Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 28, 1896, p. 2

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K^r-'y^^ F^T^?^ S THE'-1 3=T-Si=5'fr--v; VK-':,- V>T*fSi$* sty: \ If':, * i.' tV1'. W1,' i.:ESSEX FREE PRESS ^carcsc:* - oxt-x*. Published Every. Prldoy Morning l>r From tho effloo on Tulbot Btroot, noxt feV', liuiiHtau ttlook. Spoouil itltonLion in paid to tho publluii- tiotiof mattur or local important,uoonif. aio aud rchablo roportH of Town, iioif'.hbor. init Townuhip and County Councilproonocl- inne. local 'Jiicl county nutrient ruportn, uto,, tho oamfu, uud judioioun mumiKomoiit { ThhFukk 1*16:1111, with roiipuottotliuHO and other ourront mattaraof local importune", has civonitri widonproud prontin in tho oentrocf Kuhoxwmiity.whioh m roooKtnzod an 0110 ot tho hont agricultural dmtriolH in Ontario. Tun Vukk rKHii hi thu only medium oirouhaiiiK thnvouuhly in thin Dontrulportionof tho County, 11 ml w 0011- Boquuntly.without doubt,the only thorough advertising medium for Imwnoiw poonlo , wiHlunj; to roiioh Unit oltum of cmitomtmi. C0nUUnI*0Nl>KSCK.J Our oolumim aro alwayn opoii for tlio poaooablo disnuniiion of mutter h portainm- to tho puhlio Ablo oorroiipondonhi in all tho nurround- ina lociilitioB furniuh reliable roportn ot eventH of intercut, occurring m tlioir wivurnl phorflHj and tho rmlilinhcr. hi at all time* ' ploiwod to rocoivo intoroHtinfj ltomn n! newd from tiny dinpofiod to forward oontn- butlonM. , All oommuiiiciitionn of a private ami Doafidontiul nuturo, nhould ho no murkud an tho ouiflido of tho onvulopo. HUllRCniPTlON I'lllOK. ft! ,00 por annum, "utrictly in advauoo H.fiJ per annum if not no paid; ana id! Mroarsoharnodatthat rato. AnVKllTIflHMBNTB. Transient legal and mtinioipiil advor- tiHOmontH, ..nutiooH, etc, clmrgod ut vfcho rato of ton cent* per lino, for flrat inuortion, and tivo oontu por lino foroaoh nabnoquont inuortion. All ouch advortipomoutd aro moatmrod by a naalo of twelve lmoH to tho inoh. Looal rondiRK and other noticou pub- liBliod among local howh matter ohargodat tho rato of ton uoiiMi por running lino for eaob innortionl ........__________ --------- All noticOHof church or hooioty ontor- kainmentiiof uuy dooonption.'iit whioh an ttdmihaion fooni aliased, aro roRiirdod tin advortifiomontn, and full advortiiuutf niton charged iu all nuoh canon. Noticca of gath- riuyuor mooting not for pocuuiary bono- fit or uid, will bo cheerfully publmhod free of ohargo. , . ,. . Special contract rates mado for display or Htandmg atlvtn. All lefjalorprofoHHion- ttl oardo under ono inoh; ft5 per aunura. JOB OH COSIMBHCIAL I'MNTINQ. The Frisk Piikhb Job Printing De partment in under tho auporviniou in under tho of thoroughly oompoteut mechanics and unooial attention in paid to thin branch" of tho trado. Our faoilition "for tho oxooution ot all IiincJu of Boolenud ; Fiiio Job Printing aro unoxoollna. Htoara power pronaoo. A call nolicitod. llOHINKHn IlEflULATIOWH. / " All Job Printing and Tranaiont Advortifling accouutH, Qtriotly caah. Advortiaiug accouutH with regular patrons n- sottlod quartorly. Sub- otiptionn duo in advance. No mibflcription to tho Finn! Pkkhh, or advortiHomunt publiwhod in its columnn will bo dincontinued until all arroarH aro paid in full. "OhangQB for udyortinomontH, to necuro innortiou in tho current ianuo, mnnt bo handed in not later than noon of tho Tuoh- day prooodinR, and notice of huoIi intend ed obaugo 111 required on tho Monday pro- ooding. Notioo of (lincoutinuanco of advoitiHO- mentfl muat bo given ut least one wenli in advanoo of tljo Iuhuo in which they are .doHirod to laHt appear. AI>VKIlTIHKlta, SubiwriborH and patrono generally aro reqUOfltod to road tho ubovo rognlatioiin oarofully, in order that confusion may bo avoided, nu they will in all cawoti ho ad ho rod to. AddrflRB nil communicationa to.^ KS. J. LOVV2LA.CEC. Pttbliohor tho Eorkx Funis Pnisna, Eaacx. Ont Xrr. .Tnooh Wilcox of Bt. Thorami, Ontario, In ono of the hunt kuownwow In that vicinity. H In now, ho Hiiyft, mn old man, but HooiVtt SntHiipiirlllo hnn mndfl him feci yminff npfnln. "About a, your ago I bud u vory nevoro ttnek of tho ky\\), whloh remitted in ray not lm^tni( ft well day for M-voral monllw aftorwardH. I woM eomplotoly run down ud my nyntom wmi lu a Torrlblo Condition. I Ioh\ llwih tt^d bocamo depratHrA iki Hplrltn. Finally a friend who bad boon bonolIUd by ITood'u SaruaparUItt ndvlH#d mo to try it and I did no. I coatinund Uk- Intf li until I und twelvo bottM "d today 1 can honwHy iwy Hood's Sur- pArllla has rwtorod mm to ray former health." Jaood Witoox, Bt. Thomwi, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Promlnontly In tho publlo oyo today. Xt curort when all other Pjy^^jiPJl!!Ll?JL-_ ~ZZ 7i vsiTiTtho atter^liiinwf pill mad tlOOd fl FillS tmrnily o*thArUo, M*. NERVOUS JHI5A DAC11K. A TKOIflJhKTflAT KIONOKRs THIS IjIPK OF MANV YV.OMKHI M1HKKY. A HiHrnror lor Twnlvo Vfturi* \Vlioe - \irir*'iviLtMl by kCiilury UUoiihc, Tdllu Klonr to Itciralii IKuallU and BKnpplin-iiW. From tho Braith'ii i-'ulln Houord. Hinco tho Keoord beian to publiah no countn of thocuren l>y tho uho of Dr. Wil liamn' Pink Pilln, itH rnproHcntatiyoH huvu found that half tho wonderful enron effect- od by thiu inodicino havo not yet boon given to tho publio. Women a wull uh men who havo found roliof aro oa^jor to lot tho facts bo known for tho benefit; or other hu(- fororu. Among thorn in .Urn. .Tumeo Cot- nam, of tho towiihhipof Wa'fbrd. IPALAOE STtSAMWrtQ. LOW DATBC. CLEVELAND, ** n ta m pbttsburo, ^ BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST UVHHY HVHNINO BBTWBHM DETROIT .# CL ConnectlHgr with earliest trnina nt Cleveland for nil pointii East, South and Soutbv7eGt. BomkyTrlpsJuns, July, August and September Onlv 'fOXiH TMtWm HUH WlIK DarWBHH TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAC ^TOSKBV, THE "SOO," MARQUETTE. AND DULUT1I. o new ntttl ptsnenger Htcnmcrfi liiivc )\u,t (built for our Upper Lake Koute, eohtnifj 100 cadi. Send iar illustrated pmnphlct. .*.. .. fcflS,____ A. A. QCHANTZ, o. r- * t. *. DBTROIT. MIOH. BHRH5T ft GLEVaftHQ STEAM NflV. lift it'. ^COPYRIGHTS. "V ! OIIVAIN A' PATENV? 'Vm n -! 1', I'.iiRivcr mt an lirtiicirf. opinion, wrlto to NN' A; CO.. wlio havo lual ncai'tyi'i'iyyimrir jhonootntlio putent buulmifiti. Oommnnlna- ,u)iTl<aiy cntitlrtdntial. a llnitilhoolcor ln> Jormutlan ooncorritni: Pnteitiw wid'lint/to nit. T411.T ttmm flilTlt Tl'OH. AlBO It CiHulOir.lO Ot llltfOllIUl- .twil imU HOliinMIIu l)ool. iionr. Iran. l*tttnts tiiUj.i MiruiitU Munii Co. *oolvo adftlnl liotlooln thoSwtuHilllu Amovtcnii. niui uri ore brouclit wiiioly btifnnitUa (iiibliux.-Uii- wt-dMCM tli Itivontm*. 'J'liln unhMHlia jminir. UbiwkI wonuly. lnaniitiy Uluntrnioil. uiui by rar ilio iaraast olrfliiliinaii of nny iwtontltio woi-k: In tlio worjil* a;i a yoar.^ fiaiii|>ln onnlm e#nt Jn. coolOiLilii) cnw KTory innubur contiUiw bonn- ttfal plntQB 'in oolotf^ wtd" bbbfcourtttHi* 0' "w hoiiBos, with pliviifl, huublliiw bii|l')<f ?. jo Hhnw-tbe Ini.flBtirt*lait(Friiid n(*our<tMintrwni*, Artdrflntf ^ituxJbuo* mw Youk, it411 iknoAnwAv fltfFFKilKD I'noM KEY I-: It K TJKAIUCni!. The lady referred to w;ui for twelvo ypari a constant imfferor i'rom nrvoniineun, huadacho and kidney trouble. Having read ho much about Dr. Williamii' Pink PiIIh nlie dotertmijcd to nivo thorn a trial. Their ufto for a tiliort tituu brou^hta great improvem"nt, uud ufter taking ihem for about a monf.h tho norvouH hoadaoho.._and kidney troublo loft hor. Thu dotitca of thaijUfUlnoHH felt hy onu who receives buuIi bono fittj an thoubovtj can bettor b im agined thun dtBcribed. Tloro aro Mro. Cotnum'h wordH: "If you could only know or if I could bat tell of tho inttmnc uutfi-riuu which I havo oudared and the uiuuy hleopleed nijihts I huvo opont in montal urid physical u^ony, you would not wonder ut tho decree of thankfulnesa I fof.d for my restoration to health." Her trouble wau a oonutaut droad to bar, and lor a Ioni* timo preventud hor from doii^ any or!;, Sinco uuine tho pilla tdio in uh well ua eyor "fully riBtored." In thin bounuhold Pink V\ lln r uow looked uptm ay one of th ueneHaaricH. Afiiu tho cauti with ovorv goad cauHo, Pink Pillu opuriouH artioloH havo been placed on the market, and, though in iippoaruoou and color they may reaemblo the uunuiuo, thov havo un tdto^ether different offoct on the HVHtGiri. The writer wiib ouco in a atoio whou Pink PiIIh wore anticd for by a cub- tcmor- The doaler batlu't thorn but tmid ho hud Hnnru.'ihioi* "jtmt aa i;ood". Tlio public art) warned a^'ainiit thin "juiit as good" Hohome winch intooofton reuortnd to by 'Homo Dt.orr-lieeperH. It nhould bo borne in mind that Dr. Will hum' Pink Pilla art- a ipecitic for uli diueases itriHing from an impoverihhed condition ol thu bluud or a tihiittfred condition of the norvonii forcen, eucb au St. Vituti dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, paralyem, tiointica, tho after idloctD of lu (jri^pc, lotiH of appotito, hoiid ache, disszincflH, chronic eryHipolan.norofnla, etc. Thoy ure n\*o a certain cure for tho truublou jneouliar to thu fomnlo nyfltom, cor* roofing irrc^ularitieu, nupproaHiona and all forma of female woaloa'nn, building anew tho blond and rcntorinu the glow of health to pule unU oallnw chunkti. la tho ouno of men they offort a nirVnil cum in all onseo arioin^ trum ti-entid worry, overwork or GJtQotiRtn of.any nature. Soldonlj in bnxeu boarinti the flrra'n t'rudo mark and wrapper (printed in red ink), imd muy ho had of all dmpqiuth or direct or direct by mail from Dr. Wilhatah' Modioino Company, Broukville. OnL., or Sabonoatudy. N. Y., at 50 oontn a box, or.nix boxtm fur 9.60. WISE 8AYINQ8. . Mnu'H Qomieloiicn 1h the ornclo of Ood. llyrnn: Tf thou deidro rout unto Uiy houI, bo Junfc. - Qnarlea.----- -.........-------- Humility In (.ho trucab uliiitliioiico In tho world. Ihdaney. Tnwit ropound lu noblo nmturou obliged tliem tho more. Urydnn. A mini without; rnhth In Hko a wup;on without Hprlnp;. -Koochnr. Want, and sorrow are Mm wntfou Uiafc folly earn.'i for iLnelf. Sclmharfc. Knvy alwayn implh.m eonneiou Inforlor- Ifcy whorover it reHhlox. Pliny. (;o()d-niitur in ono of tho rlchaat frulta of true Ohrlmlanity. Uonr.hor. Tf a better Hydem is Lhlnn, Impart it ; If not, make uu of min. Iloraoo. An ounce of ooiiuuit.inniit \u worth n pound oC Hiulnen.4, to mmimi God with. Fuller. Deuiity hi the rtrnt present nature nlvmt tn woman and the ilr.-it If. takes away. More. I*rovhlnnno lwui |;lveii us hope and nlnop aft a coiiipuiiHiitlou for thu many cures of life. Vollalro. Geuhm may Ho doworibwl as tho Hpirlt of discovery. It is thu oyo of intellect, and the wini; <>f thought. Siiiiius. Knvy makes us nee What, will norvoto accuse ot.licrs, and nni pi-roeivo what may justify them. Illshop Wilson. Obstinacy and contradiction are Hko a paper kite; they are only kept up so lone; us you pull against tlmm. Anon. It takes much marblo to build the sepul chre. How lit Mo of lath and plastor would have repaired Urn prarrct. llulwer. Want and wealth equally harden tho human hrart, as frost and fire aro both alien to tho human tab. Theodora Parlcor, Kxtromo views nrc nevor just ; nnmo- thiiiK always turns up whioh destroys the calculations founded on their data. Tan- crod. A great mini may bo tho pei-Monideatlon and typo of the epoch for which Clod de stines him, but ho is nevur its creator. D'Aubip;ne. It 1.4 not true that, equality U a law of nature, Nature lias no equality. Its .sov ereign law is subordination and depend- once. VauveiiarK'ioH. All that is tood in art is tho expression of ono soul talking to another, and is precious according to the greatness of tho soul that utters it. Kuskin. There is not thu luast flower but sorms to hold up Its head, and to look pleasant ly, in the Microt sense of the goodness of its heavenly maker. South. Good huruor Ik the very air of a Kd mind: tho sign of a -large and onerous houI, and the peculiar soil in which virtuo proapoi'H. -Goodmmi. ri^n-i.i; n',ki> Sot kt hvauM* If I'rri'lmi'w 4 iiiiti-L I un thi' aiini|iii|<>> auil Ik ;^ . ("l-lllli '-H.1' W .1.V- .\Tcw Vnrl;, b't.-b. J I. A riiin npetdul frijin Momoii cuyn : JViThu-'n eonia In iidvani'liiK l"wiinlii tlm isnth at the prodi.'-rhiiiM puce 01' a day, and un|<-is It uhnnK<'ii 11m oouni'-, it iiiuv hit tin: liarth Home Lime .lurlni; :hitiir.l;iy,' March M, I.Tof. henncliuer 1 1 i'-- S'.nte [Tnlvf-f-'ity ->i <%*.n1111."f.i.i., n;i., just coni[ili'ti!il Ills cHlowhitlniiH ol! 1 lie orhll of thu n<-w mtinel, which was dl:;u,oveP'/l by ritimruei' I'ei'rlne oi" l.he I'.lek (>bjvrv;ti.ory a ivw. dnyi* i!;;o. 111 , ralciilutiolis conv i Ili-i' llliil tlui t , ;. ( ml. a V, H! Mid' iL Ili-W eoui'iii.: oil ..' .M'fii 1 iind Hhei-r nWiiy from tho yor ban ii;.. ... ;l .mh-iaki.' of a ini lli<>n( h part <>]' a unit In his H^uicm, the umrmt may :.; I l;*r lli-t. Prof. IMelu.M'itn;' "f the (*nl- \ iji:ti" was fVi-ii last nh'.hL and nuked if It wi'iv posidlile I'or Die tMiiin't und tho tartli 1.. ue .-t In eellislno. His re ply v:is 111st t Mich il 111:1!:-v win; e.-rt.ain- l.V poj'ilble. "Ill t'ael," he cotililllied, "il the earth lasts Imii- immii^h such a Ihini; is |ira<!tieally i\mii to hup poll, I nets' orbit!* v'di'h jut::: ii,-;n-'-r tu tin-. i-aj-Lli's orbit Iliii.') the lieini-.tiaiie'ter < >f the i.'oirnl'M it .id, itnd ;M soirit.- time the eM I'l h :md I'onM.t will iv; t.aiuly ci,nii' tK' I her. .'mh eiii'uii nli-i':-i will, liiiwt'Vt'r, I"; l'jii'f, ! I' We ji.-eepl the estimate of Abhiet lh<-y will nceur one<- hi I .I.DOO.OOO yeiu'M in i lie lurn; run." As Lu liiir eoiiio't.pienees of Milch a col li. I"H, I'rof. I'ii-k.:riii;; said it -v, US llii- I" : .'H'!'- in estimate, fur want of such Luowled^t: of the state of anKl'enallim ol* the matter composing' a eeinrt. "If ',\'e neccpL tie- niodi-rn theory," lie said, "and ll' Llils llieoiy In- true, i-vi'Tytlihi^ d-.-peinls mi Liu-- .;h'.e of tie- s< vara to olid pai ts or p.irtleh-s wlih-li form the main pai't of t,li'; c:omci'--- mass. If II ley welched tuns the lionihardmt'iit would he vvy serious, hut, If, ns finemn n.ere- likely, the partich's arc as small is plnh-'ads. tie' result will simfily be a inland meteorite shower. .Now," con- imn-il the proi'-'.ssor, "iilihou^h the A. PKUFKOTIjV HOPKhUBS CAHM. Until fiouth Ainerioan Nevvino wan Owed "tt in tbii Only Hrmody That Me," Maid T1rn. Ilntehnihon, of Vande- .-_.l'-ur, Out. ....... FIGS AND THISTLES. Faultless people havo-fevv friends. Thu bearer of good news alwuyn has a sweot voice. One of the best helps toward heaven Is a good mother. Wherever God's will is law, nothing hub purity can exist. Wo have all blamed Adam for falling, but God never has. KvorythiuK good lost in this world will he found in heaven. Love never hasto be watched to seo that It doos honest work. Let flowers bloom all the year round, and the bees will quit work. The greater the house built on the sand, the greater will be the loss. When our hearts refuse to pray as Christ teaches, he is no lontforour Lord. Do right you-isolf, and you will help Rome other man to behave himself. Tho pooreHt peoplo in tho world are thoso who try to keep all thoy get. Tho devil fours no man's profession when it is higher than his practice. Make homo like heaven, and you will make the children, want to go there. livery trial God permits us to have, into teach us something now about Christ. Prove that there in no devil, and evory man in tho world will ho your friend. Ah noon as we begin to have peace with God, wo begin to have war with self. Hum's Horn. CAUSES OF FIRE. Yht> Small Jluf;liinli)i;Tlmt rrodurn (3rout IllHaslerH. Moistened tin turnings and chips have been known to take lire. A rat Inlawing ut a box of grease-dipped friction matches ignited the lot. A running belt which suggod Into a maga of greasy waste set tiro to tho heap by friction. A Hood burned one factory by causing a pile ot iron-llling to oxidize so rapidly as to become intensely heated. A match carelessly dropped beneath a lace curtain wan stepped upon, ignited and instantly tho drapery was ablaze. A lens exposed to the nun's rays in an optician's' window frequently acts as a burning glass before being noticed. A cockchafer crawled from an oil recep tacle to a gas jot, where tho creature's oily body took lire, and, falling, spread tho flames. A stream from the fireman's hose started a second lire while putting out tho flrnt, the water having punotmled an adjoining building containing quicklime. A nail glanced from a carpenter's hum mer Into the conveyor of raw material in a jute Tactory, rubbed against a drum, and produced a spark which Hot tiro to tho place. Insurance Journal. UNC EPHRAIM*S WISDOM. "J3r niiui ut kin laujjh et he own folly am or long ways fum bein' or fool, "Ondesa'vod t'auks hu'ts or hones'man wiiHs'n do brnckus' ingrutitood. . "Y.o might ev. well sot on, er ba'b-wlro fhico'fo1 comfo't ez to nuss yo' angah fo1 do sntersfackshiii hit am tu-- yur. "Kf yo' don' feel hit yo' Aooty terbo hap py, yo' kain't git much happiness out 0' doin' yo' dooty^ "I kaiiit. sympunzo, Hm.iohow, wlv do in'unw'ati M rmhlah mok or big failyah 'n sco' or small succlsa. "Yo might ok'wq'II try n*r jedgo er hoos* Irtiee by do dus' '0 kicks up ess try tor reck- in' f uip d flpUt'g or 'an nicks how much oh do man doy am In 'im. 4,Moh' folks '11 deny1 devBO'vcatorday fo? de sake ob or hajipy tormorrah; but. wlmh's do slime in libln' stingy all yo' life an den dyhi' fo' do bonerflt of yo' IU' conslns an' \o lawyaha?" In 1BII4 tho Mnaachit**tt eoo-'l - Hombly rando bullftts ft lognl toudorby th* followhlB tmuotmont:- "It Is UUowIho ordorod that musket bullota of n full bore ahnUpaaa currently for a far thing upJooo. Provided thali no snau be oompol- Ied to ink bor XX Id at H time in When one hMhIiuu tlio data bnariny on rliueaHOti of tho digeiitivo organs and stotu- neb, it iu perfectly asfcoiiiyhintj tho extent 10 wlaioh troublo of this kind okuiU. Tu fuot, horo in the bonis of muny of the dis omies that lay WtinUi tl:o huiuiLn Hystom. Mm. l'lutcbinnon, ot Vandoloar, Ont., miffoied untold misery with wnrvous proiitration and pain lit tho stomach, rnnro t'lipeeially ufter meals. The case mi(ht bo iipokou of indifforontly an one uf indigoutiou and panned by; hut. it wmi no trilling mut ter for hor. Shu wan really un invalid,and tint doctors could do her no good. South Auioi'icau Nervine wiih brought umler lier netine, and ur.ed it with the uiOHt satne fucior> roHults. Kho did not ntnp with 01m', for, lo iiHti her own words: "li hud provjii a wonderful uieiiieine, and the only r.mody ibui, lit.-lpod tnu." tihu eon- tiuiiud to tihti it until 110vend hottloii hud Wen uikon, and in day i*i healthy, bourty und Imppy, end bus fot^oUcti ulmoht thai ihiu cvur uiitlerud from indieeutiun or nor- Vi,UJIK.-l>U. Hoiith American Nervine in thu only re medy in oxiiitunco that acts directly on th nerve centres at huso of tho bruin. It cntoh by rouitiug up thoso noivo eontreu, and cauaini! tbom to generate more ncrvoun ouertiy, an mcreiified supply of which is Hunt to all tho organs of thu body, and thou nuturo iitfipti in and dooB tho rout. Sold hy J. Tborno. Tho ontoring wedge of a fatal oomplaiuc TIip Ilru^alB* bate llirlr Tarn. Tho Aritfii*iak in an important factor In nil olvilized cottmuuilicH. SI isgejiorally well poMtud on "moti und thnign." He la quick to rctuipmr.o mcrH in tho medicines ho handlen. Ileur what iKr6 ont of iicovmh that uiiuhl he rpioted, hate to nay about rincmult, the New Tjung Romody : M. W. Ch fiuihiiro, Dm^kt, iJlonhelra, Onli.,. writeu: "rmemalt in taking hero. No now remedy of rfcertnt yeam sold Bo ia-nl," I. L. Luekham, drnguiHt, Glono: "IMnomalt in a popular remedy m thiu lo- cality." J. F. Robnrtu, UruInt, Pnrkluli, Out., recently e|ectd repretontativo of tho wostoru district to tho Colleen of Phar- many, writen : "Pin omalt I havo bad in utoek but a few woekit, yot only o*in modl- oino hollu faster. It lias caught tho pnb- lio." Pini malt ubr.undn at the the top as a ro. m dy iu cnuldo, cougha, la jjjrippn, unthwa* and all troubled of tho throat und ImiLoj. In chronic caituii, and in,consumption, Una Pinomnlfc tmd HypophoHphitcii, inntoad of plain rmowalt. imu'o im- |Mui<^.ii>r, oiiiiou^u in*.; po:-!-ibillty of t tint eoniet striking the 'a ofton a blight cold, which a douo or two ";i!'th is n;|h .Ml11 Ll"' m-obJiblllty Is otAver's Cherry Poctonil miohtlmvo cured not yti \'n-:tt. So far as we know, the " J m. . -. pr"l ability is no* mneli grenteu Lhan ut the oommencemiMit. 'therefore, it la .hat i.j' rome other comets striking us.'" w \uz:s .iati; iik.h. 4o Also arc l.ivltiu Svvpeiises in tlie TrmiK* viutl - In lii'n-t -.vtiitu l.<-lter. 11. K. T. Haultain, writing from tho Triiie,v;i;i| to u l>riti:-*li Columbia pup- '".', -..i_'s ; "1 .-et.- ihu.t several Slooan people ari- i:iihuiK ol euiiiii;;; In-re. Uon't. Ne- ^tui.-s do all thi- n-ard work In this c Uli'.ry, ,.vliHe While ineti set as HU- pei'iiU'. ndeiit,:!, >*j tliaL a miner is a ne- i^i'o driver, v.'hii h in n. i--oi't Job 'for tn.i.^e who liki- i:. "Carpi: 11 te-rs, masons ami metdiank'S guiemhy have no (Iirllnulty in proeur- iiik i.mpioyineiiL. 'J"je.-y ;;et i'l'om $1-5 lu $Kj[j a month, but expenses are very hiLih. "All plain drinks are two bits,ami tho 'el!.:oat..- makes you vei*y thirsty. Wo have It l'Tom tu7 to 117 in the shade al- :-i ady, and I have not seeii the hot' wi atlier y.-t. "When In London [ tolU--yorn^_c!ty men about, the ^lucan Star and .' inil-* Inr iirupertii-H. Thoy wm'e iistoulslutd, ai-d jeild if it \v. re only in Soiiili Af- 11 a Lht-y emihl i;oa.L suelr prnp.-rth'S 1 lioy.i'M tiirir.-; ov. i', nit In (.'uua-la, o"! tie.- |iiibU \. Kind iiul iooli ut numug Vi'iitiiri s in (.'anada. T'lils state .of .ili'alrs will piv.liahly soon change., and London will be only loo yi ul Lo lake ii.ytliliiK li.C ohers. M'-anwhib',what you want are prospectors and \i\\ s- pi. utiuB ciiiupatik'S or syielleateH _ to opi'ii up tin: country, an'l you couldn't possibly have a better M'lin t ll 0 Wesiern Aniei.eau l*c tliis kind oil wori:." .icissoriti'.s * i.:i. b<. nut:. JS3H Kim Ashore nl 1 iilmiiiilli. Ilnulniul, to Fill Hrrllwld Willi Hnirr. Falmouth, Kng., I-'eb. ^J.-Tlie IJrlt.ah Ueanier Missouri, from London, Keh. l'J, for!pIlia, \\m put lu here wi'th a lire in her hold. As the tire did 'hnt'yfeld"to the injection ol steam and vuur into her imld, she was run ashore upon a mud bank mid an eii- 4-:ivur was made to till her hold with water. Latest advices un; Cat the ikinn-s are tfntnititf and it is expected ihat her entire cargo will be burned. & lOitON . ii U IKJiD-; Ik Flour The insrliei. I.s dull, there lielnj* i".-w biiyi-rs. ^:r:d;<ht roller.-, are lieln lit .>;:.7U, Tonmto I'ri i^'ULs, ami Miinllubu put- . I.*ii". Ih'uu-f'iirs el' hnui me numlual at $11.^0 iveM, ami rtliorth at l'.l i<> ^1-h U'lu-s 'l'tie niurkei- Is dull, ewlnt,' t<i I Iks weaklier of b.verponl cables. Wldtu mITiTH uiilslili- iit S0e, with The'bid, umi red sold at Vs'/'ji; west. No. 2 fall offered at h.'tc id ui'iTve here on trliek, anil SHe bill <in iniek for No. ;t fall. A ear of No. 1 Maul- lohu hard tin hi at H.'.c spot. North Hay ; iliere aid'^ars lo he very Utile at tills pelui. No. ^ bard offered iit JsDe, bt nrrlvo North ltuy, with ie Old. mid No. U at oiVje, whhotit bids, while 71c was bid for No. ;i spot, Nurtli Itay. No. 1 frnKieU of fered at U7e, N.K., and No. L' frosted at .Me, N'.II., withuui bids. Ituriey--The . market is dull, without allien. No. 1 ipioted ut -ir.e, imd extra at l7e. No. *J at ."iOe. and feeil iu .'iOe. Onu Trade (jolet and prices unehuuk'eil. Wlilte sold tints de west at li.'P/je, und mix ed at 2*J'-!C uesl. l'eas-Tln; market Is very dull,with buyers ut fine, and selhrn at Tile uuislde. I!til-I;wliea(--Tlie nuirta-i is unlet anil prlees noinhial ut IlJe (intslde. Oiumeal- hustiiess muot, with prlee 1111- clinuned ut $2.lM to $A on truck and Hinull lots ILL S.'l.tiW. ., (lorn The market .Is steady, ono car seu- hif,* lit :tlil/iC outside. UyL Tla- imirket Is steudy, With cpio- atIons ut -17o to -ISe outside. TOUONTO lAVK STOCK MAIiKKT. The rerolpis to-day were Hinull at tlio Western ynrds, uud all oiTermus noul read- IIv. There were only iJU earionus, uicuia- liit; l^U head of sheep ami lutntm and 'JuO iuiK. The deiuuml for imttle wu.s, good ,ind iirlets ruled tlriii. (Iholeo L1/f,e,anil bullft j-v.e in per lb. The best hutrhera' einile sold nt;t'/ic to :i'/j! per lb, medium il WtK to >. uud inferior nt 'H'. tn 'MiMlU'h cows are umluiiieid nt if^J to $:i eiieli. und eulv-'s si.ii.iy, with sales at ?j iu ?U, the latter for eholee. Hheep lu fair deioand imd steady, with <ulcs at :ie to oi',o per lb. for export and o.ul ImuhiL's' lots ut :rj;,(\ bniiitm are iirin, there hoi hi? sides at ;i-^,c-to I'/jcnnnr- I.., tin- initor for extra cholei'. ihms are 11 rin. The I'est nold 111 H. wcl-died off ears. Thlelc fain are cooled it S.l K0 to ?:t.HD per ewt.1 stores nt $:i.Si ,o si per ewt.; sows at J?3.2& to SIl.ilO, ami aeers nt Jfll to *'J.i!.>. mtlTISH MAItKBTS. Liverpool, Keh. 111. Wheal, wnrliiic S(* 7d to .li Mi ; red whin r, f.s T'/jd to fls s>; No. 1 Uullloriihi, r>* 7'/jd to &n \m i corn,' new, .is od; peiiH, -in (Ul.; pork, fiU .Id ; latil, baeon, licnvy, 2UU od ; do., "il^ht, -7h Ud ; chei se, -ir.s tal. Uunloii-OpeidnK Wheat a'Jt: omit quiet isd steudy, on pussnjje while hleiuly ami veil easy. 1-hl^Ilsli country nmrkels cheap er, MuV/.o dlV roust (pilot, 011 pasHuiti) thill. blvVrpuol futures ipilet nt fis (P-'id for Keb. and March und Tm Vjd for April und Muy. Maize eiisy nt lis OVA lor ihu-eh, :t o%d for April, and :in WA for May and Juno. Flour. JHn lid. Paris-Wheat Wt IBe for Mureli. Flour, 41f ;il)e for March. Liverpool Whrnt futureH (Inn nt riH IP/id for Feb, and March imd tin fl'Aj. for April and May. M*lo, rpitet nt !ls 0",d for March, :iu oVGd for April and .is U for .lindori Wheat off eotint f|lot and Bteiuly, on piiHaniee firm. Mul'/e on jiaHHajie tether Armer. Malro quiet. . ... . . Vnrlw-Wlient easy at 1W 10c for Murohi, tosAVn ilf ia *nr ^M*^W- '7 ndvinahlo to have this prompt and nuro remedy ulwayn ut hand to moot an < mor- nonoy. Nluriy t'vr rltiut. Of all the pooplo need to take a. courue nt Ilood'u Harnaparilla hi thin soauon to pr vent that rundown and dobilitated con dition which invitoH diiioitne. The money invented in half a dozon bottloH of Hood'a Sarnaparhla will coma back with Iftr^o ro- turim in tho health and vicorof body and ntrou^th of notvon. Ilood'u Pillu aro taoy to buv, eaay t tulto, oasy to operate. Cure all hv<ir illi. 25c. Tho bedy muat be well uouriahied now, to pro vent aickneEH. If your appotito iu poor tako Hood'n Saruaparillti. Gem and Canadian Aermotox Steel Are acknowledged LEA-DEBS cit! er as Power or Pumping Windmillo, For prices and terms, address T. HALFORD Essex, - Ontario. Agent for Essex County. STILL LEADING tho trado in oil kindn of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles oTnll grndes, Door.q, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS Wonro Solo Aqonte in tho Oounty for 0/ Chicago, whioh took Highest Awarda at tho World'n I?uir. Oaji furnish either Pumpingor Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantee with ovory Outfit.| Laing Bros., Essex. X GbtmiAY &, SONS, ESSEX. ONT IX? THE T1U0MPH CORN GHEIiLKU ThiH Maohino conflista ofa hoiiKCBtal caatoylindor, with wrought iroii bma, will) Btcol tooth boltod to tho oyli jeler bo ns to bo rovoi-eiblo tvhon the toeth hocome worn on tho iront fiido, running in a perforated cbrjcavo iro.i ; ' holl, ivliich tlio flhollod corb paseoB tlirongh into a shoot iron enso, With a an or o]pi>nor attached below, which takes ail 'tho duatirom tlio grain. Tbc , shoapont boht, moat simple ai'd diirnble Power Corn boile* in use; shells \at\\ porioofciy clean in axiy corditicn , housand bushels of oars per day, according to powoi*. DiMiwHioNtf. ] iter, fi in. face; Motion, G00 to.800 revolutions per minute; Weight, 650lbb;^;' ' nCVERY 8HELLER WARRANTED. fe'^ J. GOUKLAY ft 80N3r I 'J. \Ki .. && i(7*j M>iu*L'Hv>.nnwK Jti^^.;:^ . ^&m

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