Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 24, 1896, p. 8

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]& \ - *. -' * r , I lick's vmb BeaKJt Sale i IT IS NOW ON. v ./ Furnishings, Ladies' Goats, Caps, Furs, . Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers, Suits Hats NOW REDUCED FROM 1-2 to 1-4 below the Regular Prices. CK J The Modern Olothier and Men's Outfitter. SANDWICH AND 0UELET4'H STREETS. WINDSOR. $^Uo^. " AI& PERSOMAL V-SC" A. II. O'arlt, of Wiuilaor. wiii in town of TburHdny. Mibh M. Hyatt, of Whoutloy, la visiting her brother, Fred. Maurice (Joste, of Anihetattmrtf, called on friouda in town thm week. yM Mr. Jiiu. (lilon, of Iliyh^tito, apeut Sun day With Mr. and Mrw. Win, GohdoII. Mth. {Ho v.) Gram j, of Gunuuo'pno. Out , ih tho linont ol her mitui, Mra. C. E. Naylor, town. n. W. Altau, M. r.,;iuft on Mondiiv for Ottuwa, to refiurne Liu neat in tho Coin- monn. II. J. Walker, of Wheatluy, him secured a pomtion with MeuurH. Forsytho, Ander- r*on i&Co, Mias Fraukio .Jumna, of Ainhorathurt,', rotmined hor ntudies at Khuox Hi^li School thin week. Mr. WoHloy Burdiuk, uf Detroit, spent Buriday in town with hid parentu and other frionda. Mr. ffruuk Bush, watchman at tho Mt C. It. croHHiu^, movfld bin family to town on Wodneoclay, Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Wilkinaon, of De troit, upout a taw dayti laufc weak, with tho formar'H brother, Stophon. Mtn, Alox. Wullaco, ontortamod a nuru bor of hor frioudt! to a prf*renuivo oaohro party on Tuesday evening. J. II. WirIo Bpcnt a. fow days this weak with bin brat hot* Andruw, who is very ill at biu home in Ktntjoville. JliB GtolU RobitiMoii returned homo Tuonday, attar upending a month wuh friende iu Windsor uud Detroit. Mr. E. J. Lovolaco and MrH. D. J. Whitnoy, apent Monday and Tuoaday with friondit in Walkorvillo and Detroit. Motmrfi. Jamoa and Gooruo Mo ad, of Lapeer, Miob., apo*it a few duyn. this wook at tho homo of " their undo, Mr. Win, Goanull. A Weatludiau millionaire tiavo Cooper hmhirtfout foo. Ho had undergone a pain ful operation, and paid hid phyaioiano, Lit ho in and Nekton, with *20U fruinoiin oaob. "But you, Bir", oriod tho grateful old man, Hitting up in bio bod, and acidtoaiiiujj Coop- er, "you huuII have aoinoLhuif* boltm, 'hero, olr, take that." It wu hie night. qap whioh ho Aung at tho nurprhiod eur. jjtion. "Sir," auHWornd Coopor, ' I'll pookul tho uft'iotit," and on reaching homo ho found in tho cap a draft for 1,000 fiuin- Alwayn in the load, tho "Standard" Delineator For February ih even more ut- iractivo than its prodooHmorn. No matter what department mont intomst? tho road* ur, Him is auro to hud iioiue ;it-lnt just nuit- uljlo to hor taHto. In connection with tho household thorc arc pnetiolo articlt'H on cookery, interior dticorationn, lump Hhadea and llorioultnro for tho window ; for tho jouug yiriu thero are fascinating puRPB on ValcutincH, trickn with carcht, how to ho bountiful, Tho Rtiquotto of Woddinpa andon^a^omoHth ; for tho olnldrou a de- U/;htfnl fairy tale ; for all, over foi ty p<i^n of now faHhioiiH, helpful Inutsi on drosn tic- ceHfiorieo aud millinery, now achorae of entortaining, papora on loathor worlc, put- Lory and porcelains. Book roviowti, and nhort Htoricfj in addition to auorial ofRroab protuiHo. When m addition ouo aooy tho fonr c*v- iiuihitc colored lithoi"rapha lihowintf the lateat HtyltiH in droHH and millinery, atd tho dainty illuHtrationn aceomptiiiyiui* nil tho artjobiH, one faila to aoo what the pub- liKberHgain by nailing huoIi a miporior paper at tho low price, of ton cent'i. Mountain Climbluc liana woudorfulfanciuation for many men. And tlio hifjhor tho mountain and tho greater npioo of danger about it. the more anxious in tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing instincts whatever, to iret to tbo ton of that mountain. There ia au intoxication, a llory Giuhusiasra about it that puuhoa ono on and on, and roots tir ed mnhclon and itiflpirQH^ua^Kin^oouraijQ to overlantiuijly keep at it until tho tqp in ruuohod and tho ooaliue zopbyrs that fau tho brow of tho monutain cool your own throbbing tomploo. Amorioans buvo thoiifiht that it wuw noooiiaary to go to Karopo, to the Alpa, to Und any full grown monutiuns to soalo. It's all raoonhhina. Isu't 11,000 foot h^h enough, wjUijd^cj^ojifl^thoiioraokod.craak. ed eroaturofi of ioa and snow, and oratorii and tiaanros and prooipioos to olimb over and round, tho samo an in tho Alps? Yon, they aro all right horo oloso at band, and ifyouaro intorontad to linow wharo and how and wlion, jnst Hond your addroRn, and six coutB in iitampp to Ciuh. S. Fijk of tho Northern Pacific Railroad, fit. Paul, Minn., and ho will nond you a book that rooountn a olimh up ono of tbo grandout roaku of ourth, writton by tho gontloman who u*ado tho oKnont. Tho ohaptor on this monntam in pro- fuaolv lUustratnd in ha(f tone ctohinan taken by a photographer who aooompannul tho party for thiit purpoao. If yon arc in- torofltod onaiich in your own country to dosiro to kuow about tin wonderful H^enie foaturos, vou want tbi book: the Beginning of tho Dobato-ln Parliamont. HON. MR. LAURIEH'S ABLE SPEECH My ItMmird fn*-t*-li;li t'ollowM Mr, I'o^'f Mr 3'ont'll or YtcutmoiM'liitid 1(nv<<n i >t 1 Mr. Met'llllvruy ^< <J r dfc Hit- iddr^Ht - llio Ak-ni4 lif Otlnwo, Jan. Ili-Th.. tlouno of Oom- mnnn hmk up Hi' n ijtilar bindiuivt ot iti^Mlon ililn nl'ii x noon n . thmiijh the In- thi-re hiui 1) i i) no ci-IhIh ttd nu tcrr'M'tlon iliii-ati'iiiiiK I" I'lL'-h uver tin- wholv I'.nl1 mi-iil.iiy prn;rnnu Th-ib w ! full i,.iHi-flP.t, nlthnu'Cli the {dump In jmpuhir gunohlty wan oh- Ki-rv.Lldc In tho fl mlnlHlii-d nttimditn^*. For tlu. flrnt day tliiti iM'ttdon th- ulllc- uphrjlhtMid clialr pl.iri'd b.-*,l(lf Mr. Spin! iV'i was iinuc',iipi<,d The ili ur, hu\..'W*i, w ati not <iitlnl> \\ltt^ utu di' I i i<-,iilMU'<l \Klltut'M bciuSi; IU tlh 1- It nr Mr Sjit-nlv< r lion. A. G. Dlalr, I'lcmlt-r oi Now Jbuii'iwlcK. Tin u- \\iih a brr viii'Ms uf niuninT no- Uc'-ulHu .iljtiuL ("'- IJuu. Ali. i'Vaei lluin Lhu tMlllni; hi order ot the HoiiM', which Indicated hlb n iHiniption uf thu K-.idt-ihhli). Wlu'ii .lu oci aMon li>r a fori mil inotlun nrosu duilnt; tin- pto- Utniniirh'S lie ro '< and innde a fi Irly sin ( si ul iittmni t to luolt unuoiKj^i n- 'd, \s nib iIk lilt lu r ui u :>inilc (i.isji^d uvi r tbi* cuiinti'ii.i in i* ot Lh'-' l-ihi i<i.l le.til i .it tin*-, hiht i-vliU'iirc or tin r Jt.ibiitLaLiiJii ul tin- Kino-iicu Alln- iHli-r. Mi. Tuwi-il. Hie youthl'uldoolclnij nit iitbi-r Jot WV'Umort'laiid, to n (<v i' thf nddi i-h.s in -.upli to the Speech 111 in tlif '1 liruiH-. J it wil*-, WiLnnly clici-i ud iliuI in ride a rtpkiidid liu- I'H.'lsioii up the ,uuhu, hl^ !ji niliiitntu ullin uvokliif-; ch*eib Hum both hldea. It i.*-. iii-ner.illy udinlUi'd that hi' will Pto\ u a decided aeiiiu.sitiun to the Am lhtei ial lurei. Without, di lay he jiluiiKL'd into a fl cu.shluii ol the achoul qu'.stiun. lie iia\*e a brief suivey of un hlMoi'} ul lu 'iu ".mm, ami diew u L tent ion Lu the p.Lcllic tone* ol' the Hi v. oi der-lii-coiineil M-nt by the Do- inn.iuii iu ibo A uiltub.i Liuverunlent i If elaiiiitd tliat under Llio Canadian Luie-.titutlon no bueh thln-^ ,m piuvln- cini antoiiorny -'Xi.sttd, and in hupport or thl;, vIdw roferri'd to the cucum- f.:aiiCL-s under > hich i_otiiederation v .iy brought about The constitution piu\nleil lur niatiiienaiK-i- ul' the cen- ual jjowi-r, all piovincial lee;ihl.i.tlon 1m !imr Hubjcct to ijlballowance. With- uiu (IouIjl the I'm 1 lainunt oL Panada had [jou < r Lu Inti-tieie in ediitatltmal n.atleib, a.s it lnin in mu iters of crimi nal I ia\ ui pi uinix-juiy no ten. An re- i j'i ctb ilu- allegation that there was no occasion for interi'iM eiiOc, he aald thai ii the tiwti jiIhk aw ay of S-parate Kchoulb did not piuvide the oeeabion, no such occasion could cvei ad^c, AUt loiiniiitf bneily to otm-i pira- i;i.i plib In the bpt-i'ch M i. l'uwi II re- bib beat anud Kre-a-t applause, to .Major -McUilli\ ray, the r.iumr-liiw- yLr-iuilitaiy member fur Nuith Ontario, m eoiidt'd the ad in *-b m a vu y at>le Hpeccli. JIe said tliis i'arlia- ijnnt was remarkable lur many liini^t. Jt had .seen time I'leinU'r-i cunie and ko and, notwithbtandlni; tin u* re\ rb.ilH.the Cunsi. i v itho party u as as sti unfi an ever in tiv 1 ..iid In the euuntry tCln ers.) Little v. under that it caild cunie through a julitical fi IhIh tir'-icitbi d. (Cheers.) Fie paid a tribute lu the lit. ot Frank M:idill, the piivii>uji repn ^eiit ttive oC Nui th Oniario in Parliament, and then pab'i d on to congratulate the t oiinti > (jn 1ul\ Iiik L-uid Ab' rd'-eii, a man ul judgment and abdiiy, au ro- piibentative uf Ibr Al.ijebty. fibs Kx- e Ib-ney had hIiuwii hi.-, laith in tlif- cuiinti y by invonilu^ in its. broad aciea, t'lni.ib) 'I'aKiiuv up t-he diin-ieiit clau.'-it s in tin- Spi < eh from tho Throne be iIv.lIi on the development of Muni* to! a and the Norihwt ^t, payhiLj a trl- luitc tu the i-ilniincy of tin Nortli- u i * I nioiilded pollee. lie bpoke ot the i:.odiib cry of tin- ()[)po.sit lun and H.nd if (Canadians living- In .\) lebl^.m, Dii- l.ota or Kan.sab verrt* can\asHid, It uould be found that they had left tlim countiy before Un- National Pol- iey went into lurce (ironical ( tion i liccr.s) - and thunk to the Gov- einm.nt, many of tlie.s(. Canadians were now n mining to their native land, ((,'h orti.) The lainnni of Cana da wei e imb-bted to the Cunh.-rvative party for the attention which tin lr Industry was now receiving. To Sir John Gailmy the countiy owul a debc of ^latitude fur the establishment of the expeiiniental faimn. (("beei b.) The Alinlster uf Afriicultuie (Mr. Mon tague) Kave prrtmiho of being1 a stal wart agrlcultui 1st. (Hear, hear.) lie vaa evidently in lavor nf an a^Krea- sive pulley. Ileiulvlsed Mi.i\lontae;ue to devote Horn,, attention to the qu< Htion of b-hoep breedinK. lie was glad to know that a sheep expert wan to be appointed to the Central Farm. 1'ealing with the pnramaph In the Speech referilne to the militia, he Raid in the pant the voluntceis of Canada hud been a tar veil, and he triiHtetl that J'mllament would make a liberal ap propriation to give them ond arms and equipment. (Cheers.) lie had Krt'iit pleaHiire In h ennding; the tid- dreKs, believing Parliament would du Uh best in the interobia of thin Canada uf uui'B. (Loud cheei-H ) Mr. Laurier, who was received with Liberal chuera, said the aeaaion wan both unprecedented und extraordin ary, for the reason that Parliament was summoned to consider the frravi'Ht aueb-tlun. peihnpH, that ever came be- iui-e it, a question which mUdu pi-r- nu-nontPy ulfect thin Canadian confe- di ration, in- contriatulaU'd the mover and Hcondoi on their siieecheH. Mr. Powell's reputation as an orator had preceded him and It* quite evident that ho would be an honor to the party to which ho belonged. nL- (Lain lur). however, could not accept him aa a BUido In constitutional matters. (Lnujjhter.) Mr. McGlllIvray had also done very well. Ilia atrctuliea of im agination had, however, been beyond the ordinary, (Laughter.) IIin views on tho exocliiH. for liiBtancc, were not in accordance with the facta, lie (Laur ie i0 was anxious to listen to Mr. Mo- Cllltvray. lie waa deatrouH of hearing hla vlowa on the Manitoba, school qucs- tion. Mr. MeGllllvray'a speech, how- I'ver, threw no dljrht upon hL viewa on the Hchool policy of the Govern- nicnt. Montri-'al Centre, Jacques Car- tier. Cardwcll and Victoria hud uttor- e-1 no uncertain sound on that point. (Opposition cheery,) Tho Speech from he Throne (jravf thanka to tbo Al- iri(-hty Cor tho bountllul harvest of the past aeas-on. Thh was a new depar ture In previous \onrrf jrooil haivasta hmp-been iiUnbiited to tho National PoUey. (Lauuhier, t'i raoimlly, ho ap proved th- e>.| 'lor--- in th- Hpeoch rc*Hpoc*thie 1'if i ' eai.c" of the mount ed poilie ii- " " ia-i work dono In the ImVn ., ! *-onl. Aftfcr vihltlnr, lib .sm.b <- t. hi* ctunO'tii tho r-'.nc'c-iu.i t..Li i. . i-jhrv-- Toir-'i) Y\*aa 1M 1 LM CLI1 Lllf XllUWSy H1TIM Oil II, flHU Hat that l>ody wuh lequislto to the c. mil kovui nnifiit and p"ace of (but 11 i idiy. (Coiiiten'iillve rbi'i'is.) lie wuh iiuli'UH to Uin\v what iiM-tWe Imiph-ed Hie pjii'ui-.iiipb rt'lullve to Hi lenj.dheu- e , fif the Canadian lb fence.. IT our nien wT' eVM' to moid. in nt.i'liiv, which. Cod forbid, it would be jieiuitnir them to buteborv if they wiiv not properly i quipped, (Hear, hrnr.) Ho truntod, lumrvi'i*. that the fir \erimieii('f/ piopualtion did not hi- M'h'e any jhuro policy; -Iiipc tberi' had llil'dy hem a little tipple ova tW \ ( ue:n'!aii alt'alr; but he wai Klad to mi j that tin* hi al of leidlnp, pievulbwl b Iwf-in f i inula uinl tl Ihiilu 1 Stat u to da j In lil:i Inm-ini nt, a win bi - i -ten Knc.laiul ami the Mian", would !) iim fratricidal ns ihe win* ol union. It wtiu 'aid there vva-i a d< i p foolint; in the Stut' a iuvalm>t KnK- iaml ih di'iui '1 tin pinpobltlim i,Um(m thel, and a i lied that jliihuh; ihe uliii :iti d ' hi- * ot the Man .i {In ie wnj. notbliu, liut I' i lliq-b nl b\e ' iwnnl'i the old land. (Ch.ei:-,) Thin I', ellnir found cxpr-i-sbm In \\ lilUler*u Uul'm: "W'v bow the In ail, it not tin* lent". To KnKlnml's 'jm en, Clod bles; her." (Cheers.) Thu-ie woida did imt fall on dull i'.'u-h. lie IrusLed Ihe Coveriiment, therefore, would dn uothlnf; to mik- i."st even the I'-'dniuy id uui with > i> th- p. upo* - e.l ilK'ie.i' - in i I.....llJillon "I- the :-: 'i !h\\e--,t Ti riitni b lu .' aid it \^'*' mil lur n ninribund P.. i llametit to deal v Kb an Impoi laid iuaiti uf that kind. Taking up the qui dlop of Manitoba -"hoolH, ho j-ul'1. the. tJ"fttuuM 'ot y m unlay had Indicab <l what tin- rudliiK ol the province war. 'Hie Manitoba Cnvermiicnt wuh I" favor of conabl-T- ihK Ilu- claims of the Catholic mlnon- tv, and if Kiieviincia wre found to ex- Nl, tu e;lye them the an ip-ure of ivllof hi< h they ji' I ed Until V irlH hi M.mltob.i weie acie-<l on this point. I ! r tie-, ell. um-luiu es the l'arll.l- i.a nt ot ('.Hindu Hhnuld be careful In i be com ac it iiuniii'tl Ho made no h-sltatlon In lndliaihtK what blf- views '\tre. lie deeply sy'inpathixi 'I with hl'l i loi:, m M. ml tuba He would v Mi to :e, tin in ba\ e their edueatlon- U |,n\ili,u- reslon d, but be h- Id that h w.i'i lor the L'i;lshitU' Ass- mblj to n'-inie tin m. 'I|eic v.*as an ln\lnc!ble npii|,nanr--. in the mlnda of many to JUletltute the will of tin1 Kodi ral bodv for the Will of the I-.OCU.1 Let;is- laluic. lie prophesied (hat the Gov ernment would eventually have to an- Mimie the position which his paity wu-a now taking on this question. It could not U- otln-rwKi1 The fJoveniment 'V < re e;ie:it sta-kbra lor standing by the foimtltutlori, and yet by their ron- duct in the matter of hsuliif,' wrltn lor ihe hye-electlona. they liad violat- *d tin t-iatiites systematically, wicked ly und dt-bi^nedly, and had trampled on the sacred rights of the people. (i ippnsltion cheers.) Mr. Kos-ter ro- e ainbl loud MluisteH- II applaiiNo and d(di\ ei ed a '-l.ushinpr inply. Pir.Ht of all lie joined with Mr. L Lurler In complinieiuiiiK the uu>\ ei* and seconder. Mr. Laurlei lut'l refer red to Lhij icciiit bye-eh ctions, but there iiinall Lornl'ort for ids party bi nime ot them. Take, for instance, N'orth Ontario, where the Liberal be- t ante the third party, and wa.s within Ml \ute<, of losing hia deposit. (C'liei rs.) In Card w 1!, nmn n\ i-r, the Liberals were < nl'ii] bdi \\ \ Sped out and bad contribute 'JJtJO to tie* revenue of the cvjuntry. (Clic-if, and lailivhter) Conlluuine;, Mr. l-'O'-ter ^aid Mr. Lau- 1 let also di ew dtP nt Ion tu I h'- sretion In the adorc-SH w hb-h n fus to j treri-L,'thtjnhiK of the ndlitl.L and do- feiict m of ("aiuida. lit spoke words none too hearty, none too appi ov In,;, of the militia of this country, and be voiced whit Is the Kenei al s< ntnnont of this 1 Ion so and com u try, that lis iiillltia deserves well at It" hands, and that it is the duiy oi th coimto to put the best und iirWi',-1 .'inns in the hands of tin mlhua, and -, . thai tin y are well taken care ol and tqmped in this lesjteet. (Cbeiis.) Kill hi- h.d lo suy another thin;;, that it ll'\ors oin - w hut uf th" jlimo policy Well, sir, I leave it to all reasonable men If. tak ing tip that par.-ij-W'iph in tin Hp- ooh, he can see auythiup; in it whbh llav- ora of d- liauce or in the least ap proach *s to a Jmj-'o polity. It is a modebt and straightforw ard cxpr^s- bfon, and wa.s ne\ er meant to be any thing else No poison can in tin pre- si nt Juncture or i ircumstanc a, w liat- evi r may be said at othei tiiuL i. 'no poison in Canada who lovt s his coun try and d'.sin . lt>- pene and it:, pius- perlty, can think ul' bieathln^ a spirit of dellance or Jin^olmn. Put lie would lead sle;ns of timea not aright in these sumew hat trou blesome days, when the Mother 1'hnplre staiula spb ndidly Isolated in Kuiopc, with Inteiests stretching over the wide world, with a comtneice the ijreati s*l uiiy nation of the world haa e\ tr possi ssi d, and Invulneiable lu iviiy quui ter uf the sea, whu did not ft el as Lritaln leela to-da'y and is -howdnp; it, that the countiy's weal, the ennniry'a jiro^ress, the country's stability, all the country's prid, and ylory, must base Itself upon the strong in ins and willing, loyal hearts of the citizenship of that Kmpirc, fioin one end ot it to the other. (Loud cIilcis.) It Ih the right and the duty of Htlt- ulii herself, and of every dependency that belongs to her, to be ready, aye leady, as 'well as steady, In Its sen- tlmeiibs of loyalty and admiration tor the lOmpire as a whole. (Loud clie. is.) It Is in that spirit, and not iu any spirit that asks for war or tioublc, that that modi st reference was plac ed In the Cjueen's Speech Aftt'r leoes.s the discussion was re- Humed by Kir Itichard CartwiiKht, who denounced the Covcrnnunt for their CLLirse on the school question. It was Unit their policy to bully and then to cunffe. The Llbeial policy was to in vestigate, to negotiate and not to crliiKt-'. iT>ealIne; with Mr. Foster's ob- HLivalions on the arming* of the militia, h.itiad ot lOngland heinir Bplondldly is olated, she was d mgerously Isolated The best woiU Canada could do foi Eimr- lund was to jn-ovlde her with an ally wc i thy of hfcrr in the people "of the United States. (Derisive cheers.) He defended the Opposition policy on the school question. The hour hour and the man had come for the settlement of tho question, and that man was Mr. Laurier. (Cheers and counter-cheers,) Mr. Dickey was loudly choerod on riuinK" to reply. lie spoke urat on the militia cruestlon, lepudhitlns" Mr. Lnu- rlcr'B and Sir Itiehard Cartwrtght's Insiinmtiona thnt Jingoism was at the base of the Coveinmmt pohey. AVhen Congreas voted a large Hum of money to Improve United States defences, no one took offence on thl hi aide. Why, then, should Canada four or neslinte to do that which the netds the country required. (Cheers.) As Mln- iHtcr of Militia at the tlmu uC tho re cent ex-citement, he reall*/ed the Im portance of taking action and praised for Improvement of Canadian deC*m- ccfi. TTo wao glad to find his collengucH acceding to his views, and to lenow that an'adequate lnercnsc of defence would bo adapted. (Cheera.) Adverting to the school question, he paid It wnM clear the ulb-j-rnlK wanted to turn U to their party advantage. Havana. The LoyallHta of thiH city -aemand that General Carrgpoa he dl*- )a/-Ml bv b more 0 r.r-uCa eaqoxanntSNf- DIEBEL & BRlCKER Special Clearing and Inventory Sale. This Special Rale has baen inrtfcituted with tho ob ject of putting forth ovory poaniblo oiloi't towards Clearing ud our Pricea on some line* will bo cub in two. We've offering anch bargains on Winter Goods as you've never had before. Wo enjoy the bent possible futilities in the way of negotiating tV special large lots and aro as a consequence able to offer first-class goods at prices that would, under ordinary circumstances, be utterly impossible. ... In every department from now on special lines will be brought forward at prices that will force quick clearances. Shrewd buyers will call early and share in the big bargains. Balance of our stock of Ladies' Mantles at "exactly half price. AU trimmed and untrimraed Hats and Bonnets at half price. Balance of stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Suits at prices that will make thorn go galloping. THE GREAT CORNER STORE, Diebel & Bricker' WIGLE The Cash Grocer, and Baker. , . ?nn people of tliu Town of Khuox uud uurroundinK country havo long Mt the want IH of a phieo whoro thay could (jo and puruhuae what thoy renuiro on a eloao, oaoh X buHiH, without bcincomiitjllo^ to nay higher priceo to rauko up for tho Iohhoq tnude in tlio credit nyHtcm C ill and hum our ^oodw, whioh are nlwuya of thn boat (luiihty und Uet our pricoH, which lire the lowont. First stiiHa hand picked j;K)0nhU( VpplPB*fi2 2j bur:el; B0 ccntu buabel; 22 ceiitti peok. 28 pounds Sutiur for 1. 10 pouudn boht rolled O ita for 25 cent*. 19 potindflbei.t corn moui "J5 conto. 13 poundn baat buok-. wheat flour 25 cents. 0 pounds iluke Barley und nul<c Poan 2fV-oontn. Don't uhhh trying our Tea at 22 ooUiH a pound. cash paid ron fihst-cl^sb buttkk and fresh kggs and OTUKK PltODtlCU. GOODB DEHVI^UKD PHOMPTLV. M. E. WIGLE. H. WIGLE, Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Mgr VA W. C. T. U. BlfcAVH HOY. Rofimea to lveIJp UIh Hfonoy-Novni* 1'uwtcU Liquor. Frank Hyatt, ol Tilaanburg, Ont., wao recently ebaxfiod in thu WoodatooR police court with highway robuory. Tho otory roluUd by Ujoconipluinitht, u littlo lijuglioh boy, about Alteon yearn of ago, wan aomo whubtrafiic and iHMportHlby tho "Scuti- noh Raviow*' uo follown: Tho littlo fellow ,wub quo of Dr. Burna- do'H pupiU, aud camo out with a number of boyu iioine yoara ro. Ho ohattorod hko a talkint* rriaohine with a oookney twang, and often Rot far iu advanoo of the ciuoetionn aokod by tbo orown counoil bo- fora thoofl\ocr> could And timo to call a bait. 'My namo in Edward .J. Jackson, son of John Jackson, Loudon' Ellwand," tontifiocl the littlo follow, "ltfy mother in dqud uud I camo out two yrari a-^o with Dr. Bar- undo. I ot a j b with Mt. Donley, near TllHDnbmv. I hud ti" fco Tilnonburu' on tho 15th ol Novomher with a load of potn tO0H. I aold thorn for 811 75 and wan on tho way home about 7-30 o'oloalc. Botoni rotui-uini; 1 bm-uhfi CO onutft worth of chop WUon a 'ulf a milo out of the town n. una stopped tue und wauted to fiet into my . , ^.( , v,^ WRon. Ho offinbad'tu awd Baia, 'I want yea^a more than iilS.OOO por, ammittV .mW your money.' I Haiti 'You can't 'avo it. Ho roplied that if t ho did not tob it b would blow ray brainn out. L yelled, 'Elp 'Elp!, aod tho ra^n pulled out a double- barrellud piatol and pUoed it againtt my loft tmnplo und told m if 1 didn't abut up bo would Hhoot mo doad. Hr tbon 'eld. my 'cad down on tho boiU), Ho took tbo SS.Sj from my voat poltflt." J. S. Jluokay oroBH-axaminod the boy and failod to Hbuko liin teatiraouy. Wit- noaH ewore poBitivoly that Hyatt wa tb man who had robbed him, although bo. bad uuvor soon tho man bofor* that day. "Now, ray boy, isn't thero a possibility of littlo Jaokaoii koopiutf tbi mouay and tolliug bid umployt that aomo ouo bad. stolen H?M' ' - "No, sir, I'm no ohoat, and what's more., :v; I'm noithor rioh nor poor. I nevor taated liquor in my hfo and I know my Bible aa,woll ao moat bo>H." . ' i Tho jwlflo *n)ftonlatod, "a Hmart boy,1'^., aud tbo oouiihoI uoqiueued. :- Tbo priuooer iu tho box .denied any knowledge of tho on mo, but tho- jury, be lieved the boy'w etory aul ^eturnod a Vflfc,.$ diot of fjuilty. Hyatt wis eentenoed'to'^i aarv* flvo years in the Kingston peqiUn**S tiary. ' ' ^ ;|, 1 Hi Hiatoty iuforma uh that the pro(o'aBloDal;i oomn of Bit Aatley Gooper, the^reaft^ BuRlieb Phyuiclan, wan tor a aeriaa t .'vi.'( N tfi. i* ^^4^pi'v i.; 0861 01 61 B 37D

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