Si*.; hi. H\>: <#mu feesB* kwkk phesw D'fl Peck's Mid-Winter Sale IT IS NOW ON. Furnishings, Ladies' Goats, OapsJFurs, Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers,1Suit, Hats NOW REDUCED FROM 1-2 to 1-4 below the RegularSPrices. J. O The Modern Clothier and Men's Outfitter, SANDWICH AND "OUELETTE STREETS. WINDSOR. 0OAI& PERSONAL G. E. Hondoraon, wan in lUn^avillo this wook. C. E. Naytor is in thin wook. Toronto on buuinoDB M. J. Wi(jlo ti> in Toronto thin week on buainenH. .Doll Boaraau, of Detroit, waa in town on Wodnenday. Mrs. Chan. Clark, Comber, in tho gucut of lira. Nelson T. Jouoh. Mint] Boll, of Gait, in tho guoub abator, MrH. Jolin Gourlay, Br. of hor Mum Ethel Houo ppont a fow dayo this Wook with frionda in tho oitv. Harry and M.ra. Wiglo, of Blind Riyor, Algoma, uro vitritiug frionda in town. T. B. Adams, Harrow, oallod on hia broth or at J. D. Andorooa <fc Co.'b bank hcKQ, on Tuoaday. J. F. McQuoon und W. J. Dowar attoud* ed tho funomlof tho late Goo. Mulotb, at KingBville, on Monday. Miss ElluBurdiok rotnruod on Thorn- dp,y oveuintf aftor spending a fow wookB with friondu in oaatcrn citieu. Crown Attorney Clarlco, of Windeor, woo In town on Wednesday, on bio way to GontQ, to attoud tho tnagigtorial hearing of tbociuio of tho woman Nolan, churned with taurdor. High School Notes. Tho rewult of tho rooont examination!! an follown, tho named bflinR given of thoso who took 60% or ovor. Form 4, Euclid; G W MoKoe 100, W Cunningham BO, M Allworth 70, E Smith 70, F Loak Gil, G Barnoa f>7,11 Barrett 57, H Arnold 03. Form 2 und :i, Arithmetic : B MaMulIon 70, J Baaroan 7fi, W Wightraan 7ft, B A ioang 60, N B Slater 08, L Griffith CU, Effa ilOpjjood (13, M Thib&udcau 03, R Trimble 63. J. Lonoborry B3, M Bird GBJ L rhibaudoau 6G, M Cummiford fiG, A H Boomau fill, E Iliahiirdfidn 55, A. Jarmin 51, J Cromor 63, M Eorko CO, F Arnold 50, Xj Witflo 50, S Wightmnn 50; N Clifton 50, S MoLouphliu 50. X^ortu 1,Geography: WJauaoti77. Lnlu WigloVa, J Bavth 68,. F Arnold 64. J Wyatt 02, F tfaai'ifoa 02,, T Fito ly h BonnottiJl.B McQlkiou (10, E ItiebatdBOrt 59, O MoQaebtt 58, 6 Pino* B7, B Fox SO, HI Delautf 5-1, A Catdor U, W BUrainm 50, Public School Report. Miati Williamn room, Jr, 3rd claea. marko pofimblo 40; obtained byhigboat ton : J Daman 40, A KobiuHon 40. E Johnuon 88, M Thornton _f)8, A 'Wyraan 38, E Wilnon37, MPhiiiipB37,L Butlor 35, R H:oltB28, BHioko27. Sr. 2nd, martin poauible 50: E Stuuh 45, II Alluu 45, R Rainon 42, G White 41, E Thoruc, 40, V Burdiok 39, D MoEwan 30, F Bardick 30, X Howaon 34, I Davie 31. Mihq AitohiBon'H room ; marks pomiiblo 50 ; obtained by highest fifteen in cluw .Junior and iatortnodiato flooond olaeo; P Lapoint 50, C Robinuon 50, L Trowin 48, A Stacey 40, M Rnuh 40, M Dolraoro 38, in Banehman 37, A CoroyDO, A Bloan 84, H CmaBwollor &0. E DoCow 30, C.. Vicltoru 28, E Gorrnloy 28, G Hall 25, M Riobardiion 25. Mies Cruaawollor'a room ; oonior purt II; marled ponaiblo 60; obtainod by bifihont ton m cIuhh: N Groon 40, A Edgar 40, M H Kiddiak 33, J MaMurruy 33, E Bouraan 30, DoEtt Ellsworth 20, W DaviH 27, E Irwin 2?, L Wortloy 2fi; H Coll 25. Mountain Climbing Han a woudorfnl faaciuation for many men. And tho liighor tho mouutain and tho greater npioo of danger about it, tho-moro auxiouH. is tho ordinary man, with any mountain olirabing inotinota whatovor, to get to tho too of that mountuiu. Thoro io an iutoxication, a fiery onthnsiaBm about it that puahoB one on and on, ami roafcn tic ed ranKcloa and lUBpiroa flagging courage to ovorlaatingly keop at it until tho top in roaohod aud tho ooohng aophyra ' that lau tho brow of tho mountain oool your own throbbing tampion. Amoric&nB bavo thooght that it wa neooanary to go to Enropo, to tho Alpa, to llnd auy fall qrowu mouutain to ooalo. It's all raoonyhino. lan't 14,000 foot high onnugh, with ^laoiora, thoao raokod, oracle ed oroaturoa of icp and snow, and cratera and Uaaurew and prooipiooa to olimb over and round, tbo.aamo ao in tho Alpa? Yon, thoy all ri^lit horo oloao at baud, and if you uro interoatod to know whoro and bow and whoa, juntonud your addroiui, and nix contu in atarapij to Chah. S. Fkjc of tbo Norfcborn Paoiflo Railroad, Bt.Fa.ul, Minn., and lio will Bond you a book that rooouutB a olirab up.ouo of tho granilGBt peaks of oartn, written by tho gontloman who tr.ado tha UBcent. ., ^ Tho ohaptor on thin mouulain la pro fuBcly lllnatratod in half tone otahtagu a photographor who aooompaniod tho purly for that purpose* If you aro iu- tarodtfid onoitgh in your own country to doaira to Uuow about it^ wonderful flceuio foatares, vou want this book. HIS HAIR 8EVEN INCHES LONGER. Die Only Oliuiitfa Ai>|iuritt In a llody Jliirlnd Twonty-Hovon Your* Aico, Twonty-Hoven yoaVH ngo imxtNovomber Harry WHhou, Hon of Joliti WIIhoA, who wiih wull known by ttiu uldnr InlmhituniM of thlu <)lty, died and wad burled In tha old aumutary JuHt uunb of tho city, wtyw tho WubuHh Tlmori. At tho tlmo ot IiIh doatli, Harry WUhoii ytnn ubout throo yunrH old, nnd bud Uuht curly hair nbout live lnohea lon^, Ho \vun hurlnd In u motul- HoonHkof, niidthoro lia lay hihl"nurrow home" until about eloven ywiirrt ufro, wh*ni tho remiiliiH wer*i ttikon up for the piurpntio f romovhig them to Fitlla oemn- iery. Tlio lid wusi tlinn removod and the boyH rt)lutlvji und fonnor frlondH wore pm-mitUd to view tho romalnM, which wore jiiHfc an natural und woll proaorvod au when thoy had JuHt Keen them. Ho wuh then rtunovml to KallH oomntory, uh Htiilnd ahove, and ltitot-rod In tho family lot tluiru. A KhoH time apjo tho WIIbou family douhlod to orent a iiuininuunt on tholr lot, and It waa. found that Harry WUhoii wuh Intoned ritfbfc whefo thoy do- nlred to plaow !t, noeonnltnUnR hln remov al fur tint Hecond tinio. Ah It HUoniH that younpf WMhoh wuh dlf- foront from tho famoiiH En^llHli draina- tlHtjlnHomuoh iw ho wroto no upltnph null Intj; down curHOH upon tho porKoim that movod hlH honoH, tho rulnilvitt hail no NiiporHtlMoiiB fear of removing bin ro- muliiH a Hooond time. Ho Tuendny, after lying In tho oarth for twonty-wwon j'uiirfl, tho body wan taken up. Quito a mimhur of porHonn wore ])roKonfc nt tlio thuo, ourluiiH to mmS If tbu fentiireFi would hMII ho natural. Upon removing tho iltl the contunt.-t of tho -ciislcot wore expcHod to view through tho glnsH covor- lnpf. Thoro tho hoy lay, ovory feat uro jiiBt an natural an whtm tiiuy worn flrnfc coiiKlKnod to diiHt twenty-fiovon yearn ao. But what wiih tho Hurprlfio of tliow pro- noiit who know and Haw tho hoy at the time of Mh death, when his hair 'wafi about five Inchon lon, to dincover that It was now tnoro than a foot In lonp;th. It had Brown at leafit kovoii lnohen, but wjih the Hivnio ourly, meldon hair IiIh frionda wore wont to udmlro whou ho wat; allvo. Oliurnhiut I'lay. Mother and father wore obllpfod to co away to ho gono ovor Sunday, and Aunt Ollin vnluntoereci to take charge of Hurry and Polly, and what a time who had! Harry and Polly wore'tho dimrtwt children thnt tivcr lived, nncordlpftr to tholr mother, and never did anything naupfhty In their Uvea; ho Aunt Ollle cheerfully no cop tod tbo care of tho little anguln. Sho wan an artlHt and thoumht it would bo qui to an advantage to her to havo uuoh an oppor tunity to make atudlofl of the llttlo choruhn, whom .^ho ploturod an filttlny: on HtoolH alt day with tho most nngolto coun- tonnnce.H inwip;lnahIo, Thny had been naughty at luncheon, and auntie felt obliged ta pindnli thorn ; she wan afraid, however, tliat they wero fining to he hIoIc, for alio certainly uiulor- stood from what hor Hlnter bud paid that thoy had never boon natiRbty in tholr lives Prolmhjy h1u> wiih not ono of tho kind of pnuplu who could manaijo ohlldron oaHlIyT anyway. Shu wished" to bo as mild as poflniblo withtliLin, ho nIio lind thorn Bit ono on ouch Ohio of lior whilo flho painted, nnd thoy were not to Hpmk a word to oneli other. Thochlhlron sat down vory domuroly, and Heemed dlspoKoil to be pcnceahle. Hnrry sconind to think he mi^ht to keep up a conversation with auntlo. *( Wore you ever In Joruflalom, A"nt Ollio?" he iiHked, "No, dear," royllod sho, painting away Qnur#ur.lcnlly. **Wuk papa over In .lerusaloin?" "No, J think not." "Was miLinnwi ovor In .TeruHiUom?" "No, I nwor know any body that was thoro," replied auntio rather Impatiently. "Don't you HiippoKo that man 'across tho Ktrect won ever _thoror" "My dear eld hi, I never 'Know any ono who was thoro. Now don't a^lc mo that again." "Miiramii always ltitn ufl ask nit tho quoHtlonH we wnnt to/' HMld Polly in a Rrlevod tone. "Good HofivoiiHl" thought nuntie, "I'll never got thin thing done If this Icoopn "Now, ohlldron, you may ro ouf, nml piny if you'll promise to ho pood'." They promised willingly, and went on' howlintr and HtamplnK In their oxccrh of . joy, Auntie hooii pot so Interested In her work that nho forgot that tho ohlldren woro.In okIhUmioo. Pretty soon hor peaeo was disturbed by Polly's voleo calllnp;. "Wliat Is it, donri*" slio unswored. "Auntlo, oomo down, nuinpln'Hfoll into Bumpln," "All rltfht, In a- minute," answomd Aunito, and immodlately forgot all about- lt. "Auntie," eftmo Polly's voleo again, "plenso oomo down, sumpln'e foil into oumpln." "What In It, daar; what has fallen Into wbfit?" "You oomo and see. I toll you aumpln'a foil Into oumpln, and you'd hotter oomo down." "Woll, I will; just ono minuto," and Auntie worked busily for flvo mlnutuu longer, and at laflt with n Hlffh lnld..ilown_ hor brush and went to soo'whathad fallen Into what. Proceeding ielKiiroly to tho bnok yartl, whoro.sho hoard tho ehlhlron's voleofljHhoGaw Polly looking ovor tho odjro of tho slop barrol, apparently much intor- ontud in ItHoonttftitH. "What Is It, Pollyr" oho uakod, walking up to tho bnrrol and looklnpr In. Her horror cannot bopiotnirod whon sho dlfioovorod tbo "sumpln" to bo Ihirry, who was patlontly-wnltlnpf to be resound, nnd wan paaslnn; tho jlmu plofiJBantly oa- p;uf[od in nibbling a crust of dry broad which had not boon muoh injurea by con- tiiot with tho othor contontfl of the barrol.. Tho noxb day being Sunday, Aunt Ollio of oourso sent thorn to ohnreh, but did not accompany thomhorsolf; nnrso wnfifiulto compotent to take ohargo of thorn, she thought. Harry oamo back qnlto orosn, but Polly was in a Ray Rood humor, duo, no nnvso fluid, to tho faofc that hIio had aU- Bfcraotod Harry's piooe of chowlng R\\va from his poclcot, whore ho had It oavpfully put nway, and chewod It all morning, to Icoop awako, flho huUI, At dinner Harry rofnfled to nay graoo, uo Polly vohmteorod. "I know n ood ono," hIio Bald, nnd forth with sho Logan to ciuvnt: "Lord havo mercy, havo morcy upon uh, and lnulino our honrtn to ont'thlu slaw." what'did you sayr" uxulalmod Aunt Olllo. "Why, that's what thoy fling In our ohnreh all tho Mmo,"explained Polly. "J think It'.H awfully funny to any Inoliurob, for thoy novor havo.any alaw." "Why, I novor heard anything like ihatl" oJcfllnlmed Auntlo, Suroly you in list bo mistaken.*' uAw,l that's juab like aglrl, put Id Harry, "^lio moanu wlion thoy buir the Lord's Prayer and everybody nayiL 'In- QUEER THINQ8 AND ODD HAPPEN INGS IN THE OLD WORLD. In Homo portions of Upp>r Kgypt r^in 1h abnolutoly unknown, uiul in Lowor Kgypt thoru Is uomotlmou no rain for yoaru. StatlHtles BhoW that In llritlnh Kat India an avorugn of Hlity-iiVo perHons are klllod by Huukofl,.tli4oru,.looputdu, wolVon, boars, hyenuH, etc.,ovory day, about !U,000 ovcry year. A Wall has boon raised along tho Uhltio bcouuso soinn ontorprlHlntf "Dutohman from Holland"' Imported an ImniH what tJisto and InvoHlilgatlon proved to ho tho flap "hams' of houIh. *iutonhorg, the Inventor of printing, is HtippoHod f,o have boon horn la lli37- illn native olty, Mayor.nn, already propones to fitly cohibrato his five hundredth birth day In 1B'.)7. If science li knowledge, tho new woman will gob nuwor still. Old world (4Ioiico doolaios thut In prnimrtlon to tho weight of the whole pin-noil the weight o a woman's brain in grouter than that of man. At the present time Vranco has about 8,0(10 rabid Anarchists within hor hor-. dors, so far an tho pollen know. Only ono- fourth of this army of frothy lunation ar Fronolunan; of the rust, '15 percent, are Italians, IB per cent. Hwlns, etc, Juno Cakebvead, an J'^ugllshwoiiian,. t4ikos the oalcu for drunkoni}o.iH. She has Just boon punbihnd for the JittOth time for disorderly conduct whilo in a stato of Intoxication. A profntwor nt tlio UnlverHlty of Pisa, who profoHson to havo made oarnful ln- qulrloH, HtatOB that, in proportion to tho population, Italy shows the _ largnHt number of murdorers in to uvory 100,000 Inliabltanf.9. The rcdativu number In Spain Is 0, In Franco 2, In Germany 1, In G*out Uritaln 1, eto. In South Wales the worklngnion UHlng tho tramwayrf ato grantnj roducod rates for their morning trips. Kveiy one travelling by tho early morning trains can obtain workingmon's rates. In Italy grayxss aro menHiirwl, uoti weiglioil, Italy'n grapo crop tlds year amounts to about 85,000,000 bushels, far below tho average, crop of 120,000,000 bushels. Disease and drought caused tha dellcloney. Tlio Rultan of Turkey always takes hla meals alone. Hi; neodn noithor table nor platen, knlven nor forkn,. but guts along vory well by helping himself with a spoon and Ills llngurs to whatever lu erv- tul Jilm in sniall ilislie.q. Of conrKo, tbo many servants in attondan"cu7"a"ro"lookod- upon ixr noliiuihiH. ........ Wo nro'hstid""toTlioar of leprosy in Aula iilmoRt cvurywliero In Asia, ovon In Biberfa. lint It sountla strango to hour that tbo Danish Government proposon to orect Hpoolnl hospitals for tlio lopnm In Iceland, That: classic Island has a popu lation of only WMWO, yot among those uro [100 lopers, so reports a Dan'.sh dootor lately sent there to Investigate. 'Not; long ago a Lelpslo odltor was non- teucud to live months' Imprisonment,for crlthd^lng . ono or Kiupurur's WillLim's spoeclitiH. The confiscation of iiOWspapors commenting unfavorably on tho sayings ami doings of tho young potontato or of his obedient servants occurs rather ofton, too. London's ]iopulatlon ineroasos at the rate of lOn.OOO a year, and In 50 yoars it ls- oxpooted that, the metropolis of tho world will hnvo a population of 17,000,000, Stock-Taking is 0 One hundred odds and ends! been laid out on our Bargain Tao prices that will make quick clear; WHY Will a woman always think hor n&w bat the worst thing sho ovor saw? Will women begin a prolonged eonvor- Hation just as thoy aro about to separata! Will Kuma men you know rnlso high :jlnlw whon their wlvusaro awayp Will a short, fat woman wear puffed shiuveu, a flaring nklrt and a big leghorn hatf Will a man kick about his hard work nnd then walk ten miles around a bll* Hard table? Will tho man with obtruslvo and objoo- Monablo foot cross his logs In tho stroot cars V . Will a dentist .ask questions whon your mouth is pried open aud your tongue la gagged? Will woman who want to vote not know tholr own mind in selecting tho parlor carpet V Will a man neglect to treat his girl to Ico cronwi, and then npond half a dollar on drinks! Will mon monopollzo the Boats In tho ladlos' cahln of forry-boutfl and allow tho woakor sox to standi1 Will oomo ono not form a auspondor trust in view of tho imminent adoption ..of bloomers by all tho girls? Will a woman novor find out that oho lovos a man until his ongagemont is an nounced to another woman? Will olorgyinon ovorwork thomsolvoa to ouch an extent in .winter that thoy can't attond to tholr flocks in summor! Will a woman who"haw novor boon ac- onntoniod to anything not whon in eooloty as If nothing was goad enough for hor? Will youths who stick tholr tongues botwoon tholr tooth whon thoy write ln- slflt-ou wearlng coIIoro colors on tholr hats? Will a girl tramp for mlloa and play touulfl by tho hour during tho summor, but novor bo Btrong onough to sweep and dust n room when flho Is at homo? DEALING IN FACTS. NO "INFLATED VALUES" HERE TO MISLEAD^! 5 piccoH dohblo-folfl. Almn DronH All our 10c Twill "BolH G-notla, rofjulat prioo I Be roducotl Liningfi reduced to Bo 4; j 4 piceoH Twilled Flannel Droaa brow" for l0c a ya^ 'l Goodfi in navy and bluok1 roguliir 9b' inch uhbloachod; c) prico BOc a yard, reduced to KJc. 4o yard. fiO ItomnantB of Wool JDronH Bpociiil viiIuob in Ooltol Goods in longthB of ili to -i yards mfia ^ *<> ^ *A 1 yw at Icbh than.half prico. Moria' heavy Top Shirts^ - m -. rTI , to 07.1(1 each. 15 Clulfl B Tweed UluterH, rcp:u- . -. ,...,;, Y . lar prico $2 to $2,50 for 00c oach. ? .,ch M ,feCu- >c roancoq-to 2f)o. 10 Ladies MantloH for UW " ,e, - h Woaolfod Tftbl oaclu t if ^",-0(J.^^lityrcdacodtoQj 0 Ladies' MantloH . woru ff a^d J Linen * *... v^^juy fc $8 reduced to $2 eac'ji. / dozen. '40pioca8ofYo'PIi\id Giftham Keys 2 P^0w~l J^J tor Bo a yard. \ / r';(lucGtl from ^J'Gn to *U'1 I ' YouthflJi Tiioco-Suits lonw 28 pieces 80-inch\ Ainorican ^nuiu^ l 7 Porcnlen, warranted Lt colors, 1-ancy Twoo-Ib rogu ar pnpi for 121-o a yard. \ "diwod to ^B.75 a auit. \l . - Mono1 all Wool Twceclfl hi Kxtra lino FlannoloV'Lf, at 7o Anocd to ^4,50 it suit. a y]ird . I Mons' Black Worstod Co] 80-iinch'Bordorod Hoaiy Skirt- Yofltg rcducod to $5.00. ingfor 15c a ynrd. 1 50 Boys all Wool Twooij ., , n- i rti.MfVqi-o^ulav prico"75o reduced .1 dozon MtBRQS nnd . Lhiia a Blnclc Caahmoro Hoao frona 10c a each. pair upwards. ^ M0 pairs of childs alu . SO doz -assorted Dross ibutt ons duccd to asc^oaoh^ pair. 2c a doz. "" * ........ Lndioa' Ilcptonotto vVatl G-OHsamcrs wore $4.50 & ducod to S2.95. Wo have also ope Woolen Drees Goodt? LufctrcB ,Broches Sil 20 pair of Laclios' lino \i\jrproof Top Button and Balmoral ' 15, rc-rogular prico '2.95 rednj $1,50 a pair. lied 40 pieces of New the latent creations in and Wool Novelties Or* Serges, and Velours, .belat values .ever showuiJjy. uej THE 0IRE&T CORNER STORE, Diebel Ma Bricker" M. E. WIGL The Gash Grocer, and Baker. 1" HE pooplo of tho Town of Eobqx &nd aurrounding coiintry huvo iaug felt tbl of a pluco whoro thoy could go ami purohuuo what thoy roqutro on a olot biiuiFi, .withoot btinfi compelled to pay liighor prjcoa to multo up for thol raadfl in tho orodit aystom. Cull and aou our tjooda, whiah uro alwaya of"tl qnality, and cot our prioofl, which aro tho Jowout. "Don't inlau tryiug our To/ oonia a pound, * CASH PAID FOR OTHER PRODUCE. FinST-CLA-SS BUTTER AND FRESH EGG GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, cllne aur heaitu to kwp tbU law.1 RoturiiH show that 10 porsons In it thonHAud who aro conllnod In lnnntlo anylunui hnvo boon mado lnsnno by lovo nffnira It In often mipponod that boyH in Brow ing koop ftlnind of Rlrlfl; but rooont monH- urnmontB dlnprovo tftlp. Tbo boyH, up to tholr Uth your, woro found to run about 11 qtmrtor to hnlf fin tailor than tho flilrlH. Thoy woro thon ovortukon by tho Rlrls, Who nurpatjflod thoiu In liolgho till tholr Kith ynar. whon tho boyH au;nln grow tauter tlmn .tho girls and flamo to tho front. Ono-hnlf of tho pooplo who aro born dlo boforo tho uro of Id Tho dally Inconio of tbo prlnolpol nil- ora lri Kuhl to ho: Kmporor of KukhIji, ei)(000; SnltJin of Turkoy, >S0,00O; Km- fmror of Auntrh, $10,500-, Sfimporor of Germany, $10,000; Kintf of Italy, $8,000; Quoon Victoria, $8,000; Klnjc of Rolelum fcj.000; Fronoh .Profihlont, $J00; Proablouti or tho Unltod StirtOH, *17fi. VhoU puthorod during tho I^mn00-Gor man wnr Hhow that for ovory 100 hullotn flrod thoru wa ono doutlu Mulblplti hh'thn uro vopmtod hi 3.17 por uont- of all oiipoH, the pdfoontafto varyinK groatly In illfforunt ttiem. Tho proportion of twin hlrthfl 1 Krojttur In oounlry tlmn In (ilty, and vory ourlounly eooins to diminish, an tbu site of tho town lu- JTT M. E. W Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Hickh AtMaidBtono. on Saturday, Jan. . 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Honry Hioke, aon. Austin At Cattam, on M'oduoHdavt Jan. 28th, to Mr. and Mto. John Austin a son, EluMNinty Afc Coloboster North, on Thnra uay, Jan. 30tb, to Mr,' and Mrs. Dan Koniiojly, a daughter, Db\n At Ebhox, on Friday, Jan. 3lfc, to Mr. and Mro. BamuolDaan, a danfihtor. TiUMiu.K On tbo Bollo Rivor Rotd, on TuoHday, Fob, 4th, to Mr, and Mret. J. Trimble, a daughter. Mhniiok At Ebbox, on WodooHtlay, Fob. Gth, to Mv, and MrH. Gob Muuroo, a datightor, Bnifiurj At Paqnetto, on Thumday, Feb. (lth, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sbbul, a ilaufihtor. Johin At Pafcillo.ou Friday, Fob, 7tb, to Mr, and MrH, Jobln, a sou. Mon u n At North Rid tic, on Saturduy, Ft-b. 9tb, to Mr. and Mru. Gordon Morria, a daughter.. ALr.EH At Maiden Road, on Wedneflday, Fib. 12th, to Mr. and Mra. Thoa. Alien. .a. bod:" NKW ADVERTISE* WANTED. WHITE OAK Butt LnnsJ HPOKEB, AX Wrlto to O. Hub, Bpok aiiil HondluK Vac Out., forprtoog and doBorlptlon.l ESTff'AK LBPT" Tov UY HlKMiaE8( LOI Townuhlp of OolohoBtor Nf black laub. Inlomaatiou loai, oovory will Ijo Buitably towardt C-8I M. DAK Boot and Shoe A. E. Knight; hau opei Bboo Repairing Bhop at b| win ave., a doora below 8., call Bolwited. ;; G2m ""> A.1 Of good obaraoteS llht} rl. |75-td write lully. " I TnsBBAll RAL ho caul 800. ftj ^Jii^^te^ iiSi^Mi^^ 'SMM^^iM^^^^^^^^m }y:m 927921