Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 21, 1896, p. 5

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THK ESSE.X PRfte fR2to AS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BAN1LKKB, OXt-to Aberdeen Hotol Esse*. ey to loan ou Vammra' NoUw, Nottirt bought loo tod; Money to loan on MoHuuyoM o.t ft rates aud bont to mi h. alts lauuotl puyahltt nt par at all principal its re Insurance A#onts, otc. JT-P* TALK f ToFTHE TOWN/ FIUDAY. FEBUXIAUY '21, 18911, .uflt Wodmmday, bointf AhIi Wodnoiulay, ,h tho baginninn of tho Lonton ftoanon. Ihe Chatham hallow havo lamial tho oe of brod from i\vo to aix cuntft a loaf. 'ho Hpooial worviooo woro brought to n o at tho MothoJmt church bint Friday hi. t in Htatml that tho vortical writing <a now UHud in numoiouu Ontario >ols will bo &uthori/.od nliortly, 10 whiter of, 1RII0 may yet bo ono loiuj rumomburod, at prtment it iH much tho Konerul old-faiihiouod kind, .r, unil Mr. W. II. Richiuduon Kavo a ' party to a number of yonnj pooplc, at their bandtiomo lomdonco, on Tuueday evonin^. WANTED, apply at onoo to H. O. AntfAiixfe Sow, Maidntone.7-2 Or. .7, W. linen will lvo an addraiiti at tbo mooting of thu Kpworfch League, on Tuoialay "The i ITout of aloohol on the human body". Tlii" new board of hoaUb of tlio Town of Khhox ooniHtii)M of 0, J, Oardnot 0. M. JoujiDtou and I\ KobitiHou.boHidoM tho ox. olttcio moriihora, mob and or^aiirW hy 1- uloohiiff Mr. C. H, Johnntoii uhairman for tho (intming year. ForfioHli oaltca and consulionary, of all Icihdii no to Bhoumalcur, tlio baker, yOli HATjK.- Farm of BO normi oou VL'tiimi't to town, partially cleared, for Halo at a bai^ain, apply to ,). W. CiiimoN, Tl o annual budget of the flnltau'a k\U.h mi amouutii to 110 000, an amount whu-h qmtw juatiflou tho Turkwh provorb that LtSOO poruouu tiatinfy tliomiiolvoi* with tliu oiumbu which fall from thu Padndmh'ii Ublo. Tlio Fui:k I'niuHoffico ih it ropomtory tor lout artiuloa picked up on tho ntruofc. Thin win k a linon apron and a pit oo of black fur havo boon picko 1 up and loft with tho Finn' PriKi: for their ownora. Thoy may bo had on culling at the olhoo. Win. Shoemaker in now prepared to do- livoi ficuh bruid to any part of tbo town, (jive htm u call. Now hittH, latcHt nhapoH, loading coloni, lino quality, low pruon , M, J, Wiglo <fe Co. At a mooting of tho "lnJopondonco of Canada" party, hold in Windsor, on Hat unlay, Majoi Motion, of Windaor, wan nnniuiatud uh candidate for tho Oommotm Ah Maym Matiou mono of thnao quantitam on which it in u.icrrtum to jiurnhle tho old J, Burton, landlord 'A tho ttoyal Hon . httH no far rooovered from lu utont J(jn;M political pailiOH will feel noun luiuaruuhjifi. niuoiu uh to bo ablo to Kot about the hoiihe. j N0T1CE. ApphcaMonH will bo rocoived up Lo VI o'olook noon, of Tucwlny Fob 'iCtb for tho poHition of Suporintotuicnf; of tho Enoox Watorworka itaiary 93(15 00 pnr yoar, froo dwolhu^, froo watr, h^ht and fuel. ApphsationH to bo addiouttcd to J. A Iliokn, liunox Refeicncen icrjuucd .1. WaltorH, CU*rk. Njco now pautm(^i at upocial low pricuH, jUHt rocoivod ut M. J. Wiylo it Co.'ti. Tlio Kduoational Journal of Toronto flayn: "Owinn to tho oliortut'HH of tho timo Hinco the new luttulatianti wore adopted, wo undorfitaud that thoro will be no uxamination thin year for tho oonimor oial diploma (formll.) Tho examinafcioii in foim I- taken tlic idiino of the formnr cornmoroiul oxaunu'itiou." Boyn' oyercoatn. oxtru goad, ^t'2 50 at Smith'fJ, Don't be tempted to bny Hboddy or aliop wo) ii tjondfl, oven )f Rifppotiod to bo cheap. Go to Smith's and tint, valuo for your moiioy ; wo guiiruntoo Hutiafaction. Jlonrv Stowu, Br ono of tho piononrn of thu town.Hh.ip of MuidHtonQ, diotl on Satur day hint,, after a hngiring illno^n, at tho advanced a^o of H.l joarn. Tho deceuned lived in tho Iliclui Huttleuiciit, and who ono of tho caihoHt HDttlcrH. Tho funeral on Monday wuh very largely attended, tho interment taking place tit tho Laka 8b. Clair cemetery. Hmith'o Saturday priceo for ohhIi onl>. Coin and Tama toon 7$o n can, PoaH, B^ana, Pumpkin and Blue BetnoH, Bo a can ; rhou'o Salmon lie, 1 nouo Sardinia 30j. llamu 11^ LLiitH a pound. Ooumdorable tiixen aio yet unpaid, K thuii^h the cohIh aro mcreaning after tbo end of each month. After tho lut of March, tho additional ono pu* c< nt. pur month will have reached a total of throe for of nt. Thu' added to the dmcouut of thrtopi'r cent, allowed before .December lnt, makcH it total uoiit ot bix per cent for three njontli-i dohiy. Tlio Toronto (/lobo. on Saturday luHt poblifthod a Hplondid portrait of tho mem ber!! of thu Eiihox football team, chum- piotm of the Peniuimlar Leafiuo. Tho out wan reproduced from a laigo photo takun by our local arnat, Mr. Kno^hoff, and ro- tlecia credit ou all who took putt in tlio production of tho portrait. An a coubh quonco ot tbo piodiiolioc, tho Gloho on joyuJ a boom m Ehkox on Saturday. Laufc Sunday ni^ht wan probably thu ooId*Ht of tho proton! fioaaon, ooaio thor- moraotora ro^iHtorod an low aa 10 dogromi bo low y.oro. Tho Pronbytory of Chatham, in which juriiidiolion thiH locality in placed, mootw at tho town ot Chatham on TqoHday. Feb. 2t, utlO o'clock. Some oltho rooms in tbo pullio ntlmol wore olOHod on Monday, owiuu to a defect iu tbo furnaen, which baa not nufhciont houting oapaoity on theno cold ohvh Man'n hoavy rub(-,ern and foltH 81.US por pair, rubbora 81.20, at Hnutb'n. Mon'a ovoicoata rodnccd to S3 75 at Bmith'H. Mrs. iDiutiwall, aoprauo, of Detroit, haa takon charge of tho choir of St. Paul'n ohuroh. Tho muaical part of tho fioryicea au a conuequenco aio much approoiatud. Tho Ehrox Fire Drifjado and thoirnuoata tho oouttoil of cho Town of Eanex, woroon- joying a banquot at TecU'a Hull lanfc night bilo tho FnisiB Puehq wa boing printod. "n. npito of tho uxcaodin^ly Htormy athor, a tiliMgh loud of yount" neoplo at tehdod a Baptiat hociuI given at Mr. Bo- dAl'D, North Xlid^oou Wednesday ovon Mian Lydia Trimhlo, tfec returned mip. nionary from China, o;avo a ketaro in Windnor on WeUnoiiday evening under the ftUPpicow of a Women'n Miflpionary Soeiory; of that town. Tbo Br.ow ntornib of the paht wrek ban dolayed opoiatioun to tmrne oxunt on 0iobel ct BrieliMi'miow grain olevator, on which a Btaff of men havo boon buHily en- f*uged for Bomo weoka. JoHOph RobiuaoD, ovui thougbtfal o f tbo comfort of Eshox citi/onn, nent bin horao aud imow-plow from the wont to tbo oafit ond, on Wednctiday inormnf; lo cloau tho hoavy full of nnow from tbo uidetvnlkH. M. C. B. Agent Stimorn im not a pu^iltul, and conoequontly when ho Kt lnf0 " ,JHltIo t*nt;lo the other duy, he omerg'd with a badly blaoitoued eye, and a noro fact*. Tho contoat wim with an a\o and olothGnlitae at leant no uya Mr Stimon* For big har^aim in ovoreoatw, and all wintor goodo, h'o to M J. Wiglo A Co.'h FOR HALE Two good cowh in calf, Olio 4 year old, tbo other 2 yearn old. For further particular apply to W. Fouler, Mt O. K. Depot, Enne Mr. Shoomaltor, bakor And confectioner ban boon showing bio friendy and euiitoraire 'tiring tho puot few dayw, afinooam[ilo of corallou in hia lino. The work i done /U a Targe five otory cako that wan made for tho firetnon'i banquet, and in a highly artitio and croditublu picco of work,which goofl to provo that tho art of wedding cako decoration in not unknown in Ennex. ThoWomnn'o Auxiliary Mito Society, of St. Paul'n church, gave a aoeiul at Ho v. A. L- Bovorley'a lant Tuoiidaj ovoniug, '^rhiob wao well attended, despite tho vory fltormy weather. A ^ooa literary ami mim ical programme and variomi kinds of gatiieo all helped to make tho ev mug an enjoyable ono. Hefrenhmontu wero ahio Borved. About S10 wunrealizod. M. J. Wiglo A Co aro putting in inamonue quautitloB of now goodn, at npeoial pncoa U unci rod h of now hats, tho very latoHt at twenty livo per cent lean tbun cny pricoH at M. r7. Wlgle, ilb Co.'a. Tho Oddfullowft of thin town aro aorioua- ly.contomplating tho orootioh of a now building for lodgo purpoaow, providing a aaituhle uite oan bn Rcourod. Tho pro- pound building would havo a largo utoro ou the ground iloor, and a lodge room on thtBocoud utory. Tho matter wan to bo diiouusad at the regular mooting last 1hfc. How dress goods, new prints, new flan- neletUfl, now ^n^hatus, now lacoourtuim-, new UbU ud towl lineuH, tta. at M, J. Hcmomhor we allow joff ou inon'a long bootB for one week, bent maitua in Canada, at Sruith'fi Vou Eihculd try our new 2oo tea. A Go. Smith Tho honno of Patrick McPharlin, of Maidatuno townHhip, was totally donLroyod by firo, togotho: with moHt of its oontentn, on Taonday hint. Tho firo wan diaoovorod about tho middle of tho afternoon, and wati oaiidod by adefeattvochunnay. Thohonne wan inHtirod for ftSOO, but tho con too o wero uniuHUrod. Mr. hioPharlin'B kind- hearted neighbors at onco Htartad a uub- uoription hot for bin roliet, Choico drioil peaohon 10ot upriootn l!la a pound at Smith'o, Ladioa and ohildrou keep your foot warm by getting Weutgato ovoratockiugi at Stnitn'o Soo thorn. A largo boai became" fltok faHt in tho ico about five mdea nouth of Kingfivillo lant Friday night, uho wan after nomo timo idoniified an Shenango car forry No. 2, of Port Dover. Shu had boon malting for Clovotand dry dock, but tho floating 100 in tho laka finally earned away both pro. polling whooln, and uho became totally diflabled. The crow constated of Capt Williamo and fourtnou' men, who wore' taken to land ou Saturday by a roRouing orae from Kingavillo and Felon. The two large ioo breaking forriy. Promise and Fortune, of Windsor, havo boon ooutraoted to got tho big forry free aud loft Wmduor ou Wednesday ou their perilous trip through the ico. THI SMITH'S Yearly f-price Sale The array of bargains out-distances all other previous attempts at bargain giving. The time grows shorter for us to dispose of large quantities of Hats, Caps and Underwear, prior to receiving goods for spring, and the cut in prices deeper than ever. D. J. "Whitney, HATTER AND FURNISHER, MURDEB AT UAltlUK A Prominent Banker Oulloil Oot>r ami Shot. to hU Barrio, Out., Fob. IH About 10.10 thiH morning lUichnol Bronuan, formerly a hotel keeper, culled at tho residence of J A. Scrathy, late manager of tho of Toronto, and ono of Barno'b most pro- minuut oiti/.etio, and askc4 foi Mr, Btrathv. When Mr. Struthy_app_earLd at tho door the man, without speaking, drow a revolver fiom hia pocket and fired a uhot, ontanng hoi victim'it loft broafit jnnt below tho hoait. l^iriuu tho whot Breiinan walked out to the btreot aud mooting a oouHtablo, auked him toga with hun to tho ahonff. When tlioy reached tho ehorifT'u ottioo, Urniuaii mud, '"Mr. Drury, I have Hbot John .Strathy, aud hivo come to nuriondei iuv.Htdf to you." IJullmg tbo rovolyor from I114 pocliet, ho handed it to tho Bhorilf, Flaying: Thia in what did tho deed." Aaked why he oomraitted tho tornblo deed, Uronnan oaid ho had hnauoial and family trotibloH and that Htrathy wuh at tho bottom of tho former, addiug, "I could not got tho court to take it up no now I havo idiot him aud the courto will havo to dual with it." Thin, however, it not bolioved to bo lireunan'11 real motive, Mr Siratliy died an hour aftor buing Hbot. A Crowded Store. MoHBrn. Barrett & Co., who woro among tbo pioneer butmiosa men of tho Town of Tiloonburg havo finally moved tboir outno pofisoHoion on bloc, to Ehhox, and an a re- milt the Btorein the Bnnntan Block, whioh thoy havo occupied oinoothoflrat of July lunt, iu crowded -to hb ntmotit oapaoity under tho couatorn, and pillod away up, a high an tho coiling, groat boxoa and buloa of goods amounting in valuo to nearly $1C,000 raalio working room ovon at a proraium. Mr. Barrett haB (jroat faith in tho future of IShbox oouuty, and in the Town of Bunex, in pariianlar. Thin ia plainly shown by Ilia dooiBiou to move hero, vory tthortly after ho oponcd up tho bankrupt otoolc o' goods lant oummor. Mr. Barrett bowata of a largo and in- oroaHiug trade, and in ovidontly gMmnK a atroDM footbold horo. lie btlioyoothat tho jnjreaflod numbor of bnainoiB houooa m town will havo offoct of attracting laro-or crowds of buyorn, whoalwaynhke to viait tho oontreH of com Gi or on whara oompnti* tioa is keun. Tho Fbkk Piikbb bopoa lfc may prove Urn a. Muoh of lifo'n wieory la duo to indigsB. tion; for who can bo happy with a pain in bm HtomaohV Ah h correctiva aud Btrongth- ener 0! the alimoutury orgauo, Aytt'u Pilln at* iiivalnabla, thir ubo being t-lwaji or* Utid*d with marked benei^l I'ublie Hehonl Report. Mind Wilhamrt' room ; Hr. II alana, marka poHHtble ZCi, obtained by higlieut ton: G Uoitioll Ij A Navlor 15, 12 Smith lr, V, Fuller 42. F Bunliok 13, M Thornton 11, G White 10, Jfi Laird -10, V Burdiek 10, A IloiiHon .iH. Muih Bhaw'n room; junior part iiecond oIuhh; markd ponBibio (.10, obtained by high fat ton: Gordio Fornytbo dO, May Muuro (j0, Lona Hiono ,")5, Gertie Lt y 5,i. Beatrice Klford 55, Harry Moljintio 5H, AziloGreon IT), Wtbhter KhynureHH (fl, John MoDoug- all lfl, Malcolm McKay 10. Mihu Uall'u loam; marks poHHible 2o; ob tained by highoHt tou: btanloy Browu 22, Karl [-human 21, Jane Wolfo 30, Alva Wotherly 20, Sam Grotn 20. Nettie Wight- man 20 Mtllin Lippott 18, Willie Wilson IH, Niuoi nt Muiirou 11, Myrtle Oelmore 11. Mihh CraHiiwellfi'a room , Juninr II, niurltH poHBihle (10 ; obtained by highoat ten in cIuhh: A Wolfo o2, K Phillips Til, -\VJ^obl(UlhJLSiofip_n 18, ftl Robiupon, IH, II RiiHHoll 47, W Wolfo Ki, R Davis 1C MiHB Aitchinaon'o room; nonior socond clans; iiiarkh punitiblo 50; obtained by high L Alien 50, w Burton SO, AB Bnolc .HO, A Wightman 10, M Robiuoon 1M, W Naylor 15. Junior and intermediate aeoond: G La- point '111, U Sonrn 1G, M Delmoro id, M Baiightnan 15, O Robmuon 45, A Staooy j 15,0 Viciiors 41, M Riohurdson 41, 13 Bau^hmau 43. notbh. Last Friday afternoon a htorary hooiety wiiH organized in tho pubho Bohool with tbo following ofhcnrn: Proa,, Jamnu Wal lace; lufc vico-proH., Nollio Cotton; 2nd vioo prt'H., Brodie Graon; Hocrotary, Lik/io Roho, editor, .Tonuio Dowar; Grille, Archie Laiog; committoo, Minnie Millar, Beuoiu riannnH, Carrie Fauhi, Harold Munroo, Goo Thoraait, Bort Alliuon. Owing to the vory tiovoro cold on Tuon- day two of tbo rooma in tho public Hohool could not he occupied, hut tho furnaooa havo heated tho building sufficiently dur ing tho Hovero weather uince. IlltfliSchool Xotos. Following aro tho immoB of those, who obtainod 50% or over in tho rooonb oxam- inationa; Form IV, Trigonometry: M M All- worth 05, C Damns 50, B Lvpps f>0, AJtfobra, Form III: J J Boaman 74, M Bird G7t W Wightman 54. W H Knistcr fi). Form II, PI:vela"; M Jackaon 81, L ItuHBoll 78, U M Coolco 72, N. B Slator 72, B M Honor 70, .T Tully 69, M Wightwan (18, U Coll 09, J Batten GK, M MoOrea 63, S Cuuumgham f>9, W A- PotUr f>7, V M Arnold 55, M Tbibiudeav 53, R Trimble 5:], A O Waltoro 59, .T Grower 51, L Tlub- audoau. til, M U Matw#h 50, S Wlghtmnn isrow oi>r For 15 Days Only. A_ny ladies' Coal; in Ntock for ijf2,/)0 Special lino hoytf Overcoats 2.50 Special lino inon'H C^vercoats at half pritfe All linoR men's imd hoys' wintor Hats and Gaps at half price, special line Gaps at 10c, ^onts1 stiff Hats, regular $2.50 and ^B linos, ohoien lor 25c, for u low days only; Hpocial lint ladies' fine Shoos hall price; wo have too ninny long BootsL will allow } oil"during thin .sale; mon's felt Hoots and buckled Felts worth $2 50 for $1.!)5; } off woolen Blankets and Com* forters. This Sale is a Come early and bring us your cash. G.B.Smith & Co. Whitney Block, Essex. Form I, Grummai; G Irwin fl(>, II Cum- lor HI, E Uiohardflon 77, L Bpnnett 71. G Knintor 73. K Lainjj 71, W ,Tamrn 71, K ,MiHar oH^WiJaon (iH, 11 J mioa (,1, Ij Wifilo IU, Jj B M< Quugh (>'2, S Brown 5/. E KainoH 57, F Lintor 5(1, ( MeQuot n 54, M Lynch 51. (J Hone 51. CYNICISM AND BROKEN WEEDS. Tho ."Mini <>r rxprrlnnct) Mlifln a Murromful I'orcviiht, Thu souMon had come to an ond and thoy woro strnlllii^ up ur.u down tho Ioiik vor- nniln of thu aiiiniiiur notil by tho hoh. It was nenrliifr midnight and tho youngor man'H Hon! wa4 giiBpUiK to Imparl. ltn Hwuot hurdon. lie plunged his trumbllnp; IliiKorB Into bin loft walntooat nookor. and wblnporod "Lut'H Hinoko while I toll you noniolhlnn; that hnppoued to inn tn nlfrlit;" and ho oxtondi'd Ida palm, whoroon rnpo^nl throo of tbo most dlHropntnlilo-looltlng, halC- olothnd broken HavaimH that tho oyo of man ovor had tbo Borrow to kuzo upon. Tho younpf man looked hlanlc, but tho old- or mtin'h gruy eyes Hbot forth spnrlcH of comproheuNlon that alraofit Ik' -oil tho do- mora 11/.od mnis of tob.ici-o botweoii thorn. Thou tho night air was rout with oi-y llkn unto tho boot of a dorldlnjf owl and tbo older man miUI RloofiUly. "So you'io ongaKddl By Jovot I'm a roRUlar shor- loolt Ilolinoi when It comas to brnkon. olRnro I'll hot evory man Iuih ouaiod bin utupldity that ho didn't put hh nmokerH in IiIh ooab poukot whon he wn dovating hlniHolf to the KUd in tho world.1' "What do 1 euro If h1h> did apoll 'em I" tho youth answorod hotly. 'Shu can bienk evory blamud ono I llavo!" and ho nddod BOntlniuntally, "that way." "My boy, quietly," ropllod tho otporl- oncod ono, "that way in all vory beautiful now in your neatllnir flnncuo, but fluch an neb whon uho in Mr. .Took will land you both in tho illvoroo court 1 It's Had, my boy, but trim that your affootlon for youn wlfo won't outwoigli your lovo of tobac co." **Cnrplnpr oynlo," muttered tho youth an ho turned oharply and wont upHtalrfl to panic Ida trunk and.hotnfr In that pathoM- cnlly Hhort-lived flrfit-pjlow part of tlio un- jrnjromont porlod, ho Hoiifrht and found an empty candy box whoroln bo lovlnly placed thohnart-prefiHodtobiiooo(a.souvonlr of tho hupp loot momont of IiIh younp; Ufo, But tluili wan throe yoiirw ao;o and ho ban had varlouH "happloHt" momenta Hlnofej In fnofc, tho maimed woods havo aRHiimod oumbovflomo proporttonn ho alwayn for- Rota to, ohango pookot^. "fBy Jovol" ho wild t|io othor day, "It's a flhfimo to throw 'om away! I'll buy a pipe with a jolly bljr bowl and lnhalo tho fumoa of memory and economy at tin Bivino timo." But; tho exporlenood on wan near and ho ventured to remark. "It won't ba worth tho faff of lighting up If It doesn't burn longor than tho sontlmunt lt nom- momorntoa. Tho douootuko thU maudlin habit you havo of falling In lovo, Jao^l Why don't you gofc.marrld?M It you would alwiy* b haftUhy, h*p your blood pnre with Uood'd SarapiucilU, ihh One True Blood Purifier. Wheat rod por bimUfcl ... Wheat, whito Corn ... OatH .."- Timothy Seed C'lovei Seed AI hi lie fVUKETj 75 to 75 V 20 to 31 3 00 1 00 to 4 50 4 ao Hay por ton............ 0 00 to 10 00 li. ef per cwt............ 4 50 to 5 00 Potk ............ I to 475 78 M nttou ............ 5 00 to 550 Hided ............ 2 80 uliiel'onH per lb.......... 7 9 Buttor .......... 13 10 Laid .......... 7 B Eui^h, por do/, .......... 121 PotatOL'o, por buohol .... 30to So Onionu ____ 70 to 7* Applcu ____ 1 00 to 1 00 TurnifB .... UOto 30 Canotif .... * 40 Beotti .... 50 Paranipn .... 30 Turkoya per lb.......... 8 to 0 Jlucka .......... 7 Oolery por doz .......... 1 00 Cabbage .......... 3tf HHIruiii XVuIUok-A: Nony ,t<nrkct ilct>oi-t No. 1 Jlyo, por buuhol .... 50 1 Oata oloanod 2J 1 Barloy owt 85 2 owt 75 In coHfiequenco of their eTovatorn, oto, boina alrdadv full MeeMrs. Hiram Walker A Som, Limited, arc conapollod to diweou. tinuo buying corn until furthor notlao. Tho abovo priooa aro paid by. H, Walks)* Houb, WalkorviUe, Out. o mi tjii Tailoring Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLEB, Ordered Clothing away Dowh^ To oloar out our utook of nudorwaro wo will aoll at re- 3uood priooB. All wool nuitu rednsed tooost. IINDERWEA.K. Finn Sootch Iamb's wool, 51.^5, 81.75 suit > Firflfc storo north of railway. Harness. Everything iu this lino at F. B, A.damn1 BaBuees Emporium; *L bo a fall Bpply of newest thingi in BLANKiiTb. K0BE6. im^ other wintor equipment. Prlot^ the loweit. Whipi, Braihn TrnnU, YhIIbm, etc. Call and mo oi. F. S. Adams, Ttlbo* B.t Ettox.

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