Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 28, 1896, p. 5

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wv >;T^Hf\v f1,; I' THE K9Kat F*! ^^* FRIDAY. FHIUUJAUY !28, IBM. h Town council moeU Oto Tuoadtiy uyuuui next. Kx-FrhiOlpal Huiidumoii oxpnotii to mnvn to Windnur mut wiu-It, Mihh Trimble, relumed mwHioimiy, ad dressed a mooting at Hiuhpato on Tuoiiday evening of thiu wook, Maidetoneand Gordlold Nortli tnwiiHlnp councils bold their hooouU mooting" tu* thin year on Saturday next. Mr. Geo. Barth, who haa boon uoriewwly ill nearly nil winter if- *t JbcohomI vory low. All the momboni of hor funnily, huvo been called to bur bodftido. Frmkik Wintern ban eotnplotod the 30b of C painting a drop ourtaiu and uoenery tot . thu town bull at Oottam. Tlio work iu pronotmoed Brut-claw, A lodge of tbo "DaiicbtarH of Itobokah" will bo cutablibbod ut Iluthvon this week. There uro ulo D. of It. lodgoH at Amherut- burg, Leamington aud Windnor. Albert WnddlKlon bun boon appointed engineer at tbo wntorworltn to nueucod A. W. Gardner, who will retire on the lot of April. Tbo Hillary to bo pnid iu 9315*5 a oar, with houne, fuel, light, oto. off on uaod'h lonj; bootH at Smith'H Go to D. J. Whitney'ii for your latent BhsdB and HtjIuH in nprin;( hatu, Wm. Shoemaker ib how prepared to do liver fr*nli broad to any part of tbo town, give him uoall. FOIl KALE. Two fiOod oowh in calf, 'ode 4 your old, tbo otbor 2 yoaro old. For further particular apply to W. FoHter, M. 0. ll. Dopot, Ebhcx. Tbo Liboral Conoervativo ARnooiation of South Eubcx weto in no tin ion at Kiiignvillo yotterday (Thuruday). Thoro wan a lareu attendance of delegatea from ail pnrtu of tbo riding. A report of tho proceeding will appoar m the uext iiiejuo of tho Fnni; Xki a letter written -Ian 1-Jili, to her mother ftfru. Shoomuker, hero, Minn Ida .T. Euierick convoy 11 tho information that nhu in charge ofam'flaion school at Ninchni, CIiibu, having boon transferred from Che- foo, Sho in apparently vciy much pluanod with her work in tho foreign HaEda. The many frioudu 111 town of John Home, will bo pleased t* learn that ho in to resumo work at Gardner Bron.' handle work* next week, aftor hayict; npent nearly throe ujonthfi in a Detroit hospital, nnder- [plug traatraotit. Mr. Iloruo haa been in (V-btalth for about two year*, but it in liopd hm medical treatment will havo ' proved of groat benefit. Job. Robinnon killed a hrjjo hog, -of thoawinoopeoios tbo other daj. It wan a very large hog. Tho fni.E Tuxaa ucvor saw alargor, even of the human upecieB. Tho animal ranacured HQ\an feet, uevon inches from foro to hind foot, ana weighed a trifla ovor 000 ponnda, when drouoed orundriiBBed, a vou chooflo. _It_waB about four yearn old, and waH a crona between tbo Poland Gmna and Ghentur White breccia. At prosont nmrliot priceii that hoc wan worth nearly $30. The quo warranto proceeding to unfioat Mayor Million, of Amherotbnu;, wore beard before Judge Ilorno Tuenlay. The grouudti takon woro that there were \nnufii- clowt qualiftcatiowD and aluo that Million was under contraot with tho town. After ' the evidence wau taktm on tho quahfiua tiooH, thiH part of the oaso wan abiLiidouod by tho plaintiff'H lawyer, but ho hold that \ Mr. Mullen, who quahGon on hm wifo'H I property, muat bo dinquuhiiod from the \ face that bin wifo haw a contract with tho ' town, and could not, if she woro a man, li qualify for office on account of thiu cou I ituat. The .Tud/Tjo Htatod that Lhiuwas the flrnt timo that Una point had over boon raised boforo hira aud ho would therefore havu to tako timo to eonider it Jutlu naout waflronorved. Boj"8 HUitB aud over coate half price at Hu'n. erriue'a Corpet may nut aliiko tht ^rthbttt tbo '18'Jii "ConooL" bioyolo baH etruck Eflt-ex and tho bain pi en of thin pp ular lilfth-Kifttdo whoel whiali the looal agent, Mr.'J. W. Gibnoa yot in a few daya affo avo havins a heat of adinirorn. i*rinoipfll Mauuiiif; recoiyod a telfj^raphie jnetimga an Saturday moruiuu, upprimnu bim of tbo death of a sinter, at London Tho yung ludy who hud boen up to thu tiuio of hor dentil, apparently in perfect health, wan wuddeuly iitriokV^i with uoutu nflammation, and died a^.er a very ' abort illnemi. She wan aed about twoilty yoarti, and hold 11 portion a teaohei ono of tho London huIiooU. Kpoukmu; of ; tb'o doeoafo of tho jonny lady, thu London Fret* Preim aa>H: "Mxhh Mut'jo Man nintii one of thu toucher h of tho Aberdeen publio hahool, died Saturday itftor u ooujilo Vd? dayn' illni'HH of uotito inOammation at 1'^ hif homo on South utreet. Tho doonaHert JlwuB appointed to tho toaohing ntuff by tin- |"r Board of Education in October, 1803, aud i1 haB thuft boo" In tho employ of the city for* r about two and a half ye-irs. rihe wan wall \'hHked by htr pupilo and fellow ti'iiohorn, 5'aud wubono of the mout;ufuoiuut,accordintf ,V to tbo Iunpeotor'H roporto. Sho wan tho ;*V(laughter ' "10 lato Churloo Manning, and Swaa torn on tho townlino of Westminnter and North Porehentor, botwrou tho necond \i%H& third oonountmoriH." kSpeoml prioort on Saturday at SmitU's. W R^d Bmitli'i ad. " A three quarter -Torboy oow, %r oalv- Iim, and a half Jorwiy yoarllnjt beifor for hale, ulno u lot of whlto Ij^.^horii fowl. Will tako wood for part pay. Apply at pOHt ollleu, Khbox. Dr. J. W- Briun u*vo a very mufcruotivu t'ilk to the Kpwoitb Loa({Uo on Tuoaduy nvcikiiiiiji taking for Ium nuhjoofc, "The effect of alcohol on tho hunittb body." Tho dootar'M talk waH of praotioal nature, uud wan much approoiatud. Mr. G. K HnudurHon, ox-prinoipal of thn public uohool hat! trontcd linnnolf tf) 11 now "Comot" biuyolo. Mr. Henderuon huN been peilallin^ the Kntraiioo at a reoord-broiikuifi jiuit for uonis monthn; now look out for tho rocordn of the Gouiet, ii'int* hhoca for HprhiL' at) Sraith'a, oxtra ohuap. Mra. Juo. Gourlay reauived word a few rlayw ago of tho death of hor brother, who wiih killed by a runaway horn*, iu Wiunw pui, whoro ho rohided. An extended notion 3( UiH death, appearin in thy Winnipeg JHuly Tribune, will appear in next work'n FllWU FllKHH. J. A. Ilickii, chairman of tb Firo, Wutur and Li^ht committoo of the town oonnoil adyertinoK in tlm imiuo lor tondorn for Lho work of ooihu^ tho hone building at tho wiLterworkti, for u nupply of eoul for the piehunt year, and for application!) for the collecting of wutor raton and do^ taxes for 1900. In tbo W. G. T. U. column the Fiiki: l'ltuun puhlmbod, m itn iu'iuo of Jan. 21, an aocount of the oouviotion of a man uaniod Hyatt, foi liiybwuy robbery. Tho namo given wau V rank Hyatt. It iihould hfLVo boon Harry Hyatt. Frank is a native of Knnox county, and ban many friundu and ucquuintuncca in Lcamiu^tou and VVhoat- loy, and in junticn to him, tho Fhkk Fjuchh makoB thin correction. The followintj wero appointod dolonatou to attend tho Connorvativ* OouvoHtion at Kincuvillo yeitorday : J. R. Mold wan, W. Ghuroh, T. II, DoCew, J. L. Motors, A. Snyder, Jim. MoMurray, Wan. llillior, A. E. Lovelace, Dr. J. W. Brion, Geo. Thoru- tou, W. Jan. Johnston, R. Farkor. II." M. Johneton, Goo. J. Thomas, Jai. Cwnnmg- ham. J. A. Dicbol, Dr. O'Connor, J. D. Andomon, Dr. II. B. Fotta. Don't forgot tho dreiiH Roodn nale at Sruitb'n, half prioo for 15 dayi. Tho mono born of tho town council were treated to a very onjojablo oyutor uuppor at Mayor Downir'H rcnidonco, Waverly Place, on Tuonday oveuiuj^, every mombur of that au^imt body boinp; proRent. All upoak in the higbent torme of the Mayor'h hoGpitahty, and appoar to have spent a vory jollv time. Alderman Bcotb m ro portod to havo eatablinhed a wonderful reputation aa a narrator of anoadotoa. The brethren of Gontrul Lodflo A. F. A A.M., upon t a vory enjoyable eYeiinij; at the ] 0(1)^0 ruornw on Weduenduy niRht, t*1* oofuninn of tbo vmit of tho Deputy Graud Muntur of thin district, Bro. (JarHoallou, of Dreuden. Aftor tho ceromony of initiat my and pauamc cundidatoH wan concluded, W. Bro. Carficallen complimented tho brethren on tho proficiency of their work. Aftor cloning the lodyo, u very ploasant hour wau upeai at the rnfrohhrnent tablen, Bro. Carcaallen intimated that a lodjjo of instruction may bo held iu ICfuox ohortly. S- M. ttertjou'u JJcatli. Jly tho death of Samuel M. Sornon, of thin town, which oooured. on Monday hint, 2Kb inHt., otio o[ tho mpnt familiar fitiuron of Khbox iu romovod. Thodoceaned cumo to Ennex in 1882,and m I880 with hu brothur It. P, purchanod the hainoHH and haddlery huKincHH then citrriud on by Lirudlt-y Bro. Sornon llron, uontimitid thi9 buninoflo for novoral youru, nolhng tinally to Jan. May. Tb6y then conducted a grocery bunmoHB until ab')ufc year apo, whon they nold to Wrn. GohdoIi. A little over a year ago Mr. Hornon'o wife died Huddenly uud unoxpootly, Thiu proved a tieayy blow to him, and at the he wan partially afflicted with par- alymn. Ho rocoverod, howovor, but never reall) u^aniHd bin npiritH, and han brooded over bin trouble continually Hiuoe Last Friday uftornoou ho was ntnokon with paralymu of tbo nuht hide, and never recovered. Death came early on Monday morning To Ml appeurancon ho never roooni/t'd imy of hm many friondn who called to hoo him before hie death. Deooatiiid wan a^od 61 yearn, and leaven, bomdoii bin brothnr, U. P., Iioro, nix brothers and ouo nintor in Kent county, andaniutar in California. The funeral corviooH in the Methodiftt church on Tnonday wero largely attended. Tho interment took pluoo in North Kid^o eomotry, whoro hm wife waH buried last year. .--------------.------------ TIIK (iUKEN'Ji UIBTHDAY, THIS WEEK T he array of bargains out-distances all other previous attempts at bargain giving. The time grows shorter for ns to dispose of large quantities of Hats, Caps and Underwear, prior to receiving goods for spring, and the cut in prices deeper than ever. Kwui-X f illciulu l* I'ut lip a UlL' Cel- brutlou tlil Ycni'. For florae yotvrn tho town of Fwiex has provided Quuuu*h Buthday ontortainraent mr tho niirraunmntj oountry that exoellod ihu 1'ffoitn of all her nui^hboru. Laut year thu town etood by and allowod Wiuduor oitizenu to hump tljoniHelvoa. Thin year it m our turn, and Ehhqx in up a^ainnt all oomeru. J'ho buninoHO meu are alroudy talk ntf up the mattor with a vim that denotes big ronultn. A number of gentlemen aro on tho look-out for tho latent tliinuit in out-door ultraotiouu, aud it in the intention to p;ivo tho people about tho hub nomothing now in the lino of holiduy (utortainraont. j Koop your oyo oiiBhhox for tbo Qlioon'a Birthday. \ - D. J. ^Whitney, HATTER km FUENISHER. L.O, THE POOIt STUDENT. How Oie Mki*oiii>ectorilolitlnvinu: Time AflTeciod Illm. The Varaity, a littlo paper published at tho Toronto neat of learning, in a lato ihhuo, containu tho followint vivid and aoiou 1 ific deucription of tho holiday seauou. How many of hio frigndfl would chohh that tho writer who laloored undor tho offsets of Biiob opnooing foroeu, is no other than an Enoox rnpreaontutivo at the Sobool of Practical Science, in tho porno 1 of ,add DeCow. Ono of our ntudoiata doRcriben bin Cbriot- roaB hohdayn an iollowu : "A fow days boforo breaking-up tirao the hydraulic prooauro rose rapidly in my rosorvoir Of impatience , my pontnp hojioii and orpoota- tionn-bo^an to expand rapidly from tho heat generated an my unbalanced mental wheal revolved rapidly around thorn. I ilod, like Lot, and, boinc a man, had no inclination to look back. Tho reaction had at last come from a torm of proay mathe matical mattor of-fact to a oowplo of weko of lar.y rooroation, including plearrarn gx- poditiono, and lenn, morning Bleeps. Tbo thekorintf lamp cf Heiitimont, whioti bad botn ulmout oxtinfiuiuhod durinR ourthreo moutbo of aatruciom from fomjnine uooicty, llared up with all the warmth of a bunaou burner at tho dazzling myht of fomaloa, wuo uotually darod to walk around unre strained and outiide of their show oaaoi Nothing but liquid CO could have quouob od the ootiHuminR Are* jjonoratod by the roaatiou of those long neparated affiuitioa. But thoy wero ero lonfj oxtinfiuinhod, for I aaw O many. &nd boforo tho dying holi- dayn bad all fllterod I fonnd myHolf alroidy in th reniduo of donpair. But whon the timo oarao to determine oxporiraontally tho numbar or foot-poundn of onergy ro- qnired to ovoroomo tho cobonion, tbo oluu- tio limit of thoao rubber appondagoH to my hoart wao almoflt excoedod and a perma nent not took place. But uinco ray aoonm. ulatedautioipatiaBHhadall been difioharp;* ed through tbo otandard orifico of roaliza- tiou, with hut a small co-tmoiont of roamt- anus, my oquilibriaco wau ouoo more ontab- liahed, and with many donbta and foam an to how the Theory of Probability would deal with me at the Dpriuc nooriflontiou, I wan impelled by improved foroon to return to tbo B. P. B." __________ Ninety I'er Cent. Of nil tho pooplo, ueod to tako a courho of Hood'n Barnapanlla at thiH noanon to pre vent tjiat rundown and dobilitatod con dition whtoh inviton diBOURG. Thn raoni y invoked in half a donou bottloH of riood'n Saroaparilla will como hack with largo ro- turnH m tho health and viqorof body and Htronfith of novvon. IIood'B Pillu uro tany to buv, eany to tako, oaay to operate. Ouro all Iwor iIIb. 26o. Hlch Scliool NotoH.., __TJipj-oanlt of laut wook'11 txaroinatiouR aro an followw, tbo uamoH of thou obtaiu- infi C0% or ovor bting Riven: Latin, Form 2 W Potter 71, U Jacknou 70, J Batten 01. French, Form 2 L Griffith 77, H Run- noil 73, L Thibcaudeati 69, H Trimble 66, B A Cunningham 01, M Cummiford (i0, M Thibcaudeau fit. Hiotory, Formn 2 and 3 M II daoltson 91, B It McMulIen 78, A II Boeraan 75, B M McQueen 70, J Batton 69, B MoLauRh- hn (17, J Crozior C6, L Rubi>o11 65, 11 M Cooke 65, J Tully 61, F AC Arnold r5, D Louniihury B5, S Cunningham 53, J' Jar- min 53, E Trimble 63, V Lafiferty 53, E Howo 53, J J Beoman 52, A C Waltora JS0. U Coll 50, S WiRhtman 50. Drawing, Foruac 1 and 3 S Wortley 85, K Miller 70, L Wiglo 68, L Bennett C8, C E Knintor CO, M Mcllao 63, J -Wyatt C2, B Browu 58, F McAfoo fiG, M Koike C5, B Pizer 53, J Dolwore 62, W Jameu 52, F Arnold 50, A 0 Walters 60, E Rainoa TiO, G Irwin 50, F Fito 60, W Shrumm 50. Book keeping, Formn 1 aud 2 J Wyati 7-1, A Waltorn 71, N DeLong 01, L Wiglo 59, M Meltae 57, E RaineH 50, M Rorko 55, F Arnold 55. E HopRood 52, S J Wort- loy 52. P Campbell 0, K Miller B0, J A Broyth 50. Mr. and Mro. C. L. Craueweller woro "At Hoxnp" to a number of tho atudontn of tho High Sohool on Friday and Saturday ovonirgn,February 21st aud 22nd. A moot enjoyable timo wan Dpont by all present. FrogreBuivo orokinole and natural history woro the order of tho evening. ------ Death of"BUI" yo. Edgar William Nyo, the celebrated hu morist, died at bin homo at ABhotillo, N. 0 on Saturday afternoon laot, aftor a abort UlnoHB. "Bill Nyo" wan horn m Maino, nnd in tfi jeara old. WUon an infant bin purontH moved to tho wont. Ho wan rained and educated at Jlivor Falhi, Wia. Uo otudiod law, aud about 1H7H moved furtbor woat, stopping at Liuunna, whoro ho hung bis iit;n. JIm buriinuan not eonauming all liie timo, ho occupied a part of it in writing for louhl pnporn. Ilia artiolea, by thtir ongiuality ami humor, no ploanod tho editor of tho Douvnr Tribune, that ho engaged Nyo to wiito a weekly lnttor from any nubjoot ho ohoue. Thin way Nyo'ii formal ontry into joiirnalinm. In March, 1881, bo founded tho Daily Boomerang, named aftor a favorite mule which haddtod in hiu horvico. .Both Ihb paper and itn oditor booarae fnmoua1. From thin timo ou he be- oamo noted iu tho journatiutia world and iuoreditod with having made perhapu an much monuy an any man iu the profusion, largely aided by bis UotUiO touru, Friday Morning! FEBRUARY 26 Wo open a fifteen days*' aalo of 53 piccoa of DroflK Goods all of latost atylofl, in Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Tweeds, Lustres, Cravanette, Tho regular pricofl are from 35c to $1.50. Wo offer the choice of any afc exactly Just think of it, a chance not often got to buy & nobby dresa for 17c per yd, or $1.50 goods for 75c but it ifi a fact, you can do it with tht> dash during the next 15 days at the Bargain Store, G.B. Smith & Co. Whitney Block, Essex. The Presbyterian Choir will give their .... ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT In Pech'a Hall, Friday. MARCH G. Tbo choir havo aoourod tho norviccu of MR. ALBERT H. PERRY, of Detroit, tho talented Impomonator and Kntortninor. Mr. Perry oomou moat hiflhly rocommonded tn an. Bee proaa uoticeH. Thf proKrarnmo will bo intarHpornad with muHical aelootionir by~local talent. Plan of hall at W, H. KioburdBon'e hard- waro Htore on Saturday afternoon. Tick- etn25o., ruorved Hoato 3Go. Dooro opou at 7:30 p.m., pro^rammo at B:15. Committee Mm. W. Laing, A. Wallace, 0. ICriefiboff. WbatTliey Say of Illm. Somo flattoriun things oaid about Albert Perry, who in Co appear hero Friday even injr, March 6 for the benefit of tho Pronby- toriau ohurch ohoir. EBpooialtv happy ia tho charactorH of Charles Dickona and Jaracu Wbitcomh Riloy'ii vorae. Detroit Free Preao. Ho ban an admirable power of facial oxproflinon and a mirth provoking drollory that ih irromatiblo. Brockvillo Timeo. To all adraireniof wodteru dialeou, and particularly tbo inimitable) vorno of Jumoii Wlutcomb Riley, tho reading and reoit- atiousof Mr. Perry ought to prove a potd tive duligbt. Pernonally I mu^t uay that I have never onjoyod anything of a reeit- ativo oharaotor moro thau I havo Mr. Porry'fi roudoriu[i of *Tho old man and .lim."-W. H Drummond, M. 1>M Mon treal. TOWN OF ESSEX. NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS, FoHTniaoBiwwoopTnK no in uuibt). Inn at tho Kanex Waterworks will bo ro- oolvoA by the nndorHitfnnil until nix o'olook p,m , ouTuoRday. March 3rd, 1800, pltntj and flpool flontlooH may Ijo ooou at tho furniture ntoro of J. A. nioUu- SUPPLY OF COAL eEA.IiRDTP.NDIIlRBli'ORTIIW HUPl'IiY OF O coal for tho Wator Worko for tho balauoo of 1HC0 will bo rooolvo.1 until nix )'olooft \i, raM on TiioiHlay, March ard, law T.mtlorn to etato prioo por ton and Rr.ulo ot eoal, and to uo art- liromiou to thouudorfllttnod. G0LLEGT10H 0F~WATER RATES AND DOG TAX. Arrtiic.vrioNS- for Tnrc' position or oollcoior of wator niton tjiiartBrly.auil of doj; tiuou, for thu Town of Hnson, for tho yoar 180B, wlUboreoelvod by tbo underfllRuod wntll nix o'clock, v ., ou Tu,,B,lttyt March llrd, lBOfl. AnpUoauio ihunt furnish tbo uomeH of at leant two good and goiflQlent Burotlou, and atato salary wnntod. Tho low<mt,o* any touda-B not neo- tiutrlly ftcooitod. AU^few, HIOrB Obalrtnnu Hire. Wtttet undLlgi tCummittr* Town o(lineex> Wbeat rod per buohel .. .,8 75 to 7* VVhoat, whito .... 7S Corn .... 31 OatH .... 20 to 21 Timothy Sood .... 3 00 Clover Seed .... 4 00 to i CO Alsike ----- 4 30 Hay pur too............ 0 00 to 10 00 lioo'f per cwt............ t 00 to C 00 Pork ............ i to 176 7 Mutton ............ , 5 00 to BC0 Oidea ............ 2 B0 ChickooH por lb.......... 7 8 Buttor .......... 13 IS Lard .......... 7 8 Eatfa, por doz .......... 13| Potatooo, por boDhoI .... 80to 85 Oniona .... 70 to 75 Applea .... 1 00 to 1 00 Turnira .... 30 to 0 Carroto .... 40 Beotf) ____ 50 Parnnipa .... 30 TurkoyH por lb.......... 8 to ft DucIih .......... - 7 Celery porjdoy, .......... 1 00 Cabbi^o * .......... 35 1*1 ruin Wullccr&HoueMnrltetKevort No. 1 Byo, por hudhol .... fiO 1 Oata cleaned 3'J 1 Barley owt W 2 owfc 7S In coNHequonco of their elovalora, oto. bomR alrdadv full HoDorfl. Hiram Walker & Bonn, Limited, aro compelled to dlacon- tinuo bnyinR corn until furtbor notioo. Tho abovo pncoa aro paid by, H, Walker ISona, Walkorvillo, Out. ~ OllllXxl Tailoring Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLEE, Ordered Clothing away Down* To oloar oat our utouk of undorwaro wo will Holl at ro- duood pncoa. All wool uuitB rodnqod to ooat. UNDERWEAR. Fino Booteh lamb'H wool, $1.25, 8l.75jmit First atoro north of railway. Harness. JSverytbinp; in thiu line afc I*. 8. AdaooV HannoBB ISmnorium; al- flo a full aupply of neweat thiufla inBLA.NKET, KOBES, and othor wintor equipment. Price* tbo loweut. Whips, BrniibB - Trunks, TaliBOH, oto. Oftll and aoe og, F. S. Adams, W^- usa&Lk !'.' I ^J^Xi$^M:~d^^ Talbot S* Ktwx. t

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