4 - .' V 'T** r*f K na-v**** -'p. \" "*H B": U !M!p ill! bvw. ^ 'frt.^m-i'r3',*Fr// -'J'iT- r ;.^r ^".TJ .1' N6v, A LIBERAL GAIN. I on treat Centre ^pfialja Cic KiiIIIm at ih.. SNiMh lii'Di nil'iii'i 4 nH4<i Colt'ln itc Kit' Vlfinn T C*T- -%, >"> In the first place you can't do better than buy of n i 11 * i Niuni t\) ,}. i, Hu'WiU, frjHiU"in. An ,mtl"tln of tho voti; show* that Mi ?*nTh,>no wan supported by all ,l.i" n <i( Hi.' Mjiiiniunlij. ThoFion' h- ( . ill,mi, ut tin* Kii'it Ward cndonwd ( , 1 i.],< d1 Mi. (..an-Vr on b ' > ( r i ' ' Imol (HKnlloiiB by turnlnix ii cnii*i.-T\'ill,.o ninjriitly W "it at tin- , , ,i ml If"I i'i Inl/jLi J^bcial Major 1 i 'ili- muwl \d-ii,> .j Lt viiO*' , i i. ii| v f * I - , .f li t /'- cniPM iv t , i I ( (li i 111 '"mi n tt'ut*"** 1 ' , i . li*. I hU I I lu TT' p;ili- Mi. < ,. < I i it 'h'.ii h' uh l " L-/. I .'..K- Diebel & SBncker'sc MlBJDJI. i ' (.it i n nl ijiii ] r in ' i . i' n live m.i I ii .t c 11 .1 J i'111 i in iu I J l . < I l ! ii , .i i .. < ILtl. il I L i it iU.u = r:#i i oia or ,f ij i '>|tci' oyo ir u.i i t (.Hint l ic*'"- I > u ll> .'.n.que tl'MI i ir-d. I j to, YtyTV uji ,\iuj. follow iin^'tiVa i i A 'itni i* U.'i'iln; ir i;. (Iiimik n inl v >( i In'orl.ttlo/i l| *<t.i* Jit 'ii, V it i. i,. ( 1 I Ml II 1 UK -1*1. ' 1 i < *'j < i Him.1 h-Li il lu-y Ji.il! i ii i \ ' i l 1 , L ] II t .LI .,1 1 - 1 -h ?ti. Chin bom c u tin I iV 11 ii i 11 1 la n i s J. o r*xir , i (, 111 V'-l > The Modern Clothier and Men's Outfitter. BA.NDWIGH AND OTJJ3LETTK STREETS. WINDSOR. ,0(|AIflfPERSOtiAL Harry Poaraoa.of Detroit, ia holidaying a.Chin ht mo bore. Mr. J. A. Diobol upont hU holidwyB at u,in homo in WaU'floo. Miob Gmoo Lnhar upout hor holida> with frioDdo m RuihyoLi. ]ylr. Bomlmrt. of Detroit, hpout a low |days with Mr. Fnt/Buohen. Mr. B. Marton, of Detroit, ia the Ruent of tho Mi-JMUH Btmobim thin woolc Both Butin, af Ruthvou, pont New Yoats day with friouda ia thio vicinity. Mrs. John MoPhoruou, ot Poplar Bill, in viuiiinj; har oiothor, Mra. Dr. McKoiuio. tilr. W. Ohurob left for Grand Rapids, lioh., on Tuoaday ovonm^, on a buuinouu fip. ^Ijg Miaaoa Porkm outortiunud n uumbor kir friouda on Friday qvguiuk of lttat p. and Mrs. W. J. Perltiu, oE Rrlfjo- aponl tho ChriHtmaH holidays at I). [i. B-- G. Wallace opent tho hohdayn ior daughter, Mrw. Arthur Wmmer, Hidou. Barrofct, of tho firm of Birrott StCo,, nth hiu family on Ohnatraan day, iu Jo burg. ". and Mro. H. Povkiu, of thin town, it Now if oar ii in Bidgotown with thoir {Uv. and Mru, W. J. Porkin. U llafctio Rush, who h'ati buon vinii. ixndn iu Now York for tho pant uix t Wo turned homo youtorday, lid IVIrH. David McGimoIuud and ^ Detroit, Mich., Hpent Cliriatmaa /ithlior eiator, Mro. Uobt. Straohtin. Itev. H. G. WUqoij, wifo and family, of Utroit, Mich., Hpont Chi iotmuR with their I nolo aud aunt, Mr. and Mra R. Btrauhan. Mr. aud Mru. Wolliu^ton Violiorn, ol laullold, havo boon hpendin.; a fow duyu Jith tho (ortuor'a brotbu-, Goo. Viclforu, r. and Mra. W. II. Ktraahan and Ron of Wuukoha,W iH.,upent Chuotmtuj lothor and fathor, Mr. and Mru ?hau, town. ^. (ido Lung of Lonlon, and |JiIh liiLUiti of Grand Rupidn, liii|;tho Ni w Ymii hohdayn frirttida hrt). lyou wamr'imnuy ut 5J pur frito A. G, Jliikor lioumuig- Ins of payui'mtof pnnoipal _ure prornpfe nnd^itliuitnt ;cipo, li5o. W A R^T A C ES Scon By Uov. W. II. Shaw, ou the 35th ult, at thoMethodiHt Purwon ii^o, Cottam, Mr. Jatnoa BimuarU Boott, Qoaflold North, to Mjhh Laura lijdith WindHor, Moruoa. Conudon Bv Roy, V^.H.Shaw in tho ^Qtli, ult. at tho rooidenoo of MrH ThnmiiH Thornton, North Rtd^Q. Mr. Albfert C'jn^iion to Mi-h Ida Almira Thornton, till ot North RiduxNothlnir WcSeli HasOiveu Bet ter Sn-riBfactlon Mr. Johu G lyfor, dru^tint,(IuHorf]oll, wnteu: "Qtarlt'H Powdora (for hoadaiilu*, nouralyiii, cuativouosw, alomuch and tin liver) havo a vory lar^o tialo and ooutmui to iucroano as thoy biicomo known. Nofchiu^ we noil Riven bettor Batinfaction." Mra, D. GibHOn, aonfeotionor, Itiuorsoll, wiitefl:- "I havo uHod Sturlc'w Powtlam with excellent atfect. loan highly rooom- mend thorn,having givon thorn quito an ex* touflivo trial." Nico to tako, immediate and pormanynt, I'rico 25o a box at all medicine doalnrn. Nov, lac. Mountalu (Jllmbinjr IJuh a wQudorfal faBoination for many inon. And tho hiRhor tho mountain and tho gi outer npica of dangbi about it, tho more anxious iu tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing ixiatuiatH whatever, to yet to tho ton of that mountain. Thoro in au intoxication, a fiery omhuHiuHm about it that-pUEihea ono ou aud ou, ami rente tir ed raiifcolofl and lnnmroH llafj^infjooHnitjo to ovorlaotiu^ly keop at it unt!Il tho top in reached and tho coalim" zopbym that fan tlio brow of bho mountain cool your own throbbing tomploa. Amorioanu havo thought that it wan iiooouiiury to so to Kuropo, to tho Alpo, to iind any full grown mountainn to/iioalo. It'ti all moonhhtno. Inn't 11,000 foot lu^h enough, with glaciern, bhbaoraokod, oracli. , cd cruaturoi) of ioo and anow, and oratora and Huhuioh and prooipiooa tn olnub' over and round, the iamo au in tho Alpu? Yon, thoy are all ri^lit hero olono at liand, ami lfyouaio nituroHtod to know wlioro and how and when, junt aond your addrotm, and ni\ con tn in ntumpf to Giiah. S. Vim at tlio Noithoru Paeillo Railroad, St.. Paul, Minn., and ho will acrid you a biok that vononntn it olinih tip oim of tint (jnnduHt r-'a!tH of oaiti1, wuttt'ii 'i, tho jjontloman whom-ado tli.t tint (int. 'li.o ('hup'ur en t\\\ luouiitain in pro- fuiu-lv llltiHtratod in hall' lono otnliinaa bakon hy a photo^raolior who auoompHnied thu party fur that purnnuo. . If yon ar in> tortiHtoti enoiif/h in yiun* mvn -"TMti'V to deoiro 11 know about ltd wondorful .aoouio features, VOU want thin book. tllO llHUl il \v st V*. ill )- I tin,', uii i.), inujoilty fur T.ii ton c'tntie VV.ntl -All - J a lull MM; m.ijoutj tot .m1 ' 1 l.itU Waid Mei-iK.i. ' lsa, mnjoiity foi Mi ^ ham' St. Ann'n "Warfl .Mc li.un - -trui I^SO; majority lur ,\U h i i The flrft roturnii whtiii iuui IvibL-ral luadfju.irtcm vi.ii. uul enoourajrlni?, hut the n .jlt.fi.t iii. jurjtj of LUU rolled uj> Ln hi i,,i t L'unaillana In tin* 10a.-1 \V u i a.ou their liupf-H and it iooii h> i i-vul. i . Llutt Mr. McSlutuu wvvuld i *vc uluid n ajontv. 'J he hall v.u t'.i n.i <i ;>o li..u the mompnuera with Lh uttnii uiuld not get In. While they had b lii .sLru,,- hlluir iur adan-i-iun tin h ,ni* > li..u been posted up ouf-ddc Iwm, Mi i\U bhane a maloi i y ol' ovh iuu Th.-t-lu torn wont u Ud with fiit.-uslri.'-ni, nnd thtrc were loud alii ol " Speech bpeeoh " It wan out ot' tht> ctuc-rtion \u bptak In tlie hall, as it win nmiM to liuft'ocation writli a fienal< d oio-uvl. and ten timep thu nunibei v.uie out In St. Jamta UiVPt. Air. \V. A. Vol, tin cl.alnnnn ot tin West Ward, ihueio *o aiilte-d the pcojdi* tu go to the St. I-*aw- renoo }lall, wheie Mr. McShanu would ypoak from one of the windows Tin:- they tried Lo do, but an eriually laij,<- oiowd had ftatheiud there. With tin Ijrmtetit dlltllculty ithe nu'iTibu-i-oh wi aurooeded In enteiluK tlu hall Whin he appeared at the window In bc< nc which mot hhi eyof haw stjldmn been efiunilud In Monti tal. From-St. P&toi street iih 1'ar as the I'ostolUce St Jumes-ntrLt't was throned and tin tiaillc v\ tih entlic-ly aubpended. Air. McHhnne was ho uxliauttud that hu could hardly speak. Mi. W A. Weir, on hfy behalf, thanked tin- olco- tois for the magnificent usuk whith ht> dpclaitai1 fcouiulud thii duath-UiiL-ll ol the Ottawa Government. Mr. C. U. Jnv.m, M.P., who d d nKuid ,uoiL al lihioitfih the campaign, I'uikini; tli .ml In J"i < neli thanked tu* 1 li in.h-U.ui.I'll tn-j fo-r ekciuu his fe- iuw -ii i*>hmau, lion. Jiimea Alctahanu lils Utu ulicit*. Harney Devlin, h .d b en i lectcd in 1871, but wus d lenod in 337S. This \<CLOi*y av< nfd the do it at In lh7S, and ohoweit th it Mr I..inner Is the m.in toi tin* counlry. CriLS ot "McShane. AlcShane,' bo c.iuiu t*n btronp and Insistent that tin1 new M.l1. was compelled to n-tep to l i window. lib nppuuancf* was tru ' K'nal for denfoi Inj? che"1:.^. lie thanh- tir, tho flwtiT.s fot fdretlnff him utter n hard arid tlfrce battle !-uch a.s few nif e\er hefon- had foijcht. He thanked not onl\; the Ml p ils but a'.sn the fun i'iv:iH\is who hnd eonii to his mht- pi-i t. IU wti'i abused dnv afttr ilu 1)V Tho Gn/cttc- but tho nnmimn fn.sr- of th- peonl'*, the meclnnlc ' n^h-n"-' ai d in-nf* lonnl nion. thmifh' olhirw1'1, nnd t >-dav h" \vnf. a mem h'i n th irus0 of Pornmons. IT.' \* -tubt Ik- a fTthfui e,p*<nnt of tin t ili- who com him to 1"*:u lh rni u m'k] jj f.tlthful fnll'i-vcr nf M;i T/iurio" I v. rv -,rnlin<^ nf ]\rr MfKbarn*1 sm" eh v.:ih ohiowd to the echo, ami v.In ii Ik concluded the re was pande- m> niuni Mi. H. vlln called for chorrs for ilu- Qijfin1 w'uch wi-ip kIv n with \ will. Mi. MeHl nne and . eoiiplr of fi mud tin. u iriul to t'Nu a ciil) to j^o horn 1 ol tin. i'hi \d \ i t,o i i"isi. alonj; f-1' '1'iiir '-Hn ( t thu1 vehicular tiaf'le v-a unpuj.sibK. "J he walked aloiur to Vic tin i.i t'luaie, followed by ^uittl p npl , cIk i i int,- and j,houtlntr. "What's tht nialtei with Jlmmv Mcaimrn* V" i iin - iua c h man j?c<i to jjet Into a dab, but his onthii'-las Ic .sup'Jit.is 11 <i th I* sc ami took charge tlunuorw The cibniuii was hol.st d un tot* of hi.s hnrio, a sru'rv-lookinir. lean-colored aninul, nnd lud tin1 pr> u*Mioii up lii'itvcr Hall Hill al >nc; i inunc t( i sir i i to Hi" Wimboi, fol- ' vi d In *il au' "no j onpl-1-. Mr Me- Phano way comprllod to 'rale- another h\ rich he e. If. ^ul' thM du 1 ir tlio e-nin;iicrn he had invei -nld fin unkind v r.rd to anyone 'The pernio htood by Tim* lo m\* answer to thr.qr> u-lltj a ..Li.. < .L;ti , iKJ5 . i d 1 J. AM ^. i -, . u ' \ H i ii', iMiot uy 1 .n . ! . . .|..< ib i 11 i ,i j i) 1 Tit tof i * i ,j ol Un .l J laL uu ii > (i i tjjtu of the it.Kvi're rro'ii * 'ei i ii .i n s ......* ..I.. ,.$!', ' Im. - 1 ........... {.. S.m , i I tiin i rued .....1. 1 ..'.ddiilun.LJ accident linuijuL ' ,*>i'i . V> ,""0 I..5 2.711 l.nin '1 he uipendlturo wan Hen ml i xr oiroo...... (Hih c < .f] enscs...... I'uhdlnt; i-':pemieu..... hrorhVnry'Wn"ntnV...".....l. 3o;?*ln 0.. Accident boriUHCH.......... l.tnl w" Km ultui o.................. 51 s> I ..'1 ti.io to Permanent Ret fro 1 und...................\ lUTh ^ ij'::,H(io . > For the m )i:ii oC -DoojmhUp oJ'their Of New Winter Goods. We want to mako Docembur tlio binaer ^onfch of j tho year, and oifor the greatest ^dmnhe l)',u*Llias in ;q now up-to date reliable morchandiaoiGvor attentp(j0fj }3V us, This Gigantic Sale comtaorieea (*>a \[ond i ing, December 2, C6mo early and ah.ire in th rooni- plum^. The relief fund atutementlow*'d an evpendltnio Nov. *10t of $1 with a balance on hand of $^00 It The picoldent'd addrens" w^ oneout- iiKim;. lie cjnjsiatulatecl tllncsocla- tlon on the clone of anoUiumci eiis- ful yLar, during which lt Id be en able to incruL'o the reHerveind.n'it- wlthstandlnu the lare numbjof moi- tuaiy clalma. Referrlnrr to tho mattei ii tatn disability fund, the prenlden lou/dit that the nssoc aim Kot unuiniy f,m d value. If any fuitlior provli writ linked lt would bo n< coh'hlimm tn travelcni tb-cmaclvcfi to puybr the ucheme and put it In opc*ratlor "Au far au our ra-Hwayu \il enn corned," Mr. Gray Hald, "the ' ik.s or the [LHftoclatlon wero dm> to 'n fo their aid In encouraging intti triifii' and tints building up the mclxhip but their thnnkii were nlj'o duk tlu truvelera, and the benefits thdllo them," in his opinion, "werfcu lj Mimed, In opening internal ti.M Concluding, Mr. Gray rcf-rieltM deputation of travoleia who Jntij waited on Mr. Hare >urt In r'tne* to the appointment of a provlnl o' fleer to look after the Ranltaryi.d tlon;( of hotels throUehvnt thouu try. "You will remember that a ' hir deputation \*nltrd on tne (i ment nearly two yearn since Uw then promlned th'it attuntlo-j e qi irlven to the matter thr<>u'h the t i lnspectora throughout the pidr and our members, weie invited tt In complaints to the dopirtmont, ' would be acted on. T' H, hothouKh many eomplatntH have I made, hna proved very inei'lor-t vi vory little chawyo for the 16t a I "m Inffirmed, ban ta' en phi"-*.! Tho different parts of the finiu statement were considered fieilatil the afternoon neaalon, afttr v/htc and the auditors' report wpic adoi The mortuary fund wa3 ahOwil have paid out about a quartos 1 million dollars torvp-iatlves of iVi mfmbei", nnd hns hueoeeded In aou ulatiiiK about a quarter of a m!L more. Mattera of Import.inci po(iJ out by tho actuary were tha*. d.^1 the hard times, the membership t ineroaaed by 159, and that the acii claimH have reached only G'l per ci) of what wait expected. DRESSfJQODSDEPT.' plcto wifcli tho ilnosfc I'i'oncU novoitiGR in Columbia Clofchu, Two Tonod I'.iXoota, Novelty Twoodn and Estamaitio Sorgoe. 10 piocoa Taffofcta Silkn, rog- ulur price -tOo (ov !J0c yard. Regular hQc japaaoHO waah- mg Silks for COc yard;--------------- Best $L.^J)ToktfDo~Sbi drcsM 3itlc8 rodacod to Ofio yard. Doablo - fold -10-in Boston twillod dross goods for 15o yd, $1 quality lacing Rid Cllovos in black and colors reduced to 7fio pair. 60 pairs Corsets" lor 25o each. MEM' Wo jiir-i havo not apa< fc0 tflU you ono hali about ouL (jIq^, insr Stook. We sl>(lwlho bi " Rost aolootion nt atylosa Bhadosf pattorns, lottiurinld and m,l*^()g in E^eox. Don't buy J BU^ QT Ovorcoat for wintor u,f;i VM1 , , , ucn you seoour stock and pritioa nLADIE8 MANTLES' _ so Ladios Muntles roducoy from $lfi0 to $2.75 oach. r front, doubln ^roaatud, uIoho'. 0Q|jat, largo mandolin fduovyH.riiduci,..! r.J .MilljnerV DoDt.-i oWon ait trimmud aud^aiitrimiued Jir^ aQj Boots and Shoes- % tho oolubriiCud ji. JO. Kiutf 'ou at popular pnep, 1 ', o *>ell I0btwear - T The Nev Furniture has now amred and rla(3y for your inspection. DIEBEL & BRIGKE M. E. WIGL The Cash Gi<cer, and Baker. of a phico whoro they onuld u(i find purohaao what thoy roquiro ou a oloaej hadiH, without bcinu oompellod to pay hi^hor priooa to make up for the ,' made in tho credit oyotom C dljtnd woo our goods, which, are always of tht t'a tho lowont. Kirafc nlaiin hand pioliod are It was rVcomniendLd bv th e < A, luv. pooplu of tho Town of Ehhox aud ourrouudiun country havo Jong fidt the mlltor. nnT>olnted to conf-ldiM' 1 hi"* t> l * nf r,i,iof> \olmrn tbnu nmdil im find rmrnhiiHn whut thnu fnnrniro ni n. nb-tna rnation of n total rll-ahllttv fund tlM no one should be the recipient nfnir ttnlofis entlrc-ly unfitted to earn his ollvinp. Tliey alpo urpfed tended ro as to Incl an well as accklen stmnffly taipported Taylor and C H. Mpkm. W. K. Ell's nnd f S V:n opposed It on the priound th .t tt v A CARH VArv F0R FIRST-CLASS BUTTJGB AND FBBSU KOGS not dr-finlte enough In i fc f1L*lI!\1 A!bnER PKODUCF,. tlon on the matter was d-.-leri.ea tr another Bcs&ton. i0Dg DELiytKED PKOMrTTjiT. UAIIII.ION hllWklV tilth f'AHK 1 li E. WIGLj lr:od to eiu^h i"**.' ~\T( wii then nl- lr\\r-d to entnr the W'lnd'-oi-, nnd thr 1 ' " '* ' ir ' be qnnn aftei V .'II fit f'f 11 /l ) r. hit/ It ,|TiO -Amonnr th telo"rmo of ennrratnh- flon v bleb Vr Mc-Shanc fi-'-lvcd wgp- the foilowiiu' : Arlli hiIa*.lllo, Qik1.. Deo. 27. T\Tv mo(*t Jiau-tv < nniTntiilatfnnn on y<vt-Invent vlotdrv CMvo mv thml;=* to nil our bny. fplpnod) Wilfrid T.n.nrl**r. Kin - t-w\ n r *>7. ton It form A^^oclMlon sendn tlirret'moH thro for vonr <T".\t \ktuy. (f-'Ifrnr d) K. ,T. li. Pf-nse. Pn iibmt. T-iOiMbm, Hi c 27. Tho pnnple'w Jlni- ity foii'ver. (Sb'iifd) C. R. Hvman T.nndan, 1 x c. 27. The Younu Tabci- ali of T<nndnn ron^r.itid.itt1 you. We v-111 do the same foi Ilyniun. (Filynedt GfOi'E'f* C. Davla. l^ondondetry, N.B., Dee. S7. Oii inv u'ny butee. 1 have Junt heard the Rood new IhMrtb'Ht coiiKiritulatlona to you and the Montrml frienda on vour uplendld \ le.lory. (Hiprnod) W. B. Flold- KlnftHlnn, D t. ?7. PonKratuIatfom. on viot'iibiu.s buttle for Canada to re sume r'j/hl*- fourlit for by Baldwin,Ln- t'ontnhu' nnd Young;. (Slgnou) Alex ander i'unii. Queli 'f, T>"fl. 27. n^Bt eonrrratula- t5/i-lt nn Vfiip* Mnlet-dni "|"l'"i' ,1"" rnh for Laurlor. (Slirned) K Lango- her ( ] Corn vail, Dec. 21. Congratulations tn ;.j ] d] 1 'i* -Jlimny mi urn in bi*v *-t-il e hiio the Toiv eotfin. (Fltrnod) C. VJ v urr, i dltor of The Frcohoblor. Ilnliim D c "7.~A(,'C [it my warm- cut eoi.u) ai illations and thaao of Nova t'oothi I.ilcialn nn \onr npiendlil vb'- tni". U la tho t-onchndve tolton of (lie <.J<vi-i"nvn<"'nt'M da\'utnll. H1 nufh wen' -haded. T.t t .lacauen Curlier follow milt r ta [?loil- iMti vlobuy, (S'(;n d) J. W. r.ontfloy. \ 'i odidntk. iJoo. SS7". J nil"." fttl^ned) Jatpen Sutherland. (Miintford, Doc. ( 27. 'Mlrnntfortj! '.'uuiiK LlberalB confrratulato the "Pco- riye tTimmy"wo?i Uio great pYjotoryj' Arauincnt KlMtril Uy llr. .luuftrn Tttouii ;iOHaooilr Hull. r Mr. Charles Moan. Q c, and Mr. a Ifi. O'Meara, appeared in behalf of tin Attorney-General before Mr. JuaLic 1 Xloae at Os^oode Hall ye-teiday tu' hurffue the case acralnnt th llamlltoi Mtieet Hallway Company for alllc^t-d violation of the Loid'y Day Act, tin company bcln^ lopres-nted by Mi Edward Martin, Q.C., and Mr. Kor- man Mai tin, both of Hamilton. The point argued related merely to ques tion of the company's right to operatv Uh bybtuu on tho Sabbath day. The evidence bad aheady been hoard by Mr, Justice Hone, but the arguments had been postponed until thin time. The counaol on cither .side was well equipped with law hooka, Htatutesanu other documents containing Informa tion of a nature favuiable to both Bide** of the case The learned counsel went into the iiucgtion ah to what constituted a tru- v volar, claiming It was ucceKiary for an Individual to travel from onu jiuituhi- llon to another be tore he could be b- Kall/ looked upon aa a traveler ; or, as he hlim-olf cxpercbbed k to His Lord ship, a man 'taking a boat for Nlajrura. would be a travelor, while a man t-lm ply employlnK the street earn Lo f?o to Illrjh T'arlt would not be a traveler. IIIh LnrilHhLp. however, could not nee it In that llfjht, and oxpre^ed the be lief that a man bi.ca.mc* a traveler In stantly from the time ho set out, no matter what might ho Ulb dchtination or tho object of hla trip. Tho learned Judge gave the argu ments of counsel tho clo>-est intention, seeming t think he wns bound by tlu* authorltloH cited a" to the meaning of the woi-d " trnvor." and also eliciting all that could bo said n& to right to In junction i" this elns'i of hi'soh. nuppo-- Ing" it. to be admlttLd that "tune of tin* perf>onc lining thu rcrs were hot "ti.j- volers" within tho act. He abo thought that If the: net o Ohnrleq II. was In farce, a., contended by Mi. Mohm, it worko.d rutins against th philntUf, bpcauHO under It people could bo compelled to tt" to ehni.'h. nnd thoi'efoif, if weak In hudy, tin- mil way was a work of ijitoh, Ity to ciua thorn lo worship. Judgment ww> i*i" yurvod. H. WIGL.E, Mgrj Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex. A T lem and Canadian srmotor Steel iindmill I 7 Are acknowledged LEADE^Sl ei^^j as Power or Pumping' WindmLiUfl^-^ Now York. 'A windstorm i.wept over eastern New York State to-iUiy. ilolnij. Iieuvy damuffe In several cities .anq. I thiQUCh tlifi 'cou)itrv,. ( , ' For prieesj ii:& terms, address T. HALFQi Essex, .Qttfl fe^w. - . , _. Agect-,.foV(.Mi 874775