i It mihed Every :Frldy Moftf From'tho cflioe ou Talbot Btraol, r*xt Dunutau Block. i ', Bpeoml altoutiou in pa'd to itta pubHort fcion of matter of local importation, arour afceaod rehublo reports of Towa, jioighbnr ing Town* hip mid Couuty Cotuiml proceed Intu, local *nd county ruurkvl rupurta, oto,, the omrttfu and judicious tnan&tfemuuc of Tun Fuku 1*1(1:on, with roapi otto thsno and other current matters of looal importance, has fdvmtta widenpwaid nroti# hi the oentroof BBfcoxoouidy.whiobh* r^ootfidzod as one of the 1)4 H tigiiuuUurul dietrioU in i Ontario. Tiik Piim Vukhs jh tho onlmedium oirouluuutf thoioughly in thih oontrul portion of tho County, mid in con ' aequonlly .without doubt,t'loonly Ihoiouuh advtirtiuing mmlium (nr Imaimms ptoplo wishing to roitoh that chu.n of oimtomery, 0Oltril'OKI)KH0M.| Our columns aro ulwavn opn for tho peaceable dirouMiiou of matters pertaiuin- to the pubho welfare. Ablet correspondents in all the surround ing looulitiofl furniuh reliable Imports of tfivenU of intoruHt, oooarrin^in fchirov*rtil inheres; and tha publisher ia afcalltimei- yleaeed to receive interesting it a ma of U9WB from any dtnposuri to forward oontri buttons. All oommunioations of a private uwl Douf dontial nature, ohould bo no marked 3d tho otittiido of tbtt onvolopo. Htinaunii'TioN Varan. i 1,00 par annum, strictly in advance, H.BJpor annum if uob no paid; ana all arrears charged at that ruto, ADVKUTlHBWBHTfl. Transient legal and mtnifoipul advor- iaements, notioou, oto., charged at e rata of ton .ouutn per lino, for first n-ttou, and flvo oanta por linu foi each' 'subsequent insertion. All rnioh advertisements are measured by a- scale of A- Mve hues to the inoh. _ 1 treading and other notices pah id among local new* matter ohargod at the frata of too. oonts por running lino for eaohunuertlon. Alnnotloea of oburoh or uooloty outor- tahimimts of any description, at whioh in adraiMlaiou fee m charged, aro regarded a< advortWmoutu, and full advertluing rat on charcoal in all auoh caaes. Notices of gath- oriu^s or mootJugH not for poouuiary bono- fit or aid, will bo oboorfully published free of charge, Spooial contract niton mado for display er.fetanding advtH. All legal orprofcmsion- al oardi under ono inoh, &5 por annum. ~ joh oh oouueuouIi rniHTiNa. The Pinct Pnmss Job Printing Do- irtmout in under tbe auporviaiui. _______roughly oompoteut moohanioH, or ^ k^^ttontion ia paid to tb and bpoopM^B^w|w]0, Our facilities btanoh of VHMBMundBof Bookaud fortho oxoqutrori or all i^^toflod Stouui Fino Job Printing ard unoico^ power proBRoa. A oall uolioiUd. All Job PrintinK and Tran^F"1' Advortifnng acoountd, atriotly oau AdvortiBiiiK accounts wltli rogulai patrona aro eebtlod quarterly. Sub- oriptiona due m advance. Mo itubticnptioo to the 1'nMii Phisrb, or advertitomont pubhtthod in its oolumna will bo dmaontinuod until all nrroani arc paid in full. Changea for adyertiaomontfl, to ooonre ineortion in tho ourrout) iqhuo, muat t handed in not Jatur tlmn noon of tho Tuoa- day preooding, and notice of auoh in to tid ed ohnngo in required on tho Monday pro ooding. Notice of difloontmuaooo of aavoitiao- mentH muat be jiivon at leant one wook m aovanoo of tho iehuo m wbichj thoy urn do hi roil to laat appear. 4!qp& Qanab^^or^th* Trade Cftiatlon.___."___ ___ I- ~* THE ERROR OF A Cfr M.'AI JN SHECT 9BE J Ur, MonlnCW" Ovv* the UeitUU C*><ni(<r u AuJnuy Jh* lulu Ht MiuflU Not lot SWii.-H \Uih( !)> Moiitrml tii nirr- H lr* Ottawa, Doo, 37. 'X'Jie trsulc policy of Knttlund and itw oflitt on lho u^i h.ul- iui.l! Intel twt uro t*uhj ot-i to whir ti ibt Ui-rt' MlulBter m' Aji' iculiiirc. I>i jMoii- I.ij^Ul', han ot IhIu d< i ot< d i jjooIjlI n.t- 11 n'iitn i* or V\ i uii i'*1'-1 L'K i ^~ 1 i I'tj, of nirrlculluin-1 piniliKt.u 1'iani ('an,ulu have di-tllnod iitt ,i i 1\. m) Ui,it l N-v ai ( f.'n hn* i i In \ .thii li mi dm - injv till' H'Vi'iin.' tai In l'<" I'm) ,\i I li. Mortajfiki di<l iiothltur t" *" * l h i: iMMctuloiu ikcllno In t \vo\ tn ind l-ilt'OH In fii^it, thc-Jii-ml>ei mi ll.iltti- iiiaiid wittt pn-ylni? inoic aLLtMUion to a iferrynuuiclur of II.i-ldlmand and 1 is own iK>lltlca,l fortune than to the Htalce of the fmryirr In the tiado pol.ry. Vv (jorii rnl t'liH'tlon cjimpaljrn \i an", on. and tho liituoftU' of llu f.irmM1- havo 1 ooomt; umldonly dear to hhi he ar Ho u IIj. thorn tlna protection iu Llu'ir !:Iond and froc trtuH* Lliolr ouomy, un-d lutroduccij l'Jnr.Ui-hinen Into the wlt- i enji Ikix to iirave lilii iiMiortion. Ono of Dr. MonUtfiTje'p laU-v-t cdm- K'illVn fdiM'ti, lottorod "J," nd'li'd and oiunlnttil bj him, oontains h.ilt a hun- i^pfd pnrai?rai>1.4 for the umo of conlid- injr Con^oi-vaUvt.'i odltora. Ono of Uioyo p.j) tiKruvUn 1h headed, ' Kn#lniid'a I'io- ii h'l on Freo Ti-adt*," and ruidij an fo-1- lowd : "'Plio Ma-rriuly of Sallubury made a i pa oh at Watford the other rt*iy io an audience* w hloh included Karl Cow por, Kiwi HrouTilow, tho ZCiurl of Claji'jwlon, 'he l^irl of KfWc'X, the Klir] n JJiulloy, Huron rtothuchlldH, Lord llyili tu U a riuniboi ut Conaoi vath'o nnmhouj of l'mJInimnt. Puiln^r the count* of hl unwiikH the JJrlnu Mlnlsiei itierivd to the* a,pnioulturn.l quuitton and Maid : Since the repeal of the Corn bawu wo have luid tli Ktronrrt'it eaupe to la- nu-nt that, Lhough th Droteotloniatfl Insisted, tliIr warr)lii(rri-hiid~rrot~boo'ir 1't-toned to more carofully. Thp r&pe-nU ois laughed at the Idea, of Itsi Injurlntr hUHbandry, but a. lowering of orleoa ro- i ulted, and froo trade haa almost killerfl : j"i'lculture In hovoral oountrlee.' ' Tin* authority of Mr. JTameii liowthor, M.P., Dr. Fioam and "a leading Idnir- ll-h Liberal " (Dr. Montaqruo foi-got to ftlvo his iinme) aro eltid to whow that protection Ls tho only hope for Britlitfi farmora. Uhe Rfarqula of .Salisbury has rc- tukod Dr. &!nntajru<e for his nrarblcd ovtract fiom the Watford Bpeeoh. The ilLuJco la containud In a statement made by tho British Prime Rttnlater at the Fowljrn O/IIeo on tho 11th IttMt., whore the IOarJ of WlncIiLMum actod an hj>cko&man for a deputation asking for cu^tomy taxeu hi the lntorout of iQnK- )i'mIiimms of horA and barley. Poopja ehol tttue "and J oondlilon li r^Minff-^hat" tha'onfy baent cure for their bo found la having lood L-^of overy orjran andl J*tJ )MtMi mil fn. ** WIJUT t l|9d, and-oalleA-WiBffll ma In th" world andhflTr-^-i Fort una. and wtu at all events cialn- , fewor cSIlni n I* the larsust man In the United ites, > ,*lm jpqSSation Ho was born in Atlanta, Ind..on>rh V(i*..irt i*v..^iv-ii^ It, 18(17,and when four years of n________i ..... P U JVomihm V,i9 lion tlsnio of tho bo1 purity of thnhlor lcnowa tho HUndii' world blond purifier la O u I t'l'i-U^-j it li tho n"l!a 'i '.a <mi for nr (i Mood 1 uy "11 t*M I ' VOll'l . i irul 'U mi.ii 1 *- .:or i i. r i r i loud (l.jtiUHea, rUnkos t">*ily true and j'\oum people. ;titd huIMiy, , ma.., rf d appcrito, ill 1 iii't, mid r >y'JlVlrUhrlim If. r'ot t n|i^^-MWAl; mi. orb I? n rn n. Tti*j i^AtirlH or voluutnry Mit'i a I liouU ! Cl< "My Mi lw I no i Uood'a War f(* better f i n him a f;ood (i^nctllw." Man. Jo: BrLW.vui', l>.(ilny, Ontario. Suf torad 20 YoarSi "I have beon a sufferer from liver and kidney complaint for twenty yearn, I wot m'vl ii'd by my dmgtflafc to try Hood'a Frryrp.irill. r.id did o, and X cm thank ful to uay t-.ab It has irlven me.gr^at rollof, loonlldontly recommond It to any Kiif.*oror from the>o eomplainti*." JXMBa ^Emhiqxit, 121 Kobinnou St., Toronto, Ont, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only T?m Blood Purifier In the publlo eye today. ' " " " - Lowefl, fcho fliualli ai of a family of ooverJhil- ^dopouds upon tht ' ^*on:, Afc fcho IV*0 of ?vo h^WM|ff^ 1 Th Whole world' ^fbWWWallV *"* ?Ul' I ^T"? L little. Ho mado up foi thin Ian of sjtatuio in latoryoara, but) likoalhry Inure men, ho was novor very nirtv. lie came of a family noted for fgo slzo, IIIh moibor, who iR atill HW, weijrhH 3'I5 pnunds, and hIio baalvo biothorH weifjiiny; B20 pounds apj-o. Shu ulfto liad two Bon, each of w i -ovoi hK foot In help;nb and one whom ahiO wolfrhn overliOO poundu. Whon WhoUfono wan ilve yoais u kick in thft head from a horse e him a mental injury from which novi r fully vu-overod, and ono y I th i lio ho^an to prow tall, and ufc h uno timo to titkoon IIchIi at an ulai ino; witc. WJion twenty year old was of cnorinoufi proportions and Jut- ihr; atiraotod the attention of a shnL man lio was onRaRod and made i exhibition tour of th* Eastern Statj Tie was a drawing card for the Alio] man, making plenty of monfty for tl ( nmnapromnntthut along with hiamont] fyWOaknoHa ho had tho confiding diitnoH yon oliaracl eristic of humanity of tli hav ^jtromoly larftn aort, and wan oabil! '** px?n oufc ^ fc^6 BTflater part of h boa) t ^10 rCfil*pts. Itw strong i" o?~ relaM -^ MHorCharl rannivorsary ttfi Prison Al itm rogurdfl tl ... ^_Jation cornqk rational, soienliflo znotnn prison convicta." "Thati of the orirainal Into a fter\_ ber-olftwioryy" hoaaid, HE -nwi in n- 5<|tWlll|ppposo Bpth tho tJ in of d Wo o ir ^ecauMeit Uoetl- v < tnbl'ub tho fuetl that .i i pftr.lla cures. .tos An AppotltDtf . miaorabln And i for ftJ id. lio hrjitn taltMnff .i 'irllla and Ilood'a IMUa ad uc or.co. Hood's BftrHapurilMa '""'C t --r-i'm,1 , ft ,i '! iofeiencos to prevjou flhnu,t.tho b1,ow; }>;{n*iia after 4 lid witi, nofumulM of whon IlTinoi-ionco, and in I-obruavy. 1801 jnto^icated wilh tho a fl,.Lf,r Jlumboldt County wilh hir ad hun reflidedlirio ovei sinco I di ADVKETlflKUa, Subaoribora and patrons generally arc rcquontod to road tho abovo roaulationo oarefully, in ordor that confusion mav be avoidod, aa thoy will in all cauoa bo adhorod to. AddroBu all cooamumoatioua to U. JT. LOVHVjACI?. Publiahor tho Ebsex Funis Pnvsnii, Eoooat, Ont f ALACt! STEAMtfPta. LOW RAYCG CLEVELAND, **> W B ffi PBTTSBURQ, ^ BUFFALO anb ALL POINTS EAST BVHHV HVMNINQ SBTWHCH DETROIT .# CLEVEUNf Couiiccttaff with cnrlicut tmino rtt Cleveland for all points Cait, South aud --, Bouthvraiit. Sunday Trips Jun*. July, Auouit and September On) POUH THIfl* fUH WtfMK BirWIHM T01E00, DETROIT il V3T0SKBV, THIS "SOO," MARQUBTTG, AND DULUTH. io uCWBtcel paflHenjjer ctenmcrn liavo ) i iNbullt for our Upricr take Rptcl cattin Send for llUatrntcd pamphlet jot caca, A. A. eOHANTi:. a, *, a r. a. osthoit, MICH, mm * clfveuhii Krau nw. rc .M.ir "** " boneat oiihllnti.writo to "i?"A. who liavtt liml noailynfty yowa' Sf?ttila"ntlaL AXIiiiirihattkofJn. PAtanW TaC,nU(l ,nrunw. ] i^^J^i-Joi'i'V bofnrothq publlo with. &m c b1^ S^f niuimto-l. m byiVu-Vl io ^^iS^ffi!f..Wl.1?n;1 wort tu tlU i^oid Salisbury's hinKuairo was aa fol lows : ' i am triad to hoar that your Lord- Mdp did not pledge yoiirnelf to any tiicciy. and ay a matter of practical rniiUes you did not unre anv depart ure from tho aatnnlNk."0110^ *" respect 01 *w .13?: I oh^Tlfe, that Sir P. 5orl hat repre--onti^^2c aa nav" been ffiiilty of tiIfllr*jr^|Ji"Wts*' if- of thotio who are_Jjitcr^HWln agriculture by promiqlmr, protod^on r. i hops in a npoooh at TTantlnnrs In li!>2 and abandenlner that promise the " i T n-^ e- promised on that fpcaslon, or on nnv orcawlon, any ri- ll"f by piotcetl"!) or ln-hl out and ox pectatton (hut th(*r^ would be a ro- ' tnratfnn of pintortlon In this coun- tiy. I dlotiuctlv (Hanvowed anv ad- vocar-v of qi'oh a policy. I wan urclnpr a totully different thlncr, and that was that our p-lnclple^ cf free trade should no* Include moncuire-ci for obtaining* ro- e'p'oolty. (irn-ar. hoar.) There In no comparison between the two Ideaa of leolprooJty and protection. On the oon- Irary. no far ivna I from urfflnpr pro tection fprwli^j^sh pjoflueera that I twin urfrlncr that wr> ahonld talce men- sincs to prevent our forelpn eompotl- tL"<rq from ualnpr protortlon aprnlnit in. (hi ft,r. hoar.) I am sensitive upon th"" sut grr^tlon that I Iuwp ever prom in d ir urfrod upon any 'audience a belief that protection would return within uny period tr> which this cei-oratlo'i t'nn look. I hive thought It v l^e nl- thouirh certainly Your Lordship's speech did not furnish ground for nny imputation that you wero unsound on this point to relteialo tnose opln- 'on.i, bo that there may be no mistake as to tho view we take eoncei r Inp; the problem which Ilea before us. and conditions under which It must bo aolved." The above la a very Important de- daiatlon, J not two wteks old, of the .'ttltude of the Conservative party In England towanlo protection, and Dr. Montague should at onco apologize to the distinguished leader of that party for mlsrepreaentinfr his attitude. Let him notice that Lord Salisbury is sen sitive upon the suggestion that he urg ed on the Watford audience any b llor in protection, and that the Diltlfih Tory Premier says, "I never prom Hod on any occasion any relief by piotoe- tlon." Now that Dr Montajruc hay achieved a position as a Minister wllh a department, will he nine above the principle of misrepresentation, by which he uoupfht to docelve tho Cayupa Indians, and by whioh ho seeks to misrepresent the attitude of 13ngland's First Minister.? The result of the Montreal Centra (lection In taken heio to mean chiefly that the National Policy Iuim lost It* oharm for tho worldncrnien,who bolTp\o It has been a failure. The db'bnn helnpr a fortress of the manufacturers. It may reasonably bc-inferred that tho manufacturers are not afraid of tbe Liberal trade policy. Shortla' cohc wa*? under considera tion In Count U to-day, but no conclu sion wni announced. It is sabl tlu- AlinlHtera were iery evenly divided on the question of commutation of srn- tenee,________ C.odeiJch and Windham and~lCinp;- oton and Pontiac Railway companioi will ask Parliament for extensions oi time. ' A. Gaitshoro. Tamos Thomson, 4. a Allan, W. J, Thnmaon of IIamkt"n and W. M. Oaitshore or London are toeklnpf Incoipuiatlon an the CrnriHh/iie- Thomiion Pll'o and Foundry Compiiny, limited, with a capital of $30,000. '| The Cottlnrrham "Varnish Comj'nn'v has been Incorporated by letters ipi..- ent. Prominently_______ ^______ -, Prepared by O. 1, Hood & Co.. j^owcil MasH. Hold by drucfflnttf* 51julxfor|fi. Best Little Purgative fli-ht piiim, pare. Ho how* whio a con Franc Att1 190 po propm [cut a 1 >rder I cfonsun, oifjhe in\chos} del'P. u)win could in dodAfl w cntvlincc out wild noodad was iMto tho coVui oilective protection of society against him. The ruruo temporary cajfing of tho criminaL att a wild beast is a pro tection, to socioty-for tno time lieinjj, it is true, But iF, when ho iy let out of his **a#o, ho i worai*. fchun whon hfl went iu, lie may bo mote wary and cunning ihereaftor, but he will ho mora Jan^ftoua to rioeiety thaii la fore ho was enf^od.', Under tho pit sunt nya-. tern tho convict in di.tchai^'d ni tho end of a fixed term with a new tun!, of clothes and a few doJluiH in l,u pocket. "How many ryiaduatos of Harvard UniveiHily,1' Piof(H^or Collm aika, "dropped upon tho woi J<1 in hu**u a fashion, with all tho bom fits in char acter, ability ami nmul.itnai which Harvard can triv thorn, with nu fnenda uxfoptHueh a beokon theui tu liaunta of vice and criminal ways of earning a living how many Harvaid Kxaduat- ea undei sucli oircuiustanocs would itet through this ne-it two yoats without being compelled tobo#, bonow or stoal? How, then, cau you oxpuct the di- charRed prison convict, witii tho ilrm- nst of good resolutions (as many at that moment have), but with no satisfactory lofeioners to previoua employment, in lio tan borrow. ,. ___ Hiidden jwmso ot freedom,' to avoid the THE POSITION OF TH SILVER MEIT Aa KnifKUlokiAcl KpMli by Hr. JHtititan of <lil*truiu Iu I'avof ui Vrce Vutuuu^ -iu Akiiriiiliii^iiii < <hv iHilU :HU tJi Ih< Okit fi-ii. OJl) to K'tshlnttoa, Veil th-j SUK- ._. eominitwion of . , , , .---------......~i new rrimna befor* he can earn an hon- .otcontent oufc of a muneum, o8tlivine-?" and just before his dciftih,) ., L* duo to apoplexy, liad made cukU- Thev I whlel! th- ex- o goon oxnibition in a San L tittouju. of his death lio woighod |ad wn* of such onormous uit it was necessary to blm side of tho houso in ) Urti body. Tho coflin foot of lumber and linds. It was 0 feet 8 [ichos wide and 20 inches izo tho funnval aorvices ld in tho I'lim-oh, as the Hiuall to admit of its he sermon was pi ear hod tiocN. Ton mnn wero Fbeaiei'H, and tlio funeral 'by pioplo from all oyer king of Women. t ovttr unod," writes ono lady la regard to Cood'u PJlIa. They are bo mild and do tholrwork^th" oifciy grfpln.* I rocommonu them to tll'Huf- fcrlng from ton- tlvoneas. Thoy wlllcortainly brlnsfyomhabitii regular. Wo nw no other eathar- tlc" Hood't tills aro rapidly incraaiilng In favor.^ 2tte* i women, heio aro some writer rhoi^v to tu0 nPHC* uloik, whom down to hh' vejy well any way . oho didn't komim finds at times that it wo'unrVb^ man. lio to work for nothing, but * " discovers it soonor than Short tJouritoyK on a bong* UojuI Is thocbaraotoriBtio title of a prnfuBn y il- luotrated book containing ovurono hundnd pap;na of oharramgly written deoonptiona of auminer roborta iu tho country north and vest of Ohiongo. Tho rnadinf* mutter in i ow, tho illnabratious aro oe'v, und tho in formation therein will bo uew to alraoot o\'oryono. A copy of "Shore .lournoyt on u Lmm Road" will bo wont froo to unvnne who will i'onoloHo ton contH (to pay pontatio) to Gpo Q IIiEAri'oiu), General Pansongor Auent Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rnlwaj, Ohioaco. 111. "It tiros o a man usualM a woman. Vieed not bo any worse for "A woman lm hor own light, having moueyV avo a knack of mak- "Some worn Ids as thoy do thoir bon- inp; over husbai|ter. an to doit, gonoialh tt : 'Voa l-iiif A- boil neth 'for tho " 'I did not m deboi ves tho re not mean not to toAo sox.sontimentoi Waints Mrs. Mil- Don't worry. Don't run in debt. Pon't triflti wdh your lu alth, Don't try expior lenooBwitu aiodioiueB. Don't wuBtn timo and money on worth]- n oompoundH Don't be peruUBdod to tuhe a aubntituto for Ayoi'a BurHitparilla. It in tho best of blood-puriflers im- Cltukiiberlnhi rardAiiftl. Winnipeg Dec, 27. ClmHIe CIL.,..- borlaln, the peinonajre who camo! to Winnipeg In 1803 fbr tho purpocu nf defeating ITon. Joseph Mtirtln by ] u-r- eonatlngr, and who was caught od handed, released on ball, forfcitot li and was aubHequently arrested in IV ronto, bcouffht here for trial nod " demned^o threo years In penlten] Is In tie city to-day. His sqi seemfl tMhave been commute^. i> j ww l*otHloM mi XJiiTM'll." 11V rn io, John Gilmer Speed, Dr. Cyrus Kdson (.ex- profoident ol the New Yoik Boara oi Health) and Mih. S. T. Rorer learn- ,'Uly discuss "The Potaid ay a Dally Diet," in November Lathi t,' Homo Journal, (and pretty conclusively prove tLat the humble but popuiai tuber is not a healthful article of food Mr. Speed asscito that the potato as m. i'l. >d la not nearly ho valuable as we have very generally esteemd It to be. it Is quite deficient in nitiuj^en, and as a sole diet lu therefore umultablu. It is hard to digest and therefore Hhould ' e partaken of very sparingly by ull "eve those wlio live active lives out-of- uoor.......The potato provokes our cat national ailment, dyspepsia, and the sooner tlu consumption of the . H.ily tubeiu bc^ii.s Hie sooner will ie diead fangs nf lio dyspepsia ap- i -at. Dr. Ldson In a iej"lnder to Mr. Speed Mites. I must quite agree with Mr. .', ei d In his condemnation of the po- .. tu. X am Mony tp have to say any- . in z against' the bum bio tuhoi, but Jie truth, especially when It Is scion- ii 1c, and nioic especially medico-seion- k.)lc, must be told, it Is on tain no one ..n at all times eat the potato wllh the L<i.urunoe that It will do him no harm. . ., The pi action of feeding pota toes to infants and young ohildien <..nunt be too heverely connemned. a ,i.tn to diet may not kill them outright ,t once, but it Is eeitaln to Injure their Lgesllvo organs permanently nnil or- < I'tmilly, ho as to make their lives u i 'iden to themselvca anil those who no biought In contact with thorn, Dr . (laon alao contends that the potato I very deficient In nutritive qusrities, iMirl has Icum value us an aificlo of food than most other vegetables and cereals, Mrs, Borer writca: I am riot a po- .4to prohibitionist, hut I (Irmly bellow -j.at potatoes shuuldvbo served only ith stronely-coneontrated notrogeu- s foodi such as, roasted beef, of, for the vegetarian, with beany, peas <Jr luntllu, 1 ' ) fc:t 'Yes, b'uryou dui it,' ijhorn is tho only gol- "Monoy in it forue know. den mlo some peopVn furnishos a kev- !^"A bank-note oft\ ^ note to the aituatiori "Dusiness knows Bympatliy. "The modern artistuory to her diesa. HonV portrait as accob,0 tIl0 duptIl q[ a "You can not measu length of lior woman's purse by thr train. "A woman may bo wi.....^______ . a man, hut uitwillins to take a diioct road Lo thu poor houso with hira. "Tho terra tlio 'holy state of matri mony' seems somewhat of a misnomer when it can bo said that ono may 'com mit' matrimony or 'indulge' in it," for WIumv Mon aro Woaiu A woman who lias to work for a liv ing has no timo to woik tho men, and tho men are such chumps that they have to bo woikcd to bo Beuinod. A pirl who no*rliM'ts hor woik to curl her hair anil bat her eyes at the mon stands a bettor chanco of winning a husband than (ho girl that makes her daily woik hor fiist object. This is not eoinpli- mentaiy to the men, but men aro groat * humps,and" ovuy- Uiyo* ouienoespiovo tli.it ihey uio paiti ulailj r humpy eo far as women are ooikoi ni d. S; o.tl *-, t A woman drummer for a St. Louis vinegar manutacloiy is touring the Northwest on a bicycle and in stun ning PaiiHian bloomers. .Sho s. nils postal cards ahead of her to tint grocers, announcing she will "wheel into town about next week," and nbkim; thorn to save their ordoiB for hor. Sho is i roat- 1113; a sensation and boiling loLy of vine gar, In Texas bloomeis ate 116W made with pistol pockets. A "convun-ation bicyolo" is tlio most recent prodm tion of tho feitilo hiani of tho l-'renoh manuhictiiror, It is so ar ranged that both opoiatoi'S face each other while propolling tin- machine. FAMOUS "LEWIS CARROLL/* Ittitf Author af "AilOf, In Wouilarhtnd^ uiul *ThtoU(rh tho Looking Clatin," Tho author of "Alice in AVondor- and," charmrnfir, kmdly jtcutloman [hat he is, haa a borror of anything; pproaching to publicity which might HmoHt bo called morblu, writes Ethel lackonzio MoKenna in the August ftdios' Homo Journal. So much,does p dread a chanco encownter with the ror-wily interviewer, and oven the Issibility of a betrayal by an acquain- ince, that ho avoids making friends, dly a very fow ot those who surround lln aro admitted to his intimacy and cijoy tho charm of his quirk sympathy, light intelligence and wido learning, Pho Rov. CliarlosLutwidgo Dodgson (nio has ftfcrivon to lu'do Ins individua ls undor tho psoudonym of "Lewis CjroU") has Hpont tho gi eater part of hit life in college. He was elected a fltjlont a Follow of Ohnst-church in 18i, and from 1935 to IbSl' lio was mnhematieal tutor. His bubject in mriiematie.s and ho has icontirbutcd a nmber of books to its literature, Cuijusly enough lie hardly realizes thahiti fame has 0011^0 to him, not as thojlv.incod mathomatit ian hut as tho autfjr of tho moat fascinating nonsense thatKver was written1. Whon in the first liush of hor suoooat "Alice" was in obry hand and nor wonderland advoWrcs wmo tho < slight of grown up ptiple aa well af- of children, Hor Majejjv. Queen Vi to-ia, sent a meas- ago tcjtho author bogping him to send hor hi next book. Iiko all her sub jects sip was anxious to hear more of tho doWhtful child, /hoso prototype wall thidaughter of tie dean of Christ Church She wan mtpli aatoundod to receiveWoon After 11/ copy of "An Elomen\iry Treatise o Dotorniinants,'1 by G. -IjiDodgson, for fin those' days ho had maiiged to prosevo his incognito, and HorftfajcBty, lik tho rest of the world, bliovod liim tbo a moro hum- oust. 1 Mr. Dwgson is a clergyman In dca- in's o^lnn.v ho wasrtivor ordained a ng, it" Is brid, to a slight speech which prevents his public. This, however,'he iBuro overcome, and hp now ntly roads tho lessons and clpio college service1! in tho eiVHo lias oven occasionally 1 "Mo proach at tho special tho col'ego sorvants. He of habit and In term timo t from his own. particular ry's _ _ ..... Df c. 21. Tho Jjuido- cr^a lu both ILuumiH have Ueuldod to oao both thu Lai in bid. whkiii is m brought in foi the purpose of kJdhiir the ueto.naii additional ro ue, and t) o bond Mil. Wi.ich ltntiblfenns pinpo'ie to meet tli iff t Ion 1 oJ tin iJte;HUt nf'] in .s.L.t. Th oppo'ltiou of tho Democrats Is bi I'd nmliih upon p,ut\ j.iouiuli. Tl v .iiv pit In, at prnltlu- T\u-y ki xv tii.it then. H a (Jollolt |n the*t'ea st y, ,md that, undor 1 xlii In- tlio, iL hi likely to contlnu* kftw also that the bond bll w he Intutduced will moot leuuVfi at tho treasury and rv>mply w h the sinrro'qloniJ of tho Vrouldent'B la n)t*migo Y( t the Petnoemhi of tho Win; have d'h'rmlmd ta real * the peaevj of both pneasuieff. 'aitbhiKton, Dee. J.'7.-~ln tho Senate tl: House bill, "To temporal fly |n- cr :se tlio revenue to meet the expen se of the Ooverninent, nn<1 provide ajhiMt deficiency," was received from th House,read a lirnt and e-roiid Umo, ai referi<'d to the Ji'lnanco Commit- tc io opposition to the bond bl 1, which dt doped with unevpi ct .d tapldlty ai-ng the Republicans in the House yt erday, an opposition which, It Ja clued, tlueateiicd to defeat tho pass- ai of the bfll, resulted In Its amend- in t by the Ways and Means Com J moo this morn I ner, so as to proven! tl retirement of the legal tendei m s. The Implied retirement of thof/e ntjn in the bill, as orlglna-lly are<Jd up, furnished the lnsplmtl.ni ffr mh of tho hostility to the n easuhs ainr ooitaJu of the Roptihdoana wpo lung to "tho aound money v 1 ig of Uparty." ,/Tlic action of tM commit ted-day idillidos. this hostility, / j tho iroiiHe I bi was opened by Mr. Dimcloy, who aucatod It-i passage ln_a^spocch) of wtcely an hour's duration Ho wfcid It.irovioioUB would tend lo fltron^tp^n ai protect the gold rfcsorvo by mak in it a fund for the redemption/ of fiTinhacks only, and not a fund to ho dnrn upon lor current expenses./ e pafl^nlre of the bill was also ad- vi.ted in the course of the after/noon b}fr, Groiivonor (Kep., Ohio), as a pa- tiic duty ; by Mr. La coy (IRep, O'), and Mr. Johnson Otop.* N.X).). was oppo.sLtl by Mr. Turner <tpem., G, who said the Administration ted all the paper money r/tlroo', that If he had had an oppontunlty, lo so, he would have oft'erol to-so Jnd tho bill ; by Mr. Patterson (In., Tenn), who oald (he dlity of Crreaq was to restore eonlld/noe in tl currency ; and Messm. Swanson On,, Va) and Whet lor (Dom., Ala.), 10 sensation of the day came at a h hour in the afternoon, when Mr. Jison (Rep., Cnl.) voiced In an Im- PJo-ned manner the opposition to t measure In the ranks of the mnjor- It He said it kuvo tho He lo every rubllcan speech and ovcry ricnubU- c platform, and he pleaded with his p leal associates to voti atpilnnt It. I ,vas cheered by the DenoQraX-a"di ny Republicans as be jucdleted the dat of the bill, and declared that t >nly true relief to be obtained wa hio free and unlimited coinage' ov m r. '. Burrows to-day offered In the to an amendment to (he tariff 11 I. vih Imposes until Auuust 1, IS98, a * pqulvalont to 00 per 1 ent. of the- bs Imposed by the MoKlnlov Act jsubject to the conditions and Hmi- no of that act upon the following m1 set Lvc Tin ilOlH^ U.U'Lut. "It is a common idea,"saysaCinoin- nati horse dealer, "that tho change of motive power for ht^i et oais and tho oonsetiuent tlisuso of hors'fl.thim reduc ing tho demand, is largely ii'hpon-jiblo for the decline in thu prices of horses. That is true tm to a (f rtiifn kind of lioryo- ilosh, but, not the bout kind. What allude my biihincbS more than nrtything else is the bicycle. This diminished thouso of a bettor class of homes, a class not after rod materially by thy fauhsXitution of olectrioity for horses on stieet rail- wayu. Tho bicycle takes the plaoo of the gentleman's riding liorso, of tho lady's riding horse, of buggy and car riage horsoK and of ihe ymmgylor's pony. People in genoial do not u-alizo now diwifiiroUH the bicycle Iiph hesn to tho market, for tlioso kind of hoisos." Cnpld'a Triumph. "I wonder why so short a man as Bimh^r should marry such a tall girl as Miss Tupper r" "Probably the same reasou that in-i ducod Mias Tapper" to marry -L"^t- fallow like Bimley." s< ftria, foro il noys an oh, negro] tho at.1 wero qucati thcie Ho wa much f lua stoi privato witlt th "An' a wd aw( a-comin, 'long o' c "What judge. Tho Wft as if Borqu then, witn on ipted thu WItnoMt. Iflinco.ir^ Southwest Geor- icase was being tried bo- judge. The Stato's attor- tho shootinff.and thoy had m the witness-fltand. Tho ' intensely interested in as tolling. His big oyos ion tho lawyer who was .arid ho scorned to think iior person in tho room, ng with excitement, so 3 sf ammerod.and ho told 0 was having a Rlyictly nfuleutial convocation attorney. 1-s," ho said, in solemn tones, "j-j-jos' ox I war 0 cornnh.sah, I sec- him Ipob'. t " ,vaa tliie?" naked tho 1 used just for a B6c6nd, tad disturbed him ; but 'iiinghishead.ho went -Flax, hemp, twines and 'ar a-romin* roun' do llT . , win- ii-ronnn* roun' uo T^HB1 him 'long o'delamp- irnan.htTM rt l covnah.btj; pos'. I Tlio jucif, smartly w "Stop im; ing 3'ou 11L you come |t Agn'n Hi a tmii mil lun Snug a' he novor i atnuul to i} "l Z I Wl^ dat dab com dt-" 5 a t alefl . ledulo A Acid, sulphur or oil of v>l,not otherwise pro\ Jdod for; cop- p sulphate of, or blue vftrlol: coal t; all preparations of, not colors or d mineral oils; sulphate of Iron or ciras,Indigo, Iodine, cottonseed and en oil, paints, colors, etc.; potash; u late of soda, glauber salts nnd ai>r nitre cake. ( edulo P Iron ores, cotton tie of Ir or steel; copper and manufae- tu of. [edulo bfcig. edulo O AjTrlcuItUfnl products,I fr milk, broom corn, cabbago.cklor, * eg plants, etc, poos, fresh fish, tal- Im^reaso of wool, salt, lidulo II Lemonade, soda water thnr similar waters dule N Feathers. pajngs, stntutaiy, halfers' plush.ur- **' un'der section 3, act of Oot, 1, offee, goat skins, juw hldos.etc. new bll] lmpoaca a dutv of 60 pebnt. of the McKialey rates on r, which, undor th* O'esent law, 'orted free. This would fix rates way : hor hewn or sttwtid, fi per cent, aoilorem; squared on aided. 3-10th ^"tnt per cubic foot: sawed boards n pev thousand feej, othor sawed Iuy, $1.20 per thousand, with 30 co extra for each al$e pinned; SO ce planed ono side,, jtongued and ixt d. , clapboards wotild'pav flOVents P* unwind; snruca e apboards,. Oft* wwr thousand; hubs IS per oenL adjorom; lath^, 9 cents per thou* ar' pickets, G cents pbr thousand: ', of whlto pine, 32! por cent of wood, 18 per cenL; staves. ari tld 18 lu is In [ dtho desk before him gavel. ----------- ------ Tht judqi- w ih i no ..iiNI "Wtruotih to i ou "Win 1101 IL) I I "| an n do1 1 i,'i .M 1 I L- i 1 . v \"i'\8 v \\ 11 Ii luughn i,l, tnd .....I', with wide w wi'n allov undi-,tuibed. "TSio court isask- At what timo did lio corner?" iH fclnppod and made Jimnds as if ho was |y from his ear, but kround, and again <n-y. iji', boss, I rounded II seen him 'long of bis mallet down lalhioal caused tho 10 otund,and roared In, sir? "If you do Ltion instantly I n , faced t]ho court, |erit-i'. dohn' you soo [post convulsed IA> bent his head, f/ient, aud" the [unih his story K0 flb ot Pejnt. **IV 1IIH->0\.tiCV IE BUTE V. UirlMon^l In i-B|| TnrkfiT Ib'Al- (Itantlnople, Dea 27. DeenatehM Wurwamd from hero Nov. 20th t,t that a Canadian missionary li.ohu Campbell Majtln, h Ld .; ur hoaton and hp" C,,^",,, K. near Hadjln. Cen ral TurkeyV f 'dutailsshuw that his traveltaL" 'A jkj were forcibly takfrn from him ';' ai at ho was brutally tioa& 15 "- , Tih. ofliolnlR forcod toahiT^ hja ,C I w;tinea enod. itssaulted. imprison! } 1 ednriVMi of necessary fSS'SS if-, shod subjected to vaifousf^rmsof i'^J Mtment and lndhrnIUts. J"^Jf >, i h ioe tUys and all in the nameof'-il th /oi nment. m*mh oi ,,^4 \SM A W,.oili,iQ , a %ffft , ', <<^ ' ;on, Ont, Doe. 27 ta^lJ fr"^ Jc 1 of Spry Lake, 'whlfc StfSSff' In woods, was struck bv.VrwS1?. W he was feUimr. snrlngjiJrM or . almost severing? hlf Sfe w iad to be amputated beTofr?KS la, Mo., t)ec, 27h-As' the'fWa re In the oubmerged dlStWebi'S e4of damasre Is beooibilnfcfj T*leys, of the Oaasre ati<. -J buffered mot,'ani*H jratlon to place.j J-V 1618 18 82