Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 21, 1896, p. 7

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wkfiiW .'- v ( TTjm^^"-.^ ^fn FV,1 .mwfc . a^<i3.rL;^ xvi*fily*v j JL~fcjK*3r*$fcA .ON A BICYCLE TOUR. A CIjEHGYMAN'B. KXFKltl- J5NCM WITH LONG, HABT> .1UDJLN.G. r JfoiTniVolUil I'm 11 3,000 IlIllrH Oik V'!'. II1 wlied MuUfN Wuiiin ktviUw- ' Moi'aon tlio ll^iirllt* of llio Spur*. '!- AuU t**Uol li OuncrrH. JVoni ihtHliL, N. V-, I'fiiiiu. Thu Jtuv. Win. I1. V. For^UHon, Vrouhy- '"teriau Minitur . at Whitonhoro, whom! [!",' piotnto wo (iv bolnw, will not bo unfa miliar; by uij'Jit n> many roudnru. A youuu man, ho Ihlh (Jtill had uu oxtniided expuri- enoti uti foriiii-in miiiniimnry, teacher,editor, leotut'ur and pat tor that ban jjivou linn a . wido ucqiiuintiiiHio in mmy rmttn uf tin couutry. Ju an mU-rviow a fow dayn nyo, ho mud: "In tint oiuly Htmimnr of '!U 1 weiU upon a tout* through a yuvt. nf Ontario on m> Whool, My rmito Wnt. from- lltioa In (lupi- flt, Vinoont, tinmen by titinnit!i' to KinMiilon . aim from thorn uhmjj thn north idion* uf tho lalio tr) 'Toronto and.-around to Niu^nru JThIIh, I arrived at. {Jpo ttt, Vineent ut f, o'tdook, huvmy ridden a ntron head nine all dnj. I'M?. * ' /"A .'.1,1 "Aftor a didifjhtful hiuI through I In TbotiHitud InlandH, I ntepped on shorn tint' quuict old oity Kington, A nhoiver Im" 'lalltm aud tho utreetn worn damp, ho tlm1 wisdom would hnvo dictated that 1, '< !' woaey an I wim, idinuld have kept in door-, but no nnxiouB wan J,to boo tho old m'h lhatlnpt'fit tho wlmlo evening in tin Htrootn. "Five o*c|ock tho next moi'iuii*,1 broiudi1 ij a, vury tiiuyeluomo (lificovc*ry....-l-AVUH hin-i ill both nukloH Und kimtiH. Thu bond wine and tho damp ntro tH bad proven an nr> fortnnato combination. I. j^ayo, howuver Httlo thought of it, liuppowin^ it wool- woat off in a fnw bourh, and tho iirHl lln^l of hunlinht na\v mo Hpoodin^ nut the Hph.-u- did voud that loatU toward Napainio. ' Night overtook mo ut a littlo vill.-iM-' ,noar lJort Hopo, but found mo utill. lam-. t^Med tho next day, and tho next, Imt : Twhh too lato, tho mit-chi*if had boon don-- I rodo a tfood many milen Jiirint; thfi rchi of tho flonHon, hut ii(!V(jr a dtiy and Huhiom a rnilo without pain. "Tho winter came and I put away tuy scrofula Any doctor will toll you that Professor Hare, of Jefferson Medical College, 'Philadelphia, is oncrot-lhe highest authorities in the world on the action, of dru^s. In his last work, speaking of (he treatment of scrofula, lie says: "It i - li.'U'ilh' nri'c;-,sni-v hi'." ;il ' I i.. 11 1'iLlivr'r oil I-. lin- In ui' all. Tip i'il sltmil'l In i;i\'(il in, i.'i J>! i.'l' l;-...I ;ki Ik I.k Iiill.lli.lilc" l*e also ;.iays thai, the hypophnsphiK'ii should, be comhiiH- 1 wil h iln* oil. Scott's rdmulsioii o\ eod- lh'-v.r oil, Willi hypophos- ph.les, is ])rcciscl_y such a ]>]\.-parat ion. I>.tliu\<; Bl.1i.-.".> \\ :i-..\. The Tiii'Kt'tt luinpTvn; H HaliiH' lull M Jtj 1,'Uil i.-Hi 'j'-.'.t'i (.. Uniiillt'Jii, K-'b. 1 I. -1 bio.ill-.n'.; ii'pw- liun t'-ir^ highway T'llib'-ri-^ nn- iv/o il:iy:--ts i;nnrt ri|* luni, p ill im " ). '> 1.-. V'st.-ida.\ Jl. .d.- .M'tii-:-, :;i>" V<n'li-;-Lr.-.-!, itn ubl man, w.p. n.'.saiilt- i-d .in VnrU-:dr.:' L ' ii.'.' T.i-Hiip- .Swll, who pllll'-d a I-fVlV'"' ;, :n| VM'llll |].!\m :hu|. Lla1 old liliLli, ulil.V Lb!"f\V(L; Lot nip' c.u 1.1'idi,.- i'i Mi- j-. '. - ' Ida. moiit'y, and i.Iiih til'trrmioii, almui. 'l.'ti), Ji-iiri '. "all Icy, t'ii: nU r I'i-!' '. I' . Tin'i.rll tV: Sui i .' Hiipii ay, '..i.- lii'nlaU" : '." I1 v j.'i a yniinjr ll.inn itnd jaiuill uf :itii- liii- l!c '.'.a:. I'i'I . 11' n i n v ll'i'ja I Ik Hani'. h N'Tl M A ia-l n -i >vil Ii t In- :. i-tnA 1'nr III-' i-mj'lo;,a- ' I'ldai.iti ill a a I'di' I, a ml v. lien he i-,nl .li' The ;it iMi-rii.-iri'i'i, pi'ur. fili-.-l t" walk !. i ii t..wards (In- i'ach iry. Wla-n .! ""iit hair \-:u.\- il'-wn i \vn iu m. al iiiiii. i>n.. v;a:; tiill and tii*~ (itb-T Klun't. \l."itli a lilrkni.\ i-.'i.'^'Pnll 1-iil th.-y bnl- : ' t Ij'- la ad, Ln-iiddnt: blni . ' >ni- "!' Uii'in i;i"ddi"d t in- >nhdad ;' a. i ipitli i p.i a j. i ju"cii ; ! I'.'i-t, up t< i Hay a nd .-onih "H I:.' y-al roi-t, ' '.-'l . Win. I'iltii;, ;i t.-ain. \n-. i;!a i L 'i lin :. -in" '; i: I a ! 11 1'l' Lie.- r-'.".'J|p, :'.a\" III-- llil'ci* i!'i:n, lait tinni^vh! iln-y w-i <-. . .nly :wuf- llinv, till hi* !-;i\v tit" t\v nii-a tiiii. II" v.t'i'i lu lin- snaic a.inl 111 *-! i' i.Vinl--." up, v.dio was unconschuiH, and carried Idm t.'i llw fai-ha y, w i-- I-- and I'hijp w-'iv hni'i'l"d!y '. lainnnniU'd, a ial ;i It i.'i nl. -,1 In Mi,. r i, m j i * v,'- mill!!.. I II all nit hall' an luair In- r on\a-r>'d r-on- : ib-H'Tlb'.' I hi- iH'i-lll 1'ilP", 'I !l nmn.'d, an i j t.h.- jiati id, c< iiita In in,*; n pi'.'-si- uf (Ji-lcci |\*. ,sf'i out t" iuii.i|nv.-;i t!i'" lii;dn\Ti,vni.-n, hut no lra"i" . "(' th"ii: '..iihl lu- fonnd. At a l;d" )>i'iii' this afP-niiii-M the due-tors ' mild imt >-.-[> : i what "VLi-iii (':iuh*y inn I br.-rri hijui1. |. Tin- bi'ai" may \<<i :ii'J". t i-f L It. i.s ('.inc.-d.-d that Hi'-' ns- Miiiltcr.s ju-,. city |lt,,n_ familiar with h" tlm.. tin- (.'aHhI.'r dr.-v.- the- inonejy fi-iini tin. i,;t!ik. Al a la;e- lmn1- tn-ni.i.:ht ("!aule'y -wan i viTni-<*(it.,-:mis Miat..', suiiVrln^ i,'T::d<i.-i-a)-]y, and '.maid-- t.i ^jvc an ;i.n- ""inw 'il' Mi - ,i:T;,ir. Tii-' p.-rpr; ratnrs ,l!" 'h" .( i!- \\ ' u 'i; ' !" p-dii'-- arc :-,t ill un Uu- hunt. 'I'n ! ., r| t li,\- f,,iin-'l tlr . m |MY ."- aii'ln " 3=5= THETOUNG LIHERAtS Banquot In Toronto Was a B\u Succobs in Evory Way. MESSRS. TAHTE AND DAVIES SPEAK Hutli WVro ^JrtMtlfd mill UN' iivtntrulV.u UlUHlilhlll II) Itlti l'l'OJllllH'ltl .lH" Miiiihly-Mi'. lurir M*y *** *"*y hlltN iij*t' I.nil . iii'^ihii - l'Iio I fi'lini: in tui-in-JTHH ART 01( OIVINO. I>r. Vinniiurwf AnncvIk TImi*. It .Hint b la'riHi<l .(nut 114 Hjndl!ntf ttt, llTh(i PaHHinn nf MoiiriyrOif,iiiK** \a Urn lupic, f)f Dr. (JjjuylL'aJU'.-X'ui'ldinrHj/H paper in tho .Dcciiinbnr 'Jjiidinn' Homo .Inunml. I'm <llsr,u-iriintf onn jilwuio of hin llinmo hn nayn : A man caniU'i, hts tiaifiteal to do riRlit in Uiift (tdin nit of '"(.viviutf) or in idfy otlior partacular till ho can do rifjfht easily, that, in te> nay it, lias hn- cennn liis Inibit to do ri^hl., (living c.iinnot ho lel'l. tii inipul.-a' nuy more than i-pcllin'.; i::ni lm l.-fi. In impulsi', Wi! IniVi! Mi-en wind, mi^liti hn cjilhrd I iinpnlsi\'i1 :.h"IIt-i's, ,unj Un'V make,, 'l'urijnt'(,l"id). M.-- I In; I m ..nUn \ ouip; , . ' , . . -. . lJ -, . i ', . ,,.., i... , ,,,, - i.e ' '-hi' j-jimc wri' r hfiMVfir -: U'i i^- : t-iu'..i;; am : :^ a, ..m. .n. :t annual , rn|diy UnC. lliipiil.-.-^IVIll.i IllnUc.-l Willi 1 j,u..|U- I I..:... n i , i.i. a i I ii' K". :.ia 11 u;i'i { idia 1'iiy. .Nor i:; 11,: pii I'pi sulwrvd Hi" (aim lidh. ,c.i 1-/.L:- w, 1, v pill , iinj- i nl.o tin: idiild's hii ndri its Ii 'Mi n,i'- ,T,i :;ii:,r" lh" .'" ral.i.ilA' Utn niun.-v Unit, ho i.. nxpp,de,| iii- :-:.nidy .\.iiia.', Oi - i:nd i.-' "1 lb-; r* . '. .. rmii,. (ii l.ii-M-il.-ai, il.. ." > ani(- dAvn ! ,u ,,l"',,MV iis "- h'-inll.a-iiia-. _ .\Undy . i-..m in Llii<-, ... Ma "", a i. a i ' 'I t.i u ll i h'lUi)^ iiiuiicy in) i li!ou:;li hin imnds i wo aticli l.iI) i-ai i 11."i lalm, a:i I i<n. [ wi 11 n-.1. rr.w Ico Iiim f.lmriI a Idc :i ny in<n> '- " ,d I'.hdi- tin- l.ff!il ' ii.v-i ini.rat w;ii- r - ,- ... ,,,, p,,.,, _ |.1|.mm1I t .ii,.Iv' 1.1m I. l'h In. 1 1m i,,i:;.;i)iM I' .id' I iL'd, 1 ha 1 is ^(i n - 1 u M 1'ciiU'I ! imi t hfi I i 11 It: i Inn;; W'-ri- i'-ir. : nicd in ntiiiiU-i-a, i ldy-j.dynr or \\\i- litih: fj;i rNf^i vnr in Um v.dia-h ah.iv.-'d hd.v v.-id ]y lias .-pra.d ,| j n,,,, jn], (.,r ,, ,|1:I} ,.,.,! p.|l(inmrf <li:i- ' . , , , I. ',, ,,,. ,i, poaii-m inn . ha an aid. in whaditno i n M 11' 1 li" ' with sonn- . ii- in di'.n 1 lip- i -n m :.- i-\ "iii ii-.; ih'-r: tin Hi; 111 :i l is his u\\ n, not sunn I hi i\x . : in I ho - , mi-,. .TIimJi,. ..r .:i'v;.d" .-nhnina t - ' ( ;l'11" ' > ',f ["* "' U ,s,:i ^'-'.V r" n- !: ^ il I hnv i., a, la---a |- at I ho In lh.- :"d"i;f|:d : |--'vidi In whl'di Mr, door to wjioin a j.Mia pri: is in 1," f^i wil, Mivi. .; i.-aillni-d Mi. j.a'irv of th.- 1,11.- ,,,. ,, (,.,, |,,,,.;,,., ;,, ,[,,, ^hiu-.-h *n- thn . ialpjirlynnd yM-di.-o-d it.. : i-.M-dy t rl- Sin.d:. v S-lmoI ivli-.v. tin- roiPrihutiou iiaiuii, ;>nd \i top'-: a. pra."ll<al fuian vlirn ::-. Tail.-, '.vli.i imd with t-hthl to nb- i-iili.u-ly h a r I \' ! "[.' 1. >"d'-. i-d him- lain freiiii itrt fit! V-v of lliol hrr t ho :-'.-:t" '..anil ill law .Mr. l.aiirh-r 1ci[ni:d'i n ji.-n ti v, nmi -I ln-n for tlin child ' ,,i""lly 1|,r "t\r\T' M,'il-,Mr- niiH iKU'H.t li.'.ihMi ima-im: lliat, t.ln: llnrdv l.oi-r bb; l'H'1 la th" cxpn-rnlimn , .. .' , ', ,-,', Jnynlly ( , tb i:- (->v -Mr. (,,ul'i1 Wi,s s^'iin-lmW l U vol Vcd in and 1, inriii-.a nd i>.c . \-., u -d Imid (dun-rj-i by. disi-iplim-d hy llm pi-nii y'.-. coiifpnip'iit:. hi- idunly di.-f-lara.t j"n id' tin: cuiini ry'a Tim child in tin: f-uindn y iSchonl dui:H .-.:;:..-hnn-nt p. lh.- I-hMpiv. Unt -,.,,,.,, ,() JV(1 .;,, '|h;i) w . and "iitanala.: m. tin- pi ii!H- .vle-.-ry, v/-,, Up- uaai-puLmd.stinii """ ' t.i. Lh,- ;.',iiUa.-: ii.;;. h.-avm- to :-pi-ll \>y I lu-. bar" mi m m ry of ' n.-i" Lb-j i.-nit anc and aL i-itlier end tlm lid tors tlml. tin-, tmu'ln-r liof.splf jmtri id thi: Uimppaui!:.-, l.all wiav L'nion in,,( i In-rbild's niutil h. jai.k-', soi .'-i.undi a iy tin; I loyal Anna. ,,- i n i .. ., -n-.r lh- la.-ad oi ii.,- cluur.naii and: N ,t; 1,'-mi " l" = ,y- m:ik,n-'t]l" h.;twa, th... l.nioa Jii.d.s was a pic- M"'lhip;-a ct our art. W u b-a ni t f> -ivi: i-'o'i: ut linn. \> .i:iai i-inus-r wrt.-aLlv- by nial, in ,',-1 In* irivinu.'-ac-t. oiirdirt, it "l wiL'i u\"i:;.- - n:. 'f In-' l.a.ld..-S Wofo i> ||,ip.'d t li:i l llii.-; Irili-lU Will touch !L ;ii'i'iiJ;".--d m in*- .--a i.p . n- i -,, , , ,, , ' ,' . Vi hnil 111 r_v (dml d in a-nil"tll!j:cli'a-:; and ^ ilii "a.- I'm;-, i.i .-.- i','. n lb.,- '.'i.iit i'i.' "1 . fm Lh,-. ].;in. ,.|-t4t~^,ai.-i^,in--li,,;H't^ 1>I IiJiP'iils. I In- Woild is lull'-d l.all a a /n'Liip-^M a '. i.i. i-i,ui'. i'iii t. as is wrr:\rr in.. \ ;,-.: o . w r,- . d. Th<- ' \\ir union nl bu^towi'd in hcm-l'iir.-i bm zzzxm to.i'\\,h - '^-' '^\ti:iy',jFAjnntTjif'r:n' THE__ 1 m-Kr^ir.'AE^ 2ZX Free Press From no"w until 1897 for only $1.00, to new^subscribers. CRIBS I ay dt -orn.ii . , it. snt;t ains a voa' fciddn ratio i'd:n: n .Ji leu ..I:-'. ' ri'.-M.:a vVm .:. . dlioti nin,.'ia.b.-ii ha \ '""Oiiul. I h;iL man and women l.i-,.i\v .:;-'i!: a.,.,., .ma . a..- m,-Iu mj i lion.' on I he in M'l yos ; is nol hccaii,-. -. ! j t.lm.sf! piatphi uru'inti-ntdonall v sordid Mv- tl- V'l^1"1',' ;";i"; .""V *' S/. VV.111.1" I "inlhavo no .in their henrls, but .mii and .dr. 11 a; li < h ri- -, I. ue Ipti, !', i .1'i .- io, \vIm 11 tlmy \rcr.i 1:011. 'I',, 1 m- >, ' cluhll'i'li, llu-h' piil'-Ult^ inia ^iut'd 11m t 1 i;'.rd.\-, .1. J.., i.'i ., and l ii-. .Ma--- , wliiln s'diouli in; would hn in-cssa vy .111 !'. ij;i*!d, a .d:a. ' a n-r :;n-: !;; \\\-vc V. 1 '. 1 '. If vou!\wisli to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar to the Free Press, -which grives'all the local news, and news foreign. 11 a barn near llav and .\':i- Wheel, au-ying 'now I hlmll ijet well,' bn' jdi-i-^t rtn-i -, tn t. > wldrh tb.- nan run and tej'iU the nionoy Ironi It. \yi.sie:i:.n in iky -.i : !,' ."_".. '.r.'.'-J.'U'Il'. ' ."'In- ' ! -rn-.r: ^ :M-a Micoi', ( mi., ]-V|.. 11.- .'lh,- \V, - I'.:a ""J "r1 '.V a. :. ...d...-k. i n -v a !...,!.. bin ra nv s- 11L ." . \: n'.-li 1 a> M p a;l :t: mind ! m- " '. i :'-.- l 1 . 1 > anii-d l-j t..y n-;n I be.!!- l.y 1 j... 1 all ii;... . > -a . <.\ m, t. o-.n and nd- .. .- a ay t 1 a-nd. . 'I |x- l'oi'--pai( el' Me- ai't".'- a> -ii v, a .- m ' I ' . hal.-ntii ' ,n..i '-da ' d.i im-i i Py .a 1 r-'ii >a;al bel in, I le- sn j., rial- ntb-u I. --das I addi". S"S Wi-iv ;:,v.-ii b\" He ll"!!. Jidir. I )ry.l-n. I oai. M. W. I: ; .- ., Pi*..!'. .Mills, of the i;u.d-]ii ('. betav at:d W H. T.i;. ! .'. ,\'.I,.A. Tu..- ..I : a.s :.-i .. Mi.l ]'arl,i arriv-.d n-l-ont n.m, aud pa II ' " 'k oi' lunch a 1 tile Ail; i ." ;i). at v. l.ab \\ ! 1- la-.'-'. 111 t le- 'I :< i:-s and I <v\ di-a, i'r.H'. 'I'ayloi, .M.I..A.. Hh.-ri M a.:' Hndll:, lie . e ' Ii! ' "A. .1. 1'. W'bll.-'a-ad, ' , 11. Mii 1: s. 1'i-ai'"". J. W'h \i. . rs. \','. M. < 'a 1 ie* iii n, :. Maviii' '.- M, |'-.l- W. i:..wlainl, J. T. Oi. I.'. l-.Val:: . .1. II. liV'" to my dhiiipijuiiitnit.-nt I tjrtiw worw. Bomu dn>M my kneet-t aliuont furlvudn wulk inland my an hies wuidd not permit uu to'wear hIiooh. At timeH I lailbired buvit.- toi'in.-illi Opnu.i ;,: '-li-i-llii^v li> n<iur[i c pn;n, oo Hf->v<.*r<3 nt\ to imiku Miudy m. pruL'tu-ul impOHHibility, yet it' bo luidi-rstoa i that I coneealfctl the uoudition ot" fiffairn h- far uh potmblo. "l^roin huiu^ local tlm trouble. bc^iLii to uproud id.'uhllv ami my anxiety increased, I conetiltud two pliyiinauiiH and lollowi'1 then* excidlunt advice, but without rcuul' Bo ilio winter pii-nt:d, One day in March 1 huppimed to talto in my lnmd a paper in which a t^ood deal nf H|)uctf w-if tftk'*n by im articlu in relntinn to Ur. Wil 'liumH* Piulc.rillu. I did not at that tun- UllOW WlKtt tlmy were r.unpimi-d to cur.-. 1 iduiuld have- paid no attention to tlm art id hue' I not eiitmht the name of a btdv wbun. I Iiudw. lteudiutf, 1 foii:;'l that hlic hi-' been Kr<--atly heneli'.ed l-y the- iiho of l'n.i PiIIh, and luuiwmn her a.i I did 1 lmd ie doubt of the truth of tlm ntatemenl tba abe had uuthorized. TholirHt box waa not titii^hed 1 f.-fure I Haw a ohiinqu, and the third bud md be-" before' ad m^hh of my rbeiauaiM trouble!! were ^r,uu to ptuy, *'I hay 'mine to htay,' far innujjb tin at- blmn boon every opportunity for a return of hrfTtrouble, 1 bavu n;jt felt tlm tirMi iwmue of it- I have wheeled thontMiid* of mileh ami never befnu witl; ho little diHuoiufuri. I bavo had aome of tho mom Hevere tests of HtrOn(iCll a:id endurance, and Imvu umi^ through tliem wibhou: an ache. Fur ex ample, ono afternoon I rode Hevouty mih s, prtaohed that iiiybt. and made 1'ULv mil- n of tho barrieHt kind ot road befuro /ioon j the uest day. Another iunttince wait a ' (Jotituiy run,' the layt forty rnib'tt of wbieh I WO to mtlde in u dawn pour of rain through inud itnd iihiah. I ( "You hIiouI:! think I would reeoinrut'ud ... tbom to ntheitj ? Well, I have, aud Inv- ., bud'tho pleasure uf Hueinc; very H"'Jd re , HilltH in a numhor of iimtiiiieim. Yi.-^, 1, ;i Hhould feei that I wan uei'leet-in^ a duty if ; r 1 failod to him^eiit Pink J.Jillij to -my frumd ; ^(i whom X know to lie Ni)f'fruu from rlieuui- j f-1 atiuun. I , ,, . _ ThelFree Press is clean and neat- rv i( i x order.o ..uaiify ti.eir oiT-pnuu-to nad fy printed, and is oile of the leading A:\V.'l';ra.s rV'-M^aVrM'Md-at'Ahn-:: nd wrke, .no schooling it. par. irular j pap 0rg 0f the COUntV Of EsSeX. " AS" |diy of Up- i.a.naL bih-ni) Club; It. \ wouhlla) -nnea -s^a ry in ord"|- t o ci 1 ucnto | Jr J. i ' i -i t to Arntstr-a,^, t..:,.i,i,. Vm.,,; Cm- -rva- '. t lnan iut o llio far inoro dillirultca pn- j tlllS CliailCe llOlClS gOOCl OlllV 101* a i.i v.----; A.-ii .'b'.-iaainan;. 'J'-n.-nmi .1. a. ; hil irv of part i H"; wit!) own iio.s- 1 . , . 1 , ~> , r> .. , u-!m"S:^ short time, you should not fail -to I'M.-, Mia -r;.",',A"; i'r-': -.- '., i.i j.',\. '.Mn'ii-'. h.dierin^ of others; safo-tiar.liii^ tlm falrp o r\ Trc\\\ t,Q p*p ofltflt OriP.P die. J're.aadt Y.Hii.y 1.,.,-.., u-; Co seb^t . lesser, tvurii inK to cba.iru the greater. ^<*X-V d;U V Clll Lct^, W Ul 1 b d b UllOW. iJi'osH. \\'.-Hand; '"Cr .:.d. ;u i '. b. inin-j ____________________ bar, Ciu-'dh Vou.a; i,.h ia.l.'; SieU'art; . _, . .. , . r-yon. 1'rmddenl. un.ario Liberal l-V- | . An Tnrt Opinion. deration; i'daulc ] 'J'oionn, V.i!i,H' !..! t a ;a,'n..a,-y 'oUni-. I.m r ,.; A,,uea; on;' ., in-s ( in ;()n ;i, fMlL iL Aid. .-.p. lie-, l"i".nto; It. I . Aid Ji"i'- , ,, ' :-(in, Tiuonto; l.y.on Nideib-on. A d la luond .^ pn-t-hb-nL I'.arrie "V..M.I ...\.; .1. .\. 1-a.s an, i I le - (J b , yes. J To bought it for til 0 Torunio, ;Ljid otle i>. j (rji-l hi- is ^oin^ to marry, Sin: -1 :-ii'f. And you have brought 'J I'l-.'i'e w.'e; a la; ,.- toiaoiil. nf ue m- b'-rs of t la- I <"'-al 11 pr . < iii ' it art uui. I fur me to look atV be in;*;: M >.-;; jY, \\ .1. '.-n'-l't- -, :.'. ,:a 'la'.^-x; 'i1. S. ,bd.a :' ! fe-- IV-i'i-'ly. I '.'cki-m-oji, rioiith \\'t H ' w nd ii; i'i'- i ' !m was ri'^ht. I dirt. Nort h 1 U n'; ' P">i .\. ! 'a. ..', lh ei;k\'ille; June- c .:l[: , . i,p-t .M- l"'in:i; I '< I. "I'I !'! "ii! : " i '-'a 1' i .'.n'- 11, 'i'a.- ii ., ::... h ::-'. N"i!!i Vn:'l:; ii day, .'.. a -i i.i t im You soi ho wanted 'I'. U I'ardo, \\'i-. : N'.pb, \V. ;.; J-Il r-i-i * - 'i .Mbld]es*-x; ! :. .1. I .lann.-H ' M.-land, Nd i I wa.s si.mM ly \> l ". . 1 i'j'i - id"ii'. I'iiil a. i ; p' , i K l:;.-' [i.i ! : o. i... i , tin.- ii|ii'i.ui ,- ., a."ii ; i di'-d a '.','.O', -M i i- lloll. .\l ;'. I lard;. , \. '.: aid,.- [" hi- pent 'I": : part if thee1,, mi. ,v. i,: Id Sin- -Sensible man. Ifo w.v-m'r, will- iti:: in i ik" Ids own judgment, hut wa ni- d t lac of a u'oijiau. ' Ib.-'-Tb.-it's it. Will you She With pleasure. Alp tlml' loolcH tike'a li"?Liit iful ;-fotif. Te!J im'* about \'uiii- frii-ml. Ho must la- an indepi'iid- \.:.ea "ii! fellow to u'o ofT and buy tlmrin^; ,p * " "i o.i'i wltholll. eonsilll inj; t Im ladv. p...i.P'-I lllaL . - i 11 e a Hi.- .-a i-p-r i .ni ic.- w itii will rcsiM-ct. him all tin- more. 1 I." is. He believes lllllt. if llO hits upon I ho ri-'hl thin'-*; himself slia Slic (ox;i miniirj,' t lit' sluin.: carefully tindi'lu'ii |iiittin^ii on'lmr lii.llo lin^or) Mel nlnsll an I oi n i'.-.. 'I'b..- d !u a 111 il'ul i .iii - a id I be pt'i ie-1' ii.ia I lii-i- jias. "il on niu;| |. .' . a:- a Iu!:;n a!- a.-i: n! I y, ; and in i ip-im "H ". a a in .'a"' " aa 1 111 In.a .; ul i I :\' launrbi d in i "h.jii;. lay, ill, |M el-'-i d "\i "le ni a i 1 be.-Il Mieii - ^ !'H llic I' di.-'.iL'bds ol' Lin- pi'ovl :i-'e \>?,- li,.t .in hi dad n : of T' TU .:-.".E POPULAR BLACKS. Belong to the : mond Family. lu,> , KSv' III:- - "No, that ih not thu only diHoami they I [( otiro-. I pornnnally know of il uutiibur of ' oiiron from othor troub'oH, l)tit I have nui'd- j |5 yi{ thorn 'only for that, though it would be but FJiir to udd that my (^nii6ral health htm bcoti bt'tttif tliiH'Hummor Mum ever befoni in my lif" , . _, Dr. Williama' Pink lJilld tiontuin all the ijjii/;; tlomontu nooo-uHiiry to (iivo now lifq and fe; "richnpyH to tho hlood und roiitoro ehattored hVV ;," n*rvon. Thoy uco nold iu boxoa (imver in fflV"-. loone form, by tho dozen or hundred) at 50 fe'V centa u Vmx, or nix boxoa 'for 82.fi0, and- "?$ i'~miiv 'be lmd of alldruKgintu or directly by |fea mill from Pr. WiWitimH' Modioino Coin pBty, Broekvillo, Ont ' I'liU, W'-ll 1'IHI'.VI) in .ii '. \ ill-t.{ nf f.Vonda. ! ii.-a Hineh 1 Jmmonrt -' Hbiek 1)i ini'n I 1 )yu " is, nod I'\i-i Hbielt I' ;in and M ixi-d t.loodn' iJitH"* dy- h 'ir-t ftiHt to "in.- ; l Injv ip-vt'i- cnie, t( .oil Ium'. f-p'over. Tf * rich anif Imam iful v, i'li 1) i m j'i I Dyo I : mitiit iinm "n\i m io tlmv akvavti Bond your f ' i'oi, do not occur in the blood or in tb 'ii-iil'M-.l ii h"'.il."y liviig h uly, eilhtr of n 'or IP. a'.\ i v ftiuui' 1 - " $n .miya tho c-I diralod ! >;. Kooh. 0-hri* doctorM Hny 'u:i* in I'ti-L im.'diaiuo u* reiniur Hie hlood [> ri'Oiitly ptiro find hetiltb\ h AywrV Suruapardla, i. i. ;!' laa n, rie-y bad '.-lib limm L \: ul' the h-aUMi;-;',-. i: IP.- Libera.! paa-'ly oraiiv eo.aiii i... i.....ii i-y the ;na v, .i.s tb- I...- . u: n Li I'l'.r, uu.'- oi' I'rmi'i' JMwaio [.M.-'id, ,i pinv':m'" w iih u bad, Hi ;a|i'i.iu,i (." pa e.a !i;. .. I In-;- ni'li.i.-vr- i "n I.-. in oil ut , d .-.," their ;-;n . (f..'b . i\:.) 1 i.ilier ii|> ;:,i- iii. .ji'.-di St. I.iiv, ii'ii \: v. '. * Jin h e_ ., pr >: ne. wl:i"l.,[i .u, d- -I ' , ii.' .-iii.i.r.' I* 1'ai.e. , bad 1 . "'Pi i.eir I- atl- <-r, .Mi. L;mi i. i - - e-d eh- ers> -a no li s :i:':-i li- lO.i.n :. t heir ;.,ie-.a, Air. ,1. U- r." 1 T. rip . (C,:. i i;.) 'I'b..n bar, no nam I oo sum bad b- .-a m ir - !!ialle;ii' d by (Ip- ('mi- : - '"- C"i '.ir-i. fliat n.o.^t chiha i ton . , A uuiubi-rof years a^o .Mux Mullnv Wda.mi fun In- r -i narks, be would Ii:ii,| ;i -d-'hi-eein-j: vi.Ml. to Oxford. "... H " ' l'" m P. ids. - :i rnl drink t lie of "The (..been," wliicli was v-j- , . ,. , .. . , i -:v- i ii ;i, :li-C-si inaiiii"!-. ' I li( "' i">p','Ct ivn Imii.s, n\hdnti'd to Mr. S. '! :. Iiiuc" lln-a ])i-.)|n).sed the liini.lm was introduced to nno-of tlm P'.s oi [be '.ju eii, uli.i-li was luy.dly i nimmroiis theological imm in whom hiija.u'id. j (ixford iibuunds, Soon lie was in vol v- .,,.i,t ot ' rilj a aiscussion over a question of as b adi rs wan next proposed \iy Mi: lb M. AIowtLt ,in a. nt-a-t sptecli. The1 dortrino. ^ sm-alver lh n 'rei'eirtU to llun. L. It. i "Mitt you will' find it all in St. i-.iMey, a ^eiiLlcman from the Marl- j Jolni," exclaimed the excited professor, "Si. John! St. John!" said Max Mulh-r, ndh'crively, "Oh, yi:! T - And vol. Im wa nl-. to b" sure ! Me -Yes. lie loves her so much I hat, be wants her lu he perf<mUy happy with it. She ITu\v i'o;i:"ideral e ! 11.- -die iries io be. What do you think of t h" nun'V Sb- .....11 "s lovely, but 11 p o ;: '^'-r!y - out wlm 1 V She "..! i is hi ii'j;' i n't. you sen it'fi larper's M;r/ar. l)k,e,n-i'ol M'itli Hut Author. nn paid a H-j.dn^eein*^ y mit. A i'p-r having i he va rioii.s celleu'e:-;, with time l-'rovinee.s wlio wa.s a.t all liinctf ri any to ;;"lve 111.1; counsel to t.!) luiidei* Mr. i/iurier. (ApidailHe.) Then furthi-r up in tjm>bec they wore tvhid to Kroet a ;-;.-iiileiii;in w-bo eoii'trilipteit not a lltth' to Lilicral'.s hi tin' pant. 'I e to Mr. J. L. Tarlo wan ri.c'dved with apphuiHe, whlcii was loa;^ continued when Air. Mowat wel- i!"ii.< d Hun, A. S. Hardy. Tin: toast of tbe Liberal l^adtya was llnji drunk, the i;U'Uiei'iny al'lerivarifa s i e.inii "For Jlo'y a Jolly Good 1'Vl- Hon. L. IT. Davieo wa the first to icply iiinitl rouHinjj cheery. Amont? oilier eiisiblo Lhln^a lie. s-ta'hl: "You cannot bavo a party without a leader, und J rejoice to know that [lie Liberal I any in Canada have both,' for whkdi they may rejoice. (Applause.) We huvo a man who will rwobably lend tho pnrty'to victory. (Apidaune.) When he Htartei] out -a year ae"o ta make a ca-m-;h uirior.K tho people by whom he w'aa ho rmich loved he bad n. trl- tnitplnil mjirch. The French pooplu'love a hero; they must havo a hero, and they find, a hero In WiirrUL Lnurlor. (Loud rtppJauHc.) Ho linn tho chivalrous tpmlltlou of tho 'FrcttoVnrian -nd the conmion eonno vlvlcli charactcrlxea the Kr.{tflDtnnah, (Itenowiod ' njiplttuHciV When ho loft hlu native province and- ennw! up-to Ontorio it.wajj p'fedloted tlutt tJio reception 'would be entirely dl Iterant. I need'not say n1 word aboi|t tho recaption hft got hero. Fro.rn on luivorcad bin book, but I do with liiiu." a^reo Win;a a rhll'l Aslts <2u<'^tlou n. When a. cliihl is old enough to ask fp-u.'stioiiM hi; is. old enough to ho {ins- were d t rmbfully mid intelli^rut ly. 'rhere aro.niiuiy things wjiitdi it. is dilii- t\i\h to explain so as to" render thorn- vo to a yo-un^ child, but whatovor is said slinuld ho absolutely true. '"lVachiu^Tiiit.h,"u. littlo book by ih-. Mary Wood Alien, i.s of "Teat assistance. Do, not forfeit a euiUiH Lioiisc.ienco by an attempt to o.vado tho issue, putting liini oil' with imlf-truthy. A Ciu'VpIchm Itiillwuy. Wli^i St. J'etr/rKbiirp; and Moscow woro.hcinM:' conncttml by raihvay tho '.'zar of JtiiKsiii wn askod to indicnto ti| on a map what, enurae ho wished tho lino to take. Witliout a moriioiit1^ hesitation ho yeizial a rtvSor, uhd drow a perhictly titrai^hti lino botwoon tho two citioi).. So, in ncaorrlanco with tho imperial mandnto, tlio Railway runs stvaiyht iivrow from;Sb,,iiotorg- e'rVd oi" >Ont^o"toatLi"^h^".htt'Wnt burg to Moscow,, l Adclress'all orders to taw Cj* o fiiU \* 4i3Ljjb. w!i. KIM TOH AND PUOPRIETOU. Ehqox, Onfc. r\-':^:^xz^!mtfw^zz^^ 3TARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. $&1j"GURES GUARANTEED OR A/O PAY! nnnm- ' M Si b I U IS- a hit ion -diCt'lt h^; nieniui-y nnor: ea.-ily l"jiti|,'iii'd; exeiuihln and irritable: -."! evert i-iiiikeii, iei[ and blurred; p-nipli'ii on timr, Llreiunn und :ih:ht " j Je-'-e-.; iv.->! le-;-.; Iiii^i'iird lonkintt; wi'iik hue It; bune pain- : Imir loni-o; uli-ern; r.oro throat: \-J vniicecele; de|>esii in urine und ilridie* in btord; t\ i-t fal; want of contldonci;; li'.clc 01 , and M r.uiclh - WE CAN CURE YOU / H RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K, &M* JOHN '. MANMN. JOHN A. .\L\XUN. CUA^. PmVT-IItS. CHAHV POWEWS. r ........... ^' UlU-'Uim UUiATailiNT. ,W IM 'ii.ilA'TMICX. I'M ui.i. 'i.,iiK.\'l.ul..NT. ' Al-U.-ti TUUATJliltMT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WniTTEN CONSENT. John A. Miinliu miyfi: "I won onn of tho oountlofifi v!o- tbnn a early lKum-iiu-fi roniinonci'd at In yiiiirn of ntca. 1 tried Hijvrm medind iirmi) and HpontSOOU withoutuvtdl. 1 (,-avo up ia don|iiiir. I'ho (Iruinii on my iiyiib-m werrt weakening mv intellect tm woll nn my iioxunl and jihyflioa). lifo. My udviHt-d nio hm u InHt ronort to commit Pm. Knnnndy <-V Ivi riian. I cuiinnonetid thoir NowMfltlnjd Treatniiint and in a few wgpIch wan u nnw man, with now lifn und ninhilton. Tldn wan four yoMtn i:n. and imw 1 inn murrtud uud happy., I roennunoud tliouo roliublo VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Am> IMPOTENCY CURED, utiociiilintn to all my aflliutod fellownuin.'* CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. *'T!iovicnn of onrly boyhood laid tho fonndnfion of my ruin, bator <m a "j;ay lifo" and oxpemire to hlned dl- HffiHoa comploti'd tho wrook. I had all tho iijiiiptnmH o Norvniirt Unhilitv fiunkduoyoEi-.^iiufttionM, drain in urino, nnrvoumiPHB, wculc hiich.etn. Kyphllin ciui,-pd my hair tn fall out, bono paiim, nlcorn in mouth and on tnriK"o, bhitidioii on body, oto. I tluihlc fiuil I Oii'd Drn. K> nrctly it Korean. Thoy roiitnrod mo to health, vifjor and happi Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. ncBB." OH AS. POWEKS.. U^T We treat and cure Varicocele* Emissions, Nctvous Debility% Seminal Weakness* Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Madder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. RPAnPR Id'Aro yon it victim? Have yon lout liono? Ato you contcmplritlnu; nmr- T\M~*r\UCrt i rliuto? linn your blood b on iHuonned? JIuvoyou nny wpaUnoft*? Otir Nnw Mothod Troiitmcmt will ouni yon. Wliat. it lum donu for othnru it will do for von.. CONSULTATION' FREE. No mnttor1 who lum fronted you lionnut nnhdmi ITroo'l ofChuro. (Umr(H*iuionnhlo. BOOKS FnEE "Tho QoJdon Monitor*.' (UhiHtruted), oo DIitoaiKiH of Mom. ' Iiinhum pontneo,U enntfl, V'onlwl, t30^"NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- J VATE. No m<<dle|rio o nt C. O. L No rtamrts ort box^s or fvnvol- opes. Ev-drythlne: confldGintlal. Quoatlort Hat and cost of Treat- merit. FREE. -- _______ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAW, ^lig^^ < t A '.vj.-.-. '^4$$$ ^r^^

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