nflWTOWJ*;W wy^F*^? * 3C PHB ESSEX PREB l*Rlfc>______________ ' ft;'- m JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co., , - ' BANKKUH, Woxt to Abordoon Hotel Essex, v '.Monoy to loan on IfarmoriT Notua* Noton bought 0> CoHuoted; Mmioy to loan .on Mortftuuou ut OTOont riiton iind IiobO torniK, Draft* iBBUoit v&yn-l)lo it piV at nil prhuiliml pOUltHt Fire Insurance Agents, etc. -<&>$ TALK jf FKIJ3AV. JANUARY a-i, I8fl. ^ D. J. HOME AGAIN. County couuoil mooWou Tumiday boxt, 4it Batidwieh, acGordiiijj to titatnLu. Communion Borvictm in tlio Pruxbytor- lan church next Sabbath mowing. County Shorifl I lor, who haw boon ill lor nomo time, iu roportud uh improving. Dr. J. VV. Brion linn boon appointed 'medical health officer of thin town for lH'Jfi Dfebol & Hrichor will open tondorri Qi) Saturday next, for the uonutruotion of thoir warohouHo. Town couwoil mot for organization on Monday'lavt. The minuted aro j)ubhnho(l in another column. The town council ban reappointed W,. H, Xtlohardiiou high aohoot tnmteo for il term of throe yoarn. Toronto bad a SIIO.OUO lire on Wodncn- <day tnornlnu, tbo proporty boiuf4 a flour arid feed storo, and a park-packing iuntitti- tiouou IFrotit Ht. Itov. W. H. Bhaw, of Cottam, ban boon ttBt*intiuC Hov. Dr. Fuaooo, in ooijduotinn tbo aeries of Bpocnil meiHhii'H at tho Motho- <liut church thi wouk. Dr. Prouuc, formerly of Ehoojc, now of "Windsor, ban been iu Victoria Co. thift week, attending tho fimuraLoL_hiH ..father^ who died lant Saturday. OwiDfTfo" Ho7n6~dofcctir~which rondorod necessary, the (thipmnnt of Wm, Liuuft'a alcotno dynamo to Waterford for ropairs, the Town hnabuou in dnrkncim lor a few xiif^bU, Thorn will bn sold by public auction, 'lot 207, S. T. R., Sandwich South, ' on Tuopday, January '28, commencing at 1 o'clock shnrpTii lot of ynluablo farm Htock. A new |*[ito h:m. bt-eii erected at tho old toll houbu at the oaaUnu uud of tho town. I. Di Cornwall, of Winduor, tho reported lfcHHcc, wiiB in town on Saturday lant, and the work wan done under his Buporyiaioii. _ J, hi. Btono received a raoinatjo on Tuoa- Bay, notifying him of tho rather uuexpeut- Id oath of a younger brother at bin, homo in [HiuItKatu. Thn decoiiHcd had boon ailing for Hcaio time, ultho'j^h not Huppooed eerioualy. TIXEB. The irollfcutor of t.txoa will be i n W. D. BoarauuV < nice on tho afternoon of eaob day from the 2oth till tho end of tbo month, and tuko notico tliat 2 % coato will ho added for non payment on the firnt of Ifobruary. 1 l It Jh HtuLod that, tut no autrlumeut has yet boon effected between the M. C. R. Go, and Edward Moonoy, re^urtliny tho killing of bia two Hoiiu here hint Octobor, Mr. Mooiacy ban enteteel an action agaiimt thij 3d. C, R., claiming a compouBation of #15. COO. ' Honoy to loun at 5 per cont.-r Jno VV. Gib noil. Forfroub cuken and confectionary, of all kiuda ^o to Bhoomakor, ttio baker, Our siiteomed lato townsman, John Miluu, Grand Organizer of tho A.O. U. W., I will vihH tho lod^oo iu thiti edotriet dunuj; the proaont month. lie will addroaa au ojMjn mooting of Ehox Centre Lodijo, No 10 on Wedncuday evening, 21)th inot. to whioh cbo public arc cordially invited. Other ontertaiuuietit, both musical and literary; will bo juven. . BftfKuina ! bar^aino! bar^aitm! M. J. Wi^loitCo. J off ladiea' uodorwQar at Sm,ith'n, Arran(iemontH for tho 'Conversazione to , bo wvou for the bonoUt of tho public library in the upper roomn of the Dunrttau Block . next Friday evouiuK, 31at mat, aro bing rapidly ooirploted. Tho program of the evoninu will include a luuoh at countoru to be arranRfid in raomo extondinc toward tho front of tho huildiiiK from tbo roadiuK rooJw.tbe hittor boini; fitted up 'or a liter ary and muflical program. Tho offioou on . tbo name Qat will be kindly Kivon up for tbo occasion, and will bo converted into ' cloak roomfljjiijj.. wlulo tho largo niatioinc ball, in thyfhird ntory will bo rIvoh for the USo of (jurlor (jamfta, oto., to tboao who wSdb that dividionv Several uontimonla will ba pro\ood by tho' chairman of the oyenum, and willlio ronpondod toby dif ferent gontlomen, Enorfiebio oommittora bavo obar^o of various branched of the affair, and it will prove ono of the men* ^^'*xi joy able of the b canon. Every person RPR having at hurt tho lntereub of tlio publio " library Mliould atto' d the Convormtxione, by Hodoiut; tboy will enoouraKo tbe board ;, of MnaKment by thoir pronenoB, and aub- ' akdotihlly beneflbtho uimtioUl coMclilion of ' ; lhi ikiatltution, wbioh ia calaulated to ytove of Mreat henefU to both youug bd Old, of the eotumamlv. Ko pain* f beintf j^rW tomak* tho evening of taw Slat AFTIjR a reBt from businoBH for a few yearn, laat Hpring tho old (loams to en gage in active Hi'o once more posnoeHod me and I afcarted a^cntH' l'urninhing lint and cap buHineBB in tho city of London, because I could not at that time get one 'of my own stores in Ehhcx. But tho oxcooding hi^h rate of rent and cxpenBeH neceBBary to run a buHine^B in a city caiiHod me to make, arrangements to secure one of my own Btores, which I did, and hero I am again to stay among my old friends, I ask them and as many new ones an I can seoiire to give mo their pat ronage and I will ever mnke it my chiefest aim to plcaHo. JSlow to commence with you 1 have a city stock of Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, which in much tno lntjc for tho nccdH of thia plaoo. I will thoroforo m'ako n ' Great Sacrifice Sale of the following1 lines: TTxifHext^rea^ I bavo over twico as many ol' tlieeo fjoodH uh I slu ubl Itavo. -GJlovos asad. ILIi'b'tB,, buvo iivo tinioa uh many of iIkiho ^ootla uu itnv imtn should Jmvo in Ebhcx. Tlio nbovo aro the niiun Iuicb J wittb to retluco, and J will give kuoIi bur- p;ainH iu thoBo lines nu was novor Jioartl of boforo in I^bhox. I will soil at 50 per cent. Reduction off Regular Prices. ThoHo aro btraigbt facts. You buvo iry iccorcl of over 10 yearn (lcHli_B{(jn_jtho_pjiBt as a guaranteo of my word, 1 want to do biifiiaeBs wiili you h\ tho fuluro i\n you may count ou getting all I claim, an in hoop ing my word will bo tlio bcFt means of Hocuring your patronago in tho futuro, A full lin of IKCa.'bQ- Go-pa aaad. G!oiitsy F'U.xnlelaitogG *l* tl t-np uh the chcupcHt, whicli I want all to iiiripoct. . ltcmcri'ber these goods tbat aio advertietd to ho sacrificed are, bought^ within Uip past J) montlw for a city trndo, bo you may count on getting up-to-dato yootk at Bankrupt pricoH. Open jSa-fcti^ciELy iTaia-uaxy lO for bargninu. ID. J- ,\A7,.'Ea;ITlTE'Y, WillTNKY BLOCK, USSKX. ROOM For spring Goods. Must re duce Htock at onco. Pi'ices to suit the purHO and purchaser. It will do you good to See the Bargains Chpioo apricotH lUo. lb. ut Smith'H. Tho pnutottthip of tho Motboiliflt churoh ut Porost, rnudo vnoimt by tho donth of tho lato Hov. Jan. Whiting, ban thoon fillod by Itov. Bilwiu Holmon, of London. At tb mootiiifi of tho town couueit on Moil day lout, \t- wuti dooidod to hull tho regular mevtiaga of tho council on tho lli-iit and third TuoBdavH of each mouth. LOST. On Thursday mornine Jan. l(i, on Victoria nt. botwtifin pootofliuo und Hau- Ian Milhi, a Rold (tlllfd oune) watoh, with Elgiu movamont. $2,00 roward. Okoikiis Lkh. If jou wonid #eit tho bent valuo for your money, attoua M. J. Wij^lu it Co.'h ^roat Htock-roduotion alp. Doctootivo Michael lloonun is in qucat of an owner for livo bair inattreiiHeo, which wero rolled up iu carpet, aud u uprinji bod bottom. Tboy worn found iu nu M. C. It. frotuht aaron tho 18th inut. Special roduotjou in wintor oapa at Smith'H. Mako uo miBtalu-' in buyi'n^ bootn & fihoou; ho ^ Smitb'B. . FOUND. Iu Enaoi, on Saturday, .lun, Uh, lH'Jfi, a purno co'utaiuinn monoy. Ownor can bavo mimo by applyinti to Alox. Lain^; A war ip on in Uotroit botwoou milk vuu- dorH, and tbo price iu clown in Homo ncctioun of tho city to throo centH a quart. Our Yunkeo couaitiB aro bound to have a'flcrap of Hpmo aort. For tjreaiont vnluou in dresii uoodn, mun- tlo clothn, ladioo' vohIh, etc., attend M. Jv Witfloifc Oj.'a firoat onlo. Tho blaoltboardu are beting ruptured at tho ilinh School thiH week, by Mr. Crown, a representative of tljq Borlin School Sup ply Co. The blaokboanlH at tlio publio lohool are ulno in uood of ronovation. THAT i. O. O, F. BANQUET. Klretlirt'uof ttio itXyHtlc ILlnlin I.uK r- Culu u I'nII IIoiiuo* capu worth 50o. for *2fSo. at Winter Smith'H. Wo guranteo our tea at 25c. hao no equal Smith & Go. LotterH patent for tho Polee Gun and Oil Co. hiivo been granted aud reooivod* Oporationu aro otill i;oin(; on at thoiuluud. with good pronpootn of imccoaa. Almost fill tho utoclc of tho company baa boon taken up. Tbflio aro now nix vacanoicu in tho Houho of Commona, viz; Charlnvox, Min (jiS())loi, Koulanpoa aud Pontiuo, in Quobeo, and Bbolburno aud Nortbumborland, in New Drunawick. The racmbor for Pontiao, BIr. Brywon, diod ouly last week. ivl. J. Wi^lo & Co. aro holdiuy a ^roat atook<roduotiou hiiIo, Big bursal no in tbo order of tho day. Win, Shooroakor iu now propured to do- liver treab broad to any part of tho towu, f^ive him u call. Havo you hoard of tbo provincial Frov- idont Iiiutitutiou? It in tho otrou^oBt an. OBamont lifu niHurauoo oompany in Canada, and providim rohablo protection at rates within tho roach of all. Call aud got par- from J. W. Gibuou, looal Uffout. Chrintio'iiianoy biooutu oheup at Suaith'o. U oann Hiilmon 2oc, af Smith'H. Oaunod tomatco^ 80. per can at Smith'u. Dr. J. W. Brioj rnturund lato lanbTbuvo- day nifilit from Now York oity, whoro he Hpnnt Buvoral du,yB. Whilu there ho called ou Kov. John Campbnll, who in a brdther of Rav.-fll. 2?. Campbell, of thia town. Tho fifHt uAmod KtiV.(outlumau in p autor of ouo of tho wealihiaat Bantiud coB^ro/ju.biouM iu New York city, and Br. Brieh re porta buviuK iueut a vory pleauaat and nsre*blo feimt* in hm company. Porgenuine kaygaluH In over oo*h), uh- drwer and flue caps, akteftd 31. if, WirIo A OWe |[re*ii mU, Tlio moiDberu of Entornriue Lod^u. I. O. 0. F. of thin town havo for Homo timu cou- templatod entertainini; their fnenda in flonoo maniibr he fitting tho Htanding oj Oddfollowahip in. thin community, and filially decided on tdvmp an opou inhtulla- tion, and banquet, which wan hold iu the lodcoroomu lant Friday ovonni^. Nearly two hnrdrGd~pbm6nn wero in at- Londuuco, and tho Lodge has roaHou to bo gratified at tho nuccoBH of tho troat cjiven tlioir frioudu. About 8.SO o'clock W. II. Ryallof Loam- ingtou, deputy jjraud master of Kbhox din- triot, niioiBted by mem horn of tho Lod^o, proceeded to inutall tho oiliueni for the cur- rout term. At the concluiiion of tho coromony, whinh wan both iiiturotttinj; and improHHivo, Mr. Ityall made a abort uddronH, in which bo intimated bio intnntion of retiring from hiu ponition, and utrougly reecoin- mendod.Paht Noblo Grnnd B.L.Park, of Ehhox, aw hiu ucooHnor. Ho alao gave 0 omo DlatinticH, Hhowiug tho amounlo ox- pondod in relief, 111 hid diutrict alouo duv- in^ Iuh throo yoarn' term of office. After a plcauaut hour flpout in lihtenin^ to mufiio, tiinifiij^, otu,( by members of tho Loil^o, wijh Mro. LaiuK an aocompaniht, tho company adjourned to tho banqueting hull, which had boeu proparod for the occaHJon by Alouarti. Tbrauhor it Bon, of "Tho Aberdeen. Anotlior hour was horoopent in partak* nid of tho hoKpitalitv of tho Oddfellowu before Mr. Ityull took tbo chair, und oallod tho meotiny to order, prior to preHoutiuu the lint of loaum for the evening which woio tie followH: "Our Quoon and County,"roaponded to by Dr. Brieu ex-M: P., and Lowib Wi^loox-M' P. "Our Society," by puutD.D. G. M. Bub- hrdl, of vVindRor. "Bifitor SoniotioH," by Wm. and C. E- Nay lor. "Our Towu," by Muyor Dowar and Roovo Laud. ' Lournod ProfoHHionn," by Jh\ Martin and Dr. Brion. "Tho Proso," by E..;. Lovelace. "Tho Ladiea." by A. Snider, Tho gathering disperobd after ninginu tba National Autbom. North IUhhox Agricultural Society. ANNUAL MKIiTIWO, South Woouhlkk. Jan. Ioth, 181)5. The annual meeting of tbo North Khhox Agricultural Society opened utoue o'clock, p. in., iu ttio now liall, purauant to lo^al notico. Tho proiudent, J. F. ItuHton culled tho mutitiuf; to order. Tho miuutos of tho hiHt atiuuarm"ctiu^ wero read and adopted. Tho secretary than road tho oflicorfl' re port fur 18(J"). Htport adoptod. Tho following utatHmout of rocoiptH and nxpeiiKofi for 1805, uh audited, wao pro- Hehtod by tbo tr.fiurora and auditors.. miCKU'Tii. ~ Balunoo in baud an per last annual report........................1-12 80 LegiHliitivo (jraub................ 470 00 Mornljora' imbBcriptioiio.......... BG 00 SurphiBfrom SotithwoHtorn Fair.. 50 00 Total recoipta................If7-18 90 i:xiu:njjitohi;h. Grant to Union exhibition........$53u' 00 Working oxponwOH, mclndiuj; or- vicoa ot noo.-tniHH. and auniiitautH 10 00 MiHAollaueoua mi nor oxpomieu.... 3 00 Balance in baud................ 113 80 We are giving, even if you dont purchane. Corne in and* examine and be convinced. _., & Co., Whitney Block, Eeeex. NK ADVERTISEMENTS. Fancy tweed drcHBRoodu rogular 85.o. for 17^0. nt Smith'o, ono wook only. Tho polico aro in reooipt of a tolophono moooaco from Blouhoim flaying that a burglary wan oommittod thoro ou Sunday ovoning, Hevoral paini of troanaru and otbor fiooda beinc taken. Tho thieva aro thought to havo come wont. A honao belonging to John Fioldn. nit- uatod on Contro ntroot, wau eonnumod by fire on Tuonmiy night. It in Hot Unowu how tbo Aro began, an tho hoiiRu had been vacated for tho pawt thron moutbn. A qtiiiiitity of ftirnitnro whioh wan Hthrod away in tho uppnr ntory of tbo houno, was aloo burnod. Mr. XMoldu livoi ou a farm noar Camp Palmer. According to tbo report of M.P, Tbntaher, United SUtoW dbtiaul." tho nxporta from her* to tho Unitod BtatoH for kho quarter ending Deo. Ill, amounted in value in 8'J,V2,151,(W. Whmkoy muhoI ooume the largest Horn, amounting tor 909,838. Beaua oame noxfa with 947,648; then oamo hookn, HUveM, itta. Ittl.601; uatural p;4i(,9^,9lG; loH* and limber. 88,70*; codur poili, 90,418 {lumber, 93,^8(1; horisB, 4,098, > vad 8718 80 On n otion of John Murray and D. Mo- Allintor, tht financial b^atemont and audi- torn' report were reooivod and adopted. TlhTfolIowini' ofticora wore thon elected for 180(1: i?roHidont. Wm. Fllin. lht Vico-Preaidont, J. J. Dowhirat, 2ud Vioe-Profiidont,- ,T. F. Ruaton. Uiraotoru.^-A. "W. Cohoo, Georgo Leak, Tbomait PLiillips, Edwin Plant, .IamoH Mott, John Murray, John GrcavoH, L. Mo- Alliiitor, J. K. WUhou. AuditorB, Miohaol McAuliffo and Wra. Guthrie. On motion tho mootiii^ adjouruoct aub jeot to tho call of the president. diiiuctokh' muktino. Tho dirootorn thon mot, thoro boing prenont ProHidoQt Wm. Ellin, in the chair, and Muiinm. Knatou, Murray, Dowhirt. Plant, Mott, MoAlliHter, Plullipa. Loak, and Cohoo, Movod by J, F. Ruoton and D. MoAllio- tor tbat A. W. Cohoe bs ooorotary. Car. Movod by J. J. Dowhirut and Jan. Mott that Edwin Plant ho treasurer. (jarriod. Ou motion of Cohoo and MoAlliHter tho mooting adjonruod to raeot at call of preuidynt. A. W. Coiiok, S<o, Shorthorns for Sale. REGISTEIIED HnOHTOOltN BULLS, 3 oomlnif 'i yoarn nld und B from !) to 12 mon, old. Good eoloroa 3 rod aud Q roan. Good aid- main, Rood brootiinf; and nrioon roanouabto* Writo or auply at onoo to H. G. AKNALD dc ROW, Kimilwortn Rt.oclv I'Vriu, 1-21 iUWutonoP.O. 8 Gosfield North Cheese and Butter Company, NOTICE. tlltfh School Notoa. Tho attendance in increasing. It ban now rofiobod 10U. aiiKKK maa'oiiY, m. add iv. ffonira. Tho following aro tho 11 am oh of thoao who obtained ovor 40% :~-W. H. Kniater, 08; H Rome, 03; G. W. M0K0&, 60; B. Smith, 67; B. R. MoMullon, 53; A. n. Bouman, 4D; D. J. IJounnberry, 48; E RiohardHon, 47; A. D. Pouter, 49; 8. Mo- Laughlin, 42. WCAHUtl&ttKS. Onow, At Eanox, en Woduowday, Jau'uAfy lifcr to Mr. and Mr. Joti. Crow, a con. _ Wmn, At Sarnia, on Wedaoflday, Jan. 15, 180tlf to Mr. aud Mm. A. Woir, bar- Vitor of a*aon. Gintooiiv. At Ehkqx, on Tuouday, Jab. Ut to Mr. Mid Sfrd. Kobfe. Gre^orY. a son-. Bunuwu On tho 22nd mot., at the Mothodlut Purnoua^e. Oottara, by Rev. W. U. Shaw, Jaoob Albort Sbrumm, North Goafield, to Miaa Charity May, Booth Gonfild. Th Us* abauoe to <t a 4r*fc-alas ovcr- t a* for 83^0, G. E, Smith Jk Co, THE ANNUAL MEETING Ol-' DIUEOTOftS and HhurohoMomof thio company will bo lild at the Town Hall, Cottaiu, on Wodnonilay. t'obiraary 12, lB'JC.oommoiiolnd at ooloaltp. m., nliarp, for tho purnoBO of rocoivinfi rcportu, olootlonofoOloorH, oto: U1M1U J. 8. BILLINGS. P. INMAN, ProBidont. Socrotary, j,3j CottainP.O. In tho High Court of Justice, CHANCEttY DIVISION. ANDKHHOH Vfl. RIRRMTT. rURBUANT to tho judfpnont mado in thin 00.UH0 boating dnto tho 9th day of Nov. '05, thoro will 00 Bold with tbo approbation ot 0 It. Homo, Judge of tho County Court of tho County ot Knnox, by Datilol Biuclnir, Auotlonoer, ut tho Abordoon Houiio, lu tho Town of Kimox, on Bat- urday, tho lut day of Fobruury, lsou.ati tho hour of ono o'oloek in tho aftornoon, tho following Ian do und prorniflon, in 0110 pitrool, naaioly Tho Bouthorly ii aorou of'tno oant half of lot No. 10, eon. 0. of tlio Towtiabip of Gondola" North, lu tho County of Uhbox. moro pitrtloularr ly known and dunoribod ilh follown Gommono inn 'it a polut in tho caatorly limit of nald lot 10, at a dintatico of Hi cbnlonaud 7(1 links fiotithorly from tlio northwoBt hiirIo of itatcL lot 10; thonao nouthorly along tiaid woHtorly limit Hi cbalna, 11 llnkfi, rr.oro or loim to Iho nouthorly limit of lot 10;tltonoe oantorlyaloiu mid nouthorly limit of lot 10,1Q ohalmi, 77 llnlm; thouoo nortborly and parallel to said wontorly limit of naid lot 10, Hi obaluu, b-i llnkn, tbanoo oafltorly in a ntralaht lln* 12 ohulnii, 77 linkn moro or loim to tho plaoo of iKialmtliia Tho proporty lu a Hunted about ono mila from the vllluyo of Cottam. niJf mllon from tho Town of IQbbox aud niuo railoa from Kiuaaville, and la readily acoaalblo to all tbo said plaooH bj good Tb,o proporty will bo offoroil for nalo, pubjoat toarosoryo bid, which line beon fixed by said 10 por oont, iu cash at thno of rmlo, and bulanoo wit bin ouo mouth tboroaftor, without Intorost, Iu all other rea- poota tho torma und aoudltloue of salo vrtll bo thoataudiue condition* of the High Court of JUBtlOO, Jf'urthor narUaularaoaul>obj|d from Messrs. Ellin A; Kills, Mouarn. Oloary & Ruthorlaud aud Monara, Hauua fe Cowan, all of Windsor, ahd thovfludor'BfioHoltoru. Batoii ut Windao* thin6th day of Jan., A. D. 'M. (BlKimd) O.K. HOKNK, Judtfeoftho Oouuty Court of tbo County of Keflex, " . Olarko, Uartlofc & Bartt(u ,3-81 Vouilor'd Solloitora, Windaor. Uad Ayra Altoanuo, wbioh your drti- alut will gladly baud you,, and not. tb woodarful cure a of rbanmatiano, catarrh, ohcdi, dabllity, bum or a, ad aoraa, by ih uaa of Ayor'a Baraaparilla, tk only Sariaparllli a4 amtUd aft tb WH' Pair. nuKEr> . *.., Wheat rod por baabel.,.,% Wheat, white .... Corn .... Oatti .... Timothy Seod ___ Clovur Sood .... AloiUe .... Hay por toil...*......... iioof per cwt............ Pork ............ Mutton ...-......... Hidoa............ GbiokouH por lb..... Buttor .......... Lard ......... Euan, por doz; .......... Potatoes, por baabol .... Oniomi .... Applon .... Turnipu .... Carrota ..... Bootn .... ParHnipii .... Turkoyu por lb.......... Duoki) .......... Colery por doz .......... Cabba^o .......... Vllram'WalUer^ tfoua Marble* Report No. 1 Ryo, por buahol .... ISO H 1 Oatu .... SO 1 Barley owt ' $6 2 (, dwfc - :1b; Wo will begin buying now oorn on Jan- uary 2ud at ill oontu por baabol for Ho, 1 Tbo abovo prioou arc paid by. II, Walkar Sonn, WalUeirvillo, Out. -:^ Smith' ^1 Co'y., SOUTH WOODSLEE, Ordered Clothing: away Down. To clear out our atook of undorwara w will sail at re- duood prioca. -'--'< AU wool RuitB roduded tooovt. TJND33KWEAK. Fibo Bootch iainb'e wool* 91.25, 11.76 aiy Firnb atoro north of railtray. ^:-:'# M Harness. ,.-:;i F Bverytuwg in thia line tft y, Sk-^S Adatna' Haaneaa Ep*rimj' a^:;;;:^ > a full aupply of nftW^'lWUl]^^ otbor winter equIpmB*'M**t^ Truuka, TftliMa, ate., \ i.::: .: ^"^ .. CallanAMe,i(%,-;M':';.r:S