r/rv;. TPT;u i.).^i.;^r;^;W^ . -' ^ ..>* -' THE JtSSeiSBt FRBb F-XE ery hotild Have entleman MhwMt* PERSONAL IS A- Waterproof Coat... Ifc in not only usa^ul in rainy weather but can be worn with equal advantage during snow storms Or wtion the mer- ury is below zero. In fact Bomc^iytho makes we have, besideB being water proof, take thc/Afllje of ulsters or overcoats. They are made Iroiu all wooVj|jJRriotM and serges, in black blue and grey, ^^^"^-^^ PPB breastod with wide velvet collars and look ____ as the finest overcoats. e also have them with deep Oapes for Boys as well as Men.. We are Agents for the Renowned Rigby Goat, made from dl kinds of coating material, guaranteed rainproof without llie aid of rubber. Prices from $2 to $18. Overcoats and waterproofs, second floor. The Modern Clothier. ,__ KA.ND.WICIl AND OUEI-HTTJi STHKKTB. WINDSOK. **<?:. r "V > I'llMMIWII lAL'X'iJaj. Lf . Until we draw are doing tor your attention to what we the Holiday Trade. We have been very busy this week in opening up our new stock of Goods, and have made our store a veritable 3artta Claus? jieadquarteps. i We haye the biggest and best selection of Holiday Novelties ever brought Ho Essex. We know what this declaration, means, as we have been in the trade for pome time. The stock consists of M, the pleW things For young as well as for old. We have an endless number of Toys, Dolls, Sleighs, Baby Gutters, Doll Carriages, Doll Furni ture of all kinds for the little ones. And just see the prices. They are put so low that every boy or girl in Essex can be made happy at Santa Glaus' time.' Ii\ Bool^s and / jfflbiints We have an endless assortment of all Kinds Our stock is of the best and newest designs and we are prepared to give* some great bar* gains. Don't fail to call and look over the stock Dr. Duwtir ultoudod tho bod-widn of bin niult hrutlior in (lrai'i'1 U:ipnlH laut W<Hilc. Mm. J. K. Mooru, of Htjtjrraii, hfin boon upending a luw duyfc with hor unolopJ^-H*- J P. AinBliu, o( Ouiubor, wuh in' town for ik few djiyn thin wouk, looking aftur hi** pillUO ImuillUhH. Jjitwynr unci Mm. A. II. Olurko, of Wind- hoc, uphill. Sunday in town, thn {juontn. of J)r. an11 Mm. P. X. Dijwar. lUr. -I. A.JKfiiMti-i' rf:tnriw.((l on WimIhuh- day from tittondinj.;' thn finioml uf hit: fall mm* who diod in ^Vtdhuitl. I\Iit.!) Kriit;^, win) lia'j boon upending n, few Wdolin wii.h Ut-.v. and .Urn. I'Mumitij*;, return- bd tu I'.or liuiriit on Tuouduy. Mhm A-. li.Colomitn, who hnu bi'inii via- ituif* fi'inii l'i iii i.'!u;tcni r:iti"4 for tint pant two iii'iiidn, r-uuiH I on Wudno".l:iy. Mr. Nl'1:MJII T. .)llH.*H ilt i" | mi if 1 in;.; til'.' ; holitluyti with hor pm'dut.s iin'i inundu ui Dolhwell, Bho ban buon in Toronto for a few weoltii. W. Boloher, Into of London, and known in muHiaul circloii Utjre, li'in Ikhm)jiw^iiilod mumigor of tho (wmio- d^purtimwil wT a Dotroit mimiciil company, and will in futuro r.onidu in Muifc city. , Mrtt. P. Howard, of Glinooy^>ui( ftlioh., itfJGompuu'ud by hor iiou, fciuth, liavo bcmi in town for tho pant few day:;, vmitiii^ frioiidn and looking after tlioir iuturoulK horo. Xhoy will goto Droulon in a fow dayu and purpono npunUio^ the winter in tliin district. Tlielloforin in tlie N. W. Terri torial. A 'V(.'t"V.(!riO'tui"n;in(.v luttur him oomii U> hutlil lliiti w#'k from Mr. John Dobbin,] Huponntonaeut, oi Hoainl Fority work lu tho Oraud Onmioil for tho North 'Wdtdi 'J'^rritoriuH. VV*j ooni.;ratiilatu our brothur nod tlin wnrk>*rH in lift far Wunfc for tlwi /.oitl tlu'y uitiDift'Ht iti thin ^nod work. WliiFo muurmny tho fact that the Hocial eyll ddud exint i many pliuoH, yofc Vfa aro nHHtirnd that tho mmidUHi, <Jli7lirt[iin *"-* dciivoiii, JOpwortli TjHm;ii(!ii ,ukJ 'ftthtir Ynnii)! Puuplo'u nnoitiH ari 'lining (;ood v/orK in tlm oauiio of tiouial purity. Wo 1uk*i pli.-Mtnro in inm-rtiuji; tlm oirouhtr our Knfji:i*inti'"dont inos non'. mil to all (Jouniiihi, mid hop.i that. t.h" r.'Mpnmm to thotm, aw vvull iih ihii app'al to thb ohTcy, will hour iminh frnif. <Jir(!iilni* to .Councils. ffl Diebel & Brick' Mamm MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 1HNSICXTOWN. Eb53C, Dkc. 3kh, 1H(J0. Council mot in rognlur oufiiiioii, tliu roevo iu tho chair, rronent: Thfr-RooveT-lhiLllmmty Iloovo^ and aounoilloruGoo, Bartb, J. A. lloae, D. Whitiioy, J. A. Uickn, A. KRiaeu, J. SI. Ilicku and F. Robin'Ron. Acommuuicittiou wiih rcooived from tho Laodod Banking and Loan Co. ru tho aHHOBurnoiit of Block tiB whioh thuy y'tiy they dc nob own. Movod-by Mr. .). A, Slicko, uooouded by 51r. Koho that tho matter of tbo Landed lUuliiuc and Lotto Co. bo rbforrcd to tUo finuiien comraittoG to report at noii uau^tin^ of uouucil. Carriod. A petition was prooontod by G. E. Hod cmon and othen*, uoiuutf the council to ordur a mdowaU built on tiio north uido of Alicu utroat.botwoon Ln.nct aud Ilor avo- naort. Lni Before all the best, things fire gone, The early buyer is tho wise .one. . Remember' - Moved by Air. Ruinos, sooondod by: i7. A.. Hioka, that Dr. Potto, hh ntreot commis- sionnr of Ward 2, uttond to tho petition ot G. 13. Houdoriion uud othoro. Curriod* On motion of J. A, Hiokw, Hocoudcd by Mr, Whituoy, v uumbor of accounts which woro pronouted wore roforred to the Fi- nitiicfl oonainittf.o. llovod by Mr. Ijuird, oocondod by i\lr. Itovo that Mr. MoDouffull attoud to build- iuy the utreat oroeiiin^ uskad for by Mr. John Hrtpyood. Carriod. , Moved by Mr. J. A. LlicltH, Bocondod by Mr. Burfch, that \V. U. JSd^ar be paid S8aa a bulauco on oidewalk on Gordon avonuo. Curried. Mr. Laird t^avo notico that he will at next mooting of council introduco a by-law lo amoutl the Trailaiout Trador By-law. Mr. L'lird alart gavo uotico thut ho will at ixixt naoetini* of eonacil introdnoo a by law tu fix tho place of holding tho comma tion& ami to appoint deputy returning ofli" otrsj and fix the plaon of holding tho polio. Tho finance comraitton reported ruoom- mondinti payment of thb following aocounta whioh on motion of Mi*. MaDougnll, hoc. oudod by Mr. Whitney, wcro adopted. J. K. MoEwau, commutation of taxoH,810. Lainf^ Bros., balanco of account for lumber, .'12 centa 1), Kennedy, ropairin^ watarworku boiler, 33. W. Ii. Bearaan, aaliry aa troimuror, ftfiO. A. W. Gardnor, aulnry for Nov., 8-10. Wm. XutLiufiy oloctrio lights for Novembor, 833.34. E. J. Iioyolaoo, pnnfcing, S4.50. J. S. Laird, cubIi advanced to N. T Jonon, ft4,50. Fred Hyatt,-grant to firemen, 575. W. H.. Edgar, balanoo ou oidowallc, 88, Mr^Luird ^avo notico that at uoxt moot- iui; of council bo will iutroduoo a by-law to fix tbo conditions and proportion!! on which the corporation will a'BHiBt in build- inj aidowall(H oo oornor lotn. Moved by Mr, MoDongall, necondod by Mr. Robinuon, that tbo engineer be in structed to lay out tho to^nlme drain ud malto noctiHUitry aiueiHrnont for oout af re pairu upon partioH bonoUttod theroby Curried. Council thou nrljourned to Doc. 10th. .Tohn.Wawis'hii, Olork. MORE ABOUT THE GREAT REMEDY WHICH ltEIjTKViaS BHEUMA- TIS.U IN A FEW HOURS AND CUHEBIK ONE TO. TJUlEirbAYB. William MoKenswo, Vfrq.f of tlio G. T. It. Thnmofi villi*, Out. *'About two \aavn ft^o I whw oompiotoly- laiil up-, with tho rheu- matimn tmd onllrd fn our family phyHloian who atton^iM1. mi'for wiM'k't without hono- fit. At List'I Hiiour.'d :t boltlo of Bniilh AmoWoaii i>boumitio Oure, and obtained robuf in u fow liouru. Two bottlen Ciuahlod mo to rOHumo work. Ii> ih tho <|UiokoBfc actniii remedy In tbo njurlttt, an ouo doso fOiivinooH of ltd ureal worth. Bold bv J .Thorac. / j3&& I ^ '*!l "At tip; |ni,t Cir.'i;id Council uiontin;; li^ild ut Alniji.iu Jaw, in rVurniu y Im', tho ChiipI'Lin, :u* Kuju-iiiitiiiilLiiil. of Wliii o ('roHit 'and W'ni;.' Slii'-ld wi'rk, \v\-\ tn.~l.rii':t.i;d to. . i! . ii. i!i- 'IVr iit'ii'i'H it/: ;ii(.; X \v: n ,i) I 'i'. Uf 1 !u* '..Mr It of H'-ioi'il funfy in ;lif Cuiiti'iilM {.--.:!tj pa.^u 1'2 iii Gr.iiKl'f/iHiit'.'il n.;jjiri). "I unoloto form1* of plfil;i;i' in nomination with riiu work. Afnll'i;r. of plu.Uji'H mid litcjratui'..) iiinl.fi.lilo iiny In: oliLiino'l frmn tin- Hook lt,i)iil, II.LiuilE.i.:t fl.ii. , ut. >J1. "Tlim quontion i:i uiM' tli'it. in (; intinti illy' pieuuiit^ iiiiolf iroru mid more upon ivt, tint bfijiunii wo arn itnxions tu uivintt^iii,i) Ihc eviln uf nonifltyv but lnii.'iuii',! \vc rt'.'ilizo thut tlio uiKiial ovtbf tli'it p;tnt urn Hfippiii;^ the lifti bluod of our yoiim; p.i'ipl; and wo rnuiit rtiiwo the notn uf wtrnin^;. "Wo iciiHt do ^ninolhui ^ to utop tb(. Htrua'niH of impivritj thai aro Uowini* through our bolovud country. Our boyii and j^irhi noed to bn donlr, with in a mora prautroiil manner; wm miint not avoid tho quorum, hut dual with it in a mirnnor thut will improfit on (Hir youu;^ pnnplu tin; oLtit"nal duni;iirv)f tho Sooinl niirt that uro I'ccomin^ no pruvalmit in our luidju. Wi: auk you toflivo yuur perjuinul attention to thin important quoution, which Mioiild bo oi vital intorcst to all, but more tfHpociull.y to pureutH. "Will you ploano uou thut thia in brought nquaroly boforo your Council, and a cora* mittoo of two appointed a brother and umUr whoso duty will ba to eocuro iu- u'aturoH to thu plodyun and knop a ruoorJ of iniuio, n oacb Council will bo ahknd to roport in full ao to ui^naturb aeourcd and any othor work aceonipliuhod along thin line, atid nluo koep an ucouunb of all I tit torn Bent out ro thin w(rk. 'Iroiuuiii ycu.'.f i.. II., L. and T.. 'JOHN DOBBIN, Grond Chaplmn and Suporintondont of, Wbito-.Groart aud Wbitu Shield work." An Appeal to tlio Clergy. .. A circular Iiuh also been ttent out to tho clergy, iiHkiuti thorn to preach a sermon during tho fall upon tho nubjeut of fioeial purity. The following if a paragraph from thia circular : ' We would gladly l'oloc.nta tho whole (jtiohtion to tho raalin of (thadi; and tiilutico, but tho utato of knoioty, tho many Htand- ardn of purity holding Hway with a lnro olatio of our follow-men, the many in- fluentiCH tonchnp, to tbo social ovil, and tho evil haliilH croopinj^ into tho younger ^on- oration of boyn and ^'irln, compel mi* to Hpi;iik. ItiH tun- to t:ftto mi at'i^rosiiivn ittaud for ih"o protection of innucunoo, tho ymirditif* of tho purity of tho homo, and in educating our boya and girla and our young men and women in rehiliou to tho nocial vice, itu cauHOs and tbo moans of necuritifj a pure und strong womanhood aud man- hood." Wo uro hopeful of mportingoro lone tho romiltnof tho earneat appealu Ht:ut out by the Superintendent of Social IJwrity in tbo Torntoriod. It ih often a myHtvry how a cold ban boon ' oinigUt." Tbo fact ia bowovor, that when tbo blood in poor and tho nyatom doprewied, one bt'Domoa ^oouliarly liable to dinoticoo. When tho appotito or tho titrongth failn, Ayor'a Sarnaparilla nhould bo taken with out delay. A Hlan^ilcnnt Doqurture. With tho dcpurturo of another year whon a roviowr m made of tbo condition of affairH.it in only right that norao thought bo given to tho pkyflioul body which on- ablon ovoryono to buttle with lifo'o problom uud fltfuro for thtmnalvct! tho p.-ofit or loHiion tho trial balanoo nbcot. Though tho bank aoooimt may ho lupgo and ouuh ono'o .material (jaln bo groat, it mould not bo Anrpriainn if it ouddonly dawno upon many that good hoaltb ban boon graatlv impovoriabod by tho low condition of tho blood. It ifl in this iitato that tlio luetic uoid in tht vital fluid at. taokti tho Ubroua tioueH, particularly the {ointH, making known tbo local mauifoot atioun of rhouinatiam. Thounaiidu of peoplo havo found in Hood's Saritapurilla tho grout blood pnriflor, a pooitivo and pormawont cure for ihoumatitma. U**~t - "1 Holiday Excursions, 1895. XMAS & NEW YEARS. Single Flrst-Cla^Far'e: Gooa going eo. 24"and :rfttur,JiK Uoo. 2fl, 18m. Goliiii Pi'O. ,'U and Jan. 1. retuniiugJau.2, lfllM- ,r: ' Faro and a Third: Goodpoing Duo. 21 to Jan. J, inclusive., Good returning until Jun,.7,189U. Special rates for Teachers and Students: Good coioft Deo; HI to 24, yefcurniiag Jan. 13,1890. For fnrthtt paHioular* af ply to ^ :* A. O. tiTIMEUR, '; ' Acenfc (it Iiuoex. For the month of December, of their $25,000 STOCK Of New Winter Goods. ' J -A- We want to make December the bamior month of tlie year, and oflbr the greatest genuine bargaina hx, new up-to date relia))le mevchandiae ovir attempted hy1 uh. This Gigantic Sale commences on Mondav morn-- ly morn- ing, December 2. Come early and share in the plums DRESS HOODS DEFT.;* - pinto witlr tlio iiiiuat I^ronch iiovoUioh in Columbia Cloths, Two 'Poned Ml'cctH, Novelty Tweodn ami IilHUniiainfl Soi'ros. 10 pinc'ua Tuft'efcta Silk, reg ular price 10c for IJOcyard. Pte^uliir (iOr; japiuioao wash ing SillcH for 50c yard. Heat $1.2.5 I'oau Dc Hoi dress oiiks reduced tu !J5c yard. Double - fold 40-ii) Boston twilled tkoK9 goodn for l;Jc yd. %\ quality liiciiifj; Kid 0loves in black ;md colors lvduced to 75u pair. 50 pairs Coreets lor 25c each. MEM' SUITS, 0VEttC3,\T; Wo havo not space to toll you one lialf about our Olntli wk Stock. Wo show tho bif- Kont oolootion ot afcylos, HhudoM palitorns, matoriala and rual/os in Kseox. Don't buy a suit/or Ovorcoiifc for winter until you Hoe our atoclc and priooa. / LADIES MANTLES. - Ladios Mantles reducod from. $ 1 r>U to $2.75 ouch. Liulion' citjlit-nttmy ftont, douhlo-breiiHtfad; oloatitl ctJHar,^ larfju mandolin nlu(ivt;H,roduaod from Sill to M.7Z. Millinery Dopt. t off on ail trimmed and nutvimiuud ilatH alia Bonuutfl. ' Boots and Shoes- Wo neI1 tliu aolohrutdfl J. D. ICinR. footwear, at pnpukr priccn, MunMi^t box: N.B On January 15, 1896, the time expired f< tho Purnitnre which we are giving away with everj $30 cash purchase. . AND We have decided to close our books to the credit Hystem on the last day of November, '95. After that date we have decided to do a Strictly Bash (or ready pay) Busin This means to the customers Lower Prices' and Dollara Saved. Thanking our many patrons for their liberal patronage in the past,, and hoping to have a continuance of the same, we remain, yours truly, CaBh paid for first class Butter and Eggs and other prodi M. E. WIGL Scott Block, next Aberdeen, Essex, Gem and Canadia Aermotor Steel iiiilliMH