Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 3, 1896, p. 7

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mi l*tit ,>> t<\<\*,i'k by SI baby'? owtl if THE XAPlfAL uie.. uayjr.a I" i:h1p bWn- The -TEH- ABNOUMCED mission pa _ cab(n<jt Squobble the Shortls Case. fctfv-v^ hatt trie*, i, >ve, naf dded ounce ( -flesh meanr fort, Fat 1S >i;ness and corf rfect health, ^ignal of J baby ftmfort, goo-11 ekuty. _ L,u,si0n, . with Ovir V.c-nrlr- In aIi- ttu.r Not * * l'rn.til-.. .1 -I He toclttl ^rrmi Ur ltd v.. iJ.:. Ml'^kiily l**'*'*1" V-i.. tu > hL,rlt HIMM u- ------i------[--/tesTTa the eas- KiypophosphU b call have, lest fet-food J J u g te.th0.eafe8ihat he cannot Pf. )uf- Qlo rdin ary. food, |J#V? I1! him over the fkjund helps perfect Is; growth. ,'*"VJTT & BOWXB, ball* Wl 1S& OF '!i:i>v CHINA DiSM /iiu. Out. 0c< anil 9l.oo WiKN 1 ft sroi JLAI>\ IN. fc. Y < At I \' <i!' \ 1 <; JI< r ll.i.hi. NuilVrtd I <: itn-< uui 1, Alm^Nt JTroui tb ^niii . "lkn-.iv, . Dr. Wil'Ttm , ,liv**d mnijii- atter<nl ty lJohUhton M J.youn^ My ' frietjiU Htiil ; ihud l*n;n *', reoo.VHrv. 'rtij'.tdiut: <ahe n*vw ii jkpow li tayw'plwu '/thu'clittli '"fficti, iinH . Then I w . Inll nidi- flivr hob : did no* 1 U ;i I <>mi iwi > 11 f I jl'N"TO" "I'UVAlltvi Willi lii" -.- 1'lNil. ir, I wjh iinab-t: toil-upt "' wuh luvipg1" --it (lO'vn i.ikI r whc.-i I (here, Hill fcn- ;.-mi ii m\ hiri- h'< nine- hHiidmoju inrew-\ I lP' ,ltUl'- |y atii) in-t ii'l int#-rof m ! '" wnh b' low that lfrt'COVrv f '.01. fX 3d. A'1 thift juncture my m"t- wm |urt|3lo iti A uWHpii'imr i' lutiia- tlif.' cur ioQutl la-y \*bone ca.- *'" aimm- '-Dticul with mv own. 01H vvi-'.nv mi- l(luMDv. Wiilmm-' P..)k P.Jk mi.. 'prompted, u tn:il "f "",r m-Mlir:iuH he V'o w- r- u^il aff'l nu oi jirtpmvt'ii.t-ui, an 1 1 Vl UDiitg tho Pink Pil'n niiii1 [ lr-n itiir._b.c.xi', till Ibt; tun- U'siuin^ UMtll liOW I lo-l MifK. T i.i.Vp YO mv i>lf) timn h i'Ii'i. 1 .a it mm nnuaidtiinnQf witRnq* i' i; tf tirud. urn iio longer troubled* wjih thut ,,ilopain in mv fUhr My app. tit.- lui friWl 11 nd f oun now out umtOHt ii- Jli I'd 'i' y momi'OJ' uf tho fanjiy, nud I lw tl t lia'l t wot lutein tulnnti lJioi- Ottnwu, 1V-R. 2ft. The Oovernor-Oen- ci-nl'M Kcw Your l.'Vfl \/\\\ lw bob! In tli Honntt! Cliiimbor on Wcrlm^y nurnlnif, hifttcutl of In the olVce In tlV iMint block an In twn-nr yi-n-H. ^" iho ritii.-in.inn lier Kxcdlenry wiU hold 11 ncuj'irioii at tho Oovcrniruiu Houh lldlH Ii l-j C 0'clOCk. TlK.- UfUlll Htnto (llnin 1 in connLtittou with oiichIuk of I'urlliimont will" be hoM on ThurMlny cvuiiiiiK. The di(i.wlnu room foil Avmii tli' Ji-munptlon oi yurl!U:i:fititJi'y work v.lll, il lh oxpeoifca, bo luld on fctatur- Uny ovoniiit,, jk,nui:.ry nth: In o..nn- tun wliii in* lutior funvilon a *w lujt: In lo hi! adoptxd. in the ciib^h of Uu.u.1 .-. no are to Dc piN'tt-'NtHl tor the Jiio. u..t:, upphcutloh is. to bv mado to tii; itldc-dc-ottiiip In wultlng to that t..<.. utci.ui.uvy biili.a d'ontruu w-y lJ* Tht: lutoat HpectiLcle tor the country If -ma of tho IJawoll Cabinet titrtig- istlnu In il ttiK-ol-war on u tiutitold. 'i'iju <"iiif htion. of raco a^pwu'ii 10 be tho ci,viui.,fJ imu wlih fioine, and thu de- t iii i..j i...uuu Innueiiliul HUi.norturij gov- :Ii.h i.liu uctloiiH of othci-H. At (tU ivu'drt the Onbmet ha,vo for throe duyif di.i.i.n thrtjc- cparut j*it^lai misulona boon s(iuabL>lln over tholr rocouunen- daUuii 10 ii\H I'jxcellenxjy a to whothtii* tin- luw will be allowed to Uuio Itu vuittiL- in the wiBe ol VcUentlne fahoruly, the miforturuiio. younf Irltthmun now uunltlna (ixiKiutlon at Ucauharnol* on i-'riduy next. l*a Mlnerve, the or- can oi' Sir Adolplio Carou in Montreal, recently rc-furred to a rumor that t>o- llilCiil conBidoratloixa would lead to clemency, and tjpoko atrongly in oppo sition to commutation. Other French ComiervaUve pupei* not 00 guarded de clared that It'..a plea of Insanity -wa* not allowed to Interfere with the eoti- tonco of death pasHod on Loula Hlol, IL iihould not be adopted, now nu a ~-.principla-to_Havo the life of BhortiB. It ww hinted thai certain ixm-hohb of ln- flueneo were mulcin^.a iiolnt of navlne Shortia from tliu nallowR. Whatever tiiore may have been In the report that the case would hxvo some effect In th Montroitl Centre election, It was true that the oaco waa sent to the Council on ChrlutmuH eve, juat four duyt before tho election, Tho troublo aroHc, however, from the French-Cana dian Mlnlatera, who pointed out that commutation on tho cround of Infini ty might prejudice the electors 6t Ja<v;uea Cartler .agalnnt the Goverrt- moTit. The Counoll spent tho afternoon of Dec, 21 conMdei'lntT the case, tho afternoon of Due. 20 and the afternoon of Doc. 27. At this lust meeting, which was on Saturday, It la Bald a decision wan come to alter a division wan tak en by a majority, of one ; which way that deelalon went it la difficult to fHiy( because far pome reaaon the turnout: bc-crecy 1b observed lit regard to It byi members of'the Council. But an an nouncement will be made t&-xxiortow iiltfht. It Ifi troneraljy understood Ibaj the Mlrliuter of Justice reported to thu Council In favor at commutation, an the chancefl Uio thiit commutation wi decided on. T)Y, Derfiln, M.P., who wrm-hearted sy/7ii>athy in, always 01 listed by dlntress, \utti taken an lnte eat In the care, unci ha btcn a aourt of ftomfart'to the convlet'n father ai mother, who are fcpendlnp tlio&e torj ble hours at the UubsgII Houtia,. '. The lJiL-miet utaved a month nj that uU..thc'Bouts'vd'c'anL in the tloi$ of Commons would be nll-.-d btfi Parllument met. When pnrllimf meets West Huron and OlmiievJ will Htill be vacant: In fact, the- ro' writ hns been withheld .from Chaj voix merely because the Tory pa it not ready to nominate tlu-Ir candid and up to date It has not been isai Ah seventeen dayji ut least must oil between the Itauc of the writ and poll, It will be three weeks nfter - Moment meets before Charlevoix I; presented. The cowardice displ aver Charlevoix Is even worse th( the case of West Huron, boeuui* deceased member for Charlevoix SImard, was a Government supij- Informatlon from Victoria, III* to the eft'eet that Mr. Templemnl* tof of The Times, la Riving Col,*! a close run and will possibly j^ him. The Victoria eU-ctlon wll/w clearly how Liberalism ban grvn that' province ami the pood ejoi Rfr, Laurler's visit .there. j It speaks Well lor tho mnrtli1'^ of Canadians that at th* p cs^f tl'.ero are in the Militia J'eiJnt over tliree hundred applkuLtJ1'01 oflicfirs and men anxious to j["rc military tralnlntf'at the Bevern'0*- duiinff the, term rommoncliitffm]'-. ary. Tho annual militia <j hc.wever,- only p;ovIde foi AT . pft^i.-aj^ a-'^j ;-.-..; ;;T e next two weeks I will give SO per cent. ofHall my China and Crocker;* goot $1 aricles for 80c; 50c articles for 40c. Come and see the big display. Wateles ClocB that you can rely on at prices to suit purchaser. My Stock must b Be^noej A finj gold ring for $1. Knives, Forks and Spoons. Slver Tea for $8.5 periozen upwards. This is a rare chance to buy goods that are suitable for Christmas, gift Silverware of every description. These goods are bought direct from the factory/ an/the middleman's commission is not added to the proper price. [ Bemember this re duced price is for only two weeks. y^5$L - v] . i s ftOzftfcsvt Fs&therbono Skirt, $0^ .....*<LiMdBSSB3E8i FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE LADES'ORFSSES. Vov mile by IcflditiJ1 Dry Gortln D"i'eyn. A iijjht, pliablo. ehiiitio boi imale fr< m qmllu. It ia noft ftm yifhiitiji cMiformiiiK readily to folds, yer fivinu projfer uhupo to skirt;or Tho only Skirt B>.no that may ) wet wiihont injury. The Celebrated roathorbone Cort-ots uro corded with this muturlnl. / \4'ln I would not uavoHv-d mueh |..iur.-r " 'm?h. .Moaai)p.Ht.yi "0 0HMni. i xprt:^ o'(iratnu^o hub feoln toward v-U iriu-.ii ',xn.'.ilomo which baa rentornd. ln-r loved' ^ duwjhtur't.hO'.l'h, and wiK-alwuvii bdquIi of it in turuiM of'ViraiHe. Dv WdiiuniH* Tiuk Pilla nr.^ wyw- Uliy valu-b'e to women. Tlioy build up tho bloDii.reatoro tho norvpy, and eradicate thodo tronbhifi whiob mnkon the hynK :t k- mmiy woinou, ol\ and yoinm, n bunb-n DlaiiuoM ralpination or tho heart, nervous [' yinld lb thl* wonderful marlinno. They ><i ii>ld (inly in nnicn, tlm ti rappor^rintHdiurodiiik,. ixnr B box*tt for 8'2.r0, and uro fluid (inly inWrn.'thn tnub. m-rU nud wrappor^nntH.d iu.rodik, cor.trt boxnr 0 boxw for 82,60/nnd may he^hur! of .dr.Kfth or' d.r^F y' m*il-'fr..m ;i.if>" WiHiamb-Alodicini*, Brockvll.i.- da. I '" ' * Wwli Muolilniiry, l- '.' A "luttHfiitttovy mothort ' of romovln^ 1^,;(nHnkyl,'tbi[iOtiittt of ffntu'ao and'riin \ >',)arcH hf ri^iehlnory by meanH of Htula lyo rnftorttMl nt bolng omployod to u eon- hlorijblo exUmt In Knfflttncl. I'o l.Uftfl ,.. .^wMWy'weight of water, aboufcton or ^' jj Hieeji pfirts--'eauBtlo hwIu ami 100 parts fa.'V >rdJij(iiV aoda la ,th riiila, TIiIh mlxtura iL.-'^tv h bailed, and the parts of tho mauliliun-y are to be oleannd ura placed In It, fttmont having tho effect of quWik*' wniug all groans oil, mul dirt, m'tui ; the metal is thoroughly wnuhod ried. The nation of- the lyo ly, of rTr^j^,to form with the grease aoupa [br^ In water; and to prevent thA lub- ^ g! oil, eta, hurdonlng upon th* " ^plt:. the maohlnery when In uhj, a jpart of kerosene \u wlded. . ^^rS,.,.^ :.:/ tep uln- ftt.weverv only p; ovlde for l:' ,',|- Jnj? of ten olllcers' and twenty)0'"1' missioned olllcers and men oi'11'01-' montlJH, or li:o iron for tin/' ,s(? that unle.iH Parliament vote^0'11'. "appropriation- in the tiliape > a],r" "pk-mentary cKtlrinlo at ttf11' - fKKMon it will not be poshIF t"c department to m^et the vleitn'1'"- who are anvlnes to nnder;f spe cial couro of traInlnK". j - Tl'.l.!;.It.lB*JJB': U[tl,V| A I,ol of NW CiiinO**!i>iMl Iii<KrHn',ki for Ilnsy IVoil*| Belleville, 'Out. Tho bod'1^ boy Breen, who was drowned'-1 wcuu, haa been recovered. ; Belleville, unt. W. Wc'1t>iitot: Saturday pleaded"guilty fMfi* raising an order iron. * wau sentericed to two iiif'1 Jau- Buffalo-Crandali &. C(llIH city -j)(ive contracual to Hupi*11^ loJ" fju'uu cab horuuH lor coiru'*n J-":>11- don, dOntr. j , _ , London, ^n^.-Hepw^Iothlni? factory n'tXt-edu was bP^p*iau-y night, untalling a 16aH/-uljU- St. Paul, Allan. D.JcB from the west Indicate thq'K 1^v; Htorin naa ^riously f^ vvltl.i liellevlle, , Ont.-Apav n a young man who3e hoL\ *n^j near tliis, city, comitf^cldo by Hhootlhg himself a f/,"^,;;^ Sterling, 111., where }VJ">P jyl in The Daily 3tandnJLlnlf 'aco' London Tho youn/'"" [ Marl- liorouKh, nee Vand/vho Is now with her huuband lj ' "^otlat- ng w th a London}?" company for a policy in a lu^ on her hie. for tho benoilt of u1- l.ondon.-The iaJjl treasury roiurui uhow thtttp*" to* Miir- that the Amw^ntaTiS S nogotlating with iPO-niw in cr- llw for *' a ".~vft' r - ] Rr-1! W^iP From now until 1897 for only $1.0^, to new subscribers. SUBSGEIBB NOW. RBGTOtt&O TO MANHOOD BY DF?3*-K. A-K* W ^ A. WAWCMw Wai. A. V/AUCER. MHS. CHAS. 3PEBRY, CHAB. Fl If you wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar to* the Free Press, which giyfes all the local news, and news foreign. The Free Press is clean and neat ly printed? and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex. As this chance holds good only for a short time, -you should not fail to - take advantage of it at once. % ft p-il iTMBATMEH* AStBB tiikitukn'T- Divorced bail united agi , ?:2-N0 NAMES.OR TESTWOMIALS USED WITKtfftt.WttHEN CONSEMT.-tfa Witi. A. Wnlkfiroflinh 8boab wrya:-'*! bate eni untold larnnlcH for my **sny Jifo-V I woaindiBoroofcl yodnifrmd ignorant. AeiIOnooftiioIk>jH"toontrS BypltllinunaothorX'rlvuUfiliaeaues- Ihadtucert in SYPHILIS b^BSSSONS STRICTURE CURED.............-.........____ ~-X '. ^V .,_________J FinallyafriflndinduwHiMototwIJreJtenjiedy* ^ Q'.ljir,".'*('-.7iotiifHlTitni6utonrlttiojn n Xow "wookfl. Their irnatmout itf-wo* > Voi.^- :1 ^'oiir^H gaiuitlH every day- I Imvoiiovorhoard of thoir iailiutf tooaroini tilcGrfl mmmi una Mining bono Jpatarw, lialt^ looaa, phn foooviinuorUaUf|outi]n'ou, (Hiilenlfma.vWcaraB tl doapomiont. Hiwon dootors trtnitod m with, Jl Potuwh, otfl. Tlmy Imliwd mw- bofc could notct >r:u>-' thour Jtablutf to coroi ti?MCURE8 GUAHANTEeD Oa,WONEV REFUNDEp; dipt, ("had, Forry ftayn; "lownmyllfo in Dm. K. A K. IS of ... - .._, In mfthttfui mdnthft wo woro divorced. . ihoii noi)uultt>(l J1rfl-,K. Jt K., wli_o_ nwtored^ niul <ixi>c>rl'Jitw- "by Ilioir A'.nyMeiAmi'Treuttn^nL ifidtVneVlifolhTiinfimnBh "iny uirvofl. Wo wmi uidtivd iiRain nud tire happy. TMh.-woh ^ " "" diatHmidi IMPOTI VARlCOCfeL^ EMISSIONS CURED [lOQ. Address all orders to BPITOB AND PBOPRIBTOU, Emcx, Od*. lilxyitaniuiro.'- X>Vh. K, eVJfCt nroHoleuUfio Hpuoii'dlatHuudFhc^rtllyTworTitnfmdit^ u ygFWt ireat atulcure, Varicocele MniUsionrt Ncrvaia Debility, Seym JjH'ettkness, Gi-^t,'Stricture $y#?iiiist Unnatural discharges, SeffAl ' V^^l I? 17 YEARS IN DKTROIT. 200,000 CURED, NO'BlSft."X^M Areyoa eemtemi peyoa any othfreUw for m. hpn^ (ai^i.'-j^'KjLClMou. UnclouopoutaKO, aconta, ptMiiea. to-'" rHMO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN COr^l IrfiV/.TE. No medicine sent C..O. D- No names onvbosm Cm o poo Everything confidential. Quoatlon list and o< |i)RS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, , --------w^.-^---------.__._ flp iiM/^iliiilii i^SIii^^

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