W^^f^f^^W "VJ THE BSSL^i KV r^i> ro $=> cr ffr'A- $B8SEX FREE PRESS ^Published Every Friday Morning .From thocMoo " Talbot Htrool, uoxl IJuniitan Jllouk, ft A * Spcmial uttontion in paid to tho publiua- tiou n niuttor of IooilI imporUnco, ucour* ' ftto aud ffMiibU) roportH of Town, noichboi'- ing Towiuddp and County Council prnoeort- inge, local utut county nmrluit repnrtii, otc,, ttlO oattifu, unci judioiouu umuutlniuoMt of ' Tbs.Fukm Piir.tw, Willi reepejt to I how and -Other oui-runt muUent or local mtporuuuio, haa jiivunitii widenprojid prnaiun in tho contra o Kni-cx county,which hi rouoeni/<*d as ono ol'the bei*t u>rit:iiUur:il dmtnuU in Ontiina. Tins I'v.v.y. I'm.mi l* tho only medium oirouhuiiitf tlnnoii'ddy ' in thin ooutnd portion of tho (.Juuutv, and in con- Bc*iuntly.without douU.the only thorough advoi-timnj; medium for btr-um-Hh people Wiiilunn to roach that nluwi of oiniliunnrn. CDUiuiwi'oNnr.Nt'K.] Our oolurnwt uro iiUvujh npou Ior. l.llu pouooablo dii-emmion of nmt.U'i-H portuiniii- to tho public woltaru. Ablo corroppoinlontu in nil iho HUrround. ing louiilitieii furninh n-lmble report* ot evontu of iuturuHt, occurring in their uovt-rM Bphurti>i; ami tlm puhliiOit'l- W at till thurt* plonuoii to receive inton^tiny itonm of nsWH from any dinpoised to forward i;unln- butioun. r-' All Qriimmniontioini of a pnvuto and DotiiidoiiUHl initure, nhould bo no umikLtl 3u tjiooiitiudu of tho "envelope. iunmoitii"iioN Vinci:. JU.Oti per annum, utricily in iidvaucci, Jl.bJ nor annum if not ho paid; unu all arrears uhu.i'i;ud at that i\itu. AliVl.UTlil'lfl.NlM. Tranideiifc lojrul and nnuniujvil inhcr- iiHomoutH, itnLiuf.'H, etc., chained nt 'tho rato of ton ut nth pur hue, tor lirnt inHOrtion, and livo cento pen- lino for ouuh imbHi-ijuoul niM-rtion. All mich advurtiiiomonU arts me-iMirud by a fumle of twolvo liuoii to the inch. Looul rendu".; and uther nnttcui pub- liahod iimonK loo til im'wh innt(< r churned at tbu rate of ten cimtu per running lino for ettoh iiiHortinn. A.U noticed of ehuroh or Hooicty enter tainmontii of any doBcription, at which un admittmoi) foe )h charged, arc regarded an advortiai'iuontH, and full ndveilibiue, mien churned in all uuuh tawcii. Noticun of ^ath- orin^B or mcotinUH not for pocuniaiy buuo- fit or aid, will bu ohei;rfully publiwliod fruo ' of ohnrtfo. Spuoi'd contract raton mudo for dinplay or standing advth. All h-fiat orprofeinou- al cardtt under ouo inch, %?t pt-r atinuin. uci.\Ii I'lUN'iiisti, Tlio JOiue " PiiKSn Job Priniinti Do-. , partmout in under the bupcrviniou of thoroughly competent nuchanics, and hpocihI "attention is paid to tln^ branch of tho trade. Our fadhtu-b for tlw> execution of all IuikIh of lioolt aud Pino Job Printing are uut-'xcolli'il. Htuarn power pretMUB. A call holicitod. iiuhisi:hh uloulationh. '. All Job Printing and Tranhiont AdvertiHinC accouutn, Btriiitly casib. Advertimn^ aocouutH with regular putrouH are hottlcd quarterly. Sub- OriptionH duo in advance. No HiibHcriptinti to Lin; Kimi; L'ni.hs, m adveitiK-UK m pnbliHlied iu it j cuIiiuiuh Will bo tlihfjontuiuud until all turearH are paid in full. Ghanfjea for adyiirtiHoinunts, to t'Oourt' frinortiou in tlio otirrunt ih^ul', miumL l>o handed in not laU-r than noon of tlio Tuch- diiy precedinu, and uoti'je of ^uuli intund- od obango i.-i n-ijuirod on tlio Mumlay pre ceding. ~~ Noticj of dihCoiiLinU'inci' of ai\i'ITiht- liioutH nniiiL be i^ivi n nL IchhI one we -U in (ibVtttico of the iHtiuu tu which thoy aro doBirud to laht appear. ^nvi.itnrfi:KH, Subhcrib'TH and patroius Uc-neraily aro roquebtetl to rial tlu* ubov rer;ubLtioi.H oarofully, in nrdor that conftiHiun may 1)0 UVoldeil, at! they will in all canon bo adhered to. AddreHH nil co iiiuunicatioini to IC. J. IiOVKTACi:. J'nliliiUmr tliti K:ii>i;x Fat;i: PiirtiH, Khsox. Out Vt-K led- BSood Ih thn FoumluMim of tlm Wonderful Citron by Lffl cl*,. 9 s barsapanna That io Why il>fi cuvw by J lorn Pa Gni^:ip:iiill;i me Ct'ui.s. That is V7hy Hood's Piir-npiirllln, TtiiMlmdv dm -. euro tho KcvtT* -1. nisfq ot timduhi >'i't Kh'-uim ami all ntln-r blood di .i',i^i--F rven vhen nil othor jji'i'lifi.dion-. "Jul |in .-' i-ipliuiH fnil. That is Why tb tiMimnnialH in bfduilf <'f HiHid'.* S:ir-np:irilhi .nro vdid fails nn<l will fdnml tho doM'st That i3 Why tlippi^phshmiMJon- fidoma' in ll'i.ul'.* Sin,*.a])arilla, nnd Know thnt wlntiViT iipiicarti in itfl mlvcrti^:!!': i-' !-ii ndly true. Th.'tt is V."y Tif>od'-i ^:n-'!ii:irilla U in.c;r,i/-'d Ip\' nil us tho htamliird liuililni^ii^ uu'ilii iin*. That is V.'hy it ovrnoin^.s That T'lf-d l-'-'idii'., t\'-s upTiry in placo of r\!i:ni-ii .ii lite ii.-t":nl of languor. That i*> V^^hy tm* wil^ of Ibmips Pai'inp. iriib* have ni'l "nJod yt'.'ii; alli'i* year, win." oil.oi pn-pantions of lest* iui'idl havo. cnini', lndd a littlo tem porary favor, ami aro heard "f uo moro. Tha* is Why llootl'-j Sarsaparilla votiuii"-) fur ' " pi'o'lni tion tho largest Jjahorati" > .i. IJi': woibl. That (^ "'Vhy it is a *nio in*n*o toni'- oiU*"i io'rv.Jip:j|i".H by ftM'din^ tlie ifi'V-s ;1V puvii biouil, and bllililS up all ill.' or;; a r.Mnid tissues o tho body. That ia A/hy E-2ooc3'gs Saii'sapaffiUa Is feo Only True E!ood Purifier PromliK't'Dv in Oiojniblic yo todny. Bo nuro to j;et Hood's aud only HoocPh. Your Liver PALftCE GTCAMKR3. (.OW FIATE.^ HST/n\ CLEVELAND, BUPFALO am) i.LL, l-UlNTd i"A^7 cvonv nvKtiit.Q chtwech TROIT^CUElfEllRn Connectinif v/ith f.-arliii.^t trains at CJl-.lIsi:'.! for ull points II i^t, Joutb uud SouLliv^xht. SundayTrlpsJuno, July, fiuguat oiil 3cpt-*n*.':2i' 0r,\Foun Tuipr. nun VJciik Botywch w,umm*?mmmi *3T0SKSY, THE "SCC," MAUO'JHTTK, AND DtJL /Tit. o iirw r.tcel p.i.--fe:n i-r l.'.^.iiuti ;:::viv mi-j. i built for oui Upi-i..- t ..\: \:,,r.t > ,-to x/j each. Send tee liluuiMivd \..i..u\ LRt A. A. CCMftW f2. q. r. a r. a. Dl-TOOIT, I/.IOI1, IRIOT ?) nFRUm SlfAH KM. ^ lw" cbPYRIGHf SV^ VV Y OttTAIN A K'ATKNT' Kft.* a i' iimtwur and an likinont opinion *.vrltu to > i' UKiriru in tlio paro.it Immiicm. roinamnien- ' JrtHU'l^tly CnatldoiiMitl. A llliiitltii) .Uol' In- I'onnatliitl ouncnnuaii rati'iilt* ami .i...v tu <ib- .'htl.'ittitim iMir.r. fi>oo. /Iho ii cerulOijJeoi nicahuti- icrtl nnil hoioiituiu iiOfil; nont ueo. ^ Pateam t:,'.:cn tiirouuM Minm & C\ ff^lvn ' JfptloiaUlOtlcn i;i (ho Hr.iiriillllu AlilOrU'ii n. ai 4 tfiui ro broti'dit wliiwly berorntlii? pubtlu r.-lth- . ot eflrt'tp tho Invoator, TliU HiH^ncUtl pjiper, Issued w6i)ldr. tilOKuni-ly Jlluntrurod. bu iiy fur the ba-cent nfroulutlvU f ntiy Bcinntltio work m tlio world, 83 it your, tianinln cootcHUOiai'fOfi. Bulldlnif lMltlou. rnoatlily, ri.M) n yuur* HliiQlo ' opplja,*Ja contH. lOvwy ituuilmr. ooatiUiia tuiun- - tfrul plutoa, In colore atid plioioumplis of n\r . hou8C(i.Vfltlj plana, oniibllu^nnlld'^' ^oshow-tho UtnRfc nriiiufiH anil BtMiurn enntnttuv. AdUnim* WUH.J * r.o.. Nicvr Yoiuc. lili huoApvAV woiyhtorfull- &*z^*$t?s's^' noRH in t.ho ^--^ stomach, hosrtburnt or unnsna, ITood'a riiln rouho tho liver euro bilionHiieitt, restoro proper dhrt-stlon, i-.v-yi-1! uci'iimulatod impiiritU-H, ciirfw-m'-'i'ii* :oa. l!5eentK. Prepared only bvO. I. ilniMi A; Co., Jjfiwull, Mnaa,U. a. A* iiis<;ie \* v. oi nil. i.sri siv Ia llio Tfrrlble H orK oJ tin* ItirltH III tlm Province of Hurnoo! Constantinople, Fidi. Hi. The r<dl >w- 1u,l'; is ;L TurKiHli *.' iiin.it.- it Tuibhh Vlop-lUV- It) til,' J'ro\ UlL'r O. I 1.11 ]. i Mil and noun' uf [J|.. adj ivni vill.i-. , l>. in- i trail.-la li oi .-i' a li i pi ,-]mi i- [ in 'I iir- hty by a ]>mm1 .\lo-h-ni lit h.- n '-xtra ~no\ rrniiii-n t 11 in,, it ion. '1 '!, ni i-mal I.-; M-ah-il with hit- i-i-al. Th.- iui..l ninii- !< , nuinl" r th^titutf, HI,7m), as joll^w: , loiul ;vili- t-d, iiKtlr.s, uuiiM-n ii itc 1 j.;irl:- iiiiinl"H"lp -II,.".M ; puiM.iiH hiinnd tn d< .tt!i in t h- lln-s. liM',; niliiiMi i >, pi ii . I.- .iiid . < It i.il tfurhfi--, Uti! d. M ; d at h.- i'r.'rn Iniir^-r and ' iild, a,i:il<i ; di'.ii h - i.i ::'-i'ii. i am ; and .snow, t,.::;u ; n imb- ; . iii.'Mi- I'i.ie,":, t'lom t \IV, liiiii , miniN.T \'. ninl- <d s.uiiii .s In. m d, -iv.,."lili ; l-jfriltly cifi-nniei- '! .n I r-u - \'i-rL' il to 1-iaui, l.'i.im ; ijmns!"'i m \ t"- Ifiljuiihi, ~>,~<'M) ; ni'Hi.iMi'i ii -, i.di"ol- ,ind ( nuiohiT Of Wtuiirll illld Hill," lolcildV la Iv.-u in urn t riiu;i- h.v t h<* .Mo-deins, )-",;: immli'-i' ot n.i-ii, won * n and idill- ilfi'ii in d i ."-1111U u (. o n d U i -11, M, V 7 U. i << h.Son i;i.i;u oi i hjs i;c:'u;:-.-. .1 rrriirli-l'iiciiulfai ^lia i:: 3111:111 siupi'd ahf 111 OrllllU Io lUl (!. ..cru. 1 trillia, PVti. ]:,.- _\ in 1 l,. (;,!_ ]! >,,. w- tll I 1II1IH tl oui (];,j Itllllli- ] u[ fill on ihr Sou f\'|>it"s at ,'1. {it this iiinra- In^, and ivi'i.Miuil .11 ih-* I .i 1 v lluire U J id it ail a>-ii! 1 led n.t inc. f I- ,1: 1,, d to b" called in iltn ini ih,. lei m 11 -1111. .\ t 1! o'e|nd; 1 be rln 1c 1 a I) d 'inn, but iambi rO-t no ii':-piin-i., ;i nd, i 1 riti^' so'in linn;; uas \- 1 .>!i",. 1 !i ,111; n .1 111, . W - 1 , t ia- ib or end loiuid I in* lnn|> ..J tin* ;uuie; nan Miiic! on ,t rh ilr with .1 1 n 1 Pl.*l In b' In til" b'l't t iiipb' and a "l-\ allbie 1 i \ id\ it li'in-4 no I In- Iin. u- in a pool or b'liinl. Hi- liinl e\ Idon'i ly In-, u do id lour liours when found, Il win-, a rb.-ir (-a.se of milolde Th,. |>ody has, Ihtii tent to Itivb re (in. He, (.jue. HO\i;'. OllJN I MUM WI1EI iini. Votinu Ilimlillt'u alia Hi Mum Itml aixl tic '0lU'lli(lril Io IMr. Chicago, Fl'Ij. ]. Win. C. lluahitt, ^1 ji-ur.s old, Hon of .Marvin' '11 tiffhlu, pios'Ulont of lliij (,'hl-a-^o iVr Northwt hi- 1 1 n Uallroad, w a.^ found dead 011 the lti.or ol hly room hi the lamily r'Hl- ih nee, lit>li<S J'rairU; avenue, tills innrn-" niM.having a bullet wound In hi a ln-ad. "'In* b.ill wddoli ltilled him was iiiud by bin own hand, Tlio younK loan had liLcn de;'pind\-nt for soim? tlm past ull aeonuut of 111 lieallli. An iruiuest was In hi dining, thu ui'urnoim and'a vcr-- diot reiuleit il, " Suhdde eauaod hy do- siiondemy prodiK'i d by ill h alLh." nil.1T AS lriXM tE.lt'.H IMTK? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Monlroal Dcvnka nfu Calling In Tholr Loans. A DESIRE TO BE ON THE SAFE SlIlE II111 1'iihluinHtrr f ^rii'iir Iti'llcvi-d to IInvo INtImIm'iI In (he Hnov* IleHpi-der, Ft'b.-l.'i. JamoH Maodorialcl, lcstin:i.stor of Orelif, TcwnHhlp of Puh- ilnch, was in lU-Kpeler on Alontlay. Ho had suppor at the hoiisu uf Malcolm Mctadland and lot't tho villaRo for home between 7 and K o'eloolt on the evonlim of that day. Ho wan walking and a\ilh lant aeon a short dlalauoi.' lrom tho vlllaso, '.-uhir towards Puj,- lluvli. NothhiK h'm bi'on heard of him olnce that time, thmiudi ^onrchliiK par- tlo have been clolim all tlioy could i.i locu to him. Tho worm wind and unowKtorm of tho noawon wn.i raglnK that nhrht and It 1b feared h& may have periHhod and, bo**n covered hy bho drlftlni: tmcnV. Hu 4*itH<- of llniinclul TrMibhut ltri*wlii I ha Hlot.U lEroKcru 4- hlnnfl of Hone> Io * afiy on llicli- liuui- ~in'-t4 iCvi'litmu^ ,Hi'HktM-ri4 ' pcaL. Monlrael, 1-Vb. 1 h Tin* Monti, al HiooU I'lxidin nj-.....li'ouriu d u\ or io-da.\ im 111 th -iiuilu:*, of ila> u . 1 It, .1 nd Liu- - I I' 'l- lea 1 n. I ha I di - 11 t 'p 1 1 nit anil .,! p '.'.a.. I Lia-n In" i ,i n .. ol a i.'.'b ol in no y uh the :.i 1 * '. Pi dn hllMin - - 'I'll < on. pollil'-ILl I, ui.ed n to th.. iM.tti. ] nol found 1)1 It (to r l,i! b -it - li 1 w> .-ii the bank.. ;u 'I rh, a 1. 11 ai ii- d. " It w * i u 1 i 1 a I. - a 1 o 111111 million d o I - l,i 1 . p< in.iK. b'i u.e 1 mi .1 b .a -, on ml lilv," ; ,1 id a b adiui; in- aib i' m 11,, , i.M U ' \.-lia 11 < I o in'dit. All- I'i . ad. m 1 '1. \. bunt'-- unioriu- 11a I e lip-, : .0,1 tin- ,M. ml 11 .11 ban I. " Ik - j;a n in tail In I io it b "in . a ml. ill' 1 o lo-daj* the I olio',', .ii'.' iimiiuiih have bi ( 11 \\ itlidi a v, ii liuin Lin.- 1 Io' b bioK- ei; and op. 1 1 tui., m ibis 'at > : I loohe- la;.a i;.i nl-. ;:,;.'),udo, d.n .pi.-.. <' 1 rUei I lank ,v."iii,i>i>o, M. 1*. ba id.-' Hank ol 1 'an ad 1 $;iniipiiijo, Can oh,, n 1 J.uib nl l "in- up r ee i. Ii.ii/"1!!, lie- J Jank ii I in 11- li Norih Ann'. ,i,i ;ji......n, the .M. 1 el ,1 nt',' liank of ilabfa.\ ilan.obii, and lb.' I'.auK of I [.million MMi't.n, >.i that a: ih< jo. eiil t inn a, I'd' Mi deal el no.in > niasl be |.s In., l lb- in l be \ aull > ,01' the I'iti l,l Ilk.-. The ini'ii.i.' r,- ol* the :-dMli exelm n"e alb";e thai Mtie- llie mmi'i' ih o\'it the liaukM ale quit" \. ilitn^ to put out th dr fuinU n\i< i- linn e, but liial tie' li.ii I-. ,\\. c , ai*-- jini' indepe|ii|.-nt a nd : av tho t 11 I li 1 1 nb'- 1 a 11 pa V di1. 1- di io! .'. iili n oh ai. in tin ir , \.' oh -, tb'.j an- d.^li'Mi- ol -, , me. ill. 111 .il tiiL- '\ork. 11 i . elh-e, .,|. thai wl.i-u lb" <e>\einin. nt .--tat' nn n* is .ait tn-nior- 1 ow, k will show lai--.-r- sum . awnilin\' ihi- .11 tho bank:- limn at any previous p -i in.1. .11 1- I' ;h n- d. li.m. \. r, that t h"i-.. is an ' \ee].t am In I.e. 1 ,- m t !n- Ibn-he- bii^a ' I'.aiik, a- ih-- >b; - * t..i. ..f tint iir 1 ilnt ion h.i \ 1,1!,. 11 I he auimi nt wil h'lr a * n I |-i,iii ibi s 1:. t and <l 1 'p > -.- id ot It ,0 "Tnilry*.*."-----1 ^" ' >' *'I U- iiieul bond; to I h" - lint of >J',.i,'Hii). .L'UJi::iii;: Liu- bml. :: 1-^ p.-r t-i-nt. in- t' i'i ;, also iInn oi") in l'iu\ ii.i*e .a' <jm-- bi < bond:, . ainlii'C I'm]1 Iin* bank an annual 1 ate uf :: | -2 pi-r (vr. 1 When it Is known that this bank I'av I pe|- eelil. illLi-l.-.l on Ulelf deposits the t raiisa'tluit do -; imt look like a pi oli 1 able 1 in 1 , hul IhoM- who know : ,i\ that 1 be bald, l- V. i-e tny If_ il li nn 1101 a 1 storm we] e to i.\ 1 rtiiko t lie City Ihese huiids cnlll'l be e,in\ ,,|'|ed into oi'Mi and with.'i I- hoiu - ' thi: h.i hd-, :-firiit n-.i-M'|. i.-uiild In- levleil llpo.'l, Sir William and Lady Va n I Tuj'th- : nib d fi. on Nf w Vi ,1 k 11 edit y for N*:i 1- sau, 1 lib-in biiL-. I 1 be bael. bi Mmm . al 011 11 a In 011 1 h- -71 h ol *.\[,iuh Hun. li'-nry Startles and .Mr. Ab-\- iiipb r :,1mP on, both ^-( HMmou n cltl- Z.-lis, an- dalooToush ill. rKon.LiiM i ".i:.Hi*ti*i;ii rmi:. Ttiti Htranu" ^lory lluit Ckr. .Naimeii BlitK y millll llO' 'vnria Pull', Uui'lnn, l-V'h. It. All wh is.- oplnb.n is of any value sunnily dison dd the r< ] 01 t I 1 "in lrlcut- !v that I !. Xall.sell liar- dl--.u',.ied In- Xuitli 1'ob;. .Mi' f'bnient:; It. -Maibham, jir. ^idetil of [be I loyal I leia-A aphiea 1 So: i.-l,\ , tl.-a !.-, tll- s'.iiry a a an annoine; eaioird, Hay in*-: thai if I'i. .Nan.- -n ha.! b'-. 11 abb- tu send a iiie-M-u;;": in v..mid Iriv.. '-u. ie hi ins. It, or, at ,i,l e\ 1 nl s. v. mil. I h i1. e S'-ut Hoiii*- iii'-M,! ,. Lu In.- <u" ills and II b-i ds. .Mi. d. Sruti I-I-dtie, \,iiu i:j Ur ,N' ,n- L. II'- l.ull.bei .1 ,. Ol, ;;;i_\ .-, "I : lioill 1 ha', e P. en t lu: | n > t li 1 i - L-ei\'e a niessa*-;e limn blm If th** in-wa were ti no. Humors ol a shi.itai I-.u.-t and fn*in sindl.u sotjrr-e., iiave r.'aeb- ed tin:- cuiinLiv' mm i- than om e h-iui-e. If I In- Hioi-_\* wej ' true it would indi cate that l)v. .N'ium.'ii lied n-ii ;icc.ii,i- jdnlied Iin ubp-'-t in I Is w a -. ti In- I '-tab d, v. hieh w ,i - the l'"lar ii^'tt.ns and einer;.e on the oLher aib . A eoo. i|i:i'.- 1,1 (his jepoi t !o imj*--t liaVe 1. Hilled tile Sil.uo WIIV llO WOIlt." I'i i ^im-nt ("(-vi la nd will at bit at Le (lu; dU' .-t I m-, in i|l;-pui - h- I>.vi en Jt;U\ ,Ul..( Ul.i.al tb-n. \\ eyh r [s to take pt r.-.tinil coin- maml ol tl.o Span !i Puree, in iln-liebl la i 'nba. Ml t lie .bdi'irn. luira pi i.-om i-s an- ' .e ],. u unin.'hd.l be Am- ern-aii. '1 lp y ha\. i'et nriied In Jol,.,[,- I..*- bin i i, t.u la -\ d p.'tc.i 1.1 'no- imp r I ! Madrid, I l in n i 1 a\ ,.iia. s.i y.s thai ( \i pt.-i b-n W>-> |, ,- li,.., ,!,.,-[ j, ,| ,,, lM()t ,. ,(|| l)lt. 1" a1 ' ') i t., t .an .-nl r,:t<- ia th-- im\ n:, nj oi ilif.u lonnd in thi- '.....i i w'nti I .s a I 11 c a l)s.u d dull ' ,ii- t ' a i r i;l : ' \ .,(,,.( >,,,- l.midon. I'Vh, ii.- t'miiiniiallun cmney Maiii st-vernl Miii]-e. s t)| l'mi". Sah null's uneiiliori oi ,mi iir-u-tiim at which m- aldet, the hiiinan eye to se< tIn iur;h op;.i pi, oh j els. The lUsll'Liinont eOn- i.lsts of a eyUnder of cai dboai d, the Inner Hurtaee of whi'eh 1^ coated wlt'h a material that ln-eunn h lhiure.-avut under the action ot tho JtoeniKon iay.-. 'Ida- leii.s in at on * mil of the oylimlrr. Tin- ob.ji-ot to be C'Xainlao'd with it.T covoriiiKH is' plan.-d boUvien a (Jrooke.s tube and t he cylinder; on tonkin In to tlu- tube through Liu- 1 uh tho ob- tervajr tiei-s I hu outline or blimlmv uf the conoeahd obji-t.d, which Im thrown on the Miiori-Hcent Inlorlnr. The de vice Ls still crude, but the Inventor ex pects Komi to perlet;t It. llo uhIIh it the CrypLoyeope, CAWI.IAl.Hs'iS IN I'-MtUOhA Mmu' <.ltiitlly t.niii-mr at ILi-ltcn-^ 'I'li;'. ,Ul*ikoi*1-" >2'ia :>i-i-ti r.-iiru. Viotorla, Jl.C, Feb. 1*1. The Japan Mall, speaktna of tlio arrl'Ml oi Hi" .Tapanose troops In Kemn-;, Fonposa, siaya : "Tlnj troojs v/oro horrilltal at iho ;<haMtly Hlie(.diiclo of 111 bodloa of tholr countrymen liohoaded and man- Klod. Many nv\y not bo awaro that canniliahsni exists anion'.', tho t'hlnoao, although thoro Is probably not a for eigner In li'ormosa but knows o! tho eating of portions of tho botlloa of s;a- vagi h, or Is unaware that mnrkota in Fin irinna Hottlo'nionts contain hu man tlotih for sale. Tlio nuitlhitod bod ies of .laptineso wore found \Vlth tho honrts and other liarts cut out. Char red bodlcu wore alno found." Willuiik-ltt Mm "I Im- l-Vi'^, St. lMentburK, Feb.1 U. M. Nntelw- vit'/, tlm BulKitrliLn Ml nip tor for For- olifn Atfalra, hau Uoclarod that ilubfiu- 'ria muyt bo froo, T*ho country* ho iy, will olwiyu lio (jroitoCul to Hmiala if an a kinif nutroiiibt*; to viclnry. Itof'r-rln^ t tlio Manitoba .4a1mnl qitoHllon, Mr. Mitvh'rt mhl Ihit in thhi 1 loin In bui of ('niiadn the i.'n*at ipie.i- tlon of edueattou In lonjia in the ]eo- p e OJ l'H.i*l, pl'U Vi HOC. The P'-opi. of each prmimv know be.M. v. ho P'du-y hi- hot.!, and when Tufd "whr-n- ; pa-_ i\At< aohoohi should he i;H.ib|i li . I ion. Mi*. Hardy Joined ht-toMny irr the welemiH: lo tho li-adci* ii'oni the Marltlimr riovlnroa, uhm Mr, Tarii-, and :tp,uke In the hh;ln .d t'-ima ol I he i;iifi| b -mi r of tho labor nl party, I I mi. Wilfrid Laurie)'. Tlie i*t < i |ji [on ,ioeord(* I lo Mr. Tn rle could iPd well h i.vi. 11ei.n niore en- t i.ii'd.i. lie t ha n It \\ an. .'.;. a e. -:11 'i- i n i 111 to lb, i, 111 : a f i. ij 11 m 111 I j e. 111 e oi r i, ; 11 a play. I " l.o M.ii iu ,.. , \ In . i il p ,t I o' . I b lut. -Ml. 'I a rt' Id ,-ddl'". .^ hb-ii \' .i.i IbU- ib'd io .. I i It. , i i i 1 - i 'I'll' illMi, .Mi, 'I',' m :imi i HI Ml II I ,1 111 I >p| < 'I i I I a , V d \\ il b : . i Ml ,i,., In : nd hut - . ', " 11 i., in y Mii.,f,.]-i u ii. .* in 7' 'I i > . "t - b en i ,1 I !iu . Hi1.',: n 1 ; o" n. ,, i < 1 " ' II. d ! . I .. Ill i I 1 il 1 lu . :M 11 j,: oi ir. I i. . I ' V'li t Ilia.pll ii',' 'i'i III | . 'bi. 'P ' .Ml i. '. ,, i,. r.i li ,,i v, a -i i i t,. .a 1 'ip or oi union h ml lu * i h i ] > ' I I ll> . 'Ill' i (Mi J i'i \ .1 I 1 \ c p l | I i 1 i ' I .1 ' ina n . 1 . . , n , .c 1 i ^ i p p u Sit i 'li Mi ., T "pp v Al, i 1 a : i , li ',' bl.r.' ilii'in t . 'I , I '-i baiui-' 1, a i.d I n.i I I'm I .an "I l In- ' . > . 11 ipi.nl I ..mi ,i ) no n v, ill i mm- hack I -> i . i 11 i .n. oi, (,\ j p'.i.i i ,' 1 ir p. ui. hi In - n submit P d i lie- p opi" ,u i ji, H . 11 i ,,i: 1, , i, P i'.- I il/; a ii i [ l: -. . , 't . i i i a d lil i t. i d ' m .1 ..'iiii.nl, a 'i *, Liel i u l o- ! \ . i , i j e.'e u | lie m. u y ' ] 11 U . i ' . tin I'U n in oar \, i;,. i I, i ii I.i , i ! i . i .'a .'. 1 ..i in i i ' don I: i ' 1 l', a 11 , w h n li |ia , i a i i - a i I, ininpii i n -bi< e,p. . i t and l.o i, ! at n it 1 ,i t, b i I.......i - i i '. i i'.' > in ' . i In ,i 1 ..i Ml.....i.i I, ,l \\ \ i . tli" hie p i n! )' '1 Ml 1" due ". ;;. , . 1I1\ lied ! iP 111 I n * . e I lu in . Ii -J....." id itish 11- edoni, and our ln\ n In. . . II !\ b'. "U |. )\\ . ..... ' l#(%) 1 '. i h' - n 11 mn mm r j.i -\ .., . . i tat i' -- m h"i* ii.>, |. \ . i- i, n - ,i' i' a n, Sn ( du i i .M .. ' 11, 11 i b '. e and a iiitnv Imn m u : ' his iiaane I a to .- r ni :- u i. , I In re. i t t 11 H i :0 u -1 nt 11,,. " M , li nib- r I'm Si nit li I': a n *, .' ! i \ i! J'ali i. mi; : |,,- u. - r, i. M r. \\ . i ami Hun. < e-wi-.e \V. U i u , . '.' lios,. .poll' la il *:uq n-'ip e loo ' '.'a to I t vei y mn' of us, (Jhlai pi I ' ~.s ' in us Jimmie Sul h-'i-l.nid and f " : r. f!.' man (launlit' n I\.t, hu at 1 o b 'd ymi. nt.-ni'v/ed latndit- r i V. > :. v'tr-d ih.* lead'-rn of tin* id) i i'.d p,i t to lake the liehl wh h us in i.e.. . to tiinw that \.'-- aie a uiiKi I ; ami ba V a hio.ol ';ud l,b . al ,. . b ad .. Th" Iir t ota nl. in our i . i.-; b'.va It y in ..ur i .ni-'-n. to i .: -,, L-~ i, ' t-. t i i, .u, hc.i.j 1.. i. build In Idle i.i ii 1'ind a -n i i . ^ ' < .. c d-i :t it e. aie pit, *-\ . n h i. - 'i, -j . " ai, . bet wei a th.. up ml,. ] - ....... (-' r.adKiii lamily. V.'.- d pu-cia . . clc ii. (Appbuuv j A..-- a ' ': pi-u-' ' i. dian, J repeat, wv deprio-aie -u'l-i-.e and I n-'-an i-v.'i j uotd I ;:>.v. jdause.) We hate bUo-ry and \. e i-;m our voices, in pi ot "-1 i iin m | diet S. It is I y tin . . in. an '.lb the poSmp d v.eaj nl,', le, \\ ho n oj puip-pts b.upo lo sul d ii pt., I bm. Tli ".' ; i tul l..d Ih :,,r , \'\t Us Maud I'ojdiy fu: hi, rl;, . " bko (ueiviun ,-o mtn h i),, t i are (-v.-n trvhi"" to f-.r- t'.,. i. I'ldllle Mtnsli-r not, (L n irht r a applause.) They lioju- to In .' head In a *'lmri Urm- Hu {'\< !' Tupp.M-, sr, "A'hv, be \< ., p n'n Co. Minn, (i *ii -- r and l-iii"!'i i ha.^ h> "!| el ,.|, ,1 hP i'.)i-!'.'| - of ;he w rkin um n l)\- a ip'oio,. . hi' ut loo* im- i i'i- 1 v a tl ip n, i every In o ol minded (* i ih d,e j. , oxjna-.-s dls ippi-m a I of. I n refernim' lo t!iL Ma uito! a t h OUi-sl Imp M e. T: ri e .- a id . "I lie1 T*ln- Ottau.L Cli'^.e:] U'a, Ho ( ! ,. merit N siir-,' io I.* , :", i ]-_ i ,i , (. i nui-stlon, hut it i j'-. a , mi- . [ . an Tuppt r, I \u\\, li and < ..in- \.a the I- bi rah- t-) t ; t Ik-i. i,a lioie, tlirv v ill ray u, -. u :.: v. i i tho hot'*." (i,)ii^hti-r.) "I iiin an old Tory slnn-r." M .T.u' font inimd, ' but ii,y',Mn^ it r i< b . i Kiven, ami ym\ ni'tv l* -t usipr. ' '. I expi ess di' en i Immii uf , li lightened po'-t ton of th-' l'im n e Quehec. We are n t a rmr- k a ,. e Pb' down t Ip . p. Vmi \\ ill rim) i. i as -a nxlon i for lil m lv n; vn ip. ! I >o imt |n I P \"e i o, i^,. U"e ,' I i Iloimm fa th lie ('} urrh r. I 'i.-u t Ion. TIpt,. m,i v h hubvid : i'.- ', ' ' no' U'e : nine ni. i *t \ t In oluireher you ruav not ihv-v- i bei-n phased v ;|h your ni id I : l \fi tin :*a ni,- tbl'er w.ith u-~ ! nl have behind tis ihr ludt.-'- e1 , ; r I-'..n i"* u !.o"r' ei- . -\ , 'lb ' I 7nns n' r ,s u lip lls'l Citl-enc," In i nip-lm-km M e Tarte r > i ' * " ' lievo m,- thai In tip- f min - 1 - ,. Oeohi-e vNt " "-,-:i ijrxvl i}u',iii. t <if . M If. Ton lvive donn n't Hi., h up t - "Imo^ln::- n n irarfer o'le of m1' ra"e "M"". J. S Wlllb'oTi Tirrmefod fb--> tr< ' of th " T/' i i* ' 'Itlh'* Whbdl 1V,T- IlC'-'llOl | - 'li'-erl 1 M>. M*-..-n,.(. .TA'nn, tlv 1,1,1,. v.oip p"nf hient. Tli-i ovnntnPr wa.s niwt enloy;1'.!!' spout, C4IRSII* or TUB AVOirj,;>, Trl In All Tiu.Im. "Thn x)rl(!nn of tiUiVtdn^, aocnrdltiff to tho nmiiufiua urorn' ll^l.i, hiivn'nol dlniln- lnheil iniioh," nalil a Now Yurknr, who In ill* lu tho wirronoF tlm trado, "lint rldorn In .Now York aro tfoltiuK wlici-ln a, ^ooil ileal (dieapi-r by iniiuitH of nil lii(j;nnloun -ymmn, roaonilv adopted by ntuil denInvn. You know oauli ditithn# In hleytdot hl(.(iiti an iifcreonient; nut, to t.nll a new maidilno below tlm II|;ui*ihi marked on thn price llsl. Wall, lu lioiliaiu lhi>i u;;nlinuoMt, In I'ljdiUy udhorod to In It.-i letter, hut knnrkeil fi;iilh'V-\ViNti Wluili It t'ojaoit to IIh lut initio n. Tho iie.hnmo is id in ply thin: WImn a ]iei'->oj enlor.i a Idcyeln ilcilhu-'s esialdihhnioiit. In i'-andi of a wln-ol, ho U j l.limVII tlin t'ollcr-t Ion. [IniiskHltin prices, i and i , fold i h.il I his make i-, .- lnu, t Imt one s;i hi, 1 ha other- .-1 ,o. and hi on. J| ho 1 deiiiili-' at tho prb'i-, as he Pi ]n*et,ly a]i| j lo, tho dealer telh him thai il' Iin wllj iioiiu* a;' tin iie\' d-iv l here may lit) a goutj ..et nnddiand who-l in at, a Inv.vr hrioa. P"-, and ilimi the dealer piiK tho lib-Vi 1" Ihiitlnosl -aiiletl nls (alley on I he nail 1 i-a iind hli'i'.-i it, out. to 1 i im Iir-1, one w he calls for a machine by , tholimir. Wlp-uthe iiupii nu'calls aj^aln ho Is nil own the .^iiiio whetd Mint, ho ! wanted I ho day beforo, but tlio pi-hui In only >Ti,"i. 'J'hn two or Uircti hourn' uo as ,i Idred v* heel has matin It, a seoond- le. Tnu iriok is bnhiH utilvtir- H.dly play.d In Xn\v Ytirle, and I reckon deidorn to Wa,-.liiiie;ton and oUnwlioro will ! ROt OH tO it 111 OOUI'hU Ul' tllOO," ] '! IIA'i" IH. K > 1> PMMflN. [I. 'in" Dim tee A.mil V . 0'|Uuh('(l -Te-tl- innli\ Item 'l Meil ledlnljbi S'/Uief -R'i- hef in I-'i; t v, .Min uli s. nr.-iobn Cn'W 'inn of (hoita- Crow, Lhj . i be v cii i r h\ and '.'.til 1 nov, n fanner, i - HU ^ l,ipii 'I'liUt, Out., e.'ri'ls lie f-.l- uwiiie ftitti nn nt which iir i!i"uich pulp i i-la ii; - ' V i I he '.-. I !.. n ', f ai 4 1 h ive sut- 1 i n-ii 11 oiu \ a] pi tut pin niid enl .1 ja-nient of 1 hi llflil'l, !UPl illirm;' llll tlint tllne 1 IllPVe i iii tyi. d i iiiimii [itly, li pinp in mm b,r a 1 CU'e Suil.e tllll" 'i^o I'liiW li te.d imi>ll l.d i linn, a 'i ui ii i |i ]/i ii i e-mliiie Lh1. Ajpiow'tt 1 ' in i' to i iin IP- -i i, in i.i ib ruled to iry it. et i\ r, tine I m.w iifcd lour , ul I len ot tie- | i HP d\ , ILi'd nci r telt !<et- j o r in m\ l.o- It' I um not nlre:i.d> nd of 'he diw-mi' I it in |io;-itiue t.hni renuidy ^vill 1 i: mpb ti tii" cm.-." Hold hv .1. Tlinrm*. A. NOTED 3BPJTS0OPAL Bl'KAKH. DIVINE Hov, John Laiifitry. M,D..D.C.Tj., of To ronto, bun Unod \>t. Afjhow'u Catarrhal l'owdcr, ulul XoIIh bin Kxpurionca Amon^tliu louny diiitnijfuiHliiid oltizena Who liuvtt HL'uurvd ruliiK by tho uhu of I)r. At'-'iow'M Catarrhal Pawdnr ifi-tha-w*ll-' known Kpiwoopulolorttytiiitii urul (jontrover- uialiHt, tho Hov. John Jjiiu^uy, wIioho fu- miliar uifpiutimt ban liton iippotuled to many iiblo to wnpuput* ut tiolcu. Having iihod tho'rtrni'dy hcivo ntimod for cold in the bond iind intiijibiil troubles.,,, ho ha.a hltewiiio over bin own iiin-tialuio nnoko in fiivorubhi termn of thin modioiuu, Jn tho (nuio of oold in apprcoiuti'd by all who unfit r ui this niannor. lu hay fovor it kctn like i>m[{ic, re)ioviii(i in ten. rmnutoa. All ili ue^intn' prico (id cmitn. Sold by J". Thnriio. ANOTIIKlt VJQTIM OV DIHKAHK. nnuaiT'B llecii.ui'o ho had not IVainiod o[ tlotith Am erican Kuhioy Ouro, Locking tlio ntnhlo door after lho botHo in i toleii in diMiLppointuiK, and yut in tho particular mutter of kuhioy tronldo it i dono in muiiv cunofi. I'ivory day tlm nowu- pitjH-rn iiiu telling of tho death of people irein Ihi^ht'w dihoauo, and Uriyht'H diHtnma im tiuly a (lovoloprnont of kidnoy iIihouho, ^biohcHii j/Ofiitivoly bo cured hy Bout" Auieiioiin Kidnov Cure. It in not, nj J* eiry to wint until Homo ono hail 11^ dit.'jii.'o1 to tuko that medial no. tuko it when jtome of the mirhor nj of litdmy trouhlo have bocoliio Tln-ro ii only ouo wny to talk o^'____^ oino, and that ih to odl u sjmdo a itpac-r and Hay thut it pOMtivnly anil aliHoltitoly ctiftH idl ftatturon of kidnoy dinetipo, Ifc'tf moFd, tlnnj^erouH und it'n moiit dnstroHQiu^. Hold by J. Thnrnt). Ilood'w I'illa buooino tlio tuvoiito ctitlm,r. tic witli all who uhu tl.ein. Ail dru^'Kiiit** ra Gem a;od Canadian Aermotor Steel Ave acicnowledgcd LEADEKS eit! its Ptiwor or Pumping WindmiJIfl. For prices ;\nii lerrnH, address Essex, ~ Ontnrio. Asfent for E^Hex County. the triido i-ell Kipihi t^f ljuiltlinp Watciia], Woodwork for houses, (plimi hi.d cnrdnicniiil), I-Jnrn Lumberj SI inj!!( s ol all gnulos, Doov, Sash, ('liostinit Con). \ WINDMILLS I We jug ttcdo AontH in tho County tor ;*3733:iH3 ^^2BI^^i:<3H3C,C>'EX, [ Of Oh 10*1^0, which took IlijduHt AwukIh at ) - the World'h l^uii*. Can furnish oither I'umpingor Power Outfits | at lowest prices i A written nuuruntce with every Outfit.) m* J. GOITRLAY & SOWS, ESSEX, ONT. i -i :'"lw* 'i t^-O! i-;'"i. I. , . ** I [flf 'X The French (lliinnlier of Depntlei >-e^*-i- ilav ii!is(>i| ti volf of conlhleiM'e in i lie \|P. Nlr.v !::. tlejend I'lzi'tn tuiH Klven up nil litipe lit'ha', iihle io njcidii inr>iiii liiiDHeir iih i<i Kltlcnt of Salvador anil will return in >.n Krimcbico. Tlu> Amer.ieiin liner I'nrlii hwiiiuj him nee .KllllU the lne.ll hti'-'imci1 IlOr MnJiSly wl.' dock I UK ill Sout Iin uip ton yoi>i.orlity. '*.' llVC-. U'lTO lost. Moiim'I^iiIoi' Avernir, .IHnlion of T'ii-o.-. the iii'wi.v-iipiiolntcd Apeslulle, dele^iit" i. Mi'Vh'o, will snil from Homo on Tui-'i .* next for Now VorU, cu routo for his lb li ol! hibor. (Jcnerul Wcyler, tho new Spanish lem'ei of tlie forces lit Culm, Ik illHtfn.-Ued w\;., the nuiiiiier lu Which tlio euinpiilKU In-- hi'ini curried nn. Tlio BpuuUili irooim worn too much Hciittorod. THC U\ITKI BTATtS- IJurp;lnra blew open tho rnifo of tlio iCfn- nt'tt, Ma., pustofllco yoiitoriliiy und not iin to the IjiiUclIiur. LohH $-10,(Klt). A bill wan Lutvoflucbd In the Mow Y<c*i. State Li'udKlittiu'O yoHtordny upproprbtiin-. tfiUO.tWH) for tho ImprovciiH'iit or the omnii. lu Unit Mtnti". Tho ontlvo forco of tnou cmoloyert tn Mn Mllh'ott- Hnunfo bulUUiiff nt llnffato ntne*U youtorday ui'cuuho noma tioH-miloii ni'ii \voro recently* employed by imu-eontuie torn. A Kaluy lukto, Winn., Hpoclal nyn tlitii cro liiiH* boon foopd on tho Foley proneny ..... _____..... ut Khool Luke, whloh'aBHbyn from ?iu io ho oon<tlnuo9 to encourage It In th *t*XW> ", *- whllo Cripple. Cctok uuuiy* uureuii ot ladeixjUtUiacfi. , * "> *1 to 4U a ton. ....... ^><____ - i \ - ',l- ...^ 'o'1 lYl x- i-ir".F|t,i,i|^T*',ilm,i",ii,irii]irr;t ;j%~r- i"\t%r\wit%fcinr}\u'< >.i x",pto tti,vii . c i i'i.' ? i, {J TSl.V . iM:>^i:>:hr:J /i'A"v> \t,i - V'j ' - '/ A ' ,r '--^ f"" - '-V i TUE.TltlOMPn CORN SHELLEM ' < Thi" Machine conBiatB of a limber tal cast cylinder, with wrought liou bins, wuli Rieol tooth bo'tcd to tlie cj 1' jder bo us to bo rovorsiblo when the toolli I'OCQiuc wcvu on tho Iront pido /u.nniig in ti jiorfomied coneuv iroti -hell, which tho shelled cirn jifte^oB through into a sheet iron otmo, with 8. an or clr: nor attached bol'i w, which taltcp tui tho duHfciiom tho gndn. The ahelh I lorn poHoet'y clean in any cot clitif n < hnuaand hnphclfl of oars per day, accordinR lo puwor. . ', DimknatCks? Pulley, lil in, diatri ,V dtoi;. (\ in. laco; Mo/ion, BQn to 800 revolutions nor minute; Weiuht. eSO'ibk " EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. * ]' ; ?^ 1 J, GOURLAY & SONS' " 'i:"/fl A-r.m " I'll V '. :'ii