIM i a 11 . ii Imw ui 11 \ 111 it i': d in i , , lie 1't em i had n Vi i Willi 111 ^ pt i. tn , a n. 1 the j|j<( ; p- it, I ii- ..iniinat ii i h *en a i,hitii^s, Hie: ' v t <Ui til) I li!_ \\ 1.11 hi r i-| Th^ i- tun 111 i -J: slii'l" li :. 1 Ana. -, ; w;iv m u- ' : ejut 11 ; i) ' ' ii da ma . . \<- ; w^ i:,-, wi , Ti fever an I d h i im- ..... , di.i n IliVel 1 be wa _J_' _i'in! . vi.r* >i \<i , [i,. di- d, .uid .i |.-i h.iO\\'ed I li it ; h f. thilliC tlm in.ii i. i i ii liiinsell" eve]ii-ivf!\ In a m i-i'<in^innp- , tive, heal-pii.diieiii^ fund, ami alhO by eat inp; more lIuui wnsiirci-^ury Tiiere is nut a .-.iu-^le theory now &'!opt d or pn.ptwd by ilie im-dirj 1 profession, \ty einjiyrii^, crank-, livp..- chondriac-,, food aiialyMs, or an\ ntliui* class that ie not cairied to a p.-rnii ittus- extvemo by it.i primournlei^ ur tlieir converts. Arid yet then- ir, scarcely onQBUoh tliHury that does not euihudy un important trutli. The dilliculty With many is in violating the simplest things. Adults are killin- tljcni^rlvcri by doine; habitually wliat the\ would punish their children for dninp;. Al most ovory table or house emitains e\-- tempore leetunirs on hf-itUli to children, who aro pursuing a cuurse almo.st op jjosite to what thes are reeommeiidiii^. Thny forbid tea and eollVe to thuti children,but tal;e> it theniii-1 ws in larpn quantitioK. Thyy ndl the children t'o, eut slowly and take small mouihfuls. and thou thoy eat as if they liad foui Hiiiifiitos'at n railway re.st ;tunint. They de;kcant on the evils of paMry and de vour two pieces of pie, .-ru.st and all. Th(;y inculctitw wu-ly to bod and early to vise ami sit, up until II uVluok ur event. Then then; are tobacco iihucn who prohibit harmless indul^unces to thn mombers of tln-ir fiimily, Tho trim system of diet wdiatever it does-will avoid extremes and will m>i approve any syslem that underlukef.- to exclude from the diet of t'lm well mttn anything upon which millious of the nice live, a lar^o proportion m cm <tcllcnt health, unless it bo some arti--lc that can bo demonstrated to be esseii tially poiHOiiouK or dangerously liabK to i>roduce a tendency to excess. Any system of diet that instructs a poi'HOn to oat entirely -\siOiuut- m^anl to the pleasures of Ihe appeiito is con trary to Scripturoj common sense, and liy^iotie. Mow y.enlnml'u I>inn. Sydney, Now South Wales, lias hit upon a practical method of dealing 'with its unemployed. It furnishes it 'railway pans and a iriner's ri^hL ol ^'t'odjfc tooauh s.uitablo applicant to en- iiblo liim to proceed to one of tho roM ihdda of tlio colony, where ho may have by *'fos te!(,\ sioUinfif" for tho precious metal. Tins V;,<y number ol paHflon iwaned in 180-1 wnn |^.V^9,572( ttpd einoo^thft inauguration of the. "j^Mliem* tho QUai^tifcy of fjold obtained * tia tho colony has riaon from 17IV2B8 tinc&fl in 1B03, to 82-1,787 ounces in V*' ENTY-Fb"iR Authors. J.\'l____j (to hi con i ini: r.i>.) f ico on miamy could mnka i-.ible ,1 \ iiill^,' .hlin .. tl. an hard "1 r, ih t Iil- 1 think,and 11 ice tie [ they h ivn ffone ,iway, taking my ehild witli thi-ni. Oh 1" Siie sprang; to m-t lui-t, .un 1 fluni; Diu lier arm-. "(Jh ! tho diinl ! He iiiighu Iiilvo ^oiio gnnij fur- 'Ml. It Wtaihl In: liiinl, fori loved liim ; laii to tnke i In- child from nm t The L-hnd ! My d.irlitic^ ! My baby ! Do yon know mv many month* 1 have lived without m* elh) iiwi'tnliniirt V You, you of ad inoii li i\\ ! ' Sin: tuiui-d to lmn and caught n.in by the arm. ,lKvor mnun tint awful ; i l1 ! 1 .ivi- lmn up then, my littlo one n>l fur what *,'" ahc .dinust hi^Hud out tho vordH "tu .slii.'hl lu.i father !" "You moun-------" h.iirl Jacyntli, lui liuurt 'i.:ntin^ ; w.ih be now tu hcu thn tiutti lijun Inn own hpa 7 But thy emmd of Ina v i'ico broke in upon her pansiou, ami chock* ilhiT. ."NothiiiR," Hfiid hIic quickly, "except ' hut that ho in f.ihiu to nii:.'" "I ndl you afjaiii not to dwell tou much -ai that," a lid dacynth slowly. AIl1ioiiIi Inn whole life bL-iii.'d \n dnjii-nd upon it, hit euiild not refrain fiom phuidiug Ihh iival'u cause. "You hiivu only Lliat woinui'ti wfnd for it. TIih telegram may he n. fabri- ration from bi'^tnuini.' to end." "A (jiirioiiiily widltnnoil one," qIic IiiukIi- ' (1, in u cuiLlly uiMi-ruhle w.iy. "If hh know nothing of linn, bow did alio luirn iluit my child und iny huhbimd wcro now away fium m: V "Muai cuiioua thinyn hnvo boeai explain- ' '!," H'tid lie, "You ! you talk lo mo liko thin !" cried >lio p.ianionatL-ly, "You would defend Mm ! You ! who knuw hu \va,a onco un- auc': Y mi" "who once loved Ull'?" "J uliall he your friend always,'* aid hn, put ling a gn-at coniitr.iint upon liimnelf. "Il iH he.cauuu I am your friend that I npeak ilaiu; nby not look al it in another light ? You h.iv your husband lott you hurriedly ; vou say that Mine, do Vigny mum have "known of bio absniuoe from you, and also of your hoy'a. It might be that who, out ot icvcngf, atoh- tho hoy, and thut your lmn- bund in now punmiug her with a view of icijtoruig him to you." He j-aid thu more lo gain time than any thing ehie, little thinking ihat ho had gm-uii-. i-il the truth, and hail laid butoru her tho exact factu of the cuuo, "A fuiry tah-," aaid alio mourn fully, ,lXo ! IIo lied to mo thn luat time I kuw him. When f'ayked lmn to bring inu my child, he aid ho wan tirod anloep. I, too, aa tirod, worn-out from aickneiis and u hinlcMi heart, and loo weak to do aught hut beliovu luin. The child wmi not hcru ai ull !" Sho fltppud back from Jacyntli, ii nd covered bur fnco with bur iiiind. "Oh, my Runny I My bo. Inved ! Oh, my little child 1" Sho lunk down her handn. Her lipu wore trem bling "Mr. Jacyntli, what flhall I do?" iidid uho. "Tlie firnt thing to do," add ho handily, "ib to keep up your couragu," Ho imolco in n. queer, graliug ln Ho know if ho once gavo way, ho iihemld betray himuelf, Ihuray tho wild,mail longing ho felt to tuko lu-r in bib anna, and promt her pour, sweet, pretty head down upon hia bruaHt, and try Mill) all bin soul to comfort her. "You aro condemning your husband unheard. la that fair? Is it jllBt?" "IIo him not hooii jutiti' to me'." "Truo! And, thwroforo, you find it diffi cult in mich a ciiFihi au thin la holiovu in. liim." Ho loukod at her uuddcnly. 4'Scill you lovo hitu*'" iiaid ho. Tlio words were a question. ".Ho II" aaid the. Hor words wero. alao u quoatiou addroaaml to hoy own htart. l,I tool ho tirod, no Urod," alio saiejl. **It hat vflii k struggle ulwuys, and through mrnrnf ttiinga I loved him, 1------" tStic nciiiaij,-* "] dcup.fie ni>nelt,"' alie b>iid, "hut I think I luve In in utiil!" A ping hhoi tlnoiigh Jiii'vnlh'rt heart. 11 did not imte the sag- gcsi inn of doubt In her vmi o. "I ln\e bun, I think," hhe wen; on Mowly, "I think, bill thia I know, I dlMirmu hiiu." "Did' i nst me urn ruin," oaid Jacyuth. "Tu what? To love!" "To all thinga." "To Ii icud-ilup?' "Yea. To all thine,',." She went clo.-e lo him. "That in not 11 ii*--," tdie aaid. You art! heft lending me imw, yut vou clialruat in.-." 'I? No! You tf! thinking of that wretch ed trial1." Uu iipolu: wuti I'xii'omu ugitaiiun. "ilut I have heard all." "AU?" "Yea! All. And if ever a man craved anothei'u pardon upon his knees, I crave youni." / "All?" repeated alie faintly. She nuerncd to have hi-ard that one wunl only. "Yo;>," Bind ho. lie let hia voice mult to a whiapci.he leaned toward her. "Who killed Do Mnrgef;" naked he. "It ia true!" aaid hu presently, when alio had tobl him all. "It in true that the world atill produces heruinua. It iH now more im- p.-rativo iban ever that Lord Frunciii ahould be found." "Foi- whai1'" alio aaid. "Do you think I ehould betiay him uow oven now '{ Ah! Mr. Jacyntli, you do not know mo. No? I uhall go to my grave bearing thia bur then. After all" "ho once did lovo mo!" "If ho has gone off with that woman again I don't ace why you ahould aparo him," t*aid .Jacyntli. "Hut, aa I have aaid, I liopo for tho bent about that. In tho mo an time------" Sho imoiruptod him. "In the meantime, find my child !" aaid nhe. Shu wmi ulill gliaatly pale, hut a littlo fire had oomc into bur oyeu. " Bring him hack to mo, get liim hack from that woman, Oh !" a little nervmiflly, "I havo no right to apeak to you lilen hia. Why ahould I ordei you about? Only you are kind I havo now no trionda ! And Runny Ronny alwayn bated Hiraugera ! Oh ! my child, my little heart 1" She broke down Hiiddonly, anil burnt into violent weeping. "O God!" erieil ulifl, *' what ahull I do? That woman I That woman, if she han him, aho will kill him ! He, who never knew anything but lovo ? My little lamb 1 Oh I hia oyew, hu laugh 1 You flaw him I Was thero evor aa pretty ahoy! Oh ! onue pnnuion- utely " you aaid you loved mo 1 llolp ma now ! Tell mo how I uhu.ll begin to search fur Ronny." " You "would go youmolf ? " . "Oh, yes, y^u ! Oh, if you only know what thia lam day und night havo bcon I' She wua .aobbing violontly, but now, by n. uupromo cfl'ort, alio coutrollod horaolf ; ahe took down hor lunula from her face, and proHaod them againat hor throbbing hoaom. "I will bo calm," alio aaid, " this ia no time for team, and you niuat not think mo woalc. I am otrong vory strong.. Toll mo how I nhnll begin." " I will tull you," skid ho, "but you must , try and boo my plan aa I ooe it. Now, it ' Booma to mo impoaaibln that you, in your weak health, pint rucovered fiom .u dangor- oub illncas, could poaaihly iuatituto 'auoh a trunblohomo carch as this ia likely to provo." "And if not V began alio doanaitincly. "There U Buhatituto," uaid he. "I ahull uudertuko thia matior." 'Yout" "Ye". If .vou will intruit thU ftlTiir t ' ^ui: ni.i.ow in:iMiNi:i;s mcnntK .iacvntu,' u ihlly at ih- far pat t of tli- room. "Ih.i tini^i-i'i i-losed rnmnl hia thru/if, 'and ilicro \\ it Much a imiiiel ji gurgl'.'-H-aven, uhut a vi,und ! und turn In- Miabbcd, and alab- l'i-d, and ntabbed- hr wan mad. Oh |" unli u Iiiiik diawn, piercing nigh, "I nhall go in,i<l if 1 think id it i" 'Then don't think," an id Jacyntli. Ifi* e.iiijm' hedd of }\cv arm and ulioolt her ahaiply, "Wlnri'-MT I are him I n*a Idnod," aaid ah*, -i ill ti i-mbling. _.'\\r\i-i tit ii i'l bun, lliink ol your child," ' id he, wil h a d' ii.i e to rnusii h'-r. "Am 1 iu-.nii i now? and uh-m \ fi-id him, what in"-higi' am i t'i givr himfrom hia uiothnr?" lie hud loum-d her uhImimI "A mepuag'-!" -1." a nd. Tim old, and, dreadful fear in her t uv died away. Hupp* lit it into a lovely Im . "A ni' miigf to Ronns !" nlu- cried. *" Mio fitlL-on hi'i kni'fji helore J .icy nth and look Inn hand and laid h<T cold clu-i-k upon it, a eii'-ek wetwnh ttiarn. "Tell him hia m ahir lovca him," aaid nhe. "'J'oll him, too, 11 nt hi-, mutlier will torevcr lovo thn oih- who will reat-Mc htm to her." i;haht:u XYi.-r.y a, a'dkckktt. in ni:w vouk. Mm. (Jlutterhu -k, ihe. newly-nrirried wife of C'ohiin I Cmtterbii' k, of New York, ua not, ".a honm" tn\iiitors. Hhu had L'ivi-n orders to that effect, but this com- m.uid wiiu laipci tluou'i us there wure nu Calient. Tu tell the truth, Mm", do Vigny h.wl not htMjn .1 t'rt-d t nociiil miici-ja in the n-ui)l ry of h-'r ndoptiriii. The J--n.il'.r, her hu hint, had matri'd her t u prenido ovwr hia eatabliahmeut, and to gr.tcefully adorn h.a dmnei t ihle, and althoii^n ^In* liud au- ce|ileit both dull*:-, the reault hid been dia- apponitint-nt. Mi a. Clutterbuck'a notion ol looking afier a hotlt-i W.i-. In lake the minimum amount of trouble, and order the maximum amount of good.-. Shu hud rim up billn in all directions giving a opecial preference to the 't ir^a ol jewedera, dieiH makers, and Vi-ndert. of hiCi*. Her idea of ilhDcnu.ui! hospitalnv wiu ijcarely in accord witli the I'oluu'i'a notions nu tneHanie nmi- ti-r. Tim Senator, who was a power in Wall Hi i-ct, ill inly lu-heved th it mori! could lie (lone over the vianda and i-ed water tlmn in the place nf i ii-itoui, and was in the Imhil uf tiilinu; ina dining looni with people wiiu r.ouhl he uheful. Ilia deHirc w aa, of course, to conciliate those ho invited by udopi :ng a tone of husineaa-llkt' ginialitv, bm lu ri-ei-iviid no ;asi^tune(; fiom hia wif-, \i liua<- nuiuary aim R'-cui'-d lo be the unpro voked and c'lMteinpluuUi biuibbing of her htlflbaiid'a gllest--. "Ijoo-cill," Hani he mio day after.ii. baui ipici had end* d iu (iiaabtei, "I gurtti you inu not paracular to company, (iin-ba, ii)ndiiinet,you prefer solitude to hiiiiio of the buHtdcnown piMhona in the I'nited States." "If you uieaii by thai," replied Mm. Clntterbiick, ndini: ing Ix-raull in a mirror, "I do not euro fur tho vulgar crowd you ank to diunrr. you are ceriiimly right. They aro neither polished nor amusing." "Siiikes me, iiiadaine, thut you iieom to fe-el tuts want of the Hriliali ariatocriicy. ^'ou can't got on without them that ih bo. It siionis a pity thai Lord Francis Omdow ahould be on the; other aide of the Atlantic. Ho would have been a decided actjiiibittun to our family circle. Stic?" "What do you mean?" naked Lucille, with hei large eyes fixed upon the colonel menacingly." "What do you moan?" "What I a*y," romiuid the culonol. "I do not want, madaiuc, any unpleaaantncsa, but I give you fair warning that I know u thing or two. I have apodal oourcem of in- formation." "Do you want' to uumlt mo?" Lucille ftakod in a low tune, ruining her head, and atill keeping her uleady gaito upon her hua- baud, her cyea looking into hia cyoo, aa if they would revod hm vory uoul. "Come, come, mnd.uuo, nono of that," cried Olntterbuek, wiving hor ofl'. "I tell you, Loooill, I wan nor, horn yesterday, nor yot tho day before. My will ia a pretty Htronp oin;, and I tell you diatinctly lam nut a Biibjeot. I havu boon tried boforo.and it would not do. So take my word, inndame you am giving yourself a, grout doal tif troublo for nothing. Take my advico, mndame, and drop it, Gueau it won't do," SUfl boomed to concentrate hur power of will into a nupreme and final effort, and than ithe con quered. Hur husband laughed, and con- tinucd: "You boo you cannot contrive it. No, madiunc, it won't do. So, if you talco my tidvice, I would not try it again. You aoa it just riles mo, and I mn not a nice nun to rile. I love and roapeot all ladioa, but I have a aliarp and abort way of reckoning with Bnalceu. See?" Sho was oilent for a moment and thua burat into a hyaturical laugh. "Thoro," continued her huaband/'vou notion you are unhinged. It io not good for you, thin kind of oxoitomont. And now toll me, how in Rnuny! Why did he not como down to give Inn uncle good morning boforo I Biartod for buninenii to-day?" " Uonny has gone," replied Lucille abort- " Gone," exclaimed the Sonator. * Why, where havo you aent him ?" " That 1 my buaineis," returned Mra. Cluttorbuok. " Surely.1 have a right to do what J pleanu with my own nephew." Nephew," echoed ho. "Whow!" " Havo you any roanon for questioning tba relationnhip!" " W-li, uo," ropliod lior hunhand, strok ing Ida beard ; "out it striken mo for ao Hoar a relativa, tho hid doeii imt. neom to euro-particularly about you. Wliv, I do bellflve be hkon mti better than.lie doep you." "Uonny Iuih bud timie." titmbttnd, " Hut y<Jtl ndght ln< p u civil tonguo In your head. Il'y that kind of ihuif that riloi my giiuuta." " VVIim kitidnfthingV" "Oh.dnm it. Now tell uie, wln-n do you expi't Uotuiy'ii leturii 1" "I don't eixpe'ot it, at all." " Ah, I ee you are not in a communica tive mood, no I ahull take inyimlf oil' Hut '" e h* re, nmdainu. You were intended h*- Nature for the loii.ii re olaci, but in i lie St.itea we h'tveli't^'got I he ni^iit u- imn, Some tl'iy we may ipipoi I it from 1'1'irope, And if wo do, why ih'-n you will liud yoiuaMf epiiui at home. 11111, until we 'lu luipoi t, il hum Murnye, tnki; a woid of .'dvK-e Climb down, niadiLoir, climb down." And with thin parting iiliot the eolone, looh hm departure. Mrs. Clyticrhuek lintened to the retreat- nu; strps, and then went to h-i ih . k. She ' a i. down in front of I In- t i hie and |ioudeted. II j<l idle acted wiaely .' ('eiiunlv it wan advinahli- to (jiiit Kn Liim id II m -.pc- but MM', not l ui.t a eii'!- oi ir un tin- fi "* pan mlo I he fire '; The cn'om'l Wn*) u imui of violfiit p i-i .loiiii, and ahe bdi iha; -he wim .Lb.o'iitely without inlhh-me over him, I if* w.u, t mi > i ohg lor In r. She had lnvn 'ic- eii.H'oini-d to do what idif liked v. itli mem le-1 h-te \\ i'. a man who net her ut ib li.in.-, l.iiigbed hor lo coin What wii'i ah- tu ih. '.' I^he v. a-, alj- ' tlii'eli ib |u;iuh:iit upon bun for ^import, (Jnl'tti ahe could get back to Kurope (v. Mich \l i'l nOt a derilluble apuL fin lite lun- meiiti, or bud a tiavi-lmg Km: l-homii, alu v- 01 poweiluiM, (!-r liusl.iiiid'i fnenil . und .o'liiamtaiie.-n npijcaied to bold lii r m ah- leu [eiiei- lit-.idan, tiinniniii and cuatoiiiit -ii on- alil> o| tho Atlantic .-liuo-d to dllfer iromcii'iiouDi-uiid manntni on the othtr. Il win not a chi-eiful pro-tp' ct Ib>w i v-r, there W'a'i nolhing to he done hut to .-.nliniit and lo keep her eyes opon to take mini-dl ile advantage <d any chance 'lial might oiler itself. So ahe fiat down before the Intle table, und unlocking her d* l.k examined Ua contenta There were a tt'W letLoirt wuttin lu faded Ink, and leur.i u u heri d in her oyeu aa aho gl meed at t hem, "11- loved mo one-," idie uaid with a tgh, "and I abanhii'dy loved him; you, ioh-iI him. Well, that is past. He hail iiiiaudoiied me aa ho abandoned her, and I can audit: thuui hoih thr'ntgh their boy." Then ii_hft took (JUL a b tier lliat Iiqto tho r*.i:w ^'ork |iosttnaik of the (hi\ before, and i<-.id it ihiuiigh from -nd to end. It was a long letter and aeetned to give her aatiafac- nun. "I do not ace how they can ircover tint boy," ahe murmured, "and, if thia pro- ^niiiiinu fs carried out in tin- fulure, he mould be aa much loat to hia family ai a gialn of hand in a d< aerb or a ie edle in a buudle of hay." 1 b-ii alio couaidi'red whothor aho ahould uni'NNAVr* i*iii:i.viie\A.V ruitiv lllie UunleMr ot J. .1. Htrutuy Malitn N- n^feitif uuti In I'riii.tolly t.'tiuiialflvil -.111 (he Spring ,l^s|/e4, Itinrlfj, Ont., l'*..-b. iil. Thi pr-llnilnary exumlnuLloii of Michael Jj HieiiniLn I'or tlm murder or John A.' K! nilhy wan held bore to-day before I'idiec . MuKbiti utc It'eia and lli-n: rs, lle-niy Mlrd juld M. JCinir, Juntlci-si, of Hie T'lico, Tin- pid'o/iii \van not r~ pre. i nleil by courmel itml minlo no of- fnrl tn (li-fenrl Iilmjitlf, ----------------- I n I'ply. J^M he (imlitlori nf whether or nut lu- wum iin'lVt>, he iui.ld thrtf ho witnjd hoi i>le:L(|, ntid ;i, plcti. oi' not guilty won. In "T,mr'V"i'nbnce, entereit, 'I'lie ]'Mmr|pnl v, ] tiic- .'!) 'Xomlncd worn Jennie NVely, f'lioonile McKay, J.)r. W. A. Uoi'M nnd f*r>mitnbk* Marrln. There win, little In I In cvhlcnet- that wiijj ih-w or (lln'i-n-nt from thut. glvtm ut tin- linincit. Home widKht wnu attueht'd U> the ovldi'iico of tin- .flomc.'itle.'i at Strut hy'n bolide vi-Iutlvi- tej the ovor- tnrniinc of llower pot. Tlil.i llnwer put, wh|e|i hrifi Imen :it.uidlii;i in the veutl- bulc, wan round overturned uftnr the flermrture of lireniimt, and noivie <>t I hi* i .i i I h It rontiLliK-iJ wuM iientleri-il nvi-i- tin- floor. This f;Lft -,vlll be ntl- \fiiioo.| \,y th.* f.V-wn (!< f-vhlciif" that ii iy luive iiorno 'Hoot upnn Un; pl.-.'i of itcinlty which II pt |.iuIi;lIi1i- will bo fii'l Up by the rli-fi-nci-. Tho prisoner deelliied to aak tlio Wlt- ne.*.;c:i any i| uc:<t lona, nnd when afdcod If In; .'.vl; hod tu hnvi- tie- depo'dtlnun N-ad (\i*r tri hltn ?iImply n-rniirked that In- bud lu-unl tli'-m nil und did' not uKi'i-e witli thnn. IP- ilriilned to makes i'tiy ft'it'-mont and did not appear to lie- i'1'iv much inteit- {> <] in the pro- t,f- elln^j'. 11'* un:; fomnillled to jdimrt hi', tn.il at tin- Hjii-iiif: An-d/.i-u, which n|nn here on April 7. Ih A Ml IM Snid i V tl' I'. <U t.KCI'. UKhlu (h All Ih % til Lovely 1 al' lioi I .idliii'l Aloinroal, ]" There" i;- a ct i. i.. hoi'-, wh- r tn T.l.jIuii flov- i-rniii' ut h.m \><-- n tillm< lor the punt thn e duyn. J Ion. i;(-mK(. A. Nauttd, Allim.ter of J'uldie V.oii \\,: will i*e:,ign if mii li and .mii Ii n tiling dooH nut tak- phi",, ulill, lion. .Mr. I*. llutb*r ami uLiii-i*, docl.Liv tiny wd| ruidgn If Ml< h ,ujf] Mi- h a thin . "itaw.t had It:-' en-.is und why idiuuld iiui tli'- cjin-hoo Jjoc.il Llovcrriinunt * -n- juy tli.- : .inn- bb" ,-uil; '.' . li appeal \ tliat .Mi. .M.ix.o, who, Ijy th-- w.iy, vol.;d i miii.-l the Ta.U ui candidate at the recent hyo-ricoUun in .Munti'i-al Centre, Ih tin- < idiakln^ up tliat hu:. com" to tin- <bi\i*i nmeiii. Mr. Maze hi ill.- pj onic'Lei- of a hhort line; iYr* railway not I ar iiuiii .\Iontr*-al nod be 1ms In-en pulling wi'vy in order to have .ii. iii i : '"bMnnt !al asj.i:it;ince Jiom the T-uciil bm ii the letter ot leturo it to her dealt. , Tiva.-ui y or a t-imnn.N uf the cm. hhe decidfd upon the latter _ couri.o, und- pany'n lion<N. Mmi. Mr. N.mlel \v;ih anxluus that tie- d'n'i iiiniuiL .should euine to the rev iii-. hm thi.- anxli-ty v.'iih not sh.-iied by Lb" Piemler, Hon. -Mr. Pell. Iter, Ilun, Mr. llackett, and "i tiers of the ;,] tnisli y, und, c.ojis"- ',111 ally, tin- propm-t d ,iid \-.os blocked. Vh. other r!uy, hu\, i-\ir, Lh,- Mlnlsti-rii bid u buu I decided upo'n helping a : ' fond eiitej-prNe ami nmv-Med Mich .i i' commendation tr-lni the .\i iiilidci-oC i 'ubllo Workh*. aid Hon. ^Ii. Nant'd, ' beiefni,., r.urie down with tin:-. - ro- uniiii udation tu ih.- Council and an* 'liier in favur uf M r. Ma/.'-'s scheme - I'l.'d ull. Till.; oritur-'!, ytJ til" COrre- . ouinlent leuriiH, a veritable explosion, i Idle threats ami counter thruats of ! well. Willi the cthds at ith In l 'bt, the Mtn- iMi rs cam.- to Men.tivril, but. Hon. Mr. .' until llin scarcely larii at the Ciov- i-iiirient oiliceH and bri.s taken no.part whati-V'-r in the busiue.^.- ti aiu'aetei^ 'u 'hi- city. His friend-: assert tliat c. will leave the Mini: illy uuh'ss hlrt lie.miles ^ive w.'iy, while n.thors state ' at Hun. Air. Nantel will In* appointed b-rlff of the district uf Muntreal. 9 v>\\~h m:.oi a.i>.\ i us. :'..r.3. e.-KKfc "sttr: i.ioiiTim a ('in utF.TTi:.' placed it for groutor sr curity in the conceal ed receiacs of a secret di'iiwer, Tho rent of the afternoon ahe apent liutleasly in read ing novels with yellow covera and playing on the piano. She had no viaitors. When i he dinner hour arrived the colonel had not roappeated. However, thiu ittd not greatly diaturh her, aa it wan hia custom on ccciistoiin to at ay away from home, bift when ho ducidcd to dine elai:- uhoro he uuually cumiiunucuti'd through the teleohone hia iutenlioiiii. lie had ne- gle'ciod to do ihia, an Mm. Ciutterhuck de* eided upon hor own ropen.iihility, to dino alone. Sho gavo tho noceamry orders, and in due courau tho meal wan nerved and dia- euaued. After tho things had tieen remnved (she had taken her diuuo'" in tin- boudoir) aim lighted a cigarette. It was nut a habit which met with her huahuiid'u eucouiagc- iiiont, but R8 ho wan not tlu-ro to upbraid aliofiiLW no reason why aho bhnuhl not in dulge hor taiito for the fumen of nicotine. A little later wlmn the dour wuh thrown open, and the colonel ontered. He was pale, and Ida toatnrcn worked. Kvidenily, he was in a violent paauion. "You aro quite a atrangor," nhe aud.with a littlo laugh, "and I have dined without you, I did not fool your loan, becauan tho hitprcmu do volaillo waa excellent. You ace I urn Hinoking. Take oneH" He dolilieratoly aot/.od tho jiofTerod cigar- otto cuuo and throw it with all hia force nr/aiiiHt tho wall, Shu ahrtigued hor ahoub dera and huighod again "What a child you ai! You remind mo of Runny, and ycL you aro no relatij/o of hia." "Are you u._relutive of \\UV naked tho colonel slowly, wi'ighihgovery word as if he wore nfraid to trub hio own voice. "Why, yon. Did I not toll you that ho wail my nephew*" "And did you not toll mo a lio?" There was a pauuo, and thoy lookod at ono another an a eluolmt rcgardn an oppou-, tint neither, anxioun to bogiu, both on guard. Again who laughed, "You are not vory cheerful company thin ovoning." "Then I will make my visit as abort nu pnsaibh'," 'Ah, you aro paying mo a viait nro you? You purpono obtaining a noparation," "Thoro in no noouaoity for a so'iuratioii." "I aoe, then you will obttiin a divorce. I have always, boon told^Uiat in Amorioa thero aro hpooial facilitim fur diajoining marriage tien. In Now York a good place for that aortof thing*?'* "Thoro is no nccosaity, madaino, to due solvo marriage tioa." "Ynu are vory, vory norioua thin evening," aaid Luoillo, putting tho cigarette in her month, "I halo oonnundruhu. afternoon I havo been worrying mysoU lo find an annwor to tho riddlo, why I became your wife!" "You novor did become my wife," ro- pliod tho colonel shortly. ( ' tucillo turned pale, uud thou hor facti wan Buffinifld with color! She roo to hor full hoight. "And you have como to toll mo thin!" "Now, mudiuno, boo horc; I don't want any heroicn. I am gointr to lako it quiotly, iiiall advino you to do tho-aamo. Nu*r, what I have to say is junt thin,. I made a ndf'nkft tr, irrylng you. " Tho w intake was mutual." " Now, i nadame, there U no cause for In- eriuptmn. You nhall have the atofv tight lohii I,, ^uili-r Iltu Cscaiteil 'i'-> ' enrti er Selltnr> rcinUr ei;iii'! Tails, Fob. 21. John Ti. Waller, ox- 1'iutid Slfttes en sul to Ma'a-a-car, ',-ho wan coiirt-nmi Mailed and .-.-nti nc- i il lo li'l yi-ars lmprisoiinvi nt on cmivic- 111>n of havliiK ill -;-ra|ly .-o.-iMiiinletited with the fluviis, air.ve-l i-. Parks at 9 /chick thin nitirniii",, huvin^ Peon par doned and released fjum Ninn-H prifnn sisterday. Mr. Waller rail: "l fo.I highly elated to liud mysi If tree urter 11 ninnths Incai f.-iatiuii, under con- derunntion tof joititary coulinement for -ti years, whichm v/uh cqiiivalcnt to t -rnlty. I am In good health and ".carcely HUfiVr at all now from tho .\'ad;).e;a.scar fever, which made such ten lblc* haviic nnionjv the "French troopn in Mnilagai-xar. I shall remain for a lew days In Pari:; and shall st-ip a few days in London. I expect to sail for America on Feb. HO." z twit, iiiioin.s a hoo-iwo. I!e In lloium for Dcluuna Knv anil ThIc* Him Ktr:nii"r 4^ih>m .Lkliore*. Port >':\U\, Feb. UI. Tho P.eruum Htenmer - I- linnzlei-, from llniuhur^, ir Dehii'oii l'-ny, which went uMiurp Jan. ;il near Am- ^|e^l;ull, ami wim tbmteil the Hume ihiy ami [irueeeiled, Ih again ashore at Isinallht. Sin- lies In a position which makes her nu obstruction (o navigation nf the ennui. Her eargn la hi-lu^' dlHeluirged. I'ei'll Uh.)des, e\- I'leiiiU'r of ('.ipr Colony, 1;. a piiKheiiKor on board the Kuuzler. I.onilon, l-'tdi. 1*1. The Cnvenunent ImVfi niiprovcd the eourse pursimtl by Hie Hrltlnh f-ouili Africa Cumminy, and have niipolnti-d *:.ii'l Urey to net ciiiijohitly with I'oell Kliodes lu the uiliidnlsiiiit.mi of the* affair* of the territory com rolled by the company la South Africa. ________- \ / i-ivr. .mim.bo.v iioixAEt.*i la.t.sa.iuj:. Win* iMiiie by tli .tw.ul l>ynnii)lto V*X 111omIon ai .lliiiuiic*i.burf JahannGsbih-ff**' FcU, 21. Prosldont Kluxer and tlic- chit'l'H of tlve ueveral cNtcutivc denartmontH of the Govern- niLiit of the South African Republic nude un inspection of the scunu e> tho dyrumite explosion at Vledcndorp, a M.burb of thiu cdty, yesterday and' v.tdLed many of the Injured men, wo men and children In tho hospitals, resident Kruger, anor vlowlnpr the bctnu of devastation, declan.U unit tlio Netherlands Kail way Company, on Lt.fcrd of whose earn the dynamite ex- idcded, would have to pay the amount ot the damage done, which \a caloa- lu'td at 1,'uu.oou at least. Tueriesi- dent waa isiC^Uy aKcolcd by the i. enea In the ho^pltalu and eln"Wliei*c, unci In Kpealtlug later dwell upon the tjpkndld manner in which the people m Johannesburg mink their race and olher feints and Joined hands In re- Hevlnrv the dlstreKtj o the hundretla All thin ( v.'.ho were In need of aid. J-'ruMiuenc Krucrer wan olocted pfcaidont or the' Relief Committee whUm way formed yesterday, and which ho already col- ,- U.Lted 100,000. \'aV.'*iHlV.Lti i l.'-Htli'Klt.*, - _____ I Ihe MeiduM VIv>*miII Itonv. u Cr tU UriUls iiihI I'rttu*** IC**ih*> .-.t, London, l'"eh. 21. Tn tho Huuso of Coni- iiiutui thin moriiln, Mr, Geo.' N. Cameron, Piirlbimontary MlnlHtcr for JTorulirii Af- fH'i'H, reply)nj; to n quoHllmi of Blr Charles ' DUke, Htatiul that (Jrefit Itrltnlu ml France' luiel infrtvoil to roiiow for thoiipiirounhlnff' tn'OHOii tho mod nu vlvtuwll rohitlujf to lobate'r tltdmrleu In Ni*Wfouui|land wuteta, estab- llalu'd hi 181)0. ' In eousmiueneo of thiu " iiKWenuoul, ho juthl, the ni'iieitlatlouH bo-, >' 'twetm ^rcat Itrltnlu nnel Franco In regards Mayb^, madam., -n ,yb,." .etur.mel her away, und it you |v not enough of it by !^n,Sl bHM $&* ' ^^CS \ twm .: .'i "rfty^