' t: THE ESSEX PPRR PRESS >@3 s# AYER'S Hair VIGOR Itostarou natural color to tho hulr, and also prorenta It falling out. Mxu. H. W. ITonwiok, o Dltfby, N. B.( uuyn: "A HUlo moro ihuu two yiarn nj*o AMERICAN CITV STATISTICS. hofl Jin to turn K r n y and i'jilI out. Af- lor tlu! nao or oho bottle of Ayor'n Hair Vigor my hulr wai roMtorod io ith original color and et'asprf fnlHii<c oul. An occasional application has hiiicc kept tho hair in good rmiililinn." Mr.i II. V, -Fknwick, Dijrby, N, S, "I Imvo uhpiI Ayor'.'i Tfiiir A'ipnr for ilinM! years, mid it lias rcsinn'd hair, wliirdi wiih I'ast boroniinp; (,'rnv, back to itn natural color." II. W. ItMiKhliovv, I'atrrsnn, J4. J. AVER'S X*JtI5pAlti:i> HY PR, J. C, AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., 0 ,S. il Avar's lH>f ctw Stick XTcatnichUm ESSEX B Has Just Received! The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoos* In Essex, Great Value in lien's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies1 .and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, The Cheapest in the Land. Call and Ecjamlno and bo Con-~ vlnaod for yourselves* Jets. Douglas, siirn oi tne r;<>iioii noot, Whitney Block - F.ssex Money to On good prodnctivo Furni Property ut Si, ife (i por cent. Htrui^ht. No Valuation Fees. Ohlcufro him IiitKIti NcrwujftviH. Chlcujfn lui:t tho lartfuui llohonilau ooloiiy.at.inti. KoHiitu li wild to hiwii the urnokmlttrit WlrOULH. KuiiHiia.Olty In worth tu8,Wl7,00t nd owoh HHHJ.IUH. Portland, Oro., ulalmu to huv lOG mll- lionuiron. Albany ami AiiHtlu have tho lliumb Blatn bulldlnuu. IMttHhurK -Ik, worth SU7fi( Will, 1U0, and owoh JJH.'IHII.IKM. I'hllndi'lphJu linn tho lurtfOHt MntfllHh colony, \]H,iVJ\. (mlvnuton, New York und Koy WoHt aro inland oltlon. Now York lmn tho liii'Kout oniony of Gcrmiinn, LM,0|7;.':i. Tim inoi.t norLlmrn city In onr torrltory in Sitka, Alaska. Chai'lcHtuii, S. V , in worth S'.W.RO.OOOO, ml it owed $:t,SM),Ii(t0, Si, Limit, In tho fourth inumifneUirlnK city In thin country. , Nuw York hiiN tho ((nmtont number of , Aiifiiiiani., ;i't\Mill 'J'lui b-adinjr city in tho nuinufuoturo of iron is IMtlhhiirir. Cincinnati 1h worth S-lbH.Tjl.XiO, and lia u dulil ni' .y.,iitx.'l(iil!)7. ' Tho ostiniHtmi pii|inhit inn of I*hllu- (Uilphia In I.S'Xi wan I.^UD.OIH). Tim duliL of Chlra^o at tho bn^lnnlnj! of Ihii.") was $\7,T,:>,lXii). Tho must Miuiliurn city of tho Unltod tS ali*n is Kny Wosj, Tho oily luuln^ tho IoiiroiiI hluukfl la Hitld to ho Jjnuihvillr, Ky. New York has- tin- lust water HUjiply. ItH (UllH'dlKIL tlO.it i-.iO.IRlO.OOO. .Icr.scy Cily covins twolvu and ono-Jmlf inili'.s of icrrhory. iJostun has thlrly-sovun sqnaro inlloH ] of area and 500,000 populuilon. TJio ns-Ohhod valn:itlon of projiorty lh Ntiw Yurli City Is ?l,ni:i,0;7,7Ur) St, Look is Tlin ljir/t4ist tnhaeeo iniinti- facinrini.* riminr In tlm Wnrld. i Dnrivur is wortli iW,."l:.1,000, and ]ia.4 a public, d.'ht, of hill t-'--T*>;>;j,f)U(>. Tho 10,01)0 pooplo of Lilt hi ltouk, Ark., ' llvo on cifjlit squaro mil.!-; CliiniK" i+ Hi'Kt In ilio nunibor of iu' Polish lhhuliiianiM, having ~-l,osii. Jcr.sry City lias *H1.7oo,oo<l (1f dubt.iiud projjcriy valuoil at >."),Uiiu.UlH). Albany, N. Y., lia.s mi arna of nlno Kquarn mlitis ami a ilobi of i-a.L'OL'.HO.j, Chiciijro is tho erf-Most Unubin* coutor, tho M'cmi'l licinij Tonawanda, X. Y. Indianapolis is well olT, hcinj,' wortli ?lu:i,oi)ii,i 0 i and raving but *il,HH|,."(K). J'liiJadolphin Is said to Imvo more trooH than any uthor uily- in tills country. ( ilolcim, Mont., olainiB Io bu tho richest, city cjf iu [lopuhition in the world. ' Nowark, K. J., ban ni^litoon nqunro' milt's of territory;and ^.'O.ono population. ' Tho Itnu.nuo pnopln of i)('rnit occupy [ twoiity-nlmt Mpiimi nillo.-, of torriim'y. JJoston hiih inoro Sdotuh than llvo In any city of Scotland navo t lie four liirgusb Savannah, Ca, has IWJ07 population lhhitf on live squiirii miles of ^round- St, J'aul, ilm ca])ltal of .MiniinsDta, 1h worth ^l-Jl.-ltih,:.'!'."., and uwiii js, II?, JOu. Clovcland, ().,iHtsaid to Imvo tho hantl- Koiiui.il. rciidiuico Ktrcct in this country .\uw Orleans has ^"iri,0() pouple, and extend* ovor bijcty hquaru niilos of terri tory. SETTLED THE BILL A llotr<)l{tr>|MM' 'I'tint rf^fnf f*ll to J***1 Iiit.ntOi d Stdl(*r'n l"itm. Hulolduri tiro novur wuntoil by hotel pro- prlnlorM. ICauh ono nonl,H a Jiofol a uoii- uldtiialilo amount of mon.iy, and for montlin tho room In whbih tt oouurrtul \a Hhiinnnit. At ono of tho Hiailln^ hotoln of WaMhin^ton lately a ifiioHtuotod nlranKuly, and tliti proprlotor ntadu up Itlu mind that tho man w/ih uoln^ io do HonKdJiluK doH- perate. So ono nlKht ho wont to tho tfimut'H room. Thoro wan no annwor to 111h knoclol, and tho door wan loukuil. A look ovur tho traiinom. HJio.wod tho cmiHt Wt'ltlnj; a loUnr, a pliil^oi'iklL ono uiHu and it. bottle of pobion at thO't'ifbtir. "Let mo In or I'll biuak opoa tho door," callinl tho landlord. Tho door wiw oponiid after a llttln hur- rinil work dhijioHlntr uf tiio tliin^H on tho tahlo. . "I don't want any fiuloldlng lioro," wUil tlio lamllurd, onterlnpr- " \Vhat'n tho matter with you, miywa/:'" "(Jul of inniiiiy, out of work and can't tfol, oai of town," mtllenly t-alil Iho fjueut ' U'oll, IhiW inttnli cauli will you take and a;,'ruo L<> |(ot out of town?" aukod tlitt hotel man, '\ could cue homo for S^o," wan tlui reply. 'Ilere'H tho money; now punk your Crip and take tho limb train." 'i'lift man , went. It wiih a prood btt'il- nnHH transaction for iho laaiilord. WuhIi- Inaton htar. >$ IT* fr' A TV1 A SI lnj,-y Ilii4t:ui man who hcj,'rud(,'0i Kn \v;i rtl'l 'l. i. I 'i,i i. v i!it : ill CMUROM DIRECTORY MicTiionnrr. J)r, ' I'aHoou, I'diitor. Horvior dvoryHoiHiny at 11 ii. m. ihhI 7 \>. in, Uiibbul Sobool Ml J:llt)\>. in. 0, K, Mityli'i, Nui>orh)L(in<l- illfc of ni'li'.ol. Kpuod.h !j uiixu iii'iiy / nni.'tbu 1'iUiudiiy ti vutilnj; u t n o'lilufi.. (ninij.iil \i. .iyui Unutbi^on Thurudityuvuulutf. Uumum otc KNoraND ij.T(.vtirlyt in liumlxnit, Hi. Piuiln, lCw>x., I>ivojonuVvl(H) ' vt'ry Huiuluy ut V n'dlocti, p tn Huiiduy It huol at 10 il. in. i'lliiitv t.'limoli, Nok-Di ltid([f -liivhio iKtrvlouH ovory Hiinday hi II p. m.: Hun flkv HoIwjoI at l,lr,p. m. Tlio public urn cor- 'Iliilly IiivUihI, -------- I'uwiavTKiiUN, W. M.KlnuiiiKd 1'untoi 'lor vlonnmi HiihbiLthntll u, iii.niid 7 ..'to p. in Huh Mutli tu-hnol at 2::io p. m, j'mynr irantluff unil I miror'ii Idhln oliiiui on 'I'lueuluy ut7..10 p. in. Hooiul Union on Wndaoiidiivub H.IT* i. jiArTHT'Oiiuucir.-itev.M. 1* Oitinphctl, I'ilw tor . vvicim imrm MalihiiLh ut. 11 . m, mid 7 Ji ... i'mynr ihhuHhj; on Wudiioiidiiy ovuiiitii; utHo'olouli riuiitii fi-i-n. Allure conbally wol- (toiiitid. ItojtAN Catholic:. I"r. CJ. K. Mcdun t'ui.tn). her/:c- every other Kinnlity lit H.;iu ]. 01. tiiiiuluy Huliool ut .1 p. in MAiiihLoM'. --Hittb niatei uii'l iieriihui ut 10,:tl) ii. in,, untiiuhniiii in, ^ p. in , Jijtpliuin at :i p. in., vcMpurH mid iH'iiuilict ion ut " ii. in, C. I), flpj 'lee. P. P. t. I: 3D r. ij Hai.v'ation HuHutlon i.1 i . nit i'Li. r;v/ i '. 'a j ' 111 x { i-tt FOR TWENTY-SIX VEARS, C8 SORTED AND SIFTED. Tho man who hiwudKO^ JiIh hard- woi'lclnir, loni-,'HiiiToriiiK wifo overy tlollar I bat -. Rh'o . pioidri for lior own ploanttroor cuinl'orl, ilo.^orvoH to he nwulo a ropi'oaon. Secretary Morton, of ibti UopiLt'Litiont of A^rioiiltinv, U ro^ortod by tlio St. Lolas Ko(iublii; as having lately oxproHKOtl hini- colf ^oiuewh.il frooly about, lniHbandH of this e,ias.4. Thulr meiUineriHJh indoml Hur- prlsin(fj tt.il! no, in it ililTerimt way, 1.4 tho mock xwu 'vitli which their wlvoi Hiibmlt to th in .'..vorlliy bohavior. Sayn Heoro- tary Morio.i. I bapponeil in bo In a Hioro In my town ono day durinj; iho war when an old fel low wnnin I will c .11 .lotion came in with his wife to buy Home hou<\h. .fanns had lioMlod in Nebraska when it whh sii|I a territory, ami by ueonnmy and thrift bo had now roc a farm of somotbinf* lfko ono thoiiiiand aoroH, IIo was ooiislilonid woalthy. Shortly aftor ho nnti'ivd tlio Htoro, MrH. JnuoH took up a pbum of calico and admired it vory much. Ah hIio look- oil ut It hIiq said to her liunbau I : "Pa, I ouuhr. to Imvo a now drcsn, and I lilti this wry imioh. Don't you think wo Mil HI alVord to buy." "Oh, I Hiipposo ko," rojilicd tho old man and be tluroupon askod the clerk tlio pnci! IIo wan told il w.ih lifty con is a yard. Old Mr. .lonox raced bin nye.4 at ihi^, and askud IiIh wii'r how intmb it woabl take. Sho replied who didn't think ^ho oould i^otnlon^ on less than twelve yarilH, and bo answorc 1: , "Why, nta, twolvn ytirdn ot that j*ooil?i at llfty centN a yard would co-o, Hix dob . lnr-. Now.iloa't yon think that in jirotty hlKh?" "Vo.i," Hho ropUrd, 'li.do, but I nood the dri'fis '* "Well," fiaid tho old man, .'Mlnuis are hard, and I do wish you could f<ot aloptf without it jn*-1, now. Cnpldn'i you?" " Vis, I Mippo.so I COljllL." old 1 aly with a nigh, and lh druopi d' A moment latur Mr, .lonos afiknd th [ P?9/, P^tri fnr Whfiit anrlDoio saino clerk- if lie bad any toban;o, and Kjdbf) raia lr W"P-M ^HCl UdtS, L , , Ai:my."T. II. McLuoil, Ciuihun. hiiHutlon iiiiMitin^n on Wedneiidity, Tbiiniduy nail Hiimtiiy DVHiiiii^H, Fn n-uid Kuuy Hiiturdiiy iiviiimiK mid ,1 p in. riund.iy; UoIiikim nHiutluijH lor uhnitii.iui, I' mliiy uvtiiiini; unit ifa. in Huic (lay; Ktiiui I>illl7 u..m. nvcry Kiindiiy, All lira woleoiiid MARRIAGE LIOEN3E8. |i^ L. I'AKIC, WHUKH Olf MAUHIAOM U- I j auaiUiM, lUuhurdiioli Kill,, i^uaex, Ont, MHAltUWVT. Innur of Miirrltau Lloonw Comiiilimbtior hi (1 ,,i,,uto. Clouto, Ou it/ D, UMAMAN, IiiiiiMty of MiirHuffo Llriiiniu.il. InniiruilcA uKrmt. Nli(htolll(iout J)wnllini(. TALbOT H'niKMT, KHHKX. UNDERTAKING. nlMilJMMK-U, b'lHlrtirtiLUftr U.id FurnUui* 4 Drmlur. Col from su to y:iO. inn, homo unit factory nurd M(irii(;or, Oj'* _ ARCHITECTS. OIIN A. JIAYOOCK, AHCIIITMOT, fcu., Uotim lit iind 11, I'b)!iilii({ Dulldhii;, Whidnor, Old Phoiifi iil'l J P0WOFP THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND I LamgeJvT Sa'^e in Canada. ESSEX Holler Mills* )A.Ml)n N'AVI,OH 'iijcen UiiK npporiuuity ol iiiiiioiinrni. .. tuti fuuiplo r.[ ilm Tohii iukI ! ( oiiutv of I'.unox, (hut In- hint i-upiodid.iil tho Kh- (>hk Holler Millii uccordirifj to plinni prcpnrod b> , a. X, 'rice, K(.'1'lminun, iliiI Inm ilIik, iHiiMircil . tlm ueivk-oH ot icoiii.ar Stii.uuan', mi oxporl I mired mill tliorou^lily uoiMimUuit miller. ; Thiiiilciiij; tho puo])lo of the town and county io. tlio putroniif.'o hfi-towcn nipon biin in the I pust, will inhtriintoi- hutiHftuaiuij Jn tlio tutiuo Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. ri'pllo.l tlm ITIIM HKHT HAI)KK OK Fl/ltJIi, Ki;KDANJi 10 f.illco wuh ^OltNMIJAJj KKI'T 1N-HTOC1C AN]) KOHU ' WUH | AT KKiilT 1'HIUKH, LEGAL. |/ A. WIHMi-.Jt, ItuiiMr-r, .Solicitor, Notai i j 1'iildic itu. Money to loan, < Hilar a, Dm ntfin lllock, iip-tituifij, J; suit.':. |-i v [ h. lKTi;j{H Manii.ter, Holicitnr, Hota' 'I I'uMii: Moiiuy to ),outi. Othcn ov< itriitliorn' Jliuil:. Kuutx Contic. (\U\ll\il:. JIAini.KT te lOJCILKT, Hunt \U torn, oic. f uiicoji, Mt dhury block, Windnr. rriyute tuiidii to loan A. JI Ul.AllKI!.^. J,. I!. K. A. JUUTLCL A. It. ]'.,Wti!,l.T, 1(. A. I J KNltY U. WAI/I'KItK. L.1,.1; , Atti.nn.y iin.i I 1 Couii'ii-lor ut Jinv, Soheitoi m Chuiicerr, l'io;:tor in AiliiiUMlty, I'tduni .Solicitor, with iJotluit,, pomoii'i hi the UltiiihoijA Iluif.'h.'i'i Uoni'rt'i.s hl.'wiiht Midi (Cuniidliin cluan'> n;;iuni.t I'niti'd Sliiteii coll.t, tod.) Ilofci'iinci m linr-.irl/l] Hunk. i:i,.,u\, On!, .1 L. I'liton,, I ',ii , |iuni-.t.'i\ cto,, )-,hf,i-x, Out b.A. Wiiinor, l.nii., Jim iibtor, etc., Khiwix, Out SOCIETIES I* O. O. K.-KN'1'hUI'JtlKK bodfjn No 21B 1 inootHt.very 't'huniduy, oviuilii|( nt 7.:iOIo I'hlfellowii Unll.liiMiird utoroy ihiniitaiilllooh Vinltmjt imiiiihnir yf cithor ki(li;ei,will roaulvoi fruternul welceiiHi. W. OIlAl'TKHTON, N. (i OKNTJtAJ^ KNUAMl'Ml-JNT, Nnli.Q, mmtUlK Oddfellowi.'ihill, Jjiumtnirn lllock, on tho tlrt mnl third Tmuiiluy in ouch month. ViitUowdor ii hilly rocoivod. Moiubnriior laiboi'dlnnto lod(ii hi tht. junitdiction, invited to join. 0. HANNAN. O. ]'., (J. J'. UIM,, Hoc. |^hi;i;x rttir, iuu(iaiik, mmkth j-jykiiy Ij I'liduy ovi iilni; in tlio I-'ireiuoti'ii voom in tlio StoMi hmldilii,'. .! Hoht J'nrkor, (.'u[itinii: ^. l^unihinn, Idciitcn- unt; P. IMmi, Si in-tin *, l- ied liHynU/iVoua'.iror. { Mil'HT KUY.Ui, M-. :;:y. I. (j. ! . V' Muetii hccoIhI uii'i Ij.intli TunHduy'ij iu CGV'. liiOiltli in t. O. O. J. Unll ut. H o'clock J>. Xl \iMtiuj; hrotlifrri wll. 1..1 kivuii u (rutorrjiil v-c come. v. MeCiuiribiii'.". f;. U., W. C. Hhuw, HflOS t M..I. Wiiilu. C.I). H. i it. * "*"" mr<$u D its MEDICAL. Iil;li:N A: IlltlKN. Jim Mi ion. M. 1)., I, H,, I). V. &, niiidmito of (Jniroii it Uiiivurhitv, hiii^nton, miunlicr of Col- b'KO ol I'livhicimni itn<| Hiir^untifi.Oiiturio. firiul- uiitn u( Kuw Voile. I'tjht (iraduiitu .Mudtuul Col- lojro. J. W. Hrion, M. D., C*. M., I-. T. M. (J. Ifonor (,'ruduutu of Trinity M'tdicul Colleen. Honor la-iidnuto of Trinity rjiincrhity Momliur of tho 1- College. ""..............."""'I O/llCf over KhhctSr'Couvoyaucin^ Done up in Noat Btylo Firo and Life nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, OV .. Cure &1CK HEADACHE anil Neuralgia In ao minutes, al> Cojicd Toiikhl*. Duzi- BA&s,I3illoiisrwm, Halnintlio Side, Coa-.tlpation, Torpid Lfvor. Bail Breath, to sluy cured alio I rcfiulato tho bowiils. very niob to yaub. j*^/cS SG Cento ay Dhuq Grows** 'f " ....... ' "" '--------;--------iluii^ mill i in l ~ i^miii ii ..... NURSEUYMAN, Ruthven, Essex County. Puftoh, Poar, Plum, Apple and Quioou Troon, Rodob, EvorRroonB, Borry Buihon, Raspberry, Blaokoorry and Ourrunt Buohoa, All Grufc-olafi f;oodh. S:i.ve a^entu' Big Profits ! and writo for pricou. Wo will oboor- fully antiwcr you by roturn mail. Splendid Apple Trees Al in ovory roapeofc, $12 PER 100 - $12, Tlm doopesl arU'hinn well is at Buda pest. Depth H, 110 loot Tnc iiijrbi^i rhiiiuniy In tlio world 1h at (ila^nw. Ibiichl. 171 /cot. Tno larK->t library is in I'ari.s, tho Na tional, containing ;_VJU(),niH) volumes. The dccp-'H", coal niino In Ktimpo in at Lambert, Belgium, J).ipUi, ,'!, inn JVet. Tlio lar;.'c-t landed estate is that of tho C/ar Xioiiolas, of Ru.ssia, Kx^hOO.OUO uens The hitflie-ht' moinuncnt in tho world In Wash l Hymn's at, NWis'liington. Jiuiglit, [).").") feet Tlio hlfboht price paid for a modern painting wiiri $ll(l,(j00 lor Millot'h "An- BlUK " Tho largest bronxo btatuu 1h that of Potoi* tho Oieat at iSt. Pq torn bury, -Wultfht, l.fibi) toiiH. In India overy resident must, under punaliy of line, Imvo Iuh name written up at the ontranro oC his bniiso. Australia haw a population of Iush than I fi.ODil.ODO, hut cconoiuistH declaro U coulil Hupporr, l()(),()i)l),0iU) with easo. ' Tlio larK'-^l bull in Japan, that In rim | t*<niplo of. Kioto, is twoiity-fuiir fyut hlph ' and rtlxtoon iVoi In dlaniotor acroKrf the ' rim. Tho new Iialiic canal hay cost J10,- 000,000 ami In lifty.-nliK- mllus 1cihr, At niKlit it will be lighted from untl to ond with elootrlc lights, A KMiall olcctrlo lamp Ik bulnj* uhoiI in- atoad uf a hull in soinu tclophoneoxolmn- goH in Kiifibind. Tlio will for uonnoctlon lights) tlio lamp. Tho birgoKt broiiMi cnHtlnp; in the Unltod HtatoH is.tho buffalo'Klioud which haiiRM over tho cantom ontranco of tho Council BIuITh, Omaha brld^o. Tho liirKOKt tulo^rapb ofllco in tho world i.s tho Rouornl pont-ollioo building, Loiulnii. Tboro are ovor 8,000 oporntors, 1,000 of whom aro wnmon. Tlio bntturlos are mppliod by no.OOO coUa. Koarly $100, W0 In tho amount obtalnod from tho bioyolo tax this year by tho l<'nmoh (jovurnniont, tho ntiinbor of urn- cihinen ductnrfld boin jimt undor iHV>,000. Tboy aro woll wproad ovor tliu wbolo country, slnoo Paris and tho .dopartmont of tlio fcaulno roturn U8,000,loHfl than a ilfth oi tlio total. whothor hn had any of tho gond old Vir ginia loaf which tboy uhoiI to kcop in Kioolc. The clerk Haiti: "Yes, wo bavo, hut it'n awful hlfjh. It*H two dollars n pound, and I think It will yi) blyhor before it /<ots los-,. Wo huVe jiitit ono caddy loft," " Vou think it will j-o iii^luirV" " Vnc," yaiil tho olorlc, "It's nuro to jjo up." "Well, you in i^ in put mo up II vn poumlH," said tbfi old man, and a mo ment later 1 fi'iw him carrying It out of the it tiro. IIo had not nix dnllarn to apimd -Xor hl - wlfo'H. calico drosn, but ho thought nothing of imttinu ten dollars Into ])ltiK tobaooo. I don't auppnHu old Mr. Jones rcali/.od his soUl^hnuHH, IJrob- flhly be loved his wife, but ho bad boon brouorht up tho wrong way, THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. T'lf-i lnro and coinniociidun Ilonri* Iihh A been thoroughly painted uinl rcplnuinbeil with imjw. fiunittmi hy prchcid iiroi)riutrnns. LAHOK IIAIIN- IN COXNnCTIu.V. I'lriit-rillUH A(!cOllinil.th'i>ll OlllirillltOIK], MRS (,' WILKINKON, I'uipriotrohH. '-A^TSBfcS CHOICE gITS. Tlioro in no purfoct meal without a woman to do tho honors of tho tablo. Wator in i\a good an wino, and tho following toiiHts may servo aa hints to tlm father, brotlior, 1) unhand or jruost who In ablo tn talk, yet noodi* , Uttlo aid to lift liim out of tho ooininon rut: Wonuui Tho nwootont croaturo tho Lord ovor inado. Woman Tho bitter half of man. (For tlio ukq of a Hour old baoholor,) Woinan Tho source of bolp, happlnobH and Uoavon. Woninii oho Hpeakd for borntdf. Woman A owaturo "nobly pbinnod to warn, to comfort and command. " Woman Onco tboro wan a woman, lr, and, hero k|id if I Woman Tho falnmt work of tho fxtont Author; tho edition U lnrffo, and /io man uliould bo without a copy, , Wo* win Tho tyrant we lovo.tbo frlond wo triis-r. Woman God bleHB hry th Bohh of all nvoMtlnvi The Iiislmt I.lirht. Tho flrht (jlunpie of Groat IJrit.iin that tlio Amorioan tourlht (jots on bl^ Kuro- poan tour is that of tho l'astnot, light- llOUSI). It Htands on a ruggml and Hnlitnry rock, fiitunted nino miles noir.li of Crookhavon, at tlio uxiromn finuthwoHt cornnr of Iro- land and Is, perhaps, moro Kturiii-buatmi than any othor around oiir noaut, Tho ruck is nighty feet in height, and tho lighthouse towers -anuthor h'evonty foot ahoYo, yet, in winter puK's, tho Atlantic billows lltorally h.nnhartl tlio maBfllvo Htructuru and liavo oven snuishoil In a portion of tlio lantern at tho summit of tlio erection, tho Hens frequently Hweopw lug ovor tho rock with tremendous force, iromn two or three yearn ago tho atormy weather thon provailliig provontod all eomnuinieuMon with tlio rook for many weokn, so that tho Htoro of fond wan con sumed, wiih tho exception of nomo flour. At last a HQhoonor nianayod to approach HuflieLnntly near to onablo a small quan tity of food to bo dragged through tho sua by tho hungry nion, and, fortunntoly the next day tho uoa moderated, and tho ntoron wore onco moro fully replenished. Jfixoopt In very culm woathor tho FiiBt- not ii; nurrounded by n fringo of foam, and tha only moans of landing in by tho nld of a "jib" r>8 foot In length, ho placed on tho rook that lu moderato woathor, Its end roaches outnldo tho eurf. When a visitor wiflheH to land (an unus ual onourroncu), be ia rowed in a sranll boat iih near as tho wuvon will pormlt and tho llprbtkooporB throw out a tunall buoy, attaobod to a nip3, whlob In Hncur- od by tho man In tho boat. Tho jib 1h then swung out and tho vlnitor, placing ono foot iu tho loop and catching tight hold of tho rope, ie holtEod about forty feet vertically, and thon tho jib, bolng pivotud at itH foot, sivlngK him horizon tally about ono hundred foot on a safu landing. London Bkotoh. A Woman's Itrlirlit Idea. It lias romalnod for a woman to In vent and patent gliiHn dooru for ovcnti. Tho wonder 1b that tho Idea linn not long ago boon thouffht of by noma woman who cookp. All cooking lnstruotora lay the greatest wtroaH on tho oaro to bo obnnrvud ii oponlnR nil ovon door to watch tho pro#roAH of oakofl or mutfina Maria Parloa, miiklns Hpoapto calco. touchoH tho knob with tho most doll- cato care and IlKhtncHft, dreadlnc ovon to jar tho cako within, and poolca tliroufifli tlm umnl1Ht craok that will afford tho noouHonry gluiioe, What a ro- Uof to walk boldly up to tho ovon and through tbOBO tmuspuranfe doors, whlob tho fivuluu of a Michigan woman haw dlaoovoroil, ytudy at lolnuro tho protfWKul Tnivoliiif! to linndh* o<:i h,w j . 'iiiiiiiliiui Grown Nnrfiory Rtoclt. Wo I LC'i' '.'.ti'u hiitfiifuutioij to rejjrtmi'Mtutfviiii and cimt .iiimt.. Cur mn-Horiof. are tho lurcnnt in tlie-UonilniQii, ovor 70l) iutch, No mil, ititution J in ordom. Kxaliiuive territory and lihoriU toriun to wbolo or part time urrontn. Wrlttj uh. K'J'ONK A* WKUJN'dTON, (Hend nflice) Toronto,Ont, (The only nuruory iu Uunuda iiu-viag tcBtbiK orehurrlii.) tl-.'Jm Collccuof 1'iijniciiiiisiLinl Sin'ceoin., Out cUu.il unto of .\(.uv York 1'oht Grudii.ito MoiIIlml* College. - . Oille.-over Khh.-\ Modicul Hull drug i.ton, ( oiKiiilLutidti rooniH, Ijuth on gniiuul Jloor mid tlrut Hut ubovo. Telcjdioue in hoth olllcii und rohlduiieii. All culls uiiuudod to from otlleii ilrng Htoro, or lehidencu. Kijiildi-iice. Talbot* Htn.ut, front or fmr ttrooihlu. TAHH. HKWAIt A: MoKKNZIJ-:. " r.A.DKW.Mi. M.U.C..M.,K.T.M.S. Honor Grudu- ui'lnnii\ L'nivoihitv.- iMnnihuv CoIIopo I'hy .1'Urin and HurKtonn, Out. ICotJldoiicc,' Tulbo " t hast. ("i. M<.Kpn;;ii.. M. I). O. M., Coroner, Nuiv umi i*oHt (iiudiiutd, Follow Trimn Aiudicul Collou. (Jriuluato Trinity Lbilvci-Hlty Kcfdduijce: Tulhut !,tact, wei-t 01 M. U K Ollico hours U to !i u. in., 1 to :i and ti to H p. m Hlcft in hiiporl.il bank bjoek. yronml llo'oi next to Tlionie's ilru^ store. TohadHinutii coniioctlon with oiilco and rem donco. Ordci-H loft at Tliorntj'n dniK Htoro will hi Promptly attended to, DEMTAL. if I V, MAliTIX, I>. I). H L. I). H. ' Ora.luatL- 4A. 111 Diditintry, lioyal Collu^f of Ueutnl fsurgfcoiiH, Ontario, and Unlvortnty or Toronto (Jlmr/'CH, modoratij, OUloo, over Unon & Co e iriiL' Htoro. lH-lv Michigan Ceftp^ " The Niagara Falls Route." PIuoo in tho world for youm* men and ivoinon to itooure a IluHinoiiH KducutiiHi, HliortdiRiul .etc., In tho JJutroit ItUHinuRS tliiivorhltv. \)u- troit, Jlleh llluiitratud oatulouno I'reo. Kefornnces : All Detroit, K. JEWELL, 1'roH. P. It. Sl'KNCKH, Reo. Mouiitatn Climbing Han a woudorful fitHoiuation for raauy tuon. And tho higher tho mountain and tho greater n(tict) of dun^m* about it. thu more auxiouR in tho ordinary uvm, with any mountain climbing innthiatH whutover, to (jet to tho ton of that mountain. Thiiro io au intoxication, a flery oiuluiHiaHm about it that puBhoti ono on and on, aud rontH tir ed miiLcleH and nmpiron UtL^i>in^ con rnge to everlaottofdy koop at it uutil tho top in rouaUod and tho cooling zophyrs that fau the brow of tho mouutain oaol "your own throbbing tomplea. AmericanH have thought that it wan nocooBary to go to Kuropo, to tho Alpo, to Und auy full ^rowu mountains- to noalo. It'eall moontihino. Ian't 1-1,000 font high onougb, with glaaiorn, thono raokod, oruok- ed oroaturoH oE ioo and onow, aud oratorn and UoHuroH und preoipioon to climb ovor and round, the aarao nn iu tho Alps? Yeo, they are all right hero closo' at band, aud if you aro lutorootod to know where and how and when, pint Bond yonr addroBD, and aix oontn iu Htampn to Ciub. S. Fbk of tho Northern PaoifioRailroad, St. Paul, Minn., and bo will oond you a book that rooounto a climb up ono of tho gnirrJont poakfl of earth, wntton by tho gentleman who iv.ade tlio URcont. Tho obaptor on thiH monntain ia pro fusely illuatratod 111 half tono otobin^a tnkon by a photographer who noootnpamod tho parly for that purpoao. If yon aro iu- toroatod enough in your own oountryto doairo to know about ita woudorful scouio foaturos, vou want tbin hook. VETERINARY. \\f II HKMIAitDHON, VKVIOItlNAHV HVU V> , GI-;oiN. IIeiiorur\ ({ruiluatu ol Ontario Veterinary IMlt-'tw, Toronto; member of On turio VottJiinury .Mt'dimil Snciuty; DlplumiHt 111 UentiHtry; treutu all disi-useH or iloniostlcatud hiiiuihIh; on tile d oho mod by thu lutoht iniprovud Luuvitt clipper I'ulln hy tuk-pliono or tolti- finiuh promptly iittonded to. Kunldtmco, four dooru noilth oT cri^t mill; otfk-o in pout officii Imildjni:; iiitlriniir>. directly oppoaite. LAND SURVEYOR. "IAMEK B. IfAIIil), ProvinoiiilLiLiid Survoyoi fJ and County Kiifdneor, Khhox Contro, Out OUloo, Dunstiin Block, uimtuirn. AUCTIONEERS. (lOINQ KAfl'i' ruldiif,' clfL'ct May IDUi, 1HU5, Mail Kxp. Kxp. Acc^m' a.m. a 111. a. m . p.m. botroit... . 7.r. r;.eo 9.-10 4.10 Windnor ,,.. 7.1'j i;.r>o 111.10 5.0.1 Pulton... run MaidhtoiMic k V.i fl.yo Knaex . 4.11 7,-jii ID.U.l r>.:in Womlsli.e ... h.-Jl 5,50 KlloCDinh ... H.'JM fi.f>0 (.onilior H!l7 i'y.Oi UldJietown.. it \r> fl,.i7 u.so 7 10 liodnoy. . J0f 17 7.:io ht. Tlioniu ji.;i(j 10,00 ooiNo wj;ht 1.05 b.W p.m. a.m. 11,01. i.ondon...... 12. Id fl.15 ' t. Thomuti... J Io 0..T, u.iis llo'llll y ........ a.: i:i 7.ya Uid^otfAvn...., 1(j7 io.ai H.() Coin! up...... s.:i t).:io liUM'onib.., . .". 1! :i.;i8 Woods,leo. :. .oi) 0.15 KhM-X t, u; u.t:t UM Miil.lhtonu Cr <:,. 11 lO.flj Peltr>u.. . 10.3'J W iiulhor . ... (1. IS m. 10 ic.ao l.'etruit....... 7.10 ia.45 10.63 AmiicrNlhurg Kocal Tfral UH. \\ 1. hT r.Aiir p 10, a.m. a in. a.m. a.m. p.m li.JO ll.fltl H.1.1 I.flliOX 7.15 .3I) 5.U0 >_ 11'jr. i-Jtj.'i h.& Kdcurii ;7.{jo 0.-10 s.10 n*is i-jjo u:.\2 T, K A- J> HXiitU b.50 .U5 4.32 11:10 lmiii h.a."i Mo(J~ecor li.-JH D.J10 -1.50 tv .00 * u'.r.u a.;,."j Aiidnji'htburf, u:w 0.10 -t.ao AlltrabiH iiioiuii 011 central htnudiird thuo, which in niity miuutoa ulowor than Kimor time. For inf01 mat 1011 ami niton to colon- L.E. & D. R.Ry. TIMK IMK TAHLK NO. id, takinR offoot Monday, line Uii.-iKi;.. Trubm rim by Kitatorn Stand- anl Tirno. Daily oxcopt Humlay_____..... HENIIY promptly attondod to. llliPKItK, Auctioneer. a a 1 o b Aiidrnrm Kontb Woodnloo, Out. I'tirHniiH (Icidrinj! to neciiro mt uiay luavu word uttbo Fhi:i-- Paiam oiHoo. tf U. UKDBICK 1). S1NCLAIK, IjICKNSKD AUCl'lONKEIt for tho Uounty of Knuox. Umliifof I'JlRhth Divhiion Court. All Idndii of Farm und othor Huluu conducted promptly. Ituton roa?onablo and furnlithod on implication. Enipdrorn may a))ply at \V. D. IJoainuii'H ofllco, or at tho otilco orDfvlHioii Court Clerk, Mr. John Milne JOHN UORMIjEY. LICENSED AUCTIONEKU for tho County ofEiioox. All kimhi of farm ntocl: nalen, etc., conducted puomptly and on nhort notioo. Iiatoii rotmorablo. rernnnu donlrahlo to nrraiieo nalon may do bo by oalliiiR at tho Fmcis Piuiuo ollloo or by upplyliiB to 4 J. GOBMLEY, P. O. Bos 153 Unmix, Out. FHA"NK MoCLOSKKY, Maldetono, thirty- Dovon yearn'oxporiouoo uh an auotionoorm thoOonnty rtf Bnnoit. 8alon oomhietod promptly, und on roaBonablo torma. Parti en cloidrba,i to f\x tho dato for n inUo can iiuvo tbumoolvoe a dri?o by oallins at tho Fams Piueqa ofbeo. -Wo bnvo.arranRod with Mr. McClonltoy and will fix tbodatati for union hy toloBrftpli,ontlvoly free of all charge to tbo poriiou holdinfj tho salo. Ad- droao Frank MoOIofikoy.MaidDtontjCroQn.Ont, 10B 1 ft. 1 'S Zj & v. w^ W a 10 ci*". B s fiTATIONQ. -t *"? n ^K C 5* O 0 n'S ^ a A A 'A * A M A M V M A M X M V. H. i) UTi l'J.00 ;'Jt) nop Wulkorv'loAr !) 10 B..r)0 l.Ui t).:!-' w.:io li.'iV iWulkorvillo Juno II 0:1 fi MH l.MJ n.a) 12 -10 tS.DIi ......Pfdton........ H H7 fi 37 fl.00 lU.'i l'J.lfi 0.101.. .. 1 Oldcnntlo..... ft p:i ri7 .1.05 il f0 l'J.B:( ii -17 ..... 1 VliqUOttO..... H -17 B.CH 6.W ii.r.7 1.10 oai ..... McGroRor ...... Mi! n.nil 5 Ul 10.0" 1.10 (i5t .. 1 Now C1uifu1.11... fi m 1 -10 !>>.& 10 00 1.I10 7.le ... t Uarsbllold ... h n inn BII3 KLlHi l.fll) 7.17 ...... Harrow ...... H ? 1 vn R.-U 10.1*7- li.l'll 7 27 n 11 tno ft.rii 10,117 '2 .'15 7,:i7 fi CI .45 5 66 10.151 'J SO 7.4"1 ..... Itutlivon ...... 7 el :t tn O.Ofi lflfiQi !J.15 7M ... Leamington ... 7 40 H,40 0.21 11.11! 1.10 H.l 11 ......Wboiitlcy...... 7 til 1,R1 oaa U.'JOl -1.90 6.11 7 If) i.afl U.Sfi' 1 -15 H.L'y ......Ooutoworth ... 7 10 1 1ft 11.H5 5.18 H.JIli 7 00 J3.WJ 7.03 11.1a 5.:n H.-tn v.......Morlin......... ft oli 12.91 7.10 ll.fil) B4B H.17 .....t Buxton......... n itv lfll~ 7,ir U Tj5! h.fi5 H.ny ma lf,00 7.22 12.0-ii U.Ofi 000 ...tCoriurSprirgti... 0 ;n ll.flfl 7.ii7 hi.H G.10 11.07 nioubflna Juuot'u d?i 11.P0 i.m 12.lt! K.H5 11,12 ......Blorjliogra ...... (1 ) 11.161 7.37 iwil (j.-i,r. DUO ........IWilKio......... ti 10 lo.ifcl 7.4:1 1'iUG 7.00 il.lll ArltldgotownDop fi 00 10.0W 7..W J*. M. p. M. 1". M A.M.II'. u.ir. M, \ Flag Statiomi. Tralnn titop only when tbovo nro piibHengern at or for thoso fltutlous. Mixed triiiiiH aro at al timon biibjcot to bo oaiioollod WM WOOLLATT, Gouoral Bupovlntoadont. TIIFj oldnut bUHlnoofl in town. Entablloho 1870. Finit-olaiio broad and 0 alt or. of id kiuiln, Woildlug oakob a irpaolulity. Grooonon provinionn, flour, food, nalt and pnrlt. Oonfoo* tlonory.orooUory.glusDwarfi. Cnimedfrultaand vodotiiblonof all Icincln, Ooodn promptly to UvowidtoftllrartooJtlio town. J. M. HICKH, JOl-tf That tho blood nliould porforra itn vital funatlottH, it ia abuoliitoly uocoongary it ahouM H3t enly bo pare but noli in llfn. KlvinR oloracntH. Theno ronultti ttro best effeotod by tho uuo of tlut, v/oll-known utiinclurd blood-puriiior, Ayor'u Suratip- arillu. cAND AND LOAN AGENTS C^EOItGE J. THOMAR, Couvovflnoor, Com- T mtoBionor, iu Hbjh Court of JuBtlao: doalor in Heal Hatato and MorteageB. Money to lota atthelowoat mt of Intoroat. farms bought and Bold, Immraiioo tnkon tn tlio moat reliable oompanlori. Drnwiuyof dooda, mortwogoa and loasoB a b poo laity. OliavgoB modomto aud all bnnlooBB promptly attended to. Call at the aontral Tolotiboue ofiloo. KbhoxCentre. BiHy Impovorlnbod blood qeluhob tlut tired1 feollti^. Hood'a Barsajparillu purifloo, oki- riohofl und yitali^oa tho blood' and gsvie viKot und vitality. iSr^ Furniture Warerooms. HOW IS YOUR CHANGE If you want eood Furniture for littlo ironey. An immoneo otook of Furnituro to obooae from. Everytbing from a Idtohon obair to tho flneafc ouurtor out oolt.at priooa lower I than anywhere io thie county, Kindly civ qH a call. All goodo dolivorod free of charge, 100 CORDS Ol^ WOOD WANTED in exchange for furniture. * UNDERTAKINa A SPECIALTY haiicl, .Willfurowh all carnagoe tiieedta Pnoon tlybt oloae. J. n. HICKS & Co,, Essex, ^ ift^ Arr ' e [ . . *' e