Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 7, 1896, p. 2

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m If- kk -::-::. -~^, ^ I 'I (il'i--. - h < MREE PRESS ^Mlaited Evory Friday Morning r*WiJiho dllou on Talbot Htroot, nosct, \ SL>uintiLii Blook. Bpeoml aitontioii in pithl to tho nubliou- '\on of, matter of local iinpnrtanou, jicotir- ato and rohablo rtnmru of ,'t'own, noi|',hbov- ing Tow tin tup and County Counuil ptnmiml- inns, local and comity murkot roportu, oto tho curilu. and jinliuinun nmimumntint of Tub Vuum Vuvmh, wiih iviiiit'ctto thunu anil Other ourronl multutiiol local ininorlanco, hua fiivunttu widuupmud pri'iiti[U> i"_thu joi^tm of Kiihnx comity,which in riicoumiwd no ol tho huH iigiinultnml dintnuU in irio. 'i'ma h'r.r.r. Vmhwi i tho only lium cnculuuiitf thoroughly in thin butru[ portion tif tho County, and menu. ffic^oiitly.wiUiuut'ilctuht.tliiioiily thoimum rFj*4vm;tiHig mudmiu Tin- binitnemi pmphi p Wiahmu to roach that chum of oiiHtomuru. conuiiiii'oHnr.N'cK.j Out oolumnu urn uhvayn opon for tho Peaooublo dicouHHton of n.utterh pcL'tiiiniii- to tho public wolt'uvo. A.blo coiTcpniidontn in all iho luirround- Jug .lopulitioQ furniiiU rcliablu 'loputtH t evoiith of intorost, oncurnnr', m thoir hdvlti' 1 Bpherui; and tho puliliuht-T in mull timet* pIuiiHoil to roooivo intrr'^tin^ itomn ol nawrt from any ilinpunml to forward contri bution u. A.U common u:u t ion h of a private and , Qoofldontial naturo, tihouhl be o nmrKud ^yJXfclUJ uiiuridu of tho unvt'lopd. HUUHCUU'TIUN PlUCr.. M,0Q pur annum, ittricily in advaimo, , H.BJ pur uiiiium if not ho )>aid; anil all artoav ohuruod ul that rato. AI)Vi:UTIhj:ML'.N"lH. .TtiuiHionb lo(al amL'.mnnicirml adver- .. thtblfrtuntil, noticcH, etc., uhiirgfd at the ruto of ton oontn per hn<', for lirat iuaortion, and live oontn per linu for ouuh HtibHoqnont nihurtion. All nuoh ftclvortiuomonta aro mutinuicd by a iioaleof twolvu lmoHto tho inch. XiOoal reading and other notict-ii pub- llinhod umant" local niw* matter char^oil at [tho ratn of ton ooiwn pci running lino for jach moortioii. All notiooti of church or Hocioty oritur- )lniout of any doBonption, at which an uiBiiiou foo ih char^id, aro ro^urded kh /ortiHcmuntH, and full adverLiHiii^ ratca Lraod m all ouch chmcu. NoUcgh of ^ath- -iu^t) or mojtin(4H not for pocnuiuty butio- [fcor aid, will bo ohuerfully paHfuhod free obargo. Bpcciid contract rated tnado for dinplay Htanding advtfi. All' l^ni orpvofcuioii> al aarda undoi- ono iuoli, 55 nor annum. jon oit coMMi;nciAi. I'ltisriN'O. l*i;r,fi Job Printing Du- 'under tho uuporviniun competent int'chtiiiich, attention ifl paid to tin* trade. Our facilities forth.'!* osficntiun 01 al! IuuUh of Book and Fijtfo Job Printing aru nnexcollod. Ktoaiu Iwor prcHQCH. A cull nolicitcd. nOHtHKHH UKflULA'IlONH. 1A11 . -lob Printing and Tranniont Idvortininc accountf, Htrictly canli. tdviirtimn^ iicuouuts with regular ffttvoun aro bottled ijuurtorly. Sul> )rlptionn duo in advance. No Hnbscription to tho l^iir.n Pukhh, or idvortihoment published m it -j coluninn rill bo diHCOntinuud uutd ull urroarn iaid in full. OhanficH for udyertihoiriontH, to ueeiiro insortiou in the cur runt in.iuo, must Ik; banded in not later than noon of tbo TueH- day prooodin^, and notice of hucIi intend: ed ehuiigo ia required on tho Monday pre ceding. Notice of diHeoutinuiLUcu of advci tim*- jncntB mutit bu ^iv n nt IlhhL one v.Ci*K im ftdvanuo of the inhue m which thuy tiro deaired to hint appear. ajjvi!Htihi:iuj, TBOtibcrH and patronn Uuiiorully aro aquentcd to road tho abovu ro^nliitions (uVOfully, in ordor that confuuion may 'bV (ivoidod, au they will in all cutiOH bo adhered to. A-ddromi all oGnimuuicutiouu to 15. J. I.OVICI.AOI5. Tho Puke pattmout of thorou and upe. brt^ncb- IfUKE vn it \i^W)ej^^att( "^K tho Publtohor tho Khaicx Far.n I'unmi, Khhox, Out y&>- tt.ACH STBAMBlnS. LOW RATHr. CLEVELAND, *v PflTTSBURO, BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST Dvnnv BvrjwiMG ccTv;ann DETROIT .# CLEMEliRD CouucctiuK with enrllest trainii ut Clevtlnud for all polnt.i t::ist, South and Southwest, BuruUy Trips Juno, July, August ant) ScptcmUor Only Couw Tmpn fun Wohk Ohtwuvh Toledo, Detroit ^mackihag >J3T0SKEY, THE "SOO," MARQUETTR, AND DULUTH. >o ucw otcel passieugcr stcomerd have h-t \ built for our Upp^r l^ilza Uouti*. co-.Univ 10a each. Send for illustrated pamphlet, tea, A. A. OOHANTZ. o. r. * t. *. DQTFtOIT. MIOH. IffifimtT ft IIMMM Sltftl HH. fiO, COPYRIGHTS. ^ HN' X OUT A IN A PA'fKN.VV I-'ot a \.\}t nnuwar unu an hotiOBt opinton. writ a to hN i'- <](>. who hnvo tnul nunvlr il'ty yonra' 'irionWi In tho pitt&nt butTi<>Dd. Comtmintra- aamrlotly onniviontlul. A lluntlhtiftb: of In- _>rnualon oonwinduff rjitnuiH ami iiow to c-i>- tals them nimi fron. AIho u raiuloujoot mcuhnn- 1 \'. Ite* >d 8oiutltl& I100U9 u'mt Jro., ^ M , ^atGptn uilfou throiurh >iunn tt Co. rocolvn I- >WeeliLlWl>lDd|uihoHi'iuuiltl^A)ki6i'l(!uit.nna 'i'WU *r broni/ht wildly bernra^QvubUowltti- i 'tt.eo*c txt tho'lnvontof, Ttil ititlAiidlil pnp'-r, lMratMwoBkly,luifaiitlyilltwtrtiiie(l.baiiiyiArthQ ; |liio*x.ln)Ulatlw]( of unyolo|itlhc work in thu 1 world. "S3 ycar- Batnhl oottlra sent t*ea. "BaHflhWlWUtioi monthly. li*y0w- Bitiulo i,Uflct*ioi. ,ipTery;>uinb.,r contain* homu plfttct In OftfoN, and phtHonxavtiB of uavf *,wltii plana. 6nm\BBbulM'-'* -oBHowtlio t 4*#l(rtit auO noouro ootumnif, Aridroas (!o. nkw Yoait. :*4li uhoai>way Weak, Tired, Neryous Womnn, who nem to hn nil wont 1 out, will Ond in purl find blood* mado Hob and heiilthy Hy Uood'u Karriapiv- rllla, pE'rinannnl roliot and Btrun^th. . Tho following lu from a wall known ' mu*Ho: . j " I havo Hiifforotl fof yonrw with fomnln ooinphdntH und Iddnoy troublon mid I have had a ftroat deal of medlciil advlctj during that time, but have reentvud Httl*- or no beneill.. A friend advlHod mo to l.d'icu Ilood'ii HarHitpavlUn and I bo^an to unn it, ' to^ntlu-r with llond'n Plllu. I hnvo real- , l/.ed more bfiU'tH from thoio modlciucH [ than from uuytiling olsn Ilmvoovur ttikoii, From my pnrHonal oxporlonco I bidlovo j llootl'ft Hiu'Hiquiillla to bo a inoiit ooni|)h)to- < blood purifier." Mus. O. Cuomitow, 71 tJumbisrhuul St., Toronto, Ontario. i Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Promlnonth* In tho puhllo oyo toduy. Hood's PHbs:5^';!lK'^>k5; TSCitEASED DiiHClT.' A Total of Ovoi- Five Million Dolb.r-,. M. FOSTER'S riuAiiCIAL SHOWING Tlifl i:\|i>ii(I(tur(- Out* oi" (he I.urgfW Illo tciltllrj IIllH llnd Held liH'i'iimcd Neiifly He von *U1Iii>n-. Ilelruro of *ln InrrviisKi \ti> lor the Mlliwn. Ottnwu.Jiin "1 - In th.-c ninion tbK aitonionn, ufiii -uj-'iLui Loi-lLf .-, Mr. l"u:~t' i' 11 i.-f (.(1 \ \ , I in K"t S-lut-'tm lit. )',- v.'.r ' i fi (jtu til-- < !'i\ < mi'.. 1 : "n. :i oulh.-i b* r tub 'I 'I il.< tho budj; t spt'i-i- 1 1,1 1 yi I vid- !.;, clie< r- d ,n . A1 tin- l-ll, I Ulil'v l. \e d - l.Vi'ii'd M.i.v ;., i-oti ' <nn litl- luj \".'" bftt< 1 enabled lo spo.ik -. .Ui a euri'.. a:-i to tin,ii:<-lal u-: ui; of ihe y-'.u- miKht In- Lhi* CUM H! t'.i: tlun*. He fc. - tiniaLij-ti tin- iv\ 1 ni.L: i> 1 in'- yt-iLi ot J:i;'.th^'>,nue, Iji l.a'iiii; tn. i"i- v.uui" bi- ;i i)i-i ici im-iit li' l.\rcii April _' anil J iin- ',:<>. o\ or tli-- f un in-nod 1 lii- pn * . > : . 1 I'i.T. 1 Hit' U.elMi\l i'u.ii,.i 1 L 11.1 1 ui.-.' 1. 1 .-. evptlon Lo tlj' -' 1- mato, but lu- \\a; ,:;l.n! lo ^,iy that Ul- t-sUiu:tt, \\:is wiiinii t!iL- ],..iiK, lln* 1" orca.-i. brine; J.V.tT.S.'d. (' .1 v-.i To whol, lulling nil \n tin- n-.tnuu .a-1 your iv:i -, w,:hk;,"ii;:i. ti . i'o T< n ~ [ >-| r iTnpr.j-*- 1>', an on in 11'iir h ' 1 one,. I ' over tln'11- in.,".iii b- i 1 ti lido 111; (.) > , Ulo 1.0:1 i ll oxcoi-.l. [| ih.- l, port.- pain lo tin- bii.sln..-^.- IntLH country, (<l l.-;n bua, .1 He pl'Ori i'ili-il 10 l't ii-l .1 taldt- i-lin'-v- iriK on wut lii'iji:-, tb duty htdfilbn lb,- prlncip.i] 1, > tr"l A.M.I 01^ r.. .-' u. . I ]ll u Oil 1 '. ' oil V."l '- ]l I I OL- O.' 1.1 c'.p '! :. , , --ni< I: t.> of ih' on1 :n d 1 1 ..- 1 on ' and pi n ui'ri o ai t H'-i from wlin-ii bad l.ccli o1i1;lUi'-" s ( .11 uiuct llpi : ( ' bls'-u't -. ( .- a d M'l nXfisc *- o'.\ ,-i', ' It "i, with M\ 1 b n'-t dYere:i>i' M'b'lts and tlll-oH thoi'cof, ;- pd Illl'fS I IhMi >'\ '1 li,- an int'i niM-il diii v WfMN- (dlh fi'" Hli:p,i !" cotton, arr iwro it. {-Tain n' ;,11 Kind :.' a <b vr> a-,- m ovi- v r.-pt Ion r>f rd"'i-i t' for th.' yoar >n*!" iMirlii". l,i--t v r 1 to Inwcj-M cop- ] hi nipt Inn per o 1 pit a of pir!lh, wlno^ , mid liipiorH had lioi-a i">:ifih-?d. T|..- fonsunipt ion of spirits iu*v hmtd < Mid fjol an. bi-.-r S. 171 ^.dlniis \vbi<"- ' . 1<)() ^.lldll per ]if',id. \ 'ol |nb IC n ". 1 '>", pound iicr lu-id ol' tho |ni'|,i(. Who , thi*r tbl- ilrcrui!-- ' aroM> from rea m.s of economy or rlniiav in the Ub- . r.f . the people, h.- \vi\^ riot ]>iep:i -ed to ^ a v SI i 1M chant Cartu i U ht Or f nun , nici.....m ul sinni-wi mj; " | Mr. l-^DstiT, conl hull lu-:. :; d the to till revenue V, .1 til MU.ilI' 'I* Mi'.j h Hi; the fii'-to: ..-, ie\ei,ue w.i: t. i - Mnalie-.i .'in ! lsTU-N'i. ai.d Muallcr \>y ii\x and om-thiid ni.llion--, th<ui It \v.^ in is>sn-:iti. 'J1 hi- pi i iMpim raio ol lu..- 1 torn col octiu.i iruin 1S71-7.J to 1.VT7 ."Si was $!!.!. ] ei h ad of tho people. The i cuhlom collection in is" l-7-i w.ih $.'..ti: | per head, and last ye ir $'.i.i- per i bond. (Ilua-r, hem.) 'J hat is, It was only rl^lu I'tMUh Hitatei- ihun tho aver- ay;o in tin- period of lH7-l-7S,und -i:i eontri ' leh.-. lu i7-t-7-'.. n'htur-.j 't'he cxl l.-^u ' was nearly twice what it v. as in 1S7'.'- I HO, and the in r capUa rate la:.t year 'SI ciiUts- nioie than tnu a\ cia^e lor the pr-rhul 1S7-1-7K. Vhls luxation wan of course, luryoly voluntary. Oomint; to luo i xiundltui e t'or 1801-tly lu bad ehtimati-u the uuiount at $!18,- ;iu0(tjuu, tlie actual expi.-iuluuie beinj; J.IK.l^.OOU, ihih hoiiif,' onu ol tho largest tin' country had had. Thu averago expenditure for" tho hlat elirht-yeii-tH-J- wau 43U,!H)8,8Ga, flu that last your wut. ] considerably above tbo average, The charges on debt had of course largely ircrL-ascd during that period, und aub- bIUIob to the provinces also Imuu-asod by $3uu,(JO0. The dollclt last your was $l,15:t,875. LoolUng at dellelt. it n-.ust )>e remembered that $2,002,311 wus accounted for by the amount laid up tn Hluklnpr fund, so that tho roal re- fault ol lnat year's openUlonn ro lar na cciiholldutud riiveiiuou and cxpendltur ^ were coneernod left a not deficit uf T.i!1irl,r,C'l. Tho deficit was k-sa bv $:ir,0,000 than he had anticipated. Add- lnpr to the- deficit that or the pr^-lois year the total wus $f;i';t,2(7. ItMiouM be remembnrocl. however, that last yt-ar tlvro wtia reinltied to the no pie tn tdNntlon on cucrir al >tw. to the v;'lno of bi on collected It won hi have wiped, thodofrlt- of 'hr- p( ct -, -I-. -.ed have Pft r "fbt rurphnj of $100,000 or - ' . . ' , r THE Ei3B;^C N FREE PRESv< l.lllllllllllll},, .'!., . . , ,p.(,,,! .1 j)llt that tb i d lii had ineiuani d lact yen i* hy SH.H'.M ,hw, , i\w n vt>r- (iK - lnoreaj.e ii"ai ISliM to IKDT. helium JlI.llHt'.liM per i mill in. 1 mu ]n:r that per in I of live yarn I hero h'ld ii"on (.pent on capital uoeoiuil, on ran ah', I, tie l.t *.U, and the (J.IMl , *1 !.MK,.:MI, r adding to that tin- raltwh-y nubnld iiiiount- HiK to ?'i.^^,74H, h" thour.hi the addi tion to the tleht Willi fully Jtintllled. (Hear, hear.) In 1K'H-r tho per caplhL amount nf it**r-Ht dcbi wtin tl Nil !") hi'iul, und In IHS7-H4 $\,'S\per head; no that, notwltluitnndliiK the Increiino In the debt", tho bunlen fell le;;!! lieavlly In fit year than It did years lutD. ((Miei'iit.) DculliiK with the ntiiimdnl outlook for the cui rent tlsenl yi-nr, be estimat ed revenue and i-xpendil uie n t VM,~ l)dl),t|i)'), ni- that tboy about bnlanoe each other. Tulclnp, Into eonslder.-it ion that the pi I Inr] of WoiM-v. ide dipli-,- ninn was about over, und eoimtlp , up on a iinalt lnei.,iae lu th r.-e. lpt>-, for the balllliee of tile pi i .sent Ih-r.ll year ov-r tin- sniin- period to: t year, to balance lb" i.-vMiue ami i:.p. ndi- ture .for tip' "in rent 11: al v> u i, lie thiiui:hi t he (i111 I'oi' ih lii it s w:r about ovei.iind the linie [',,i sur]dii. was fa t npproni'hlhj;, I'l oe.-i dihtf, Al l. l'"o Ler ipio! <-d llj?ure;i to alio v.* (L,i i ili,. 1 'mu i atoii hod eouie Idn oil -,h Ih.- eoiiiiiH i d' la'o.-.'-ioii of 1 Imi .11 '1 fid up to t In pi e out. most . al r faidoi ily. t ad'-, ti'.ulie, .-dilppluK, sa,\ in , , eU'.- all showlip, lneri-,i;;i':,, \\ hil. lb- iv v ,i- i 1- .I'-it ol only a n.llloi. and a h .It ie-t ad dm Ihk the .mi.- tune the d la h.ol mer. ;I> ,-ti hut ilbolll l-'i IniMloo d pit-. ,i redlO'tloii 1;, the t .(I 111 " 1 .' . I^a,';, r aloile of pearly I'.' mlllloi lb> ,d-.o uuot-'il lUall i if? to sh that duiin:; thl; ],,- iod iiidn t ii" pot <i'ilv woj-,. in i j M- t ,i on d, b'.i ma " ad . i iin- , .;, . |;(1 ;, I liV | 'P '/\ o I ! I lll'll . ,\*. ,V J|l- (lu- u-a- . v e lobll n i|, i ueli ns Iron ..ineltlii;: W'd-i at M.i'ii lion, t uKelertin--: i" th. eonditi..n ol ihe far mer diii iia-, i at.- ;m nod. he dii.A. (l i nat ..\port ' "i ^ le at. eh- . ... .nol nearly riu a ; i h-fcil* ui .il prodtpd niei a e.|. N.t ""il. ' d I 'i-d",n Had. In I u ni ,.. durt li" I" iL". hut tin home mar- lv, ; did Thi t..lioir no| only i^.tt the 1,. ]-t ill ol a n r\" I'-ion oi tin- mai Let ;it llollU' IIP"' HP-'ll ttl'- lliereoe of JlopiJ. hi' '.on diiri't'. tin pt i ,od l.-ii In- u!- o K d^ .i v. a\ 1 i"in I hi- \ni : e-.m t,(s SA,.r ( , n;i.|i,i u l I'i.d-' t oat I la- Ann ; li a n forun 1 b h'-Id. tn ^'-^ I"1 we inipoi p-d ?.% (ilHi.h'Hi jioiinds of in- at.-, whlh- in Wt ir> We mipo]t"d bill y-\x mllion jvc und- Thi- '.inn' w;i' 1 rue of tloitr and ntle r pm \u< t. The mlnin;: trad.. . no ri d fi..... tlic I ei i<,d oi d p* ^ion l.-VK'-r th.i'i v. h n It "ah r-d, and (';m- -'-. (., .,1 I | (i i ^ I ,. 1 t.... I ( . '. I. UI iV fopi j > 1 ii loii "-it ii tie- otit^ Ide world h o] i.,a d : ,i put had lucrea-ed. 'J'JiH,1 ' I >t- li id a 1 i p. i- (-'ill. tari". . ' ,i t{. pwidioii n I l'"i: c 1 'I ! li p .ii\. bad :- -ut ;l bid l ih. . , , , [ |! lurtlio,. rai. e tie- t:ilb: .' . ,tli. i nations wore baeLhip: up Up'u (',.;, ,- larit.'H. liv i-iii. i a- a iu show 'the Immense 1>m . .Oiin .i -oi a. .opnifi tl^.- resource.-i ul (.Am ..ia .mil lb,.; 1-nipUe, and show- .. '.. ta. i ib,- 1 -j, nin ion b> Ciij table ol ii' la . - ;, ol pi o\,-, Loud lor Uu- At' Uo i i..i,id. in ,l recent article ui '1 lu- .'..a- li urj tin- pa stiotl tmil i- a ib ,, ii y. Iictlier ihe eni- P'le ' '> l.'l li d o: elt. \\ by, Ml, it Mile ni.ii |,(p ,j i.ui able pra.'t ii .i 1 ly to :ol\ u .', ij... li.iii, St.Lo na.i-t loot it impo., .nir to s-oUe ;',tiy oi. Up. eieat ijin .-.ions w hbdi lroin Lime to utile pre ,, nt i.henn-elv. s for solu tion. TJn- en pi iv able to feed it elf, ye.T ! The w'lip-r said Itin.onu eiin bu.-aiols of wheat u>r- m-ee.-sary to KiiMund. "tber than what the eoioiin--. an oi d< d her at ih.. pi esept thin-, in order L > f' ell tie- I.....p|,. uf the empire there. One hundred million bushels of wheat ! V* hy, lii'iy tbo< .-.tad (Canadian farnu-rs with Inn aei- -, , odi In, ami iais lii" thu t y bu.Mii 15 to the aef . would I'l'odiiei- j ,i.......nun hip h' b ol w In a t fur export to i;real p.ntain, ii'iit r-i.) Ami, what Is pfty thou and burners cnlti- V.Ulnn t!\ e 11 ill; ui o! .in', s ennipiu i d to the miiulii'is ot mihlon^ of ipav-.s of Kood wheal land In .ua.Uoba and the Xei Ihwst Teri'ilurh s '.'. ha a h.i" mil >'et la i 11 sei\\ telleU b ,- \ :i p oill'.'n .' .Meat.-, to ihe an uiinl of on li'o d. d and I'm'! y mil hum. of p- ond .. on id lKlVO to lie SUppll.-d b_. 111. eo'w 1 i . to make up tor the d- tii ..".( .. ,ib . d.. supplied,and wluep 1-n ;..iu cm. unn s \\'by, caitle. and lnu: ... , ,,d pl(-..- n llllndtjibb: quantity could b- n'. , i l-t tliis country. And in* to hnu. i a ol, lil'ty tliousand 1 ,u no r ...". n in.: fitly cows i a eh, or i...nii,tieu n w: -. in a'l \'."Uld supply "butt, i and i ' ' ei.oip'h m nie. t the Mir, hi:, of 'a bat bs Hipiir.-d in (Jreit lUitain. And with the va-si land-, uf the .\ uthwsl, that is not an estimate- w I.U a cmnnt h- ieach'-d If mi any are tnheu by which it could be rearhed. No, mi, 1 in;.-bt Ko on tu amplify this. The sua.T \ Idch 1.^ necessary mr ;lm i onsuni]'- tion of Ci-eat iirltain could ha .>upplleil by the West Indhs and by the Ya\.\,\. U dies. ily cultivation of the cane which, by L'.uin;.', out of dlsus , is me jn'\ir;.-luuK thu planters and labop-rs, the and \\rest Indies mU'.tit a^ain have tlndr period of previa :s and of I'en.uneiallvc protection. Ho all the way throuKb. It N a probb-m which only requires time and nooil statea- inauship to solve, and. as 1 said be fore, it Ih for Canada, It is for Austia- Ha. It Is for the other colonies of (Ire,it Ihitain and lor Great Britain l.fiself, to ponder seriously and carefully, wether or not an arrange mem cannot be eome to which will nudvc the empire and its depend--uclo.s .sutllch-nt within themselves to feed Ihe emi liv, and hy dohiK that will add-to the force of business, and will add to remunerative production in each. (Cheers.) And what is better and unater than all that, Kir, it will make thi Ke oiitlytiiK dependencies of Britain and Iirltain Itself, having common in terest of trade and common defence. It will make them Htronff and united to bee,In that race of Imperial rule and Imperial progress which 1 believe la In store lor the Itrlton In Canada* the Jirllaln In Australia, the Hilton In Asia, the Hilton in Africa and the r.rltnn In the isles of tho sou. (Prolonp;- ed cheers.) The Minister apoko two houra and ten minutes. sir Itlclitird CurtwHuhl. After recess Sir ltichard Cartwrlpht replied. lie declai-i'd that no other country was more unlit than Can ada to try thu experiment of protection, lie held that Its vast area and sparse settlement, and its geogra phical position, cut It oft from every market but that to the south. He de nied that exportn ahowed any really appreciable Increase-. Mont ot the ex ports were of articles* tuich n.H wooden Roods, which, he held, uhnuld not bo placed to tho credit of tho Govern ment In a country oo especially favor ably fjltuatcd with respect to these ffooda as Canada "was. Canada hint year exported one million dollars' worth of houtieholcl c"0(l9, and these were nettlers' effects lie charged that Canada wan altogether over-governed and declared, thoro should, be a halt In tho extravagant cournooi the Gov ernment. Ho Hald tho ConHorvatlvcH vaunted about their lovo for lOntcland, but how did they show, it 7 Thoy lm- ,poed high duties on 'manufactured EoOda, and England, being tho Kreat- t producer of manufactured **ia& n.nv othor country. In 1874 undor tlm UiHinPi, tin, imports' rrom tiriuiin wen- t;.'! millUtns, but In 1805, under tin; t nnMomttlvi'H, they were only 31 mll- lorm, lb- h Id that the ttlow Ipcreiue- in population moved that nomethlm.' Willi V'loiljC. The noil, tb" UMMl, lllld evervlblnir e|-n ubout CniiudiL llncH wit*, ivood, and thLU'eCoro. the vi>fy bad fomliHon II wimi In mm,L lu. d'tie i- "' r"'u"ojiHlon of il remarkably bad ' i'Vc|'ri|||rif !;jr IMcbrn-d did not talc up Up- _bin"-et uprvoli In detail, but, nfl... l'be.ilclni; one hour moved llm ndloui.i- " ""t of th,- deb,He I,, order tbnt hi lUli'hl ilen I fill the,- V-1th the fUlblePf ut nie next nlttinj; of the rrmis-. The llouro went Into comnilttco on dr. Sprmilc'-j bill to pn vent adulie,-.- t "ti of honey. Somt, pro-re-M "-a '" "le, and the House arljoiirncil aL Id OTTAWA NOTKS >atlmiitl ttiiiilinirlMiii Ah^oiIhii,,,, 3l).-. f-Ur* Hill Mt itiu'U IVrsouul mid Onrrul Xtniei nitnwn, .r.Lii. IM. r-C-iTl^hilion will l'.. .MiiiKbi at the pi-t.-ent k ,,|on o: I'n ilanteui to iin orporate the Nate.., o S'LuitJU'lum Ainu latP.ii, ihe uppl, cants b.lin: Sir bouaid Smith, ,Mnr,i Mul; II. A.-Alas "y, W. J, , ;lL ,, , p, . .lu si ice Alei-i'ihlh, (ho, A. ('nx, Mo"i. i , W'.llo ., Kdunnl Liiinmy, l\u-\\ i :;,u . V. J'l. Tliniiiiiiii, Dr. >:,A. i'n/; ]] , Toronto, and .lames Uo:-.-, ot .ij,M p i 'I'hf iibj.-ei of the (.ompMp i ti. .. tablmh in.diiiitlon. for th.- tr n n o a ml . are of p. . son u.T i ,. i, i , pnhuoim ry dlsi -is'--. Mr. A ribur i b.rdon, ( \\\.<;.. : .> ; found it 1 ' ei : '1 .V to ]e ye (* i -ad !. tin b- a Hi of All; . (Jordoi.':, I r , u. ,, V. ill be Slle. i i <li ll hi the o,l.<- . oi ( ,; erilol'-l .eliei al's ;<rrel.ii.. by i .pi,, ,, John Sinclair, la te of tin tu K-.j, - Iri h Lain f'i>, and riceni|.\ ,M. I *. , , I MJIoh 11 i i.n-ddl i 'I ll potll ion r- la t inc: lo I lie ! [pi p, , ' lit ' irdel ri, h'o , ste] s' bill \, , Mp 1 . I o 1 , tho S 1 o I. d 11 i'J, I 11 d e i I ,, ,, ,, , , , 11. flay. I On el,i in e p: opt . r_ , \ In onh-l' pM. er I o hold pi nji t \ ,, ? Vl'l.iiijil III.- ! ill o' *|0e iin') a Ii . . I s\ a dir-eit'. i'o d I1 lib i i i , i ; ot t b 1 I.....n cunidled w it ii; ae'-n .. i , ., t', eliiuse did not p.L.s^. hill ill. < i\- !;-,.,. ti kb i will li y to ha\ o oi to I 01, p i . . to!'.- til" I'lH lie It'lK (JltlilllllPr.. ', , , other elau-e pM milting imp:.nice . h:i,rh as 'jriOim p.i-seil throir;h. John ib i)v. ai i. (,.<'., of \'.',n.' o,. oiiins'l for the ltopiau ('a:b :, i,. -a u . h is ai ri\ ed Inu-e to " i teh ll. piotji'i"-^ of the Kenicdlal Hill. >iuido\ nur. rhlladelplilit VIsU^I by tie- '>.,:-i c.oi ilmrruiioii in i*i ip rhibuUdphia, Feb. 2. The fb fc ' I most stubh'tin aiul mo.-t (lc-tian li. . tire that has visited I'hlladelphl., in y< ats, hi oKe out at :i.-n this iinu-ohi in ihe Ctdhir of the lla/adtino huiblinc . lib! and MIS Che: ti Ut-stiei t, a-nl b - fore tt had been subdued, the Ila*/.>dth buildings and the A mer lean 1 '.apil . Publication Society's buildiri", at lljn and l-l~- Ciicstnut-stiect, were d. alloy ed, the drygonds store of floniiM* I-" Uontilller &. Co., 111L1 and MM Chestnut- nti-eet. was badly daina^t d and tin- rear of the hotel, l.a Faj-cti', wluin 1'aeed on I'.road-street, was damaged to the extent of $7r.,0un. Tho apprriN - mate total loss by tho lhv I- M,i.....m . the Kieati-i' jtart of which 1-, by in sin auce. The oau^e of vthe tn - Is not known. ](-U;ht or nine lireim n were Injured by falling bricks, but none of them was dangerously hurt. iu.azi; ai iE9EAiirr<(\. w- Yln> IbtaUlUlUiifiil at M^. V. i> Hiniboo (.ot u llnd Kci.o'til ii^ ]'>i .1111 ptuti, Feb. i. At 11 o'cloi 1-: t >- Illicit the el I IZetlS Wele intensely ahu i, - ed at the cry of tire, wli"'li wn- so ai located in the work toom of I-:, o, l: nl- inns, general merchant, .' lluated in the lar-o st bloc.U in l-lramptoii. know u a- tin- liroe.ii JiLiihllim'. Tie- liie was con- tir d mainly to the work room, bn aliout o 1 o.utio danai;-;. w.i ilua t.. tb ^toeU by water and smoke, ana i building also will require to b over hauled. The insurance coiiijianh-s inte>-o^p-d, with amount caiib-il by each, ,, > far iui can be ascm lalned to-ub;bi, tdveu below : Hrltlsh American, d$s ia.j. Wellington Mutual,' 5b'.i>w. Alliance, SlOOU; (lore MUUial, fLiUU, Waterloo, frWOO; Haud-ln-lla:,d, floiii), I'.-rth Mu tual, $7Uii0; (.luardlan, $*iiji'0- Wcst< m, $|0,oui). Mr. Tlunl.ins pie-on ted the tireinen With iJ. rubber Co.its fur their heroic work. ['lia'liHt!'* at Jiiii>nn.Mi-i.-i Gaiianoque, Feb. 1. The skating ihili on Clnrdon-street lie re \\\n- burned down hist ninht. The building v. as owned by C\ \i. Ihlliuii. fnsuiance m Ihilisb America Company, $t-H)j. lie- con Ily It had been used lo a U\*er-> stable heejior named D. J. Llo;, d a- a store room for \ ehl des, etc., not la ase. Lloyd's loss Is ai nut $Jl0d, with no In so ranee. The pies unipt Ion is htrotiK that the lire was tin- work of an incendiary. utittit riitiv ix.u>i:usHU*. A Cenrrnl Itellff Tlmt .Hr. Thoiiiim Hrv|on Will >ucrr<l Up. Ui-t'ardi.v. Condon, Feb. 2. The meetlnff of the anll-l'arnellite section of the Irish Parliamentary party, to discuss the selection of a leader ii room of Justin McCarthy, who, It Is said, will r tire from the leadership this wte,v, will he held in Dublin on Match H. Mr. .Mc Carthy's retirement Is attributed sol - ly to his decllnluK healtu and anaa,s of work. Tho Dublin meeting merely disoups the questton t' who shall wuccecd Mr. McCai thy. The Una! selection will be made In L,ondon. li is the polnlon now that Thomas He::- ton, who represents North Kerry In the House of Commons, Will be select ed to lead the party, All the mornint-r papers will to-moi row dlcusB the uppioachlnrj retire ment of Mr. McCarthy. The Dally News prah-ea his tact, temper and Itfmty. It adds that li' political capiLclty Is the sole nuide in (JOlectlnK his successor, Mr. Bextoa oueht to be clioncn for tho place. a "he Standard pay a a tribute to Mr. McCnrthy'u amiability, and says it doeii not see a Hucce^or to hlni who will be capable of holding ,tho autl- ]Parncll>tQ party together. SAFETY FOR Jim GIRLS. Paine's Celerf Compound Makes New and Pure Blood, Gives Strong Nerves and Builds Ud the Body. Medical im.n (.veryv/huie, admit, that Puiun'n Culei} Ofimpmmd it the .undi- cinu for pule, . i -ilt ami idd%l> j'.irlu. H buihlH up wn-.lcd ti-ni m, miiK uliuie blood, und ifirndnci i i-i'.on,; nr rvc; , enabling nirhi to touuh bealih v and pt-rfect woniuuhuod Mi-ii, noubuioia-, nf Ht,. Henry. ^loniroal, Hiived her diui^lncr's lif by bavnit; bcr Uho Vumkj'm (Ii-hay (Joe.pound at a most .critiuul tinv, Tin iouiqi Irlv i-t now onn of tlio healtbii ,i, bn;;hi'Ut 'Hid mont, .iLtruc tivn (jii Is of tl o ! wn, Mir inoth'.-r writcn tluui iib' ut her woi.deiful cure : " My daughter, ajjdd 17 ytjafu, has for a lonj; Umo V)acn in u wuuk utato of health, no much no, that nho wau not able to dlo any work ul out tho house, and of ton wait unable to comh Imr own htiir;fchiEi has been the eaim for no mo yuiiru, uud I t%n,t ,& 'ihe would never be utrong. "I wan induced to have hor uen Palno'a Celery Compound. Kho ban uod kwo bottlun.Mind in now a difforont yirl. She i i not nnly able to wait on horHOll!, but often doiiM tho whole of the hounawork, aui p'^ihiiHOH to bo iui utron^ uu a i;trl o( hut Hfjn idtouUl bo. Yuiir'iof Huff- i.o Hlieumati'-ni lb-- beyed t. ().> b.tse of Mcdii-iu . "For mai.) vi ii i llm lViis. N'. l"oi i i., wife of tin! ,vll known Ibrcli ni'iiiuhe'iurer ot Hi^h^u'i-, Oni , "i Win ..niely KdbuLed with rhtmin,".ie pmitrt in n.y unkh-ji, und tit timea \ran ulu.o r ili'-iihleil. 1 tried every- thine( uu T thoinpit, and doctm-ed fm ye-u-'i without mm b la in lit. Though I bud lorit oontidi nee in nn dicuieu, L wan induced to uho Houlh Amen.-mi lUicuimilii: (hirti. 'In my delight tin- hoi' done eavc mo morn relief than I h< > ba.l in yi-io's, add two bottlrb have e.i.iiipii'ielv curd mc Von can publish the-, leltc i." Sold by ,1 u'bornn druggist. One Source of 1'on and Sutb'rine (Under Ilunaiiic Control. An ctriui'iU upfcmh'-t, in Htudyiug pro. 1 fnnndly thu coiiHtrtiction of tho kid boy g i mid their dinmLauH. an well tin tho dittoutteB of tho bladder and urinary piiuiiatlati, baB I'nco^rii/.C'd thu fact that in ordur to treat ' kidney ami kluddor diuoaueH Rucceimfully ; ti l'ltmcily mUMt be prepared oripacially .fof ; thch ur^anH, and out) rich in hauling , powura. After much ruhoutoh b romedy ; wau found, which proved a iiurpriaa evu ; to the manufiicturer. Aftor Imviui; been, I UHcd in general praotieu by novaral pliy- 1 uiciaiiH, witVi m-aud rsnultH, it wan plucecl nn tho niarkot, and i known an Booth Ainoric'LU Kidney Cure, It never fuilH to ^ivo relief m nix htmro in_u.11 doriim^omcutB of the ItUrwyH or bluddor.Bright'u diuoagd, diabetfrft, inlfamation or ulcoration of tho I;idncvii, neuralgia, oonuti_mtion, hum- nrrhn.c and catarrh of the kiduojH, iu- flammHtion of tho bladder, oto. Bold by .1. Thorno. Gem and Canadian Aer motor Steel Are acknowledged LEADEBS eitl as Power or Pumping Windmillg, For prices aud terms, address Essex, ^ Ontario. Agent for Essex Countyl LEADIN the trade in i-ll kindsi of B ml (P din? Material, Woodwork for houses, lain mid ornamental), Barn Lumber, HhingltB <i" all grades, Door.n, Sash, Cliohlnnt Coal. WINDMILLS We are Sole Aj^entii iu tho County tor Of Chicago, which took Uif>hcnt Awaidft at the World'H Fair. Can furnish cither Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantee with evory Outfit.} J. GOTJRI.AY &, SONS, ESSEX. ON' 1 "'.I /,'u.TJ J Ml THE TBTOJVll^H CORN BHELLER ThiM Maohino consiets of a horiisoctal cast oylindot, with wrought iron ';$ bius with Btcol tooili boltod' to tho cylinder ho as to bo reversible when tbej.^ tooth booomo worn on the front Bido, /uniaiitg in a perforated concave irop.^i *holl, "which tho sliollod' eor paaaos through into a sheet iron ouse, w.thVBM an or alntuior attached belowf whioli takes all tho duat Jfrom tho grain,-.f11* ^(it'.i's/ii.i'fViii'i. j . . shoapoat best, inoBt Bimploamd dornblo Tower Corn heller in xiB^imf^XpM iorn perfeotty oloan in any condition shelling and <deftnmgfrom,p^e'to^^l houaatid bushola of oars-per day, according to po-wer. '.':ffi!>M Dimknsions. PnHoy.lOinVd^m dtor, ft in. face; Motion/ 500 to 800 VeVolutiona pet* minute; Wet/ht/5M;|ja 1 EVERY SHELLED WARRANTED. , ">Ml 1 /' *% * " Md^y^mmm 6831

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