ilPPBTO,..,.#T:,y,-,'-'?':,".i'v' :'v' [' /s' ft.--. ROVINOIAIj PROVI DENT INSTITUTION Cheap hh Boaioty Iusur- anoo Thoroughly Re liable' J. W. GIBSON, Agent FREE PROVINCIAL PKOVIiJ BENT INSTITUTION { For cheap, reliable Lifi*| Insurance J. W. GIBSON, VOL JCIL No 8 ESSEX, ONT. FEIDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1896. WHOLE No. 581 acts for ebruary FROM FORSYTHE, ANDERSON & GOT LEADING STORE (F ESSEX Are You Awake to the fact that this is the place to buy your Boots and - Sliaes? Why? Because we have the largest.stoek, bought .'direct from the best factories and can give you the befit value for your money ! Note these they may interest you ! 1. 60 pairs Ladle's pure Don- gola Kid Laced and Buttoned Shoes, patent tips, all sizes, usual $1.50 line, our price $1.00. 2. 75pairs Ohildrens' Glove Grain and Oil Gram Laced Shoes, regular $1.00 line, our price 75c a pair. . 5. 60 pairs Mens' Pine Don1 gola Sewed Shoes, Fair Stitch, vorth regularly 2 50, special . price for this lot $1.50 a pair. 4. Moris' Heavy High Cut Laced ;hoe, bel'ows tongue, double bitched and riveted, t.hv*M rows of pegs, the biggent valm* 3 ou ever got, "m $1 25 a pair. gjgfcA. >-r-v~------ SOUTH WOODSLKE. , Wm. Smyth iit a dolo^atc ah tho Grand Lodj'n mooting being bold at Toronto thin week, Minn CtiHHJo Smyth accompanied him. Alim i'lorouco Adinna, of Windsor, who him boon HpuntUag u few dayn with Mru. Bgoh ctud Mm. Undorhill, loft to-day for J'JHfloit Lo spend h fow days" with Mrs. Jan. May before returning homo. Mm. Jno. MoEntocr and on returned homo Monday after unondiuu tho pant wooU in Loaminuton. ** ( Mian Allmon htiH boon detained from hor ufilial pomtioii an pOHfcmintroHn for tho past wook owinfj to illuoun. Mr. Murray A Son aro fitting in Htono for tlio foundation of thoir now mill. Poll JCvauii, of Dotroit, attended tho Southorn Hotel Ball on Friday latit. Itoy. Mr. Galloway, of Loaminuton, will occupy the pulpit of tho Mothodiat Chiiroh horo next Sunday morula*,' and ovouintf. Rov. J. R. Gundy, Diutrict Chairman of tho Mcthodiut Couforonoo wan in tho villauo oh Monday, on buHinmm with tho church board. A borne belonging to r'otor Cowoll broke looiio from tho Southern Hotel abed Mon day. No dnmu^G was done. A vory a^roeahlo mirpriuo awaited Mr. and Mrrf. Koch on Friday nifjht, on learn ing thut tliroosloigh loada of their Ehrgx frionJn had como to pay thoir rcHpooto. Tho party, numbering about 35, wan bonded by Mr. and Mm. DoOew, which in a finro indication that a good timn wan spout by all, Tho annual hull given at tho Southern Hotel on tlie night ef St. Valontino'H Day, 1HUG, who far in oxcqbh of anything yot hold. Viuitorn from TCiiifjuvillo, Comber; J'Ihrux and McGregor wero proHent. Mibh tfuud Adarau, Miaa Buckley, Mr, Walter Jordan and Mr. Jan. Hall, of Wind sor, drove down on Sunday to upend tho day, returning in tho oyoulnjj. Mr. MoCoi(, general agent for Noxou Bros., ia horo doing bufiinon thin week. A sloighing party numbering ubaut 25 from hore paid thoir ronpocta to Mr, and Mr, Cohoo ou Tuoaday night. After an oyHtor fiuppor and Bomo plonsaut iimuHO. mentn ihoy roturuod to thoir homos with rune wad friendship for tho hunt and bout- 'cao. Dr. Ilorko and A. W. Vanovery are upending to-day in Dotroit. . -------_ II. C. Rood in buying largo quantities of logo fiinco tho snow came. Farmora do you wunt money at 5^ por cont? If no writo A. G. Bakor 1'jQaming ton, Oat, TarrnB of paymont of principal to auit borroworo. LKAMINOTON. Mru. B. Nobbitt \u util) very ill. Milton Fox uponL Sunday in Whontloy. Arthur Marcott upont Sunday in Kin^n- villo. Blytho*. loft thiti morning II. Hupworth upout Sunday in wood. MIhh Gertie BruJIoy for Toronto, Mm. Moliitotih opont a fow dayu in Bo. troit laut wook,, MrtCrai|f( Ridtfotnwrt, iu tho ^uoHt of &fiuft Anniu MoDouald, Mian Gurrio Fox, Ruthvon, in the giiaat of nlinn Bertha Ryall. Mum Graoo Matthews nponb Sunday with hnr paronlH in Kinjf^villo. O, II. Greenfield, Ehhox, wiih tho guenfc of L. S.ltohfnMon ovor Sunday. J. W. Quiolt hai roturuod. from a wook's vihiL with liiu brother in E (inox, Mru. Goo. Board, Ehhox, npout Sunday horo with her uiBtoi*, Mru. L. S, Robinnon, A nurabor of our youiifj people onjoynd a nloi|<h rido to KingHvillo ou Friday. G. Gurtin loft on Saturday for Wyan dotte, to attond tho fuworal of hia aotiHin, Mru. HondricItH. Mrf), R. Ainnlio and daughter, who havo boon vimtintf at G. MoIntyro'H, rotnrnod to Northvillo on Friday. Minn McLaren, Ruthvon, who han been upending a fow dayo with tbn Mirhob Wiplo and Mikh Woiitcott, rotnrnod yontorday, Mihh May Ridloy. who han boon tho UORt of MiH Gortio Bradloy for tho Iaf. two wookfl, has roturnodta horhomo In Ohio, MihH Louiaa Jolliffo, who haw boon Hpondinu a fow dayH with frionda in town, returned on Saturday to hor homo in' Oak- villo. NOftTH RIDGE. " G^orfjfirGlov'or roo6ntly bought fifty acroa on tho Hth con oon. It ia bottor known no tho Milue lot. Manihall HiokH io horo caliiod on rolat. ivtm and old time ucqnaintnnooa. Ho han been roaidinfj in -Larabton conn ty for a low yearn. It m winter woathor at laot. Lotn of ftiinw, with a fronh aupply of tho beautiful every day and n^ht. Farmers Oo you want monoy at 5^ por ;out.? If no writo A. G. Bakor Loaming- tou, Out. Termf) of payment of principal to Huic borroworo. Mountain Climbing Good Groceries Popular Prices. Fino off stalk Raisins, per box of 291b $1.00. Choice Ciieeso 10c a lb. Fish, iidl', fith 1 Salt water Sal mon, frosh wator Trout, Labrador Herring, finnan haddio, oot. Di You Want a good warm pair of BlanKotu or Shawl, A Good JeolcLb, Ovor. coat or Suit? Anything iu win tor wear- iufjj uppitr*'! ? If ho, Wo will civo jon a bar/tain to cltMir out what roraaiua of our wfutor Siocd(, SPECIAL. J Extru htrncu 17 ounco Grain BafiH, roj* ular price 92,50 a doz. Thone aro aliclttly Holloil, w: willulear thora out a" 82,10 a do^ou. Corwoto made to orpor, all abapoa. AfjuntK IhiUerioks Futternn. Call and get'a Mnu'h t'u^liion shoct Froo, SOUTH WOOD3LEE. Afrivotl too lata for hint weolt. Wo rogroo to announco the death of a qro'it hufferor, Wealthy Myloo,2nd daughter of Mr. and Mrn. Goo. Myloti'in hor 7th year. Thofunornl was hold on 11th inHt. Mro. John MiEutoor and oon aroapoud- inc a woek at Ijoaiuiu^ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Underbill upont Sun day in Windnor. Geo' )Iant in building a barn ou bio farm in Maidistono. . PoterCottor wait in Dotroit on Monday. The Contfrnvo Family ongaKoraont ban booD poatponod to an indefinito date. Wm. Price, Dopnty Reovo of Maidstone, wan in tho yillauo Unt wook. W- S. Cnmmiford wan in Bollo Rivor to day ou buaiiiona. A load of young pcoplo wont to Comhor tho othor night to attoud roival norvicop. Ball and nuppor at the Southern Hotol on tho night of St. Valentlno'tt day. KINGSVILE. Mro. Kaufman han tho JaH, Rwoot prc- psrty at tho foot of Spruco et. Stafford Hart, of Wmdaor, ifl nponding a oouplo of dayn with parenta bore. Robert Flominahas heou appointod obi of and I), H. McKay auitintant chief, of tho tiro dopurtmout. Anothor ono of our bachelor hrothortt will ehortty tako unto hinnudf a bottor half. For further information inquire at tho ol- oyator. Evangelist Minnin, who haa joat olonod a imcaoonful rpooting at Amor left yotitorday for .Point Edward near Karma, whoro ho hrtH been invited to hold a scrioa of moot- inga. Tlio town la in fovor boat ovor tho' do- bate whioh in to tako piano i-i tho towu hall next Friday, 21ut Hint., under tl.o uua- picoB of tho Moobaniou' IuHtituto. Come out ovorybojy and bnlp a worthy on use andloatn why woraon uhould havo a ohanco tofOio. Huh a wonderful faaoination for many men. And tlio higher tho mountain and tho greater npico of danger about it, tho more auxioun ia tho ordinary mun, with any mountain climbing inittiaota whatever, to Cot to tho ton of that mountain. There ia aci iutoxication, a fiory omhuniaiim about it that puaboa ono ou and ou, and rontn tir ad mnKcloH and nuipiroii Oa^fiingcourago to ovorlantiui'ly keep at it tho top ut reached and tho coaling zophyra that fan the brow of tho mountain cool yoor own 'throbbing tempJco. .Americana havo thongbt that it wan UGcesnary to go to Europe, to tho Alpn, to find any full tfrown mountains to Rcalo. It'n nil moonhhino. Isn't 11,000 foot high enough, with idaoiorn, thone racked, craok- ed oroaturen of ico and snow, and oratora and fifinuroH and prooipioon to climb ovor and ronnd, tho flaaio an in tho Alpn? Yon, they aro all rifjbt boro olosa at hand, and if you uro mterontod to know whoro and how and when, juntnoiid your addreao, aud nixcoutn in tdampe to Ciuh. S. Fkh of tho Northern Pacific Railroad, St, Paul, Minn., and bo will Bond you a book that rooountn a olimb up ouo of tho gran'Iont poaka of oitrtu, written by tho gontloraan whomado tho ancont. Tho obaptor on thin mountain in pro- fuaely llluntratod in half tone otouings takon by a photographer who aooompamed tho party for that pnrpooo^ If you aro iu- toroated enough in your own couutry to dooiro to know about ito wonderful ooonic foaturoo, vou want thin book. . ANOTHER VICTIM OF DISEASE. BIUGHT'S Becauno bo had not Loarnod of Boutb Am- prican Kidnoy Ouro. - liooking the Htablo door after tho horno in otolouid dieappointing, aud yot in tho particular tnuttor of kidnoy truublo it is done in many canon. Every day tho uowb- papora aro tolling of tho death of pooplo from Bright'B dlhOMBo, and Bri/,hl'n diaoaao in only-a dovolonmont of kidnoy dinoiuio, which can positively ho cured by South American ICidnov Ouro. It in nob notion. nary to wait until eomo ono hnB Bnght'n (liMaBO totulio thin modioino, Why not tako it whon nnmo of tho curlier ayraptomn of kidnoy troublo havo boaomo mnmfoBt? There in only ono talk of tbia modi oine, and that is ttfo'all a pp<tdo a Bpado, and aay that it positively and absolutely our(;u all foat'jroBof klduoy diaoano. It'n mout dangeroiiH and it'u mont distfroHaiug- Boiaby J. Thorno. MUNICIPALCOUNCILS; Khhkx, Fkii. IBth, lUOti. Council mot in regular Honnion thu.roovo in tho tillnlr. Prenoiit: Roovo and Deputy.Reavn and oounoillorti G, E. Fornytho, J. A. Rone, D. Whitney, ... A. Hickn, Dr. 1'ottu, A.Rainnn, J. M. Hicka.T. B. Scott and G. J. Thoman, Tlio niinutou of the prwyiouH mooting wore road and adopted, Mr, C Craiuiwnllor, pronidout of tho puhlio library, addreridod th oounoil in regard to the ami mil grant, auJting that it bo increnHod from $7fi to tho original grant of filOO whioh formerly wan given for tbu purpoao. Moved by J, M. Hickn, noaondod by J A. riicUii, tliat tho Hum of 6100 bo civou an a grant to tho pubho library. Moyo'd iu amondmont by Vr. Pottn, nco ondod by Mr. Scott, that tho rcquont of tho pronidout of tho public library bo laid over for future conwidoration. Moved by Mr. Fornytho, Hpoondcd by I\Ir. HaiueH, iu ameudmont to tho amend. mi*:it that tho grant to public library bo &7il forourrout yuar. Carried. Moved by Air, Fornytho, uocondot] by Mr, Thoman, that tho petition nout hem by tho (Jity of KingHton ankiny our cooporatiou to petition LegiHlaturo of Ontario lo have actions for damagon againnt corporations tried by a Judge without a jury bo nignod by tho proper ofiicorn of thin towu and thd oorporato noid attached thereto. Carried. The Finanoo committee oxam'inod and recommended payment of tho following ae'eoiintH which, o.n motion of Mr. Hiolui, Heo7m7Io(I by~lVIr7'ForHytbo, was adopted. J. WdltoTn, lor anaohnmout and colloo. tor'H rolln and oxponnoa, 8/i.ilO. E. J. Lovolaoc, printing. 87.20. W. II. I'ichardnon, wator aorvioOH and ropair, 8,7 HO. Wm. Eaing, oleotria light for t! anuary, 180G. 933.3.1. J. M. Hickn, charity to pauper, 8-1.00. The Fire, Water, and Liuht uommitteo roportod an follown : To tub Mayor, and Council of tho Town of Ehhl'.x : Gbntmsukn: (lut) Your committee beg lenvo lo report . that iu tho rimttor of R. Whitmore, that when tho original coat; of tho oxtonnion on hia lot and ntroot torvico IB paid that he bo exompt from further payments in that behalf. (2nd) That in tho mattor of Meaara. Dmhel A Brickor ro luruiHhitig powor for their olovutnr, aa none of the committor ia oxport in that lino of bnninoHH, wo aro uu- ablo to give priceH and fi(iuron at preaont, (3) Your oommittoe alno lecominend that a by-law bo panned fixing tho nalary of tho ouperintondent of watorworkn at ft30ij nor year, including free dwelling homio, fn-f Im lit, froo wator, and fr.eo fuel, and that thu Olork bo diructud toadvortino for appliountn. Applicatioun to bo in by February 25th iiiat. (Signed) ,1. A. HrcKa, Chairman. On motion tho abovo report wan adoptod in full. Moved by Mr. Soettj, neconded by Mr. McDouhall, that R. Whitmoro'a lot be hold reoponaiblo for arroarn of cont of wator exteiifliona amouutmg to noyon dol lars. Carried. Moved by Dr. pDtta, oeoouded by J. M. HiokB, that tho mutter of furninhiug powor to Mohni-B. Diebol it Brickor for thoir ele vator bo roforrod to a opeoial oomraitteo ooupiating of.), McDougall, J. A. Rogo, J. A. Hickn, and tho mover and Rocoudor. Carriod. Moved by Mr. MoDoujmll, peoondod by Mr. Scott, that tho colleotor'a timo bo ox- tondod to March 3rd. Carriod. Moved by Dr. Pjttn, nocondod by Mr. McDougall, that tho report ro Lauded Banking and Loan Co. bo referred back to tho Finanoo committoo lo make a definite report an to amount of robato and alno amount to ho levied ou block 68. Carriod. Moved by Mr, Foraytho, neoondod by Dr. Pottn, that tho Firo, Water and Light committee bo inntruatod to attond to tho boating and coiling of tho wator tnwor for tho purpono of kooping hoao from freezing, either by ntonra pipea or ntoyo aa thov find moat praotioablo and economical. Gar. Council then adjournod. John Waltkus, Glork. Business Booming i XX J- Barrett <& Oo.s, BJNKBUPT STOCK STORE. E VKR sinco the arrival of our Tilaonburg etock our Htoro baa boon crowded from monnin^ un til night with customers anxious to flccuro tno bundrcdH of bargains wo aro now offering in tlio following linon: Dress G-oods,Trimmings,Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Towelings, Oot- tonades, Shirtings, In .fact everything in .Dry Goods, CJotbing, Boots and alioes, Ilats and Oaj)U and furniahiuRH. As wo arc bound to convert tins stock into cai-h in noxfc cuatorc'-rfl to call Wo would invito tho close cash and exaraino the Values wo are, offering in cvoiy department. Plaving bought the greater portion of our stock at a vato.on tho dollar, and soiling as wo do for cash, places us in a position to .... UNDERSELL Those who aro doing a credit business. OTTI^ MOTTO! One price, (ancTthat ono tho lowest in Townj and courteous treatment to all is what you can expect at Barret! & Co.'s,' THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MEN. ItOCKKKGS'i'Vm. Town Hali,, St. Joaoiiim, Feu. I5th, '9 5. Oounoil mot an pornotioo, with raorabore all preBout. MinutoH road aud approved. A Utter wan road from A. Torroy, chief engineer, ro lowering uowor pipo at 3rd con., M: C. It. The namo ban boon done. A lottor waa road from Iu*erHoa,complain- ing that Silver CrotU wao blocjtod with timboro, and requodting couiioll to havo fiaiuo oleauod. Itoovo Dc.ijol fjavo notice that at the noxfc.mooting ho will jntroduco a by-lav; to amond tho by-jaw appointing a drain inspector, by appointing two hiupeatora. . By-law No. 201, Uxing the sovoral road diviniob(i, way reaj tho usual number of timo<* and paemod. ' Thoro are 42 divioionu. By-]itw No. 203 conilrmhm tho appoint* hiont of tho uovoral townslilp buloara! war rnd the 2nd aud 3rd timen and passed, The following patbmastera were ap- pointed :~G. Lalondo, L. Dualiarme, Ww, FJarvoy, J, Houan. .7 Mclutoer, J Brookcr, J afott, T Robinpon, J Wuho, J Parian, S McAnley, W Stinnon, P Lopine, J Murphy, C Hedrick, G Fraba, O Kivet, ,T Runton, G Smith, C Simon, O Hill, W Tropanior, P Maillonx, .1 Butlor, C Bolloau, J Strong. W Byrne, J. Kenny, M Strong, D Sauvo, IT Archibald, N Lomiro, 1^ Paquetto, ,J Boacon, T Boltmoro, D Trudoau, D DoniH, T Boaulion, J. Lobeouf, 0 Cazabon, W M Kouloau. Sylveatro and Wilnon, tliat tho council will not f^ivo ohooUa for utatuto labor not porforraed in tirao, Autf. 15th. Labor not aniahod by that time will bo rotnrnod by tho nathmaotoru and obar^ndin tbo taxofl. Carriod. SylvoBtro and Ladoucour, that tho ohoofio factory of St. Joaobim ami othera iu tbo iowuu'hip (if any) be oxompt from taxation for five yearn. Uarriod. On motion of Ladoucour aud Sylvoatro, the auditor^ roport wan adopted and ordered printed. Tho olork wan inntructod to writo olork of Moraoa ro Silver Groolt complaint. Sylvcfitre and Ladoucour, that council lor WiIhou bo appointed to look aftor towu- obip'H Hharo of worlt, Smith vs. Muttal, p. & W. C Act. Carried. ' (, ACCOUKTB I'ABBSD. V. Duoharmo, 85.88, ovorcharffo flohool rate BSNol. Chan Dnroohor, 910.08. overcharge fiohool rato S S No 1. ' T Flomiuy, $2, buryinfl dead animals. Municipal World, i.E0, aonoaBorM rolla- OOlark, 811.25, blawka, ntationQry, ofco* BX3R068, fl.l8, lumber. B .Duoharmo. 318.20, reciatration of birtbu, marriagon, and doatho. V Marontotto, $1.75, ink and atationory. S Duoharmo, $5, proparinR by-law re- arrauK>u^ roa^ divifliond. D Marontotto, $1.00, atatuto labor refund receipts. J Keating, $3. drawing tilo and plaoidc thom. M L Byruo, 815, aalary ad auditor. T P DieHbourfi, $15.25, aalary as auditor. S S No 1, 905.44, school rato. Adjourned to moot flttairah Hth at Hub- comb Statiou. WATH1NOTOJVI AS A VIXN rotjvrx- Provided a fJonorous Vliiouu IP*eafc for Votcrv; VlvNpltullty for nriioNe oi>po*inir. 'Baotonado not eeour in tbo blood or in tho tiaauett of. a hoalthy livif body, oither of maw or tho lowor amtnnln." So^aaya th olbratod X>t, Ktoh. Ofchar aootora say that tho,baBt raedioino to Jrondr the blood ptrleotly |?ure and bsaltby in Ayer'a Baraaparilla.' GoneralGrooIy'n article in'jVIaroh Ladiou' Home Journal upon "Tho Pernonal aide of Wanhingtou" will ahow that Waahin^toi wan largely influoncod by hia cnviroPiaunti but alno that ho atsadily tended toxvarj tho highor Htandarda of tho prenont *agc^ enpooially an rof>ardn hia habits and idenlw. Of tho tirHt oleotion in wliioh he aotivoly participated Gonoral Grccly writoe: "la bin younger days Wauhin^ton extondod. at hiB tiryt oleotieu tho usual poBt-bleotion hospitality, whioh, in thoaodaya, consisted in tho minimum amount of food with the maximum amount of Bpiritg. Wo find him paying au account for ouch an outerfcaiu- mont for Homo four hundred votorp, whor*> tho account waa thrco abilllntja for food and thirty-Bcvrn for liquors. Tho capa city of tlio avorafio driaker may perbanjkl be plaood at throeqtiarta at a Hitting tas derived from thia account, which covered ono hogshead of punah, ono barrel of punch !| forty gallona of pwrioh, nino bowls'of ^ punch, forty-flvo gallons of wine and fortyt^j aovon (zalloua of boor. WaabiDRton, wh( waa not proaont, oxprossod hia sucpriao &(>f| thoir modoration, and wrote his agomVtJ ho (oared ho bad not boon liberal ooonghvJ and oxproMod.tho hope that ho had , nob' nofllootcd those who bad voted in the op- pouition.- /' ' ' .'[^ "Eis r^^iiotivo mind and aouty obser-A vation noon noted the ravae m&d drink, and doubtlesa conflrmod, that por tion ul moderation whioh uovor permitted himi-to niu into exocBH of auy kitioT. In the Provincial army, when general bhance*^ of drunkonweas were made afiainat the Vir-:' Cinia troopa, thoro was no word against! Waubiufjton peraoually. te bad, taore^ over, thus early lb as a seriooii vice, forbade it by stringent orders, aud ap-;^ plied a hundred laahoa to every man fonndxt druuk. Still later he wrote that . Gin^ ahopa uorvod to rain the proprietor ftn those who make the moat frequent t oationa to them,' audJn advising bis ue bow be adds, 'Jtefraih from drink, wbi ,iia source of all,'eY>l bd tb* rain of ti^i tko workmen of this countrr.'" ";'.' "M ' -ii| Laiukb* Houb JoumMiu* PbiUdelpbia^i i^j^i^ 359024