*'* f--., ^. -'<' i < ' i . I- km THE ESSM' FREE FI*jeSS* 896 !S HERE WE WA . U/r aro hero to ulny ah'o to givo you value fov your monoy. wo iifo nli.rti.ig thia your with a very choice lino of tilaplo and wo avo fltill Bollinp tlio boat iifiu. toa m town, wo lmow it and flo 1 yon our bind, japan, and lly, on'n Toa,, at -lOo cannot bo woWoA. wcuro hIho Bnlhng the finest grade of Mocha and iavii coflecB. give ur a trial and bo convinced. Our EngliHh Broaktiipt Cocoa m giving thourgh aatiBiuctioii so our ouatomorH nay. Highest price paid for Butter and Eg**s NHX'I MEDICAL HALL. A. H. SCARFF h GO he Essex Tree Press, FRIDAY, FEBRHAKY'21. 1800 w'jfy - 1 MM. 4 a .4 J?JSW ttA OITIZEA- SJIJP. Lai) Maoluron in nn urtiolo which ho 'contributed to 'Tho Younu Mun' for Jaun- |> ary, doalH with nomo of tho moHfc ncrmuH ptobloniH of our citioii. "Under predtnit aoo'lul conditioim," he nayn, "in ovory oouutry tho population in leaving tho i qaiofc country lioraoHteadu and flocking in to tho contrun of manufacture and com- Jnjaorco. If thin immigration ooutinufo it [. Kill not bo lortg boforo tho nusa of a mil- tioa wi!He-or*MBdod tn^he.' in uurrow l&roai) of toil, povurty, iioihg and awoke ; rhilo the green laudo will bo loft- almost ritbout inhabitantH. Whether thin tido can bo turned in a perUitiii qucHtioo, aud duo that mtiKt bit near the heart of every one that loves hia land. But in uuy cane Vthero muBt alwaya b oitten, and their life fast ulwa> havo many druwlmckn. What ^gno will redeem tho city lift and laalta it noble in that which it ih often dithonlt to f oroate in tho nuw onion, a Hpirit of civic I pride and ijfvoiion. Without thu b!i.fo guard aud reinforcement of thu spirit BUOh pluoofl will bo a enruo and mi oyunoro ' in tho laud. "Do young men nndcraumd what will 'happeu if thoy will do anything and every- tbinc with their spare time hwiih, boat, rido, oyolo, play lawn tenuis, football orickot.billarda except to lay their handn to civic duty ? Do thoy nV tui that the affairo of a city raust bn curried on,' and .aompono aouat hold the n-mn? If the ImaHB of reHpootably-Liorn, well educated, tfiKbt-rniudod younn followH taite no in ter cub and ^ivo no holp, thon (Ihm-g will not 'be no, hut three diuaotrn. Devoted men, [to whom tho ^cnural ^ood ih dear, and ho aro always ready to ilm^ thotiintdvcb [iiito thobroacli, will be cruiiht'd and heat- jil to the breaking of their lieartn and the reduotiou of the moral capital at thu coiu- mnity- That wdl ho ouo diHaatur, and louni* im-n who aro too lazy to rehuvo tboHO true npiritH will have tho ubamo. Rule will fall into tho handnof rofcHHionnl politioianH whom no onotriiHtw. or ignor ant fanatica whom ovoryoue deapiaco, and lsthe affairn of a uitv will either be oiploitod or miBmanatjed That will bo the necoml idiHantor, and youn^ men who uro contuut [to allow anyone to govern ao long nn they late not fcrounled niuut again tako tho [abaQOO-. _ All thin timu tho maw of toiling (people at the banlTof nocioty are waiting in I yam for'roliof, comfirt, hope. Thin is a third dioaBtor, and it alan wdl Ho at tho door of uion who aro bo busy with their ptflaauroif that thoy havo not time to hold their follow men. '- "Surely thoro in work to ho douo in a olty that miRht w>U tire tho imagination and brace tho onergioH of youth. It were >raothing to nocura for every citizen, a roll built, woll.drainod, well-lighted bonne in which ho could hva mi becometh a non )f God ; to fioe that tho deiiHely inhabiced areas bo yontilatod and rolievud by open epacoH of greonory; to bring muaeuma, libraries, picture gallorios, and ovory otlier raeaufi of culture near to the humblent of the pooplo. to talio meaenrou that the poor cut to whom tho Almighty ban given nuder- ntanding shall havo IiJh duo opportunity of gaming knowledge und beonniing aatronjitlt to tho common wealth. *Vore a young, man to givo hirnnelf to municipal pohtio- for such onds, hu would huvj iiono Homu- thing worthy of Uu manhood." Cottam Ch(iH mid IJuttor Vo* The annual moottin^ of tho (tottam Choono and Hutter Co, wan hold in tho Town Hall on tho 12th im>t. Thero wim u largo uttondancu of nharolioldorn and other* intoreHtcd. Tho dnpctorrt duaowe credit for tho manner m winch tho ut'f lira huyu bjeii conducted. A HUitablo hito wiih Holucted, a good building, and neemmary apparatun, wan bought at right pricou. The factory wan opurutod 132 dayft; tho number of patromi who furnished inillf, MM; avot'agti amount of milk to a pound of checHO, 11-1'Jj lbti. Total value of choono Hold .. . .SB21)1.."j7 Coat pf making cIiogho......... llloH.Kl Coat of hauling milk,.......... 11!lt3 Ci4 Amount dintiibuti d to patmnn, 0710 70 Average price of cIiohhu for HeHHOtj,7:d3 Ayorago coia of making and hauling per pound, U-;U. At'oiTous ituronr. To tlio protndont, vieo-pr^a, directora and titoekhaldern of the North Go^fiuld Chooao and liuttor Co, Gi:ntlkmi:n: Wo herewith Hiibmit for your conaidoratiou tho aim mil audit of TreaHuror'd books. Vouchors were found corresponding with all paymonU raatlo. Wo und total roociptii from all oourcoH to bo S17H1.20. KxpouditureH 1072-01, leaving n balance of snub on hand ftlOH.0'2. Wo herewith Htibmit an abstract, huLno dotailod stale- ment. ar.cnriH. Ca^h on hand an per audit Fob. va iay.j,....................8 d;j 22 I'ocoiv'd from loann.......... H-">0 00 ProoeedH fiom factory.......... :i20 12 Now ucock, lirat call____,....... 7 SO Bc-cond call of 'lO',:, on otock----- i'JO 00 Hcooipta from all other houreeu,. 81 12 Totil.................... 17HI 2ti I.M 1.N1HI UIU'H. Kopaid louw................B :ioo 00 InturuHt -..................... 21 00 Law iOitn..................,, 7 "*(> Iofauranoo.................... 3"> 70 Printing,postage and utationary 22 'M'> Tile and putting in name...... ] (1 .15 IJuildiuir ami Jlacliinery...... Hl'.lfi -i7 Hundry f xpuiiHCH nalarien...... 17!J 00 Total 1072 01 Halanco on hand 10K 02 John T Uhoun*) . , , ,, ,T and tori John F Mir.i.i.N Ki.ioiin. At Elford, on Tuesday, Fob. 18, to Mr. and Mm. John ISlford, a aou. Li.i, \l KHHex, on Saturday, X'eb, 3Bt, to Mr. aud Mrn. Warrou Lee anon. KriNHON. At Kut^ex, on Mnnduy. Feb. 17, to Mr. and IVlra. Uobt. Btmuon, a hod. Yr<M$f$j^&&^ AKfCiAGE: AcKiwa On tho 19th iiiHt., at tho M?thodint parMonngo, Eauox, by tho Rov. Dr. Paseoo, Mr. Goo. Aokiuti, of Uol ehoHter South, to MUh Minnio Ilanna,, of Colchautor North. WOOD WANTE-D. lrriflNDttKB WIDL 11W IIB0E1VEU BY TUR _ nudcralifnod no to Marsn 1, Vi\M, tav 20 IdoVdBof ^oodbndy hickory wood; nawml oud; ! 94 Ibqbbslil lonfith, to bu tlolIvoroJ at tlio Kuaox I HlKb flohool, on o* bafom July J, 180O. ]5atod Februry !M>, 1MUI. . e-'^t fJao.I-lftflBJt Hifili School Hoard, I (inii fflout IHlulily UocoiiimoiKt T!em. Rev*. R'. Weaver, Aurora, writon of Btark'a Powders for heiidacbea.cootivonoHn, neuralgia, blliniinueuo, Htomncb and liver compluintu: "Von woro kind onough to flond ii. nam pi en of Btnrk's Powdorn. From por non nl kuowlndgo of thoit offcotd, on tho paraouH to whom I gave thorn, tho moat bouofloial rcHultB havo taken plftou. 1 can mout highly rcoommond thorn." Ktoo, mimodiato und pormantnt. Sold by all nicdioiuo deal ora at 26o a box, or 6 boxed for 91. ' Feb, U, DOES IT MEAN WAR? Tho London Spectator Sounds an Alarm TO GREAT BRITAIN TO PREPARE, AH n IVrHilr 4'oiilllc-t Will UL.-ly l-'ollow tin' statcnti'iit at Ulolit't-xlt-lu lu iU*i Iti-lrliHiitU Niidtl Vwiintul Mays only u ^liuii'lu Mill M<l|> II, T-nnrlr)ii, p'idi. Hi. Tin- J-'i" ctutMi- i-aya that (Ii- pit^idlilllly of n t'li'ihlf war UIMlri He , tth* ill r]n i at lull o| It,Moll iMnri.rli.ill, Vuii 111. i'lc i. 1> 111, tin' <!' !'- man Kuh-ikh .N i i-Lci, tli.u <! iiniinv will not ali.up .i'-i' n:'ul\f to Inii'i*- foi'i' in the ana t:< ol thii 'J'i iLii: Vtial, Tin: paper di'chin-H It thlnlcti that IC Grt-at 1'iltaln ivum 1'alily roiificil, tln-iv would \n- no tl,ii!j','i ol I'm i lLuin'iit i'- I'UHln/; the di'iiniiKhi *ut tin- Ciivini- mi'iit for munltioiiH of war, ljut addii that It hi doubtlul IT thi- roimtry veil now in ,i\\iiic \t\ the dnadlul Midili-li- m .,s with uhhii .in i'\li i-in>'i-nit-rr.'acy may ai ' >iTin* Spi-ctator proli-.t1-! ai-ralnst the (JoviTiimfiil di'ViiLniM luirt ol the Uud- Kft Miipluii to Ow- ri'll'-f of tli" juci b Hi- la ral <lKti i"-h, ami il. clut i-i that tliui luoney oiiKhl to bo i*xpi-mii'il lit put ting the coiitilry in a st.it.- or full pi i*p.t i I'diH" -1 I ui- w iir. 11 ,i.-.1vm what tinii- would il,ip;,(j, Bupi'ii-Hiiii', tin-re ihoupl hi- ii oi'd lor limited lit tc action, liefoii- lu.iii'i i.il . and ri-hiforci'inents ^ntild P.- landi'il In Hoiilh Afiiia, th-i- laany. It adiIn, ban niti ink upon a UrilKiTh' with GifJit Hritain to obtain the conl i uliiiitf liiilueaci- In the Trann- vaal. An i-ntetjte on th.s --ail'jctt in ii'ipo*^ tide. 'J'he need f<h* full naval and nnlitaiy pi i ]>ai at loiw wlth'Hit a nio- Mi nt":> tk lay i.. plainer tlian -j\ei. Tile UitiM d.-.-p.lLehes tn nil (.'ape<'ol- iiiy conlli m tin- va-w ,, in rally eiitei- ' inn d tin ! that tin WII - mail ol On- Tiaasvaal will d.-eldo ih.it It would ' or i :<|M-dii-at for Pi-hd-nt KriiKfi- Lo inal.o a vIhIL to Kn^laini. Tho new-papei s ot Natal .L ay they e-x- [jfct that the nei^otlutIons bi tua-en ilreat Jiiitaln and the Transvaal will -lid in a ruptui e of dlidomatic nda- tloiiH, and tblH will 1m followed by hostllltiPR. AceordliiK to The Natal Ad vert lut r, only te niliac-le clii iiVLrt a \v ur, _'l'lu- tone of th..* CoiiH.-t vatlve and I'dli'-ial i>p,'|,i,hi'.s in the debate ki--L nii<lt in the IIoii:-n' of ('oniinula, and tin* consequent ("liniments tn-day of the newspapers of both pat lit :-> di ado.-ii- thu fact that then- is a ciinvnt *>r opin ion favoiable jo I'altl.sh mb-rv.-ntion in the Transvaal on tin- invL.'-:ct ol de- fendinp the rl^hlM of the i"oieh;a n- itdcntH of that republic, tfir William Harcouit's nioriihzliiK on the fate which ait'Mub- tho;.,- who lnteii\-re In [lie ai movement of donicstic dilfi-ien- ri'h did not Ht-eiu to Ii" tnlv-tt nciloii 1 >*_ liy Lin Llbeials whose leader i.i the House he is. 'I'lie Westminster O i/.ett--, wltich Is a Libei-Ll oi^'au, lepll A to Hir William, Haying that as far as the domestic comparison gm-H Croat Ilritaln has already secured a locus standi by checking the tlKlit between the Jtoei- husband and tile Ultlander wife. Jt adds that if tin Hoer laws inuko it impassible for a man to be come a buiKhor they must not at the same tlrno duprivo hi in of his rights as a J-uillsh .subject. The gravity of the Bituntioii Is b(-comtnf' i'Lcoj?nlzed. vo.\ iiii.i'i.itsii.ivs itdn uaiii'H liny l,rnil lu l.rtjit N-iiloi|n Into a Tct rllilc \ii\nl I'tiiilllrt liorlln, Feb. Jti. The spcecii Uclivpr- ed Jjy Frelln u* Marsuhall Von liii ljtr- stein in tin* Ken hsta^.whlcli has been rev ised and published in Tio- lt< I i- s iii/.lfier, thu oilielal Ka/.i-tt", di>-i p.., a tile case III OUe Sentence, Lllll' '. "The C.eiman Guverninent will uphold the statu quo of Dela^ja bay and also tlio rights m\ol\eil in the owneisltit) of the German lalhvays and the nrtiu- teiuiiici,' of the iudijpcndi nee ol tin* South African JtepubJk: as uuaianteid by tlio trealy of ISSt." Thu Cologne (la7.t'tto, while warning Isii^land not to vetituie to inteifere In the international n iorni.-. of the Trans vaal, advises the Itoers to remove any pohhibb; pietuxt fiu .such inLerl'erenci* by Kianllitp; sunn* concessions to the ritUndor.-i. The Vossischo JieitunK s.iys that ICiik- i.unl, if she lo de-iirous ol' li\ ln^ upon Ljood terms with tier many inu-.t be- coine Aecustuinud to.se. tJirinati> main taining a liold upon a part of the main land of the Mouth Coast of .\irica, lie- sides ha\ in^ weighty mteiest.s in South ATrica, Gennany, 'Hie Zeltunj; ^ays.fuis Mibjects there and must also protect her vi^ht to save a nation connected with ln*r by nice fium lirutahty, and to comjiel respect for treaties. Tlio sum of tho matter is that II" tlreat lhltatn should menace an attaek upon the South African Kepublie, upon the pre text of defending their .subjects In that territory, Germany would be unani mous In disapproving thu intervention ol the Imperial Government in the moat active form in delense ol' the Boers. siit iib:mc% av. tJiH iili i.ovi. He U \rry Hftiimihu* Ui'-jiirdliiK tlir I'lilcire of i ln> (.rntul I rniil, f New York, Feb. 16. Sir Henry Tyler, ex-prenklent of the Urn.ml Trunk Uail- load, arrived in thin city kiat Fihay, after an extended tour over thu Peru- Man railways uni] uuane fields in the Intel est, of Urttish stoultholderri. Sir Henry still retains an affectionate In terest fur the Grand Trunk, and lie la very sanguine leKurdlng the future of that propei ty. lie iJioplu-Mr*, lar-^c inci eases in the revenues of tin: road tn consequence of the operation uf the new joint tiallle association, Sir Henry and hiH Bon, Lieut, Tyler, nailed foi Euronu on the Auranla yesterday. nthn n.iitii.N now t\ raniLi.v. Mic Itcd i'v- I'nrly rrlvo nl 4.'ian;ttiul nople Iki'utli 1'ritiu Hmallpuv Constantinople, 1'Vb, '1G. The repro- ELiitative of the United TreKs in thla elty learns that Miss White, a member of thu family of Hev. G. Ii. White, an .itiitfnatn imasionnry at Aloj'sovan.haa died from umallpox. It la reported that Russia alone ob ject* to the United Suites having a despatch boat here. The Hon. A. VV. Terrell, tlio American Minister, has ro- fi-nod the rhatter to Waehlneton for settlement With the Government at St Potorsburff. Mlos Clara Barton and her collcagueo ot tho Ited Cro&a Society have arrived he r. .1 Comet llntitrh* In V.urk. Boston, l'Vt. 10, Tho comot wlioan dl- eovery wnii niinounced Hittiinlay by u cnblo- bILmii from ICtf-l, I'riifHln, provoH to he new one. It hon been olwervoil t>y Vent. IVrrhie. who In nt Uric Ohiterviitory, nml la not the one* (UueovfriMl hy 111 in hi Noveui- bor. Tlio object hnn u nntherly motion ftnd lu tho tlrnt euiiict of tlio yonr. ieitifttti orr <>y*t<-v VhUimK Now York, Ifdb. 10. The wt*amor IDldo- rudo, buforo renortod nHlior on Oyntor In land, wiiw flonlml t hluli tloo. Inat nbrht aftor dlBcihtirKhiif putt ot hor enrjto. T% viwael loat two bluden of hetr propolUtf. Othf-rwUe she wg not Injured. NEW GOODS! NE\7^ GOODS! OU.Tt buyer liafl roturnod from iho eastern markots, having made oxtensivo purchaHew including tho newent thin^H in fin(! Dross Goods*, Prints, DucIch, Ginghama, Flan nelettes, Lucob, EmbroidorieH RihbotiB, Veilin^n, LtidieB* Wliite Underwear, Hofle, Cloven, Oornetn, Luco CtirtninH, Itolhu- IniudH, Carp^tH, rPi1>lo and Towol Lincnn, .staple Dry Goocbi and small wareH, Mou'h Shirtn, Tica, (Jollarn, (JuIIb, PantingH, oto. At Prices that Cannot be Beaten. Tho first conHignment is now to hand and we cxtn.d a cordial invitation to all who aro interested in nice new goods at loweHt living prietm to call and nee wliat wc are doing. Hundreds of New Hats Are already to hand, including tho very latet-t bbiipos in hlaok, brown and Cuba, ntiff and FedontH, and I'ully 25 percent', below city prices. Otbcr linos will be following in quick auccefision. Our Slaughter of Winter Goods Still continucB. Now ih your chance to buy Overcoats, Underwear, Fun*, Mantle Olotha, etc. Our Shoe and Grocery Department are all right. Yours for Bargains, '>^M^*"^' iDtritfST.a.iNr This is the Style WE PRODUCE. "Nobby" or "Up-to-date," or whatever uumo >on may tiivo it. Our work oomuH up to the bttiutlard und our price in uh low no otherH charge for obeupcr work. DEWAE, THE TAILOR, DUNHTAN KLUOK, A GREAT BARGA 1ISBJ5X. CALL AT Bazaar MONTH AT FRANCIS'. Owing to luird tinuu iind piicos of farm produce wo find wo aro over si t]a d witli wit.tcr w c<Ib, Mid in ortl^r to turn everything into cash by tho lr*rlrr~- i-'ehnniy wo liu\o tbcidtd to give giontoi- bargains in tliw already b uigniii 1 oi.hc limn ever lici'ore been licard of in tlio County of Euaox, re member our block in all new and clean, we do nut advcitiso to give jou half off xrr-quarter oil* bin ev< ry dollar-- worth of ^ooda you buy from us at reg ular priceR which is cheaper than the cheapest We will give yen tacit.lOtte. I'mCaslr, to convince jou that our prices uro tho lowest wo give you a f-mall list bo- low. On\ ihn.-els 8 10 V2\ in 20 cts. till worth 15 per cent more. Remember we give you back 10c. in cash, "with every dollars worth yon purchase. l-J* for lit. Bhirtii ga worth "I KOIt ALL KINDS OK Window Blinds awny down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy GoodB, Wovelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toy a of all kinds, Berlin Woola and Fingering!= Yarnp, New Stock of late Wall Paper. Remember we give you 10c, with every dollars worth you purchase. Dreg., tmodu lf> 20 *2r> M0 40 5ii cts. all at rodncod priocg, Remember we give you back 10c. with every dollars worth you purchase. Prints, Cottons, Towolings, Pcrrailoa, Ginghams, Cottonadds, Tabhngs, Napkins, Towels, Alitts, G]o\es, .Uosieiy, Corf-'oia, underwarc, in fact everything in this storo has been marked down in order to turn this stock into cash before the loth Peby. Don't forget that we give you back lOcts. m cash with every dollar purchase for cash. Clothing, furnithii gs, Hals and Cajis, ttoots and Shoes and Groceries everything goes, priccH cut no iignre, KuhIi is King, with us. Yours & etc. Vance's Old Stand, Eafi'ex Know What You Chew Kuq U free from the Injurious colorlttg, The more you use of It tlic bettov you like It. VHE GEO. E. TUCKETT & SON CO., LTO HAMILTOW. OMT. It will pay you to lay iu a supply of ^rocetUa on Saturday sot. our priaei. Smith A Co. UaU und Chpe tit lofifl tlntn ball price Cor ono w*k kt Bmltb'i. EoSEX Hal THIS GOLD WAVE HoadquartoiH for School Booka, Sobool Supplica, Noto PuportEnvolopoQ/IriltH, Writing Tublctnund ofiioo Stationery. DISPENSING AND FAMILY DIIUGOIST. SING- LEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor- Talbot st.and Victoriaave- . Tho latent improved machinery for IrouineGollfirB mid Gulfn. Will not; oraok or brouk t,i whin. - Family work ahotip. and dohvorod. Purobla \ottlled for rioahocall and try. If not natisfaolory no oharao will.bo made, If our work suit you, reoomuaeud uh to your friebdn. The bedy muut be well nourished now, to prevent eic-knecm. If your appetite iu poor take Hood's 8ataat>ari)U. Will not be felt half Ht3 muob In tho bonao it you mo the LIEN'S FUBIi SAVEA AND HEAT RaDIATOB. Savea 40 per oonb. of fuel. It eatolica thu bei>ttiiatobtier- wiae nam outdoors thmuuh tlio oliimney, in built on floiahtibu prlnuiplcs, aud only noedB)tobeunu to bt uuderutood aud ap- preoiated. Pvicyo only 84 to 95. Will eave its oont in a fuw wt ba. K l. Barker Agt. BBRBX, - ONTAUIO. Wriit or call at Qattrlay'a Foundry. 4 69- 4 >-'> .'i,u 'i*. *.. !&^&^^a^itt^^^ ,:^. i8s8J>&*