Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 3, 1896, p. 6

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. r\-:x..r\;?-m^:\p-..- '^^^^^^^y^'i?". ^^^\J"'^"i'iilil^-^tL-iVr1" "/ i. r--:.:?:'. si Push it Along"" 'an to to order for $3-00. roffnL.r prioo $1.00. m Ualvo pattornB, Tjrood. Black. 4nt, to order to,. . ,.ri?0 %^,^ P11"0 juitotoordor for $i:l.O0. regular pnoo ^lO.oO, J-jyoul Suits to ordoi- fo-- $M.UU. rng.i ar Po .^ \^f SiTite to orlor for l<i.SO, regular pneo *ltt.O0, Iwood. And-bo on right through tho entire stock of Tweeds Wo bold to foil tho gooda, they arc worth ev*ry cent rf the regular price, but down to cost they come for / t?KJ ^gl^H/YOtJA and a And at tho name fcimo whli to d-tv your i'.r, nnM-i to ov v* UatHina, Onriuiita. P-umoh, l^w^l V..,Ht LomoriH, Coooamifca awl Bon B >iu, ol a!I Ic;u-U quito oxtunHivo. Wo liavn n t i iUhh-h .>-i-> Hotta, Iruit Hott an-1 W.itor M-*Wi. _ -V > 'i tv' '< of fancy Cupa and Sauoora an 1 t mo t . '*' u mnoaaortmontof Kniyn, (V'ci ui1ii "> - ; ' Wo havo amoo -liworfcmoiit oi 4in/.i.,^i,. nl, ' l call yoiirattontio-vt.-) llu Kni, -iin.'.- # * >f" ^ ' now qnito an oxpanaivo placis ur vmuH > .v nothing to call and noo u ir n-lv ail ; -* \'t Ji-" our r>nc<w. Comonnl <?ot Ut-.> n mi' ymruni 60 Days. We intoud this to be a TRADE SALE o don't be the last to place while the stock is fresh. Our IPJ&JX-mTLm your order, but place it Are a id. THE T-AJ-LOIvj. Dtffistaii Block. tho tradnin all kinds oE Building Material^ Woodwork for houeea, (plain and ornai^enfel); Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal, WINDMILLS i'i'fto nre^Bolo Agonta in tho Countyjfor| Of"Chican;e, whioh took Highest Awardn|at tho Worlcl'u Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at. lowest prices. A written guarantee with ovary Outfit.) Ming- Bros f! J. GOURXAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT '"^^^^^^^^^^^ For GyoceHoH and 0 oekury &^^K^" r II' f^fv- v vi- v..;- ;.-.i._iit'.(1 WENT Y-FDU UTHORS. ""V r>'u Wfl rttftT* "Yo, I l>id you. You mint coma btick to tho houil." "But it win you who thin vtjry morning <lrnv mo away from it." "Fnmut it. Many thing* bavo huppcnml nitii:*1 iluiii. Will you not come*" "Of c'uiric, I will dome." "Then givo me your arm." And Hit it lmppnd that nu lior^ Francif. Onulnw awl Mint*. Lucille <1 Viany tio<! ai the floor of tho Prospect Hoiol afr<-r lh>*ir walk, thoy prcnivol Lady I'ranoih. 'Uii] t\ cmitleman whom neither of them IruJ Mcn hftforo coming toward them film-in. nn, Hin! ungaged in the moat' intimate ennvoraution. L-t mo (hunk y*u.' Thfct wb np]! .Iir'.ly Hone. Vou t*.V4<l thtUoy'i H!, an| r(liiinin^ '\'o LhanlfH are dd. I could timi ie hut. tliul it wim my awn liltlo iomj* of Ah awhwaWs"atttii i^amcd. Tb Ctlton doraaa<*4, la Morvotu accenta : "What, flab Jin *K*,.waJMr h'?" 'Tom Dory, milora," aniwured \h r<'uiintly imported Teuton withunave rdi llfUrt, ' A lifctle btiui of talk lwgn at unci:.;. tho Mf>#tU wurt lotMed. Under uover of iIih Oiatluton bent forward, irrcuiittihly rliirat. iu^ i<> coiifldti in J nay nth*. "I Miiy, I Wuiihi you i;iii.k l>-i MuC^itr is one of tho groatf n guuiln-itt ^oiii^, and a tramandoui dualiat ?" "That hoy I He look* m if dsuidnj,- wum lii.H ittrotig point." "So it jh. H i Uvoritu lunriur of <;n- ttiiiouu invented that figure fur Lutr Iliuiiiu^Iiam'a hall of nhoutm^ with CyUpMi*. howtj and arrows you know." ' No, I don't, t am too old for much hall-going," anawerud the barrUUr uurtly. Muanwliilc, though i'onella imvor onu<i looltud hin way, n\\nlolt that hor hiinlinud'n oy<Hi weru ntuliblng lior with uluii<;u:i hlti< da^'ttrn. It hurt; hut flh had th Hwn.-r rcvtinKo of knowing hIih wan :wonrniinf,' Iih pridn in return, chough tho falau Circo hy luH xidfi might try to pour in bithti. So, looking n. picture of yirlinh awafciniwit in Iht ditliuiout* wiiitn ftown, no Hiiiiplo "Outninuly, mo coHtly a whito hud of a littlii uriMimo in contra-diHiitKHjon to tho (Jai ki:r. nmturcr oharmw of lior handsome rival, nho li'itonud with tipparont oagorneau to iJo Muri/er. "Y*tii, I ahnuld rsgrot not going to Viuna, thiri (.uminer, If I wora not hiir. You do not know It. Ah, how I uhmihl like to uhow you our Orator. And tho life, tin gyly. How you would enjoy it!" "Do you know Vienna!" aakod Mmo. du Viflny mt Onalow in oloar tones, its if hor neighhor* were, dnmmiiw. "It iu how do yon aKy it in Kugliah? la villc la plim dvargond tn Enrop." At the inferenutj that-thia adandontid capital will null hertflif, in nindama'a fvi- dnat opinicd, Fuella,* . pale imall ohaekvi Uk> a kudden rony tint, hor tawny eyux gl-hi with qtaite a ligrUh Hanli, Bho throw* up tor hoad, ohallHnging, Otulow mutftly to (Urn countenanco tho Innulr. Bui J1 rank's French U that of Kton and he rnnroly oj.icuUtuu an "Ah I" iruprcfudvely. ("QunrrelB aro no upnafc-ing to ono'a dic8. Uou, wus CaBtloion'a thought. Yrt nob for anything would he tnive mianed tho liumau iuter^at of the ncenti, whioh won "na gond hh a play." Still the lull of talk wan ommoui, ao h" doaporataly address thu 6nly !mi bud trom whom no exptoaiou Waa t be oared.) "Wh,t is eomlorf uo)t( wniUc V* "SuukU-pig, air, reaponded the gntlr Gorman. tCnnny'a curly puts appearing on a> level with tire tabU cloth;'and ' nestling Iwtwtoii hii mother mnd Jaoyuth coafidibgTy, waa'a wojoomo diveraion. Al) eyfca turned with relief on tho troay, roguish taoev alott* un- iffanalU. I iltfat tkIUCm>11 %km eoui fbing butt Tor goodn< TIeU tth. loW OAYl.Ii iouroey iio-iniirroi ktlon, ittlo iml n yot od ui u ad via1 for a gn1 actually laugh] ou will aUy, lei 1 with my iUt.i said Jiicvmh atrtnga f t" ' thl good sort a k you," aald Yii inK, rH- "What i"tl wher|R0nny " qtit mot his "Shi 0UAER VI. -BY TheVc inorniiiK )< his uliiland oxplamod wiahedV to oxtuhd a Lady Vrioi Onslow Fnnellal't. his alutej* Itelj thereforij^Ugreekbly aur found th!(oW thrjt lady lion. li "Lady^noi-C har eyebl^ husband,'| |>nnlowV ho ia ! BokV tot her fl *'On lie lor! nil *3l (Is and a i a.'"Vrtt te story! account totly in^ )^t hut laU' ,(C have n n, foolinl and aivd or. yo:u|f. IU ii"|llirw, Whor is GranJiaoo)" JMyntloouaoiouli of Hidden trouble among thai. frigidly wiiHwer*d, looking rbuhd. H had "It will eoou bo de4*ert-<timo[ Imay stay, drivon Vvnella au'd tfci* two1 boya out heruWyu't X, mummy!" coasted the child eon- httdauatt film wished to avoid meeting hertdontly. husbinid-and hiaT| prohiblo ompnnion.l Then to beguile the time, he produced , And, lot triukibma lata had drawn thti^ma glNkfl marblcu from hin pookt, limiWK.. i' TUE TIUOMPH CORN SHBliLBB aohino couBiata of a horizontal caafc oylmdot, wtfefa wrought irw oel tooth boltod to tho oylUdor s;> ad to bo-roverri>lo whon#th( Twomi on tho front flido, /uuQing in a pprfonuod ooncavo hoi o Hhollcd conTpftdaoB th^ufeh into a shoot irott oubo. with b Ittaohod below, which takes all tho duat^om tho grain. Thf moat'mmplo and durable Poyr Corn holler w uso; ehollfi eaa ih any ooi^iticn^rtholliog and oloamng from pno to.twc ofoarflp'erdny,taooordinK to.powor. ., . -Depth/a it. Jtn^Iiongth. ' Coiioii 300. to 800/rovolutiona por imnuto; Wop;ht, 5C01bs. C1IAI1, V.-DY MAY CROMMKLIN. ^>ei> not, my wanton, mnlte upnn my kwu, W linn them rt old, tliorc'it prl*f onoiigh tot the*. The won ton smiled, fattinr wept, Mat hit rcrlori, baby li*ant, More h crowed, more w urled, Nature conk! hot Borrow Mile. UrenellfiO(M)21. **rve wired for him J" Fenella irninrtvil in a Rturtling burnt of confidenco. "Iloimy and I got up early and ran down to the relrgroph oilico." "MygondnoM I" Jacynth aiared in m- ^ntful diflinay at her spark)ine (,vt'H ,;:Woll 1 you huve mado a nico cnmplicn- 1 iton, now." The girl laid a beseeching hand on hi irni, "Don't look so furious ; and do do .stnnd hy mo in everything ns you promii*d. Kemembor, you are my only friend lu-re uxttept Ronny." "I have promised," hi said Holcmnly. "But you might' consult mo an a friend. And why do anything so rnah mad ?*' "JJrcjuiHo all my hfo I havo taken my own way. Ilocauae if no comos hero to ,vex nu>, when we were all milt* happy" aim not her smill whito tioth "and flaunts thai creature before my vary face, I will jiH^h. nun tMi I'tM < i^ in* '. t:n woihi ! S iiit'P tor hi: liiHiHi) i> t-iuici- '; hi.! uni'" "Xiil uUw.y-*.. T.iic Cii'ti." '"Ilcfjiinf*. I w imi . io ci-nviii'-'i yon uvhryono ilntt- on my nh\>- lisi-rc, ih n.ii.-iinj to hut nit), hoi l)in ^ on, tiM'io" with a ml: ln-i ir. '.tWU: 1,1 l nk in u--v vnii-c i Inn jiuiki'h' Cluii. roc \t r. u-jh-j-- f(ir^iit<eii i liiw iniwi-iMuUi inini- ih'mh very ni'ftrly 1 hardly nhpi ia.-'t iilyi-t thinUin^." "You nie fin id of him nlill, liioiiV mtid Jiicym.h, vt" y low. "No ! no ! I int;<- him now," idm taclaiin- mi |iUHHin'iiiuiiy, i.poKi ri>jiinzii)[; ilit; tocIlh Lini tinu in"iitnl. "I din.n ii l:k<> in di vorce liiin, mid mill -hum that poiHonous uipmit enniliL'ii .iliVu.'.' "Cmui', lion'i. bay niutii lorrihlii tliingH. And ilivttrtiH in m* Hiicli easy" .hicyti'li'ii lifurt hoAt. hard an ho anothod iho houiUtroiig girl. If hIh* w<'io tmlfd ii i! ! Down, down, wild Impu ! Wim ho out. lior trim fiicttd and fuit,hful couimeloi' 1 "1Si> (.hit* liccmiuin for your tiitfiiuii as. wo drove here. You mi-unt to spring thin ur- niiurt on mi.*." Femdlii injililt'd, miHoliiof siniply brim- , iiiiujj over in lior BUildonly traiiafonuoii lit- ilo fiice. "Ii I fjftt into a Nurnp,*ynu*vo got to. y<;t mo out. It'u a duel, you boo, hnLwiuni foin of tin, with you and Lord Caatloion for [i<-coiidH( and I come of a fighting family," her foot breaking undur hor into a tow tons of war danoii, "Oh, look thr<i !" .Ihsr Hhriek rang far and shrill through iho Kuarimbomitgh rocks, as, Ntiifciicd and' ilunly io sionn, she stood witli outfltrotuhed .iinnu, her training oyes gazing up at tho i;iiH*. A ninall ohjool had luirllod throngli Homo . bruahwood -ovorhoad, and, rolling doWnWKrit,";waa now stopped' half-way. It \V,m a litt-lo hcty, clinging doyporutoly to a iniflh ut which Im had caught, Buforo iho-hint dou'iuIh had loft her parted ipb, dacymh hounded forward and wus daiiib'iring, apiingiiig ns best he could, up fmm fouthold to U:dgu. Mai^y holidays of inoimUin.climbing utond him in good etodd. iliglu-ra ill thero ! The bush is giving H'av slowly ai tho roots. A1 little shower of alio hua immchow tottoVod with quaking Iuhjos onward. Safe Bife! .Just a tho terrified child toom Jijh hold giving Way, a strong arm ratahos him round tho wkihI, 'Thank God 1" exclaims a woll-known nmti'u vnioii Fonella fuels & Uttlo. group ilxmt hor; aummontdby horoohoiug Hhrlek, tnir, 'her Hlmlnp/ vision sutta nothing ' till I toimy lb placed; pale but plutiky, , in her .irma. 1'resently, with tho boy hugging her .nock, and her own tight grasp proving Wo baa ho boh as broken, she turns io find KiMik, looking strangely excited/ holding <iiia.biuid to J^avut-W- two thither as by aotna ivreaistlbU attrao tion. Luoille was meanwhile looking on with inunse apprenhenaioti. Thei child the child,wo* llioflole remaining link between thin, man and wifo.but that one how atrongl She must Interfere rapidly. Next moment shu had dropped on her knees beside Ronny,who now stood Icaniriv auaiuat hU mother, and had tenderly lifUd hu hand. * 'Poor infant cheri ! He ia btradlng, a 1" And she softly wiped some trickling drops from a graze on th' chubby, Childish fiat. "How dare yout L*av my child alone!" blaieod out Fenolla, withdrawing as if from th touch of a reptile. Lucille rose with an air of dignifind humility, and looked full at Onslow,' with, surely a sudden moisture m her beautiful dark eyas. "I have made a mistake, it is l.rui*. BuL I ant a woman, and nrily retm-mhered that a child wait hurt your child !" The last words wer murmured only for IiIm oar. "Come away," aald Onslow briefly, but aouKolingly. * * * * A very thunder-cloud, charged with elec tricity, overhung the ond of ono of the long dinner tables iu the I'roapeot Hotel that evening. Lord Usatleton presided at the. fnot, the poet of honor. On Ida right hand, seated thus low, as befitted now gucetc, wore Lord Francis Onslow, anil, "by Jove! Mm*. rie Vigny herself."* To hia left Jacynth, faithful to'bis place btsida -TP**ll*7who had asked the huud-waiter homo days ago not to move her seat higher, io -usual hotel progreiflion, opposite a sour-faood ant of ladie*, with side-ringlets and warming nan brooches, who wldapcrad inuendaes about herself that palled aa a diversion. She had then innocently preferred new arrivals. So Castlfiton looked at four freo/.ingly oxpres- ainriless faces, four pairs of eyes bottling up lightning)!. "In for a storm!" ho chuckled to himself, tfuhbj"" Id* pii .-ii handfl under the table. "But v.. i) it M-v ldv keepjng that empty pluce for on lnr nt.lwr nid')!' Just then a mIiuiii vnnng w 'i blond curls chiHteriiia thickly oil hi^ .iiift.l 'well- waxed muituches, and a nlighlly foreign military air"about the cut of his clothes and the ptiflhesa of -hia shoulders, came down tho long room with a buoyant step,' Fen- ella'a eyes gleamed au she held outlier hand in greeting,, which tho newcomer proascd with that-mingled homagu and effusion be- tro,!"tr a stringer to ICugliHh ountoma. C. .mw's'dark faoo tjrew middouly livid with puHsion, Ho made a niov. uiont as if about to rise, but was rcntrniucd by an Im ploring touoli on his ami. and a mittmurcil entreaty from his companion to he calm. "You see I I oheyud your inuiwiuu on tho Instant," natd tho nowcumor in lrnelln. hi an undertone, audiblo in the foil sdemn around. "LR8t work you tmid tlnn't come the saltrcallar, wiiere his iriend Jaoyut^h |tlded and sent them back. With her arm ound her son, Fen el) a was chatting matedly to Do Mur^or, rejoicing inward y her immense supurioritv over her opposite in possessing Ronny. A vagrant hall iping the latter's fingnra, oannonua off iah and flow straight into madamti's lap, h a secret honeyed glanoe at Ronny, she led to detain it. o, you mustn't! That would be abng, urn) thou you would be put in lAn,'p rumonxCrated the cliild. Then 'dng at her with the aweut familiarity of oU Raphael's ahernlw, "Were yu ever e. do Viguy, whf. was just liftlug a tuhiB fif cLrot to her lips, started, so t'dbni" wiiu) wits piU. Hlio ruined her d^lo brows, with a glunce of churming din at Oi olow'n g'.oomy face. u atui und Juoynih, noticing the adoi- doiljtohanged furtive,* surprued look. ito~mnre heeding that rd iiuUliiitl if ho had slopped over his glasn of m announced in joyous tones, "Bo- catiHwuB very noaily. Grandison and mo \ very naughty miift, and hit* nursu trieilgive uh to a p'leecemau, hut we pulley her drun no hard she couldn't; &"d i/lcucnman uliook hin finger at ino *d'i 'Next time 1' Oh, I aay 1" Sully diving, hq that hia little body eUuUinolla'a grasp, to her surprise he rtmhwjud tho table and ilung tilmsclf agitinl-unk, who hud annexed the truant nmrblL] WUB (jstiMitiiiiiiutily accreting it iu his) imukot. "G4 mo! PlBffS Fruihld tho trmtmue nearer, thon om- hr>Lciu|L hny'o idiimldi-riH with nnu un- rou'iinijj, atuop.-d >tnd deliberately kioa- d tlieU cliildiali/aeo. ' "Tall liiortt. Why, you will'aooii bo old onVo si-hool." RaifiiL head, hu>. Io<>kod taraight at Kenullal sm:h defiance that tho wrath- fill joab, boiling witliin hor at ao H*igruntt,w 0f luuhoriLy, suddenly cool ed. 1 \\ ith Wor at the. warning, hIi<j never- thtsleus li)hit to rotoit with oool, do uisive com. *-]{ontty, come hero. You uuiBt. tiiim,jt (i.-nr, und not goto ut- or pi'd * I'hm, ubn riiwtled from the table witlerb dinpleiniuro at -Frank's unwarrurj liberty. ' Buih Do Murgor I'wAl It'a mine ! You. must 1 ftj* ibt D0 "Yes.U^Uu Jacynth cfciy, vsry badly 7- ' | "I rQineigpjTgaaiinething h{ sister. 'I;- tliiinlf ther shuttling of0,Car< Frafcis toolpfi^ill hia wifn coii^d h gr. la noti "It is a Franc U w* Jaeynth hotlj "I havo m thiuk I woiih to her. It tVf'ro betwne|u^| I do hot H\Un," said hj yol to l*t-m*i ciijand I houll hy *ra yo^ cause I tl treat^edi'and: b( reckless little much from.yoifr **i dialuo mipj men," aald Halei rather ut know \, VYouVajre Vry unlike yWur uaual got hertdlf into a I ' get hdr out "' It * . atWli>t\fix haa ild ""WIl,V'wilt win hro, aa oucourie ydiaUly afclr Ilia arril pnarad on thV scene.! who is natuVallv out) telegraphed\J.oUe M* ind this wilH of coutW] black far heryf you JJ help nd mitral si know any ludles her ' Yacttd in-iprudcptly." * V^STVtiii lioT."' ___ stupid y. It oiiYVoirj/nia my im! that I would tatl^r not icnaw her] hia sister. "tsuty Ilel^n, l.n is very young, haf no one to idvit^i ht'r." "SI14 has you ia ndvise her/'li iTidnti ; "and hb yow are a clever, | liiirri-*ter, I should have thought you h.ive l.tjon wipo utiunyh to have prp< 11 *r lelegrttpliuig for her In'ver.1' "Ha is not nor iovi--r," ihuuiod Jvloudly. "Aa to her extremo ynutli," piUHUc^ aiaior, unmoved at hiu interruption, lias a child old enough toj play cricke] other. "1" octi you to) yqu. to irfifltedTtrhJ BW has afcV ia^'anl tn who ice." ivw', reel "and1^ Ltly and you pleaao me. got herself you. Her i(Ju know,' al Mwe. d< Poor ti aged at n.^ nger to e, ma-ket n not pV " H and of cc ll -it in atupeed. Now ynn nay, oomo i" "Ah, but wo have had 'munn new viniiors since then, und it in much more aimifdug." After which really imnndont. reihark, Fonella leant hack, and with a look .of in fantile Innocence on her piqunnto face, in dicated iTacynth. "I want to make you two acquainted. I like my friends to like each other. Mr, .Jacynth Count do Murger." Tho two men's .'eyea. mot. Cl'itheiWa gaft* grnvely observant, Ito^turgor mo mentarily taken abitck, then bowing with gny-ruailinuEfs, aH who uhould nay, "A rival? Como.oul measure.sworda." . Next he lookod aorofia und atartod. It was only a alight otart, yujb Cawtletou's chooka at once- puffed -.villi ttiipnreaiuid rrirth. Lucille guvo'tb'S fain tot* fc iiKdinulien' of her Imudsome dark head. But OnfjloW, laying hia urms on the table with a cool u*pi'ri"rlty that In a leas ' well-bred man miuht he otfen>dve, tstured at hiaetiemy full, not stirring a muBole, The eut was direct, cutting .De' Murger whort, in nu iustiiiotively hfgun how of tt'iliitdy.uold recognition. A brilliant ainilo bluntly lighted the young Atintrlan s faci*. !' had nuwpeotd * tray, but now he knew \a ground. m ' WtAtI*Y, CUTHKKOE, VOU JUtB VEUV VV] <jUll --Hi-- 19 back lIim iin he ' hue pen havo'u>, flirtation^ Iwonu-n. It tt> bring u if yon. r btiek to thoy;ft<ar; "Alt, YOU, nA|T to HKN'O WMl MK.W ..n.l.laoynth slMpi Um i i,d:iy rivalry, h her LftrU(- .-r[<ov (,,. H.iu'it t.illowud;hy (.ai; w|,o found ii- puor inn to watch. OL Inweriut; fuae, and .hv.ebol;aahul .p0utly designated Mine, do Vigny1 " Uufore tlie hvLr to'od: the niirht w- nidi and cbol; sib \M^\t\ t r.wiifk 'ii tho "blue vlmilglu|i0lj t(|v ,le(kn>- "So you bave^r Ul!|4 it,hMj,t/. Jj right to send fot**7 "* * -v..... "No, no, you'll .iu juuimvo|or WUU|4 jusuha,' IJ .Murgor impetuohjiapo^ in Fe.iella.* -,M\ ' "Let rtio>you. ' Ah! voii did oiniDff uHcrouncu- . , . > ' '> .l)i take Vyonr. owm. .<*ftr^i?' ItHAHOKAItLK. the green with tho tinkers ttii'b the tailors and tho buitdier hoyu of tlid place. She mum hw eurly be out of hor Iteena l And jf idie does not know how to hydiave hemulf now I am afraid aho nevor vijl. 'l .' "Wtiy are you bo mini, HidA'i ?" he"ssk., ed, looking at in auilniMe. "I am not hard," alio ahsweired/ "but really fail to ace why you r^quit", ny aid^ Lady.Fi,a.neiairrmsvquiie able ISO take care of heraolf. The fact is, ClitnorrVahu con..; tinuod, "you must know as wwll aa 1 do that the lex toliouia does not J>ply to Iiuh: Imnds and wivia. It is only h lower clamsey that the wife thru KUgar bacm at her hntihii,nd wh aimed at lier with the teapot, certain lioomm with regard ti whioh has a'u'avs been tlenifd t may bo wrong I dure Bay it is not going to head any movennji about a ohauge," "I think alio would listen to would naV hr touend .\lut town," said Jnoyiith. . "A* it there muv bo a duel," "And yon want-mo-to mix i all this unsavory business 1" sh "Really, CUthoroo, you ar/ ver able." "I am very notij for Lady, F said, in a low voice, . r , "And 1 auppoio you nre in ;1' her. Nothing olse eoijld expj straugo peraiutnUoy. Ycu arevai and you are wasting your tiiner Woman oarea for anyone, X eui/j(ysei her curly headed attache. It if that you ore onlyhein^ hiadyuse^jfi am oertainlv ot gouiff ,to foHo>i ridiculous exampje. :, Lady Fiaiic-v HeHea no posaible intercBi! lor meiJj!ii side.r hor unladjlike, : wiDit'ili^'fy$? vlvre and tact, and qhltoythe'jtu^M for whoml.'cAUId.l)kyiatty,'nyiii^m^ "Slia haa been cruelly trea.itfil?W jracynthW V" ^'^' t'r" , ' "So have ^hpuiands Ofottier^fM they manage to bear their oru^-rtir and behavo with better' ikatb'Vi^" jriM^ :"Kl'^w^y&f erbep ftlrnoafangr WhaVam I to tow;, *\L. .'.':-.l'4! 92 87

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