m^ i"'1"' ' 1 i';' r-'\' - ' * ^i-J*!5?5ttS^7i^s^ i rm K^@i:xL rfRtsis; j?*rj3>s $1 if? T If you want to preserve Apples, don't cause a break vFjT In the skin. The germfrof ' decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump tion find good soil for work when the lining of the throa t and lungs is bruised made raw, or injured by cold sand, coughs. Scott's Emulsion, with hypopliospEte^Tw^dl Ileal inflamed mucus mem branes. The time to take It is before serious damage has been done. A So-ccnt bottle is enough for an or dinary cold. 50 ccutu and $1.00 Scort & Ilownu, ClieiuliU, BelUvItle, Out \fi' HON. JOKKl'H HOVVU. "sketch of the "cahegu oi" nova SCO IIA'ii l-'AMOUS i-OiM Vv P, f*-Ho Wliat in that, d.-nr? She \w\w\ food. I m:nl" It mynnlf. Ho You'd bettor rat it, i|.-ir. You're the only nnnel In thi.s hnu-1.*. \\ iiiu! r ni "Papa," uftld liohln.', j'Ointhn- to the iron clop that stood <m tin lawn, "doea tfoD like that uvur Idle V" "No," uald Ilia father ; "but that one barlc-d mifc." "Really?" crlod~ UnhMo. "Yob," said hhi lath.-r, "j Htumhled over him one ni^ht, and hu barked my BhlnH.11 IlarpcM-'H li.izar. WliiU S!i' W tin- i!. Druprpifit (h'lihly)--Siiap? Why, yon ! Thin Ls Liu- 1'ainoiih "Zon-zou Soap, for Facial P'aultn," and thin 1^ "Kui-ki-r'a Konipl'Xiitn Kp'miii Ho.ip ;" li. n.-';j "Tolllvir'ii Tar, inak.-n :-hainponln^ a luxury;'* "(.jui'en oi' ('.-i-di!.-, fur bath or tolli-tlc," mil] - Mrn. (. rLh<*y dm-1 inptln-,; ~Ilt)V ye ttnny that'll t* k mi lh<- dmt? Tourist (in Okln'h(imM)-"<.'n!on< 1 I-Innily ! [ d, il >r, Js a VL-r; . ni. i ) . i 'i :. .[. i u\ tir '.' All.Jill il.. U.U, I uiMild :-!iout. ! Why, li c i, ii , ' . ,i'.>, mi [ of a niirl hill ii* (',. n h i . # [ i.. iM>' in eollin' It in Kiiiin' j Truth. 'Tra^* ! r < t< ]] nv 'how : j i 11 > .ii < 'i auii'iu'u '! Na; \ - .' ' in :.' i "HM mil-'-. Tl'il \ i ! ' ' ' ! i '- l'!r NulHi M-i way yi.-i'i i- f'n.n - i i \ >>,< lin ., i . .'I and :.,-' h.i< - :.' .il< hit ji mil. .-- London T. '-I ^1- i ii.n - A1!..\!I il:< \. 1 y ni.'n'. Tt-x; ^ .' l*a iiiiiiri'll'- ! 11 'i h- ni at t'w. >!,im i ,:.\ :..i J ln\, do . . - l i... .1 C'h-i ,:> (1 Puck. "Conn- b IllUMl ' wan. i "> i-i : ni : !.' In A Moiiiii**ttt to l'ifpitiitt lib Mtiiiknt'.v Will U.i lCiXitiNl III Hullfu* -Kurgan i'f (111! MitViilllilllt-.OllM tf CuIHKIu'h Nnbli-fl Tho inovemtjrvt r< ocntly iilartod In Ilnlil'ax In rnlMf a tiinnuinciit In th-- i,nn:ury of tho lati' Joimph Uo\v, N'^a Hi it Ill's Tll't.'M HlUiitllnil', full, |h nii'i-tlllj; with MU'iit HiiiT. -<'i'i|'llon:i puiii- iiif-v In wlili a t.pinitiin.'lty which i-din.', ilu- Imhi I hat tin' niein niatni, titnn * iii.Lii. prirt and p.i' I l"l ha "i Ul'fm I bi It-- i t1' of lii:; c(j!i'ili-.VUi"ti. .lo.M'pb llmvc win. hum mi tin- b.in'^ i-t i!i" M"i-lh\i'^| Ann. Ihiblnx, ;>. c II!, iKOI, and J1 * * < 1 in < '.-Ai-ninn nt IltniHi (in .Iiun- 1, lsVli, having h.-ld i' ui'lu'i' ut l.h'iiti'naid-thiVciiHir I'm o.il.. i f< w w^'dtii. Mr. Fbnvt-'M iiithn, .b i ., ilowi-, liinu.cir a man of lin>- idiv. Inl and i'.'ioil ml'tM 01 mind, \wu; a 1'nii'-'. Krni'"!' li-iyali^l, who iTt hi1; j;nod and piojn riy behind liim In I'". ton a.a! mini- t>) Halllax at ihr tlmr m* in i'f volution. .bdni lluui- was iMiK:u;'d in the pnnl- hiK bui^in. :'ri in Maliiav and li-'i-nm- Iln:-illini."b I -I P-lH'i a] o|* NnVa S'-uLhi, I < m-vi-i" iici'ii ni'ilatcd an> pi-o|n i ty, a;- li.a fiiili, who alway ;;|iol<.- n| liim w f I n v-'ii'-raliuii, said ih.H all that la- h-' 1 lit- j,.i\ c i.i tli^ pi.- i. .b> cph had 1- w ndvanta im . of fdlieatlOM, < 'i'i-|.L tliat doriv- 11 11 "ni ml. n-I'll i-.1'- v/ii h hi - I a - IbiT. lit- lit i.ehonl and w:\-a ap|n'.-'.i- tlfi*ii in tin pilnlin;; bu dm 'a at th-- carl.v a^-r >i ;:;. i, i>i i'a ni-- a t huiamj. h practical pr'uhT in th" nld days wln-n Lin- band pi- .-in and :"U '. In th.' .....u,ii: <>r Una- In- owin'd a in \\MMp. r hinih' II, and by his indii -- try and a<-itin;< inadr il a powvr in tb !...id in. '"rt't :i|i]i. "n.iiio.' as a popular ' i at'-r , i -Viva :'(idla was an '-N.....*l- in;;ly : ' iid idwqn'-o I ap.'i i'li math' In :~- ll-d-'i. n of ]jbid li vi'! ! against him b\ the <dd bciirii "I ur i irnlf-. in llab a-.. 1 b- -jiok.' I'm upward:- of M\ lanu,-, ml lii:; repul.ttlnn as an nratni- wa-. mad.' fr<,ni that monirnt lb- t,\->-v\\ ladna'd hi-" "tppniK'itt.s \>v Uti* v it bui.iiii, :;n- cnsin potlio- and jiuWi-- of bt.-i addn'":. And (ho jury, alb'r a hall laair';, ih-lib- - i a I inn, hrminlit In a v<*rd id .if nut ftnilty. 1" 'h*' tfivat joy nf tb>' pupulaoi*. wli" Ivpt hollflay for that il.n and tb- iu'\t. H wjtH b-lt thai h" Ind x t.......J jrn-at ahuscs and i-f-tablish.-d tin If..... iloin nf tin- pn-as in N'i-vii Srnti.i. Thf eft'er t of Uh-, spe(-ch wa.s to break down a nys-lorn hoary wit li a^o and rank PARTITION OF AKlMOA THlZ MOST FAMOUS f I(,lb7,l-H OC, MOl)LN ni^LOMACY- Cu\t* f All th> Wur VulU-II >li*v H't <Ji-k-muii.V i*"i1 (n'iii lii 11 ul n l"l thttntr liii-iiMlily *.ii'vlMt; ii <.n .i-' '" In ria-riit ynuti the powm ut' I'hnope found It to their mutual iuK,iutnv to eoiin- tnt-eMM'i' and ri-aeli itn unreonuint on the mibleet of Alrlea. 'I'IiIiikm had iiHMiiniid ;i very eoinpli'-nb'd aspoet in the i'ark (Vulhiwit and tin- rival pow- . ifi wi-i'i- all at ' .i a to who owm-d ecldJi In lei rilm i * mci It bind A. - coidlh^iy Ma .!n.|oin..l- h 'III a erb '. nf til' ell'l. l| v "'"' na, and lb- n . . n.....u< iindor Hi" na.....f - "'ai lllion of Alricji. SVb t ii; .*. , > i i ni.-n u as ma v In* ;'.ilh.....I .1 '. .u. ' ""on of the ae.'iuaii.iiryi'ii; i halt, .'. b.' b i . lh; Ur; t iiivn i'.'i te I it. ,H \ P i.i o i . A 11 h'a ever [.uhli.-iii 'I "ii ihh ' ale "f Hi w.tler. 'J'li-- pai tlLlun u,i '. iv unlm'Kv, It leii li, t.......I 'il 'II .' I" - mi nl. ThiiL (I,i,;i i , h. ,<[. : ..... i e,n le-.| an a'-oto :,la:-i- la '.: \a.il. .\\) iiito ha ' lh- 1 in l that all Lilt' p"'.Vi 1 !, I oil. ) I d ,i the |.;il I llloll, namely, Ci al I a I '.n, Fimih e, ' Ji-r- tnany, ltnl\, ^pniii -i t \ ' :al, ein in- .-.I doinli:i"(i o\- : tb" 1/ le . li [p of roiinLrv known n- lb South Alrlenn Kfpuhlle. It v.a '1, .tll> a;'" "d Mint the Ib-i'Ublle h\m md In- |eeor,rii".l"l a^ mi indep.'iMl.'iit j" \ .-. bnl that its lorel^n Tlaiioie- 'l.ibl be entirely uiul'T th ' -i' t Pi ilabi. in u'tin n fie i hi I' ' el .....-i inn led to fi'pilre po "mi ni a larfe .liee "f i mtMt I'TilIm," in ib- l\a .(.Mai | >art of Afrlea. It wuji a very tin I m I una le ba i i^aln. It Is tile cmii i of all the trouble t'. day |ictV'*Mi '! * in ii li \" and ' I' > '> I Ibllaiil. (I'-rmn ny < 11 Kr it :Lin ban i'..| |;(-]i* i-im'j v ' ii 1 . hi It bin ,-. \ - fS: -o \?y y^t v\--'-' />c V. ! i 11 . I '.. i . a i j t;,,. "ib "-^ Ul', o l.l ll.l I I ' Il one. "Willie* 1.-, 111. than the ;\>nnl Pap i Why in Willi. \\ llV 1! %\VJ J>ell out. l in - a- ..null! bin ie,Ut-.J NEW RICHMOND STUKKT MKTIIO- JJlhiTCHUHCU. Key. k. U. Climnberb, LL ii., thu Popub.r Puhtor of tho New Uifdiinoud Hi r-.it Mcthonint Clniri-h, Torontu, TeitnicH BtrttJulit in Kuvor of Dr. Agnow'n Cumrr- hal Powdur. Hnapfl of pnoil llinitfii n.tu botu^ said of tho K-nv. A B. (Jlmmbom. DD ii., lor hi'i afcrui^lit talk for neculan/.tul wehuula <vmiif Hindu from tho merits of tho quebtioii, the vir.oroun ami able mannm* in whtfih Mr ClinmbcrM bundled tho aubjoct Inn. beon l- univcraally ndniired. In thu nurnu fmnk \ and Birai^htforwurd manner tins ti> ntlu ;" -Man. wlu,m the New Richmond ritreut '.! Mctliodmt Churoli UtiH requested Hindi ru mnin then* pahtor for auoMier term, tallui of tho help tliarcomeHLnthouH who use Ur. Affnaw'H Ciitiirrhul Powder. Mr. CA\ tnibem known, fmni eiponenne in hiw own fumilv. and ba Buyn no over hin Miniature, bow ' I ' balpful thin rrraedy la (or cold in tho hou.il Vil aud cuturih. hi hay fever U will Kivi- .V'.: perfect rHief in tun ininatQH. Priou title. ' - "' . Bold by J. Thnriio. Do not dully with rhouiutiUBin.. Get rirl of ii at onutj bv purilyiuK tho blond with Houd'H SurHHparillu. Be biiro to %a Hood'n. Haod'H Pill-, bocomethe favorite ofiturtio With every one who triorf tham. V)jo, **l?iv9 yoarH ivto," nyn Anna A. LowiH, JRioard, N. Y.,' Ihad a oonntaut coub, uluht BweiitH, wan grootly rodboed in floih, and had brton Klvon up by my phyoiciann. t bottiiu to tiilw Ayor'n Chorry Pectoral, nd aftor Hiutv;o bottlon way complotoly ouifod." Hoo'Va Pilln uot oaPily, yjt piomptly, nd effoctwoly, on b\io hvor and bowels. 36c ' 1 Ml l\. .lOM'.l'll Mi'U i With c*rrnp'. Ion. Halfiv v-\ Hioytly afL'-Mvuri Is iiH'iiriHiiMti il, : a- ciple of rt-v]((iiihibl ' i;uvei : i :il .ip|.!i. d to I h" ma na ,enji nt of il- .i ;a i :-., \\ br li \\ as but lie pn t-iu;-oi < i i- p'oi^-ibl. govern nn-ni aa applied le the alfair^ ot thi' \vh b- provinee. Mi. lb we"- l-i pntal 'on I. r I pjion t la- ;-K ill and -"at . . hi), ew- playt'd by In mi in br. a '. i. m w n I To- old council oi t w elve v.'bi . ian i^* i the uffali'H of the jiinvirn -, ^ittin , \\ nh cloyed door:-, and havln ii'iimi:; It Iiieliili. i.s l In- ' be I Ju; tie.. * 1 tin- prn- vlni'e, the Kimli.'h Id:.hop, H'-vn'iil rneni- 'befri of our banl.ltlL; 111' H tolion:-, a lid men who u'.'iv i elated le* t a"- ni blond and Mndivrl, ni.il.ln^ up vbat w a-> properly ealhd a family c .inpaet. IP- had no t-a^y t.c k )>"loti bbn to brealc Up si) tliornu;bp. ' nt n in le d ;l coni- paet, with th Inl'iKMrr of < '.iv.-rnun-iit Housi- and all ollli laldoin, w.th the I'li- in.-iit.-; of -.oidal i-aaie ;in.| e\etytbIiiLV that ML\'ori.fl of trt'idyihiu and HunKi-y- i: rn aii.i>ed 'i ;.ii!"t him. I bit :i!t<-r a loap and bit le|- >t i 11 - he ^^11......-di d c erripb-bdv, and it was In Ihm,;i tbaL hi- had -lirre 'l"i| Ml , NnVIl Seu- t ia 11. -. in I ii ut i.ai v. a : . ml a la ad or j.,ui ->f jd-o-i- 1 i oi I j.., i"i, a blh In Canada r<-volulion and blui id.-bed uiailn-'l tie- ln'ii-i p o; Hi.' i ..roriiiera. Ill the etilllh- of his e ii Iv p'iblle life Mr. llo\ve bad to ;;iapph- wiln a num ber of exei-i ilnnd,\' able niioi, old selinol arfj.lori'at:,, r i adual'-a of K iilg'.s (*ol- lee;e, tln-n the rnil.\ oehool of Ivai'UlnK mi tin* l o-oviriee wort hy ul the na m** Id* llu'M- men .lann-.M Itoyh- Ibilaeke and IjCwIh M. Willi ins wel e d i^l in^uislieij for their cliLf-'Mc leainltiLt and iliKnl()ed eloquence. Al In-a the^e men riLtber looked ilown upon 11 owe the printer, but his shM In di bate miou taught them that be wdt- a foetnau Worthy of anybody's ste.-l. Wht-n they showered the cla.snlctt upon hlni be showed a eonqjleto mastery of the ^reat workH of the old ina.sti-ts of Greece and Uorne throuidi T'lnjrllHh translation, while hln Knowbd^e of KiKdlnh history and lit erature was am file, varied, accurate and profound. Jioth IbibieUe and Wllklnn tame fin ally round - to Mr. (lowe'-i vlowa and both died his friends. Mr. llow'o's de fence of Unlaekr, who was made the subject of a fierce and relentloKH at tack by Dr., irow Sir OharlcM Tupper, when he was on bin death heel, takes rank with the llne^t HpcolmoriH of. de- clamntioti di\(l Invective In the TSnff- llsh lanfiua^o. It wa an Impromptu deliverance Riven in the oourHe of a Hbarp and animated debate In our lloune of Assembly in 1858.. After Mr. Howe had succeeded In Rot- tlnK renponnlble povernmont for Nova Scotia he turned bin attention to the conntructlon of rnibvayn, and it cannot bo doubted thai h p- oehe in 3E2UK- lend, moro cHpecltiHy a noble crtort at Southampton, and Iiiu lettorii to Earl Qrey had more to do with OttVloDbiK tho railway ayatcm. of British N*rth Awjor- Xca than any othfcf factor. Thmra U i < > i ' i/lT/Awr/q V 1 / \^' ;'l "*P \ \ - \ \ > . * ,.V""'i'j " /"" .VUttKA IMOli IN UUiil) 31JT INK MOSQUI I -b-S DtAT ALL in conus A ml Irlvo ^llo.'iw friuY Tliu Kuxl uii'l fold Ai--. fiiii'ii-ii' -11 ii in I u li 1 |>u iiml <Vr mill KniV-i'i ii t; I i s ' an I'nr llnin I.mi <Ollt'. I'm-' ill \llii ill-iln Pln-jH-i'litl ., 5S5t' ""* I 1 [.".'! I ' I i .'tih'lllH'.d ll'niii y In I 'oi't tllpll ft-'iniebudy !.s a'lw .lys advatteae, niotiey to 1 '"l 1 n ';nl and iia.-r ;; 11 in,- u ba<K a^.rbu with the iiiMlnet und'-r.landing that Vortu- ;:al should" place in r lernfory In Atrieri :iL _liiu flb'piJi.u-L, oi ' I rent I Ini a in. It e.tii be reni.-nib' i-*d th it th" Kim; of 1'orliUaii wa.-. l.it-'lv in l.oiidon on bi-; : ii.il i i- ami ut 1 .a row iie, nioliey, and i,, ihe ih; 'i.malic t"ii i. In abided to have ! i n t' . ii eon: mm.'.a tod. Now. til. "lol.i t am ..| t lr- pat t it bin h; I-hnii-'i'or \yilhaa.';< c\eim.- for having scut hla f.'HTioti'.' in --;;;:ii;e of ni]i;aiilii- lut Ion lo 1 b f^pi. r,i K j-iil-. a1; i; . oor . It is inipos.dhle to d.'lernilue which id. b. i i -b I. 'ih 'i i - :i P.- n\ l In- a / , - V, ,t I d f th' - poweis In dKide A f I b"a up aiio'in; themselves anvliow . (if all tb" powers Italy ha-; had the Worst bii'k 1 :y lie- t.-i ma oi the parti tion, --ji -h cniinlry wa.s nt lihmt.v to ob tain pe: - -ion -a it-, Alilean ti-rrl- lorles hv cotiij ii" t. 'I'le > all rtiinpiei'i d except I ta I, 'I'h 11 urn in I iMiat" coun try ^-'iii Vh^'-iii i iitd ilaiar for lis slntie of Al'i i' .' . and every 1 Lilian itriny aeot thilh \ loi* b. <-n :,.aind !<- tin ashed bv tie- :i.111 \ es. I.obeiurula i.':ivi' tie- Iblti h :< rn.- hard work, lint they downi'l h 1111 at last, liarai has In .on Mm ! i " ..' -o[ile_ \ciy . bloody haiib-s "I la!., an.I (lie th.-ater of war j i.e.' Ale. .- i Ma. 'I'he, i<( [ i ."-ult a I be Pn rlitiim are a lul o| botlial.ir, dl'-pilt'-s and the ere.-ithm of a 'i"!ii- native Airman ai inv 'en t b 11 d n . r 1 he i ontlii'-nt In d< taclniM-iits. 'I'll"-.- ib taeluaeiM-, are : 111 i em ili< >U:dy ai i i"d. il i ; claimed, by ii .-nt i i| the ] o\ al ]miW el >. 'I'lnm (! i i ma a > real I'a itabi of lia\ltr. ^."ii-tlv ari""d 111.' hhn'hs in <;.-rm in Ka^-L ." i h-.i. ' itlier pn-.v. rn m.il.i . - en ilar ,o i n a \ a In si thi-lr Mi l^hl e-'. 'Die 1'.; 11 |.~h Siol'i A I rh a Company llU H bt enuie \'"l \ \ >l f Hill IIell I as a l'e- i-ull o' lids rj1111111 -1 of war P * lin^. Tills I mimis i-oi ] o . I b '11 \ii-, chart .'1 eil In 1*<! 'i. and lh- ! Mike of A bei eoi'n, K . < : , is t b.ni i. i.n of it. II.-, d.-put y cbaii man I < lie "il> of l-'ife, w ho mn i i led a dan >< i j ul t b" lb Inc.- of W'al, s ( *i'e,| K! r. ! - n one oj lie- dl- i i-cUm :- Aceii dm- t' i tin ehai i'-r, it may ".]. \-.-|o|i" ih" i "4huiH -ami b ni i he 7/Liiibi-zi. Tin- llr.-L thltiK the couipany did was Lo il;;lit Loben^ula. K inj; of tin- Ma i abides. The com pany's troops m-\"t pushi-ii on to Sulls- buiy. named ni ot tin- Hrd'sh Premier. This )ilacc Is no\,' lln- capital of Mash- unalaiifl. Huhsi |i.i-'U t ly, the eumpany be^aii ope! a lions nnrt h of the y.am- be/d, ami to-dav it-- leri itora-s co\ ci the whole of liiulsh South \!lica. Th'S territory wltliin tie- loundaihs stip- ubitvi] by the lanioiiM partlllon, i overs an urea of 7">i).ihhi so:iai*e mll.-s. There a re nu w in'iti ly 10.ana --uhl mining clairnH established in the return. The precious metal Is a-ahl to abound. The Koulh Atri'un U'*pubhe was Urst founded In 1-S in, hut was not rec- i:471' i/ed ."ai a fl'"e ti.i)il lllde pendent state until lS"d. Put In 1SSI tli" diinT repuhlie luid actitailv a war wdth (lieat Hrltalri, and, sttatiKe as It may seem, it forced that country to submit, hy thnishhie; Ltnthdi troops. .lohannesburb*, the town which ll^ured so jirondncntly In the recent war dbpatehus, has a population of 20.000. The capital, Pretoiin, had fi.noo inhiibliants, l'rosl,- dent Krup;er has served three times in IiIh jiresent odlco. He will be 70 years old next October. Ho bus Brown ton children. The Trannvaal is rich in tftMd. So much for the prenent condition ot thlngR. It all prows out of the peti tion of Africa. That roraarkablo per formance In to-day the most Important agreement In diplomacy, and certainly the moiit famouH concert ever entered into by civilised natlonn alnce tho middle accu. Tt Bem to bo solny ito ploccB, and to brs creating a Koneea! ICuropean pmnnh-up. But to tho diplo mat p It In v.halBIonholm waa to Marl- fcorouKfc a firniouw victory* "I would not jidvls-e miy ntiiTTn ivo to th" Yukon db ti let of Alaska In i,e m'< i of Jf dd," ; eher, ' lit pold. i ( b'olo'deal Sill - v".'.', ii \'.',i: liiir no, to i n'm Id em I ' i .-tii' ia h i'i .m bi i n lira t l;,nd ,. ., 1 111 -, : > "( d!- ' .".I .. ' , . , . I. , l , ', " o o . ' I t in. 'i , ii. I I-"1"' oj u" ( ; p; ,;:,., lWal [; i <7,'ii 1 '1.....1" J.I, "Vic I e i. i r), I t; [,., hi , I 11 I a- poi ii. ." ,i id ib.- .1 ,i t,,r, *-l(|.| up : too 1 bill J |o i, ,. 1 i || v .! ( Ii e Idle t., I! d- i -.il 1, , i .J , .[, , ,,;,,. 1, , lot. ' la I., i. 'i . it. 11, He- t- i- p ""' ' ' , i.....I i, n In I.i' or l|" - "" f Il h' \ I ' ho'., o/l.-n l'".'lMerl||^ ." ' I'h'h Willi . ! I I 1 f""i i.im i. ion i ], -il ' i i ilm -. , ,| ()U) |Ml . i.1' al"'1 di ,.| li I I -i . fo.il. "Vi I t i - 1 '. i 't.i'o, ,i jit-r ub.' "" Ihud o| nth h ; lor thril nld. Tb ' on- i . o n i i a , t le- w lot .-i, : in l n '"f'- oyer I lib : 0, t.irc I Im I lie ' .' fl'e to i II" I nd I lill (ll.l I hi I '.. lid . ' 1 ' ' "'hi a ' '.- it t . Mi, "'iv. Tb then reiiiovo He ea l III until tin v ; ' d' v ii to I ',.- ,. ,'n, I then they bicld . nd nl r fir,-, ami : o an, v' In u (he -;ja ,n ha \ > U ,i t |, {)l)t ) c " a on ti ioo , . ,' tb lb. y h.ive ub t. bled in f h is a i diem y. ,ty_ 'I 'in in-', lh. . hoi I. hot .aunim r lie mo* <|ui|(ic :n ' .11" of I le- nueO td I ll'h b'llhliojis thai ai|\ "iiturei;. hi lhat v<- y. "U Mdii r i n,m They are slmplv '"I 'in-- of ,he iiiim \\ ho c i ni" down on the steamer with me from 'M.rl.n I'i Sau P'i ,i m'i'-e j, after miiiiic; ii :b Vnl oi d, nii-t, to! I ni th. 'hi :, i.-i|uii (,e hid almo t made hiui I'- 'i niiiid Mi ,tl\, a > \\ rn e Ion- I' a; , i -;|oVe: .-; .!. ndil." lln- lemd Ii o, I he a ian. hut t he im i ( I -; \\ oiild era " 1 i'!> h .,.d i m at h t h - ..love and .- I ni-, lion ibl:-. "'I'I'. ;. \- c i ; | i v n ^-"i do-.\ n In h: hoot-, ami I i o.ji Iheie mal-a iheir wa; up nii'l i be 11 nu*-. i -.. a ml cause in b.m e * -il-'. t in;r . i! h i lieir bi:< r, ?.b ' "i I be Oil ll \. bo]| i I ]|r I 1 [ Hill I ' a' or v . ,i) ba 1 l> ' .\\ of "'ild ,', i th""-!!!, ami bad b. en I airly auece'-hful I i.i Hi -ail that th",v would nc\. t im I ee , -e i in al t"i ha vitiK << te. - " ' p I fr. nu t lie country with theh l.\e. **U Inle in Ala. I a *' conibnied I I ' :' ilu* .hiih a,i disirict, wh-n- the iptail iidiies ar". and I on nd ' t In-ui quite pro peroila. Th" Ti. ii">. 11 -oil!.- i 1 . , i on riioi. eh. i ply than any eadd n, i !n tin- v.oibl. Il net,-, thein only "I in mill" a in I '. -i >rl. .....b I on ol '. -1 . . md th" product inn is fully ' () p< r <> p' 'dear protil. The chcipne*-:- of tin.- v.-oi', and I he iierc.-n tam- of pmhi .are hot e r"!narkalde. '-b. Apollo mine ih on. ., the richest ju i -pertleh In Alaska am' ,\ h-lds about : a,huh a moiit h lib hi ell Worlo-d foi t"o oi* (ll I'.'I- \-.'i' An Interest in ^ en logical lad In < o ta et mn \\ It b i liis mine i. I'.m'id in t' e( urr. nc of a current of nnliv. rm per ruinline; throimli the irmvi- i-ol t '! hii" is very rare, and b the nisi th e h.'m conn- il nd- l* my per'-uii.il nl ^( i , < lion. I doa't know thu t it ha*- a- , i-Xrept 111 'l it fa I In r a d"t! mien I to [ b the i,'obi. "U'e loliud se\eial for- 'll 1 "MlP h lhat are new to .science, but mn ln- liu" a pab-iiTitnl >-*l-l I cannot j-pe:tk an (horita 11\-< ly of their value, i me of ile-- mo.st Int'-rer-i in", ihine,; t" ic lh t *> ' det'imtned by this trpi na*- lh n 11 ci ;i ,t of A la -\- a i - pi ad a a !b : t' < ci.; w ith tha t "f lb iMmi ' 'obtmlila. a i ' Cfdifoi id.I, > olo ie;|l|y .-.p. -d ll' . Ill'1 I hal t h< s<- c a-( -, luivc i i la lie d 'b. a P'e-ltlui) through all the upheaval', an II \ uliii loos l lia t have ah el. d lie- l.n., of the Anii'iiriiii continent, it v/us pa. I Iddarly Ini i i. i-i Iuk to me to find (ii-iaeean pi-; II, whose- hahPat, pe, h i]is millions oi years a:co, had la ( i m-t wb.-re' i found it, v. Ith tie- -. \ aves \vai him,' the rock hi which u w.s imliolilol. That was ^ood pi o il t iln-r-.e C...I-I- hi",, md bten ime- i d during a:;e..." N. Y. Wmhl. (Inn - <>l' I hmiir'i <. Wo carry our Worst enemies within us. Mf plain common sense, lifc'ri em roar coin is made \ i;n(ii 1 hud 1 mi I ion Is but t he 11 rd nu!,- di.. ft oi \ ii i ue. Joy is an e\clinn;m; joy llii'4 mono], ill ! It c.,11.-} I'm two. Ttie sboi'te^t mn surest w"iy t" ' pe with honor in the world Is to be In reality what we would appeal to be I-'vei y man is an orlKlnnl and .*-. ill - Ifi ry chameter. None can either un - ih island or l* id tin' boidc of hm o .v llle hKe himself. When a man rnnt'iiers his iirlver^ni U-s and bis dlllkulties, it Is not in, li' he had never encountered them, Th power hi.' Kadiied in conqueroi Injj; then i-iiduris through all his future life. Vbey are not only incidents in his pa.a lu.aory, they are (dements hi all hi [in sent charaelcr. Ills victory is cot ond with the hard utruKKle that woo It. The hick of emotion, of enthu.siasiu, uf desire can never be justly pleaded an air eiciun1 for lack of nct'on, f(,j the latter In-aU Its details of duty is at least within our power. If iv cannot make oilrBClvea feel, we can act an the l'eellne; would dictate, and thus dlftchnrffc our restionsiblllty. But h ho doinp; \vc shall have done the other also, perhaps, unconaclounly, but In tin- only effective way. Naturally we become nour and crab bed when we are not appreciated and when things go 111 with ua. To be mis understood by irlcnda, to suffer earth ly iohsch, to bo rebuked, or to bo an nulled, la a trying experience, yot it need not, and should not, am bit tor ub and malco ub tenty, petulant and cynical. Bettor to turn tho face to wards tho Bumihlno and let In tho my** at hopo, ot lovo, kindness and charity* This will cause a sweetness ot soul that makes Itself felt In word, fool in a FOR 1896 IT. TPIE ____~*rstX2X&&33k. Free From now until 1897 for only $1.00, to new subscribers. SUBSCRIB -4.1 NOW If voiCwisli to keep posted, now i is your chance. 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"Tho vloao of oarly boyhood laid tho foundation of my rnln, Lator on a 'nay Hfo" and oxponnro to Monti di- hgiuuvj complotod tlio v/rook. I bad nil tho nymptomn of Noirvons Doblllty nnnkon oyoa, ominfiionfl, drain in nrlno, nfirvouanons, woak baok, otc. fiyphllln cnuwd my hair to fall oat, bono pnlnii, nlcom In month and on tonuno,____ hlotchoii on body, oto. I tbank Ood I trlod Dr. Knnnody & Korean. Thoy watorod mo to lioaltb, viitor and linppinoafl. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHAS. POWERS* ti&TWe treat and cure Varicocele. Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet% Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. ' t X1 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. RCA ft CRT AwyoUivvlatlra? Hnvo you lost hopo? Aroyouaontomplatlnnrmnr-. KLr\Ud*n 1 rlafteP lliuiyour Uloo<l 1h>oii dlwoiUKwi? Jlnvct you any w^nlcntwii? Onr Nnw MthlTroatmnnt will euro yon. What it lnut dono foi* albnrn itwilldo for yon. CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who luiftt-rout^d yon, wrbto for an hon^t opinion Freo> orCbargo. Oharff* toaflonabh). BOOKS PHEE "T>8 Goldan Monitor" (illustrated), on PUmuumw of Man. Inolosa wnlRttpt t conts. BauImi. t^-NO NAMK8 USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!- , VATE. - No tried.olfrie B'-ntC O. D. Nonamei on boxes or nve|w.l ods. Bvarythlnir oonfld-antlal, ,Question Hat and coot of Troat-. merits FREtT. r ______. . ,, , DRS. KENNEDY MEBGAN, ig)i$fiS8 Vx * I-T |lr * I."" ,-n.lv ,ir*"w?f "' I'i. litnl i i /. 'i VM ',':>: ^^^tiiii^A i^&tik&k&te^^