' X' VMfe fe^MBJKA KECK- f*KN Peck's Mid-Winter IT IS NOW ON. Furnishings, Ladies' Coats, Caps,9Furs; Overcoats, Ulsters, Beefers,lSiiitR. Hats NOW REDUCED FROM 1-2 to.l-4"below the Regular Prices J. O. PECK, The Modern Clothier and Men's Outfitter. SANDWICH AND OUBLBTTK STREETS. WINDSOR. ***^*- 'SOCIAL PERSONAL John hamu. iu in Torouto on a buaineBa brtp thiti woolt. - Mtafl Lena JQLiaka roturuod to Walker* Villo on Wodiiowday. MiFio Bertha Youu wau at hot homo in Maiden on Sunday. Mr a. Ida Hicks callod on triendu in town on Thursday, Mihb Gortie llofjan, Woodflloa, callod on $5naox friouda on TuoHday. fcf. C. ft. Agout Stimorfl wao in St- tthomaa on basinesa on Monday. Mr. Barrett, ct tho turn Barrett A Co. look a buBineHH trip oaut thin week. Mm. Wm, GoHnoll iri iu Laford, M'ch., attending the oiok bed of a oiuter. Rev, J, C. Tolmie, of Windsor, wan tho go out of Rov. W. M. i.1 loming yohterduy. Mian Anna IUohardiion, of Detroit, ia VlaitiuR her, unolo, Mr. \V. n. Richardaon. Mies Flo A da mo, Windaor, was the guost if Mrs. Jau, May for a fow dayH thio wook. Miun B. Robimion ontortainod a. nurubor Of horyounnt; frionda on TuoBday ovoning. Mr. A. L. Blackburn, of Detroit, iipent a f*w days in town with hia frioud, W. F- Jliokfl. Midq Liydia Hoatou, of Harrow, ia upend ing a fow weeks at the borne of her annle, J. A. Hoou. Mr. and Mra. W. Manoon, of Amhorofc- burc, apont laut Sunday tho tfaeat of Mra. A. J. Wilcox. Mian C. L. Soarff, who has boon viaitinc her brothar, returned to hor homo in Wood* Itook on Tharuday. Mihej Flo Smith who uponb tho past lie von mnatlm with Mra. J. A. Rose, left for Bermuda, on Saturday. Mrs. W. H. RiohardRon accompanied by MtUM Anna Itiobardoon aro upending a fow dayu with frionda in Tilbury. Jae. Oliver now of Wmdiior, yirau in town on Saturduy Lint, abating hands with hia many old timo frioudo. Frank Green and family will oooapy tho houao noon to bo vaoatol by Mr. IIoDdor- oii, who will movo to Windoor about Mrch 1st, Maseru. J. M. 8Wort and J. II. Nioboluon who are attending tbo Detroit Medical Collude, buitut Saturday and Sunday with ttiead* in town. tiii: i s. win .<> ir ii.om;. V[>|iuri'inly 1 lit'j lti'*<- *<> ItirllM-i* line fa* Mir <(.Hilr 4'niMtK <>? 4'amula \\ u-hiiiKim. 1'i'b H Mr (Mile ki'rlnc ,. n ^iniM. fit i in lln- i ouMiiil lei- on Itull- \-, ,i ml i'ih.iIh. \*i dii\ i i-jjui leij to tin* ii.n-i- lil-. lilll pi d\ uliiii; lui u-n i-rtnliiin^ I,,- |. .isi 1)11i(j iiixl pmi),ili]i- rosi of ruii- mhiIiil' it hlilp L-niiiil iioin tin1 tfrt'iit liilvi'H . tin- 1 iinKuii 11 i % *' l* Tin' piKpohi'd 4Ur- ii \ is in bt. iii.mIc nnili'i iIm- dln-t'tlini nt Hi. si-, [flnr> ul Wiir. uiul ^-T>*i.ihmj Is U|>pro- ,.i i in (1 for I'vpwiM *i i OM-ltCSt I'llllMl I I OUT. . il \ I hi* fur Hi- Mi-iind' a Tree HUvov < olimut* MilwiltiiU'. w lOiintfioii. ri'ii li- iij a Mite of 1*1 a tliu .,11. I I'lM lllUHJlt t Wil W'IM'liS, (ll'fllllMl Unit w nil lit no I i-uiiciii' ill Uic SiMi.Hi-S fM'fl mm i.uliiiiKi sulctitiiir' for llit* bill of the 'isi- ;tnl lioi I/.I ii^ li'md-, uhI lo ii in In tu In i M'ol<l i CM'i vi- '.all'-, of I misury ri'i'tl- it. , to iii> .'i i'iii|iiii.ii,\ il< il< lenc.v of ro inn' ami prii\lii?njr additional rr\i*mii' for i' 'Iii'iisillj NollihlU Wm WHi pll'si'lltt'll the ioiirnf of tin \i\f liuilis' hr.iHlolt. l!lls TBt.tHI* U l^ l\ I.KIUM' MC'U. It. I'll lull I [ HWO.ii'H) Ulilcli llml liven ^loli'it t-roni tin- OntrliiiHl lliprmu. >i\> rnini'iilo, C'ui.. lY't) M Joint I*. liar- n .-ii-. a iranip, r>0 >imii-m old. who. hy UIh own r uiif'^sloii, ni'iniTiil o\i*r Slid,(too i'i,n was lililihMi hy tnilu-roblHTH a year .IV, ! lockul Up 111 till' Jllll 111 tlll fit 1 iii motiiliH lu' lias hi'iMi IIWii^ In San 1'i'iui i s< o on tin' fin of Ihi' laml from llit< prn i i-i-iis of tin niDiu-y tiikcji from tin* ii\cr- I mil i X|ir->M mar Km laiiii-nto by J at U l!iail\ ami r.iounllitf ovi'f a >f,ir ai;n The pltrfouur lias tnniL'il mi'i $8HO.j to 111*' pollt-o. MUX ULKi; II HOT I'OU HI UV4 lie in < hariii-iJ >i uti Hirntiim ijiioeo uordi of *Uohl From a Ilun'iilo ^luri*. iiuffulo, N V., I'Vb, 11 -v\ Jm-y wnsilrnwii lo-ilai fur tliu trial of Frank UmiiH, nhv v\ us uiri-siL'il a inontli ii^-o In Hamilton, Out , on thi' i'Ihu'KC* of iiililjliif; Scllli'ulib'r'M wwrlrj htort' In n* of $ I ."ii n J w.rth of (,'ulU. Two of ItuniH' I'onff Ui-ruti'4 who were ai M'jjii'il In this i-lly \^ill tustir> iiKalimr him 4 '-ni. Vtull I>11 Out Leioy, N.Y., Fob. 14. The north Hide 01 tin- mall houhe of W. D. Mutthewa A^ t1unii)tiny of Turunto, foil out yas- lurday. carryInu with It about 10,000 IjubIh*1s of malt. Am the accident oc- furifd whi|e the entln* force of em ployes weiu at work, the bulk of tho mah wuh imvL-d. T1m> I'allH In Worliliia Ordi'i- AqhIii Mu^nni. ralla. N.Y.. 1'vb. 14 The wind tu-iltii IniH I'hiinttril to tin1 HuutliwoHt, and is blouhiK I In* water down the river anil o\cr the fallH, tin* n'siilt bi'inK that the wati'i" Is 7 lu 8 Inrlu's Ucepi-r tlnui jeHter- 'l.ty. _____ A <ritlra(I Oriirri'c<*. ciihiiK". l">'b. 1*1. John, iilliin 1'atny, Ilar- ils was liaii'.'i'il here tu-ilay for ih> iniinler i,i Mai hew Spnii'll, uhieli oi-eunvd In Ci'oi-.'Wom a Juljr J, 1805. Doih iTicii wi-re ( (i,uh il. . Utio (-4 T^ilH UlUa Ward ' Mont' Cnilo, Fob. 11. A quantity of ji-wehi heUnit'lnK to Mls W \rd an ViiiiT.i an, have h^en Htoiep up.nlnuntfi in u hdtt'l here. Cm her Vi til llll'l fOIHIIIi'l* * I"* .' r.m elona. Feb. 14 Furth'T n-'n- li.M eiiientji to the number ol -IN' ti- *. .? dolled fioni thlb port for cub.i to-u i,y Ilood'i FillH booomo the favorite oathar. tie with all who uuo thorn. Ail drtt^jiHU But). ' TO GET PROPER ARMS At Last tho Government Gota So mo Sense, SEES THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY Or" 11 urine Muteiixlnr UlllfM In tlm llumlu or lint -t'uliuilluli SnilHii 'I'lif. iUit- fluiMi liml H.'M ItntteirlrM \%Ul ANii Iln\*) lliulirn uiiiih lu E'liliiiri-. Ottawa, Feb. ifi, Tlie nimomieeinent maih, two or throo weclcii a^o tlmt the CiiiVorniui'iit bad about derided to pur chase -IDOD Htiuid ol Murtlni-Knllelfl rl- Ib-'i ii'tl tn nn olllibil litatt'iii'-nt frtmi the iMInl.ti'i that no d.'Unite eoiiclu- Mioii had In en ri-aehi-il. Tlie oilh'hial Htateinent, howe\er, liad the eli'ect of (leinunHtiatfnic the Htrunir feeling ex- tMlntf throiiKhotit the eoimtiy in favor ul' tin udoptlun of a iimjM'/.liie rllle, uu opP(1Ht'd to a tilriKb' Hhot wntpon, and I hear on ijood unlhorlty tlnit a nui- Kuzlne rllle ban now hi en decided upon. Whether the weapon chose will be the Li-e-Aletfnid or the Lee-Knflehl (the dili'ei^nce between Which Uch (inly In KI'dovIhk, both wenjionii tiLklnc the .-aine bullet, that Is a .SU.'l), h.ui not yet ti aiihplird,"T;ut "in whntf\rr action the (Joveininent talteii, It will he tfiiid.-il by tin- advice of the Imperial authoi ttten. Cfiinrnuiileatioii.s have recently l>een rc- (lived from C-'ol. Lake, (.JuartermaiUer- tb-neial, at prom nt In linuland, who ^|M'aUH In hltfh It i-iiim of thr aMididance which the War (Ullce and the Nur^e iluiirdu an' roiwlei Iiik to him. It tran- pire.H that tin* purcliaMe ul a rllh Is of the Cmcrimu'iit'a 1 uiiey re^ai dlnK- the militia. The must niodrin LMiuipmeiit in the nhape of bl^ , hm.s 1h to lie procureil for KarrlHun iiml Held baltcrlen. and poh.sibly a Hup- piy of MaKlm-Nordeiifi hit kuiih. The total app'opi'iation which rurllament will be atiked to vote will be in the vicinity of three million dollars. Strong- reiirei-K-ntatUinH nie belnK made to the Government to place a n-venue cutter on U.C. waterH for the previ'titiun of HinimKlhif; and the pro- t'-i-tlon ol the valuable lislirrles owned by the UonilnUin. Col. l'rinr has the matter In hand and is ln-tn^ stronprly Ii.li ked up by hhs felluw nienibcrH frutn rrilMi Columbia. As a preliminary tep it is eXpei ted tll.lt when the Do- minitjii htramer (juadia g*ii'M into cam- mi'-sion in the spring .she will be lilted out like the llHln-iy criii.serH on the At lantic count. Hitherto the Government steamer in Pacific watem has been al together unarmed, a condition that In undejdrablc Hhould nhe be iciiulietl for police duty anywhere alun^ the con at, A Hhort time ago cntla^HeH and Ilotch- kl.is rlfley wuru Hcnt out by the depart ment liero and tho crew arc to be ln- btiucted In their uhc. Uehldi'H this, It I', undeistood that a nine pounder ri lled mu:;zh*. loading gun aimllar to thoHe used by the Canadian Field Unt il lies i.s to be mounted un a pivot "on the Quadra'H ih ck. This gun could be used if neceHsary for signalling and bringing to vessels suspected of smuggling and would, It is exp-cted, overawe them II lln-y feel disposed to offer ai.y ieu!sLance to ur- rent. Such an equipment hn-s at times bt'iMi found neeet-sary In At lantic waters, especially a short time ago, when tin whl ^Uy smugglers on the Lowci' Mt. Ijawn-nce were giving the dtitliorlth s conslderahh tioublo Hitherto In ltrltlsh Columbia waters there h is not been shape of an armed when the waihhlp^ port. An ellort Is being made tn Induee the Dominion ' iov.-i nineiit to transfer tho nine lepei k now held In re.-,Lr ilnt In lirlti'-li Columbia, lo the new lamrt-tto iccently eri cted at a cost ol SHU,000 at Tiacadie, N.1J. In this institute there are nine male and If! ti-male patients Three d'h*d dining the past year. For many years Ur. A C. Smith has been in charge of tins liu-iMUitiun. Regard ing the result of his e.\pei letuv with leprous patients, he says: "No real cure lor leprosy has yet been discovered. My piedeees^or. Dr. Nhhohon. and aftei him myself have treated .several of our lepers with colored watei, to see. If the lulluence oL' the mind over the body would ea.u.s, ;l ciiange, and In every Instance it did so. For a time all oymptoms of the disease were In abey ance, and there wasu decided improve ment, but, of course, only for a time, and it seemed to me that the disease made up for loat time afterwards." Mr. Karle, M.P., whose Mini has two sailing vessels In commission hi the waters of the Pacific, received word yesterday that nearly all vtw-els of the Victoiia Hi nt have left poi t to take part in the coast catch. They will meet the Heals off the coast of California, a& far south as San Diegu, and follow them up the coast north until May 1, v. hen the close season commences The fishery protection service last year experienced considerable trouble with evasions of the law by licensed vessels Hying the Star.s and Stripe*. Their practice was to buy supplies and halt in port as entitled to, and outside the three-mile limit transfer them to unlicensed American ves sels. A clause will be added to the modus Vivendi licenHc making s-uch practices an offence rendering the of fender liable to confiscation. toimfvio i.ieai.v manj thing in the vt ssel lor use Weir .iway from Objrrf t l>e Ifcrlmrrcul IVnin llrprcnrntu- tlnn in limine ihr Minn! KiuiidtirilH Toronto, Feb. 17. The prain section of the Board of Trade met on Saturday to protest against the proposed action of debai- ring Ontario and Quebec grain dealers irom representation on the board fixing Htuiifhirds for Manitoba wheat. Mr.Mc- Laug-hlln, chalmian, and Menrn. II. N. Baird, W. D. Matthews and John Ilrown addrosHod the meeting, and it wan unanimously agreed that the pro posed change will result in Injury to the trade. Mr. George A. Chapman was selected by the section an a del- gate to co-op&rate with the Montreal delegation In interests of eastern trade, and will leave for Ottawa to-nlcrht. Mr. C. B. Watts goes to Ottawa to re present the JDomlnlon MUIu'b' Aflsocla- tion._______________ .INfll.OYt HAD 'I.I:NTV OF HIIII'I'. Wl Up ll*'l lit Mni:urn lulla Hayliiu; 11 Wni Ton Toor n IEiiv HIpiIIiUip. Niagara Falls, N.T., Feb. 1G. A re- murkahle i-tory comes from Niagara FallH, Ont., or an Italian citizen named Andow of that place, who died there yikterday. 3Jo claimed that he wan too poor to buy medicine. After hia death It was found that he had over $U,r>00 on deposit in the Pofetofflco Ravlngti Bank, besides sundry Humn hidden about In \arlous parts of his houuo. Annlow was an unmarried man and a fihoe- niaker by trade. _____ I'i Mi-i'l In Mmitffiil. Montreal, Feb. IB. Tho Quftbqo Cabi net will meet here during a part at thin wook. Those Hlttln^ii of the Pro vincial IQxccutlvo wl\l be qulto frc- >.iunt hercttftor In the cnmrnaiclul mu- tropoliK. THE 1MK1AL HOUSE Sir William Haroourt Aftoi- John flodmond FOR ATTACKING THE HOME RULERS Mr. A J. IfuiroUl-'u OktluloM to Wliuu like |>K(ii-iimIiiiih Uvtw^eu Oi "r\v ^telltiiiu ian tin Ueilli'Vil Wr. Ui-ulj IiIiiiUh lEls in luyult/ in k.imiuii.i- Loiidon, Fell tll.-Iu Hie IIouuo or C<.imnuiui to-day the Atiglit lion. Jo- i.tph Clianiberlain, HincLiu-y of Htate fur the Colunle;, .aid, lu a reply to a cpu-iaion put hy Sli Ullu Aifnnu'jul- liartleu, thai only three of the ait- landers arnsinl In Joliainieiiburg and tulien to Iietun,i, weii- now In Jail at tin- latter place, and it wtui hia bell'.-f that IT any ol them were or yhould fall "ill they vvuiild lie nleaied hi a manner nlmllar to th.iL in which John Hays Ilimmond, thi Ann than mining eii- Kiiieer, uas h L :i i liheity. Jn view M the fact, hmv<.vi r, tliat the liejulry in to the caueii of the men arrested had been adjourned without date, he wan considering wli* ther it would not hi pi oper to Mil t,i st t^> the Trans vital Uoveriunent. that they be rel^asLd on bull. Mv. iJeorge X. Cui/.r)ii, J'aiTlamcn- try SecruUiy for Fun u;n Affalra, mi.de a atati tnent In regard to tho munll island of Trinidad, occupation of which hi now a subject of dispute between fiiviit llntaln and Brazil. It vii;, occupied hy Ureal Britain, he he said, in 1781, arid evacuated the fol- li.ulug year. Sub -ipiLiilly (lieat Bri tain r-occupied tlie island, after com munications on the subject had paa'i- ed between Knul.iwr and I'mLiigal. The fJuvrnmoil, Mr. ('ur/on i aid, htiti piopoied to 'uibmit the dispute uith Jha/.il o\'ei tin- occupation of tho Maud to arhittilh<u. Mr t'urzon, con- iluulng, said that tin Island of Trini dad had not been c d< d to Brazil when It was aljjuoned hy Crcat Kritaln, but to Portugal, lha'/.il had not at that time un Independiut exiHtencv. The ro- otrupation ol tin Island by England \.as not lhiHcd npnii the gnamd of her piivlons ur cupa l inn. but hu-iu^e. hav ing be<in abandonid for a century, tho I-land Ik-longed tn nobodv. The debate on the addrens in reply to the Speech from the Throne was te- nunied, the Hubjeet being the an)eml- mi'iit offered hy John lllllnn, member for lOast Mayo, declaring that the ab sence of a bill providing for the self- government of Ireland had aroused discontent among the Irish and In creased the dlfllcultles existing fn for eign affairs. Sir William Harconrt, loader of tho Opposition, said it was the belief of the Opposition that the discontent pre vailing in Ireland would not be extin guished until the demand ol' the Irish lor local self-government was satbi- fied. They would never cure the dis orders of many centuries unless they went to the root of the evil. The Gov ernment had said that they would nevi r grant Hume Huh. "Never," was a word which, in the Liberal Inter pretation was an unwise word, espe cially In the mouth of the cilice of Chief Secretary for Ireland, and he would advise the Chief Secretary to modify the e\^n sslou to "hardly ever." The future Ot Home lUlle, he naid, dij- P* mled much upon tlie eouise pur- : ii"d by the Ii ihh members. Home link- ceitalnly dl| not get a great deal 'd er.courageni"nt fiom Mr. John Hed- nmi'-h v, ho: e puliev Sli William said, iippeaied to be tu attach Ipime Uulerfl u l.el evei he found them (i 'i it s of Ik.ir. hear.) Sh William, continuing, i-nd th.it nothing: had- occuried to al ter the Ilouie Ittdi* policy ot the Op position and they continued to adhere therein as they had repeatedly declar ed. (Irish cheers.) Mr. A. J. Balfour said he believed that ulien the Irish ,u home ,uid abrjjad letihzeil that i'arllauient was sincerely and earnestly de.shuus of giving to Ire land a lull and generous measure of justice, a change of opinion would oc cur, removing at once and for all lime tin.' dissensions between the two nations. Mr. T. M. Heah-y, antl-I'nrncUlte, ad mitted his dMoyult> to Kngland. IT& had been sent to this Parliament to JC'cure the establishment of a native Irish Parliament and his endeavor, there for*-, would he to harass, attack and thwart In ovci-y way the policy of those who refused to giant Ireland Home Rule. tjei:i ititiv; <;ooi> >iom:v. I lie bhipiiKiit 0r r.iiijidinn llin-.iw to Ku<. * - - I'Uiil lo ii Hnrreu*. Muniieal, Feb. Hi.-tMr. \V. W.CraiK ncclvid a cable to-day htatlng that Maughan & Co. had sold over !)0 Canadlai! ho:.-, s, ex the Manltoban and Borderer. The prices ranged fiom i.2',1 to AIJ7 Via. The.-u horses were tnmi the vicinity of Owen Sound, In- gei-HoIl and (Jrangeville, Ont. Mr. Ornii* has also ahlppcd 10 moie by tlie British Queen, white the same ship, with the Borderer, will take over 51 hows bought by Mr. Sheridan in Voilt and Scaiboio. A Hl.lAAAtl.ir. HAN'H IIIEIMU In JTull ut llMiiiiitiiu for Atieuiptlus to Hold Dp a < Hl/en Ilninlltoii, Feb. 11. James Thoinpsoii, it Itelh'Wlle man, who urilvet! In the city yon- U'lilny, wan nrrfritril to-nluht for threaten- liar to shoot II. M. Aitlrtir of Vorlt-Htivet. Tlioiupiuu itecu-jted Aithur, who In un old mini, hsUIuk idiu for aioney, ami when the latter refiiMi'd, he drew hln revnlvur ainl pulled the irlctfur three timeti, hut It did not go off. The weapun contained ouu urlihlKi'. v m; iiKi.Nhwuii i,K*ia>4LATi;iti:. (^ovfiniuv I'muffu Hitffrli Fi'oni tlie T It roue Voliu mi ft Vt'tiiler 1'iirt. Frcderlctou. NMt., Feb. 1,1. The Provin clnl la'idHlalure wan opened thin afternoon hy tinveriinr Kraner with the uhuuI mili tary UlHpliiy. In the upeech of the Clover no** he uuiUi'H mention of the huccchs at teiidlng intilchiK Hi. John tho whiter port ami It hi Htftteil tlmt a nu-iimiro will ho intruducotl pro\idlng for giving adidHtaneo to piivnte cnterpriseH for the eiitnbllHh- uu'iit of cold Htornge wiirehoimes nt dif ferent points. M. W. l-'owlcr nioved the aildre.su hi leply to the upeuch aud O. h. Umith uecoiiilet], til' IBIlll NI.M HAttV'H IUICOAT. jtHliiM-MiiK * i of lufuiillchlti Ucpor(ci) Vhiii C'liiithniii. S.tl, Olinthiim. N.Il., I*Vb. Hi. A moat allock ing uiiHO of lnfuntlcfdt! wan developed hero wulilu the laut 21 Inumi. Dr. IIuiikoh whh i-iilU'd to tho lioimo of Georgu H. KrtiHur to attend Mury Uwyor, n Uoim>Htlc In tin- hotiHo of Mr. Kruuor. Mury dunled that Hlio had a child. A ttrarch reveulntl a boy baby with Un throat cut, concculed under Ita motliim'h pillow, Corauor Itonuou wan notillod ami hold un InquoHt, the Jury, re- ttiming u verdict lo the effect that the baby came, to Un death by itu throat bli)g cut hy tint motuor. Tho Alltoton Council htui paused a byUw prohibiting snow boillngr In the utroeL DIEBEL& BRICKE Never Before Have you had a, better oppor tunity to ave money in the purchase of first-class Winter G-oocls. Only One Week More and these great reductions will be an event of the past. Fine twilled Flannels, navy, blue and black, 'JOin.wide for 10c, worth 25c yard Extra heavy Meltons, double-ibid, reduced to 12Jc yd Grey Flannels at 12ic, regular price 16c; for 19c reg ular price 25c 25 boys' Overcoats were $4 and $5, reduced to $2,98 Men's all woo] Frieze IJlators, regular price $8, re duced to $4.25 Men's extra heavy Frieze Panta reduced to $1,75 pair Men's heavy Tweed Pants reduced to ft.25 pair Men's heavy black worsted Coats and Vests reduced to $3.98 Ladies7 black and colored Kid Gloves 75c quality re duced to 50e ___ ___ Ladies' black and colored .lacing Kid Gloves $1 quality reduced to 75c Ladies' Dongola button Boots reduced to $1.50 pair 15 pairs all wool white Blankets reduced to cost Ladies" Mantles at exactly half price. Hundreds of bargains in all departments to make a clean sweep of all winter goods. Call early and get first choice-. THE CREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker. M. E. WIGLE, Tlie Gash Grocer, and Baker. t IIIi peoplo of tbo Town of Ehhox and aarroundinK country havo long folt tbo "vant of a pinco whoro thoy could no and purohaoo what tlioy require on a oloso, oaoh hanifi, without bcinp compelled to pay hitfhor pricoQ to mako up for tho JoflaeH raado in tho credit oyatem Cull and hoo o'ur fjoodo, whioh aro alwayu of tho boat quality, and tiot our pricofl, which aro tho 'lowoat. Don't mion trying our Toa at 22 uouiB a pound. CASH PAID 1'OH FIRST-CLASS BUTTER AND FRES1I EGGS AND OTHER PRODUCE. GOODS DELIVLKED PROMPTLV. M. E. WIGLE. J. H. WIGLE, Mgr Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex. Short Joumoya on a Lone Rond i thulcliatautfiriotio titlo[of n profuaoiy il- luatrated book containing over one hundred pagQR of .oharmiDgly wcitton dosonptiona of aaramcrlroBortoin tho country north and wont of Chicago. Tho roadiog mattor m now, tho illaotratioDn aro now, and tho in formation thoroin will be now to almost ovoryono. A copy of "Short Oourneyc on a Lon^ Eoud" will he flout froo to anyono who will onolone ton contn (to pay paatago) to Gko H. IlKAVi/oai), Gonoral Panaongar Agonb Ohioago, Milwanlcoo A St. Paul Kailwny, Ohioaizo, III. 1-Iie IVopor Time Whon tho moat bono fit lo to bo derived from agoott modioioe, io eatly in tho year. ThiH is the nonon when tho tired body, woakenod orqahe and nervousByutomyoani for tho Imildin^-up modioiuo liko Hood'u Sttraaparilla. Many wait for tho opsn Bpring wtttthorantl, in faot, delay iviug attention to thoir jphyitioal condition no lou^ that & lone aoige of moknoFm ia in- ovitable. To aid tho tiytitom of tho im- puritioH aooumulatod during tho wmtor Houfiou, to nnrify tbo blood and to inovorato tho whole ayHtom, tboro is uothing equal to Iloofl'fl SarsEipatUla. Don't put it off, but Uko Hood'H Bareeparilla now. It will do you good* Head the toBtimomals publiwhod iiibohfillof Hood'H 8arnuparillft, ainVom rolmb'.o, grateful' people. Thoy I tell tho atory. / NKW ADYERTISEMEN' WANTED. WHITE OAK' HPOKEB, AND HXOKOBY Butt Lo(ia. Write to O. ik W. WoVoan, Hub, Spoke and Bonding Factory, Dfowdon, Out., for prices and dadcrlntlou, B-4L ESTRAY. LEFT MY ritKMISEB, LOl' 23, 8. M. il.. Township of ColohoBtor North, a owe Mid black liiub- iulormatlon leading to thoir ro- oovory will be suitably rowanlod. C-al H, BAKHU, Goflto P.O. Boot and Shoe Repairing. A. E. Knight lmu opened a. Boot and Shoo Repairing Shop nt hia' bouno on Ir- wiw avo., 3 doorB bolow 8. A. Barrack*. A. oull uohoitcd. C-^tn A. B. KNIGHT. , ' m WANTED. SEVERAL MEN Of flood bharaotdr, who oan turaloh horeq iuid'vi! light rlif. *7B to 9850 & month. Applicant*-^ wrlto fully. , ,'iJL TUBBBADliHTTQAa^KTBOKCo.. IiW ^"H Bm*ttoird,On^^ i, '*^< ^'^^^uW^.^iJ^^ ^^^'ii^SS^ &fe&&^^ 04 921