Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 21, 1896, p. 3

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!!??!'ot H. -THE KSST^X F*F*E>IS PRPCSS. aa ADAY FORQUKSTIONS Sir* Oliver Spontls Somo Tlmo in Answering-Thorn, HOW APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE \ 'f . CU USD " 1 I'nnl i"ic| '.'1 ,1 :- ('.-!(", v ' ! (>:i l.i; !.i;i:'s. ; .!i:u : > .'i ir'r:;,|', Wll> litiii.i' '. .1 : " . . .n t ,i .mi;.' . ' !. Tli : , .. , , 1 ' l;i 'Ii"1 M' j.i' i' '.'^'< i," un nut '.. . : lii '- '! ].. .. iii.u ! , r,:ri-il." [, K re i4l ' fff, ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoesa In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, The Cheapest hnnieTjand, Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourselves* Jas. Dougla.s3 si^ii ot tiiu <;oiaon IlOOl, Whitney Block - Ease* to Loan Ou (jood prndqutivn Farm Property at 54,& (i por cent. Htrni^ht. No Valuation Fees. So y.4'ttlulnJIoii itu llic Htil).JiM-t Im NrOttunry lt<'t'UUt? t lit* !*;>, I if ul (Im- 1"i>|i]c U (Iio ^iovtiriiiiK'iii'M uili lli I'm mim- Want* Ii* Mit|i Itrihrry. Toronto-, Fob. 15, The si-^.-iion nf tbi! J-I'l'ifWiituri! yi'sti-r- dny jit'U-niuun wa.'j brlnl! itml formal. .Several iiuiuifins . wi-n: 'pn.-Miiiti-ti,. in- I'liuliiifj a nunib.-r iiraytiii: I'nr tlu: Ullu-ll'lllKMll ul' tin: Aj^'i' An, iMr, r.'irdo jij'i't-'i* 11 Li>il a ummoriiLl from lbi! Cuiiily '(!' Knit, liiaylni, lh;u tin- I b'illli;i!;t- A(; I, In- H.t HllU'lllh-d Jl.-t In III In W of no fliqu-.ib; in mi tllu I'L-tuii'i: lu the l.'oinL ul ;\ ppi-:tl. Tin- Tuwn nl' U iill.'iccbui'f; pi-titi'iiicd to Iniv tin- AsMfSHinoiH Act :ii niimiid- t'tl as to pltu't! towil.-i nud villain on Mitj .sann- jontliifi1 as i'*',vii:diips, wltb ri;fi*i- ni.'i' lu pergonal property. A J Hit it lull Will; pJ-i:;iL-llti;i| from tin* County Council ui' 1 Tim : I'ldwnvl CuniiLy, ]na.\ In;; thn t tin- Jurisdiction ul' l.'ivlsinn Courts in- extended. -Air. Crawford v.TIl una tin: (bivmn- ItHIlt Oil Wedtl'-Ndliy next, who tin- f-ih.'Li'i-lii';'. io tin- ( }.-.nv;i:i 11 Hay Ship Canal -and I'liwi-:' AqiictliK-t Coiiijin'ny III"1, lluw 1 n Hi'll Mori,. I,, lr:M aiul tin: amount paid lln-iv-on by; who tin* 'iMii.i-t:; uii'l ilir'ctur.s of tin- cunipany ari', iinfl wliat am-'.'rint.'iitH havi: bi*i.'ii iiuuli- by tin- I'Minji;m\' wltb any muni cipality nr munit.-i pa Milt :*; alsn, wliat port nr tin.- works. 01 t ii< i.'niii[i:i.iiy liav<' j b-(ii < j 1 --1 ructcil aii-l wliat wurku are 1 UM'ti'l* cr)|)|jin.'t lu bi- CiillHtnicLi'll. ] -Mr. .\l:irb*r will ank on Winlncsdav, ! "Wbal was (In- :ivcraj;o '.'.i;'.t per y<-ar , f'J" i-ai'li priM.Lci' at 1.In? (Vn- ' tral I'ii: .ui I'm- Un- warn "isM, ! lti'V, is:i;;, isiil ami -IM:,, for pruvis- I inn ali-M l"fr cIkMiIiik, Kivln;; oafli of ! tin-no Iti-niH fii-pnrnl.-Iy; al-in tin* avt-r- j ab'ii onriil'iiKK i'or i-;ic!i ot" Iho s;um 1 yi-arii ni' pilsuiH'r :'" My. .M'i.!,'Lch,'ini nave notice of an r-n- j ipiiry as tv Iln- .-ki inni t.-.| vain,' ol' tin- . Htock at 11k; J'JMpi-ranonta] Farm, ; v.itii-lrih, on Jan.. 1, ism and 1SD.". : Mr. -Mailer ^a\v nutii..- ui" tin- follow ing inntiini I'm- W'du.'.srlay n*.-xt : { "That, tlicrc ho laid lj-ifi'i HmiH<-| a n-tucii dt* cnj,ii.;; ,,t* all oorri:S[ionil- * ' ilL-f, tlocumuiLU.unil.-.wi:ltlnKa betuv.-n 1 any mcnibcr ol'th- (bivcrninctit or any ; person or persons and the Government ! in eunin'oLion will) the r.-enu ehanKes made by James Mti.Hiii". lat..- U'ardni ' .of tin: Central LTlijun, u.^lIuhL certain ; nnirluls tlmreln. "V*))- cn]y rd' apiiolntnient and In- ! Htnietionji u, Coinniisiiloiiers- who Inves- ' tmatfd said charges. "For eoi.y nf all the cvldeneo talo-n j or fsaWl Inv-'Htij-atiun. "For cupy ol' report of said Comniis- lilonerii." Tdr. Alnrter Imik also a nntlee mi the : order paper for Wednesday 'for a n- : turn shnwin- tin., nam.!; uf'all per.sonM, j linns or eoni].anies lnrlclit.-'d to the I J'rnviuee Hi tv iJLHt ro,lirni ,(|1 U(,(..()llllt , nl timber dues, -rnumt rent or' ho- I nn.-eM fur timber limits, the amount of ! BACHaQfi3,gLQUUP REMEMP6B Thai' It IhcoiuJii'jIvo to Impplnoua, com- fort, nml unnil di(.*nt,U)n to"rinti oivrly und utlu amplo time for hraitUfn^L Thai It; U bolter to havo lnro"Voouim In un lnuxiumxlvd pure of tho town fcliun HiiTuIl onnx In an tixponwlvo part That, with vm-y Ilttlo pmoMco t,ho biuilutlor cmi lourn to do womlotH In tho cullnnry liim with u ohufln^-dluli. TJml; IiIIIh nml re^ilptH whould bo pn- Herved, find that, even whim mnull, tho Ituiii!) dhiuild Im oxiualiuul olowuly. That, mi nir of extrnmo luatnoHH and comfort ahont a nniH'H rooniH linllcatuu that lin Ih Hkoly to rotnuln it Imoludor. Tbnt the IiohI wuy to rumnvu friwh paint from 11 ^arinont In lo rub tho fabric brifjkly ii(;;ili)HL Itnolf. It wiVur fulbi. That'it 1m not nncnHsary, In ordni' to ho wtill (ircsu'd, to wear ulwuyn wlmt uru railed In tlin utornH thn latont Htylnn. Thai. It Ih nlHUipiH* tn have many miltd of elotlaiH and to use llumi In turn than to have a ,fxw and wear thorn out .quickly. That a Ilttlo eonimnn baking noda taken la lee u'ntnt' will remove mont linjularhcs. A dline'H worth will a U)DK tlnm, Thar, the furiilturu of ronnm Hhould bo as jilaln and Hlinplo i\u posslbbi, In onler Hint, tliey jniiy h<3 the morn oimlly kupt clean. 'J'bal. tho j)ri)neac<i of lb|iinr In a room Ih a Icmjitutlnu to early morn drain- drinking," a most, baneful form of In- dul^enen.' That, a spirit lamp, a French colfoo-pot and a ran of ground -I/iva' 1h a ^ond tiling in have In the room, especially In tlxo winter. That, it. 1h money pavtul to hane; your coats on tiie shoulder forniH that can bo b'ii(,diL at any wiro-oodM or department titorn. That tho Heeond Kele on a shoo will In nine cjihuh out of ten outweur the origin al Hiiln, If tho. kIjooh are Kent to the cob bler In time. That it |h always wise to examine a restaurant check carefully and compare It with the hill of fare, even in tho presence of the lair. That f^yoinl pairs of trouKern carefully folded and laid in a pile on the Hhelf will k'ot. pressed and creased without tho aid ot a tailor. That blankets phonld he cleaned by tho dry-cleaning prnciws, and that the opera tion should i)n done more I'i'oniiontly than it cemmoiily is. That noWHpaiei'ri should not bo allowptl to accumulate in great quantitloH, Im am so they will nceupy valuable apaeo- and hlile dust and dirt. That every barber will toll yon that your liair is gotlln^ thin; that Jin will HUggost a valuable remedy, aiul thai H will dot bo ot much value. That the purchase of six pairs of kJiocs, to bo worn uu stucoi-sivo days in.rngjWr order, will be found a splendid piece of economy in the end. That an nunc" of alcohol rubbed over tho skin after the bath will prevent that, Itching, htilriKi tingling sensation that affects so many people. CHURCH DIRfcC'IOkY MbtiIoiuht. Uir-. PuMflOH, I'liHtor. Hnrviof ovry Hibiduyiit 11 ii. ni. untl V p. m. Hithbuf Hohool t <i;iUi\r. m, O. K. Naylor," HupoHiitoiup' ont 0/ Helieel. l-lpwetth Louuiidpntyoi'iriuobtiii Tuoh<1h,> iivtmlii^ at H u'lilnok, (tmnii-ul \i, yitT meutlui. on Thurnduy evonlii^. ^siC^ Other iedicine SO THOROUGH AS AYER'SS StatoHient ol'a Well Known Dorter '"Ne other bhmd medicine (hut 1 have ever useil. and I have ine.i thi-m all. \l so tliernujdl III Us.-iJii;i. . imKHb-rts'se'inJiiiy l-'l-lnaiient eare-l ,;-\y,T'.s S:n ^apai Ilia."-- Dr. (1. 1-. Mi.intii.i, ,'i((.ii.v,ta, Mu. Admitted, qfc tlie Workl'i; Pair. (JutJjuJir ov KwonxNn Itov. AJj.HovdHy, lu otimlamt, Bt. PuuIh, Uiihox, UlvrnMiorvloo every Hundiiy ut 7 o'eloelt, p m Humlay Nolinol ui 1(1 a. in. iVinltv Cliinob, North !tld((t: -J>iuhii. iiarvlouii ovory Humluy ut ll p. in.: Hun day Hohool ut l.-lf.p. m. 'I'lio puhllu- urn v.nx- diiilly Invited, I'UKniiVTKiirAH.-W.M.Floiiiliig, Puatoi- Hor- vioniinii Halilmth atll 11. m.itnd 7 .no p. m 'Uh Krhnol iLfJiUOp. >. Pmyur m< otiufi und PiiHtor'nbihlo cIiihh on 'I'liDiday atV.IKJ p. m. Hociul Union on Woilnoiiduv ut H.Jftp. liAi'T^Ttmnuou.-jtdv.M. l'-aiLiiipliolI, Pan- tor. -.'.:.'viceii eiioli Sublaith ut 11 u. m. ami ; p a. rriiyor jimmjUiii; un Wndinimliiy nvoulnu ut H o olock, Hnatti true. All am cordially wol- coitjntl. ItoHfAN (Jathwjc-Miuicii-I-'r. 0. K. McfUx. I alitor. Hor/ici ovory othor Hiiaduy lit s.Ilit i. m. Miunlay dnliool ut;) p. m. MAiniiTdMH Ilif'h miifhi nml miriiinii ut Pl.lll) a. in,, at '4 p. m , hunllnm ut :i p. ui.. vdiipeiHiimi iicnialictiun at 7 p. m. 0. M, Mu- tl!(!, P. ].'. fUnvATioN AasiY.-T. II. Mcr.ood, ClU.tHill. hiilyiLUoii mmiUiiuii (,n Wo.liienJay, ThliiH.lay unil hinatuy uveidiiKii; JVn uud Many, Hutarduy dvoiiiiih and :ipm. Hiiiifluy; Jlolliwnui niiiulini'n roruhriiitiiuiH l< riday uvniiui[;ainl II a. im. 'Hine cUlv; KuiMi Ui-ill 7 U..UI. ovory Himduy. All urn MARRIAGE LICENSES. T?t h. VAHK, IHSUKU OF aURfllAOB;LI- Jli.- nuuHtitt, Itlchardooh H1k --------.----------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------1---------,------------------ -, -, ^ MPAUIU'/rT. Ihhuoc of Man;iHo L!don|- . CoiJiinluntonofln 0 .J..oto. Geatu.Ob 'u W. UilllCAMAW, Iiinuor of Marringo TiInntiHoii. tiiBuranoo afjont, Nhjlit ollion ut J)w<illh)t{. 'VAXillOT HTUKKT, MHHKX UNDERTAKING. HPWJMMK -n, Undortiikor Fiiniltui< . Ufinlor. Colilnn, hmno mid fuatory mtj froin $Ii to a:U). ifu(Jri)i:or, Op* ARCHITECTS- rOIIN A. MAYCOCK, "" AUOJIITJOCT, Ac', Ui)om 10 mid 1], l<'lotnlii([ llidldlnrf, WhidHor, Onl Phono 210. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS, 9, THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND Largest saue in Canada. ESSEX Roller Mills* iS^Coavoyaucing Done up in Noat Style Fire and Life nsurance. A. . LOVELACE, ESSEX, ONT POWDERS Cure ICK HEADACHE and KeotalRii >" 2*0 MiNUYBQ, also Coaled Tonfiuu, Dil- ness, PilioiiGneaa, Pain in tho Sido.Conitipadon, Torpid Llvor. Bad Breath. . to amy cured also rejailato tho bowels, i/br/ niob ra yaux. 9Puiom SB Cenyq ay Dnua Cvohks,* P 1 * ' t1' tir' Iji. pj. 1 NURSERYMAN, Ruthvert, Essex County. P.ju'jIi, Poar, Plum, Applo and Qtiloan Troon, Ronos, Evorgrooan, Bocry Buhos, Raapborry^ BluoLoorry and C.irro tt Bunhon. All Urot-claa fioodrt. Kivo a^ontn! Big Profits ! and write Tor pnoou. * Wo will ohoor- fully annwor you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees A l in ovory ronpeofc; $12 m too > m ndebtedriess in each case, tin- balance, 11 any, due by, noeli personH, linns or companies at the lime of return and the total nmmiui of such Indebted ness un the 1st day ...f .January, mm. lb", ftlekay (South (Jxiord) ^ave nnti(;L' "f *" 1.111 for Tuesday a. bill to amend the AsH-Hsmeut Act. of iL bill P- ':1"-"1 l'1- funtraeturs and employes on puhllo wurhs. Answers weiv yiveti to tlm hum r.iiK. ut .jUL'Stiuns ]>ropo.--o.l by .Mr. UUtne-y. ln answer to tin- llrst one Hum. J. 11. Cibsoii replied that tin- positluii ul" Farmer at thu Jioekwoo.l Asylum, KlnpHion, bad he.-u lllled liy tiie api.uinim.-m ot' Muuh ?.<<u ()t- tin- hue The- applh-atloa did _mn statu wiieih,,r or n()t h,. w;is a graduate of the Agricultural Coll.-^f* nor wan there any Jaw, regulation 0,'. eustom rniulriiiK that lie should be. I liu second questlun was; Jias the atteiitinu ,,i' f]lt. cjovern.nn.-m been drawn to'the Judgment In the- ease of i arpellL. v'. Carroll with reference to ihe. i:uiiKtruellon put upon section -1 of 1 he l^andliird and 'IVnant Act, ls'i'i hy Chief Ju.-tlee Alerodllh, and Is it the" intention of tbe Government tn in- irodnce, timing tile- ]H-e.sent ^sslun.any leKisbalon on the subject ? 'I'o this Sir Oliver Mowat replied that the attention of the <Jovernment had been failed to the Judgment, and that the Judprnient interpreted rightly what [lie section was intended to enaxjt. If any legislation w-.m lutroduc-d, it would be fur the purpose of conlirmlne; that Judgment, hu-t no leul*hUioii was Jieeded. in imswi.-r to another queiUIon Sir Oliver pointed out that legislation to Inn-ease the Jurisdiction of thn County Courts wa-s fon-ahadov/ed In the Speech Irmn the "iimnc. The next fiiiestion was as follows Is it the Intention of the Uovernmenl to Introduce, during the prt.sunt .ses sion, legislation Providing that, except as provided by the Act respecting the legislative Assembly, no person shall be appointed to an ofllce In the gilt of. tiie Government of the province lo which any salary or'emolument In at tached while he is a member of tho LeKiHlaturo of Ontario, or until at least 0110 year Im.s elapsed since; the dissolution of th Leyrislature of which lie was a member. To t-hia Sir Oliver replied that -nn member havlr^e; been appointed to ueh un olllee. n.:*t no cx-member, ex cept, when It was ascertained that the appointment was the det-iiu of the people, or when there was some other Kood rcri-son, it was not the Intention to Introduce any legislation. ThVn-ext question direoted tbe atten tion of the Government to the Juag- tnent of the trial Judffen In the KinB- "fe'toh election petition, and iLskod If It wiuh the intention to submit the judg ment to the LcKisIatur/j in any other way than by pWntlng; It in the Voten and Proceedings, and also If it. waa the intention to amend the. law In tho di rection of increasing the certainty of proper punishment b^ine; Imposed upon all persons guilty of bribery. Sir, Oliver replied that the Govern ment would be tflart to discover, anv practical means not yet provided o/' preventing or diminishing' bribery In elections. Ho far the Government had not been able to discover any better means than already provided. Neither Wim the Government aware of any means of communicating to the Legis lature such matters, cx,ccpt by the publication In the Votes and froceed- Iiir*s of the Judgment of the trial Judges. Alitor these questions had been dis posed of tho House adjourned till Mon day afternoon. t ><i,mn>dilii' H.iiud Kv|io<lltliiu. New York, Fob. 14. 'J'ho fdontmdilp Mlo- nicbi, u frel/fhter or th<i Morgan- lino, 1h 'iiwhoro on blberty IhIiuuI. Hhe iirrh'Od lit (tort this* morulnr; from New Or|enna mu] iri'uiiiiib.'il on .wliat \a oiilleil Oyitler IhIiuhI riwjf at R rt'eloel;.. The Ulorailo Iu<uaw)blsl| ABOUT WOMEN. ! Tho Quonn of thn IJel^Ians will pnsn n I portion of the winter In Houthorn Ku- ; rope. I There are MHO,000 wonion employed In ' business In Land on, Including fid, Duo [ clerks. Statistics shew that the avera^ > life of women workers In the city Is ;ni 1 years. Mrs. William Stedman Aldls, wlfo of tho ex-professor of matlnoiiatlcs nt the University of Auckland, has publlshod a popular little treatise on astronomy, on- titled, "Consider the Heavens." lime. Blanc, .who has been travelling ln the United Ktatns, has lintshod a book- In which fiho records hor improsslons of tlio Amoricau woman. Title, "Les Amoricainos cite/, Kilos" (tho American women at home). Tho Downier lOmpress of Russia has grown much thinner during tho last, year. In former days It wuh ofton re marked that her more robust ll/juro niado hor appear some years older Chan tho PrincoNB of Wales. Tho Hopbomoro play at Bryn Mawr n coimla of weeks apjo was, instead of an original ono. as heretofore, an adapta tion of "Ralph Royster Doyster," and was a 11 voly representation or Kllzabotli- an tlmoB in stnuing, dross and acting. ilmu. Cnrnot, whnxu health has bo- ooniu Borloiisly affected sinen the aRHas- Hluutlon of hor husband, the President of tho Ropublic, Is about to make a visit to Knffland. Mine. Car not, wlillu thoni, will romain in strict privacy in tho family of a loading French merchant. Tho State Federation of Women's Clubs and Societies mot In Brooklyn Inst week. This was tho llrst annual conven tion of tho federation, which was formed h year iifjo under the auspieos of Soroshj. It has Rrown continuously, and now numbers KM* clubs, and probably from 13, WO to 15,000 mombors. . Queen Victoria has causod to bo erect ed ln Crathlo Churchyard,-noiir Halmoral, over tho gravo of tho late Francis Clark, hor portion nt attendant, a linndoomo hoadstonn In unpolished gray fljmnlto. The memorial boars tho following In- Rcrlption: "In gratoful romombrnnco of tfrrtnols Clark. Born at Bolmoro, Abor- arder, Soptonibor 1, 18-11. Died at Buck ingham Palnco, July 7, 180D. For 9K years tlio faithful and dovotod Highland attendant of Queen Victoria, who hnfl erootod thin ntono. Iio was bravo, honest and truo," Miss Annlo Plrlo, a clover young artlnt, haa just rocolvod a curious bom- mlofilon from Prof. Flinders Potrlo, tlio Iflgyptologlfit, She 1h to accompany him on hlfl noxti tour of oxploratlon In order to copy tho froBcoeo and do loved mural decorations which tho professor hopes to diflcovor ln oortnln tombs situated among tho mountalno boyond Thobofl. Mlna Plrlo in tho youngost daughter of tho late 'Principal Plrlo of Abordoori Unlvora- Ity; hor mothor In half-sistor to Mr. Archibald Xforhofl, tho war uorrospond- ent. Sho 1b engaged in learning Arabia JAMJ'IS NAVJ.Oit *il1[(iii thin opportunity ol anuounom i' urn pooplti ct the Town uud (.ninity of Kunex, that )id him roriedtihu] tho Kh- hux Under Mllbi according to phuiH prepiirodbj H. N1. ,'rieo, Kt. Tlinmiui, aial lias 1U110 sneured the Horvicea at boiiKirr Htiiaciian, an oxpori outbid uinl tlmrmiKhly cMiniottJiitmillor. Tliuiilung tho peopla of thn town and county tor lho puLromifM.) het;towua upon liim in tlio puHt, will cmirantuu aiUiiifitfitUm In the luturo Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THI-l JiEHTGKADKH OF FbOUK, l-'KED AND COJINSIKAIj KKI'T IN HTOOK AND KOIjI) AT JlIOilT PHIUEH. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. LEGAL. If A, WISMKU, Uurniiter, Kelicltor, Notm J* Puhllo A-o. Monoy tn loiin. Olllccu, Dm Htiui block, up-jitairu, iCnunx, .|-ly - r Ii. PKTKltH blirrititer, Holicltwr, Notn- 'J Public Alonuy to buau, tltllca ov< HtrutlHini' Jitnili. Kiiiiox Centre. fM,AHKli, UAHTbKT & \i*liTLlY\\ Jtmiii KJ tern, utii. OtlicMi, Aludbury Block, WindhC i'l'IVKtll fllllllll td I01UI. A. Ii. n.Aiun:, b. J,, p. k, a. IlAU'rniri A. H. llAU'i r.i/c, ll. A. j S MNhY (J, WAI/l'KitS. b.b.Ii., Attorney ium J! Coutihclor nt lu.w, Holieltor in Chancery 1'i.j-jlor in AihinnilLy. Pdtfiil, SoliciOn'. with Ailtiiihou A-JliuglirtHCorigrutiii nt'w.nit, betruit, Mien {Ciuiieliiin chiinai iiyaiiiiit nmhoiiii in tho Umteil Htiituii cidlui ted.j Jtethreiici-iu InipoiiiU Hunk, Ks'iox, Out, .1. b. Peters. Kh*|,, Uurrifitor, otc, Ksscx, Out Jl.A. Wiiiuiev, l.tio., liinriiitor, ot:., l-Vi-nux, Out SOCIETIES f O. O. K.-KNTKIIPIUHM I,od[{o No iilfl, ! ' moctsovory Thiu-udny, ovoidnu at 7.110ioOildfidlown trull, in third iitorny linimtan Illook ' Vinltini:mombernuf.othor lodi'^Hwlll rooolvni rmtornul velcnino. W. (JIIAI'TKUTON, N. O. OMNTItAL MNGAMPHJKNT, Ko.fK). mootnit Oddfellowfi.Hull.DuniitiLn'H Itlock, on tho drut Mnl third Tuoiuliiy inoiich niontli. ViHitorHoon diully rocolvod. Mmuhitrn of imhordinnUi lodi/oi bi thft Jurimllctinn, lnvltnil to Jolu. 0 If ANNAN. C. \' G.F. Illbb, Hoc. I^HHICX FIltF IHtlUADK." MKKTh" KVKUy J J I'lirlny ovMiiiu; in tlm Fin-mou'it room in the Ktone lniildin^. Jiei. MnMiuriiv. Chlof; lCoht. P.irltor, CiipUin; ,\. liiiriihuui, IJouton- "-u^.l"_.!-)il11"' Kucrotiirv; I'red qllyiitt/rrimiiurur. ClOt/IlT ItOYAT*. Ne, -J'.'J, I. (), V. > MttetH Hecuiid (Lin! 'cm th TiKiinliiv'ri la tin. / rnontb lu l. O. O. F Hull ut H n'cloolt p. 1/ Vlbltini: brotln rn wib t,n j;ivt)ii it. (rutiiraiU v coino. K.McCaunhm.l. C. It,, W.O. ShaW. W M.J. Wiglo.C. D, II. < ,n. MEDICAL. ] \HH, liUIK.N A: illtlKN. ./art llri.-n. M. !>.. 1,. H., C. p. ii. gruihiiLtn Of Qik'oiim l.Tiivuriutv, Kiiigbton, iiKiiitljor of Col in;;., oi 1 ii\Hi.;inini unn S:ir({<ionfi.OiiLiLi-i). finul- tiuu of New York. J'o^t (Jrudiutto .Modioul Col-. lnu'n. .1. W. Ilrlon, M. D.p 0. M., F. T. M. C. Honor Brudiinro of Trb.irv .Modioul t!flloMF Hocor firiiilimte of Trinity Urnvoniity, .Memlior or tho Oollofjoor' I'nvdiniimii tuid Sin^eoiiH, tint (bud- initii of i cw-. York . I'ust OriLiluniu Medical Cnlu.'gii. <mi(;.:OV<ir IOhkok Modioul Hull -lruj,' r,toni. Coniniltiitioii rooniH. hnth on ijniuml Moor mid tlrht tint ithovo. Tolupbonu in both olliuo and rosiduuM), All ealJu uttendud lu from olllco dint;' btorii, or rusidunm*. Uenidoncu. TidhoL strttit, front of fair rouinhj. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. rPHr3 lur(,'o and commodiniifi Houpo haa I botin thoroughly pnlntod and rpplnninliud with imw funiituto by jiroHiJiit propriotrono. IvAIlOK I1ATIN IN CONNIICTION. Firiit-OliiHn Accomodation Guaranteed. MRS. C. WILKINBDN, Proi)HotroBB,__ W JnV.LlI JLXjXM HiiIohiuoh to handhi our liar y '.iiinudiiui Grown Nun;ory Rtoclc. Wo una* a*itifi niitinfaction to riipronoiitatlvoii and cunt .morn, Cur nurtiorien aro tlio larcont in tho Dominion, over 700 nerwi, No Hubijtitntion in orders. Kxoluuivo torritory anil li'ooraltonnu to wliolo or i>art tirrto iirtnntn. Wrlto un. BTONK fir WELLINGTON, (Hond oflloo) Toronto, Ont, (Thn only miraory in Cauada huvioR toittinrj oruhardH.) li-:jrn Best Placoiu tlio world for youin; mon ujid wonion toHoouro a IJiminodij I"dn(mtlon,Hliortliaiid,<Jto.,iti tho Detroit JtufiinuMi Univorultv. De troit, Midi ' IlloHtratod oatiLlofjuo Froo. Itofrucpii: All Detroit, P. JR\VELL,Profl. P. It. BtM3NCKU.Hoo. J\IiH. DKWAU & McKENZIK. 1'.A.Dkwah1'M.1J.C.M.1RT.M.S. Honor Gnulu- ito'i. runty Univuinity. Murnhor i 'dllojpi Phyi claiiH and HiirKuDim, Ont. Iteiiideiicc, Talho *)t. hunt, G. McKkszik. M. D. C. M., Coroner, Now York i'ont (irailuatit, I'ollow Trinin Medical Colloo. Gruduato Trinity Univonifty ltuHiduiieo: Tidhot Street, woi.t ol ]\I. CI. H, CJUicchourti ft to it u. m., 1 to a uu,\ fi tu h p. w Ollice hi Iiuperi.d Hank block, ground Door next to Thonifi'Hdriif! htoro. TolonhQin) In connection with ofllco and roiii- donco. Orders loft at Thoma's drui: store will bi promptly attondud to. DENTAL. HP. iMAHTrN.D.D. B.. L. D. R. Graduate m Dontititry, Koyid ColltiKe of Dontal Bur^ooiai, Ontario', uml Unlvornity of Toronto OlHirfiOH.modorato. Otlico, ovor Hrion & Cot tlruL* otoro, 18-lv ___ VETERINAR Y. WII, hICHAItDHON, VKVK1UNARY SUH fiKON. Honorary firaduato of Ontario Voturbiai-y (IoIIaho, Toronto; mmi)bur of On tario Vuterinary Medical Hocjoty; Diplouiitst in DontiHtry; troutu all diHeitseii of domoHticatud aniinalu; cm trio dohornoil by tho latent improvod Loavitt clipper Ciilla by telcpbono or telu- nrnpli pi-omptly attendfU to. Jteni,lL-uco, four doom south of grlrit mill; office in pent officii buildhii;; inl\rnmry. directly onponilit. Michigan (TERTgi "Ik* Niagara falls fiouie," OOINQ KAHT Taldufjctfcct May lOtli, l8Ufi. Detroit....... Windsor-,, ~ Poltou........ Miiidntoiioa KiiSf.'x....... Woodsleit ... lilKiconib ... Coinhor...... Itidijutowii.. Uoiiuoy...;.,. St. Tlitimit London......... V-'t. Thomiis... rtodm-y......... Hidfjctnwii..... f'lllllllHf..... .. ItUHcomb....... Woodnli'i)....... I-Iuhcx............ MiiuJiitono Or Pulton............ WindHor......... Detroit........... Mull" 7. in 7,'Kt H.C1 H.ll 'H.Ul H.ys H.ll" fl.-IS jojtr ll.'M lixp. iT G.'JO Ex)). "iu m. ti.lti 10.10 .7M> B.-17 10.00 OPINO WliHT, 2 4(1 a.: ii) i(J7 t).:i() 5.-11 ft fi() fi.o;t ii. M i.oa n ni, o.;i5 io. at ii.-m 0.-15 7.10 18.10 12.4B a.m. SIR 0.83 ras aw 0.30 r,:ia 0.M 10.01 M.n 10.IW 10.BO AuiiierMtburu I.ocnl TrnliiN. WliHT J.'AUT^ pm. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. furyil (5.10 ll.fid fj,ifi J-Mtix 7JG O.BO'Tffl. PJ.W1 H.i& Kdmirn :7.00 O.JO G.'iH l'J.10 0.:i-2 L K A l> It Xing 0.M fj.JWi 4.53 tiliU VMH) McOroflor (i.4H 0.1)0 4 (SO o.flo jy.M) H.firj Amhorbthur/i J.I0 All trfihm uro run on central utiindard tlmo, whiob in Hixty niiiiiiton Blower than Knaox timo. For iiiformatlon and niton to oolon- into moviiif; wont apply to John O. Liivon, PaS' HouKor Acont, Bt. Thomun. O. W. Kinjrdon, G4^- oritl PiiimoKKor unci Ticket Aont, Chlonro, ID or A. O. Ktiiuorn, Aaont.Knuox. " L- E. & D. R. Ry. 'IMR TAHDK NO. '^0, taldnfi ofroct Mondny, Due Sit, lB!)r>. Traiiin run by Kftntorn Stand-' ' ard Timo, Daily oxcopt Sunday CI""- si Alountain OHinblntr uud dry, u-l THREADS OF THOUGHT. Truth nooda not ohnmplons, but fol- lowora. ( Slmrp duylnsH nro not ulwnyH roilnod.' Somo oonBuloncou aro bettor goads thou guidon, , Sympiitliy and nuvorlty uoldom go hand in band. " Koop your wound covorod, and It may heal without a noar. MypoclnlM*' don't run on rogultir tlmo* lIlCOWlUU KOUlUSL Nob till the gloamlctf oouiea, can w* see tho etunt * Uufi a wondorfol fnHomation for nanny mon. And tho higher tho mountain anil tho greater Hpico of dungor about it. tho more auxioun ih tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing inhtiuots whatever, to l*ct to tho top of that mountain. Thoro is au intoxication, u Gory outliiiHhiRm ubout tt that pushoa ono on and on, unci rostH tir ud muKclofl and juHptron llaK^inKcournyo to overliiflttu|dy keep at it uutil tho top m roaohod and tho ooohug zophyra that fan tho brow of tho mountain cool your own throbbing tomploa. Amoricauu huvo thon|ht that it waB ueeeoiiary to go toEnropo, to tho Alpc, to tind any full Brown rnouutaiuH to Hoalo. It'nall moonnhioQ. Ian't 1*1,000 foot high enough, with (daciorH, thoup raokod, oraok- od oroaturcn of ico and unow, and oraloro and liutmroH and prtoipiooa to climb ovor and round, tho aamo us in tlio Alpu? Yob, they aro all riqlit hero oloao at hand, and if you aro nitorontoJ to know whoro and how and when, junfc Bond your nddrpHB, and nix oouto in titamps to Ciub. S. Fek of tho Northern Pacific Railroad, St. Paul, Minn., and ho will nend you a book that recounts a olimb up ouo of tho jrando8t pealta of oartb, wrifctan by tho gontloman whorr.ado tho aflconfc. Tho ohuptor on thin mountain in pro- funoly tlhiHtratod in half tono ataninKB talton by a photographer who accompanied tho parly for that pnrposo. If you aro in- torcfltod onouqh in your own country to doairo to kiiow about ito wondorful uoauio foaturcB, vou want thin hook. LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES R. LAIRD, Provincial Land Snrvoyor and County Kiifjinoor, Kauax Contro, Ont Ofllco, Dumitau Block, uputidrii. AUCTIONEERS. HENKY nEDKICK, Auctlonour. Salop promptly attondod to. Addronii South Woodnloo, Out. I'ornoim dcalrliiB to ncctiro mc may, loavo word at tho X'jtmc Piikbh otlico. tf H. HEDIU0U D. eiNCDAIH, LICENSED AlJCTIONEEll for tho County ofEauox. Pailiffof Ehmth Divifdon Court. All Uindu of Farm and other Salon couducted promptly. Itntou roajoriablo and furubihud on aupUcatfon. Enqulroni may apply at W. D. Unaiiiau'n olhoo or at tlio ofllco of Dlvliiion Court Clurlc.Mr. iToIid Aliluo. o 'A W o c -A V M ti:'20 0.'^7 A M A' M o an pj.oo 9.,'J-J ]!i.!10 .:t'J Vi 10 l)..i:i;pj..j5 !>f0:l2..W 0.47 H.R7I 1.10 (JM 1.10 IV CO 1.110 7,10 IM) 7.17 2.00 7.C7 2 35 7,117 2.-1) 7.44 a.45 7M 1.10 H,('J JOHN GOItMLEY. DI0EN6ED AUCTIONEEU for tho County of Eijqox. All kiudn of farm iitoclc salon, otc, comluclod promptly and on nhort notloo, Batou ronuorablo. Porpoun donirahlo to nrraiiffQ naloii may rlo'uo by callhiE at tho Fhkis Pkmhu oilloo or by applyiuG to J J. QOP.MLEY, P. O. Box 155 Kauox, Ont. FBANK MoCLOSKEY, Maidotono, thirty- novon yoaru' oxporionoo an an auatlciioorfn tho County nf Edrox. Salon conducted promptly, uud oh roacionablo tormn. Panich dooirinrf to Qx tho ditto for a ualo can tiava tbamoolvoii a drivo by oallltiR at tlio FubicPihedo oflioo. Wo havo arrannod with Mr. McOloakoy and will ux tho (latflti for fialoii by tolo^raph, nntholy froo of all ohavRo to tho portion hold Jug tho nalo. Ad- ilroBu Frank UoOIoidcoy, Maid ot ouo Orami, Ont( lttB 10.02 10.01) 10.1(1 10.27 io,a7 10.45 10.65 11.11 11.20 11.S5 11.115 11.43 11.CO 1155 12.01 1U.11 18.10 b.'.24 12.33 I.iiO 4 45 G.PJ g.:m fi.-ifi 5.Q5 0.05 6.15 0.115 0.15 7.00 r. u. p. it. fl.17 Btationh. Dop Walkorv'lo Ar Walkorvillo Juuc. ......... Polton......... ......t Oldcuntlo...... ......1 Paquotto...... ...... McOrofjor ...... t..t Now Canaan... ... 1 Mambflold ... ...... Harrow ...... ........+ Arnor.....':.,. ...... KillRBVillO...... ...... Ruthvon ...... ... I.oaminnton ... ......Whttatlcy ...... ......1 Itonwioli ...... ......Coatnworth ... 8.H2......IGloiiwoud. fl.40 8 47 H.52 0 00 0.07 0.12 0 20 P.l r.M .........Morlln ......\ Buxton......... ...... BnndlBon ...... ...ICodnrSprirBB... Blonhelm Jiiuot'u ......Blonho'm-...... ........tWUKio......... Ar IlidRotown Dop r.M. r.M.'i'.M. t I'Ihr Stutlonn. Trainn utop only whon tliero nro paDHcncorn at or for theno otatlonn. Mixed truiiiB arc at al tlmon tmbjoot to bo cancelled WM wnriLLATT. Gonoral Bupovinteiidout. J^IKER^__ TIIE oldont biinlnons in town. Eotitblluho 1870. Kirnt-olauu broad and oakoB of al Ulndn. Woddliiff oakona speciality. QrocoriOB nroviflionB,(lour,food, salt acd pork. Couroo- llonory, orookory.HlnnnwaTO. Cnuuodfruita and voftotamoo of all ktmln. Goodn promptly 'io HvorodtoallpartooftbG town, J. M. Ill0Kb. lol-tf VIio Vlkuw for Kliilldlkitf, Up tho Byntom ih nt thin noanon. Tbo cold woatborhan mado iintniiul drainB upon tlio vital forooo. Tho blood haa iuoaorno im. povonnhod and impure, and air tho ftiuu. tfoui of tho body uuCfor lu oouAequouoo. Hood'd Burfliiparilla is tho "groat, builder, ^^-ANm^\NDJLOA^ f~* EOltGK J. THOMAH, Oonvoyanoor, Cow \ mlfinioiior, in High Court of Jutitloo; doalor In Itoul Ktitato and Wortffafion. Money to loap at tbfl lowunt rate of lntoront. Farinn bought and uold, lueurdnoo takun lu tho rooaHroHable oompanlos. Drawing ot doodn, mortRagoB and loaeen a Bpoolalty. Obarfioa modorato add nit bunluoflB promptly attondod to, Call at the CJmitrul Tdlrmhono offlco, EuBoxOfiutro. SO^ly NOW IS YOUR Muob of lifo'M miaory in duo to iudiytH- tlon; for who oati bo happy with a pnin in hlB Hlomnob? Aim correbtivo and Htronj-tb- oner of tho BHtnoutaryornanB, Aynr'a PilU -. <)t If you waut Rood Furniture for littlo mouoy. An immenHo Btoclc of Purnituro to choose from. Byorything from a lutohon ohnir to the fluont qtiartor out priooB lower thau any whore in thio county. Kindly ive un a call. All yoodtt delivcrod free of charge. 100 CORDS OP WOOD WANTED in exajhanga for furniture. UNDERTIiKinG A SPECIALT.f, IJina line of tt&deriakii)KptijppUe9 UV^wJSI hand. Will form ah nil carriage* |ne*ded Pribea right oloHe. " '\. .^'",\i^h ' .....'VlVtff W:" bocaaeifcid.thOno true1 Blood Puri0rr *" invaluable, their um* bein alwftya bt. .- ' |||A|fC ft |C. and nerv tonic' " ' tended withraarked beneEt. ' > Ui At llluK,? uOn WJi\-$)& ..',V- 15 06

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