Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 7, 1896, p. 1

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iplipp?^ <"3 PROVINCIAL PKOVI- ; DENT INHTITUTION Cheap uh Hmiinty lnnnr- aaao Thoroughly 1 t*j ...... lnihhi J. W. GIBSON, AgiSl'll PROVINCIAL PHr]* UI5NT ISBTITlITiJ For cheap, roiiablo tj I4W. GIBSOH, VOL XII. No G Pa Saw ' Sv '. i:i'. :ffl . ,.^,...r>,^^ vTAlj^u ;r-_ y"-"ouh ^-......- -i. v^v-.-.---------------- Our Place, ia "at the Head of tho Pl'OOfl&siGll Afl money isav* i*s .itnd bur^iim ^ivcvh fco.tho people of i'jHfiiix and vitiinity_. No oSMiViV-jiiiiL ritiitomeiii.H cr "flurri of';1, or i oiL wt! koiip only ood ro- liablo'and can Have you from K to *-'<) percent, oil" the jn'ieo of an hvihml^ jiurohiiiio. aaUsl'.tcuoii guaranteed or your money buck if yon want it. To clear l", dozen men's Ih^vy donblo-hrou-l,ud sliirLn and drawers warranted all w:iol, regular valuo 05c, . -18 cents each. Heavy double-width Twood Dre-H- Goorid in ( hIuhIi'k, warm and durable 20 eents a vard. -- Men'w yo-il wool hih-Us, seamier- 2 -nairn for 25 cents. To clear lad-fs' Josephine Kid GIovop, SI :."> line, in sizes 7, 7.J-, 7-.V, 7|, all Hhadi'.s' aL 7;"f <"'enN it pair. In zw Qi'aeseyy Dept !Vi f vr , r : it i l> l!. ' . . '. f: 'iV,'/:"."'-" !.'/:,..,, 6 i, I, XS.-s 1^ Ib the \vui\l. Fresh supplies coming ill daily. Kvurything of the beet 'quality \u hi* had, and prico.s gnuruu- lood :if low ;ts lIic lowest. Prompt attention t.n nrd-rsand quick dolivory A trosli su[plv oi tbo&o Bread Pans and Roasting Pans just rrct'Ki'd given away with one pound ui'-'AH Jjakiug Powder." Try one. whfii in want of footwear take a looU tlu'i)ujli our Largc&i in Essex. Mr. 'I'l'i. . flio^iur h ts hin'onv.: un<j ol Lin: l" . .' Ill" lidii'i! M -, !!' :-t,)-i ".iii li'i-, li:ri> mi flic hick li'tl. fii:' |i|l"1Hr '1 to h'tV, 111 uli|i ! ' '< < MftlUdii H^ILlll H- lit.'.l"'. Mm'. Ail'-ltii K't-ld, who Iui4 Iji.'fii iiiidt.-r tlii' (Iih'.Io:";- c'ti-i; for ii sliort, ti'm1 in utile ti> li': ur-'und ii;;uin. >lifl'* I,1,hI.i.'I|m. Wllil O ivllD Im;-:ii 'i.l Mltii^L'Vt.'!, li.'.tt I'dLunind ui!tin t.c tlir IIt;.;li Si:l;mi) 11 I'IimH'a . Mri'. 1'o'iil cr., In sutf-'rin^ ft.itii n conl bnt \v*i hop'i unt, Herioiisly. Mm. M:tUtT or., hn,1; bi-im on the ni(;lc li: t for a fow u'fttjlui. Th i* (piHrtt'rly hcrviccn in con hoc 'k' n with I.In.- M.'ihnlint, ulnifch will hr.\ \uM un Suii'l-iy iit'M, ll'iv. Mr. Si:o!.L of Kh-.(*>;, Will ut'fr-i.tLu. Th-1 Jidj-nirin'rl inqutiHt m oonmorion \yitli ihu h.!ii .Mr. NMtin who dit'd miihr KUijpicion,-. ijircinuhiauccM will h- i'o;>uni<:il tit tlic G(j.'.U) Town Hall on Kitturduy tit.-:.'. Mrs. Nol'in Htiiiiils itcciiHod of inur-i:r by inliuiiMMtLtriiig poiHion, I-urmct'H :o you wimi inoin-y ill ~>\ pt-r :i;!it.? IT ho writ.ii A. G. Rak'T Iioarniny. inn. Out. 'J'l-rni^ of puymeiU of pnuuipul iu si,i' bijcrowcni, JiLFOUD. Aniri.MV fJlifLom:t:i 1ms bonnet t.f-in Lhou Hiunl tile frutnMr. Hnnirt. of Kin^vill^. I\r (!"iirt. . t. ihiiid'A lcli, 1\| r. Ib'ury rJ.'li m- lriu pin chiairH ih.'-.v Kiirn u ';!'i!i, Mr. M'l^un rj .il.rj uhiii: t ' pur..')] s -! n.ii:. .foiiM * \i:> iiuyuf, of' IliiclnilorH, 11 il 11, No. ,*{,'Inn f(n")Vi:il iiiii Httick i'ihI hoiiM'-'liold < fi.-i'Uti) :"Jo'.l'iin, to liw lor Limn to coidh lllir.l'Jf llin i M pRrMiiL;il roof. rhu tuis,. riu'tiiMi^ hi.'lcl in lioilu 1 tJliurck, 'J'.lih to:-*!., v:r.H a d^eiileil Hiioudnrf, Supi"-r w.-t'i dcrVod Itoni half puatHcVOn until liiin;, after wliinli il ^nod pro^rammn wuh dnlv p-nibu'e'l. A.-* (horn win a hir^t; (junntit^ uf prnviMottti loft, a social wan lir.-S-l on I"ri- (1 iv i:Vtj:iintj. i'root.cds aiuountiMt lo fwrty HUVUll (lolllUH COTTAM. l"r. d Gsintioyne, tumiHted by I'1 runic Win turn, pmnU't-, Kuwpx__cauvauHnd th*-' l:unini;!iH men of I'Nuex for advlH., to lie put im ihu ilrop curtain to bo uhuu in th? 'JVuvu Hull. Ovor 8;iO wils nihhcri bt'd. 'J'licy thon tried Wmdnjraud tho buiiue^H nii.-n there Htibhunbcd o^v.t ^.'i0. In nil utiout "!:<)*) basj lu <;ii prurnibtil, und ubout, 818 talci;u in at tho entertainment. The lloopi.'r farm on Talbot Street wuh ho Id under inortya^o na|o last wauk, and bought hy Alyin Orton at tho low priut; of 81,Hit) subject to payment of SoO pur year Lo Mian Xjihb'e Hooper, during her life time. Thi! farm eontiuim about DO aureK. At the name timo "25 ucren opposite Con- klin'ri mill on the l)ivimon lload, wan wold for SOLJU. Win. IIoflH hua left for Calvary f<jr tho buiitliL of hiH ht-iilth. We wiwli liim trna- CuHB. Mih. John Parker in visiting friondH in Detroit. MJH JCditli JmneM, ui > pending a fow days V"*itiii{4 Mioti Cinda Malott in Gottatu Plaimi. John Gaiicoyiio ha^ moved into town. OLINDA. KfJimeth DawHon and "'ife aro upeudint* a fow weeliH in Wiudfaor and Detroit. Mm. MftncliOHtor, of KiuchviUe, apent lant woelc hero vihitin^ her mutor, TiJrH. njliflor ltyull. Muatur Speeohly, of Bollo Hivor, ib hero viaitint; bin brother-in-law,RuhhoII Philippo. IVIra. Leouurd Jjeo io Hptrndiii^ thin woek at Point Poluo with her muter. Our venorahlo fnotid Uriah, rumornaynt iu about to umbark unco moro upnu the soa of mutrinaoay. Who in the fuoo of tbia daro pranouueu marria^u ti failure. BH^KX, ONl7~~nnntAY, FEBJiUAIlY 7., 1890. WHOLE No,, KfUfTIl WOODMLKK. II.C lli'iu' inill-ta-<! clonnd until March lrtl. ain. S. li. T;iyl<r in moving on hi.* f.inn thiti j ^Ir. Miid Aire. U.C \l.-. i.tpent. Hatunlay iti Dulrnit. ?,!; . and Mr*. Win. S.fiy'.i. i-pf-ni, Sun- '.[ i>. in ('uinh"r. W. II. H*-M.-ni!i. of KinH-iViliu, V'i"'i i Ihi; Vill-i;'- M" ,::dii.y . \V. ! '. r'iiiiimifnrd w o. i.i 1 *-. 11 - - Kivnr on ' Mu;.'l'LV Rill-tiding coin-;., - i)>-W Kv.iii^, of tlit: Iiof-.'idc Denial B^houl v:iui in tho villu^o oyor Sunday. The juuinr imiinhi.r of the Millivi;; Co., .lohu Muini, tV Son, in moving into Jaf. P'rinplelMu hail r'i!tiuiri(;d bii mrniMr priHiiiii; itii niiiiii. operator. Win. Hi ntey -c:le r. P. f'1. .\lel.)unnlil,.iiH.iintiLiit Huporinhnd- unt., made a formal call on M.. f'. R. uj^'ii!, I). A. Y.nuntf, OM Katiinlay. Mr.iniil Mr:i. J.ilui Ku'iton ent-.-rti, mil tin- 1,'tiling Aid :unl tlieir fri'-n lr. tit. I , ,-ir hoitn: on Monday in^ht, wliem an enjo_\:. ble time whc Hpent,. M(ji|ih!'.rs of the Ansdiary nerved a ten cut tea lit tliu renidtsni:!- cf Win, lioii-.ett on We lii-.-i)diiy evf-'inni/. A very eiijuyahlu time \Mi:i tipent, the jiroceedH U'>nij; to furt'it'n mni-iouiiry work. Ij. Oltii-Ucad, of Si. Thomas, foreman of a nipt- li-iuu. on the i\l. C, H., while lining tiome work hero was unLurtimatc enough to ^i't liin Lhumh bruiaiid ho badly Dr. O'Kourki; hurl tu amputate a portini of it. WimlHor poheo eotirt Heored our Jimtice of Pi',-0'.! an 1 ehii.f countable i)retty hard the other dny, owiiiLf lo yome irregularity in d'r.)iennin^ law, in tin: <; m:o of the two Hnppor.-i and \\>Hiek for petty lareeny of t-.'o ( n. % \v.:'ih of cleun rivetH. Tlio em-e v.'i. : 'i e.-.i h"l'oii- P. '.M.. liardett (jii i\IoihIh>. Ifojip J*. :'r.r"^'".- s--..-ot lo S.indwieli for .'111 ,|i,vi' in ii.. i: nif, of, p lUnc a Kin all fiiie, J J' 'T*T~' p'.-i:ih- I hi'll- tel.c, , and Yoliluk W;ei<{ nil L-il. 'i'le- two fiitt.r wi'i'i- left tier' without moiiey to hrine; thin hone- and had to walk IM imh-H to t,'t biiek aij-tin. (Joiihidurablo . iu:li^iia- tiitn ]h fuli, in tho neighborhood towaidi' ihi: aee\;;-er, a:-i the Hopper family Ltix* left in nlni'^t de^ti'ntu ciroumiiMuceM. iNOKTIl 1UDUK. .lulu; Skinner, >d Kwex Town, callod on itcqiinit.ttii.ti^i hen.- hiHt Wedne.-'day. John Lickmaii mid wite, of iMaidiuoue, eiilli.'.lou ndatiyt'M hen. hint Sunday. Ah.nxo W, Brio'et-n and wiftj ymittd old ti'mc friends and acquaintances in Youd^ Irelaml laHt Hnnday. Norma .lohn.-wm attended the eonaerva* Live conveiiLion in Wiiulaor IuhL Satui'day. lie jlIho c-dled on friends! in Detroit. Tho AlethodiatH of this place gave an oj tUi-r supper in the Tumperauce Hall htHt ThurHday eyeniot;, .Jan, HOth, ,i lare;o nnm- bur attendiut;. Ahou* thirty dollarrt wuh Slithered in. On Friday evuiuun another toa-meetin^ was liuld in order, if poswihle, to relii.-ve Llin table-, of what wuh loft, and under which they groaned. Quarterly meeting tturvioeH wero held m the iUiHhodint church hern hiRt Suuday, a lurue couerL'i'atioii attending from all partn ot the Cottutn circuit. The pantor, Kv- W. II. Shaw, preached, choosing uh bin text: "And Knnch walku-u with God, and he wuh not, fo;; Ciotl took lnui," COUNTY COUNCIL. JlNHlKX". COUNTY lbA Ktljl A MKNTCOWM/IHH) HTS LAUOltS. HOCHEBTEIt. F. W. Moon, one of tho pionoorn of tho Middle Kond died on Wodnumlay morning, after a lon^ and painful iIIuohh brought about hy exposure and hard work. Tho deofiUBnd wan about fUty-onq yoaro of ago, and leayoH a widow and larfjo family to mourn hiH domiuo. Ho waa a brother of Mry. Goo. Leak. Tho funoral will bo held on Friday, Fob. 7th, and intorraont at tho BuptiHt cometory near South WoodHloo. AltNKR. Harry H. tho infant hoti of Orlando P. Arner died Monday tnorniuf*, Feb. 3rd, aneil about 2 mouthu. Mr. Arncr had tho aufortuno to lono their Ilrat born, a oon, and now thoir infant and only, hou malteo tho boreavemmit Heom vory tmd. The fam ily uutnrally, and wo muy nay tho grand father in particular, taken tho lotto vorv much to htjart. Tho fuuorul aorvicoti wero hold at tho homo ou Tuoodny, Ilov. 13. D. Bharman offioiutmi.', thonoo to tha oomc- tory in tho Ilor Hettltjmeut. Fittuioro do you wunfc money al 6JJ par uaut.? Xf no write A. G. Bnkor, Loitmhiff- ton Oat. 'forma of payment of principal to ftoit borrowori. OOTTAM. ttov, W. Bhaw rooftived a mflflflago, by wire, on Sfttiirtbty niqht, notifying liim of tho illnoHH of'hifl daujhtor, Mrn. (Rov,) Rmindftm, Downor'n Grovo, Chioaqo. Tho lady'n many Cottam friondH will hopo for hor nppody roeovory. Sho was to ln\vo ar' rivod at Cottam latit woolc, to aaniHt in nponial norviccH that woro to be oondacted horo. MAIDSTONE. Thr> eoloVn-atod play "Ton Nigrttu in a Bar Boom" will bo civen in JPocIc'h Hnll, Fpaox, Monday. iTohruary lOtli, I80fi. by tho Deo Dramatio Company, Doom opon at 7:80 o'olonlc. Tiokots 2Batn'. odoh. Aftor tho piny womo vory valuable artiolon will b. rufllod tttfAUVIVACV<:l. HkijKiw By tho ORov. W. 11. Bhaw, on tho 5th hint at tho r6HMoflfln of Mr. S'limiol Ohitrah, Mr. iTorl Frodlp- rlok Ilallcfa to MJhh EHxobotrjt Anne Ohuwh, all of GoBflald North. . iBiiiii^ h'ullovvi,";.; are tini Htan ,h;i(.; corn mi 1 teen for IK'.H'.: Fmarir.' rt.ii i lv| ii'ili/.'t I.IOll - VII Ml i: h'eevi-;., \,/ , 'I'll.' Wnrdeo, ':,{ ir'.. Auld, l!:in I I , Jlr> iv. ,. Mii'-li-i n s.m, (;- < ' . Co.f'e D > , 1pj\, l.iii d , M:ct.)l!'i, M -lv"! /ie, ;\Ieh't,- !, lti >:ltlin:, Ser.itch, \V -d on, Wlct and Wi^l :M). I (Jiiairinnn of l-'ni'ii.t'.':, Mr. ParrelL. Chairman uf l^qnuli/.iaiuii, Tin- Warden. Itondii tuul J{rid;.'e,i- All tin- Di.-nnty- l!(4i,vi"i airl It' i'vi"i v/iLleint. !> Th-' Win de ii aiu I !\l'H-i,i, A im I i", IVirretl. | ("onto, Iev/hir:i , il.dlm-, Ih.orl, McDmii- ' j.;; .di:S v/'en ( AI. Ji,'.di , tWiniir^, vMenai'd J Mdhi, AI' U i 11 U 11 , I'iljjedl, Pflee. Sill l')k:% j Hoin-rt, Wtuson, \Vi:;leaiid Wilkimioit '21 ' ,,'h.'ur m ;n, ': } i-. Wilkinson. | <*;' v.rH. K -i./ie M . i II, 1'lKi:. j K'-iitime, V/.it-iiiii, \'l. (,'li..i"inan. ,d r. Will hou, j I.etd^hitien mid iVtiimtitf.....rl'lio Warden, aim Me-rir-. A 'tld, liikdiaiewi, ComLo, I)e/.n I, Fi>\, I.airil, Soratuli, White !). Chairniaii, Mr. Iviird. l'!ilni:at irm :U'*u-.rH. Brown, Dtimelier, Mather-,, i\I'Jip retii], MoSwi.fin , ShankH and WilJuiiHon -7. (Jhainuan, Mr. Itrow.ii. Printing Met.hi h. Corliett. _ He whilst, KerriM-4, llelkie, Melmdie. Miihi, and Koh erL 7. Chaitnin.i, Mr. Fcrri.-iti. eo.\IMt;MC.\.'l IuN.t. The follow: lie; eoiumunicatinn'i were read ; From P.. I'eiire.-. (Jo. Ch-,k of Peter- horoiiijh, enchr'iii!! p.-.rir.ion t-j thn he^'iti- lative AHHtunldy of Ontario hh to the ac- LIuiih fur daoiu^i--. hi'uujMit !jV parti-!!, tor in-ealei.t.-, which I*;< .. ei i.ini "arejv'im'ed hy non-rep.ur (,f ro-oU and li,-i-.^ef,--llt;[ei'ri-d to' r n Li^iaNuon atul PetiiioiiH, I'Vun. <'harh.'s J.heiie: >-on, Co. -C-h-rk of Noifolli, eiiidoiiine petition to th" Jj'-eh'a- tivi; Ahfu.-mbly ol Ontario prawns that the Municipal Act relating to oouaty Ihie hrid- ', [ii.'H bu mnaidod Ueferred to commitLe on Leejidulioil ILtlil Petitj )t\-i. From Mr. Oivid-on, On. C eric of Perth, encleriin^' prop'.'Mcd amendnientu to the DilchfH and Wutercouixis Act of ISM. Kefi'i'red to uouiiiiiiii'i! on Ije^ittlatujii and Pi-tiiiuiih. ' l-'roin J. C. Ph-iiiine, On. (Jlerk of Jvttnt, eieilomn;', [leiiijun {< vo As- f-enil>:v ot Ontario, pmyini.' for amt-ndnient lo the Act io ri'^.'ii'd:j i,.) d.-etf worrying or k.'llinn i-hefp, Ii< fe: fi.-d to committee on ii a < i Prtuions. From Alp... ('. , Single tux ahfoeiatio.j, i-n<doin^ petition to the. J j'-^inlut iv< Aw-einbly of Oiiturio, praying for aniimiliii'jn! n Lo t.iie Arffif^MHent Act, Referred tu uomwitteo un Ijeeialation and Petitions. I'roni A. fl. Cltirko, Clerk of Peaco, en- elotiine preHejitmeut of inland jury at Due- ember He.TL-.iou:i.--ltcfurrud to Gaol Com mittee. I'rom Lieut. A. D. Cartwri^ht. Suo. of the Ontario Uilld AaHooiation uakin^ for a grant .if ftlO in iiiii of Htiid UHhOCiaticu. Referred to Finance Committee. From Kutherford, Co. Clerk of Grey, oncloHme, memorial to tho Homio of Cominonu ami tlio Letiiiilative AH^embly of Ontario, j-niyiun that certain meanuroB be taken lo regulate tho importation of pauper child run into thin Dominion. Ro- ferret! to commitleo on Lcginlatiau aud Petitionu. From aamo encloHme; memorial to the Ontario Li'gisluturu m rtyard to oxtoi.diug tho juriwiiction of DiviHton CourtH throughout Ontario Kof.orrod to com- mitteu on Logi.Hlution aud PutUiona. From A. M. ItoBobrugh, Boorotary PriHonom' Aid ntiaooiatiou, applying for tfrantu ro miid UQHooiution. Referrod to FtnuiKju Committoo. From tho Municipal World. Referred to the FiimuoQ Committoo, From K. W. MoKay, Seorotarv of Good Rondo ftfiHooiatiom Roforrod to Road and Bridge (Jommimttoo. From. Charloti MoNab, Go. Clork of Curloton, to tho Lc^inlativo AdHembly of Ontario praying that an not bn paHuod te , roliovo tho municipalitioH from providing boothn for munioipal plpotionti. Roferrod to committoo on Loginlation and Petitions. Moved by Mr. Fox, aeoondod by Mr. Forriiin, that tho thanka of thin oounoil bo tondorod tho rotiriua Wardon for tho im partial man nor In which ho hao qonduotod tho huHinoaB of tho County for 1895, Car ried unatiimouBly. Mr, Barratt naid ho appreciated bo mi. artimoufl a vtp, after cho arduoun dutloa during the pant yoar. He >1bo tlumked them on bolmltf of t[io municipality ho ropreaontn, and for tho courtesy nhown him. Ho triod to not with impiirtlality and mnv havo made muital;on, but they woro not mtuudtid. Tho diuouufliptia At times'buoaino quite hoatml but ho bolioved the utmon*i.good fooiiuor oxiefcod. John Wlloox niid Uiiarletj Hclkie. the eornnnttoo appointed to repair the 'Beljo Bivor brld^*, prcuentwd their report nhovr-J $i^Mmiiih$^dfa &JMik '} ^i3E^Hia32tir^na:it"atL' ?.~jj t-2Z*i \L%mm That is tlie amount of stock bought at a rate on the dollar that Barrett & Co.. W.'ll linve on htuul when their Tilsonburg stock tviTivo-; here thia week. As .our store ia entirely too KiiUtll to curry tlri* iimount oi' stock' we will clo^c our iloc.i'H no Tliiirsthiy, Jan. .-50, in order to mark down everything in our establishment and will ro-open on Eft UUPQ \, When we will-stiii-t- ;-. GiiU'tic Sweeping Siulc of Dry .Good Clothing, I-lam nnd Caps, GenU* Ifu: ni.shing^. and Boot h it m Shoes With our reputatiou oJ' celling diukblo goods ii| prices never holoie henrd of in Kssex, we J'eel (J^fcfident thai the hundreds of customers we huve made since t^w arrival here only require to know that another bankrupt- StSbJi hai arrived to make tins Hale the grandest success'on' retoMl livery item in our store is marked down for 'thia' Gigal Sale. .Respectfully yours, BARRETT & OOl iii;; an uxprnditnie ol SUM '21. unit eotn- miUoerrf exp^'iKii.'.-s 1(1.- Kt-ferrotl Lo Hn.i.l and Ijndfze Committer. On WudiiL-Hdny ^Ir, 'On^le moved, und Mr. Prii:(-neeonded, lhat the eoiiniiil ae- eept mid confirm I ho agn oim-ni made with WinclHor, hint yi;ar, a joint city ami county building to contain the (Jourt IIouhu and all the County oltioen. A lengthy dihcitdMitni took placo and the miiitof win* ii^uiu threshed out. MeHhrs. Oohty unci Dezitd h]*-aUi^ in favor of Windhor and'MoHuni. Duroehur, Fox, Bar rett, Auld, Ijaird, Scratch, Montioiul, ninl McJCeuzio a^iiiunt rtinovn.1. A vote wan taken. Mr. CuHto called for yoiiH and nays, which wero tto followH : Sfoan Meafjru. Menard, A Ueatimo, Oohlu McSwoL-o, Deziol, Corhutt, Pricu, Robert, Mathtir, Buchanan mid Shauka 11. Nays MonarH. Montiouil, WatHon, Me- Ivtmzio, Wif-le, McDeugall. Luird, Drown, Ilolkio. Wilkiabou, Auld, Burrott, MUlu, Hood, Ffirrifia, Fox, Ainnlio, Duroohor, Pugoau, Scratch, Munary, Whito, Malooho, Dowhirnt, und tho Wardaa 2-i. CIiub. Boll, Oxley, and Miuhaol MoHuuh, MaulHbOno, woro ru-uppoiiitud auditors for lfllUi. Reovo Fox, Clork MoKoe and .Tudgo Horno, woro uppoiutod Board of Audit of Criminal Juntico Accounts A graut of $25 wub mado to eaoh of the public libraries of Ehbox, AuihorBtburfi, Kingavilie and LoauaiiiRton, The hroaHuror wuh inHttuotofi to furniah a ntatomont of ntundinp of acoountw bo. twoon tho county and tho vanoan muni oipulitien. . K. A. Wiomor wuh ro nppninto'd trnutoo on thoEHt-oxHiflh Sohool. Board ;E. M. Wallcor, of Wiudaor Hiah Sohool; and Alosc. Baird, of Lonmiianbon Hifih School. Ou motion of Reovo Laird, uocoudod by Deputy Reeve MoDoufiall, a' apeoial (jront o( 8250 wan wodo ;to tho' Hbhox Hifih School. Stark'ii Ppwdonv, oaoh paokago of which coataiua two proparationa, one in a round wooden box. tho oovor ot whiob forma a maaMiro for orao doao, an iminodiato rohof for coativonony, 6iok Hoadaoho und Stom- aoh, aUo Neuralgia and all kiudu of uttrv. ouu pu.inu, and anothor in oapsulfiH, (?rom J to^ofouoin an ordmarv doao) whioh acta on thobowolfi.livor and stomaoh forming anovor failiut* p.orfoot troatmont for all head and utomaoh oomphiintfl, Tkey do hot, m moHfc pillH and bo many ofchor modi- oiuoo do, Ioho thoir offeot, or producer after couHtluation, they wro nioo to take, 2tJo a Wx at all BB*Jioin dealers., . uocxxi^sTJtat. Tows Ham., St. Jooaciiim, .Tan.20 The iiifinliiirh of tho council wore th; n\vorii in. and MiliHtJnbocl to tho'dechuuti of ipi>Llitieiii,iun. ^litlUteHof of proviouH mooting' wt, rod and conlirmed. Liiduuceur and Wilson, that anno bo appointed clerk at tho nar? aH hint j ear. Carried. "d Ltryno waa appointed by thu Uof^i1 auditor and T P DiL'ubourghy tlid'ooui at ti Hulury of 15 oacll Ladoucour and Sylvontro, tha't M By be appointed i-bHetiHor at a otilary of $S Carried. Dowhirtit and Sylvotro, that tho folio ing compobo tho Board of Health : Doiil Ladoucour, Sylvcmtro, Wilaon, and ol Dneharrao. Oarriod. DewhirHfc and y/ilhon, that Dr. Rorko Woodnh-o bo medical health oEliour.^-O Lndoneenr and Sylvohtro, that Strong ho appointed Batiitary mflpto' Carried. Ladoucaur and Dewhirat, that P Ktro| be troaauror at cho nam o salary. Cam A by-law wau road tho UHual number timoBto ro-airango tho road aiviBioua, pitaHod. Dewhirnt and Laubupour, thafc tho to fllup priutiug he awarded to tho Co Herald at tho earno rato ilb laat yoar. C. Bylvobtro and Wilnon, that J Giroux, Sylvoutro, R Byivoiitro, C Bylvcatro, Durouohor, P DieHbour^, J Strong, D Mar ODto'.to, D Hobba, J Motfc, ! Kuietor, J Giroux, and Chriii HimonH, ho fouoevie orn. Carried. -. Dewhirat and Ladouceur, that tho, foil lowing bo pouudkoopora: 1* Millon,IL^^21<| more. .1 VV Kuiator Y Sylvofltro, M m D Douy, J Byrno, D O Dowhirnt, ll onohttr, J Hogun, J Hodnck, J BitJ Latouinoau, ,1 MulluiKi. jr., aad| Chi'iutie. Oarriod. Xho (Cppointmont 6t pathmasten laid oyor, pending tho ro arrange] tho road divndonfl. Dowhirot und Wilson, that the notify tho chief ongiuoflr ot tha M C layjtho pipen at the culvert, 3rd con. inohoa loxvar than at present. Carrieo SylwHtro and Wiloa,, that tha ( roduoo the aiiHeMJuncnt of SS N.o.l .Cji in( to ruqucufc of^ratopayera. Carri( AoooanU pfcBBod : P DleBbourR %B; D] Oi P Dlsbourjj 7 ditohing 1st COri; Fitzgerald 0, D R O; W. Bocgs.iff workMoiaon -drMu; .'J Byriia $2,v,;Wi! houae for eleoticu-r A Hedriok^l, repaij scraper; Qhaa Kenny SJ..70, pvprbb^r ' 4th cop;, and.' Baaeline ^ratn;/Wip|ft World $6 eix copies for ooouoil. ' ' A^ioaroetl ta naeep Feb. lotH,;;:.^ %*A 'VJ'u,. .v;/.y::,-Y.'-^.v;

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