#m , ">*:'] V1-i-\"'*fl -, r-^.^^ys smV'wfi l'"w# A WEAL *>ld Not lt 'Tl.t fr >POINTMENT. Wltleh BSSEiX'i "m* Tmean it. W^-;M$^Ppi-p':p- #$P1PPP ' ::i.it* ESSEX Has Jurt Received th> Finest and Intsitx, 'Great Value in Mnvs Shoes arid Oxfords* Idies'and Children's Shoes an! Oxfords, jest in the Lund. famine and boOon- odfor yourselves. Douglas, |\tae oIdu Boot, Itne/Ellock - Pbp* Moray to Loan On good rcduotivo Ft* rm Property at GijAO pot cent, straight. No Valuation Fees. l3"Coi)voynciuK Done ap in Noat Btylo Fire and Life nsurance. A.E.LOVELACE, ESSEX, OtfX fev PDWDERS fwe GlCh HEADACHB and Neettlfla I Torpid Ltv .Bed Bfeatbv.toauyourMi alio I'lsuaii 2(oiT# at Ohu<* 9Tom*ms- '" ' " ' NURSERYMAN, ^uthvjn, Essex County- ^ "wli, rear, Pluto, .Apple .and Quiuco Vrooe, IIobob; Evor^ooati, Bfl"y.Dahe, Raspberry, BlaoUerry mU Currjtil Buabes.' All firul-alaB Big I Profits . " write for prices. Wo will ohoar- Itil \ (iic^j.f you by return bia-U. ' Mt^ftn(V^yikhlnA'^^o:^rtklin^ onnw a-tUfi'jai'a/'.^Ttoi'^l^n'oliiti^iuCiyurfiy Ut &>k*.id the bjwk ^ef'tho house and i?-Umw trbnt U gate fua toning wiu off tlui cuuih.hHHtlvAuoDvl, cap lu hand, utood before her.1 t Miquho ino for lntrruptln' your read- nihdttlh," ho aa|d< *'.! tfead grout mVA-jlf^-I'vo jtirfi-flnlFtfuKl. a book here [oh Han Riven mo muuh ploasuici and I s.iy much pain an well." o pro tinted n torn,KrnHHy,ui.idoovc)i*leflH |o' fnitii IiIh hip puottot. 'Th^ro 1 no mnumon ittory Ju them pjuiws v haicontlnued. "11 In a book that ijfuiw dn*p Into thn soolrtl and eoouomlo ]i-<">lprn^nf thU tlivy 'nhdlniyft, as dooa no tj'*.i'r hoolt tlml'T rom^iubor roiullti'. IK In ii -friry, ion. thnfc tonchofj Lho boarfc, tho war h t!lM of hnimoi s(trr<irH(uporhtnaiin ofl'ovtH, (iiul InhuTiiuu .lullurwi. "Miu!umt I'vn'liiy uudor that tre dowo Imr.i hy thn roml- iihiou 0 o'clock thltf mci'iiln', Hun tlmu, moootupUiely wwippad u.. hvlhU ntory that tho dlmior. ho ir,hiifl ( n)f:n'.if*iA, nviit wlik^ub nm noololn.' 1 II youMl osuust)' mo holriflf u tender fnv rmlf-^t'll tull yo\i thai, tho principal th-ir.mHir In thin hook In a man yrho utatt- ttl OW'ln lift) With itn Itidnpandont fortune, il*rh VciUm, unqomproiuUibitf houot.-.lw- -niMiindJhUUy, and, oh he fondly tiupposed, tho nl'dln' afTnotlon of m youHg lady, whloli f*oomo<Vto ho- truo to-: Wpi.-r'V'ott'll- not rxp<)c;t nor wIhIi that 1 should iell you what It'it 'look' mo k uood 'wook1 to totU\t but tiiimolimt to any tho young man paiflod through Kroat utorm iindatrewi o' wo^ithor, ad yiui ml|()it tmy, and In tlio oud lout all bcJpft u* jdy o! llVlu* t bfccnUKo why. 1U- ciixiso of a womnn'fl no. "Modum, I wep' oonvullvoly v*r th last cluiptor of that story, and th**v. 1 got tb-thliiktn'but that th^ro'a thing* hatp- pon'ln *id llfo .evriryi daxtbat'^Jnit-M initio UN anything wroto,, M*flry.,day tfiri sun rlfics and Wotri In^'poao Rome good and woll-maauln' man, with hopoa wroaphttip to tho hlfcliunt pitch, in.utterly and forHvorduflhod to oarth by. that on* llttlo word, .apokon uiithlnldn'ly, pothaps, In nwMiuu' aoffc void* that llttlo word, no." "Madam," he said, lifting hla *ftM from the (ground nftora pauso,"enn yo. hav mo friod throb or toureggn uddr*Wi ' ' ' '"""'No.-V'-abiMd.-' XU roplaM' th bk In hid poqkt> hltflhedupfh&itrou<isr(.vand,. pwuiujln(( with bin cyo tho dlatunco to tho nujl bouits, walked illently away. A DUDE, UT VERV STRONG.. lUautMM.u Cot Into HnrUuii TrouiI Witlilllui. "AppMkAOOi'M. nro deooptlvo," Mttldj ihc olubinttni "I'roiriomhor, uovorul y*iw, ago, I was u paaaonKor on au avonue-iar ono vonlng. X goutlomMi, aoaomp^tlod by fcwautjrllghly-drownod yoi>ng ]ad1e8,B0 aboard. Ho didn't look niuoh for sl^but ho'was Rottab up, rogurdluHH.. HluLjlnon was tho wlilteit, hie collar th4 hlgh>L-hiN clothco fltt*d him to porrootiion, bV tall hut wnu the ahlnlont, and bin tjdHCrt couldn't lmvo boon oroaaed morj^. JI lookulllkatpylcft} dudo nothing t) him but olotlios. Tho cur waa not oiiivdod, but ifalrly wMlAiled- Oh thft roar pttform Wftrp.aooupl*,of toughs who hiwl^outly b^ou'dHnkintf, for oiio of thorn \ored at the young ladled an thoy pa-inod tvni mado an lnnultlng romark, Tho yoiiw man pnnflod Into tho oar npparontiy^rithont noticIHK tho lnault. WJien th Uvo^b woro noftted ho polltoly llftod hia hat a aakotT to be oxoUHftd h moment. Up'd roncli- lng the platform ho quietly nu-lc "Vou mado a romark an thoao ladles pii^ad.'1 " 'Woll, what tho------ la thafco yonf* "Blm! I nevor haw tmoh a quok blow. The follow foil off tho platform as If he hud boon shot from a gun. Of our so. UU companion jumped to his asgUhnon, but lift had floarooly moved' boforo J wuh mot with ono fltralght from thoshovclor. He, too,landiid on tlio asphalt BuHho young man vna not oatlftlled. Ho 'jiropod ou*, tnil us one of hla vlctlmH attonptod to got up gavo him a nottlor, and tbe they both lay completely kuookod out. 0 oouriw, the conductor had stopped tho cm but it was hardly nocenwiry, for it wa.4 tio qulokont fight to ailnlHh I ovorwvw'r hoard of. When the aiippoBod dudo ujolnod tho lRclloa hl Immaaulnto attire m* not a bit i-umplud, he Wasn't even brdthtug hard, yoii could have thought li^e had simply gone out to eponk to eomo oiti. Ho npola- p;l2odjfor having loft thom.hid I don't bo- Uovo I lioy liad any idea of what ho had done. Tho noit day I aaw t-io young man on tin oteoet; and paid to a fclond,' Do you know who that In)" "' \ hj, yofl. Don't you I thought all tho be poknow him. Ho'e tho olinmplon nll-roi nd athloto of ono of ho big Phlhv dolph i -olubfl, nnd lma'iQire xnodals and prlxea tnr running, rowing lumping and oparri igthan any man InPhlhutolphla.' "SofllRayappoaranoos aw mighty d'joop tlve, a)ld Pm nofc Plcklnj qunrrola with well-Jj[cynd strangora," Cot II Tfirttbe a Urn ii ItmH I'ur-jirr **\v'fttirnri. M 111 It ig man might have become [ul of On; girl, only ono night wre at...ft.-lHllL'. purty.aho cktull thut waa playfully of- nor. IU' folt It liiii duty to [I Ikji; mildly. Hbn iv/m-hum! Vruneo wiul tho ou(.'nr.<'if1('1,t ion off. iKhl fnr/:t!Tfiiliii'HH In iinvr-1, I'*, with woninn*:' i-nti*!,Mi'l.,,"1 |onniK<!d to unntlior yu::-" wt'ddlug Invito iinn \v.\u t'ui [ir:i vi'|(*r an it ! -. ho h irl' ri.'rovcrrd fra'n hi' I' :'.; t;<**iH eoiuTratulMMon:' nr,'-1 o' [< nn] flii*-* i- imI hljn t" purcliiu'o Kriio tmHul/lr v t-' - fllmv ii;'1 'l i,n"'l J'tMi'l it if-thi- !i:i;;| ; I,i IrjiMlh' I cllri'lf-il ril]i",,*"|i|! rni . Nu'w till:' frpMi'l, lint !> :.'ini !n"- "d \\fllh Hi" cii'iiiii^'li'm'Tu uniloi.v. Inch tUo |!i'-Jt 'H".f':* - flifl, nnd iciiiiv.'li'v tli-U t.!nv hrlMt- riU-I rio)iii hud llrrrnl nui \u\\r ni' tr. \\\- (,rr. 4,t on fnl '.'.."I'iiih nt to !)'- iii'fivi'!- c,\ i*ni' ciill*!!!. boii" hi il h linlsomc ' ' ' lit';i,ii!, villi nil fi.irtM nf Imltti-ji mi'! p.Jr-K:'"" Uli'l ir,.v'"Vi]:'!li1". :i ppl'.Ji ;'< : r. t,, til.-, livid, '< hotmo. linnglm , lr you'c.in, tho fury or trn- hrldt.' A.s nht- fxplalufd to . ono of. 1m" frlrr.il;:: "lie mt?.*bt aa w.-ll bnvo toi-' p.,. 'tf ;;,-> |i|i.;;i| m)d dl'ltlU Hiy^i I *" !" 1'i't If pji tlv 1 r.ivolnr dnrmi't knfiv. Ilia' hh' "'f-odliv^ itKMicnt ba:; hv.vn :;on' brrU ;ui(l I- to Hloi-;ir:o' u'voUlmr blr nirival In Chicago. Chicago Uocorrl. A| .he Iu^villtt \>UHf tr*i ' lr. Jrr. Wmr*. ' A LIFE SAVED m*U.*.l~I.^-l.-'-Jn.,~.-*-IMt_m _._, .- , -.V.- '---'-- -.""Yi^ Si I; : Splendid; Appte.:'Trees M: in. every reBpeot;// ":.' Tlilnga Blio Tftldut Know. Qfolug Into a-.ttnok company. THJmlljj " Mr. Illalng aRDUncod with par. "WfllfcnlLkotlii. 'film?" Mm HIh- Ing'H Suction waa ft. la with a tono of aurpruk ; "Wai,fathfcr,"rotui?JO(lMr. Rifling, "1 "0^ Mm,"that/a ilondld. Will you wear I] uniform?" tfra, aislng uakod with i| tfoflC. ' "KJilEnMy, tho otfliorft don't wonr unl- forms, V hjpliod Mr. Bwhig. "Hovilidyou got to bo an offleor. Johnr^Slhi. Klslntt^afikod' a moment lntov.'i'\ 1 " A Bitjortty of tjo F.to'ok ole'otod moi" tfr. Illfi!:;/ nnsworod' r ' -* It j have to .five In tbo ootnUry. Mr. "Will John*". "Whfl. it tnlgb otoo^',' . "(JPha v curlotH notion, Km'ly. 75ha- Ight, A No, 1. No wafer in the Mioy w4*t njo horo at hoad- at that Info your hoad.ldm'lyr" to In thtjaummoe.und thought t>o bettow on account; of the Btook'e conocrr quiiltei any<Bt<t tha/.^.d|, KlBlni^ Btroot;'.( iha, I,didn't aiippoao tlioro wui lthotit iwator." "fiii, t Uttlofih thOHO dayH, but it Wejttti to.?* do i iiH| ill ilnfeaon tho market,and thoy lot ja ground floor. Hollrt I thoro'a nt how. t'm off," and Mr. rfhlB liuulno.'^ iUHOolnto la tbu (no," Mltl Mm. Ulalng. as aht jorhouaoliold dutloft. "I.don'l mind \u aitoptud, but If atotiU ojilcorti not >yoar UUlfptJUH, jow wlmt:Mio woild'y oomliia bo titeauti oity water would thU country, bntnien nw' [on rtomothlnga. I'm tlmnk ripto^wpr^y about bunlutJHB "I the fidltor In?" "Vou kin bet yor atore teeth bo 1st W'y, hhi aunt dlod. las' nigbt an' lot' him $40, a ol' oak bedoroad, a cord or wood an' a moi-lodlan, an' he Jen' won 71) ronta off on the foroman mutiihl V pennies! la be In? Wa-al. fiumthlr.'!" 'i'ho llrnt man In New -Kngbtud I'o let out haukney horsow waa T^Vmi:; IbdtHon. He lived In Cambridge, M/hs., Vuid be alwnyH protendud to hnw hut .mo Uoriio and ont oarriago, hciif*' nr- iVlnntod lh lumilinr expreHjilon "'lob- "ou'm choice!." Tho first wator-workn conatrucled In 'he United Btittoo wore at lietlileln-m, Pa., In tlio your 17fi2.. Tho llrfit advorUriumcnts known of in iCn^l'-uKl wi.'ic In the tdiapfc.u.' tun:-*' UIk aflixed to tit.- dooi-H of St. Paurs* Mjurc.h. 'I'hp (li'Ht broad w:ih nip'lo by (lii; Cn'f-Us, ami tho tlr-s-1. windmill by tlu.- iiracfini. Turuplkoe originated in 1^07, the aum if one penny having to he paid for "neh v/agnn panning throUgh-n-orU.in. i.uLiior. Tlie first striking clock was imported iito Kurope by the PorBiann, boi.\ uo- var A. l>. RdO. U wfts brmighi a-: a l.n.'.sunt to Charliunange I'rmn AiuK-Ua, i-.'iiiK nf I'Qnila hy two monky of Jeru salem,. Tbo first bdllohn wuh mado by a Je suit, about lGliO. The idea was revived ,n Prance by M. -Monigoluer, in l"i*:'; 'ltkI Introduced in Knirlarul the foli(*..-- .nix year. The flr^t rconl we have of cn.u in bout tlirei: hun'ireil yearH'before the ^'hriKtlan'Ora. Coal waa lined a^ fii"T .n Knplan.d Jih early ;ib 8.12, and in V:u the !li si ebui'UT lo dig for U waa ^runt- , ,1 by ITenry Ul. to the lnhahllnr.tt-- of :-JeW(untl'>on-Tyne. The first ghiKrf window In Kngland '.viis ono put up In mi -abbey about Ii ML r;1uhh window'H, imwiver, did b" laj* ;Orne genei'al 1'or uiui.y years. Ciiieiu- natl l'*nnul:er. FOHOED TO LIVE ON BREA.D. Strange Catio of a Lady of EdgohM Ont., who Buffored from Bynpopflia for Ten Yoarn A Peouliarly*lntoroBtiog Oaao, An oconsional dpy of indigestion 10 about aa much an that trouble uh ordinary mor- talfl want, but a Bletio of ton yoara of thia hind of thiug in dietrcaainK bayonu ouey calculation. Thia la what.tar. JaH. Edtio, who iu in ohargwof tho poHt-cmoo at Kdgo- hill.'OnKihadto>udur"o. Her o(ine took pwinliut form. Wbero bread iu apoken of im tho HtufT.ot life, and is a hmdinii Item of tho bill of fare of overy meal, it ia the cane that eveii with broad one way have too much Of the good thiug. Th\B who Mr. - Stan'* experience, for hor indigohtion aHvutfiecJCthat" ahapo that uho Tiraotieally oould oat liothiii^ but bread, and. uufortunately. Very llttlo of that. Only ono result ooald. follow, that the syatom wan thoroucMy weaUenod, and whu noon heauwe prontrated. . Bbo tried me did mm, and elm tried doctor**; but her aaaia grew woree ratbar than bettor., She uaya : "Last winter I beoume proatratpd, and a friend who vimtod me induced me to try South Amer ican Nervine. After two bottlea I waa greatly rohevefl, a'ni bolore the third wan taken I wae entiroly well, and for tho last six:mmithw I have bmjoyed' perfect health, T may say that X tried nearly evei'y' other remedy on the market, but uono did itn work ao well and completely md perf ootly naSonth Ainurioau Nervine, whfeh I. do not hesitate toBayrbi..tnft only remedy on the market that will enccennfully-cure 3!EKi BY "VAX&Mk CHERRY II ". il vo:ir:Hir,o, I caught a tiuvoroenlri, '.- i tcnihU) eouijh that nllowi'd uo.icsl., I'ltlii'r day <ir nl'fht. Th* do- ' f| my c^o hopolcus, A trlend, -i iii!nt* (if my noybln. sniit'mo a botUrt of . mt.'h Cherry Perioral, lly thn time (had ."ii rho uliolo lioitlo, 1 wiw complotoly -';"(I. imtl I helUw* It. u:ived inv llf*1." W. . V.'.iitji, (i '-jultnby Ave., Lowell, Mhh. \\?* Cl 's Cherry Pectoral Tif-hKj-. Awardw at World'a BWr. :r' ntta thn Heat lfuniUy l%valo FOR TWENTY-8IX YEARS. S 11 '(O THEC00K?S BEST FRIEND Lahokt Sauk t" Canada*, hint Wins* k* Kl#yri< Henpeck I dreamed of heaven hlKht. Mrs. I^enpcck What waa It like? Ihmpcck I couldn't tell. You worn In front of me. Tlieht tin Went Hoiiic "Willie Neverleavo (rapturously) ! raw the sweeteiit little poem In thus mnrninff'u paper! MIsh Cella Doome (Icll.r) Tn ll morning's paper. ' Mr. Ne\urlcavc7 I didn't hear tho bell rlntf. ESSEX Holler Mills* JAMKB NAVLOB *Aicefl this opportauity ol ttnnatmam^-uino people cf tbo Town and Cotiuty of I-'bbox, thathe bite keniodolod tbeKa- hux llollor MUla aooorditic to nlana pwjparad by tE. K. ?rlce, St. Thomas, and btin alno secured tho Borvlooa of lloHMirr Htiuoiun, an esprl- eueod. and thoroughly competont miller. ThaukhiK tlin pooploof the town and oouuty for tho piLtfouana heetowou Tiponblih. hi the iSiiat, wni uuurimioo 'ontlnfiiotion in tfio future Gristing and Chopping a : Soecialtv. \r. THE BEST GIIADE8 OPPLOTTR, FEHP AUd conNwasAL kkpt in stock and bold at iiight rmoKB. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. SOUTH WOOD3LEE IT MUST BE TRUE For overy peruou uave that' WRIGHT SMITH AlukeB tho bout Humous In tho County of Buncx. It will pa) you to oomo to South)Woodsleo to buy your Bar noun. Stnok||eeoond to uonojin tho"oouuty. Piue fetock of Horno Blankota juab.opened, out. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Ebsox, - Ontario. MRS* 0. WILKrNSON, PROPniKTKHBB; haB beou thoroiiuhly painted nvcl voplanl&Ued with now fuwtturo by proeout proprletrees. IjAIUJM klAnW XU OONNHJOTJOU1. ' t ftlrBt-OlttBH Aooomodatlon Oiiurantoeil, / W -fiLJW Xjt*JLI fiuloaraen to handle tWlr Hardy Oanaillan Grown Nuraery Stock. We i uumuteo suttsfiujtloir'to roproseutallvos and uatomeitB. Cur nateerlOB ara tlio larffBG In ho Dominion, ovor 700'aoroB.jNo eubHtltutlou a orders* Exolunivo territory and UberaltormB o whole or parfe tlrftn naents. Write ua. ! v.....(EToadoDlool Toronto, Onti Tim only nursory iu Canada having teetlna orohardB:) . U-sm PI(ioe In the world for youngmen spdwondou toneoore a BuBlnesfl Kdnoatlon,Shorthand,etfl.Jn the Detroit BuBineea UnivarBity, De- . tradition niUBtrated catalogue ..Free.' v:Befew*0eiW.;M,JS*^*'P1*r:, i CHURCH DIRECTORY MaTHODiST. Dr. PaioOe. FaatoW' Be every HuaOay at 11 a. m. and 7 ' p. Dbii Bn ^ppffl at ftSn p. m. O. B. Nayior, Buil tntATsebool. Epwoith XjOueuoprKy'rm rueiday ovuntnuata o'oluoi.. Tueetlutt on ThuiBday a wiling. tloua.al Vuyvi t'nuuoii oir Knoi-amd Uv A.J>.]tevorly, tn juuiliont. Bt. -1'iuiIji, X>hftDcmrvin f.\* rj l-uuduy ut 7 o'olorrk, p m Handny ^c>ioi at 10 a. ni. "xYinlty Chutob, North ltldg* -Dlvljii' Hurylouv evory BuUday at Hy, m.f Hua l.Mp.,^, Th,.pnblioj uro cor- dlal^in^uaf. , ,' . "' ' PniciinvTiiHUN. W.M.VlonihiK, Pimtor Bur vio*/a on Hahhutli u.t 11 it. in. and 7 .!t0 p. iu Huh Itnth Jioliool ut H:IWp. m, I'ruyur iin otiuy wid Pan'or'Hhlhlfl (JlUhBion Tu^ailay ut7.JK) p. Hodinl Union on WoduonJuvat S.iep'. m* JUi'Trrr CiiuinJH, itov.M. P. OampboH. Vt- tor. Kni'vluiiH oitoh Mahbath nt 11 u. m, unit '/ l> in. Piayur uioutlufj on Wtiduobdny ovoidu iit Ho'oloiik. HiMlUfrvn. All im*. cordially wo oooukI, t. <;<.'MA^ tiATuumo. Kr. O. E, Metlow, I'nutor. Kijir/iu. ovory otb*>r Huuday ntM-IHlp. tn. Hiindu-/ 'Jnli'iol ntHji. m. HAinm'oNu Miuh inimfi and uormon at 10.UO u, ni uiittiulilnii ut U v, in , haptlhm fct a p, iu., vdutiiiriiituu noiit'dlntfou ut 7 p. m. U. Ho Ort!, I' P , Cuptnln. HAr<v.\'iio>j Ainuv. T. U. WoLod Httlviitiou umotJimH on Wtulnowdity, vrhttrui)ny and Snndaj. ovoidnj:; Froii nnd i'Jwny, BBttiU'dny ovuijIul: iit'd ll i> in. (iuuday; lloUutnui mntttlnox for utiyJiitliiiiHi'iiday uvi'iiinu ami tl u. in. day; Kiiiiij iJnll 7 u.^m'. ;vory Huuday. WoluoniK. Hun- All are ___________UECAJU Hi" A. WIHMKU, llarriutor, Hollolkor, Notai IJt Pnhllfl An. Mouny to loan. OtSoitl>nt ytun Ulooli, tip-iitiifrg, Khmkx. i-\y | Xj. PKTKItK Flarrlulor, Bolioltor, Nota;" oit ^truthoi-H' ItiVuk. Khuox Cu|ru. ChAjtICi., IJAHTLKT A DAETyjET, Harm tern, eta. OOUku, Hfmluury Block, Wimlic I'riyoto Jmulu to loan A. U. C6A11KK. h. U . N. A. lUHTWT A. K. BAJtTXiUY, U. A. HKNRV O. WALTKItH.L.h.D., Attorney ami C'ounnidor nt law, ftolloitor In Ohuuotiry, I'rocior in AdniinUty, PutuAt Bolioltor, with AiUihHon itUalL'tiBt) CouKrttflH nt, Jwoat, D&troit, Uioh (ctiiikdiuu oIuIiob lifuJuab poraono iu the United HtutoHcolJo tod) Kolurouoi'ni Iinnuclal Dunk, Kkimx, Out. J Ii l'oturu. "HU. UurriuUi', ut*., Kfc&iix.Out K.A. Wiflinor, Khfj., Ilarnetor, (itc.Kttfli.Out ft^|OAL^ Y^BB. mtlEN A HRIUN, JaB nrhm. If. D.. Xj. H., 0. P. H-. tfraduata of Qu*u'ii^UnIvrtdt\rKlnR8t6ri, huiiutJBrof Col* luco of FbyiiloJana u.nd Huf^aduH,Ontario, <lro.d~ tiatA of Nw York. 1'of.t Uraduiit Uedleal Gol- logi; _ -------- J. W. Brlttu. M. ., O. M. V. T. U, O- tioa^v graduate of Trinity Medloal CoIIoka, lioiior uradutttrt at Trinity OnivurBlty. Mumborol the1 Oolleguof PnyBldUua anil.HurKeonu, Out Grad uate of KuwVorli Pout Graduate Uedioal ColUgd, Offlmi ovor Eaaex Medical Hall drug itoro. OouBiiltatldu rooms, both on gVouud floor and first flat abovo,. Talephouo In bo.th ot&oo ud raaldonee. All ea]lB attuuilotl to from omco, drug stor*. or rBld(tnoo. Ketddonao, Talbot tr*i*tf frni of fair grounds. r^rt.pHOUBE.m.u. Univoralty of Toronto, M. II., Trinity Uoivor ulty M: C. P. 8. O., into of Rt. Bartholomfrw'4 Hoapital and Moornold'fi Itoyul Ophthaluilo Hospital, London, ttnuland. Special attiiutlou tilvflu to diROUHgB of tho eyo.ear, nona and tluoat^- Oaljo houri 11 to 13 a. m., i to 8 and 7 to t) w- m. OfDoe and t-ashleuco, 0& Oaollntteaye., Wludiior, oppoRlto Bt, Mary's Acadaniy. Tol, lu&. T)BS. DUWAK.ft MoKBNZIK. P.A;DiiWjmuM.D.0.M.,F.T.M.B. Honor Gradu ate Txiulty Unlvofnlty. Member "olleye Phyt leUnH and Surgeone, Ont. Itouldonci', Talbo" Hfc.Masfc. . . . a, MoKhmziu. M. n. O. M., Coroner, New York A*oat Graduate, Fellow Trlnit> Medical College. Graduate Trinity Uulvorflity rterddtmeo: Tidhot Ktroet, w<tnt of M. O, Jl, OOloe boura a to 1) a. m., 1 to a and 0 to 8 p. tin Oluoo In laiperliil Bank block, ground floor next to Thorno'a drug fttoro. Telcnhouoin connootion with ofileo and real- denao. ' Ordrira left'at H'borrte's drujjf ttore will u promptly attended to. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, D. D. B., L. D. B.. QtaduaU iu Deutlutry, Royal CoUofie of Doutat Buvfiooua,Ontario, and University.rJ'Toronto CbargOH, moderate. Oflloo, ovow jJrlen & Coi drug store. IA-lv VETERINARY. WH. IU0nAKB8ON, VEVKUINAIiy BUR * GKON, J Honorary cradunto of Ontario Votorinary Ooljeffo,.Toronto: member of On tario Veterinary Modloal Boolety; DiplowlBt In. Dontlfltry; troate ull dlBeauca of domeaUoated aulmala; oattlo dehorned by the latest Improved Loitvitt allpper. OallB by teler>hohe or tolo< oraph promptly attended to. Boaidonoo, four doora south of grlut mill; offlco in pout offioi building; inflnuary, directly opposite. LANd SUR^YOR., JAMKS B. LAIRD, Provlneial Land Surveyot and County Enitineor, MBex Centre, Ont Ofllce, Punntau Block, upstaire. i UCTIONEEHS. HBNRV milDRICK, Auetioneer. Bales promptly attendod to.. Audrean South Woodsldo, Oiit. Poreontj deuirlngto auouro vnt, Way loavo word at the Fioik Pnusn ofiloo. tf j: h. HEnmoK D. SINOiIAIR. LI0EK8KD AUOTIONEKH for tbd County of Ease*. Bui 1 Iff of Eighth division Copirt. All klndu of Farm and other Hal on 'coudifcted promptly. Itatoe reasonable and furulshed ou avpHoatlon. Sanqulrerii nfiay epply at W.l). Beainan'a oflloo, or at tho ofllce of bfviulon Court Olork.Mr. JohuMilno JOHN GORULEY, LIOICNHED AUCTIONEEXI for the County of Essex. AU kinds of farm stock wiles, oto., conducted promptly and on abort notion, Ratoe roaeonable.f Pomona desirable to arrange sales may do bo by calling at the In ice Prbbu ohloe or by applying to V P. 0. Box JJ&' FRANK JMoOLOBKEY, Maidstono, thlrty- BevenfyeaVa' experlenoe aa&n auotlonoerm Tmoolobkey, _ _____yoaVa'oxperient the County of Essex. Bales conducted promptly, and on reasonable terms,.Parties desiring to nx the daw for a Bale can aave thenjaolvetf a drive by calling at the FiusH Pbebb ofbce> Wo have arranged with Mr. MoOlonbay and will fix the da ten for galea by telegraph, entirely free of all charge to the person holding, the Balo, Ad- dreBsFrankUoOlOBkey.Maidstone CrosB, Ont. . . . , - . BAKER, TUB ildoat bUsineas in town. BstabliHha IBfo, Flret-olafls broad and cukes of ai kinds. I Wedding bakes a speciality. Orooenes us, flour, foed, salt oad pork. Oonroo- oroobery.gloaHwaro, Canned Irnltsaud ee of all kinds. Goods promptly 4e all parte of the town. J. M. HIOKB. . J01-U . ," Hone vegeta Uyered MARRIi EL VAAKr IS1 . tiDUH, Alehf ffi^'^W'i MRAnnRTT. lAnfer'&f . .-. *-^ .. CoiujnitBBiprier In 0 ^J., e^,. ..Q'rtty W. r>. Seaman, Issue* of Marriage Licenses; -insurance *g*i. Night offloe at Dwelling. ~ . TALBOT STREET, ESSEX . -/ ..r-.<r- W .m^ ii I'l.UMME .It, Underteket a^d Fnraitepe Dottier. .Cofflim, humuund Inctocy QMS* frow $8 tp ttf McGregor, Oi^ ' Tia _^____ARCHITECTS;________, YOHN A. MAVCOOK? ^ AUGMITBOT, *o Room lUanaJl.FleAilug Ruildlnjf, Wiadww, On|. PboneBlfl. ' { SOCIETIES O. O. 1*. KNTKUl'ltlSM Lod((o No BUI meetsovory Thursday, evening at 7,B0f >ddfallow Hull, In third atofoy OunatanBloi /laltiugmoniboru of other loduoHWill reoelvi .vaterniil woloonn.. J. JOHNbTON, N. G. A OKNTHAL KNOAMPMKNT. Ho. (JO, mo OddfelloWHall.Dmmtan'H Rloak, en th< and third Tuesday in ouch mouth. VUito-4 dlaliy received'. Mekiborsof subordinateiC in the Jurisdiction, iuviUd to join. IIANMAM, a Pi, 0. V, HILL, G. B. IfUtiKX FXRtS ItlUGAUIC. MKKTH BVBBX 1/ ffrlday ovming: Uarld Waunr, Capftaste Andrew ,Parker, LlAutenunt; Palmar JDUse( Bepr*^ar7LFrederIoK Xfy^tt, Treasure^ >o COCltT ROYAL, NO. Mil. L O. F. Meets'seoond and fourth Tuesday's tn est montlt, in t. O. O, V, Kail at, 8 o/elock p-1 VUitlud brethom will be given a fraUnuu wi conio. K, McCflUslttUd. 0. K. W.CBhaw," M.J.WIafo.O.D. H,0. Jt. - ****" : iLlL ooiweaxBT TakluHeffeet Maylloih, tmH, Mall, Bxp. Detroit....... Windsor.... Pelton........ Maidstone e Essex......... Woodaloe... RiiBootnb/,-' Comber...... ktldftetown.. Rodney....... Bt. Thorn a J a.m. 115 7.40 RM H.ll H.'il H.H7 10,17 U.UU oryc Wl a.U, CM 7.26 wr 10. / tKxp. a, ia., 0.40. 10.11 D.N 11,W London......... fc. Thomas... Rodney......... Rldgetown..... Comber........., Ihiacomb....... Woodsleo....... Essex............ Mitidstone Or Poltou............ j Windsor......... ' Detroit..,..., a.m. 10.34 11.W rtu B.4B '^/^WJO 7.J0 V^tyAU Aeeoea p.to. 0.1P B.s* B^O CBO fi.M CM t^* a.ks. J:S .80 %u 10.04 W-lt 10.K *alBe. Bsftex 7.10 Udgars ;7.oo ol L E & b R Xing fl.SO .o.i McGregor e.4a 0.9O" Amhemburg ti.M v.)0 AR trains are run on central standard time, which is sixty miuutes slower than Kaeax time, por Information and rates to colon- f/tn moving Wfltit apply to John G. Laven.-Pas- ^eriKfir Aconfc, Bt. Thomas, O. W. lluggles, Gen- eral Passenger and Ticket Aiteht, ObJeSRo, HI or A, O- Rtiuiors, Aoent. KsneX. Lu E-A DHRM Ry. TIM31 TABLE NO. IB, taking effect Saturday. Juno 0,1899. Tr&iua run by Eastern Stand' ard Timo. t>ally exeept Btinday :' si i. u H4H 0.47 OJift tt.fifi 10.0(1 10,13 10 18 10.26 10.42 10,52 10.B9 11.10 11.34 11L81 II.Wl 11.44 11.K3 11.69 12 04 12.12 13.1H 12.22 nrrsi r.li. o x u 12.00 V2.H0 1&40 12.45 WJ o ft 6:20 8.a7 fl.M e.4o ia.Aa a 4? 1.10 6.64 1.28 6.60 1.40'7.07 2.00 2AU 2.50 S.00 U.4S 114 7.C4 7.314 7.4fl 7.M 4.1Ui H.O 4.11(1 AM fi.SO ij.it, tt.&fi a.on 6,lo 0.45 O.fio 7.10 v.u. e.17 B.OS 8.113 B.40 8.47 DO0 0.07 0.12 OSe tf.Ul r. w .KXAl'lOHS. Pep WaTOerv'Ie Ar Walkerrflle June. .........Pelton... ......1 Oldcaatle ......t Paquette...... ......UeGregor ..-.,- ...t New Canaan... ... + Unrshfleld ...... Harrow . ........1 Arner......... ...... KlnRBvlUe..w.,. ,.....Rnthven .. ... Leamington ......Wheatley . ......+ Ren-iries:'.. ......Coataworth ......rGlebwood...... .........Merlin .. ......f Ruxtou,, ......Bandlsonj ...iCedarBpHngs... Blenheim Junot'n ......Bleuhetta ...^...tWilkle-i Ar Rid go town Dep jl V 0 10 904 B67 8 ta B47 8 42 RSG 829 8 23 8 11 ?a 24 IS 10 00 62 0,40 5 4Q 6 Q4 5 20 B10 0 00 AM. 0.00 0.40 3.58 B.17 S.fS 6.00 .4.46 4.03 4.2C 4.00 S.4C a.lfi 3.40 LM l.se LIB 12,30 12.U 12.1X & n.at 11.M 10.R 10.00 P.M.I 1 VIHg Htutlona, Trains stop only when t) are passengers at or for these stations. 1ft trains are at al timed subjeot to be carioelli WM WOOLLATT. General Supe^teteadeBt A-' zzixtz ID AND LOAN AGENTS ((ill J. THOMAB, Conveyancer, Ooru- GEOIIGB Jc, THOMAB, convey _,,.,,,, rofcaionor, in High Court of Justice: dealeV in ueal6sU.te(M^MortKBgeB. Money te loam at tbo iReat rate orto^rert.^ Btooa -muM *nd polS. Insaranee taken in tbe^n^ xU*ble WWWM Kow is the tiuie if you want a ba A. line Stock and well aesorted, and: ri^ht. Call and icspeot, it will coi notbin tKo through and. gep' ] neat value In the county; in &xohanL taJte Rood lumber.:and Itovo 'vtto&xlw UNDERMIN6 AND EMB; .".'. ^| a apeoialty. Good camagee in attew when requird nn3 prioee 2S per: oebjl than,when times were Roodv WiH'Jiid undersold, by anyone )n' the baafl ' 1