if',! THE ESSb/i FREE PRESP 1896 IS HERE AND SO ARE WE. \UV are hero to iUuy uleo to give yon valuo I'm* your nionoy. wo are nttirting thin year with a vory choice lino of ntuvle unci fancy groceries * t wo aro Htill Boiling tho boat 2fjc. tea in town, wo know it and ho do you oar black japana and Ilyson'H Teas, at 40a, cannot bo axeollcd. we aro ahio Helling tho fimiat, grado of Mocha and Java eoflooB. givo vm'n trial and bo convinced. Our EnghDh Breakfast Cocoa in Riving thourgh uatisfaotion ho our cnstomorB Hay. Highest price paid for Butter and Eg^s. A EXT MEDICAL HALL. A. H. SCARFF & GO. The Essex Free Press, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY28.1800. *v^^ THK FlttKJftEN'tf BANQUKT. ltAOING MBKTfl. A. Mill Im tlitf CokntrtftilN YtoiilrletlllC VbAi to 11 I>nytf. Tke ptoplo of EaHQi and westoru OnUrio* kh wU r throuubont tha wholo ouutry, will be intoruateel m a bill whioli 'hftBbean introduced into the ]Iouhu of Commons to iuipoHo roBtraiutn upon the holding o! homo racing rnoutn iu Canada. The neoouaity for tha logtalation appaarod lait Hurarar at Wiudaor, whoro raoo moot- iues continued for GO du.yn and Uovolopod into simple (jamblinji modiumn. The chief feftturo of the bill m tho following claimo : No on raco meeting on uny ono race track of any incorporated company or olub shall oxtond boyond a period of H layn Jrom tho boginnhitf to tbo oh<1 of tho race mooting (th tirat aud luat diiyn bung both meltmiyo), and not louu than 00 day* (thall olapso between tho luab day of ono " ynQOtiog and the firfit day of another ou tho race traok of auy Buoh company or club. Tbo offset will ho to limit a race mtot to 12 days of nx-timl racing. Tho diHUusuion of tho raoBBuro is to come boforo tho com- tflittoo of tho hoDBo on tho 2Bth intit. Col. Tifldalo ih tho promoter, and uutici patoa no diiliculty in punaiui! tho bill, Mont momuora urhold itu object and uulosu thore iu a very strong political lobby ugaiDQt It tbid general moral Houtinaeut will pro. -vail, fc'ohind tho promoter aro moat of tho beat known rucmg mou in Guuadu, and tbo raouauro ih themforo under uua- picflH which will win tho favor of tho Bportsmauhko momboru of tho Iiourq who will ulwayn back up anything which cur tails racing anil tho opportunities-, which thy think aro uffordoi by it for ^arablin^. Tbo raiuBtur of juotico, when iutor- viewed, aaid he had rocoiyod a numbor of ronreDentationa from Wiudhor mid that vicinity, awUiug him to frumo an uddition to tbo criminal code which would put a limit upon tho length of raoo meeting*. He in now outimdoriiif* the adviuabihty of delnW ho. Tho common opinion among tho horse loying mombarHof tho huuiio ia indicated in the romarkfl mado by Uohert Beitli, M. K for Woufi Durham, who naid : "I hlto tp bqo a homa raco, but I do not want to eo any pluoo in Ontario turned iuto a Monte Carlo I dou't want to boo homo racing and Rambling mado u buoineQH of. Tho blaoldegn and ^amblora huvo beau driven ot of Now York and bucattuo tbo J&wfl of thiu oountry at proaont allow it thoy havo comoovor hero. Wo don't want to brood a gonoratiott for gamblers, and Col- Tlidblo'a bill id in tho right direction. RaoiUK hm done a groat deal to improve tbo Btaying emalitiea of horBeu iu England, bat it haa noyor boon conaidorod uecsinsary over* thoro to raco oontinuoualy for monthfl togethor. I will nupport Col. Tmdala'ti bill." . ^1,--------------------------- I Call Itlovt Highly ICeconimeiKl XI trni. Bov. R. Woavor, Aurora, writoii of gtark'il Powderofor houdachou.coolivonoHH, neuralgia, bilioUHUOMti, utomaoh and liver *"cott)plttinto: "You wore kind enough to Bond mo namplcQ of Stark'u Powdern O/jroni pornonal Unowledgo of thoir effectH, f on tho poraoDH tn whom I gave them, tiio 'nioat boncficinl reHulto havo taken pluoo j'jcati moat highly rocommond them." ** Nio0 irnmodiato and pormanent. Sold '^y all mcdiciao deal urn nt 25o a b^x, or u WaforJl. y' Fab. U. L" ..... ' ' run.'> m ^ ...nil-iwi. i i ,T.r> WOOD WANTED. rBNDKBS WHjfc BB HBCK1VED HY HIK i'i&tindurfliKnod "^ to March l, ifloa, tov '20 " ' 5ba lu ltiagth, to bo uollvorod at tho Ennox " 'cbool, oil or bAfom July t, lBftfl, d i-abtUftry W, IBM. E. A. WIHMBU, Bo. EMOi High Buhool llrard. Tlift Tow ii Vittharn Trruletf lo n Tntont XtHwltoruln ^|r-ud. For tbo paHt two or throo ycara tho Town Connoil haw votod totha Ennox Firo Bri- (jaJothoanm of Sl.'O por annum, to bo apportioned in oqun.1 urnountn araoug the mmnborn, hoiiiu $10 for ouch of tho fifteen mombsrn. This year whan tho rnombora of tbo Brieado dopomtod thoir rnapootivn 810 foco in tha handa of thoir wiven to tho truth of which action Chief McMmray mpreparod to make oath tho good ladion decided to givo tho mcnftberR of tho town oouncil, thoir wivon, nod a few olhnr frittndti, a bauquot, in ordor to ahow thoir apprecia tion of the intorent takon in thu fire bri gade. Accordingly invitationo wore iniiued for the gathfaring, which took pUoo taot ThnrHday night at rook'a Hall. Benidon tho membero of tho firo hrigado. tho Mayor and raomhoro of oouncil, with thoir ladioH, woro Moaorn. Jan. Brien, ox-M P., T. H. DbCow, C. E. Naylor, t>r. ftla- Konz'*, Dr. J. W". Brian, E. J. Lctvolaod, and ladkm. Tho lone tablo at which tho company woro Bun.tod, under tho direction of Clrntf MoMurray, ntvnded tho length of the hall, w th anhort oroBB-tiblo at tho hoad. Tho CMiicl proaidod, whilo tho Mayor won noated at bin right hand, tho Roovo aud Dopntyltoovo an tho loft. Th ttbltn woreludon with all tho mont liuaaoiiiihle and tsmpting dolicacion, to whioh ample homage way paid, after whioh tho Chiof announced that tho honor of cutting tho largn cako Hurmountod by a diminutivn hoKO curt, whioh graced tho nppor ond of tho tablo, would be decided by a ooiitem hotwoon uva ladiow prAHont, vi^., Mm. S. Smith aud Mrs. F. Ilyatt. Tho company woro aaltod to voto for one or othor or the Jadiea who wore championed by Dr. linen and tho MujoTroHpootivoly, no oanvanaorfi. Tho voto resulted in tho aelcotiou of Mrs Smith, who gracefully acknowledged tho honor, and naked Mm. Ilyatt to an nut in tho cutting, which waa proooodod wit.h. After tho uueata had all apparently beet) uatiHiiod, Ghiuf McMurrav called the com pany to ordur, aud oxpla!uod tho aauaoii which had lod up to thm gathering, uu ox- plained abovo llo aaid it had been hinted that the firemen woru getting tho council together lor Home npouial favornor finan cial confiidoratiouti. lie winhed to repudi ate any nuch intentionn, ana otated that tho purport waH for ovinoing a fneudly uocial npirit and fo^ getting probably better ut-quaiiitod with oach other, in order to appreciate nnro fully the common intorent each body lian in tho welfare of tho town Mr. MoMurray thou propoaod tho toaut, "Our Qneon and Country", which wuu ably ruupouded to by Dr. Juh. Brian and Adder man Tho man, A luok of upaco provontu tho Fiibk PuKHa giving extended reportH of tho reBpouHeH to tbiB and tho follown^ tOUHtQ. Our Towu and Council" waa proposed by Deputy Iioovo MeUougall and renpondod to by IVI'iyor Dowar aud Roovo Laird. "Tho Loaruod ProfomiBiono" wan pro poHed by Dr BlcKonzie and reopondod to by Dr J. W. Brion. "The Ehuok Fire Brigade", th toatit of thooveuing, wan propoood hy Heorotnrv Ilyatt aud replied }o hy Mr. DoCow, who bpoku in a complimentary manner of the pruUoworthy efforta of our voiuntoor and uiiHfilantci firo hnuado. "Tho lJro4n" wan proponed by Aldormuu J. A. Ilieku and replied to by E. J. Lovolace. "Tho Ludith", propohod by Aldermtn J no. M. UicltM, wao unly rocpondod to by Mr. Nayloi, Tno company drnpiTHcd after Hinging "God Suvo tho Quron". Tho guealH woro hurprised at the hafcd- Homo appoaranoe of I'eck'H Ball, under the decoratiyo work of tho ftrtmon'n ladion, A. lettor of ro(^ret wan read from Aider man Potin, who cou'd not ntionl, but xviuhed tho (lromen iind thoir giiontn a .neiry time. The reevo (itatod that hu had attended uovond hauquotH, hut thin ono Wit* "tho bom" ho had over boon invitod to. It wan ooitaiuly vory oroditable to tho ladies who had Lho affair iu churgo, and tho reeve-'* oplmou-ia not to bo e&lutuud. LADSIER TIIREATFNlil) By-tho Hlorarohy of ho Pre*-, vlnco of Quoboc. A MOST ASTUUNOINC DOCUMENT iribu Mlmntl l.fuil<*r Will Not Anwlitt lhi CoveritkiHMtl In l'aH Hit* lEi utttliul ICUl lli> vim li IkiiMtk-ityt-a by the M^i>UiL)jic.y MiniKilui^ IU Olji' tmillt Toionto, I"cb. 2l. ~'lUu Ululte'ii Ot tawa tjpr-i'ial unUui yutilui n.iy n dan bU>b. 'il.L IcLtCi UL ,"1UIHU JAUUiiibi. i..> Ml*. Jjaunet waj load about the itou.,ii to-iuj.,ht and ciluuU n iMolound wu- uitlon it lu jiu iuiiht-i n ^ULhiiuii ot bchooJ^i, but wliotnei wo jiavu in Can-' ada a ivoo J'ai'luuinent and tliu^e Hi l- tlyh imuiLutloiui oi whiL-li Mr, Uauiict haii uluaj j. iJL.t ji uiu* uiiaiupujiM. 4.U'. lt.Ui.-i M'l-niM to jiut tht* KiL'itL I^lhuial pai ty in ihi> j,(jhiLiUii ol lutvau; loi lu loud or not a ytiuuiiinun, hut Uu* oica- turo of a hem h m i.otorn bLOiops lit; will jho\v tlie I'oiintii that tho 'Jih'Ihc hloiaiuhy make a mlutaJce In nuppo'i- Iiik tlu-y can Ut'ivi n(U him to tho posi tion of a nit u- withiK ni,u lilnc to HO In any illi.-uUon iojiLiai> to hi:, ioh- vlr-tloiiH a.i :i ji. iluu;i an*l n ^ipjsIMu inihllc man. Tiny ,iu- lr;, lm* to imtku a iili,-|ou.s i|iu-.nun out ot il iiolitk-al (|UCMtnm. 'Winy tliii'uten to deiitioy him If he <1o<-m not cmio to tin- :mp- I-oit of Hit- i>o.^luon taken by ci rtuln bbdnfi";, uliu h,t\i- nil.siiiaua|;i d and bu- dcvlhd this Hiibjcct from the start. Tlu-v Ii ivc made u liai^aln with tin' Uo\uiiiiin'nt of tht- day, and Air. Dau- rler la to lie h.^h to Jcrk-ho if he doci not usHl>t In the cDiuiuiinriatlon. If li-- did h( would s till Ios.-.Ihk'uuuo the Uo\- ernm.-nL Would claim that, h.ivlnp; hou- on-d thf dtaii ui the bLshopb.lt should rm to the credit of thoir account at the Kcnontl ehctloiiH. Mi. IaiuvU-v'h opin ion is not iu I ,'l in th. letter. Tho Quebec hh-rarchy ir- Bald lo he of a certain opinion in thn matter, namely, that the Covi mint nt must bo upheld, and Parliament 1m naked to adopt that opinion hy voting for the Uewdlal bill. The letter haa two or throe foaturvH. It In dated Jan. ^0 Tin. Remedial hill wan not Intioduo^-d until Feb. 11, thn v-ctlca later, yet In tho name of the hkrarchy, who",- vole- h - l;t Tere I^acomhe asks the leader of the Oppo sition to tmpiiort tho bill. Thlo show i that the Qin-l.ec hMirp wurc eonmlt- -d, and approved of the bMLhtfor^JL. -watt Introduced In Parliament. " Tht* letter lcvcnla Lho-cxhitenct.- of a bar- pain between the Government and the Wt-hopH or Quebec The hpn-k'-^nian of th* bl.shopH s-iy-i that if the (.ovcla ment Is bfMten on the hill tho episco pacy 'and the elcrwy will a one man nupport the flovwrunint In the ol"c- th-na. That Ih tlie IriiRnln. The Cov- ernment naid to tho blrthopn : "If we fall on th bill you n*k uh to Inlrodueo wL rely on your united .tupport In the elections. Tn tho meantInu we relv on you to Intimidate the Opposition In Parlinmot no as to prevent our de feat." Tho letter 1> trays a knowledge even of the date of tho Introduction of the Mil. A priest, even a mod prh-ht like Father La com bo, r>r a biwhop, \i not uiually a c/ood politician, and In this case a letter ha_s been written, which btfiltlea b^lnp In contempt of the hiprh indvllr-pres of Parliament, Is th:it most imprudent thlnp a threatenlmr let ter. If a Judre about to tiy a e.r-e In a court much ln-wi r than the ITlfrh Ccurt of Parllmu'ut were to receive srch a letter, th-- wrltt r of It would Ond that h<* had ohif^d htms.-lf In a precarious position. It Is not belli \ ed that Father L/iicombo speak:* for the hierarchy of Ontario who know'i v M thfnt If ttie heather tfoti afire in this 'vay the int'-nMs wliieh thej hnve at la irt v. on Id he ,i\.i\ t ly liupt r'lb' I r.'he T,literals in V'irli.'i iront can be r<1- Ued on to stand Urmlv to their i^ui [ and to thf jjolley they ha v plact d Ix-fore the countiy Montreal, Feb ^U Th" fol- liv, int^ Is a < opi ot tin- 1. tt< r v.h i the Rev. Father T.iiconibc the 'Hdat mli-Monary, ^ent to tin Hon Wlir'd Luarler, a'iklutr the Iaheial Icnier to vote for the K<mp dial tiill : Hi. 1'etcr'u fJtmiLh. H'7 VKiunloii St. .Motllirill, J.Ill 'Ji>, ISlKJ. lion Wilfrid Lamlci, M.l* , Oftaw.i : My Dear .Sir In tills uliKal time for tho (piertilon nl Manitoba sciiuoIh, pi nil It nil lined tliihsbniiio to dllj ii'iiH'M ul lilt; the jlihupH of tail' eulliiiry 111 tllK Lllllic.w liti .1 L'oiieei ii-. us nil, pi i mil on to hiiy, tu u|i- Iii nl to your titltli, t') jmii pilrloKin, nod lo jour hitlrit iH' ju^tli-L', In I'liluitt \uil t) iuiuiIc to ouf retpieat. It is In thn iiaiiie of our bishops, of the hierarchy ami of Cnnaillau t'ai holies, that ue ask yoin juiiy, nf which jdu aro the no worthy chief, to ns-sNt lis hi HetllliiK llll.s famous ipi. it!tai it ii< J to do so by voting with I be dmeni ircnt on the H* meilbil lilH. Wv tio not uslc jou to votf for the (iovcrnincur, but for Jin- bill, wliich \\\U i-Liiibr tii our rights, whlcli bill will hi; prisenteil lo tin' House lit .i feu ilujs I eon-dner, or, rather, we ll consider, that such an net nf ruiiriitfe, ^ooil-ulll nii.l Hhuerlt> on your pail, iind from tlmse m lid follow our pulley, will he j;reiitly hi I he Intel i -as nf j mir parly, o.^pi elally In the j,'i neud r-loetloiis. I must tell you licit we ruiuiot ac<cpL yom couiuiIhsIoii of empiiry for iiiij leiiyou, and we will do tho bust lo lljj'it It If, which may (lod not ffrant, you do not hiliMc It t" be julir iluij to iicci de to our Jusi ileiaaiuls, ami Unit the (iovci iinwiu, wlih-h Is nuxbiiis to iVo UH the iii'oinNed law, be beaten ami overthrown while Uoep- n ' iliiu tu the end of the Htm^'-de, 1 In form jdu with r f,rn t that the K|>1" opai v, liki one muii, nulled to the oli-i^y, u ill riii* to support thuae who amy ha\ fallen lo defend uu. IMeasu pnrdon my franlciii'sn, which lendn me lo upenk thUh Tliuuk'h I am tint your intimate Mend, ulill I may mi> that we n.iw been on jjood teruis. Always I havo deemed you u jjoutleinan, a lOHpectable clttyen, utul a n.an well iiblo to bo nt tho head of a pollili al parly. May l>\\ Ino Provhlcnoe kiep up your connive and your energy for the good nf our common cnun- ti \. I renin la, aliiooielj and ic+peei fully, ho'lioralile air, your nio->t humble and moat devoted Hcrvunt. (Signed) A I.A^OMIIIO, O.M.I. I'.S. Oerialn incmhi'i'rt of your party bl.uno mo for Ktundlni; aloof from you and iKi'orhiK yu ^"ll have too much (,'ood beii.se nol to Jic~iible lo uuileisliunl my position. Iieloh(,d!iK to no political party, I liuwi to ro to those who have been placed hi power by the people. If one d ly lho \oiee or tho punnlc cnllw you to KVirn the countiy, I will he lo.\at ami lonlhlent In you, oh I am lo day toward* tliotle whom ynli opporii'. If you Hhnuld wish to see mo mid to boeure fulli r i\phuiut!o!iH. I wl|l be aL your Hervbe when tnnt may p cane you, either at the l'nhorwliy of Ottawa or at your private rooms, provided jmi infoim me of the hour lbed by ymi. t will bo In Ottawa on tho 'Jilrd hint, for mw eral dnva. (KIkihhI) A.L., O.M.I. \Vty\*r 1 fllniidinr In VMIi Vw I'M. New York, Feb. 20 TheJ TTerald'a Wnsh- iiKton Hpeclnl Hiiys ; The ,Stalc Heptirt- mcut ofl'tcinlH aro favorabty liupreHK'ed w 1th what (Jen. Weylcr him done hIhco his ar rival In Uuvaiui, eHpeehUly In the matter ot Ida conduct toward Amor cairn In Oubn. ItlU UiioiiuIi tit l.ct mini Oir l!imy. Bcrnnton, P.. Poh. 20. A. II WHUunwi. into eiiahler nf llio Trhd^ra' National Hum: Iih-p, wob nrrpHteil to-day on a wnrnrit rhurfflne him with ombolljr $:iK,noO of tho banVH fumtrt. Ho unvo hall In WOOD tu annwor t tho March torm of tuu Uult^o. BtMtM Court. NEW GOODS! aSTBAA/ GOODS! O .------------------------------------------------------------ /t / UR buyer hafi rotiiviiod from tho eastern markets, having mnrle cxtcrifiive purchaPeH including tlioncwcBt thigK in fmc DrcRe Gcods, PrintH, ])uc!chj Ginghnmn, Flan nelettes, Luces, FjirrbroidciipH EihbonH, Veilingn, LndicB' White Underwear, Hose, QIovcb, Oorsctfl, Lace CnrtainB, Koller Blinds, Carpetn, rPable and Towel LinenH, staple Dry Goods and small warcB, Mcii'h Sliirtp, Tiea, OollarH, Cuffs, PantingB, otc. At Prices that Cannot be Beaten. Tho first consignment is now to hand and wo exttijd a cordial invitation to all who are interested in nice new goods at lowest living priceR to call and see what we are doing. Hundreds of New Hats Arc already to hand, including tho very hit oh t slmpon in black, brown and Cuba, utiff and FodoraH, and fully 25 percent, below city prices. Other lines will be following in quick .succession. Our Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continues. Now ia your chance to buy Overcoats, Underwear, Fwh, Mantle Oloths, etc. Our Shoe-and Grocery Departments are all right. Yours for Bargains, DTHsTSTAST BLOCK, EQSimg ^m This is the Style WE PRODUCE. "Nobby" or "Up-to-date," or whatovor name yon may ^ivu it. Our work comeu up to thn standard and unr prico ih uh low an othorn charge for olumpcr work. DEWAE, THE TAILOR, DUNSTAN BLOCK, BB8EX. GALL AT rOIt AT-I^ KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy GoodSj Noveltieo, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of allkindu, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. A GREAT BARGAIN MONTH AT FRANCIS'. Owirg to hfird tirmcB and prices of farm produco wo find -wo aro ovof tiutKni will) winter grods, imd in ord^r to turn everything into cash by tho 15th v Fcl ruitry wo hnve dtcicletl togivo greater bnrganiK in tbiw alroady b argain loupe than over before been heard of in tlie County of Ehbox, ro- aiombci* our slock in all new and clean, wo do not adveitiEG to give jou half off or quarter oft' bin every dollar* worth of goods you buy from as. at reg ular prices which is cheaper than the cheapest Wa will give you back lOots* in Cash, to convince you that our prices aro tho lowest wo givo you a i-mall list bo- low. Orej imnela 8 10 12$ 15 20 cts. all worth 15 per cent more. Remember we give you back 10c. in cash with every dollars worth you purchase. Shirtings worth V\ for lie, * Remember we give you 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Dress fiooda 15 20 '2o 30 40 no cts. all at reduced prices, Remember we give you back 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Prints, Cottons, To^olings, Poroailos, Ginghams, CoUonados, Tabhngs, Napliins, Towels, Mitts, Glo\oa, IJosieiy, CorsotB, under-ware, in fact everything in thin Btore ban been marked down in order to turn this stock into cash before tho 15th Feby. . Don't forget that we give you back lOcts. cash with every dollar purchase for cash, Olothing, fiu-nifchii gs, Hats and Cnpa, Booty and Shoes anJ r*--- ' ;ry thing goes, prices cut no figure* Katdi is King, with us. d Gvocorie, Yours & etc. 1. FRAHGI Vance's Old Stand, Know What You Chew t* ffee from the Injtirlotis coloring. The more you use of It the bcttci you Uko it. THE QEO. E. TUCKETT K SOW CO., \-tli HAMILTON, ONT. WANTED. WI1ITB OAK BroKKR, AND niCKOUV nutfc Ijokh. Writo to O. & W. MoVftau, Hnb, Hpoltrt nd nrtufltrjK ^^tory, Djouaon, 0Ut.> for jirloofl and tloycHyUon. ti-H ESSEX ical Hall! Iloailqqartorii for School Books, Sohool Supplioo, Noto Papor.EnvoIopfla, IkIch, Writing Tubltts and ofilco Stutionory. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DHUGCUST. SING LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY Cor- Talbot St. and Victoria ave. Tho latoHt improvod maohinory for IroinritiGollarH iid CuITh. Will not oracle or broult t.ie wiui,'. Family work ohaup. Parcolo oulkd for and dohvorod, Plcutio call and try. If uot Hatiafuoiory no ohiiri*fl will bo mudo. If our work suitH you, rooommontl ua to your frlenchi. THIS COLD WAVf Will not bofoltlmlf no uniob in th boiino i( you lino tno LUH'S FUiSti SA.VBH AND 11TCA.T RADIATUH. Siivgh 40 per cunt, of fuel. It oat Lit on ilu* bout tnatotbor- wiflo ffeco out doom thrnuub tho ohiranoy, m built on HQUHittllu pnnoip'oH, aud only noedBjto boiioau rp be undfihtood and 'ap- proointod. "Prioaa only tt'i to KIS. Will save ita cost in a few wet ko. E. L. PARKER Agt. Forfroah onkes and contootlonury, c I nil | EBBEX, - ONTARIO. ^ ludBKoio ttlioowakor, thebuket, WrlU cr o*ll at G mrUy'tJ foundry,1