$j?^^V^?^ Pfflf^WW^J^^^SS" ! t. " - t- K-: Lv>- I'!-'"1. MONKYTOTjKND On uiortf agou at E# por oon-. Fire and Iiifo In-, Hurtiuou at lowowt ratoH. J. W. GIBSON. Ayenl MONEY TO LEND On mortgage* at 5 por tierjt. Flroaiid h)te In.J BUrauoe at lowest. ----------- rat*ri. J. W. GIBSON, VOL JCIL No 9 ESSEX, ONT. PEIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, L896. WHOLE No, 582 ads for FROM FORSYTH ANDERSON & COT LEADING STORE (F ESSEX Are You Awake ' % : ," . to the facfc that this, is the place to buy your Boot and Shaes ? Why ? Because we have the largest stock, bought direct from the beet factories and can give you the best value for your money ! Note these four special bargains they may interest you ! 1. GO pairs La die's pure Don- gola Kid Laced and Buttoned Shoes, patent tips, all sizes, usual $1.50 line, our price $l.QQ. 2. 75 pairs! Childrens1 Glove Grain and Oil Grain Laced Shoes, regular $1.00 line, our price 75o a pair. .-*. 60 pairs Mens'Fine Dorr gola Sewed Shoes, Fair Stitch, jvorth regularly $2.50, special price for this lot $1.50 a pair. 4. Mens' Heavy High Cut Laced Shoe, bellows tongue, doublo stitched and riveted, thrt'e rows of pegs, the biggest value you ever got, at $1 25 a pair. Good Groceries Popular Prices. Fine off afcullc Buieins, por box of 28 lb'91.00. Choice Choose 10c a lb. Fish,"fish, 0ah ! Salt water Sal mon, 'fresh water Trout, Labrador Herring, finnan haddie, eot. Do You Want a tfood warm pair of Blankets or Shawl, A Good Jaclc.t, Ovor- ooatorSnit? Anything iu winter wear- ittft apparol ? If no, Wo will g,vo jou a brain to oloar oafc what romawu of oar winter Stock. SPECIAL. Extra strong 17 ounoo Grain Bags, r*% ular priao S2.50 a doK. Tbooo arc HligUtly soiled, wo will dear thorn out a'- 82.10 n do'/ou. Oorsotn mado to orpor, all nhapna. Agents Butterioka Pattomn. Gall and gdG a March fuiihion ohect Froo. Anderson \0. ooHFiKLi.) Noirrn. Mm. .Snmuid Auli and uhildron rotiirnud on Wednoutlay from u. tljrou wooku Wait to friBiidH in Dotroil and Ann Arbor and to parents at YipHilnnti. Thoy ulim upunt a few days with a Hintor, Mrn. Owou Mulvoy, oF Windsor, who has hoou hud up with blood pomonhitfi but in recovering, I'unnorH '":o you want' rYioiwy at 15$ por :oiit.? If no write, A. G. Bakor Lotiimn^. ton, Out. Tonus of paymonb of principal to suit, horrowut'H, GESTO. Mr. W. Homo, of Windsor, was iu GoHto on Sunday. Lnwynr JtoUd, of Windnor, spent Sun day in Gfuto. Minn Adclla Hodd iu viaitin^ lior uiiitor at KlmutL'ftd. Mr. titnith ocoupiod the pulpit horo on Sunday hint. Mrn. Blight culled lior fririnds together laHt wutik for a rut; boo. Mrn. Itodd haH gooo to JHImhtoad to vinit her daughter. Mra. Auiitiu. ELMSTI3AD. ". Mr. mid Mrs. IIurnt woro visiting in town-Sunday. Mr, Stovor ptiid Elmatoad a tlyin^' visit Tilouday laot. Mr, ami Mm, Iko Ilo^oru .are vihitiui; frioiidH in liollo Itivor. Mm, AuHiin in vory low, hut wo hopo nlio will uoon rucovor. Mihh Taylor of Elms toad was viiiitin^ a fow dajH in Dotroit. Mr. and Rlro. Martiudalo vinited Mioh Taylor laut Sunday. - - Guluo J[auisuo woo visiting hia dautjhtor,. Mth, Maiuouvillo, of Elradtoad, Friday Juut, Fanners do you wunt monoy at & par coi)t7 If uo write A. G. Hakor Loaminf,' t';n, Out. Tormn of payraoat of principal to suit borroworu. ULi<ORlX . What muium that bi^ amilo on John Jilford'ii fapoV Why ita another hoy, to bu HUl'U. Mrii, Uobort Tlioman in on thu ninlt lint. Mr. and Mm. Jjoihh GilloLt havo coin- mnnuod hoii'io-koopiiif,' noai- Hwuntman'tt mill. licthol Sunday Kuhool wan ro<orfjamzud hint Sunday by Kov. G. W. Kunnatty. Mr. JauioH Saltoc wau (ih;otod impurinttfudun t of tha Huhool which opunu uoxt Uuuiluy at ono o'ulook. Mi.nlda ZaytU U about to roturn tc hor homo uoar Bt, Thotnaii, A HltJigliinf; party ot about twonty-tlv<i of our you iu: folkn uurpritiod thu Valudo family at thoir homo uoar Broadwnlln'H briokyard nno ovotuu^ laroly. Gamon and othor amutiomontn woro tho ordur of thw ovoiiin^ until a lato hour, uCtur wliioh a lunch wan imrvtiu -and all departed for homo with ronowftid friondnhipu and woll plouHod with tlio ovtiniuti'it otit'ortainmont. A lar^o quantity of iou ban houu pitolu-d away thiu wintor by rooidoiita of this vioiuity. A box aocial, in aid of Bothol Suudtiy School wan hold at the reuidunoa of Mr. Janioii iVlaiion laut WodnoHday oyomun. Ovor elovau dollarn wan realized. MAIDSTOM. Mrp. Wrn, Audornon, of Chatham, is viBituifj rolativoa horo tlu wook. Moadamoa G. Patillo and Martindalo, of Puce, called on Mm, LI. G. Arnald, jr., ou Monday. Mr. Thou. WlnUon i preparing to oroct a lar^o barn. Croft Broe. tiavo tho aoutruot. Mina Vj. Ouellotto, of W*udflort aaJ MeiiHru. IJau and Jaa. Ouollotto, of Verokor, wore tbo ijuubtQ of Rlrw. II. G. Aruald, Hr-, on Saturday. COTTAM. A numbor of tho peoplo of Cottam and vicinity, took a drive ono availing laut woek to Deputy-Beove Helhio'a whorii thoy partook'of an oioellont oyHtor Hiippor. A very ploaaant avoning wan apout. Such social ^atherin^a abould be oncouragod au thoy dhow u. kindly footing and holp to roliovo the raoootony of tho lone wintor ovecintin in trying to civo otherii plcftnuro. David MoKoraio, now onqineor for a firm in Detroit, but formerly of Goaliold North, boiug tho flrot sotthr on tho 8th oonooRgion, oallod on hia daughter, Alrfl. Swootmau, and other friondH laut wook. Ho looks hoarty and woll, talked about hia oarly HOtdoraouc in thobuah.'and how ho hud to wadu through tho water to roach North Kidco, Ho waid that ho attondod every meeting of council until ho $(ot a road opouod, Waa. McCain and ^onan Orton being ltoovo and Dopufcy.Rattvo. HOUTLI VVOODBLEK. MiBii UyaD, of Chatham, iu viitiug AIiuh OindA Wilcox. Mins Alliaon hast recovered and iu at hor place in tho pout office. Kuv. Mr. Ayors in 0011011011 to tho liouno with an acute attack of inflammation , Tho Muthodiat choir took part in an on* lortainment in U10 Dutch tiuttloment Wdd nciiday night. W. S. Cummifnrd loft on Monday to at tend tho funeral of hid brothorin-laW,." an . McAIhutor, of Hartford, Mioh. Simon Hogan hau dispoHod of liiu liyory iind stock and haa loaood hiu woll known hotol for five yoara to John HaUtead, of Harrow. C. S. Hanoa, formorly of thin place, but, now looutod at Blind Ktvor, AlijomiL, in upending a fow dayu with hin parantn and frionda. C. W. Hancock, owing to tho illnoHH of Menard. Ayera and Galloway, lod tho nor- vioeo both morning and eyaning laut Suu- day, in a very aide manner. Pat Murphy baa gone to Detroit to take a vocal coumo with Harold Jarvia. Many frionda will bo glad to loam of thin ntop and foel that ancoeus in anro. Tho Rov. Mr. Galloway wan to have given two educational normouii oa Sunday last, but owing to thu ilhiaas wai not ablu to come. If health pormita ho will ho with uh next Sunday. Thoro io a rumor that Doputy-Kuoyu Duwhirat, of Rochester, haa not cho proper quulilieutiouii to aifc at that bouril, and that Htupa aro to bo taken to have him unaoatcd, Johu tmya ho will load the inatigatora a merrv ohaao beforo they got through with him, if audi ia tho eaao. BItOOICEtt, W. Brookor haa bcon drawing Btoao for tho purpose of putting up a barn iu tho apring. A party of ohildron from Enyox attoudod divino iiorviofi in tho Baptiat oliuroh lust Sunday. Mr. Bona, formerly of the towiihne of Gaafleld and Koohoator, hau moved on to the Honuman farm. Wm. Millan'i Bintor-iu-law, while living at hia pluao, iu uuffaring with a oauosr. Our friond und Hchooltoaqhor, Mr. Jolly, will, proaoh in tho Mothodiut oliuroh horo on finuday next. Tho poop'o h*ro aro apparently glad to boo tho llnu dayp onco moro as a largo orowd wau out to ohuruh Sunday lanfc. It is generaUy bliovd that Mro. Biroh will rooovor from hor reoont uttaolt of par* aivtiia an she latuly folt puina in her ratal- yzod *rni. A party of frionda from Woodaloo nad vioiuity flpeufc a vorv plena not vcningat tho homo of Mr. Oban. MoAfoo last Thuru* day eveumg, fche ooobiii Mr. MoAfeo' birthday. A very pleatmnt aooiiil iy*ui. g W$itt apout, KINGSVILLE. O. Granior, of Whoatloy, mado a llyihj* viuit to Kiiigavillo Saturday, '" Tho Mottawaa niwor pipe ia being ox- touded 200 foot farther our, in tho lake. Mr. Ghriitmaa and wife, of Detroit, ar vniting with hor parents Mr. aud Mru. TIioh. Wiglo. Theliuday and good aleighing brought out tho largOHt orowd aeon iu Kioguvillo in many a day ou Saturday. A rumor got afloat that Davo Wifilo'n farm hud boen puronaHod by one or two of our townspeople. Wo aro prepared to ntate, I)OF7*ver, that tho donl haa fallen through. No doal ia yet mado. At tho South Kddox fruit groworu' moot ing, whiqh waa hold Saturday, Wattoia Coataworth wto appointed dologatc to tho annual mootiug of tbo Niagara District Fruit Groworn' Stock Co., Ltd., mooting, which waa hold at' Grimsby, on Tuoo. day. Fobrmiry 2f>tk, At the litorary entertainment in aid of tho Mcobauioft' Iuatituto, which waa hold in tho towu hull Triduy oyemn, a largo numhor woro proaent. Tho debate, "Shall frannhiao bo extuudod to women?" was vory ably handlad, and of couruo the women won. Dr. Jonnor, Janpet Golden, and U. V. Clomonta woro on the affirma tive and Alex, Buchnor and W, A. Smith on tho cogativo. Tho oommittoc docidod that tho liftlrmitiivo produced tho boat points. Tho following persona fur- uinhed tho musical and othor part of tho ontoriainmout' Duot, MiBtadi Anua and Gracio Wiulo; rccitution, Mian Brown; aolo, Miioter Jimmy Eogoan; inatrumgntu], aolo, lUiaa Graaio Wiglo; All tho partioi- pantH roooivod hoarty onooroa. Tho entering wodgo of a fatal complaint Jooftnn a alight oold, which a done or two ot Ayor'ii Cherry Feotoral might havo oured at tho oommenaomont. Thoroforc, It ia advlsablo to havo ibis prompt and euro romudy ulways at hand to moot uu euoov- ^orioy. Tho lato Henry Blown, wliuco dauLli 00- curod at hin homo, in MaidHtutu: lownuliip on tho '.;6th una., iui noted in lunt wooU'h Fiii-;k i'Jir.HH, wan one of tho carlmt iiottlorti in Muidiitour.* towiu-tliip, Ho wan Ijomi in ^ow Hiunpahirti, Hng- haul, in 19HJ, iiijtl enrno to Ciiniidn, wttn hin fathor# when hut u boy, and idiortly afterward ucHlud in Muidatouo. Hiu iath(/r'H family of children coniprind ono brother, who wan aftorwarda tlrowued in Jjuke Jirm'. and two aiitiira, one of whom !iiarri<Kl Edward Rc.xlnn, and died a num hor of yourn uj;o; the othf'r nmrriiid Honry Hiclui and nt til| living, with linr.iion, Niuhohui, at tlio old Hicka liomt'ntcad. Mr. Ktowe'n father lived to thu great age of ono hun dred yearn.fiid ten tuonthn. Tho Htihjnnt of Una aketch, had (Ivo aorut and lour duughtcrH, marly all of whom, with hin widow, aurvivo him. Thcro aro alno twenty.thrte crundchildron,. Tho bona are Halom, William, llonry Mini JiiruM', nil of M:tidKtone, and Clinrloa, of.Siindwich Sonlh; the daughtera, Mra. Wiu, Hollaway, decoHHOd, Mm. Tho*. HoUaway, Mm. M, Xtourlce, and Mrs. II HtoveuH, BRIDES AND BRIDEGROOMS SHOULD REMEMBER I'! Barrett & Co.'s, A J. BANKRUPT STOCK STORE. That your brother,- if ho bo Hlupjlo and of KUltublu ago', Hhouhi--uo'chosen aa hodt nmn against nil otlusra That (ho fniit that oars run all nltfht, loon not warrant you In prolonging yoai tay until pant midnight That tho junior momhnrH of tho family may give you valuabln polntora an to tho inily lift) of your Intended. Tlmt wo(l(]lii(,'-ea^o 1m no longer aon( idiom, but la packud In souvenir boxes, kne huhiK provldtul forimoh guortt. That lovo in n oottagola a jioot'a dream Hid not In U with a modern ateam- lioiUud flat In a quiet neighborhood. That a widow ahould roinovo lior flrnt wedding ring, aa tho woaring of It can not but bo painful tii tbo brldegr>oni,------ That all public dlnpluy or atfoctlonnU nature upon tho part of ongagod young pornoiiH nhould bo noduloiisly avoidod. That tlio law, whllo it- inulata that thd luihhund fihnll Hupport tho wlfo, loavofl to lilin tho option of how and whoru. That if you do not intond to givo up tho pleaauroa and naqoclutlona of bachelor hood you hud hotter rumain single. That wlion all algna aro lacking, port. ar.v, RUiilo.", cabman, hotol olurka and othora, dotoct the bride by lior now shoos. That you n.UHt bear tho Infliction of tho ohaporon yot a littlo while. By and by you will bu cluiporon youraolf. That iit tho outKot of mnrriod llfo tho prlmdpal item of expense ts the ront, hiuv-v on it will ho the outlay for yhooa. That a woman In Tin moro likely to bo proud to' lenni that her husband haa a pant than ho would ho to hear thai) of hoi\ ~~7 tTliut it 1m tho duty, according to social law, of the brldo'H family to furnish wedding enrdw, cnrriiigoa and tho wed ding foant. That it la quite iioaaiblo for a younpr couplo to ho very fond of each other without committing tho tdlghtoat olTotiao agaliiHt good taato. That modern nodal nango docrooa that woddlng prOHontB mny bo sont at nny time within two months before tho day of tho ceremony. That cloudH aro auro to obaouro thu- honeymoon If each of you havo married under tho mlatukun lmpreHtdon that, tha othor has money. That It Ih bettor to farogo tho bridal tour If your funds aro low, and thua atart marrlod llfo out of dobt and w(th your thlnga all paid fur. That.a widow ontorlng again tho atato of matrimony should noc bo attondod by hrUloamaids; nolthor Rhall sho woar a veil and orange blostiouia. That a in all broth orn and alatorH should novorho aonc Into tho parlor to entertain "Goorgo" whilo yon aro putting tho flniahing touohqa to your tollot. That It Ih not bad form for you to give your proapootlvo huaband an ongagomont ring, A littlo extr(a jowolry in tho houflo may oomo In handy hoiiio day. That a prnotloal knowtodgo of the dfl- talln of houaukoopliig In aa oaeontial to tho wife who can afford Horvnnta aa it la to cho Hlinmr of a poor miiii'ii lot. That if yon aro not proparod to nsmimo all the roHponaibllitloa of wifehood you bad hotter remain alnglo, bocomo a now woman and lootura on woman'a rights. That It ia oxpootodof tho mother of the brldogroom to Invito tho proapootlvo hrldo and hor family to a formal dinner Immodlatoly aftor tlio ongagomont la an* nouncod. That it la not iihfjoutely osaentlal thatn young man nhould now wild oats. It haa novor boon hold that auoh lndulgonoo Is nocoaflary to make a good wlfo of n young woman. That tho girl who alta in tlio parlor and alngfl "Who will caro for mother nowY" whilo tho old lady la doing tho family washing will provo ft groat Uls- ppolntmout to u poor man, SOM E SUPERLATIVES. Tho hoaviost metal \u platinum; tail Hghtoat, potansium, Tho latter will float on tho nurfaco of wator Uko a ploco f oorlc. Tho moat porfoot ooho In tho world Is mid to bo that at Shlploy, In HuHsoy, South England. It will ropont twenty- ona nyllahlon. Tlio anialioat republic Id Mo to snot, IU territory aomprluaa two and one-third M^uaro miles, and It hna 1,000population. Tho oldoBt bonnet waa found upon uu Egyptian mummy, that of a prluoeea who waa Interred! about 000 yean baton EVFIl sinco iho arriviil ol our Tilsonburg stock our htore \ui\i been crowded from monniny nrj- til niylit witli ouHtnrnorti anxiona to .secure the JiiMiilrodH of barguiiu; vtu are now oiVoriny in tlio following linen: Dress Goods,Trimmings,Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Towelings, Cot- . tonades, Shirtings, In fact overytliing in Dry Goo'la, "(.'Jothing, HooLa aud fllioca, Hats and Caj)fl and fnriijHhingH, An we arc bound to convert thin .stoclc into cash in next tz>J-^zi^ JL jl J /ra- ju k_> Wo would invite tlio close cash customers and examine the to call Extraordinary Values wo arc ofVcring in every department. Having bought the greater portion of our etock ai- a rate on tbo dollar, and selling as wo do for cafih, places us in a position to . . UNDEKSELL, Those who aro doing a credit business. OTXR. dVCO'T'TO: Ono price, (and that ono tbo lowoat in Town; and courteous troatmont to all in -what you can expect at , Barrett & Co.'s, THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MEN. FublJO Hcliuol Report. Niuu Williara'H room, Jr. Ill oluna, marltH ponniblo C>0; obtained by hicheot ton; Mary Thornton -11, daraon Domau -1-1, Carl Gorrnloy -13, Edna Ellsworth 3fi, Jiuiou HiohH 34, Mmnio Fite 33, Ocrtio Voanjj 33,'Ernil'y Btacoy 3a, Rotta OicliH 32, Thco. TaKzaraan 32. MiHfl CrauHwollor'o room, eonior part II, marku vosMiblo (iU; obtained by hiRhflHC tou: A. Hiokti -i8, t, Wortluy 40, A Edgar -to, L Locko -13, H Coll -i3, TX Gardaor -10, C Hal! 38. J EuHtuoo 38, M Biddick 30, J MoMprray 31. Minn Hall'fl room, marks pOHHiblo 25; ob- taino.d by biphoflt nix: M Hall "25, S Brown 21. Vinoont Mnuroo 20, Earl llauuan 15, Myrtle JDolmoro 14, Wilfred Barth 14. Mian Bhaw'H room, nonior part necond, marlcfl poeoiblo CO; obtainod by higboat ton; F Hiokfl 00, E May 46, It Uowar 44, E Beatby 41. W Cottel 3B. W Bato 38, R .HoaaorBon 36, G Parkor 34, G Laird 2C, J SiKJon 23. Mihh Aibohivon'B room, noarko poaeiblo GO; ohtaiccd by hifiheat 10; junior aud Intorniodiata aeconJ cUas: H BauRhmau 48, M IluBb 47, L Trowin 4, M Dqlmore 46, fil Hallnm 4G, R Soaro 44, A Staaoy 44 A Oaroy 43, E DoGow 42, M Banfthmau 43. 1 H BOOK Of- U'rE. OuTimimT At Oamp Palmor, ou Tuesday, Fob. 25; to Mr. and Mra. John Cuthborfc, son. Awkw--At Kaaox, on Hnn^ay, Fob. 33, to Mr. oud Mra. Harvey Ailon, a, daMghtor. Joiiin Atrocuntaoh, on Friday, Fob. ai, to Mr, aud Mrs. Panl Jobin, a sou. Noblk At BoHtoa MillHi Pool Co., ou Wedneaday Foby, 2flth, Mary, raliot of tbo lato Richard Noble, aged 34 yoarw, Dooomifld waa tits mother of Mrn. Wm. Ohuroh, of thin plaoo. Impoverished blood oaoBoa that tirod fooHiif,-- Hood's BMruapardla purifiuH, ou- riches and yitahzeii the blood' aud givea vijjorand vitality. ' a Healed book iit a vlilting liour, lifiM i;over iifn.'iii.'d L>* :i uiiscoi) power, 1: i'.-h, leui ciii'iMcil In clinsi'n..place. ')ii \cldrh ilu* rjnp'i';. uf Tllno amy toacc, ,\llll Jintf (lit filll* Utlhlllll'fi [)11KL'H. Kur <IayH mid wcoUh. 11 ml. tor montli and aiiua. in HiiL'H'of Iory, gold jind hrljiht, In words of sorry, ulii and ulj,'lit, In jicucilhirl rnys of hud and bloom, In darkened blind oh of du.uh and doom, . Alii Tho book of Llfo, how its. covorlntfK HWt'll How ltn pHKo Loom nijd.jjlowhip toll 1 r many achomoa of Joy and prhlo. i->i" .sadiloned lionrH wlion loved ouch died, *i' flowirt'M, of fumi', of fliiHli flnniico, or in/urs wlit'ii wltulu'K (llnu and dance, "( ulciims of ahtry, frotli and fnme, or ipiler life, wlili lovo Aflame, Of rolllekimr and royntorlng days, ' of-JlirhtH irnlorc and Ijiiu-ph ublazp, 'Jf Jollity and jocund lioni'H, *>f final, fading, wiibiIiib powora, * T iiiipt?H. of promise*, knowlodni'. need, -r pulsing heurtti that throb and blood, "f plaints and pains, of toll ami strlfo, All tlicAo luive phico In Tlio hook oe XAtn. 1'.iit tlio pnncH fair as they ench unfold, ' 'hronlf.'lo miinos of aonlti both bought and Hold. Of Iilfsshitffl Hhowured In. honven'a niime, of sliow. of HadnosB, shi and Hhamo, of war and woe, of right nnd wrong, of voices low, of gleetul song, Knidi written down and duly weighed 111 -olden lines and darkened sliudo. ' t I'liltt Hook of Life that In to be, ojumih for rooord full nnd free, , nf deeds and dolnus day by day, i 01' (.Nitiiln^ Time, along tlio way, i or mixed unfolding^, ntorlod briefs, '> 'f contradictory boilers, ? of nnisle, medlnco and mirth, f hojtow, sadneoy, woaltli aud wortk, of UlHiippolntnii'iitH, deep and nore, )f nweot fruition well In utoro, Of birth, of inarriiigo and of dentil, or birthright Joys, enrt.i.H fading broatta, Of Htrifou to nobly live und dlo, Of faith imbUme in Ood 011 high, Of pouanee dlro for doed and crime, Of deep rob rots' for wasted time, : t>f broken ties and bllyhted yoara, '* Of furrows mado by fallen tears,. This Book of LI'c thua page, by pflgn, ,\\*lll storlou tell from 'youth to age, ; ' 'nun crndlti duytj to nn open tomb, From scenes of Joy to thoso of gloom, t-'rom tloods of lovo and loyal iinmo, From wayn, orroi% toll and hlnnie, From BldoH onc> bright to whctmlnjr cloud. From songs of joy to mournhigH loud, I-rotn momorles snd to lighter .vein, . From turnings back to Joys again, Oh, a wondorful thing; la tho.Book of LbtV Filled with womlora raro, yot rlfo, Ulled wlth.ploasnut song and atory, Filled with sickening flights and gory. Filled with frjppory, folly, fuu, tilled with duties left uttdono, Filled with lienrtfl with Joy aglow, _^, " I-Hied with sorrow, sin.und woo, "^ Ff Hod but tho Book will uover fill, And only at Wa Mokor's Will,. Who then ulinll oloee this Book of Llfo T Thoso OHlorlod loaves of worldly strlfo ? Tlie&o notlngs full of passing hours? Tbuao tuleo of growing,- fmllug powora 7 . TIioho 1uh'(W uuco hold hi high ostuto 7 , .v TIu-ho. wimfs rehearse of Tlmo nnd Fate 1 ' ^ 1 iw-Ho tolls and trliimphsM noted down 7 ;-V?-$ "i uoHo frouks of fortune and of frown 7 , 'i>a .Those pages binrrod with fulling toara 7 Tituuu L.ro Itoou noteJt of 1'uaslug Years 7. This Hook which will ho closod-and hchIin}; Till tho Ureut Creator stands revealed. Xho bedy m?t b* wall uoariihid noiiit to prevent gickness. If yoar appiit is. .,;;' poor take Hood's 8arap*rilU. ' $&. - ' ""y'ry-^-M x:wM 'J "I". .: V';. ':'\ I'.' V^r%^ ' ' ,.Ti . , i -^-^i^ -"'-"' \f- \-:!->\<^rr-^:^^